Prevention of obesity at school age. However, the most common cause of overweight in children is

  1. Primary obesity. Arises due to proper nutrition or is inherited. Moreover, it is not obesity itself that is inherited, but associated disorders. metabolic processes body. If a mother is diagnosed with obesity, then in 50% of cases these disorders will be passed on to the baby. If the father has 38%, both have 80%.
  2. Secondary obesity. Caused by acquired diseases, e.g. endocrine system.

There are 4 in children:

  • I degree (weight is 15-24% higher than normal);
  • II degree (weight is 25-49% higher than normal);
  • III degree (weight is 50-99% higher than normal);
  • IV degree (weight is more than 100% above normal).

In 80% of cases of primary obesity, degrees I and II are diagnosed. The presence of slight excess weight in a child, as a rule, does not cause any concern for parents. Most often they are happy good appetite child, and treat pediatricians’ diagnoses with a grin, arguing their position as “well, he feels fine.”

If the diet is not followed at the first stage of obesity, then the disease continues to progress and passes into stage II. Shortness of breath appears increased sweating, the child begins to move less and demonstrate more often Bad mood. However, even here parents are in no hurry to treat their child. The disease continues to develop. If in the first two stages the situation can be corrected by diet, then in the subsequent stages everything is much more complicated.

If a child’s weight is more than 50% higher than normal, then grade III obesity is diagnosed. At this time, the teenager’s leg joints begin to ache, blood pressure rises, and blood sugar levels fluctuate. The child himself becomes irritable, complexes appear, which leads to depression. The situation is aggravated by ridicule from peers. It is at this stage that parents begin to do something. However standard diet unable to solve a problem of this magnitude.

Complications and consequences

Health problems can begin, including with slight excess weight. Therefore, you should not hope that everything will go away on its own; it is necessary to treat the child at the first signs of illness.

Obesity increases the risk of developing diseases:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Cardiovascular system: hypertension (increased blood pressure), angina pectoris (pain in the center chest), atherosclerosis (artery disease);
  • Musculoskeletal system: chronic joint diseases, poor posture, foot deformity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Organ ailments digestive system: pancreatitis, fatty hepatosis (which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver);
  • Chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • Dysfunction of the gonads in adolescents: underdevelopment of the genital organs in boys, disruption of menstruation in girls;
  • Hemorrhoids, constipation, fistulas.

Excess weight causes problems in children nervous system, which will lead to:

  • Eating disorders: from bulimia to;
  • Sleep disturbances, snoring, etc.;
  • Frequent headaches, depression.

Due to the threat of complications, treatment of obesity in children should not be delayed.

In children under three years of age

Obesity in children of the first year of life is diagnosed quite often, but it is more of a recommendation than a serious diagnosis. The development of the disease in children under one year of age is associated with:

  • Heredity;
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy;
  • Feeding with high-calorie formula;
  • Incorrect introduction of the first complementary foods;
  • Overfeeding;
  • Wrong diet;
  • Late onset of crawling and walking;
  • Low mobility.

Breastfeeding in the first year of life is a good prevention of obesity in infants.

Most often, the solution to a problem identified in a child under three years of age is diet. At timely treatment the disease goes away in 2-3 years.

When diagnosing obesity in children, a centile table is used, which shows the relationship between their age, weight and height. Information is collected about the child’s diet and diet and the corresponding diseases of his close relatives. The value for children from one to three years is not indicative.

In school-age children and adolescents

With the start of school life, children begin to move less and use their pocket money to buy buns, chocolates and other high-calorie foods. Add to this the stress that schoolchildren experience in an unfamiliar environment, and the reasons for weight gain become obvious.
Obesity in children and adolescents is most often caused by:

  • Lack of sleep;
  • Mainly sedentary lifestyle;
  • Lack of diet;
  • Hormonal changes in the body (puberty);
  • Stress.

It is worth noting that adolescent obesity most often continues into adulthood.

Diagnosis of obesity in schoolchildren and adolescents, as in children under three years of age, begins with a medical history. Height, weight, chest, waist and hip circumferences are measured, and BMI is calculated. Using special centile tables, the relationship between these parameters can be traced and the correct diagnosis can be made.

To determine the cause of obesity in children, the following is prescribed:

  • blood for biochemistry, which is used to determine the level of sugar, cholesterol and other substances that increase the risk of complications in obesity. At elevated level glucose, additional tests are prescribed.
  • Blood and urine tests for hormones to determine endocrine disease.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging when pituitary disease is suspected.

In addition to a pediatrician and nutritionist, you may have to see an endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist and other doctors. It all depends on what additional diseases will have to be treated.

Features of treatment

If you notice your child is overweight, you should definitely contact a nutritionist. Most likely he will only need special diet. Obesity in its early stages is much easier to treat. If obesity has already reached stage III or IV, then you need to act as soon as possible.

First of all, treatment of obesity in children requires nutritional correction.

The diet includes:

  • Reducing the size of 1 serving;
  • Compliance with the regime of fractional five meals a day (preferably with the whole family). In this case, dinner should not be later than three hours before bedtime;
  • Replacing sugary store-bought drinks with water;
  • Inclusion of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables in the daily diet (in case of diabetes mellitus, sweet fruits should be excluded);
  • Exclusion from the diet fatty meat, fish;
  • Sufficient water intake;
  • Limiting the consumption of “fast” carbohydrates: flour products, pasta, ;
  • Limit the consumption of sweets (for sweets, give your child honey, dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallows and dark chocolate), and if you have diabetes, you should exclude sugar-containing foods as much as possible;
  • Limit salt consumption, exclude pickled and pickled vegetables from the diet;
  • Eliminate fast food, chips, snacks, etc.

During this period, any diet that involves, as well as, is contraindicated for the child. Since they will only worsen the course of the disease. Your daily routine should include walking for at least 30 minutes and playing sports 3-5 times a week. It is advisable to do exercises in the morning.

Drug treatment, like specialized treatment, is prescribed only by a doctor.

It is observed in people of any age, and it has negative impact on the functioning of the body, in particular on work of cardio-vascular system. Prevention of obesity is necessary at any age, otherwise you can ruin your metabolism from childhood and suffer all your life with excess weight and obesity. concomitant diseases.

