Illustrated eye diseases name of the disease treatment. Eye diseases

There are many eye diseases in humans that manifest themselves various symptoms. Diseases of the organs of vision can be genetically determined, or they can be bacterial and infectious in nature. If you notice the slightest signs of discomfort, you should consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Eye diseases in humans can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathologies include:

  • cat eye syndrome;
  • myopia;
  • color blindness;
  • hypoplasia optic nerve.

Cat's eye syndrome

The disease is characterized by changes in the iris. The disease is genetically determined and develops as a result of a mutation in the 22nd chromosome. With this disease, there is either deformation or absence of part of the iris.

Due to changes in the iris, the pupil can be vertically elongated or displaced, due to this external manifestation the syndrome got its name.

In addition to eye damage, this pathology is often accompanied by a number of changes in the development of the body that are incompatible with life: defects of the rectum and absence of the anus, underdevelopment of the genital organs, renal failure, congenital heart defects.

The prognosis for this disease depends on the symptoms. For moderate symptoms genetic disease the prognosis may be favorable, while congenital defects development internal organs there is a high probability of immediate death.


Another one congenital pathology the eye is color blindness or color blindness. With this pathology, the patient's eye is not able to distinguish certain colors, most often all shades of red and green.

The disease is associated with congenital anomaly sensitivity of eye receptors (cones). Gene, developmental color blindness is transmitted from mother to son (X-linked recessive transmission), so men suffer from this disease 20 times more often than women. The disease has no cure.

Optic nerve hypoplasia

This is a congenital pathology, which in some cases is accompanied by a decrease in size optic disc. A severe form of hypoplasia is characterized complete absence visual nerve fibers. Symptoms of the disease:

  • blurred vision;
  • weakening of the eye muscles;
  • “blind spots” in the field of vision;
  • violation of color perception;
  • impaired motility of the pupil.

Weakness of muscles eyeball can lead to the development of severe strabismus. Optic nerve hypoplasia can be corrected at an early age.

Myopia or myopia can be either a congenital or acquired pathology. Congenital myopia is caused by an enlargement of the eyeball, resulting in impaired image formation.

The visual “picture” is formed in front of the retina, and not on it, as in healthy person. Patients with this disease have difficulty distinguishing objects located at a distance. Depending on how enlarged the eyeball is, myopia can be of three types - low, moderate and high myopia.

Enlargement of the eyeball causes stretching of the retina. The higher the degree of myopia, the more the retina stretches, which means the higher the likelihood of developing secondary diseases eye against the background of myopia. Complications of myopia include:

  • retinal dystrophy due to its excessive stretching;
  • retinal detachment;
  • retinal hemorrhages;
  • glaucoma.

Visual acuity is corrected with glasses.

Methods drug treatment Myopia does not exist; the only way to get rid of the pathology is surgery.

Patients with moderate to high myopia should regularly visit an ophthalmologist to check the condition of the retina. Complications from this disease can appear at any age, so it is important to promptly monitor any changes in the retina and fundus.

Diseases of the cornea in humans

Distinguish the following diseases cornea:

  • keratoconus;
  • keratitis;
  • corneal clouding.

Corneal diseases can appear at any age. Keratoconus is characterized by changes in the structure of the cornea. Keratitis develops due to infection.

A widespread ailment, especially in old age, is clouding of the cornea, popularly called a cataract.


Keratoconus is a non-inflammatory eye disease characterized by thinning and deformation of the cornea. A healthy cornea has spherical shape, but as a result degenerative changes with keratoconus, it becomes deformed and stretched, acquiring a conical shape.

The pathology develops due to a violation of the elasticity of the fibers that make up the cornea. In most cases, the disease affects both eyes.

Keratoconus is a disease of young people; the disease develops between the ages of 14 and 30. Degeneration of corneal fibers takes long time, the disease progresses slowly over 3-5 years. Causes of the disease - endocrine disorders and eye injuries. Fiber degeneration may also be due to genetic predisposition.

Keratoconus is characterized by symptoms of myopia and astigmatism. Astigmatism is a distortion of vision. A special feature of keratoconus is the difficulty of correcting vision with glasses. Signs of astigmatism can cause problems with sharpness and focusing even when wearing glasses.

