The content of vitamins in fresh cabbage. Harm and contraindications

Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Their use favorably affects the human body, improves its condition, contributes to the normalization of functioning. internal organs, their systems. Vitamins in cabbage are found in large quantities, allowing you to fill the daily human need for them. In addition, the variety of cabbage species will allow you to choose one that will bring not only benefits, but also satisfy gastronomic tastes.

In the people, white cabbage is called the "queen" of the garden. It contains a lot of nutrients that cause it positive impact on the human body. That is why the indicated variety of vegetable is used not only for food, but also finds wide application in folk medicine.

The nutritional value

vegetable in fresh has a low calorie content. One hundred grams of the product contains only 28 kcal. The main substances in its composition are:

  • carbohydrates - 4.7 g;
  • proteins - 1.8 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g.

In addition, the white variety includes elements such as acids of organic origin, amino acids, volatile substances, glucose, fiber, and other sugars.


Vitamins in the white variety are represented by components belonging to groups such as:

Vitamins per 100 grams of foodContent
Vitamin A3 mcg
Vitamin B10.03 mg
Vitamin B20.07 mg
Vitamin B410.7 mg
Vitamin B60.1 mg
Vitamin B922 mcg
Vitamin C60 mg
Vitamin E0.1 mg
Vitamin K76 mcg
Vitamin PP0.9 mg

It is known that the vegetable contains enough vitamin C. Those who believe that it is much more in citrus fruits are deeply mistaken, since only two hundred grams of fresh cabbage can fill the daily need human body in him. Mineral components are represented by the following elements:

Beneficial features

The main beneficial properties of fresh vegetables are:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • painkillers;
  • cleansing;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • expectorants;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antitumor.


You should not use the specified variety of the product when:

  • worsening of the condition with gastric ulcer, duodenum;
  • bleeding in the stomach;
  • increased intestinal peristalsis;
  • pancreatitis, enterocolitis.

In the presence of these diseases, before using fresh cabbage, it is better to consult a nutritionist in order to avoid deterioration of the body.

The name "cauliflower" for cabbage originated two thousand and a half years ago. Then, in the Mediterranean, people brought out this variety of vegetable, drawing attention to the fact that the head of cabbage consists of small inflorescences.

The nutritional value

One hundred grams of a vegetable of this variety contains 25 kcal. The main substances contained in it are:

  • carbohydrates - 4.97 g;
  • proteins - 1.91 g;
  • fats - 0.28 g.

Other elements contained in cauliflower include dietary fiber, fiber, organic acids, polyunsaturated acids, starch, pectins.


Vitamin substances in the composition of the colored variety of vegetables are represented by elements belonging to the following groups:

Vitamin A3 mcg
Vitamin B10.1 mg
Vitamin B20.1 mg
Vitamin B445.2 mg
Vitamin B50.9 mg
Vitamin B60.16 mg
Vitamin B923 mcg
Vitamin C70 mg
Vitamin E0.2 mg
Vitamin H1.5 mcg
Vitamin K16 mcg
Vitamin PP1 mg

Mineral components are represented by such elements as:


The benefits of eating vegetables are:

  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • purification of genetic material;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • stimulation of hematopoietic processes;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • activation defensive forces organism.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits that brings the human body cauliflower, there are situations when its use is contraindicated. These include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • gout.

In addition, people with heart failure are contraindicated in its use. The presence of kidney stones is also a signal to ban the use of colored vegetables. In case of a violation of the metabolism of purine substances in the human body, he is also forbidden to use it.

Sauerkraut is obtained by the action of lactic acid on the vegetable. It is widely used in cooking, most often as a side dish for main courses or a salad. It is known that it has a positive effect on the human body due to a large number nutrients in the composition.


The calorie content of sauerkraut is 23 Kcal per 100 g. The main substances in its composition are:

  • proteins - 1.8 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3 g;
  • dietary fiber - 2 g;
  • water - 89 g.


