The benefits and harms of sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is a healthy product

Sauerkraut is prepared from fresh chopped vegetables through lactic acid fermentation. It goes well with many dishes as a side dish and can serve as an independent healthy dish. Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamins that are essential for the human body.

What vitamins are contained in sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances. It contains the following vitamins:

  • Group B;

The product also contains macro- and microelements such as:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • fluorine;
  • copper, etc.

Table salt and lactic acid act as preservatives when preparing sauerkraut. Mustard oils containing sulfur give the product a specific smell, turning an ordinary vegetable into a tasty snack. The calorie content of sauerkraut has a minimum calorie content - 27 kcal per 100 g, so it is a real find.

As mentioned above, sauerkraut contains a large complex of vitamins and microminerals, but it is also rich in beta-carotene, the molecule of which breaks down into two molecules of vitamin A.

The uniqueness of sauerkraut is also that the vitamin C contained in it, which is known to be destroyed at high temperatures or during prolonged storage of products, can be preserved in sauerkraut for up to six months.

The benefits of sauerkraut are not limited to vitamins, since the product contains macro- and microelements. Potassium and sodium regulate osmotic pressure, improve the permeability of cell membranes and normalize the potassium-sodium balance.

How is sauerkraut beneficial for the body?

The dietary product consists of approximately 90 percent water. It contains only 1 percent protein and 4 percent carbohydrates, so it is often added to the diet of overweight people, but we will talk about this below. Sour cabbage has the following unique properties:

  • painkillers;
  • antiseptic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiputrefactive;
  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitoxic.

Consumption of the product not only stimulates digestive processes, but also normalizes the acid-base balance. It reduces the concentration of cholesterol and glucose. Sauerkraut is acceptable for consumption in case of impaired metabolism, diabetes, atherosclerosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recent studies have proven the ability of sauerkraut to slow down the development of cancer cells, especially those affecting the lungs, mammary glands and colon. In folk medicine, the product is used to combat ARVI.

Sauerkraut juice is no less useful. It stimulates appetite and digestive processes in people with low stomach acidity. Cabbage brine benefits people after surgery, patients with intestinal paresis, those suffering from neuralgia, and bedridden patients.

Another useful property of sauerkraut is the normalization of the nervous system, the prevention of stress and depression, as well as seasonal mood changes that many of us face in the fall.

Harm of sauerkraut

Despite the beneficial properties of sauerkraut discussed above, its use is contraindicated for a number of diseases. Let's figure out in what cases sauerkraut can cause harm to the body.

Harm of sauerkraut for hypertension

For hypertension and high blood pressure, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of the product, but there is no need to completely abandon it. Sauerkraut contains a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body, causing an increase in the volume of circulating blood. As a result, blood pressure increases and a hypertensive crisis may even occur.

Harm of sauerkraut for sick kidneys

Kidney diseases are a serious contraindication to consuming sauerkraut in large quantities. Due to its salt content, the product retains excess water in the body, increasing the load on the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering and removing fluid from the body.

Harm of sauerkraut for gastritis

People with gastritis and should avoid this product. Excessive consumption of the product can cause heartburn and lead to other gastric diseases. In addition, sauerkraut often provokes flatulence, causing severe discomfort for some people.

When should you limit your consumption of sauerkraut?

Like any other food product, sauerkraut has certain contraindications, in which case its use should be kept to a minimum.

Heart diseases and edema require limiting the consumption of sauerkraut, since the product is very harmful in these cases. To ferment the vegetable, a lot of salt is used, which is undesirable for heart patients and people prone to edema.

Those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas and liver can eat sauerkraut with caution. However, in the latter case, people's opinions differ. Some note the beneficial properties of sauerkraut brine for liver function, as it removes toxins from the body and is an effective choleretic agent. This is necessary for liver diseases.

There is one simple recipe: sauerkraut brine must be mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio with tomato juice. The drink should be drunk three times a day, half a glass, for a month or more. It is recommended to consume it half an hour before meals.

However, how much to trust traditional medicine is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In any case, in case of serious problems, before you start treating the liver with cabbage brine at home, you should consult a specialist.

For normal functioning of the body and for excellent well-being, any person needs vitamins. When we eat vegetables and fruits every day, it means we are trying to balance our diet. These, of course, should be fresh fruits and vegetables, since only they can ensure the supply of vitamins and other useful substances to the body. They help enrich the body with all the necessary factors that will help improve well-being, health and protect a person from negative external factors.