Treatment for kertoconus is aimed at stopping the progression of changes in the cornea. This is achieved by irradiation with UV rays using special medications.

Progressive keratoconus results in noticeable thinning and protrusion of the cornea. In this case, vision correction with glasses and lenses is impossible, so surgery for corneal transplantation.

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye. Distinguish the following types diseases:

  • infectious;
  • traumatic;
  • allergic keratitis.

In most cases, infectious keratitis is diagnosed. This disease develops as a result of a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Keratitis is characterized by severe inflammation, redness and swelling of the cornea.

The traumatic form of inflammation develops when exposed to aggressive chemical substances, or as a result of damage to the cornea.

Allergic keratitis is caused by the release of active histamine during the flowering period of allergenic plants or upon eye contact with an irritant.

Factors predisposing to the development of keratitis are systemic disease (diabetes, gout), decreased immunity, the presence of a chronic focus of infection.

The disease is often encountered by patients who wear contact lenses. Careless installation of the lens, or neglect of storage rules, can lead to damage to the cornea.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • corneal clouding;
  • vasodilation;
  • lacrimation;
  • burning sensation and dry eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • blepharospasm.

Blepharospasm is a condition in which it is impossible to open the eyes wide.

The danger of keratitis is the risk of scarring and irreversible clouding of the cornea. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Therapy is selected depending on the cause of inflammation.

At bacterial infection Treatment with antibiotic drops and ointments is used. For fungal infections, antimycotics are used to treat the eyes.

To treat viral keratitis, medications are used in the form of ointments and drops based on interferon. In severe cases of the disease, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are additionally prescribed. Allergic keratitis is treated with drops that block the release of histamine.

An eyesore is a clouding of the cornea. Among the reasons for the development of pathology:

  • inflammation of the cornea;
  • past infectious and viral diseases;
  • untreated conjunctivitis;
  • burns and injuries of the cornea;
  • lack of vitamins.

Often an eyesore is caused by improper wearing contact lenses. Neglecting the rules for cleaning lenses leads to accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, which affect the cornea and cause inflammation.

One of the common complications of keratitis is irreversible clouding of the cornea. Cloudiness of the cornea is visible to the naked eye. The pathology is characterized by the formation of cloudy areas. The cloudiness may occupy a large area of ​​the cornea.

An eyesore is accompanied by photosensitivity, lacrimation and blurred vision.

Treatment of clouding depends on the cause of the pathology. For infection of the cornea and conjunctiva, use antibacterial drops and ointments.

If the pathology has viral nature, the doctor determines the causative agent of inflammation and prescribes antiviral drugs. Corneal clouding due to eye injury is treated with drugs that improve local blood circulation.

Additionally, the patient is prescribed vitamins. Timely treatment allows you to completely get rid of the problem.

Fix in advanced cases cosmetic defect and vision can only be restored through surgery.

Diseases of the eyelid in humans

TO ophthalmological diseases also include lesions of the eyelids. The following pathologies are distinguished:

Eyelid diseases can be a congenital or acquired pathology. A fairly common manifestation of allergies is swelling of the eyelids.

This disorder is accompanied by a rapid increase in the size of the eyelid, itching and pain, as well as the inability to open the eye. Used for treatment antihistamines.

Ptosis of the eyelid

Ptosis is a pathology characterized by prolapse upper eyelid. As a rule, the disease is unilateral. Ptosis can be congenital or acquired. Congenital ptosis is caused by genetic disorders or a developmental anomaly oculomotor nerve.

Acquired ptosis in most cases is neurological in nature and develops when the oculomotor nerve is damaged or inflamed.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is limited movement of the upper eyelid. The patient cannot open the eye wide and close the eyelid completely. This causes dryness and irritation of the eyeball. Congenital ptosis in most cases is accompanied by severe strabismus.

Ptosis neurogenic in nature treated with physiotherapy. Restoring the function of the oculomotor nerve allows you to get rid of drooping eyelids. This treatment is not always effective due to the structure of the nerve.

The only one effective method The treatment is surgery.

A fairly common disease is blepharitis, or inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. The causes of inflammation are varied - from mite damage to the skin (demodex) to endocrine disorders.

Inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sore eyelid skin;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • burning eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • photosensitivity and eye fatigue.

