How to relieve eye pressure, what pills. Improving the outflow of intraocular fluid

Eye pressure mainly affects older people, but recently the continent with this disease is becoming significantly younger. As a rule, intraocular pressure (IOP) occurs with glaucoma and can lead to progression of the disease and, ultimately, to blindness. Naturally, with glaucoma you should not self-medicate, but treating eye pressure at home is still possible, the main thing is to do it correctly and following the recommendations of a specialist.

For what reasons does IOP occur and how to recognize it?

When intraocular fluid presses on the cornea of ​​the eye, this leads to increased pressure. You can feel this if you press lightly on your closed eyelid. A painful sensation can also occur with an open eye, and with a cold, runny nose and headache it intensifies.

Normally, eye pressure readings in men and women are in the range of 8-26 mmHg. With various inflammatory processes occurring in the body, disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels occur, which contributes to pressure changes. Eye pressure is affected not only by a person’s health status, but also by how active the person is physically active, as well as by the amount of fluid consumed.

The following factors can lead to temporary increased pressure in the eyes:

  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • consuming large amounts of caffeine;
  • cough and colds;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • physical activity, lifting heavy loads.

The main reasons leading to IOP include the following:

  • the fluid produced inside the eye is more or less than the required norm;
  • excess or lack of drainage of liquid mass inside the eye;
  • anatomical modification of the eyeball;
  • possible diseases related to the cardiovascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • farsightedness of a hereditary nature;
  • use of certain medications;
  • mechanical damage to the eyes;
  • surgical interventions;
  • eye diseases.

In the first stages of development, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, so even with the initial symptoms and heaviness in the eyes, you should not attribute everything to fatigue. Good sleep and long rest will not relieve eye pressure, but will only postpone it for a while, progressing unnoticed by the person.

The main symptoms of pressure include the following:

  • intense deterioration of vision in general;
  • poor visibility in the dark;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • periodic blurred vision;
  • headaches concentrated in the area of ​​the eyes and temple;
  • redness of the eyeball.

With a constant increase in pressure, the muscles of the optic nerve atrophy, which leads to loss of vision.

Pressure reduction methods

In case of high eye pressure, doctors do not recommend self-medication because the incorrect use of medications or the use of traditional medicine can only aggravate the situation. Often such actions lead to complete loss of vision.

Drug treatment

The use of medications significantly helps with eye pressure, but they must be used systematically and in the specified dosage. In order to use such remedies, you first need to visit a doctor and undergo certain examinations; this will help determine the degree of neglect of the disease and outline the most appropriate course of treatment.

Currently, there are three main types of medications for the treatment of eye pressure.

  1. A product that helps improve the circulation of intraocular fluid. Such drugs additionally provide the visual organs with nutrients necessary for the body in the fight against glaucoma.
  2. Drugs that help reduce the amount of fluid secreted in the eye.
  3. Medicines that create alternative options for the outflow of intraocular fluid.

In some cases, doctors may use laser treatment, which consists of two types, namely:

  • iridectomy – promotes the circulation of intraocular fluid;
  • trabeculoplasty – forms new fluid-removing pathways.

Surgical intervention for eye pressure is used extremely rarely; as a rule, doctors try to prescribe complex treatment, which consists of several techniques. Over time, any medicine can become addictive, so during treatment the drops can be replaced with others with more active components. But replacement can only be done with the permission of an ophthalmologist.

In addition to drops, your doctor may prescribe pills that help eliminate hypertension. Diuretics help lower fluid levels in the body and tissues. Combined drugs promote rapid recovery of the patient.

Folk remedies

You can lower eye pressure at home using folk recipes. There are a lot of natural remedies that can help in the fight against increased eye medication. One of the most common ingredients is honey. This product works great against inflammation. Honey is diluted with warm water in small quantities and a cotton swab soaked in the solution is applied to the eyes. This remedy will help in the fight against cataracts and conjunctivitis. In addition to honey, decoctions of chamomile, dill, aloe leaves, woodlice juice, wheatgrass and horse sorrel are widely used.

All medicinal decoctions and infusions prepared from herbs must be “fresh”. The medicines are not prepared in large quantities, because it is necessary to drip and make lotions from warm ingredients, and when reheated, such medicines can lose all their energetic and healing properties.
Before starting such treatment methods, you should consult with your doctor and find out if you are allergic to any component of the decoction. And it is worth remembering that this is just an aid.