But not only fresh vegetables can be healthy. We are talking about sauerkraut, which is also a storehouse of vitamins. Not only does cabbage not lose its properties when fermented, it acquires them during this process. Therefore, it should be present in the diet every day, however, provided that the person does not have diseases such as liver and kidney diseases, or hypertension. With these diseases, sauerkraut can cause harm.

Sauerkraut goes perfectly with meat dishes. Moreover, this applies not only to taste, but also to the content of vitamin B6, which promotes better absorption of protein in the body. Cabbage is also very rich in vitamin C, which can strengthen blood vessels and further improve immunity and protect us from colds. By strengthening the immune system, sauerkraut regulates metabolism. This dish is often used to prevent stomach ulcers, as it activates digestion. Cabbage also contains folic acid, which helps create new cells.

Just one tablespoon of sauerkraut helps meet the body's daily requirement of vitamin K. And this vitamin must be supplied to the human body for normal blood clotting.

So sauerkraut has many beneficial properties that will have a positive effect on human health. Even pregnant women, if they need to improve their appetite, nutritionists recommend drinking sauerkraut juice. Cabbage will help you get strength and a boost of energy if you have vitamin deficiency. It is important that at the same time it is low-calorie, so overweight people can use it without fear and get good results in terms of improving their well-being. Interestingly, the calorie content of sauerkraut becomes even less than the calorie content of fresh cabbage.

Another important element contained in sauerkraut is nicotinic acid. Due to it, hair shines with health, nails become stronger. Magnesium, zinc and iron have a positive effect on the body as a whole, so this is another big plus for the human body. And the presence of lactic acid in this product will help cope well with dangerous intestinal bacteria.

As you can see, sauerkraut is very healthy and tasty. But the benefits may be lost against the background of the harm that cabbage brings in the case of a number of diseases. The reason for this is salt, of which there is a lot in cabbage. That is why it is not recommended to use it for patients with pancreatitis, pyelonephritis and gastritis. Although, if you really want to, you can still afford a little cabbage even when diagnosing these diseases. To do this, you just need to rinse the cabbage under clean water to get rid of excess salt. It will not be so salty, but in general it will hardly lose its taste.

Interestingly, sauerkraut has benefits not only in nutrition, but also in cosmetology. Cabbage prepared without vinegar and sugar is included in many face and body masks. These masks can keep your skin youthful for many years. Sauerkraut is also ideal for oily skin. To do this, it must be applied to the face, but avoid the area around the eyes. It is recommended to apply this mask for 25 minutes, and after this time it must be washed off with cold water. It is best to make such a mask about once a week, and then literally in a month you will probably notice an excellent result.

All the beneficial qualities of sauerkraut have been talked about for a long time. And this is not surprising, since cabbage in fermented form has very great health value. It is used for preparing salads and soups, for consumption separately. True, in order to preserve nutrients and increase them to the maximum, it is advisable to properly cut the cabbage. A very small shredder will not please you with such an abundance of vitamins. Only large pieces retain all valuable substances. So the best option is when the cabbage is cut into several large pieces and fermented in this form.

Of course, fresh cabbage also has great benefits. But still, sauerkraut is twice as healthy. Fresh cabbage is rich in ascorbic acid, but with proper fermentation this amount approximately doubles. The amount of vitamin P in sauerkraut also increases noticeably compared to fresh cabbage. So the benefits are really huge. And it is not recommended to refuse such a healthy and at the same time tasty dish.

Sauerkraut is a healthy product, according to ancient legends, allows you to do without drugs.

According to Cato, cabbage served not only as food for the Romans, but it was a medicine for them against all diseases, and thus the Romans did without medicine for 6 centuries!

For a long time, sauerkraut has been one of the favorite dishes in Russian cuisine.

The beneficial properties of sauerkraut are explained by the high content of vitamin C in its composition, which strengthens the immune system, helps cleanse blood vessels, and slows down aging.

By eating 200 grams of sauerkraut, you will replenish your daily vitamin C requirement.

Lactic acid bacteria in the intestines suppress bad bacteria and prevent dysbiosis.

Vitamins B1, B2, B6, K, U will protect against stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Sauerkraut contains mineral salts, phytoncides, and enzymes.