Causes of obesity

There are two main reasons contributing to the development of obesity:

  • poor nutrition combined with an inactive lifestyle;
  • Availability endocrine diseases(diseases of the liver, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries).

The hereditary factor also has a great influence. In adolescence, children often let their lives take their course: they lead sedentary image life, eat excessive amounts of junk food.

An abundance of fast foods, various carbonated drinks, sweets, and spending free time at the computer contribute to children’s irregular daily routine and lifestyle. Such pastime slows down metabolism, promotes the development of pathologies in all body systems and provokes the child to become overweight.

They affect the correct ratio of height and weight, but are much less likely to cause excess weight. Preventing obesity in children and adults will prevent deterioration in health and appearance.

What factors contribute to excess weight?

In the absence of a genetic predisposition and endocrine pathologies Obesity is caused by the following factors:

  • lack of necessary physical activity;
  • frequent stress and strong feelings;
  • poor nutrition - disorders eating behavior which lead to the development of bulimia, anorexia and other diseases;
  • consuming large amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates, foods with high content Sahara;
  • sleep disturbance, in particular lack of sleep;
  • the use of drugs that affect the functioning of the central nervous system, stimulating or inhibiting it.

In very rare cases, obesity can be a consequence of surgery (for example, removal of the ovaries) or injury (if the pituitary gland is damaged). Damage to the adrenal cortex also provokes the appearance of excess weight. Prevention of obesity with early age will help avoid health problems that arise from being overweight.

How to calculate body mass index

Obesity is classified according to BMI. You can calculate this figure yourself. It is enough to know your weight and height.

It is necessary to divide body weight by height squared. For example, a woman weighs 55 kg and is 160 cm tall. The calculation will look like this:

55 kg: (1.6 x 1.6) = 21.48 - in this case, the weight ideally matches the patient’s height.

A BMI exceeding 25 indicates excess weight, but does not pose a health risk. Prevention of obesity should begin as early as possible, and not when the BMI is already more than 25. When a person’s body weight just begins to increase, it is much easier to stop this process than at any stage of obesity.

Decoding BMI

After calculating your indicator, you need to determine whether it is a variant of the norm or not:

  • if the count turns out to be less than 16, this indicates severe shortage body weight;
  • 16-18 - underweight, most often this is the indicator that all girls strive for;
  • 18-25 is the ideal weight for a healthy adult;
  • 25-30 - the presence of excess weight, which is not harmful to health, but outwardly significantly spoils the outline of the figure;
  • more than 30 - obesity different degrees requiring medical intervention.

If you are overweight, it is better to immediately change your lifestyle and restore optimal parameters. Otherwise, the weight will gradually increase, and subsequently it will be very difficult to return it to acceptable standards. Prevention of obesity in children should begin from a very early age. That is, you need to carefully monitor the nutrition and activity of your children.

Types of obesity

Depending on the location of the greater percentage of excess weight, the following types of obesity are distinguished:

  • Upper (abdominal) - the fat layer builds up mainly in the upper part of the body and on the abdomen. This type is most often diagnosed in men. Abdominal obesity has a negative impact on overall health, causing the appearance of diabetes mellitus, stroke, heart attack or arterial hypertension.
  • Lower (femoral-gluteal) - body fat localized in the thighs and buttocks. It is diagnosed mainly in females. Provokes the appearance of venous insufficiency, diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Intermediate (mixed) - fat builds up evenly throughout the body.

Types of obesity can be correlated with body types. Thus, an “apple” figure will be characterized by the appearance of excess weight in the upper body and stomach, and a “pear” figure will have fat deposits located mainly in the hips, buttocks and lower abdomen.

Prevention of obesity in elderly patients is necessary, since at this age disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system appear and metabolism decreases.

Obesity classification

Primary obesity develops with poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. When the body accumulates an excessive amount of energy that has nowhere to be spent, it accumulates in the form of fat deposits.

Secondary obesity is a consequence various diseases, injuries, tumors that affect the functioning of the body's regulatory system.

Endocrine is an increase in the patient’s weight due to disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland, adrenal glands or ovaries. Recommendations for the prevention of obesity in this case can only be given by a qualified doctor who has studied the patient’s history and conducted all the necessary examinations.

Diagnosis of obesity

As diagnostic measures are used:

  • body mass index;
  • adipose and non-adipose tissue in the body;
  • measuring body volumes;
  • measurement of the total amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • blood test - used to diagnose diseases, causing the appearance excess weight.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor can make a conclusion about the presence or absence of the disease. Preventing obesity in children and adolescents helps maintain normal operation body in adulthood and old age.

Obesity treatment

In some cases, weight loss is not observed even if healthy eating and sufficient physical activity. In this case, doctors can prescribe suitable pharmacological preparations, promoting weight loss. Prevention of obesity and diabetes mellitus is necessary if the patient has cardiovascular diseases.

If an obese patient develops respiratory or musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to take medications that primarily solve these problems. Taking such medications should be combined with changes in your usual lifestyle, and, if necessary, with the use of medications that stimulate weight loss.

It is prohibited to select and take weight loss medications without consulting a doctor. Advertised products do not give the desired effect, but effective medicines should be appointed only after full examination a qualified doctor. Due to the large number of contraindications and side effects, such drugs should be taken under the supervision of a doctor in a strictly prescribed dosage.

Consequences of untreated obesity

If the cause of excess weight is not diagnosed in time and treatment for obesity is not started, serious complications. Prevention of obesity in old age is necessary to prevent the occurrence of concomitant diseases and conditions, such as:

  • ailments of joints and bones;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depression;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • asthma;
  • eating disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • early death.

Increased body weight has a negative impact on general condition the patient and his health. The more, the more difficult it is for the body to cope with its functions. The processes of breathing, digestion, and blood circulation are disrupted, brain activity decreases, diseases of the genital area and reproductive function disorders appear.

Diet for obesity

In case of obesity, the doctor refers the patient to a nutritionist, who takes into account the preferences of the child or adult and creates a new diet. Prevention of obesity in adolescents should include psychological factor in combination with basic medical recommendations. The most important and effective recommendations are:

  • limiting the consumption of fatty, fried and high high-calorie food, semi-finished products, sodas, products with high content Sahara;
  • consumption of low-fat dairy products;
  • basis daily diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • meat and fish are preferable to low-fat varieties, steamed, baked or boiled;
  • limiting consumption of foods high in sodium;
  • reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates (bread, rice, sugar);
  • eat food at the same time;
  • be sure to have breakfast;
  • replace any drinks with clean water and drink 2-3 liters per day.

