Menu for mother while breastfeeding for 1 month. How to lose weight for a nursing mother - a diet of proper nutrition while breastfeeding with a menu and simple exercises

Proper organization mother’s nutrition during lactation is extremely important - it helps prevent a lack of milk, prolong the period of breastfeeding as much as possible, and ensure the supply of everything necessary for mother and baby nutrients, avoid colic, dysbacteriosis, constipation and allergic manifestations in the baby.

Of particular importance in this case is the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month of breastfeeding - the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn is still immature, the microflora has not formed, so dietary restrictions are quite strict.

Basic principles of nutrition

Following the principles of healthy nutrition during lactation, recommended by nutritionists and pediatricians, will help solve these problems:

  • Providing a complete, balanced diet for the mother without overeating.
  • Gradual introduction of new products and dishes with dietary adjustments depending on the child’s reaction.
  • The diet should not be a strict restriction - tasty and varied dishes (within the limits of what is permitted) should bring pleasure to the mother and contribute to the baby’s appetite.
  • With extreme caution, you need to add allergenic foods to the menu, especially if the mother herself is prone to allergic reactions.
  • All products must undergo the necessary processing; unhealthy goodies must be removed.

Necessary and sufficient

Lactation is not affected by breast shape and heredity. With few exceptions, any woman can breastfeed. In general, the mother’s volume also does not affect the amount of milk - the baby will take his own in any case. Here, it is more important to provide all the needs of the mother’s body, especially during the first month after childbirth, when recovery occurs.

It is necessary to avoid two extremes - excessive restrictions, when a freshly baked mother sits on just bread and water, and feeding for two - on the advice of grandmothers or friends. Overeating and indiscriminate eating will provoke colic and diathesis in the baby, and a scanty menu will impoverish the taste of breast milk and reduce its nutritional value.

You need to eat “for two” - healthy diet must provide mother and baby with energy, maintain essential vitamins and minerals, but calorie content increases by only 500-600 kcal. You should also drink a lot - up to 2 liters per day.


Each newborn's body is unique, so the reaction to various products, eaten by mom, can be unpredictable. You cannot introduce several products at the same time.

Each product should be added to the diet in the first half of the day, monitoring the baby’s condition over the next 2 days. If negative reactions no, enter next product and so on.

Keeping a food diary will help you track all changes, for example, in this form:

Food diary

The document contains a list of all introduced products and the reaction to them, helps to timely adjust the mother’s diet in case of dysbacteriosis, diathesis, increased gas formation, stool disorders or anxiety in the baby.

Tasty and healthy

During lactation, it is recommended to eat the same as during pregnancy, giving preference healthy food: fruits and vegetables, herbs, whole grain bread and cereals, lean meat and poultry, dairy products, vegetable oils.

The optimal drinks are green and herbal teas, you can add low-fat milk, compotes, uzvar and clean water.

– dried fruits, crispbreads, dried fruits, bagels, baked apples.

Herbal decoctions naturally stimulate lactation: fennel, anise, nettle, caraway. You can brew them yourself or use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations and granulated lactogon teas. Be careful with nuts, although they increase the fat content of the milk, they often cause allergies, and also make the milk more viscous - it is more difficult for the baby to “get it”.


Pollution environment, abundance artificial additives in food have led to the extreme prevalence of allergic reactions. The problem of preventing diathesis in a baby will be especially relevant if the mother herself is allergic.

In the 1st month of lactation (and if there is a tendency to allergic manifestations– longer) avoid:

  • Chocolate and other cocoa products.
  • Whole milk - replace it with fermented milk products.
  • Gluten – semolina, wheat, oatmeal.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Strawberries and other red berries and fruits.
  • Honey.
  • Seafood and red fish.
  • Rich broths.
  • Orekhov.
  • Chicken eggs - you can use quail eggs.
  • Products with artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, canned food.
  • Any exotic.


Breastfeeding helps seed the baby's gut the right microflora. However, it is necessary to ensure that everything that the mother eats is safe from this point of view - all dishes must be freshly prepared, undergo sufficient heat treatment, and the shelf life of products, especially perishable ones - meat, dairy, should be strictly adhered to. Prefer boiling or baking to frying.

