Injectable liposuction - injections that dissolve fat deposits. Preparations for administration

How is non-surgical liposuction performed?

To adjust the forms, we use a special lipolytic cocktail "Dermastabilon". This drug destroys subcutaneous fat, turning fat into an emulsion (fat and water), which is excreted from the body naturally. During this process, collagen and elastin are produced in the skin, so non-surgical liposuction has a pronounced rejuvenating and lifting effect.

Dermastabilon has passed all clinical trials and tests. It has been actively used for several years in dozens of countries around the world. Doctors of our clinic with the help of injections of dermastabilon will change your appearance:

  • remove fat deposits on the back, abdomen, knees, legs, neck and other parts of the body;
  • remove the second chin and "baby" cheeks (for more information about non-surgical liposuction of the cheeks and chin, see);
  • reduce the "widow's hump" (local fat in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra);
  • correct the results of surgical liposuction, if it was performed.

How is the session going?

The whole procedure takes approximately 30-40 minutes. First, the doctor finds out the presence of contraindications, then determines how much the drug is needed for each problem area, and makes a series of injections. Injection liposuction is an unpleasant, but absolutely tolerable procedure! During the procedure, we use an anesthetic cream that allows you to make injections with almost no pain. This is confirmed by the testimonials of our patients.

Non-surgical liposuction reviews

“I went to the LIPS clinic in order to reduce my stomach and hips. Together with the doctor, we decided to do 5 sessions and, depending on the result, continue further. Despite my fears, the procedure turned out to be tolerable. 5 sessions was enough for me. Hooray! Now, finally, I look the way I have long dreamed of, even now to the beach!”

Irina (28 years old)

“For a long time I wanted to remove the nasty “ears” from the sides because of them visually my lower body seems larger. I tried to play sports, went for massages and body wraps - no effect. Only injections helped me. Only 3 procedures and it seems that these nasty fats never existed. If I had known that injections would be suitable for me, I would have done it right away, but they offered me injections only in this clinic, in my salon they never offered me this method. Thank you for a great result! Now only to you!”

Karina (25 years old)

What is the uniqueness performing non-surgical liposuction in our clinic?

We always achieve results

At a free consultation, the doctor will examine you and select the optimal composition of the cocktail, determine the required number of sessions and select the area of ​​influence. We develop an individual program for each client. For example, to tighten the skin in case of weight loss, we use other cocktails in combination with dermastabilon, which restore the walls of blood vessels, make the skin smooth and elastic.

We work professionally

Only experienced doctors work in our clinic. Despite the fact that we suggest that you perform liposuction in a non-surgical way, this procedure also has contraindications and its own characteristics, so it must be performed by an experienced doctor. Diplomas and certificates of our doctors can be viewed or in the clinic.

non-surgical liposuction prices

The number of sessions is determined by the doctor at the first free consultation. But in any case, non-surgical liposuction is ten times cheaper than surgery! If you are now in doubt or afraid - come to the consultation. You will find out what the doctor thinks about your problem, ask all the questions and be able to make a decision based on the words of a specialist, and not speculation or conflicting reviews from the Internet.

The cost of liposuction from 3500r one problem area

When ordering a full course of procedures, there is an additional discount - 10%!

To make an appointment for a consultation call: 8 800 700-72-87 or

It is no secret that the fight against excess weight and body fat requires considerable willpower and serious work on oneself, which, alas, is not available to everyone. In addition, even the most persistent efforts may not yield results. For example, the second chin, "riding breeches" on the hips and, in particular, cellulite can remain even after an intensive course of training and strength exercises. The fact is that these unattractive moments are far from always (and cellulite - almost never) are not the result of overeating and physical inactivity.

And the second chin, and the "breeches" and cellulite can be individual features of the structure of a particular body. In order to get rid of them, you will either have to starve to the state of a prisoner of a concentration camp, or “pump up” to the standards of a port loader, but then there can be no talk of any beauty. What to do? You can put up with it and try to follow the advice "love yourself for who you are, then others will love." But for some reason, such advice is usually given by old maids who have nothing to do on long lonely evenings.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the achievements of modern medicine and cosmetology, which offer a wide range of ways to significantly improve your appearance here and now. One of these methods is injection lipolysis.

What is injection lipolysis?