Must be purchased primarily healthy foods and cook for yourself at home. If severe obesity develops, these recommendations will not provide good effect, strict supervision by a nutritionist and adherence to a strict diet will be required.

Physical activity for obesity

Improve results dietary nutrition Moderate physical activity will allow. It is necessary to choose the optimal sport in which the body will not be brought to exhaustion. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to motivate yourself to study. Sport should bring pleasure and give a boost of energy and positive emotions.

Prevention of obesity in children should include reducing time spent at the computer or TV to 1-2 hours a day. The rest of the time you need to be active, visit sports clubs or exercise at home, empty even it will be cleaning the house, jogging, swimming or fitness. Everyone chooses activities to suit their taste.

Obesity: treatment and prevention

Treatment of obesity should begin at early stage. In this case, following a diet, an active lifestyle and healthy sleep will be able to normalize weight and return the body to the desired shape. In rare cases, weight loss medications or surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach may be needed.

To prevent the development of obesity, you need to adhere to several basic points:

  • give preference healthy food and do not use more than is necessary for full-fledged work body;
  • lead an active lifestyle - if your job is sedentary, then in your free time you should play sports, take more walks fresh air;
  • It is important to get enough sleep and avoid stressful situations, which can provoke disturbances in metabolism or the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Following all the rules will prevent obesity. The causes, prevention and treatment of advanced obesity should be interconnected and aimed at changing lifestyle and returning to previous body volumes.

Excessive nutrition (especially obesity), which arose before school age, persists among schoolchildren. In particular, obesity reduces motor activity, physical and mental performance, disrupts the function of organs such as the heart and liver. Creates a favorable background for the occurrence of certain diseases (diabetes).
Being overweight (overnutrition) is not a sign of health, as some parents mistakenly think. Excessive nutrition causes metabolic disorders in the child’s body, facilitating the occurrence of a number of diseases.
The main reasons for such a disorder of the harmonious development of a school-age child as obesity are the consumption of excessively high-calorie foods (due to carbohydrates and fats) and insufficient physical activity, as a result of which the body’s energy costs are reduced. The hereditary factor, as a cause of obesity, plays an even smaller role compared to the two factors mentioned above.
When preparing a child for school, it is necessary to eliminate excess nutrition. Reduce its obesity, at least to the upper limit of normal body mass (weight) for age. This is achieved through a diet that limits calorie intake and increased physical activity. The diet includes milk and lactic acid products, lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, in equal proportions, animal and vegetable oils, in addition, vegetables: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, tomatoes, beets, turnips, moderate amount potatoes, as well as fruits and Rye bread(no more than 300 g per day). Excluded White bread, butter, flour and confectionery products, sugar, honey.
Children are given 5 meals a day, consumption should not exceed age standards. The amount of fat, mainly of animal origin, is reduced, and vegetable fats the menu should contain 15-25 g. in a day.
In the complex treatment of obesity, both general and therapeutic physical education play an important role. Physical education increases energy consumption by increasing the breakdown of fatty substances and improves the child’s performance. When organizing physical education classes, pay attention to exercises for large muscles and abdominal muscles. The complex of physical exercises includes walking and running. The intensity and duration of physical exercise is increased gradually. Swimming is widely used sport games, taking into account the age and gender of the child.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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This paper provides some information about obesity and emphasizes that obesity occurs as complex disorder metabolism as a result of overeating, lack of physical activity and some other associated factors.
Getting rid of obesity is not easy, since dieting alone, especially for those who have suffered from it for a long time, is ineffective. Moreover, under some harsh conditions, adaptation to limited diet, and the less these people eat, the less weight they lose. This unpleasant situation can only be corrected by systematic physical exercise, which should be a mandatory part of the fasting regime. We must not forget that physical activity helps accelerate hormonal processes and rapid fat burning in those whose bodies are accustomed to diets.

Obesity problem

“Anything in excess is harmful,” says the proverb. Consequently, it is also harmful if a person has excessive body weight and excess fat reserves. This has long been no longer considered a sign of health and well-being.

Parents often contribute to weight gain in children. Their desire to feed their children tastier food only brings harm, since as a result, many children are overweight. And although children with overweight often do not look painful, but as if on the contrary, laboratory tests directly or indirectly reveal more and more metabolic disorders. If measures are not taken in time, the child will develop obesity, which, as a rule, will later be complicated by gallbladder diseases, diabetes, hypertension, early atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, deformations and aging of blood vessels.

It has been proven that obese people, on average, live shorter lives the longer they suffer from obesity and the more severe its form.

The problem of fighting obesity is not to suddenly lose weight, but to maintain the result after losing weight. Physical education and sports help adults and children with this. We should not forget that only systematic exercise will contribute to weight loss.

Naturally, two physical education lessons a week are not enough for this - you need to do additional training either at home with your parents, or in sports clubs and sections.

Ideal weight

Obesity is considered to be excess of normal weight caused by excessive fat deposition. Normal, or optimal (ideal), body weight is the weight that, according to medical, statistically verified data, taking into account the characteristics of the skeleton and muscles, is most favorable for a person of a certain age and gender. For determining ideal weight use Broca's index (height - 100 cm). According to the latest ideas, when measuring weight, it is necessary to subtract 5–10% from the result. In doing so, some considerations should be taken into account additional factors, such as body structure and age. Recently, the opinion has spread that at the age of 30, the decline in active mass body (i.e. muscle mass, internal organs and bones) and the weight calculated using Broca’s formula no longer corresponds correct ratio adipose tissue and active body mass. Thus, a 70-year-old woman, 170 cm tall, weighing 70 kg, certainly does not have optimal body weight, since at her age muscles, bones and other organs atrophy, their mass decreases, so her weight is determined by an excessive amount of fat, therefore, she can call it obese. On the contrary, a boxer or hockey player may weigh above the optimal value, but despite this, they should not be considered obese, since they do not have an excessive amount of fat, and the weight is mainly active body mass.

Causes of obesity

There may be several of them, but the most important are two – excess nutrition and insufficient physical activity.