Vitamin elements in sauerkraut are represented by components belonging to groups such as:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A600 mcg
Vitamin B10.03 mg
Vitamin B20.04 mg
Vitamin B50.2 mg
Vitamin B60.1 mg
Vitamin B98.9 mcg
Vitamin C38.1 mg
Vitamin E0.2 mg
Vitamin H0.1 µg
Vitamin PP0.9 mg

The mineral constituents are:

Minerals per 100 grams of productContent
Potassium283.4 mg
Calcium50 mg
Magnesium16.3 mg
Sodium21.8 mg
Sulfur34.6 mg
Phosphorus29.8 mg
Chlorine1249.2 mg
Aluminum493.7 mcg
Bor197 mcg
Vanadium6.4 mcg
Iron0.8 mg
Iodine2.9 mcg
Cobalt3 mcg
Lithium0.4 µg
Manganese0.1631 mg
Copper81.3 mcg
Molybdenum12.1 mcg
Nickel14.1 mcg
Rubidium5.6 mcg
Fluorine12.2 mcg
Chromium4.6 mcg
Zinc0.37 mg

Beneficial features

The benefits of using pickled vegetables for food are:

  • slowing down the process of fat accumulation;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive organs, intestines;
  • stimulation of functioning endocrine system;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • slowing down the aging process of the skin;
  • reducing the risk of developing tumor-like formations.

Harm and contraindications for use

Despite great benefit product, pickled vegetables are not recommended for people suffering from:

  • hyperacidity stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • kidney failure;
  • urolithiasis.

It is also forbidden to use the vegetable for women during lactation, for people who are allergic to this product.

Under sea kale, kelp algae are usually assumed to be suitable for food use. Despite the fact that it is thermally processed, dried, it does not lose its nutritional value. In addition, it is known that chemical composition product is directly related to light, temperature and salinity of sea water.

The nutritional value

One hundred grams of kelp contains 24.9 kcal. The main substances in their composition are:

  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3 g;
  • dietary fiber - 0.6 g;
  • water - 88 g.


Vitamins in the composition of kelp are represented by elements belonging to groups such as:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A100 mcg
Vitamin B10.04 mg
Vitamin B20.06 mg
Vitamin B60.02 mg
Vitamin B92.2 mcg
Vitamin C1.9 mg
Vitamin PP0.5 mg

Mineral components are:

Beneficial features

The benefits of using seaweed for food are:

  • removal of radionuclides and other harmful substances from the human body;
  • normalization of the functioning of the intestine, improvement of its peristalsis;
  • facilitating the process of getting rid of extra pounds;
  • replenishment of iodine deficiency in the body, due to which the work of the endocrine system is being improved;
  • removal of cholesterol deposits;
  • strengthening the defense forces;
  • nutrition of the brain;
  • normalization hormonal background women adjusting the menstrual cycle.


It is forbidden to use the product for people suffering from:

  • acute phase of diseases of the digestive system;
  • hypersensitivity to iodides;

The beneficial properties of cabbage have been known since ancient times. When planning a diet, you should consider what vitamins are found in cabbage. Their lack can be judged by unhealthy facial skin. The product is an integral part of the daily diet. In addition to including it in various dishes, humanity has learned to use plant juice to treat many diseases. When not enough vitamins enter the body with food, they are prescribed in capsules.

Composition and properties of sauerkraut

Cabbage is used in various forms. When fermented, the vegetable is preserved under the action of lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation of sugars. The use of sauerkraut is widespread in cooking. It is an excellent ingredient for salads and second courses.

The product is known as a source of nutrients. Vitamins and microelements, which are contained not only in the vegetable, but also in the brine, are stored in the product for several months. Serves as a preservative salt and lactic acid, which determines the smell of pickled vegetables.

Sauerkraut contains, A, C. The product is the leader in the content of vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting. The fiber content explains the positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Healing effect is effective in case of violation metabolic processes and pain in the stomach.

When preparing sauerkraut, it is necessary to consider which items of utensils are undesirable to use. When the product is stored in a galvanized container, there is a risk of release of a toxic compound. A chopped vegetable will release juice faster if it is pre-mashed.