  • Alcohol.
  • Allergens.
  • Legumes, whole milk, raisins, fruits and raw vegetables, black bread, white cabbage, cucumbers cause increased gas formation in the baby.
  • Sweets, fresh bread and baking - lead to stool problems in the baby.
  • Drinks with excess sugar - carbonated waters and juices in packages.
  • Black tea and coffee have a stimulating effect.
  • Spicy, smoked and salty - their consumption retains fluid in the mother’s body, worsens the taste of milk, and causes anxiety in the child.
  • Fast food, semi-finished products, margarine, mayonnaise, sausages, processed cheese.
  • Lard and fatty meats are difficult to digest.
  • All dishes causing allergies and flatulence in a nursing mother.

After natural childbirth

On days 1-2 after birth you can eat:

  • weak "second" chicken bouillon(the first broth is drained and the meat is boiled a second time);
  • buckwheat or oatmeal in water with no big amount vegetable oil;
  • boiled lean meat (beef or chicken without skin, well cooked);
  • a little hard cheese;
  • bran bread, dry yeast-free bread.

You need to drink a lot at this time - up to 2 liters per day. There is no milk yet - colostrum is released, a unique and invaluable liquid in its rich composition, necessary for the health and maturation of all systems of the baby’s body.

On the 3rd day milk comes. The volume of fluid consumed should be sharply reduced to 1 liter per day to avoid excessive engorgement. mammary glands and lactostasis.

You can include in your diet:

  • lean soups - cereal or vegetable, with potatoes, cauliflower or zucchini;
  • baked apples;
  • vegetables, steamed or baked;
  • milk or dairy products– 1 glass per day;
  • whole grain porridge;
  • to prevent constipation - bran or bread with bran.

7 days after birth, you can return to drinking plenty of fluids if desired - up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day (this includes all drinks and liquid from first courses).

You are allowed to add to the menu:

  • lean meat broths;
  • brown rice;
  • boiled fish;
  • medium fat cottage cheese;
  • hypoallergenic vegetables and fruits.

3 weeks after birth, the baby has mostly already formed intestinal microflora and you can expand your mother’s diet. Products are introduced alternately and gradually - 1 product every 2-3 days, and food diary The child’s reaction is noted – stool, gas, clear skin, anxiety.

After caesarean section

1 day

At general anesthesia the woman will remain in the ward after the operation intensive care, nutrients come to her through droppers, she can’t eat, she can drink – preferably mineral still water with a drop lemon juice. The baby is given an adapted milk formula for newborns.

With epidural anesthesia, it is possible to stay together with the child in the general ward. Midwives will help organize feeding of the baby.

2 days

Mother and newborn are together. A nursing mother's menu can include low-fat broth, buckwheat or oatmeal unsweetened porridge. Meals – 6-7 times a day with small portions. Drink as desired.

3 days

You need to eat 5-6 times a day, reduce the volume of liquid - milk is expected to come. Add to menu:

  • boiled and pureed meat in a blender;
  • cottage cheese;
  • compotes, jelly, rosehip decoction.

4 days

If you have independent stool on this day, you can switch to the same diet for the nursing mother as after natural delivery. But it is better to avoid excessively hot and cold foods, and also introduce solid foods with caution. Moderate amounts will help ease stool physical exercise and some bananas or prunes.

From 2 weeks after birth, the nutrition of a nursing mother is the same for any method of delivery. The main thing is not to rush to add new, especially allergenic, products and monitor the baby’s reaction to all innovations.

Breastfeeding is beneficial for both baby and mother. Healthy eating- one of the most important factors successful lactation. Following simple recommendations, gradually expanding the mother’s diet and adjusting the menu depending on the baby’s reaction will help the baby quickly develop strong immunity. If you manage to introduce the whole family to proper nutrition, this will be a big additional bonus for all its members.

In order to regularly replenish “losses”, a nursing woman needs to properly formulate her diet. This is especially important in the first months of lactation, when the volume of milk can reach one liter or more. As the proportion of complementary foods in the baby's diet increases (which occurs at 5-6 months of life and later), the volume of human milk he needs decreases and, accordingly, the mother's need for additional amounts of energy and nutrients decreases.

The first principle is diversity.