Excessive nutrition

For the vast majority of overweight people, the main cause of obesity is excess nutrition in relation to energy expenditure (i.e. a person consumes large quantity energy than it burns).

IN healthy body special mechanism affects appetite and thereby regulates food intake. That's why many people maintain a stable weight without effort for many years. The food intake regulator is located in the hypothalamus, which also controls other autonomic functions. When the activity of the hypothalamus is disrupted, obesity occurs with numerous complications.

In children, the main cause of poor nutrition is the incorrect behavior of parents. The mother determines the child's nutrition from birth. Many mothers often overfeed their children, teaching them to eat a lot. As a result, the food intake center located in the brain suffers, and a constant feeling of hunger arises: the more a person eats, the more he wants, which leads to overweight, and then to obesity. This affects approximately 60% of obese children.

It has been established that more frequent use meals (at intervals of 3-4 hours) in such cases is more beneficial than once a day. After 1–3 hours, ingested food causes the release of digestive juices, which requires a certain amount of energy. As a result, basal metabolism increases by 20–30%. This means that after lunch, energy expenditure increases by 50–90 kJ (10–20 kcal).

The body gets a lot of energy from drinks. Picture of great benefit milk also has certain boundaries. We should not forget that milk contains all the essential nutrients in optimal proportions, and 100 ml of milk contains about 200 kJ (50 kcal). Fat people often spoil the effect of strict adherence to the diet by drinking 1 liter of milk daily, thus consuming an additional 2000 kJ (500 kcal).

100 ml of lemonade contains approximately 120 kJ (30 kcal), and in the form of sugar. Excessive consumption of lemonade leads to excess weight. If a person drinks 3 glasses of lemonade daily for a month, he can gain 0.3–0.4 kg.

You can determine whether your child has an optimal weight using the data given in table. 1.

Table 1

Optimal weight adults in relation to height





Height, cm

Weight, kg

Height, cm

Weight, kg

Height, cm

Weight, kg

Height, cm

Weight, kg

Health and education workers should explain to children the need rational nutrition. To prevent the spread of obesity, atherosclerosis and a number of other diseases, it is necessary to give preference to proteins, carbohydrates, and then fats. In any case, nutrition should be balanced.

As can be seen from table. 1, in children and youth, body weight should be determined only in relation to height, and not to age, and taking into account the development of the skeleton and muscles. A child with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles (hypersthenic type) will correspondingly weigh more than a child of the same age with an average (normosthenic type) or even small skeleton and poorly developed muscles (asthenic type).

A child whose weight exceeds the highest value in the table for a given height can already be considered obese. Excess body weight by 15–30% means mild obesity, 30–50% means moderate obesity, and more than 50% means obesity. severe degree obesity.

Insufficient physical activity

Everyone knows that physical activity significantly increases energy consumption. If physical effort is too great, the energy balance will change towards increased energy expenditure. Nerve impulses and the influence of a number of hormones contribute to the restructuring of certain functions of the body: the heart becomes more resilient, muscles and bones become stronger. A proteanabolic effect occurs, which can also be achieved artificially by taking synthetic drugs, for example anabolic steroids.

Systematic exercise leads to a restructuring of not only the heart, but also the blood vessels and lungs: muscles and some other organs are better supplied with blood, the volume of the chest increases, breathing deepens, the speed of blood flow increases - the muscles and liver receive more oxygen and nutrients. As a result, excessive fat reserves are burned faster, and consequently, body weight decreases.

Properly selected physical exercises help relieve psychological stress. In addition, their systematic implementation is effective prophylactic against various diseases, such as psychoneuroses, some forms of high blood pressure (hypertension); they also improve diabetes in middle-aged and older people. Physical activity improves digestion and to a certain extent prevents the development of certain disorders digestive tract, often found in obese people. Regular exercise improves mobility and coordination of movements, helps maintain flexibility in old age.

The reluctance to move is congenital only in exceptional cases - for example, with certain brain diseases. Every healthy child wants to move. Of course, the most important role is played by upbringing and the regime adopted in the family. Sometimes, unfortunately, we find that the child’s home not only does not encourage him to move, but even limits his mobility.

For normal development For children, movement is just as important as eating and sleeping. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the child’s innate motor activity starting from infancy taking into account his character. Movement improves blood circulation various organs, including the brain, which stimulates their development. In the daily routine of a preschooler, 4–5 hours should be devoted to physical exercise, and for a schoolchild, at least 2–3 hours. Instead of quiet walks, it is much better to use outdoor games combined with running and performing flexibility exercises. Small children should not be bundled up: this will prevent them from moving.

In schoolchildren, the tendency to immobility is reinforced by sitting in front of the TV, using cars, elevators; This is also facilitated by the lack of areas for active recreation; for young people and adults – sedentary work and an appropriate lifestyle. During preparation for entering higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, due to heavy academic loads, in most cases, the time previously devoted to physical education and sports is reduced, and adolescents begin to gain weight.

An abrupt cessation of habitual intensive sports also leads to obesity, since most often the diet remains the same - high-calorie.

Hormonal disorders

Obesity may be caused by dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Diseases of the pancreas and adrenal glands cause obesity in children only in exceptional cases. Quite rare decreased activity thyroid gland. Hormonal violations appear, first of all, in small stature, poor development teeth, dry, pale rough skin, coarse hair, slow physical and mental reactions. In appearance, such patients appear fat, but not because of excessive fat reserves, but primarily because of the jelly-like impregnation of the subcutaneous tissue. As a rule, the external manifestations of obesity in children contrast sharply with this picture. Usually obese children are normal height or slightly higher, their skin is soft pink, the level of thyroid hormones is normal, and only a very small part of them needs hormonal treatment.


There are families in which obese people occur from generation to generation. These facts support the view that hereditary predisposition to obesity. If both parents are obese, the child has an 86% chance of becoming obese, and if one parent is obese, the chance is 40%.

At the same time, of course, you can inherit many diseases, integral part which is obesity, for example a defect retina, muscle atony, dementia.

Periods of risk in the development of obesity

There are three risk periods in the development of this disease. The first is a period of increased secretion of hormones that promote the formation of fat during the development of the body. The second is the period when a person is unable, due to thoughtlessness, ignorance, or due to circumstances, to influence his nutrition and physical activity (overfeeding of children, compulsory meals in boarding schools, etc.). The third is a period of conscious overeating according to the most various reasons(out of boredom or depression, just for fun, etc.).