Glucose fermentation, during which lactic acid is formed, is the main feature of the sauerkraut cooking process. The rate of fermentation depends on the concentration of sugar. Vitamins in cooked sauerkraut promote the formation of new cells.

Benefits of white cabbage

The fruits of an agricultural crop are a valuable product. The plant is common in temperate regions of the world. The high content of methylmethionine in white cabbage is one of the distinctive features vegetables. The compound is effective in the fight against stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other pathologies. gastrointestinal tract .

The content of vitamin C varies depending on the plant variety. White cabbage of an early variety contains much less ascorbic acid. The vegetable has the ability to keep in itself for a long time beneficial features vitamin A. This is because it contains the compound in a chemically bonded form. It is resistant to destruction. Majority food products contain ascorbic acid pure form. Therefore, the concentration of the substance in white cabbage exceeds its content in many products.

Folic acid is also present in white cabbage. The content of minerals, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, makes the vegetable as useful as possible. Of the trace elements, it contains aluminum, iron, zinc, manganese. With a shortage, the skin of the face becomes unhealthy. Iron is needed to supply cells with oxygen.

The table shows the amount of vitamins in cabbage:

The sugars in white cabbage are glucose, fructose and sucrose. In terms of carbohydrate content, the product surpasses many fruits.

The pharmacological action of white cabbage consists of its beneficial substances. The product is useful for regulating and stimulating metabolic processes. Known anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The inclusion of white cabbage in the diet for atherosclerosis is associated with its ability to rid the body of cholesterol due to the content of dietary fiber. and rutin strengthen the walls. Compounds are important for prevention coronary disease heart, gallstone disease.

The dietary fiber that the product contains resists the absorption of cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine. Cabbage prevents education cholesterol plaques, which are the cause of atherosclerosis and the appearance of stones in the gallbladder.

Potassium salts are excreted excess liquid. This causes a benefit in violation of the kidneys. With increased secretion gastric juice the use of white cabbage is undesirable. It alleviates the course of gastritis with low acidity and eliminates stool disorder. With enteritis, diarrhea, myocardial infarction, the vegetable is not recommended to be included in the diet. This is due to the content of the rough vegetable fiber, an excess of which can cause bloating. It is better for nursing mothers to refrain from eating vegetables.

Composition and properties of cauliflower

The taste and dietary qualities of cauliflower are pronounced in comparison with other varieties of vegetables. It is the leader in the content of protein and ascorbic acid. 50 g of cauliflower satisfies the daily requirement of vitamin C. , which contains a vegetable, is useful for facial skin and hair care.

With brittle hair, dry extracts of vegetables in capsules are effective. The presence of vitamins A, E, D, K makes the product especially valuable. Cauliflower has a high content organic matter, macro and micronutrients. The vegetable is superior in iron content green pea, lettuce, eggplant, zucchini.

The value of cauliflower is explained by its medicinal, preventive and cosmetic properties. Vitamins and minerals help improve antioxidant protection. Cauliflower enzymes are involved in the biochemical processes of the body, and also remove harmful toxins. The action of nutrients is aimed at preventing the development of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in males.

Diseases digestive system, endocrine organs, urinary tract are more effectively treated in the presence of cauliflower in daily diet. The cell structure of the plant is thin, which is typical for vegetables with low content coarse fiber. Therefore, the product is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Features of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts contain enough useful substances: sugar, starch, crude protein. Unique combination vitamins of group B and ascorbic acid favorably affects the activity of the nervous and circulatory system. Mineral compounds are represented by salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine. Free amino acids and enzymes stimulate metabolism. Brussels sprouts are as important as valuable medicines.

Brussels sprouts contain several times more ascorbic acid than other vegetable varieties. She is indispensable dietary product especially for the elderly. The product normalizes the work of the pancreas.

Diabetics should include the product in daily menu. Brussels sprouts are good for damage

White cabbage perhaps the most important vegetable in our garden, and the vitamins contained in cabbage are able to support our body and protect it from many ailments all year round. What is so special about cabbage? Here we are with the editors of the site www..