Charging to improve vision

The eyes are made up of muscles that also need to be developed, and in this case, eye exercises are perfect. It will take no more than 15 minutes a day to perform it, but it will significantly ease the condition of the eyes and help reduce intraocular pressure. The main exercises include the following:

  1. Frequent blinking – with frequent contact with the computer, a person begins to blink less often, and this dries out the eyeball and leads to increased pressure. It is recommended to blink more often, and sometimes take your eyes away from the monitors for a while and close your eyes for 2-3 minutes. This will help your eyes relax and reduce pressure.
  2. Describing a figure eight with your eyes increases the flexibility of the eye muscles and lowers the IOP. It is recommended to perform this exercise for at least 2 minutes.
  3. By focusing attention on distant and near objects, not only muscles are strengthened, but vision as a whole is restored. To perform this exercise, you need to fix your finger at arm's length and concentrate on it for 10-15 seconds, then switch your attention to a distant object. So switch your attention several times. This exercise will help relieve fatigue.
  4. The next exercise is simple, like the previous one. To perform this, you need to extend your hand in front of you and point your finger up, focusing your attention on it. Gradually bring your finger closer to your nose, stopping at a distance of no closer than 8 cm, and then remove it again at a distance. Perform this exercise for 2 minutes.

Before you start charging, you can find many videos on the Internet on how to do it correctly.

The methods must be used comprehensively and the emphasis should be on drug treatment. It is better to select medications, as well as folk remedies, only with the agreement of the ophthalmologist.

Eyes are important organs of the human body. When the activity of the visual department is disrupted, people feel uncomfortable; many pathologies even lead to blindness. In order for people's eyes to perform their functions, it is necessary that they are always moistened with natural lubricant. If this process is disrupted, then problems with pressure arise, it decreases, or increases. Any pathology can worsen the activity of this sense organ, so you need to carefully monitor your condition. at home it is possible, but after examining the patient and identifying the cause of the disease.

The eyeball has a spherical shape, and in order for its volume to remain correct, constant pressure inside the organ is necessary. If problems arise with the pressure of intraocular fluid on the cornea and sclera, their fibrous membrane, doctors make a diagnosis of “ophthalmohypertension” (or high pressure inside the eye). In order for the indicator to always remain normal, proper inflow and outflow of fluid into the eyeball area is necessary. If this process is disrupted, then we can talk about pathology.

By pressing your fingers to your eyelid, you can feel the force with which the fluid inside the organ presses on its outer shell. For people of any age, this indicator is always the same; there are slight deviations that are associated with changes in the time of day. In the evening and at night, a decrease is recorded, and during the day or morning you can notice an increase in its level.

Indicators are measured in mmHg. Art. Doctors consider the numbers 13-25 mm Hg to be normal. Art. At this level, the processes of microcirculation and metabolism are not disturbed. If the disease in the organ of vision lasts a long time, then the person will immediately feel unpleasant symptoms. Before reducing eye pressure, you need to make sure that the cause is pathological processes in the body and not other predisposing factors. After all, sometimes such patients do not need to take pills; it is enough to just remove the external irritants leading to this disorder.

Only an ophthalmologist knows how to treat the disease; you cannot put drugs into your eyes that are not prescribed by a doctor, this can significantly worsen the situation. Ignoring the disease is also dangerous, since it often leads to another, more serious disease called glaucoma.

Ocular pressure is measured using tonometry. Using a special device, the doctor records the pressure applied to the intraocular fluid. The equipment measures the degree of elasticity of the eye shell. To prevent the patient from experiencing discomfort, before the procedure the doctor drops a drug into the patient’s eyes to reduce the sensitivity of the organ.

Causes and symptoms

Doctors divide high eye pressure into several types, which determine the treatment of the pathology at home or in a hospital.

Classification of IOP (intraocular pressure).

This disease can be caused by many pathological processes occurring in the body, especially arterial hypertension. Some provoking factors cannot be excluded; they can reduce or increase these indicators. Treatment of eye pressure is also necessary when its level decreases. This disorder is also dangerous for humans and requires attention.

Non-pathological reasons for the increase:

  1. Abuse of drinks containing caffeine and alcohol.
  2. Coughing.
  3. Lifting heavy objects.
  4. Copious and prolonged vomiting.

Severe visual strain is fraught with the occurrence of such a disease. Sitting at a computer or TV for a long time causes eye fatigue. Often, together with ocular hypertension, the pressure inside the skull rises.