The risk of developing obesity most often increases:

– in the first year of life (the child is often overfed);
– at the beginning of school (the child spends most of his time sitting, little time is devoted to outdoor games);
– before the onset of puberty (formation a large number of subcutaneous fat, especially in girls);
– during the period of completion of growth (relatively high-calorie nutrition is retained, and a large amount of energy previously necessary for growth, which the body no longer needs, is converted into fat reserves);
– when using hormonal contraception, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, in men after marriage and during military service (in most cases, the cause here is an irregular high-calorie diet);
– after stopping sports, when switching to sedentary work or stopping bed rest(inconsistency between diet and physical activity).

All these risk factors, which most often contribute to the development of obesity, can, of course, be influenced if healthy image life.

Phases of obesity development

There is a distinction between the dynamic phase of obesity and the stabilization phase. Each of them is characterized by certain changes in metabolism and hormonal metabolism, differences in response to treatment.

The dynamic phase of obesity is the stage of weight gain. Weight gain can be unnoticeable, but constant, or sudden - by 15-20 kg over 1-2 years or even several months. Cause gradual increase body weight – lack of balance between energy intake and expenditure as a result of overeating and lack of physical activity. Sudden weight gain can occur for the same reasons (for example, stopping sports without changing your diet), but it can also be due to a serious health disorder. Therefore, if there is a sharp increase in weight, you should consult a doctor.

The stabilization phase occurs when weight normalizes. Most obese people stop overeating in this phase, some eat even less than people of normal weight, but do not lose weight. Hormonal abnormalities and metabolic disorders that arose in the dynamic phase have already taken hold. Sometimes they can be considered as independent diseases, from which an obese person suffers more than from the obesity itself that caused them. The stabilization phase of obesity requires much more effort than the dynamic phase, and in most cases it is only partially possible to eliminate the complications that have arisen.

Exercise for Overweight Children


The first thing to remember is that there are some exercises that are not suitable for obese children, such as jumping jacks, which can cause injury to the lower extremities. Long walks are ineffective in terms of energy expenditure and are also tiring (most obese people suffer from flat feet, many from various joint deformities), as does long running. Much would be better suited running with rest, as during pauses you can calm your breathing and pulse.

Suitable exercise includes swimming (just avoid too much cold water, since cold promotes the formation of subcutaneous fat and you need to swim quite intensely, since fat lifts the body and an obese person spends less energy than a thin person). Some outdoor games are also useful. They're fun, but there's danger here getting injured, so you need to choose games with clear rules.

The most favorable form of physical education for obese children is performing gymnastic exercises to music, when the teacher observes the entire group and can make sure that the children do not get tired. Those who are too tired can rest without delaying others, and then continue their studies.

Exercises that challenge everything muscle groups, are performed easily and at a fast pace (but in no case are strength exercises!). As a result, the fat content in the body is reduced, correct posture and correct breathing are formed. Blood fat levels are reduced by endurance exercise.

Gymnastic exercises to music can be successfully performed at home: the most important thing is that they should be regular.

Exercise sets

These complexes include exercises without objects. The pace and duration of classes are determined by the time and number of repetitions. The indicated number of repetitions for each exercise is an average value that can be changed based on actual capabilities. Each exercise should be repeated until slightly tired. Therefore, while it is being mastered, you need to practice at a moderate pace and do fewer repetitions. When the exercise is mastered, the tempo and number of repetitions increase.

You should always exercise in a ventilated area. It’s good if you have the opportunity to look in the mirror while practicing to monitor your progress and posture.

If a child diligently performs exercises, he sweats. However, there is no need to overly encourage this by dressing him in two suits. Sweat is not fat. The water that is lost through sweat will be returned to the body as soon as the child drinks. Therefore, you need to exercise in shorts and a T-shirt so that your movements are free. After class you need to take a shower.

The muscles will not immediately get used to the load - pain will appear first. However, this will not last long. Therefore, there is no need to stop exercising, otherwise fatigue will arise again, and to relax “frozen” muscles, you can use such means as hot bath or massage.

Movements of the arms and legs are brought to extreme positions, be it a jerk or a pull. Lifting hands up, there is no need to raise your shoulders.

After completing each exercise in which the child experiences strong tension, you need to relax the muscles of your arms or legs by gently shaking. The muscles relax completely when he lies on his side; the hand below should be placed under the head, the other one should lean in front of you on the floor, legs should be bent (the lower one less, the upper one more), while completely relaxing all the muscles and breathing calmly.

The basic principles of doing the exercises are the same for everyone - for children, teenagers, and adults, although the nature of the exercises for different age groups is different. For children, for example, in addition to losing weight, great importance has skill development correct posture, which is much easier to vaccinate at this age. Adults should pay more attention to the intensity of exercise ( strong movements, high tempo, more repetitions, use of sports equipment).

A set of exercises can be performed for several days in a row, then move on to the next one, gradually alternating exercises. We must strive to ensure that each complex contains exercises for all muscle groups. They need to be repeated 10–15 times depending on the physical fitness and individual abilities of the children.

Complex 1

1. I.p. - hands to the side. Bend back and two springing movements while bending over. Then, relax forward, bend your head and torso heavily towards the ground, and jerk your arms back.

2. I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms up. Forward bend and 4 springing movements while bending over. Then deep bend forward, relaxed arms crossed forward.

3. I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands on head. Tilt to the right, springy movements while bending over, straighten up.

The same - to the left.

4. I.p. - lying on your back. Tightening your abdominal muscles, press your lower back to the floor and slowly bend your legs in front of you (pull in your stomach, tighten your gluteal muscles). Slowly return to i.p.

5. I.p. - Same. Raise your legs straight (do not lift your pelvis from the floor) and slowly lower it.

6. I.p. - lying on your back, hands on your head. Bend your legs and alternately place them to the right and left on the floor - first at a slow, then at a fast pace.

7. I.p. – lying on your stomach, place your forehead on your bent and clasped hands. Alternately pull back the right and left leg(do not raise your head).

8. I.p. - Same. Slowly raise your head (your hands are pressed to your forehead) and top part torso. Stay in this position and return to i.p.

9. I.p. – standing on your left knee, take your right leg to the side (knee up, heel inward). Relax your arms and clasp your hands (palms up). Tilt to the right, springy movements in the tilt. Return to i.p.