Methodologically, injection lipolysis is one of the varieties of mesotherapy. This is the name of the method of treatment and recovery with the help of injections, but unusual. The introduction of drugs has been known to medicine for a long time. But if in traditional medicine it is not uncommon, for example, the treatment of heart or kidney diseases by injecting several “cubes” of the drug into a vein in the arm, or even, excuse me, in the ass, then the mesotherapy method consists in administering small (several milligrams) doses of the active substance to a shallow depth locally, that is, directly to the place that is problematic.

In our case, the problem areas are the foci of localization of deposits of subcutaneous fat, they are the object of injection lipolysis. The very word "lipolysis" means the breakdown of fats. For the breakdown of fats in injectable lipolysis, a lipolytic (that is, a fat splitter) phosphatidylcholine is used. It is injected under the skin of the problem area.

Fat dissolution is only one of the features of phosphatidylcholine, which is one of the main components of the structure of cell membranes. It is used to stimulate the work of liver and brain cells, phosphatidylcholine is indispensable for the production of an enzyme responsible for muscle contractions, improves metabolism by increasing the absorption capacity of cell membranes. Thus, injection lipolysis has, in addition to solving its main task, also a general health effect.

How is the procedure?

Although injection lipolysis is one of the fairly simple procedures that usually take place without complications, any inept intervention in the functioning of the body can have the most undesirable consequences. Therefore, the choice of a clinic should be taken with all possible seriousness: ask for the opinion of friends who have dealt with this clinic, go through the Internet, study the reviews.

At the first direct visit to the clinic, do not hesitate to ask the doctor to present a diploma and certificates. Remember that such questions can only confuse charlatans.

In addition to phosphatidylcholine, other substances can be used in the lipolysis procedure: silorg, L-carnitine, dermastabilon. Ask what drugs will be used in your case. The doctor should find out your individual tolerance to these drugs, if you do not have such information, prescribe allergy tests. If the doctor did not do this, you have reason to doubt his qualifications. A week before the procedure, an antihistamine course is usually prescribed, which also helps to avoid allergic reactions.

The procedure itself lasts 15-20 minutes, usually takes place without anesthesia, although in some cases, with severe pain, local anesthesia can be used. The drug is injected under the skin with a thin needle to a depth of five to ten millimeters. Upon completion, redness and swelling may appear at the site of exposure. Do not worry, this is a normal reaction of the body. Various decongestant ointments and gels that the doctor can apply himself or recommend for independent use will help to cope.

Possible complications and results

Also, there is no need to worry about the possible appearance of subcutaneous nodes. On the contrary, it indicates that lipolysis is having an effect. The doctor will prescribe various vasoconstrictive drugs - an increased intensity of blood circulation will be required to remove fatty acids from the body - the breakdown products of subcutaneous fat. For the same purpose, it is recommended to drink a large amount of liquid - at least 2-3 liters per day.

You can repeat the injection lipolysis procedure no earlier than 10-15 days later. The entire course will take you about three months. For the time between procedures, as well as for a month after their completion (the recovery period will take so long), bath procedures, massage, shaping and fitness are highly recommended. Of course, increased attention should be paid to the hygiene of the places where the lipolysis procedure is applied.

You should not hope for a miracle, because the method of injection lipolysis allows you to remove fat deposits to a depth of no more than 5-6 millimeters. Therefore, lipolysis is used only as a correction of problem areas that are not amenable to conservative influences, and not as a method of radical weight loss. Injection lipolysis will not be able to completely replace physical exercises for weight loss, or more radical effects - liposuction or plastic surgery.


Also, we must not forget about contraindications. Injection lipolysis is contraindicated in diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, cancer, bleeding disorders, skin diseases. Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from carrying out lipolysis.

Fat folds on the human body appear under the influence of various factors: seemingly normal stress, malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, etc. Violation of metabolic processes in the body leads to the same result: the formation of excess body fat.

In this case, operative liposuction could help, but it scares many postoperative complications. Is it possible to become slim and fit without surgery? Certainly. There are various methods of non-surgical body correction, one of which is injection liposuction.

The principle of operation of injection lipolysis

The technique of injection liposuction appeared more than 20 years ago. The specialists who developed it were inspired by the natural process of fat breakdown that occurs in the human body. plays an important role in fat metabolism lecithin. In a certain amount, it forms in the liver and removes adipocytes. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance: lecithin is able to remove only the destroyed cells that make up adipose tissue.