The nutrition of a nursing woman should be complete and varied. It is necessary that her diet include all major food groups: meat and fish, milk and dairy products; eggs; bread and bakery products, cereals, pasta; vegetable oils; butter; vegetables, fruits, berries, fruit and vegetable juices; sugar and confectionery.

Meat is preferable to use various types: low-fat varieties pork, tongue, white poultry (preferably boiled or in the form of meatballs).

You can increase the amount of protein in your diet with cottage cheese and cottage cheese. Milk and dairy products should be consumed in heat-treated form: cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole, condensed concentrated milk without sugar. Whole cow's milk, an excess of which in the mother’s diet can cause allergic reactions, it is advisable to partially replace it with various fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.).

It is better to alternate milk and fermented milk products.

It is very important that the diet of a nursing mother contains enough dietary fiber to stimulate motor activity intestines. To this end daily menu should include a significant amount (at least 400 g) of fresh or cooked vegetables (carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.), about 300 g of fruits and berries (for example, apples, pears, plums, currants, gooseberries, cherries) , juices (200-300 ml), especially with pulp - both freshly prepared and canned (preferably intended for baby food). However, it is not recommended to eat tropical fruits(except bananas) and fruits colored orange and red. Dietary fiber Millet, buckwheat and oatmeal cereals are also rich (it is better to alternate porridges), bread coarse and especially dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots).

The daily diet of lactating women should contain 25 g butter, 15 g of vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soybean, olive).

Sugar and confectionery products (preferably marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, low-fat cakes and pastries) should be eaten in limited quantities, as they have an allergenic effect and contribute to the deposition of fat in the body.

Principle two - safety

The diet of a nursing woman must ensure the absolute safety of milk and the absence in it of a number of substances that can cause adverse influence on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as on other organs and systems of infants. Thus, the food of a nursing mother should not contain ingredients that can cause allergies or increase fermentation processes in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, it is necessary to limit the consumption of products containing significant quantities extractives, essential oils and salt: meat and fish broths, onions, garlic, canned snack foods, pickles, marinades, salted and smoked fish, sausages.
It is undesirable to eat food fermentative in the intestines and thereby - dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract: grapes, large amounts of sugar and confectionery, sweet curd spreads and cheeses, sweet soft drinks, sweet cereals and other products containing a large number of Sahara. It is also necessary to remove from the diet foods with high sensitizing (allergenic) activity: chocolate, cocoa, peanuts, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, as well as any foods that have caused symptoms in women in the past food intolerance. You should avoid eating meat from young animals and birds, because their protein, like the substances used to prepare smoked meats, has an increased allergenic potential. For the same reasons, you should limit or even eliminate the consumption of eggs, citrus fruits, strawberries, and tomatoes.
Provide breastfeeding women with everything they need nutrients, and first of all, specialized food products (Femilak, Olympic, Enfamama, Dumil Mama Plus) will help with protein, vitamins and minerals. They are made on the basis of milk, to which vegetable oils are added, essential vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements. For women with hypogalactia (insufficient milk production), it is advisable to include in the diet a specialized food product for nursing mothers “Milky Way”, containing a specialized additive that stimulates lactation (galego herb extract).

Principle three - proper drinking regime

Extremely important for maintaining full lactation is drinking regime nursing mother. She should drink at least 1000 ml of liquid in addition to the usual volume (in the form of tea, milk, juices, drinks, etc.). It should be noted that large amounts of liquid should not be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother immediately after birth. So, before the start of lactation, during the period of colostrum production, the amount of liquid consumed (including first courses, fruits and vegetables) should be limited to 1000 ml. Otherwise, with the onset of lactation, which occurs on average 2-4 days after birth, the amount of milk may be excessive, which will complicate its separation; as a result, lactostasis may develop.

Based on these recommendations, employees medical institutions make a list of products that can be brought to the postpartum ward for the postpartum mother. So you shouldn’t be hostile to any prohibitions that a young dad may encounter when trying to give his wife a bunch of grapes or a cream cake, because prerequisite The diet of a young mother is the safety of products for the baby.

It should be mentioned that the quality of breast milk only partly depends on the composition of the food consumed. For example, the amount of protein in breast milk does not depend on the amount of protein in a woman’s diet, but the amount of fats, vitamins and minerals directly related to the amount of these substances in the diet. However necessary substances even in case of their deficiency, they enter the milk, while their reserves in the mother’s body are depleted.