Pathological reasons for the increase:

  • changes in the anatomical features of the eye structure;
  • lack or excessive production of fluid washing the eyes;
  • development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • surgical interventions in the organ of vision;

  • genetic predisposition or farsightedness, inherited;
  • atherosclerotic lesions;
  • eye injury;
  • poor outflow or inflow of fluid inside the eyes;
  • eye diseases.

At the first stage of the development of the disease, many do not notice any special changes in well-being. Often the manifestation of the disease is attributed to fatigue or lack of sleep. If a person gets good rest and sleep, the symptoms of ocular hypertension will not disappear. Relieving pain and discomfort with compresses and other treatments at home will be ineffective, and eye pressure will remain high.

Common signs of pathology:

  1. redness appears in the temporal zone and whites of the eyes;
  2. severe deterioration in visual function;
  3. flickering of flies or darkening in the eyes;
  4. intense pain in the head, often in the temporal part or suprafrontal arches;
  5. weakness, increased fatigue;
  6. twilight vision is upset;
  7. feeling of eye fatigue;
  8. discomfort while watching TV or reading;
  9. narrowing of the field of view.

Patients experience a wide variety of sensations, some experience serious discomfort, while others may only note fatigue. Eye pressure should be treated immediately, since with a long course of the pathological process, atrophy of the optic nerve occurs, and vision can completely disappear. If you suspect ocular hypertension, you should immediately see a doctor. More often, pathology is registered in older people, from 40-50 years old.

How to reduce blood pressure at home?

Many people wonder how to lower eye pressure at home without resorting to medications. There are exercises that can improve the situation and stabilize this indicator. Gymnastics can be performed as a form of prevention of ophthalmic hypertension.


  1. Using your eyes, draw various shapes in the air, but with your eyelids closed. Head movements are prohibited.
  2. Rotate your head in a circle, while blinking slowly. Then, repeat such turns only with your eyes closed. All movements must be smooth. Open your eyelids one at a time.
  3. Concentrate your attention on the picture hanging on the wall or windows of a multi-story building. Afterwards, sharply shift your gaze to another object and again sharply return your gaze to the first picture, to a certain point.

All exercises are performed for 5-10 minutes, after which the pressure should stabilize. During a long stay at a computer monitor, the eyes often hurt, this indicates that the person blinks little, thereby not moisturizing the eyes enough. This reason often leads to vision problems if it is constantly present in people’s lives.

Traditional therapy

Modern methods of examining patients with eye pressure make it possible to timely identify the development of the disease and prevent the occurrence of complications. Doctors advise going to medical institutions annually to measure such indicators. Ocular hypertension can be cured only after eliminating the causes that caused the disease.

When the disease is provoked by severe eye fatigue, sitting for a long time at a computer monitor, then medications are required to moisturize the cornea. The patient uses them for a certain time and the pressure returns to normal. Such medications eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and the person immediately feels noticeably better. Additionally, the doctor prescribes medications to enhance the therapeutic effect.


  • Cholinomimetics. Drugs that constrict the pupil and also stimulate fluid drainage.
  • Beta blockers. Reduce the synthesis of fluid inside the eyes.

  • Combined means. Thanks to medicinal components, the onset of the therapeutic effect is accelerated.
  • Drops containing latanoproplast. Stimulates fluid excretion.
  • Vitamins for the eyes. Improves vision and relieves discomfort.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They prevent the development of ocular hypertension, protect the retina from damage, and are used to prevent intraocular pressure.

If the disease occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension, then you should pay close attention to your health. Such ailments worsen the prognosis of the disease and can lead to complete loss of vision.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can lower eye pressure at home with the help of plants and other natural remedies. In addition to the immediate therapeutic effect, medications can relieve discomfort caused by pathology.

Methods of therapy:

  1. Infusion of dill seeds. Grind the seeds of the plant, about 1 tablespoon. Pour boiling water over it and leave to steep for 1-2 hours. Express. Drink 15 minutes before meals, three times a day.
  2. Potato compresses. Boil 2-3 small potatoes and mash well. Add 1 teaspoon of 6% vinegar to the resulting puree and mix everything. Put a little paste on a bandage and press it onto your eyelids for 15-25 minutes.
  3. Aloe rinse. Take 5 small leaves of the plant and boil in 1 glass of water for 5-7 minutes. Cool, strain and rinse eyes. The procedure can be repeated up to 10 times a day.
  4. Apply sorrel or cabbage leaves, as well as cucumber slices, to your eyelids.