Composition of white cabbage

It is rich in fiber, easily digestible proteins, organic acids, glucose, fructose, nitrogenous compounds.

The vitamin composition is unique in its own way. Cabbage contains most of the B vitamins, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), E, ​​A, U, C, H (biotin, vitamin B7), folic acid (B9).

Mineral composition includes: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, chromium, zinc, iron, manganese.

Healing properties white cabbage

Vitamins in cabbage and others chemical elements and define it medicinal properties.

Fiber, its content is 15%. Thanks to it, the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is ensured. It promotes the excretion of cholesterol, unnecessary substances formed in the intestines.

Nitrogenous compounds are necessary for people who have lesions of the urinary system, patients with diabetes.

The mineral salts contained in cabbage are as important for human health as vitamins. Potassium removes excess fluid from the body, strengthens the heart muscle, improves work of cardio-vascular system. Manganese contributes to the normalization of metabolism. Calcium is needed for the formation and strengthening musculoskeletal system. Iodine is not a substitute for people suffering from diseases thyroid gland. Copper is beneficial for affected patients nervous system.

White cabbage is low in calories (100 grams contains 27 kilocalories), it is recommended for people prone to overweight. But in spite of low calorie, cabbage dishes give a feeling of fullness on long time. This is due to the high content of tertronic acid in cabbage, which has the property of delaying the conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

In fairness, it should be noted that tertronic acid is not stable, it is destroyed during heat treatment, but it is perfectly preserved in sauerkraut.

Vitamin C, no one is possible without it biochemical process human body. This main source strength, vitality, performance. fresh cabbage contains vitamin C 45-60 mg per 100 g of product, while daily requirement it contains 70 mg. Vitamin C is preserved during fermentation.

Due to the high content of B vitamins, cabbage is very useful for people with diseases of the nervous system.

One of the main vitamins of cabbage is vitamin U (methylmethionine) or anti-ulcer factor. Cabbage is a champion in its content. The key advantage of vitamin U is the ability to improve the healing of damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa and skin.

Developed medications with its content, which are successfully used to treat ulcers, erosions of the stomach and duodenum, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. But it has been proven that the effectiveness natural vitamin U exceeds by far its synthetic counterpart. True, it should be noted that the leaves of fresh cabbage are contraindicated for people with gastritis or peptic ulcer, while the juice from it, having screwed up, is very useful.

Except everyone listed properties white cabbage still has an expectorant, antimicrobial, not much laxative, anti-inflammatory effect.

Most often used to treat many diseases cabbage juice. It is very easy to prepare at home. Method of preparation: rinse fresh leaves, dry, pass through a juicer, then squeeze, strain through cheesecloth.

Fresh juice should be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator, it deteriorates very quickly, changes its taste qualities and vitamin U is destroyed. Adults need to drink up to 5-6 glasses per day, dividing the entire dose into 3-4 doses 60 minutes before meals.

Thanks to his unique composition white cabbage or juice from it can be used to treat many diseases, pathological conditions, but still you need to remember that not everyone can eat cabbage.


The fact is that there are people who cannot have cabbage in any form: fresh, sauerkraut, in the form of juice. These are people suffering from pancreatitis, enterocolitis, a tendency to increased gas formation, as well as with increased acidity of the stomach.

White cabbage is not only useful, but also very delicious product. What are cabbage rolls from sauerkraut leaves worth! By the way, about cabbage rolls, they are very useful for reduced blood hemoglobin. They include everything you need to increase hemoglobin: meat (it contains a lot of iron), rice (contains easily digestible proteins), sauerkraut leaves (they contain vitamin C). How about a fresh kale salad? After all, we can enjoy it all year round!

But all good things should be in moderation and before deciding on treatment fresh juice cabbage or use various dishes from cabbage, consult with your doctor, perhaps this “queen” of the garden does not suit you.