Sample menu for a nursing mother

Day 1

6.00 - kefir.

  • rice milk porridge,
  • bread with butter and cheese,


  • apple,
  • salad of carrots, cranberries and dried apricots with vegetable oil,
  • fresh cabbage soup,
  • potato casserole with stew,
  • dried fruits compote,
  • bread.
  • apple juice, 1
  • cookies (crackers).
  • cucumber and herb salad with vegetable oil,
  • fish boiled in milk sauce with vegetable stew,
  • tea with milk,
  • bread.

Most women, experiencing food restrictions during pregnancy, also have to be selective in their food choices when breastfeeding. The diet during breastfeeding is usually quite strict, because, according to many experts, all the substances that the mother eats pass through the milk to the baby.

The nutrition of a nursing woman should be complete and varied, and at the same time easily digestible and hypoallergenic. In addition, many young mothers from the first days postpartum period They are thinking about how to lose the kilograms accumulated during pregnancy without harming the baby. How to combine all of the above requirements? And how to correctly create a food diet that would meet all the norms of the lactation period?

The essence of the breastfeeding diet

Breast milk is a complete nutritious liquid, the first food for a baby. The quality of milk, its content and taste are directly dependent on the mother’s nutritional principles. It is for this reason that a diet is necessary during lactation.

What is the main point dietary nutrition?

  • The menu of a nursing mother should be balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements.
  • To avoid problems with a baby’s tummy, mothers should eat less carbohydrate foods, as well as foods that cause increased gas formation.
  • The most strict stages of the diet are the first month of the baby’s life. Improvement occurs during this period digestive tract child and the establishment of bacterial flora in the intestines. After about 3-4 one week old For babies, the mother's menu can be gradually expanded, paying attention to the baby's reaction.
  • Breastfeeding and drinking alcohol are incompatible things. The same applies to products with dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and other synthetic additives.
  • When going to the grocery store, a nursing mother should carefully read the ingredients on the label. If the product contains any chemical components and substitutes in large quantities, then it is better to discard it.

What should you not eat while breastfeeding?

  • all types of cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • raw fruits;
  • red vegetables;
  • whole milk;
  • dark varieties of bread;
  • coffee and strong black tea;
  • smoked meats and spicy seasonings;
  • a large amount of salt;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned foods;
  • eggs (no more than 1 piece per day);
  • garlic, onion;
  • sweets, creams, biscuits;
  • watermelon.

What can you eat while breastfeeding?

  • still water, rosehip tea;
  • boiled and baked dishes, as well as those cooked in a double boiler;
  • oils (butter or vegetable);
  • sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • soy sauce;
  • greenery;
  • potato;
  • all types of cereals;
  • roots;
  • vermicelli;
  • bananas;
  • dry biscuits (biscuits, crackers), crackers, dryers;
  • lean meat, fish.

It is preferable to prepare low-fat soups, porridges, vegetable stew. For dessert, you can bake fruit or eat cookies. Let us remind you: a strict diet should last about one month, after which the diet should expand. It is important to carefully monitor your baby and his reaction to New Product on mom's menu. If a child develops diathesis or flatulence, this means that such a product should be temporarily abandoned.

Diet for weight loss while breastfeeding

It often happens that a woman after childbirth wants to lose weight without interrupting breastfeeding. Is it possible to do this? Of course it is possible, but you should immediately indicate what you absolutely cannot do:

  • starve;
  • take diuretic or laxative tablets, as well as teas for weight loss;
  • follow a mono-diet, or a too limited low-calorie diet.

It must be remembered: if a nursing mother is starving, then her baby is also starving, since milk no longer contains enough useful nutrients. Moreover, with a strict diet, many mothers completely lose breast milk, as a result of which the child has to be switched to formula.

Breastfeeding diet by month

In the first month after childbirth, the following products are allowed:

From the first to the tenth day:

  • baked apple;
  • porridge with water (rice, buckwheat, millet, etc.);
  • banana;
  • vegetable soup;
  • green tea, optionally with rosehip added;
  • vegetable oil;
  • butter no more than 15 g/day;
  • chicken fillet.