The vitamins in sauerkraut are not destroyed, thanks to the lactic acid bacteria obtained during fermentation.

Folk recipes for using sauerkraut

Cabbage and brine are widely used in folk recipes.

  • Liver diseases

Let's prepare a “health cocktail.”

Mix sauerkraut brine with tomato juice in equal parts. During the day we drink a delicious cocktail 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is long.

  • For chronic gastritis

We eat sauerkraut 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.

  • Heartburn

2-3 tablespoons of healthy cabbage juice will relieve heartburn in 2 weeks.

  • Haemorrhoids

Up to 2 glasses of brine per day will help, drink it warm.

Cabbage is rich in fiber. The menu should include fresh and sauerkraut more often.

  • For diabetes

Prepare a mixture of lemon juice and brine in equal parts. We will drink 100 grams 40 minutes before meals.

Lactic acid and fiber bind carbohydrates, remove them from the body, speed up metabolism, and lower blood sugar.

  • Lack of vitamins - vitamin deficiency

Drink sauerkraut brine on an empty stomach and prepare a variety of salads.

  • Sauerkraut promotes weight loss.
  • The beneficial substances of the product stop the growth of cancerous tumors.

Sauerkraut is an excellent cosmetic product

For dry skin, sauerkraut brine baths will help.

Rubbing your face with brine every morning 10 minutes before washing your face can improve the condition of porous skin.

Washing with brine will make the skin smooth and rejuvenate.

Cabbage pickle strengthens thin, split ends. Use it in masks to restore hair.


For sauerkraut, I use later varieties of the vegetable. I select heads of cabbage that are white, slightly yellowish in color.

I make sauerkraut without preparing brine.

I wash the heads of cabbage, remove the top greenish leaves, and finely chop them with my hands.

I put the cabbage in a stainless steel tank and sprinkle with grated carrots.

After adding coarse non-iodized salt, as they say coarsely ground,

mix thoroughly until juice appears, compact, cover with cabbage leaves on top,

I put oppression. I leave it for 2-4 days in a warm place. I constantly pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick,

So that the gas formed during fermentation comes out, I remove the foam. I add salt to taste, less than required.

The amount of salt for sauerkraut: for 10 kg of cabbage - 250 grams of salt.

After the cabbage stops fermenting, take the tank out into the cold. A healthy food product is ready!

Eat for your health!

Favorite salad

Sauerkraut 300 grams

onion 1 piece

Vegetable oil -50 gr

The salad is simple, but we eat it with great pleasure.

Finely chop the onion and add to the cabbage along with vegetable oil.

Sauerkraut is used in many recipes. When preparing, take into account the norm for each family member and the healthy vitamin dish on your table.

Conclusion: sauerkraut is one of the healthy products in the winter and spring seasons.

Eat, drink pickle, get the necessary vitamins.

Warning: sauerkraut is not recommended for pancreatitis, hypertension,

exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Be healthy!

Let's prepare Russian sauerkraut cabbage soup using this wonderful recipe

Sauerkraut is a traditional dish in a large number of countries, as it is easy to prepare, but nevertheless very tasty. At the same time, sauerkraut contains a large amount of vitamins, and therefore eating it is not only pleasant, but also healthy.

Vitamins, minerals, nutritional value

So what vitamins are in sauerkraut, and who can benefit from consuming it? In fact, there are a lot of them, and therefore it is worth understanding the composition of this product. Half of the chemical composition of this dish is made up of organic acids, which provide significant benefits to the entire body as a whole. Their origin is clear - preparation is a chemical reaction of souring lactic acids. This process produces organic acids.

This dish is very popular in winter, and therefore in the past people often fermented cabbage in whole barrels - this was a tradition in many settlements. This happened because sauerkraut contains much more vitamin C than fresh vegetables. And storing fresh vegetables was more of a hassle than storing a canned product.

The mineral composition of this dish is very diverse, but it contains sodium salts in higher concentrations. Sauerkraut is unique: its nutritional value is only 30 cal per 100 grams of product, of which 30 mg is ascorbic acid. In much smaller doses, nicotinic acid, tocopherol, B vitamins and microelements can be found.

Among them are iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium. In smaller concentrations, cabbage contains retinol, vitamins K and U, as well as some substances from the periodic table of chemical elements. All of them have beneficial properties for the body, and therefore there is no need to worry about their content.