If fat metabolism is disturbed, these cells form a dense membrane, which greatly complicates the process of their destruction. The technique of injection lipolysis involves the introduction special substances that dissolve fat cells. The dissolved fat is then excreted through the body's lymphatic system.

Benefits of this technique

Injection lipolysis has a number of advantages due to which many people prefer it to other cosmetic procedures, namely:

  1. In combination with proper nutrition and diet, the effectiveness of the procedures performed increases;
  2. One session takes no more than 20-30 minutes;
  3. This technique allows you to get rid of excess fat in small areas of the skin of the body and face;
  4. The whole procedure can be carried out without anesthesia;
  5. Lets take away local fat deposits that cannot be eliminated with fitness or diets;
  6. For the introduction of the drug does not need to cut the skin. After the procedure, there are no scars or scars on it;
  7. A full course of injectable lipolysis is quite affordable, unlike other expensive cosmetic procedures;

After the injection, the skin is tightened and looks fresh.


  • Allergy to certain drugs;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Women during the period of feeding a child;
  • Chronic inflammation of the skin;
  • acute infections;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • The presence of oncopathology.

Features of the methodology and direction of action

Obese patients will not achieve the desired result after injectable liposuction. Only those who have slight fat deposits will get a tangible effect. Before the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the list of problems that can be solved using this technique, namely:

  • With fat "traps" in the abdomen, in the chin area, on the shoulders, hips, buttocks and neck;
  • With hernias under the eyes and on other parts of the face;
  • With deposits of fat on the back and in the joints;
  • With cellulite, which cannot be removed using other methods of body correction.

The essence of the procedure is to break down complex triglyceride molecules. Adipocytes are made up of them. After a course of injection liposuction, the result should be consolidated with the help of exercise and diet.

The lipolysis technique has its own characteristics that need to be considered in more detail:

  1. After consultation, the cosmetologist will prescribe several sessions. One or two injections will not achieve the desired result;
  2. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to take the course again after a few weeks;
  3. Between injections, lymphatic drainage massage should be attended, which contributes to a better removal of toxins and toxins;
  4. After the procedure, you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and also move a lot. Thanks to the diet, you can save the achieved result for a long time.
  5. It is worth noting that benign fatty tumors or wen, as they are commonly called in everyday life, cannot be removed with a lipolysis injection.

A cosmetic procedure aimed at combating fat deposits on the body of patients. The formation of body fat is directly related to the violation of the course of metabolic processes, malnutrition, and chronic thyroid diseases. The proper functioning of the endocrine system is closely related to the functioning of all body systems. There are many reasons for the appearance of excess weight, in contrast to effective methods of dealing with such a cosmetic defect.

Today, plastic surgeons of aesthetic medicine centers are ready to offer patients a prompt solution to the problem. But not all clients agree to surgery, fearing complications and a long recovery period. How to look slim without surgery? Cosmetologists offer patients alternative methods of body shaping, including injection lipolysis of the abdomen, which involves the removal of excess fat with the help of special injections.

Excessive whole causes significant harm to the body:

  • disruption of the heart;
  • vascular diseases;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • increased load on the spine.

In addition, extra pounds can be a significant reason for the development of serious psychological complexes. Therefore, injection lipolysis of the face and body is popular among patients as a highly effective method of dealing with body fat.

The principle of the method is to activate the natural processes of fat breakdown. In the breakdown of fat in the human body, the substance lycetin, which is formed in the liver, is involved. At first glance, everything is simple - it is enough to increase the production of lecithin by the body and finally get rid of the annoying kilograms. But numerous medical studies have shown that lycetin removes only destroyed fat cells. This is due to the fact that fat cells have a dense structure and are difficult to destroy, especially if metabolic processes in the body as a whole are disturbed.

The first attempts of cosmetologists in the fight against overweight were aimed at creating products that can effectively dissolve the membrane of fat cells. The technique now known as injection lipolysis was invented over 20 years ago. Modern cosmetologists have made constructive changes to the technology of the procedure, increasing the effectiveness of injection treatment several times. The composition, which experts introduce under the skin in problem areas, contains all the necessary substances that not only slow down the absorption of fat deposits by cells, but destroy existing compounds.