From the eleventh day you can add:

  • fermented milk products;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • potatoes;
  • vermicelli;
  • vegetables (boiled or steamed);
  • greenery;
  • dried fruits;
  • biscuits, crackers, dryers.
  • fresh milk;
  • soups for fatty meat;
  • strong coffee;
  • heavy cream;
  • raw fruits or vegetables (with the exception of banana);
  • fresh baked goods;
  • alcohol.

From the second to the third month you can add:

  • fresh tomatoes;
  • seasonal vegetables and fruits in raw form;
  • Walnut;
  • veal, rabbit meat;
  • berry compotes;
  • cream.
  • fresh milk;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

From the fourth to the sixth month we add:

  • honey in small quantities;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • onion.
  • fresh milk;
  • alcohol.

After the sixth month, you can gradually add to the diet:

  • seaweed;
  • garlic;
  • beans, peas, lentils.

Throughout the entire period of breastfeeding, it is better to avoid sweets, chocolate, canned food, carbonated and instant drinks, ice cream, store-bought sauces and ketchups, fast food and semi-finished products.

Diet menu for breastfeeding

As an example, here is a sample menu for a breastfeeding diet:

  • We have breakfast with yogurt (without additives) with biscuits, or with a handful of walnuts.
  • Suitable for second breakfast cottage cheese casserole with green tea.
  • We have lunch with light puree soup, a piece of fish with a vegetable side dish.
  • For an afternoon snack - kefir, banana or apple.
  • We have dinner with stewed vegetables, or pasta, or porridge.

At night, it is advisable to drink some fermented milk product - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

The menu can be changed at your discretion, using permitted products from the list. The main thing is to avoid overeating. If you want something from the “forbidden” list, you can eat it, but only a little. And at the same time, do not forget to monitor the baby’s reaction.

Nutrition for a nursing mother requires five or six meals a day, more often, but the portions should be smaller accordingly.

Diet recipes for breastfeeding

Despite the impressive list of prohibited foods, you can combine your diet so that all the dishes in it will be both tasty and healthy. The main thing is to use your imagination while cooking.

Recipe for lazy dumplings


  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • flour;
  • one egg;
  • a little salt.

First of all, prepare the dough from cottage cheese, salt, eggs. Add flour, as they say, “as much as” the dough takes, so that it becomes elastic enough. Form a sausage and cut into small pieces. Bread them in flour so they don't stick together.

Cook the dumplings in salted boiling water, then put them in a bowl with butter and sour cream. If desired, you can sprinkle with sugar or pour honey.

Cheese soup recipe


  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • 100 g butter;
  • a little parsley;
  • processed cheese 100 g;
  • crackers;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • water.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Fry the onions and carrots in butter and place them in a pan of boiling water.

Grind the cheese, melt it in boiling water and add to the soup. Salt and pepper to taste. After boiling, add parsley and pour into plates. You can sprinkle crackers on top.

Zucchini casserole recipe


  • two medium zucchini;
  • flour for breading;
  • four medium potatoes;
  • 300 ml kefir;
  • 150 g grated cheese.

Cut the zucchini into slices, bread and fry in a frying pan, first on one side, then on the other.

We also cut the potatoes into circles, distribute them onto a baking sheet, add salt and a little kefir. We lay out the zucchini in a second layer, on which we also apply a little salt and kefir. We repeat this several times. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese and place in the oven until done (about 30-40 minutes). Bon appetit!

Liver Balls Recipe

Dish ingredients:

  • five potatoes;
  • two raw eggs and two boiled;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 0.5 kg chicken liver;
  • 2 onions;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Chop the onion, fry it, add the liver and simmer. After 15 minutes, add the chopped eggs, salt and pepper. Simmer until cooked, then use a blender to turn into a homogeneous mass.

Cooking mashed potatoes, add flour, eggs, salt and pepper to it.

We form small cakes from the puree, put a spoonful of fried liver mass in the middle and roll into a ball. Next, the balls can be fried on sunflower oil, either cook in a double boiler or bake in the oven. When serving, it is advisable to sprinkle with cheese or herbs.