To reduce eye pressure, you must follow all doctor's recommendations during treatment. The doctor will prescribe a course of therapy, which can be combined with home methods to eliminate the disease. The use of all folk remedies must be coordinated with a specialist.

Doctor's advice:

  • Limit your time in front of a TV or computer screen.
  • When sleeping, you should place a thick, high pillow under your head.
  • Harmful drinks containing alcohol and caffeine should be completely removed from the diet.
  • Insulin in the blood must be reduced, for which a complete abstinence from sweet flour products, various cereals, and sugar is recommended.
  • Emotional peace is also very important, then the treatment of the disease will be easy and the effect will be maximum.

Ocular hypertension is a fairly common pathology, but few people pay attention to it in the first stages of development. When the symptoms become severe, a person seeks help from doctors. If the disease is diagnosed early, treatment will take little time and complications will not have time to arise.

With high eye pressure, eye diseases develop: glaucoma, cataracts, which are accompanied by a decrease or even loss of vision. People over 40 years of age, as well as those who have a genetic inheritance for eye diseases, are most at risk. Sometimes it manifests itself in children. A gradual decrease in vision manifests itself unnoticed.

Is it possible to reduce houses?

It is quite difficult to check high eye pressure on your own, without the help of a specialist, so at the first suspicion and feeling of unpleasant symptoms you should consult an ophthalmologist. For prevention and first aid at home to reduce intraocular pressure, you need to:

  • Avoid eye strain. When working, take breaks every half hour.
  • While working at the computer, pay attention to the lighting. It should be bright, but not glaring.
  • If you have this disease, it is not recommended to go to the cinema.
  • You should sleep on orthopedic high pillows.
  • Do not wear tight ties, collars, or scarves.
  • It is recommended to take complex vitamins to reduce eye pressure.
  • Play sports, but weightlifting is prohibited.
  • Do massages around the eyes.
  • Balance your diet. Add more fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to your food. Exclude: fried, salty, spicy, alcohol.

Treating eye pressure at home is possible only after a complete examination and diagnosis. After completing the course of therapy, come for an examination by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment options

The problem can be solved by taking a number of medications.

Elevated levels of eye pressure quite often have a secondary basis. Their occurrence is caused by other diseases: injuries, tumors. Methods for stabilizing intraocular pressure are as follows:

  • drug treatment;
  • ethnoscience;
  • physiotherapy.


All should be prescribed by a doctor, as they can cause side effects and develop unwanted symptoms. He also selects individual treatment for eye pressure and monitors its progress. List of prescribed medications that can help with glaucoma:

  • Beta blockers. They help reduce the synthesis of fluids inside the eye. They are often prescribed with another medicine - prostaglandin. Available in the form of drops. If you have diabetes or lung diseases, they can cause unpleasant consequences. Prominent representatives are “Timolol” and “Cumol”.
  • Cholinomimetics. Medicines that constrict the pupil and thereby promote the outflow of excess fluid from the fundus of the eye. Pilocarpine drops are popular.
  • Prostaglandins. Promote the outflow of intraocular fluid. Drugs that cause a rapid decrease: Travatan, Xalatan, Taflotan.
  • Inhibitors. Serve as an obstacle to the production of eye fluid. Side effects are redness and burning in the eyes, a bitter taste in the mouth. Representatives: Azopt, Trusopt.
  • Combined means. They help reduce production levels and increase fluid outflow. An example is “Proxofelin”.
  • Diuretic tablets to stabilize high blood pressure are used only as part of complex therapy.

Folk remedies

Honey with water can be used for local procedures.

To cure and completely get rid of the problem, only alternative medicine is not enough. Treatment with folk remedies is suitable only for prevention or part of complex therapy. Bee products and medicinal herbs are considered more effective. Recipe examples:

  • For a compress, you need to dissolve a spoonful of honey in boiled water, moisten a bandage or cotton wool and apply it to your eyes.
  • First aid to relieve blood pressure is dill tincture. Dry the plant seeds and grind them. Add 1 tablespoon of dill to 500 ml of boiling water and leave until cool. Drink 10 minutes before meals.
  • A compress before going to bed based on seeds placed in boiling water and left to cool completely.
  • Eyebright grass. Make a decoction based on this plant, soak bandages or cotton pads in it. Apply throughout the day.
  • Grind 2 potato tubers to a puree, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and leave for half an hour. Place this mixture on a bandage and apply to your eyes.
  • Eating fresh blueberries, compotes, and tinctures from them will help.
  • Carrots help a lot. Grated fresh with a little addition of apples or sugar. Drink concentrated fresh juice from it.