The disease is characterized by the development of swelling of the edges of the eyelids. In children preschool age often develops ulcerative form a disease in which crusts and weeping erosions form on the eyelids.

Treatment is selected by an ophthalmologist depending on the severity of symptoms. Therapy uses antihistamines and glucocorticoids to reduce inflammation and swelling. At bacterial infection eyelids use antibiotic ointments. An additional course is prescribed vitamin preparations and immunostimulants.

Eyelid disorders

A number of diseases characterized by a violation of the location of the eyelid are classified separately. Such diseases include trichiasis and ectropion.

Symptoms of trichiasis are inversion of the edges of the eyelid. The eyelashes touch the eyeball, which causes irritation, tearing and damage to the eyes. The disease can be congenital or acquired as a result of injury. There is also senile trichiasis, which develops due to weakening of the venous ligaments and eye muscles.

With ectropion, the ciliary edge of the eyelid is turned outward and moves away from the eye. This pathology may be caused by:

  • nerve damage;
  • sagging of the eyelid due to muscle sprain;
  • injuries and burns.

Sagging eyelids are common in older patients.

The pathology may appear as a result of an infectious or traumatic injury facial and oculomotor nerve.

All pathologies associated with improper placement of the eyelids can only be treated surgically.

Bacterial infection (styre)

The most common eyelid disease is stye. The disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that infect the eyelash follicles or sebaceous glands located on the eyelid. In most cases, the causative agent of inflammation is Staphylococcus aureus.

Every person encounters a stye on the eye at least once in their life. You can recognize inflammation by knowing the characteristic symptoms:

  • swelling of a small area of ​​the eyelid;
  • pain when blinking;
  • redness of the skin.

A stye takes the form of a small bump on the eyelid. In case of bacterial infection in the cavity of the inflamed follicle or sebaceous gland pus may accumulate. In this case, barley looks like an inflamed pimple, in the center of which greenish or yellowish contents are visible.

Treatment of stye is carried out using dry heat. Heat is applied only to initial stage to speed up the ripening process of barley. When the purulent contents are formed, the effect of heat stops, treatment is continued with antibacterial eye ointments or drops.

If the stye is small, antibacterial treatment is not necessary; the abscess opens on its own a few days after its appearance, and then heals without a trace.

Age-related pathologies

Common eye diseases in older people are cataracts and glaucoma.

Cataracts cause clouding of the lens of the eye. The lens is located inside the eyeball and acts as a lens, which serves to refract light.

Normally it is completely transparent. Cloudiness of the lens leads to poor refraction of light. This negatively affects the clarity of vision. Complete clouding of the lens leads to blindness.

Cataracts in older age are caused by natural physiological aging and are diagnosed in patients over 65-70 years of age. Cataracts after the age of 50 develop in patients with diabetes mellitus.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is blurred vision. The patient retains vision, but surrounding objects become blurred and the patient sees as if through a veil. At night, visual impairment becomes more pronounced.

Treatment of the disease involves replacing the lens. Drug therapy for cataracts it is ineffective, therefore it is not used.

Another eye disease for older people is glaucoma. The pathology is caused by an increase intraocular pressure. With a prolonged increase in intraocular pressure, an irreversible process of degeneration of retinal cells begins.

Without timely treatment, glaucoma causes optic nerve atrophy. The danger of the disease is that it progresses inexorably, and over time leads to complete blindness.

Although average age Patients with glaucoma are 65-75 years old; the pathology is often diagnosed in patients over 40 years old with a high degree of myopia.

Factors predisposing to the development of the disease are:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • eye injuries and inflammation.

Recognizing glaucoma at the initial stage of development is problematic. As the disease progresses, the first symptoms appear, which patients often do not pay attention to - rapid eye fatigue and deterioration of vision at dusk.

When looking at a bright lamp, multi-colored circles appear before the eyes. Over time, vision deteriorates, pupil focusing is impaired, pain and discomfort appear in the eyes.

Treatment of the pathology depends on the stage of glaucoma. First of all, measures are taken to normalize intraocular pressure. This is achieved using drops. Further treatment carried out using drugs from the group of neuroprotectors and sympathomimetics.

Various eye diseases can lead to serious consequences, up to complete loss of vision.