Cosmetologists recommend injection lipolysis of the abdomen to patients with minor body fat. To solve global problems with excess weight, much more aggressive methods are required. Therefore, before making a decision on injection lipolysis, the cosmetologist examines the patient, examines the history for chronic diseases. Obese patients will have to look for an alternative method of dealing with excess kilograms.

Indications for injectable lipolysis of the abdomen are considered to be:

  • small fat accumulations in the chin area, on the abdomen or thighs;
  • fat folds in the spine;
  • hernia in the eye area;
  • cellulite, which cannot be eliminated through the use of other methods of dealing with such an aesthetic defect.

The procedure has no age restrictions, and can be prescribed for both men and women. The mechanism of action of the solution injected under the skin by injection is based on the splitting of the cell membrane of fat cells. If the procedure has had the desired effect, experts recommend fixing it with a set of sports exercises and making adjustments to the diet. If necessary, injection lipolysis of the abdomen can be repeated after a few months.

Features and differences of the technique from other methods of dealing with excess weight

  1. One course of injection lipolysis consists of several sessions, the number of which is determined by the beautician individually for each patient. The client of the aesthetic medicine center must understand that 1-2 sessions will not give even the slightest result.
  2. The course will have to be repeated in a few weeks to consolidate the result.
  3. After a full course of injectable lipolysis, experts recommend that the patient drink several liters of purified water per day, increase physical activity, and make changes to the diet. This is necessary to increase and consolidate the results of treatment.
  4. To speed up the removal of toxins and toxins in the intervals between injection lipolysis sessions, cosmetologists advise clients to visit the lymphatic drainage procedure.

The specialist should warn patients wishing to use the injection lipolysis service that wen and various benign neoplasms cannot be removed through such a procedure. Such symptoms, rather, are a direct contraindication for injection treatment.

Benefits of the procedure

More and more patients are deciding in favor of an alternative method of dealing with excess personal weight. Injection lipolysis has several significant advantages over other weight loss procedures:

  • the procedure allows you to effectively eliminate local fat deposits, which the patient could not get rid of through diets and special physical exercises;
  • the time of one session varies within half an hour;
  • no incisions are made on the patient's body for manipulation, so the risk of scars and scars is completely excluded;
  • fat deposits on any part of the body are affected by the injection technique;
  • positive effect of injections on skin elasticity and turgor;
  • the procedure is well accepted by patients, does not require the use of analgesics;
  • the cost of an average course of treatment remains affordable for most clients of beauty parlors.


When will it be necessary to abandon the injection method of combating excess weight?

Despite the minimum of contraindications and side effects, there are a number of cases when the patient will have to look for an alternative to injectable lipolysis. There are temporary and permanent contraindications for the procedure. This:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dermatological diseases in active form;
  • acute infections accompanied by fever;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system in the acute stage.

It is worth noting that the method of injection lipolysis (injection liposuction) has been used for 20 years, and has been successfully used both in Europe and in Asia. Injectable liposuction is an advancement in contouring to remove excess fat without surgery. Like all other non-invasive and minimally invasive lipolysis procedures, injection liposuction is not some miracle cure for excess fat. This method is used to eliminate excess fatty tissue in small areas, such as the chin, arms, thighs, calves, that is, where diet and exercise do not help.

The principle of operation of injection liposuction is that a substance is injected under the skin, into adipose tissue, which accelerates the metabolism of fat. In this case, the split fat is absorbed into the bloodstream and then neutralized in the liver. Therefore, it is important to note that this method is used in patients with a healthy liver!

Among the active substances that are used for injectable liposuction are phosphatidylcholine, multivitamins, alpha-lipid acids, enzymes and extracts of certain plants. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and hormonal drugs may be present as ingredients in such preparations. Phosphatidylcholine is a natural compound that is isolated from soybeans. Substances for injection liposuction are injected with a syringe directly into the area of ​​excess fat. These may include the buttocks, thighs, arms, shoulders, chin, cheeks, face, lower eyelids, and abdomen. The method of injection liposuction is also used in the treatment of cellulite, as well as non-surgical removal of lipomas (wen).

The number of injection liposuction sessions depends on the areas in which the patient wants to remove fat, as well as on the amount of excess adipose tissue itself. Due to differences in the structure of connective and adipose tissue, it has been noted that the injection liposuction method is more effective in women than in men. As a rule, to achieve a high effect, 2-4 sessions of procedures are required with an interval of 6-8 weeks. Studies show that in more than 80% of patients, the best effect is observed after 2-3 sessions of such liposuction.