Selecting medications for eye pressure is quite difficult. To do right choice, you need to take into account a lot of factors. Therefore, it should be prescribed exclusively by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication in this case is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to complete and irreversible loss of vision.

Drug groups

All drops for high eye pressure are divided into two large groups. The first includes drugs that inhibit the synthesis of aqueous humor (beta-blockers and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors), the second includes drugs that accelerate its outflow (prostaglandins, sympatho- and cholinomimetics).


They cause pupil constriction by stimulating cholinergic receptors. Eye pressure drops with a cholinomimetic effect are widely used for treatment. Medicines quickly open the anterior chamber angle, thereby restoring the outflow of intraocular fluid. The most well-known and used cholinomimetics include Pilocarpine and Carbocholol.


The mechanism of action of these drops from intraocular pressure is to act on the sympathetic nervous system. Due to this, sympathomimetics accelerate the circulation of aqueous humor. At the same time, they dilate the pupil, which makes their use undesirable.

Drops to reduce eye pressure from the sympathomimetic group:

  • Epiphrine;
  • Glaucon;
  • Oftan-dipivefrin.

Note that drugs of this group are used quite rarely in our country. They are most often used for the treatment of glaucoma abroad.


Affect the uveoscleral pathway of outflow of intraocular fluid. Prostaglandin analogues are among the most potent drops for relieving eye pressure.

This group includes drugs:

  • Tafluprost;
  • Latanoprost;
  • Travatan;
  • Lanotan;
  • Travoprost.

Beta blockers

The most widely used and safe, reducing eye pressure by inhibiting the production of aqueous humor. They are the first choice drugs for glaucoma. This means that to lower IOP they are prescribed first.

Beta blockers are often used together with prostaglandin analogues, cholinomimetics and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.

List of drops for eye pressure with sympatholytic action:

  • Arutimol;
  • Timolol;
  • Okumed;
  • Timoptic;
  • Oftan-timolol;
  • Betoptik.

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

They inhibit the activity of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme of the ciliary body that regulates the synthesis of aqueous humor. Thus, they reduce the amount of circulating intrauterine fluid. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are among the safest and most effective eye drops that reduce intraocular pressure. They are often combined with beta-blockers and prostaglandins.

Famous representatives of the group:

  • Dorzolamide;
  • Trusopt;
  • Brinzolamide.

Combination drugs

You can also find many products on the market that contain several active ingredients at once. They have a pronounced hypotensive effect, due to which they can quickly and effectively lower IOP. Such medications are prescribed when ordinary drops no longer have the desired effect.

Names of known combination eye drops for eye pressure:

  • Xalak;
  • Fotil;
  • Xalacom;
  • Cosopt.

The most popular combinations in ophthalmological practice are:

  • beta blocker + cholinomimetic;
  • carbonic anhydrase inhibitor + beta blocker;
  • prostaglandin analogue + beta-blocker.

Review of drugs


Eye pressure drops containing timolol and dorzolamide. The drug has a double effect: it simultaneously accelerates the outflow and slows down the formation of intraocular fluid. Cosopt is usually prescribed to people with diabetes who are not helped by single-component drops.

Adverse reactions from the use of drops

Antiglaucomatous drugs from the group of prostaglandins can stimulate the growth of eyelashes and cause darkening of the iris. For this reason, some women use medications for cosmetic purposes. Naturally, such actions ultimately lead to severe ocular hypotension and serious consequences.

Almost all glaucoma medications can cause the following side effects:

  • lacrimation;
  • blurred vision;
  • pain in the eye area;
  • periodic headaches.

Some people may develop severe complications during long-term treatment with antiglaucomatous drugs. Among them it is worth highlighting keratitis, blepharitis, and dermatitis of the eyelids. In rare cases, patients experience urticaria or reactions from the cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory systems.

Instillation technique

Before using eye drops, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It is better to perform the manipulation in a lying or sitting position. After opening the bottle, you need to carefully pull the lower eyelid down and look up. After dropping one drop of medicine, you need to close your eye for a while. After waiting a few minutes, you can instill the next drug.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can choose the right drops for intraocular pressure. Therefore, you should not self-medicate.