It is important to consult a doctor if you notice the first alarming symptoms.

Only qualified and timely treatment will help stop the progression of eye pathology and preserve the patient’s vision.

About prevention inflammatory diseases the eye can be learned from the following video.

Eye diseases that cause deterioration in visual function primarily affect the cornea and retina. Pathologies can be caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms from the outside and through the bloodstream during infectious diseases.

Diabetes mellitus, age, myopia, injuries to the eyes, neck, chest can also cause serious violations in the cornea and retina. Cataracts and glaucoma are age-related and congenital diseases, with a genetic predisposition.

Infections of the cornea and retina

Inflammation of the cornea can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. This form of keratitis is called exogenous (external). Herpes, flu, syphilis have inflammation of the corneal layer as one of their symptoms. In this case, endogenous (internal) keratitis occurs.

Symptoms of keratitis:

  • yellow-gray spot with fuzzy edges;
  • photophobia (photophobia);
  • decreased visual function.

The size of the spot depends on the degree of inflammation. Further development pathology consists in the formation of a purulent wound with rough edges. It covers the entire corneal layer, penetrating deep into the eyeball.

Self-healing occurs extremely rarely. Without treatment, the process develops, taking over everything large area cornea.

Bacterial infection in the form of diplococcus is the cause creeping ulcer. Infection occurs as a result of injury to the eye or pathogenic center in the body.

Signs of a creeping ulcer: an ashy coating, which after 3-4 days turns into a focus of pus between the iris and cornea. One edge of the ulcer is raised, the other is smoothed.

But what the disease looks like in adults, astigmatism, and what can be done about such a problem is indicated

The inflammatory process in the conjunctiva or eyelids can spread to the cornea and cause marginal keratitis.

The video shows a description of the disease of corneal infection:

If the ulcer has affected a significant area of ​​the cornea, complete loss of vision may occur.

In children with severe tuberculosis, the cornea is affected. Mycobacteria cause the appearance of phlyctenas, small gray nodules. Over time, they grow and penetrate into deeper layers. With treatment, the ulcers resolve, leaving scars in their place.

With chronic tuberculosis, periodic appearance and disappearance of conflicts occurs, which ultimately reduces vision.

Viral invasion

Viral infection is called keratomycosis. Candidiasis, infection with the thrush virus, occurs against a background of weakened immunity after taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Dim White spot with a loose surface has a yellow border. Without affecting deep-lying tissues, the fungus decomposes upper layer cornea.

This is what the top layer of the cornea looks like

After healing, a scar in the form of a cataract remains at the site of the ulcer, and visual acuity decreases.

Herpes penetrates the cornea through the bloodstream or from the outside. The virus multiplies when immunity is reduced. The cornea becomes cloudy, a spot appears, which soon turns into an ulcer.

Without treatment, blindness occurs.

When infected from the outside, small blisters form on the cornea. Photophobia and lacrimation - associated symptoms viral infection.

The blisters turn into deep ulcers, leading to loss of vision.

Adenovirus is the cause of keratoconjunctivitis. Keratitis develops after attenuation acute stage on the conjunctiva: opaque spots and photophobia appear.

To restore corneal function, 3 months of therapy are required.

It is also worth learning more about what this treatment looks like and how it works.

Features of eye diseases in old age

Age-related changes affect the condition of large and small blood vessels: the walls become denser and lose their elasticity. IN circulatory system retina, this causes the formation of blood clots. Blockage of blood vessels causes hemorrhage, the consequence of which is rupture and detachment.

Severe myopia in older people causes retinal dystrophy. Myopathy causes an increase in the diameter of the eyeball: the retina stretches and thins.

People over 50 years of age with diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and a genetic predisposition develop age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Macula – yellow spot on the retina, responsible for central vision and image clarity. The pathology develops unnoticed and early stages does not reveal itself until examined by an ophthalmologist. Distortion of lines, sizes, and blurriness appear at the stage of vascular growth into the macula and characterize the progression of the disease.

Diabetes mellitus in old age leads to background retinopathy (impaired blood supply to the retina). Its symptoms: microhemorrhages, blurred vision.