The same - in the other direction.

10. Walking with a smooth transition to running in place or moving forward, then smoothly transition to walking again.

Complex 2

1. I.p. - left hand in front, right hand behind. Changing hand positions in combination with a springing movement in a half-squat. After several repetitions, raise your arms up, and when straightening, rise on your toes or jump.

2. I.p. – hands forward. 4 circular movements with your arms in front of you (inward). Jump into a lunge on your left leg, spread your arms to the sides and make 4 circular movements with your arms back. Putting your left foot down, return to standing position. Make 4 circular movements with your arms in front of you (outward).

The same thing happens in a lunge on the right leg.

3. I.p. - lying on your back. Tightening your abdominal muscles, press your lower back to the floor - first at a slow, then at a fast pace.

4. I.p. - lying on your back. Press your lower back to the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles, and raise your bent legs. Straightening your legs, slowly lower them to the floor (without relaxing your abdominal muscles).

5. I.p. - kneeling, hands on head. Tightening your abdominal muscles, rotate your pelvis alternately to the right and left.

6. I.p. – sitting cross-legged, hands on knees. Lean forward, round your back and slowly straighten up.

7. I.p. – lying on the right side, the right arm is raised, the left one rests on the floor in front of the chest. Raise your left leg and move it to the side back. Repeat several times.

The same - lying on your left side.

8. I.p. – lying on your stomach, arms up. Raise your arms and upper torso.

The same thing with turning the body left and right.

9. I.p. - hands to the side. Swing your arms down, half squat, jerk your arms in front of you. Return to i.p.

10. I.p. - hands to the side. Perform a deep forward bend. Jerk your arms up and cross them. Jump back to IP.

11. I.p. – o.s. Rise on your toes (do not bend your knees).

Complex 3

1. I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms up. Alternate a half-squat on the left leg (the right one is laid aside) with a half-squat on the right leg (the left one is laid aside).

2. I.p. - hands on head. Two swings of arms back. Stretch your arms out to the sides (palms facing up), then swing your arms back two times.

3. I.p. – stand – feet wider than shoulders, arms to the sides. Slowly shift your body weight alternately to your right and left legs, bending them at the same time.

4. I.p. – lying on your back, arms up. Rolls alternately to the right and left through the stomach onto the back, muscles tense.

5. I.p. – lying on your back, arms to the sides, palms on the floor. Raise your bent legs, place them alternately left and right on the floor (do not lift your arms and head from the floor).

6. I.p. – sitting cross-legged, arms to the sides. Stretch alternately to the right and left. Repeat several times. Then bend over so that your arms touch the floor.

7. I.p. - lying on your back. Legs are bent, feet rest on the floor, arms to the sides. Slowly bend over, sit down (back straight) and, rounding your back, return to the standing position.

8. I.p. – emphasis while standing on your knees. Bend your right leg and jerk it back. Repeat several times.

The same with the left foot.

9. I.p. – standing on your left knee, take your right leg to the side, hold your hands with clasped hands, palms up. Smooth tilts to the right, forward, left, straighten up. Repeat several times.

The same thing on the other leg.

10. I.p. – he sat with his legs bent, holding his ankles with both hands. Roll alternately onto your right and left sides.

Complex 4

1. I.p. - hands up. Deep, relaxed forward bend, abducting left hand back.

The same - with the right hand, then with both hands.

2. I.p. – stand with legs apart. Hands up, tilt to the left, go into a deep relaxed bend forward, stretch your arms as far back between your legs as possible. Return to i.p.

The same - in the other direction.

3. I.p. - lying on your back. Bend your legs, rest your feet on the floor, arms along your body. Raise your head from the floor and lower it. Raise your head and upper body, stretch your arms forward, touch your knees with your hands, return to the standing position.

4. I.p. – lying on your back, arms up. Sit down, bend your legs at the same time, stretch your arms forward. Return to i.p.

5. I.p. – lying on your back, arms to the sides, palms on the floor. Bend your legs and, raising your pelvis, pull your knees towards your head. Return to i.p.

6. I.p. – lying on your back, legs apart, arms up. Raise your legs straight and lower them behind your head.

7. I.p. – lying on your stomach, arms up, chin resting on the floor. Bend your knees, grab your ankles with your hands and lift your legs and upper torso (do not raise your head). Return to i. P.

8. I.p. – lying on your stomach, place your forehead on your clasped hands. Raise your right leg and at the same time pull it back. Return to i.p.

The same with the left foot.

9. I.p. - lying on your left side, leaning on the floor with the elbow of your left bent arm (supporting your head with your palm) and your right hand in front of you. Take your right leg to the side, make a swing, lower it. Repeat several times.

The same - lying on the right side.

10. I.p. - hands on the belt. Take 8 small steps on your toes to turn in a circle. Alternate turns right and left.

Complex 5

(performed outdoors)

1. I.p. - standing facing the tree at a distance of a step from it. Hands raised up. Lean forward. Grasp the tree with both hands and make 3 springing movements with your torso in a tilt, then a deep bend forward and 3 spring movements with your torso in a deep bend, fingers touching the ground.

2. I.p. – standing facing the tree, stretch your arms forward and lean them on the tree trunk. Bend your right leg and swing it back. Repeat several times.

The same with the left foot.

3. I.p. – standing facing the tree, stretch your right leg forward and rest your foot on the trunk, hands on your head. Bend your left leg, turning your knee outward (keep your torso straight, do not bend). Bend your right leg (keep your torso straight, do not bend). Repeat each exercise 10 times, then change the position of your legs.

4. I.p. - standing facing the tree, holding onto it with your hands. Half squat, then squat (knees together or apart).

5. I.p. - Same. Alternate squats with jumps on the right or left leg while straightening one leg to the side (“Cossack”).

6. I.p. - standing with your back to the tree, a step away from it, holding onto it with your hands at waist height. Bend back. Repeat several times.

The same, but with a deep bend forward, bent (head touching knees), hands holding onto the tree all the time.

7. I.p. – standing with your left side to the tree, take your left leg to the side and lean your left leg on the trunk, arms up. Make a springy tilt to the left, slowly straighten up.