The specific name of cabbage - Brassica - appeared due to its unsurpassed crunchy properties (from the Greek "brasso" - "crack", "crunch"). Before Europeans discovered potatoes, this plant was one of the main dishes on their table. The menu of a Russian person cannot be imagined without a crispy vegetable. What vitamins are in cabbage? What is its use for the body? What is the best way to use it? You will find answers to all these questions in the article.

Vitamins found in cabbage

A variety of types of cabbage (white, cauliflower, kohlrabi, red, Brussels, Beijing, cauliflower, Savoy) will enrich the diet of any gourmet. This storehouse of vitamins contains the most valuable phytonutrients, macro- and microelements for the human body. Thanks to dietary fiber there is no accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels.

What vitamins are in cabbage? The high content of vitamins C, P helps strengthen blood vessels, prevents the occurrence of coronary disease and other heart diseases. in the plant stimulate the excretion of excess fluid, which is important in kidney disease. It contains almost no purines, which contribute to gouty deposits and the formation of gallstones.

What other vitamins are in cabbage? The value of this vegetable lies in the rare it contains, which protects the intestinal mucosa. Due to the low useful for people who want to lose weight.

Is sauerkraut good for the body?

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for the body? Experts assure: huge! In winter, for an organism in need of vitamins, this product is just a godsend. Judge for yourself:

  1. The amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in it is almost the daily norm: from 30 to 70 mg per 100 g of the product (depending on the method of fermentation).
  2. Potassium contains up to a fifth of the norm per day. The presence of this macronutrient regulates arterial pressure, muscle work and nerve cells, normalizes cardiac activity and blood circulation. Potassium also protects blood vessels from harmful cholesterol.
  3. The enveloping effect of vitamins K, B, A has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system, contributes to stress resistance. Vitamin B6 is essential for the breakdown of protein compounds. Vitamins K, U (methylmethianine) help the absorption of products, prevent the development of allergies, including asthmatic reactions.
  4. An abundance of vitamin PP ( nicotinic acid) helps to strengthen hair and nails.
  5. Lactic acid bacteria, which appear during fermentation during sourdough, improve intestinal motility.

In addition, pickled vegetables are rich in micro and macro elements (calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, iron, zinc, cobalt, fluorine).

Who benefits from sauerkraut

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for the body? Turns out, nutrients, preserved during sourdough, make the delicacy curative.

  1. As a low-calorie but satisfying product (27 kcal per 100 g), it is useful for people with overweight. Thanks to tartronic acid, fats do not accumulate in the body.
  2. Sauerkraut should be included in the diet of those who suffer from constipation, irregular stools: it contributes to the proper functioning of the stomach and the absorption of food. Its juice is especially useful.
  3. The presence of iodine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, which is important for people with iodine deficiency.
  4. This delicacy increases immunity and prevents inflammatory diseases.
  5. A mixture of tomatoes and recommended to expel Giardia from the body.
  6. With the help of "Vitamin from the barrel" they fight with aging skin. A weekly "sour" face mask is useful for eliminating age spots, freckles, fine wrinkles, provides skin tone.
  7. Choline increases sperm activity, reduces the risk of disease prostate in men.
  8. The juice of the product is a true friend with a hangover syndrome.
  9. It is believed that contained in sauerkraut individual components prevent the growth of cancer cells.

The national Russian dish, for all its undoubted merits, should not be consumed in the following cases:

The use of sauerkraut in large quantities is fraught with bloating, flatulence. People with hypertension should be treated with caution.
For your information: when sourdough, you can not add salt and sugar. Cranberries will add acidity to the appetizer, grapes - sweetness. Low-juicy cabbage can be diluted with water (half a glass). During the day, she is kept under oppression, then pierced to get out. carbon dioxide- and the meal is ready.

White cabbage: vitamins

Many are interested in: what vitamins are in Specialists can answer this question in detail: this vegetable distinguishes high content it contains half of vitamin C daily allowance(45 mg per 100 g). Moreover, in early varieties it is 20 mg, in later varieties - up to 70 mg. The vegetable is also rich in other useful components:

  • vitamin P is needed to strengthen blood vessels;
  • potassium (375 mg per 100 g) prevents the occurrence of blood clots, is useful in cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of calcium (70 mg per 100 g) causes strong bones, healthy teeth, nails, hair.