Useful video about treating glaucoma and reducing eye pressure

Eye pressure becomes elevated when fluid circulating inside the eye begins to put pressure on the sclera and cornea. At normal pressure, a certain amount of fluid enters the eye and almost the same outflow occurs. When this process is disrupted, intraocular fluid accumulates, causing pressure in the area to increase.

Under the influence of high IOP (intraocular pressure), the functioning of small capillaries, which contribute to the outflow of intraocular fluid, deteriorates. They become deformed and the situation becomes even more complicated. Namely, the risk of developing glaucoma greatly increases. This is a dangerous disease that gradually reduces the quality of vision and leads to complete blindness. That is why, with increased EDH, there is no need to wait for negative consequences to develop; active measures should be taken for treatment.

Therapy for this disease involves the use of medications and surgical methods. In the initial stages of the disease, simple, accessible folk recipes can help reduce pressure inside the eye and prevent its increase. Let's find out how to reduce eye pressure and prevent the development of glaucoma:

How to reduce eye pressure?

Traditional medicine:

Effective modern medications - eye drops - will help reduce IOP. Currently, their use is the only non-surgical treatment method that effectively reduces intraocular pressure.

In addition, eye drops prevent the development of glaucoma or stop its development.

You cannot use them at your own discretion. You should definitely contact an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination. Only after finding out the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the right drug for you. Let's stop briefly
on some of them:

Xalatan. These drops are prescribed for increased intraocular pressure when ophthalmic tone or open-angle glaucoma is diagnosed. Drops promote fluid outflow by activating FP receptors. Which effectively and quickly lowers blood pressure.

Travatan. These drops act in a similar way to the drug Xalatan. They activate, accelerate, and facilitate the outflow of fluid accumulating between the lens and cornea. As a result, the risk of developing glaucoma is reduced.

Betoptik. This drug belongs to the group of selective beta-blockers. Drops do not improve the outflow of fluid, but they reduce its release. Thanks to the action of this drug, it is possible to control blood pressure, keeping it within the normal range.

Timolol. This eye medicine belongs to the group of non-selective beta blockers. Drops, like the drug Betoptik, prevent the production of intraocular fluid, which keeps intraocular pressure normal.

In addition to reducing blood pressure with the help of effective therapeutic agents, there are other treatment methods, for example, laser technologies, microsurgeries. Your doctor will recommend the treatment method you need.

Traditional treatment

To effectively reduce eye pressure, as well as in the initial stages of glaucoma development, you can use traditional medicine. But their use should be discussed with your doctor. I suggest you use proven folk recipes that can be an excellent addition to the main treatment:

It is recommended to use a mixture of onion juice and bee honey as medicinal eye drops. This is done like this: squeeze out the fresh juice from the grated onion through cheesecloth. Strain the finished juice 2-3 more times. Now mix it with liquid May honey, keeping the proportion 1x1. Mix thoroughly until the mixture is homogeneous. Apply 2 drops to each eye, twice a day. Prepare a new mixture every day, as it cannot be stored for a long time.

Mix together 2 tsp. anise seeds, dill, coriander. Pour into a suitable cup. Add half a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, covered with a towel. Then strain the medicine, drink half a glass three times a day.

Collect fresh open lumbago grass early in the morning. Wash, dry a little and squeeze the juice out of the grass. Mix it with the same amount of honey. Take 1 tsp orally. twice a day. Remember that the plant is poisonous. Therefore, do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Cut off 2 of the fleshiest leaves of a perennial aloe. Wash, cut, place in a small saucepan. Add 1 glass of soft, filtered water and boil. Boil at the lowest boil for 5-6 minutes. Then drain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth. Cool. Wash your eyes with the decoction up to 2-4 times a day.

If you need to reduce eye pressure, but you don’t know how to do it, try using a decoction of meadow clover. Add 1 tsp. dried clover or 1 tbsp. l. dried into a cup. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over the flowers. Cover with a napkin and wait until it cools down. Drink half a glass of the strained infusion before bed.

In conclusion, it must be said that to prevent the development of glaucoma, you should control your eye pressure. To do this, visit your ophthalmologist regularly to identify a possible illness at an early stage. This is especially true for people after forty years of age. Be healthy!



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