With hypertension, the veins of the fundus are dilated, the arteries are narrowed, and there are microbleeds. Hypotension is characterized by narrowing and pulsation of the venous channels, dilatation of the arteries. Diabetic is a rupture of capillaries due to thinning, hypoxia due to narrowing of the lumen in the arteries.

Injuries to the chest and cervical spine with temporary circulatory disorders provide Negative influence on the condition of the retina, causing hemorrhages and hypoxia.

The physiological state of the cornea and retina affects the quality of vision. Eye diseases may be infectious, age-related, traumatic nature, be a consequence of metabolic disorders. No treatment pathological processes do not fade, cause a decrease in visual acuity, including its complete loss.


The aging of the body is expressed in its fading physiological abilities. Lens - central part visual apparatus human - with age it becomes denser and gradually loses its optical properties. This pathology is called cataract. Looking through a veil is a symptom of cataracts.

Various stages of cataract

Violation of transparency is expressed in the lightening of the pupil: the black color changes to milky white, which causes blindness.

The physiological process is irreversible, and cataracts threaten everyone over 70.

In newborns, the most common problem with vision – this is a congenital cataract. In this case biochemical composition the lens is broken due to pathological course pregnancy, genetic predisposition. Vision correction in the form of surgery is carried out when cataracts influence the formation of central vision baby.


Glaucoma is a chronic incurable disease. Treatment consists of maintenance therapy that keeps IOP at an acceptable level.

The number of visual disorders in adults and children is growing every year.

The reason for this is a large visual load due to general computerization and people’s lack of basic knowledge of visual hygiene.

The rate of low vision in the population is approximately 18-20 percent per 1,000 people.

The most common diseases are glaucoma, lens pathology, degenerative myopia, diseases vascular tract eye, macular degeneration of the retina, diseases of the optic nerve, as well as eye injuries. A person with visual impairments experiences significant difficulties in everyday life, study, and work.

It is difficult for him to navigate without outside help: find the desired address, cross the road, determine the transport route number, read information from the blackboard, stand, projector screen, work at the computer, read small print, read, write, and so on.

False myopia is what spasm of accommodation is called. In common parlance, this pathology is called “syndrome tired eyes" As a rule, it occurs in adolescents of preschool and school age.

Caused by heavy strain on the eyes: knitting, sewing, jewelry making, spending a lot of time looking at the monitor.

Externally, the disease is very similar to myopia, the eyes become very tired, farsightedness worsens, and may be accompanied by pain syndromes eye area.

Why is this happening? If we consider the work of the eye, it can be compared with the work of binoculars, where the role of the wheel for focusing the image is played by the lens, which moves with the help of a muscle and selects the correct distance and focus for viewing.

If the object is at a distance, the muscle, called ciliary, relaxes, allowing the lens to accept flat shape. When viewing objects at close range, the muscle contracts and the lens takes on a convex shape.

If such tension lasts for a long time, then vision deteriorates, this is explained by the “fatigue” of the ciliary muscle. Therefore, the eye is deprived of the ability to react to changes in focus.

Accommodation spasm is a decrease in vision as a result of prolonged overexertion or fatigue. A person develops false myopia, which has the ability to turn into real, and as a result - myopia.

IN healthy eye The cornea and lens have a regular hemispherical shape.

Light passing through them is refracted equally in horizontal and vertical planes.

For astigmatism irregular shape lens or cornea leads to focusing problems.

A ray of light refracted in the eye is not collected at one point on the surface of the retina, as in the eye of a healthy person, but is scattered over several points, behind or in front of the retina.

As a result, the eye cannot focus on objects in the field of view, and the image appears blurry.

In most cases, astigmatism is asymmetrical, which makes it difficult to select means for its correction. In addition, very often it is accompanied by other eye diseases: from microphthalmos to myopia.

Cloudiness of the cornea of ​​the eye is often called a cataract. This dangerous pathology, which, if not adequately treated, can lead to complete loss of vision.

The causes of cloudiness may be various factors, starting with diseases of the organs of vision and ending with mechanical injuries.

When diagnosed in the early stages this phenomenon can be cured without consequences, and compliance with preventive measures allows you to completely avoid it and maintain eye health for a long time.

In order to identify the disease in time, it is important for each of us to know the risk factors and symptoms of corneal opacification.