Beneficial features

Few people know the benefits of sauerkraut. Not everyone understands that such a process of processing a vegetable can increase, rather than reduce, the amount of useful substances that it originally contained.

This source of vitamin C allows you to restore the immune system in a very short period of time, which is why it became popular in the old days. With its help, various viral diseases were often prevented, since the dish contains a strong dose of ascorbic acid, which helps in the fight against microbes. For acute respiratory diseases, rinsing with warm brine will help.

The dish also has great benefits for liver health. It should not be used during a period when there are chronic diseases in the area of ​​this organ. This product has medicinal properties only during the period of remission. As a treatment, you need to take brine several times a day.

In some countries, beneficial effects on the body have been identified in terms of eliminating tumor cells and preventing their appearance in general. In most cases, this concerns bowel and breast cancer, since the acidic product is aimed in this direction. But it’s not for nothing that they said that eating this vegetable is good for women’s breasts!

Vitamin B6 promotes the absorption of cobalomin, which has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Vitamin B12 is also used in cosmetology to improve the structure of hair, nails and skin condition. At the same time, vitamin B6 helps eliminate constipation, as it stimulates the production of protein and ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For men and women

For men, there is also a reason to consume sauerkraut as food, since the functioning of his reproductive system improves - potency increases, thanks to which libido can also be improved. But pregnant women will also be advised to use the product, since it is not an allergen and has a beneficial effect on the baby.

When losing weight

Considering the low calorie content of the dish, sauerkraut is recommended for consumption during the period of weight loss. But not only this helps in achieving results. B vitamins help improve metabolism, interfere with the conversion of simple carbohydrates into fats, and also remove excess fluid from the body, which not only promotes fat burning, but also reduces the likelihood of edema and swelling.

For a hangover

For hangovers, it is also recommended to use this miracle remedy. It helps relieve a hangover, since the minerals contained in the brine reduce the salt content in the body, and the vitamins give vigor. This reduces the likelihood of headaches.

In cosmetology

The product has a beneficial effect on the rejuvenation of cells and tissues, and therefore is used in cosmetology. Helps strengthen nails and hair, thanks to the large amount of nicotinic acid in the composition. Other vegetables contain fewer nutrients that can improve your overall health.

Harm and contraindications

But vitamins can also harm the human body if they are used incorrectly or in the wrong quantities. The presence of certain chronic diseases often influences the formation of unpleasant consequences. During an exacerbation, you should be aware of which foods you can eat and which you should abstain from.

Organic acids can greatly affect the acidity of the stomach, and therefore if you have gastritis, you should not consume sauerkraut in large quantities. You should refrain from using it if the acidity has been impaired for other reasons. The list of diseases includes ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, as well as pathologies in the pancreas.

The chemical reaction with which the dish was prepared promotes the formation of sulfur, which in turn affects gas formation and heartburn. In the case of gastritis, bloating is possible, and therefore it is worth monitoring your body’s reaction to the foods you eat, since, despite their simplicity and popularity, they can be harmful in certain cases.

The high salt content, which is required to trigger the chemical reaction, harms the organs of the cardiovascular system, and therefore it is not recommended to eat sauerkraut if you have hypertension and high blood pressure. However, you can avoid problems with organs if you rinse the cabbage with boiled water before eating. The taste of the product will remain the same, but excess salt will be removed.

Eating sauerkraut when losing weight also has a downside. Although this dish is quite low in calories, it has a high glycemic index. This occurs due to sugar, which is required to start the fermentation process. As a result, a person will begin to feel hungry much faster.

Sauerkraut has a large number of positive functions, and therefore it is recommended to consume it in sufficient quantities to reduce the risk of many diseases. But at the same time, you should be careful not to cause the exact opposite effect.

Despite the fact that sauerkraut is usually considered an original Russian dish, it is very popular among many peoples. It is served on the table as an appetizer, side dish and used to fill delicious pies. Cabbage is valued not only for its wonderful taste, but also for its extreme benefits to the body.

It is especially useful in winter, because it contains a lot of unique vitamins that are stored in cabbage for quite a long time. At the same time, cabbage contains valuable dietary fiber, which contributes to normal intestinal function and is preventative a remedy for any stool disorders. How to ferment cabbage, and why is it so healthy? Read on, all about the beneficial qualities of sauerkraut, and how to prepare it.