For 100 g of magnesium product, it contains 23 mg, phosphorus - 78 mg, sodium - 18 mg, iron - 1.4 mg.

Among its relatives, white cabbage leads in the number of coarse fibers that remove toxic, carcinogenic substances from the body.

The benefits of young cabbage

There are more vitamins in fresh heads of cabbage than in past ones. heat treatment vegetables. Young cabbage boasts a unique compound - sulforaphane, which neutralizes the effects on the body carcinogens. The presence of histidine in it reduces the degree allergic reactions in addition, the vegetable is useful in the treatment of anemia, arthritis, gastritis, heart disease.

Young cabbage is rich in vitamins C, H, E, K, PP, D, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 B12). In young vegetables, a significant content of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, as well as amino acids (threonine, lysine, methionine). In addition, there is fiber and more proteins than beets, carrots and turnips.

IN fresh vegetable low carbohydrates, dishes from it are useful for patients with diabetes. Juice from young leaves promotes increased separation of gastric juice, is useful for constipation. Its use helps to heal the affected gastric and intestinal walls sore ulcers. fresh leaves treat hemorrhoids, headache. ethnoscience by using cabbage leaf fights deafness and insomnia, uses it for burns, rashes, skin irritations.

Cauliflower: vitamins

Compared with other species, it is most easily absorbed by the body, digested faster and more suitable for baby food and diet of people with problems digestive tract. Its use is permitted peptic ulcers stomach and intestines. The sulfur content in it is an obstacle to cancerous tumors in the colon and rectum.

Cauliflower contains almost twice as much ascorbic acid as citrus fruits. Vitamin C is necessary for the normalization of oxidative and reduction processes, it is needed with reduced immunity.

What vitamins are in cauliflower and what are their benefits for the body? Large amounts of vitamin A this vegetable promotes cell growth, especially for the body of children and adolescents. Carotene also stimulates the work of epithelial cells, the activity of the liver, and is necessary for the proper functioning of the pancreas.

Rich in vitamins of group B, PP, mineral salts and protein cauliflower is a recommended product for dietary nutrition.

Now you know what vitamins are in cabbage. In fresh and pickled form, this vegetable is a valuable food product, necessary both for general "pep", and for the prevention of many diseases.

Cabbage is an affordable and popular vegetable that is included in the recipe. different dishes. They love her not only for the taste, but also for the benefits due to the presence of a large number of micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins that are important for correct operation organism. Even after heat treatment There are many vitamins in this product. It is worth noting that each variety has its own advantages.

What vitamins are in sauerkraut?

Useful substances in fermented product is not only in a vegetable, but also in brine. In addition, it is worth noting that they are stored for several months. This appetizer, beloved by many, boasts the presence of vitamins B, A and C. Among all sauerkraut It is distinguished by the presence of a large amount of vitamin K, which improves blood clotting.

What vitamins does white cabbage contain?

This vegetable contains a lot of ascorbic acid, the exact amount of which depends on the plant variety. Also, cabbage for a long time keeps it in beneficial substance. Eat in white cabbage, important for normal operation nervous system. This vegetable contains vitamin A, which is beneficial for the body.

What vitamins are in cauliflower?

Among all varieties of this vegetable, it is cauliflower that contains the most ascorbic acid. The value of this product is due to the presence of vitamins A, E, D and K. Given the presence of a large amount of vitamins and minerals, it is not surprising that cauliflower improves antioxidant protection organism. Worth noting also positive influence cauliflower on the digestive system.

What vitamins are in seaweed?

This product is known for having a large amount of iodine, but it is worth noting the rich vitamin composition. sea ​​kale contains, E, C, D and group B. With regular consumption, you can prolong youth, reduce the amount of cholesterol contained and improve blood clotting.



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