Nervous tissue is a kind of conductor between the brain and the sense organs.

Its damage leads to dire consequences. With them modern medicine I can't cope.

Therefore, of all eye diseases, the most dangerous are those that affect the optic nerve.

After all, the blindness caused by his death is irreversible, unlike blindness due to cataracts or cataracts.

Neuritis is one of the most common diseases of the optic nerve. It is this that provokes a considerable part of the episodes sharp fall vision at a young age.

The rudiments of the eye are formed at the very early stages embryonic development: by the third week, two eye vesicles can be seen at the head end of the neural tube.

The process of formation of the visual organs, long and complex, continues throughout pregnancy, and does not always end by the time the child is born, often spanning the first weeks of his life.

Things don't always go according to plan: unfavorable external factors, genetic defects, accidental breakdowns lead to birth defects development. These include coloboma of the eye.

For one reason or another, many painful formations may appear on the eye.

And in varying degrees They cause inconvenience and sometimes have a noticeable effect on vision and general well-being.

Among benign inflammations, a cyst can be distinguished. This is a small transparent round formation filled with fluid or epithelial tissue.

It can occur on both the cornea and the eyelid. Let's look at the cyst in detail later in the article.

Barley on the eye is an unpleasant disease both in terms of symptoms and aesthetically.

It received this name because one or more pustules appear on the eyelid, which can be different sizes, but usually the shape and size resemble a barley grain.

They may occur on different places centuries, and maybe constantly at the same thing, depends on the reason that caused the problem.

There are more than a hundred diseases in medicine visual organ. In the absence of adequate treatment, any of them can lead to severe complications, including loss of vision.

Many eye diseases in people are accompanied by inflammation, as a result of which everyone suffers. tissue structures and the functionality of the pupil is impaired. There are ways to combat these ailments, but if you visit a doctor late, it is not always possible to cure everything.

Although there are a large number of eye diseases, each of them has similar symptoms. The main features include:

  • redness of the eyeball;
  • purulent discharge;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • feeling of a foreign object;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • the appearance of floating points and ;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • photophobia and lacrimation.

Retinal diseases

The retina is the inner layer of the human visual organ. The thickness is no more than one millimeter. Thanks to it, a clear image is formed and created, which, through nerve endings transmitted to central part brain. The main sign of retinal dysfunction is sharp deterioration visual function. Accurately diagnose the disease based on this symptom extremely difficult. But if the patient feels a decrease in visual acuity, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

Eye diseases that affect the retina of the visual organ can be classified as one list.

  1. Retinitis. Characterized by an inflammatory process in the retina. The main causes include diseases infectious nature, allergic manifestation, problems with endocrine system, violation metabolic processes, injury to the visual organ and exposure to radiation energy. Manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as hemorrhage, swelling retina and a sharp decrease in vision. Physiotherapy is prescribed as treatment. At an advanced stage, surgery is performed.
  2. Retinal detachment. It is characterized by a rupture of the retina, which manifests itself in the form of a sudden deterioration in vision, the appearance of a veil before the eyes, a decrease in the visual field, the appearance of lightning and floating spots. The main cause of the disease is considered to be increased tension of the retina on the side vitreous. Treatment includes retinopexy, scleral indentation, and vitrectomy.
  3. Retinopathy. It is characterized by the formation of an epiretinal membrane in the vitreous region, which manifests itself in the form of impaired vision, double images and changes in visual perception. The main reasons leading to the disease are considered to be aging of the body, diabetes mellitus, retinal detachment, myopia or injury. Treatment is surgical removal of the membrane.
  4. . One of the eye diseases characterized by damage to the blood vessels in the membrane. The main signs include blurred vision, bleeding from the nasal passages, sudden development of myopia and depletion of the retina. To cure the disease, it is worth determining the cause that led to the formation.

Diseases of the cornea of ​​the eye

Eye diseases can also affect cornea. The list of the most common ones includes the following.