A little history

There is reliable historical information that in the third century BC, people already knew about the beneficial properties of this amazing product. Therefore, workers who built the Great Wall of China were given sauerkraut along with their main food. It is known that in that distant time it was pickled with juniper berries, anise, caraway seeds, celery and dill. It has been noted that regular consumption of cabbage improves strength and performance. The wall was built, but it did not save us from the invasion of Genghis Khan. Oddly enough, the formidable warriors of the Mongol-Tatar horde liked sauerkraut. Subsequently conquering new territories, they spread the recipe for this dish throughout Eurasia.

There is information that famous sailors took cabbage with them on long journeys. It was considered the most saturated vitamin supplement to any food. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which saved travelers from scurvy and vitamin deficiencies. Thanks to this, they got sick less and returned home alive and in good health.

In Rus' there has always been a special attitude towards sauerkraut. Previously, not a single feast could take place without this tasty product. Cabbage was prepared immediately for the whole winter, carefully getting ready to salting. They fermented it no earlier than October 8, according to the Orthodox calendar, this is Sergius's day or, as it is also called, the day of Sergei Kapustnik.

The whole family did the pickling. First of all, wooden barrels were prepared, they were thoroughly cleaned, washed and steamed. After this, the cabbage was cleaned, unusable leaves and stalks were separated, then it was chopped and crushed with salt. Sometimes it was salted directly in sheets or cut into quarters and halves, sometimes whole heads of cabbage were salted. Carrots were always added to it; apples or beets could also be added. In the northern regions, lingonberries and cranberries were held in high esteem.

They fermented cabbage with all their hearts, having fun and singing songs. There is such a sign that if you pickle cabbage in a bad mood, it will not taste good and will taste bitter. To prevent it from turning out too sour, a towel or aspen branch was placed in it.

Principles of making sauerkraut

There are a great many recipes for pickling this amazing product. But every housewife always adds her own “zest” to cabbage. Of course, the first step is to select various spices. Most common of which: bay leaf, cumin, pepper of all varieties, cloves and other spices to taste. Sometimes table vinegar is added to cabbage, pouring it into the shredded mass. Some housewives pour boiling brine over the cabbage, and after fermentation is over, pasteurize it.

But there is a general, so to speak, classic recipe. For pickling, the cabbage is thoroughly peeled and chopped, then crushed with salt until it begins to release juice. Then carrots and other spices are added, everything is mixed and placed in a wooden barrel. The bottom of the pickling container is lined with large cabbage leaves; the barrel should be tightly filled to the top. Sheets are also laid out on top, covered with a clean cloth, the whole thing is pressed down with a wooden lid and pressure is applied.

The cabbage should ferment for about a week at room temperature. After fermentation is complete, it is placed in a cold place, but the pressure must be left on. Sometimes a large amount of cabbage is fermented immediately in the cellar, but due to the fact that it is cool there, its fermentation period increases. There is one more important detail: in order to prevent it from becoming bitter and acquiring a bad smell, it must be pierced regularly with a knife.


No matter how you decide to pickle the cabbage, it is advisable to follow a few mandatory rules:

Salting should be done in glass, wooden or enamel containers;

Do not use plastic, iron or galvanized containers;

It is not advisable to chop the cabbage very finely; the larger it is chopped, the more useful substances it contains;

do not knead the cabbage for too long or too hard;

to make it crispy, add a little horseradish or oak bark to it;

The starter should always be started at room temperature and finished in a cooler place;

the chopped mass must be placed as tightly as possible in the container;

There must be a heavy oppression on top, you can put a three-liter jar of water or put a heavy stone, but under no circumstances cover the cabbage with an iron oppression;

Ready-made sauerkraut is best stored at zero temperature;

it is important that the brine completely covers the cabbage, otherwise it will darken, become unpalatable, and lose its vitamin value;

It is not recommended to freeze cabbage; after defrosting, it becomes soft, changes color and loses its beneficial qualities;

with proper fermentation, bubbles and foam should be released, which must be removed;

salt for fermentation should be non-iodized and coarse.

about the beneficial qualities of sauerkraut

Cabbage starter is the easiest and best way to preserve this wonderful vegetable. When cooked, the amount of vitamins in cabbage is reduced by almost half. And in sauerkraut they are not only preserved, but even added. For example, the amount of vitamin C reaches up to 70 ml per 100 g. product, and the useful vitamin P in sauerkraut is almost 20 times greater than in fresh vegetables. Cabbage is 90% water, containing only 4% carbohydrates and 1% protein. Therefore she is considered low calorie product, and is extremely useful for obese people. In the brine, lactic acid fermentation produces probiotics that promote weight loss, which is why sauerkraut is often used in various diets.