8. The same, but with a deep relaxed bend forward and a springing movement in the forward bend, hands touching the ground. Smooth tilt to the left, deep tilt forward, tilt to the right, straighten up. Repeat each exercise several times, then change the position of your legs.

9. I.p. - standing with your face close to the tree, grasp the trunk with bent hands at chest level; straining your arms, straighten them. Grasping your hands down the trunk, squat down with your torso straight. Make several springing movements in a squat and, moving your arms up, return to the standing position.

10. The same, but do not move your hands, but let them go for a while and again grab the trunk a little higher or lower while simultaneously pulling your body towards the tree.

11. And p. – standing with your back to the tree, press your back against it. Slowly squat down, without lifting your back from the tree, and return to the standing position.

12. I.p. – standing with your right side to the tree, take your right leg to the tree, rest your foot on the trunk, arms up. Tilt to the right, tilt to the left, deep relaxed bend forward, straighten up.

Complex 6

(exercises are performed in pairs with an adult partner)

1. The child in the basic stance spreads his arms to the sides and leans to the right and left. An adult stands opposite, holding his wrists and helping him bend lower.

2. The child, with his legs slightly apart, raises his arms up and bends back. An adult stands behind him, holding his wrists and helping him lean back more and arch his chest.

3. From a position with legs apart, the child bends forward, raises his arms, grabs the adult’s belt and performs springing movements with his torso while bending forward 2 times (keep his head straight). Then he releases the adult, makes a deep, relaxed bend forward with two springy movements of the body (hands touch the ground). An adult helps perform a forward bend, pressing on the shoulder blades, and a deep forward bend, pressing on the lower back.

4. The child and the adult stand sideways close to each other, take inside by the arms, lowered along the body, and with outside- by hands raised up. Lunge outside leg to the side in the direction away from each other and tilt towards each other. The adult pulls the child by the hand and helps him bend deeper. Repeat several times.

The same thing, standing on the other side.

5. The child and adult sit with their backs to each other (legs apart). The child raises his hands up, the adult takes him by the wrists and leans forward, helping him to bend deeply back. Repeat several times.

Then the adult increases the forward lean. The child lifts his pelvis off the ground and lies bent over on the adult’s back.

6. The child lies on his stomach and raises his arms. An adult stands over him, legs apart, squeezing his sides with his feet, leans forward, takes him by the wrists, lifts his torso and pulls the child up.

7. The child alternates jumping with a squat with his right leg laid to the side with a squat with his left leg laid out to the side (“Cossack”). An adult stands opposite, holding his hands and helping him maintain balance.

8. The child performs squat jumps. An adult stands opposite, pulling him by the arms and helping to keep his torso straight.

9. The child, in a sitting position, bends his legs, raises his arms up, and moves them back with springy movements. An adult stands behind, lightly resting the shin of his right leg on his spine (the knee should not put pressure!), takes the child by the forearms, using his hands and feet to help him perform springy movements back (tilt his head slightly back, do not raise his shoulders).

10. The child, in a standing position, moves his left leg to the side, raises his arms up and slowly leans alternately left and right. The adult holds the child's leg, which is set to the side, by the ankle, without raising or lowering it, and at the same time makes sure that the child does not lean forward in any way. Repeat several times.

The same - in the other direction.

11. The child, in a standing position, moves his left leg to the side, raises his arms up and smoothly tilts to the left, deep bends forward, tilts to the right and tilts back. The adult holds the child's ankle by the ankle, without lifting or lowering it. Repeat several times.

The same - in the other direction.

12. The child lies on his left side, raises his arms with clasped hands up. An adult stands from behind in a stance with legs apart, supports him from below and slowly lifts him up so that the child touches the ground only with his feet and hands, then slowly lowers the child into the position. n. Repeat several times.

The same, lying on the right side.

13. The child lies on his left side, hands on his head. An adult stands over the child, squeezing the body with his legs, slowly lifts him by the right elbow to a tilting position, makes several springy movements in the tilt and slowly lowers the child into position. n. Repeat several times.

The same, lying on the right side.

Alexey Malenky,
physical education teacher, Moscow Economic School

The health problem is on everyone's lips these days. People increasingly recall the words of Socrates that “health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.” The poor health of the younger generation began to be discussed openly at all levels, right up to the president of the country.

Having worked at school for many years, I can say that there are only a few practically healthy children. If 10–15 years ago there were one or two students in each class exempted from physical education, now there are five–six or more of them. And a teacher can often do more for a student’s health than a doctor.

In 2015 academic year school students conducted research, the purpose of which was to determine the body weight of each student. To achieve the goal, students from grades 5–9 were recruited.

Weight and height measurements were taken. And using body mass index (Quetelet index)

m- body weight in kilograms

h- height in meters,

and is measured in kg/m2.

and tables of body mass index depending on weight and height

Height (cm) Body mass index
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 35 42
Body weight (kg)
145 41 43 45 47 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 75 80
147 42 45 47 49 51 54 56 58 60 62 64 67 78 89
150 44 46 48 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 80 92
152 45 48 50 52 55 57 59 62 64 67 69 71 83 95
155 47 49 52 54 57 59 61 64 66 69 71 74 86 98
157 48 51 53 56 59 61 63 66 68 71 73 76 89 100
160 49 52 55 58 60 63 65 68 71 73 76 78 92 105
162 51 54 57 59 62 65 67 70 73 76 78 81 94 107
165 53 56 59 61 64 67 70 72 75 78 81 84 97 111
167 54 57 60 63 6 69 72 75 77 80 83 86 100 115
170 56 59 62 65 68 71 74 77 80 83 86 89 103 118
172 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 106 121
175 59 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 85 88 91 93 109 125
177 61 64 67 71 74 77 81 84 87 89 90 94 97 129
180 63 66 69 73 76 80 83 86 90 93 96 99 106 132
182 65 68 72 75 78 82 85 89 92 95 99 102 119 136
185 67 70 73 77 81 84 87 91 94 98 101 105 122 140
187 68 72 76 79 83 86 90 94 97 101 104 108 126 144
190 70 74 77 81 85 89 92 96 99 104 107 111 129 148

BMI<18,5 - недостаточная масса тела

BMI 18.5-24.9 - normal body weight

BMI 25-29.9 - overweight

BMI > 30 - obesity

were able to determine whether the student was overweight or underweight. Out of 290 students, 87 students - 30% - are overweight. Moreover, as the study showed, in grades 8-9 more students are overweight - 48 (16.5%) than in grades 5-7 - 39 students (13.5%)

This indicates that at older ages children lead sedentary lifestyle life, watch TV or sit at the computer for more than three hours a day. Lack of physical activity leads to a slowdown in metabolism and blood circulation, thereby reducing the number of calories burned, the excess of which is stored as fat.