Advantages of injection liposuction (injection lipolysis):

  • Safety: injection liposuction does not require any general anesthesia,
  • Ease: the procedure is practically painless, as it is performed under local anesthesia,
  • There is no risk of bruising, bruising, bruising, and there are no scars,
  • No stitches needed
  • Fast and easy recovery period - no stay in the clinic, after the procedure itself, you can safely go home,
  • Cost: Injectable liposuction is cheaper than other liposuction methods.

Do not confuse injection liposuction with mesotherapy. With injection liposuction, other drugs are used, the effect of which is visible faster. According to Dr. Franz Hasengschwandtner, a leading European researcher of the Lipodissolve method, this procedure is much safer in eliminating fat deposits than mesotherapy.

Remember that, like other minimally invasive and non-invasive liposuction methods, injectable lipolysis is not intended for weight loss or weight loss. The purpose of injectable lipolysis is body contouring, that is, when you need to remove excess fat from those places that are not subject to diets and exercise. If you need to remove significant fat deposits, then it is better to resort to more radical methods of plastic surgery, including surgical liposuction and other body contouring methods. In addition, you need to understand that the effect of the Lipodissolve technique, as in the case of other non-surgical methods of liposuction, does not occur immediately, but after about a month. When the effect of injection liposuction appears depends on the amount of fat that needs to be removed and some other factors. Injectable liposuction is the ideal choice for those who do not want to undergo surgery, but want to improve their body without the use of a scalpel.

Contraindications to the method of injection liposuction (Lipodissolve): pregnancy, obesity, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Among the rare complications of this method are noted: a bruise at the injection site of the drug, infectious complications (if sterility is not observed), an allergic reaction to the injected drug.

Plastic surgeon answers questions about injectable lipolysis

What is Injectable Lipolysis (Lipodissolve®)?

Lipodissolve® is a minimally invasive plastic surgery technique that aims to remove small fat deposits and treat cellulite. The technique was developed for the first time in 1980 in Italy and has since found wide application in aesthetic surgery.

What does the technique of injection lipolysis give?

The technique of injection lipolysis involves the use of a combination of certain drugs that, as it were, break down fat in the place where they were injected. The result of such lipolysis is usually obvious after 2-4 sessions of the procedure. The Lipodissolve technique can be used to remove small fat deposits, treat gynecomastia, xanthelasma, cellulite and lipomas. In most cases, the removal of a lipoma requires only 1-2 injection sessions. The Lipodissolve technique has many advantages over traditional liposuction and can be used before or after surgery to improve the results of surgical lipoplasty.

Is injection lipolysis used in the lower eyelid area?

Yes, the Lipodissolve technique can be used to eliminate excess fat in the lower eyelid area. But this technique should be carried out by surgeons familiar with the anatomy of the face and mimic muscles. An accurate assessment of the situation is very important here in order to avoid complications.

How long does the result of injection lipolysis last?

Many plastic surgeons report results with Lipodissolve that are often as good as surgery. The results of such liposuction depend on the exact observance by the patient of all the doctor's prescriptions, on the technique of the procedure that the doctor has chosen, on the drugs used, on the correct assessment of the patient and on the correct care of the patient. Deviations from this standard can lead to a deterioration in the cosmetic effect of injection liposuction.

How widely is the method of injection liposuction used in the world?

Thousands of injectable liposuction procedures are performed every month around the world.

Does Lipodissolve replace surgery?

There is no single answer. Injectable liposuction cannot help in cases where the patient has significant excess fat deposits. In this case, surgical liposuction is needed, which is likely to require additional interventions, such as body-lifting, abdominoplasty. If, on the other hand, fat should be removed only in certain areas of the body, for example, on the buttocks, in the chin area, on the shoulders, arms, thighs, etc., the Lipodissolve method can be successfully applied.

How safe is injection liposuction?

The Lipodissolve method is a fairly safe type of non-surgical liposuction. Since 2005, there have been no reports of side effects of injectable lipolysis in the world. Very rarely, there may be allergic reactions to the drug that is administered for lipolysis. The method itself is still undergoing various safety and efficacy studies.



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