Sauerkraut - strengthens the immune system and nervous system, removes toxins, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Helps improve digestion, reduce cholesterol levels, increase stress resistance. Therefore, it is especially useful for people with poor metabolism and diabetes.

Research by scientists confirms that cabbage reduces the risk of cancer cell formation and is capable of suspend development malignant tumors in the mammary gland, liver, lungs and intestines. She also advises eating to prevent coronary heart disease. There is evidence that a certain variety of cabbage helps well with the most severe manifestations of influenza; sauerkraut is also successfully used to prevent acute respiratory infections.

IN Sauerkraut contains organic acids that stimulate digestion. It is useful to eat for dysbiosis, intoxication and chronic constipation. Lactic and acetic acids found in this product cleanse the intestines and destroy pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it contributes to the strengthening and health of teeth and gums.

Of particular note is the huge content of vitamins of various groups in cabbage. It is the leader in the amount of vitamin C, and retains it after fermentation for 6 to 8 months. It also contains many useful minerals, plus it is enriched with organic acids.

Cabbage is immensely valued in folk medicine. There are many recipes for treating various diseases using sauerkraut and its juice. There is evidence that it increases and maintains potency in men into old age. Sour cabbage face masks are very popular among women. They help get rid of age spots and acne, and the skin is toned and becomes velvety.

From all of the above, we can conclude that cabbage is a storehouse of important vitamins and beneficial microelements. It not only has a pleasant taste, but also has a positive effect on our well-being and health. But it is worth noting that this wonderful product available some contraindications. Should Very carefully, There is this product, If you available following diseases:


increased acidity gastric juice;

pathology pancreas glands;

renal failure;

stones V gall bubble;

ulcer stomach;

serious pathology thyroid glands.

More one unpleasant factor cabbage Maybe provoke flatulence. U some this product causes heartburn, But If add into her A little vegetable oils, Can get rid of from this troubles.

from experienced housewives

If cabbage Right leaven she will please you and fill organism vitamins all winter. More valuable product For fortifications immunity, practically Not exists. Experienced And caring housewives This know, And prepare By autumn this amazing product. Eat some main advice, which costs observe at pickling.

First advice

Preferably buy For sourdough dense late varieties cabbage. They fully mature approximately To middle autumn, This the most the best time For sourdough. Exactly like this cabbage will hard, delicious And crispy.

Second advice

For pickling better fit big forks, from them remains less waste. Buy cabbage, covered above green leaves, For pickling They Not will come in handy, But This certificate Togo, What heads of cabbage Not were frozen. From quality selected cabbage will depend taste original product.

Advice third

For pickling better Total fits crispy And sweet - cabbage white cabbage. Can ferment And red cabbage cabbage, But she has it turns out bitter taste. To put away bitterness Can add into her more Sahara.

Advice fourth

Salt- This main component pickling. If her Not report, That cabbage will soft And loose. A If sprinkle too much a lot of salt, That leaven will Very long, A product it will work out oversalted. Relative norm, which comply majority housewives, on one kilogram shredded cabbage one dining room spoon salt. Not costs this neglect And sprinkle salt on eye, Can easily oversalt And spoil product. If put A little Sahara process fermentation will become more fast, A cabbage Not will sour. But Not overdo it, from unnecessary Sahara she Maybe become too much soft.

Advice fifth

Not add too much a lot of carrots, she strongly paints over cabbage, And product it turns out incomprehensible colors. Also Not costs get involved spices, Not put all in contract, better choose 2-3 seasonings acquaintance taste.

Advice sixth

More our ancestors noticed, If do sourdough V new moon, That cabbage will for a long time stored without losses quality. IN full moon better ferment smaller quantity, like this cabbage Fine fits For daily diet.

Pickled cabbage- This unique vitamin product, giver us beauty And health! Have a nice one appetite!

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