The main cause of obesity is the discrepancy between the volume of food intake and energy expenditure in the process of life. The prerequisites for the occurrence of excess body weight are most often laid in childhood. Less commonly, obesity is caused by endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders.

Gradually progressing, obesity becomes the cause of many concomitant diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus, various disorders of the musculoskeletal system. You need to know that obesity in itself is a disease, since excess body weight gives additional load to all physiological systems.

The problem of child nutrition in Russia is already so acute that a pediatric dietology department was opened at the Medical Nutrition Clinic of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. So far the only one in the country. According to experts, over the past 5 years the number of overweight Russian children has increased by almost 20%.

According to specialists from the Nutrition Clinic of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, there are four main causes of childhood obesity in Russia.

The first reason is the increase in the well-being of citizens.

Children began to eat more and better. Parents who still remember not the best times are trying to feed their children, as they say, for future use. At the same time, there are only a few wealthy families where parents are trying to regulate their children’s nutritional system and increase their children’s physical activity.

Reason two- educational boom. Modern children spend almost all their time, if not at a school desk, then at the computer or TV. As a result, due to constant classes, tutors, television and the Internet, children lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not waste the energy they receive from food.

Reason three- quality composition of consumed products.

In Russia, according to statistics, both adults and children are very far behind the norm in terms of consumption of the following products: vegetables and fruits, whole grains, protein of plant and animal origin.

Reason four- decline in food culture

IN in a broad sense food culture is the traditions and principles regarding food intake. According to the observations of nutritionists, in Russia practically no work is being done on its upbringing, either by parents or teachers. Nutrition is a skill that needs to be developed and nurtured.

The fight against obesity must begin with the understanding that being overweight cannot be a sign good health, and curvaceous forms are a measure of physical beauty.

From time to time, various diets, various coding techniques, and drugs that supposedly effectively reduce body weight are promoted in various media. These recommendations and advice are difficult for an insufficiently educated person to navigate, especially for teenagers and young people who are beginning to understand that excessive body weight is a disadvantage of their physical development and health status. Those who are most concerned about this problem sometimes resort to various methods of fasting, without thinking that fasting requires adherence to a certain technique and strict medical control. It is necessary to reduce body weight over a fairly long period of time, since a sharp decrease in weight will lead to negative consequences.

In the fight against obesity, serious work is needed on prevention and explanation of the correct methods of weight regulation without harming health. Dieting, coding and other methods of losing weight can give a temporary effect, but they are not able to solve the problem in principle and, as a result, can provoke stress caused by deep disappointment, self-doubt and even greater obesity.

The main method of combating obesity is the organization of proper nutrition in combination with the streamlining of physical activity.

The volume of physical activity includes not only performing special physical exercises, but also different kinds physical work. Active image life includes walks and participation in hikes.

For example, good incentive To increase the physical activity of children are various outdoor games, rollerblading, skateboarding, scooters, and bicycles.

Properly selected exercises with regular exercise can achieve a weight loss of 3-5 kg ​​by the end of the 2-3rd month of exercise. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that the most difficult are the first 1-2 months after the start of classes. Therefore, very high demands are placed on a person’s volitional qualities, since without great persistence and perseverance it is impossible to make these activities a necessity. Losing excess weight, purchasing light beautiful gait, athletic figure, good posture are important motives for regular exercise. At the same time, there are other types of motivation: to reveal additional human capabilities, to get rid of a complex of physical inferiority, and to gain self-confidence.

When starting regular physical exercise, you need to remember to gradually increase physical activity, its diversity due to the simultaneous use of various forms of exercise: morning exercises, health running, walking, swimming, cycling. If you are obese, it is preferable to perform exercises in a lying position to avoid excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system.

Primary attention is paid to exercises to strengthen and develop large abdominal muscles and improve posture.

One of the features of the classes is a relatively small dosage of exercises with a gradual increase as weight levels normalize. Much attention is given to self-control. The pulse rate during exercise should not exceed 130-150 beats/min. An important indicator of the correctness of exercises is the absence of pain in the heart area, heaviness and other discomfort.

Some people prefer not to bother themselves with physical exercise, believing that they can live without it. Such a short-sighted point of view is a consequence of a misunderstanding of responsibility for children, family, and assigned work. Moreover, a person with excess body weight loses a lot in life, giving up the feeling of muscular joy when swimming, jogging, or skiing. Reluctance to get rid of excess weight can be considered a consequence of loss of spirit, indifference to yourself and your loved ones. In this case, psychological help is needed first of all.

An approximate set of exercises for overweight teenagers.

1. Lying on your back, arms forward, legs bent, arms up, legs straight, arms to the sides, right leg forward, arms down, left leg forward, accept and. P.

2. Lying on your back, arms to the sides, legs apart, hands on the waist, legs crossed, arms to the sides, legs apart, take the i.p.

3. Lying on your back, arms up, roll to the right to a position lying on your stomach; right leg back, bend in the thoracic part of the spine, hands behind your head, lie on your stomach, roll into an i.p. the same thing on the other leg.

4. Lying on your right side, right hand up, left hand on your waist; left leg forward, to the side, back; accept i.p. The same - lying on your left side with your right leg.

5. Lying on your right side, right hand up, left hand on your waist; bend your legs forward, straighten them forward (in relation to your body), bend them, accept them, etc. n. the same on the left side.

6. Emphasis, kneeling, leaning on your hands, squatting, straighten your legs, bend, take an i.p.

7. Standing on your knees, sit on your heels, bend forward, touching your chest to the floor, sit on your heels, take an i.p.

8. Lying on your back, bend your legs, touching your heels to the floor, lower your knees to the right, left. Accept i.p.

9. Lying on your back, changing the position of bent legs - “bicycle”.

Thus, proper organization nutrition in combination with physical activity will help maintain and improve health. It is necessary to convince children that physical education, in all the diversity of its means and methods, is the best friend and assistant of every person at any age.



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