  1. Anomaly of scleral development. The disease manifests itself in the form of complex damage to the formation of the sclera, which leads to deterioration of visual function. Characterized by the occurrence of pain and increased tear production. Gradually, the sclera undergoes pigmentation and changes its color. The main causes of this disease include genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders and cataracts. Eye diseases of an abnormal nature are treated only with surgical intervention.
  2. Keratitis. Characterized by inflammatory processes in the cornea. TO this disease can lead to bacterial infections, eye injury, herpes and use psychotropic drugs. The main symptoms are clouding of the cornea and discomfort in the visual organ. Treatment includes antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal therapy, which includes taking eye drops, antibiotics and injections into a vein.
  3. Dystrophy of the cornea. Eye diseases that have a genetic predisposition. Characterized by blurring of the picture, instability of visual acuity,.
  4. Megalocornea. An eye disease that is hereditary. Found in infants after birth. The diameter of the cornea increases significantly in size even in adulthood. The manifestation of such a disease does not require treatment, since adverse influence on visual function does not provide.

Diseases of the eyelids

In ten percent of cases, pathologies associated with eyelid disease occur. These include ectropion, blepharitis and trichiasis. Doctors also name a list of diseases that can be encountered every day not only in adults, but also in children. These include:

  1. Swelling of the eyelid. Occurs due to problems with the kidneys or heart. Manifests itself in the form of redness of the eyelids, severe swelling and discomfort while blinking. This disease is not independent, so a person needs to look for a cause elsewhere. Helps improve the condition of the eyelids good dream and reducing the amount of fluid consumed.
  2. Barley. Eye disease, which manifests itself in the inflammatory process of one gland at the edges of the eyelids. It is characterized by redness of the eyelids and a painful sensation when blinking. Located in the corner of the eye small bump, inside of which there is pus. As the formation increases, the eyes become irritated. This disease does not require diagnosis and the use of strong antibiotics. Treatment process consists of applying compresses, wiping and observing hygiene measures. It is strictly forbidden to open it, as this can lead to additional infection and complications.

Pathologies of the lacrimal organs

Eye diseases associated with abnormal development of the tear-producing apparatus are extremely rare. But experts take such diseases quite seriously. After all, this pathology leads to obstruction of the tubules. It is very rare to find neoplasms in. Treatment consists of surgical intervention, so to carry out drug therapy pointless.

Diseases of the sclera of the eye

The most common are:

  1. Episcleritis. Characterized by an inflammatory process in connective tissue between the conjunctiva and sclera. When the disease occurs, the patient feels pain when touching the eyelids. Doctors have not yet determined exact reason why does it occur this disease. But there are several factors that lead to episcleritis: rheumatoid arthritis, herpes viral form, tuberculosis, gout and lupus erythematosus. To relieve tension in the blood vessels of the eyes, the doctor prescribes medications containing artificial tears. In difficult situations, treatment consists of taking antiviral and hormonal drugs.
  2. Scleritis. Eye diseases manifested as inflammatory process in the sclera. Characterized by strong painful sensations, from which the patient can get up at night. Redness of the sclera and conjunctiva is also observed. A person becomes irritable due to bright light and increased tear production. When other eye tissues are affected, a decrease in visual acuity is observed. The treatment process consists of taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. In advanced stages, a cornea or sclera transplant is required to cover the thinned membrane.

Conjunctivitis of the eye

Eye diseases inflammatory in nature Doctors are still studying it. After all, conjunctivitis can occur absolutely various reasons. But the main damaging factor is penetration foreign body on the membrane of the optic organ. In medicine, there are diseases such as dry eye syndrome and pinguecula. But the following diseases are considered the most common.

  1. Trachoma. An eye disease that manifests itself as an inflammatory process chronic in the connective membranes of the eyes. The main reason The development of the disease occurs when chlamydia enters the body. It is characterized by severe inflammation and disruption of the follicles. Tetracycline ointment is used as treatment, saline and etazol, which is included in gels and ointments. If the patient experiences complications, urgent surgical intervention is required.
  2. Pterygium. Manifests itself in the form of a pterygoid hymen, which is located in inner corner eye. The main cause of occurrence is excessive exposure ultraviolet rays. Characterized by red eyes, swelling, itching and blurred vision. The treatment process consists of taking drops with moisturizing properties, wearing high-quality sunglasses and the use of medications in the form of corticosteroids. In advanced situations, surgical intervention is performed.

The list of eye diseases is quite long. Therefore, when the first signs appear, you should not delay treatment, as irreversible consequences may occur.



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