Almost all women know that there is a diet for breastfeeding. Nutrition is changed in order not to harm the growing child - to avoid colic, flatulence, diathesis and others. unpleasant moments. In addition, proper nutrition will help you lose weight without harming the health of both the nursing mother and the baby.

Most experts believe that a mother who is breastfeeding should not think about diets at all. It will be more intelligent if a woman simply eats properly, nutritiously, without overeating and “eating” the feeling of fatigue, without abusing sweets and fatty foods. It is advisable to eat a little every 2.5-3 hours. A fasting day can be planned no more than once a week (but in no case should you go hungry).

If you stick to these simple recommendations, then the young mother will be able to lose weight. The fact is that breastfeeding requires about 700 kcal per day from a woman. If we add to this the energy costs of motion sickness, walking with a stroller, as well as ordinary household chores (washing, ironing, cooking, etc.), then we get a full-fledged physical activity, requiring replenishment from food. All this is more than enough to lose weight, and at the same time eat properly and variedly.

Strict diet while breastfeeding

As we have already said, a strict diet during breastfeeding is not recommended. However, it is sometimes still prescribed, but there are certain indications for this.

For example, if a baby was born with an almost closed main fontanelle, then doctors advise sharply limiting the consumption of dairy products and other products with high content calcium.

If a child is found to have a tendency to allergic reactions, then a strict diet is prescribed in order not to provoke the development of diathesis in the baby.

In any case, the decision to follow a strict diet is made not by the mother (for example, to lose weight), but by a pediatrician, and only in exceptional cases.

A woman needs to eat rationally and balancedly (within the list of permitted foods) if she wants to have healthy child and maintain lactation.

Hypoallergenic diet during breastfeeding

TO hypoallergenic diet resorted to in cases where infant has a predisposition to the development of allergic reactions. This principle of nutrition can also be used by those women who want to avoid the development of diathesis in their baby, or who suffer from allergies themselves.

A hypoallergenic diet consists of the following recommendations:

  • Food should be taken half an hour or an hour before feeding the baby, so every mother adjusts her diet to the child’s diet;
  • you need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day (if there are no problems with edema and kidneys);
  • New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, 50 g every two days, while monitoring the child’s condition.
  • sugar, sweets;
  • salt, salted and pickled foods, store-bought sauces and canned goods;
  • semi-finished products, fast food;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • animal fats, dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • oat groats;
  • nuts, honey, jam, dried fruits;
  • chocolate, coffee and coffee drinks;
  • compotes, fruit drinks, juices;
  • dark varieties of bread, bran.

It is necessary to carefully study the composition of all food products used. The presence of chemical additives on the list is a reason to abandon this product in favor of another, more natural one.

Dukan diet while breastfeeding

Some women use the Dukan diet to lose weight after childbirth - this is widely known method nutrition, with a predominant consumption of protein foods, and limiting the amount of carbohydrates.

The advantage of such a diet is that there is practically no feeling of hunger, and the result is expected to be quick and stable. The downside is that it puts a fairly large load on the kidneys, which were already overloaded during pregnancy.

In addition to skipping stages, the nutritional principles for breastfeeding women have several deviations:

  • in one day you can eat two servings of fruit and berries (not one);
  • protein fasting days are canceled (with the usual Dukan diet they are held every Thursday).


  • low-fat dairy products;
  • low-fat meat products;
  • eggs;
  • seafood, including fish;
  • any vegetables except potatoes;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • fruit and berry mix (except banana and grapes);
  • vermicelli;
  • cereals and legumes.

When choosing products for cooking, do not forget to pay attention to the child’s well-being - some of them can cause allergies in the baby.

Energy Diet for breastfeeding

Losing weight with Energy Diet cocktails is quite popular. But many young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to use such cocktails to lose weight during breastfeeding? After all, many foods that are eaten can harm the baby.

It's no secret that one of the reasons for weight gain during pregnancy is a sudden change in hormonal levels. Stabilization of hormone levels after the birth of a child occurs over the course of six months, and for some women even more. It is the increase in hormone levels that often affects increased appetite: both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding overeating and constant feeling hunger. Is it possible to pacify this condition?

Manufacturers of Energy Diets claim that such cocktails are simply a storehouse of vitamins and other substances necessary for the body that will support the health of not only the mother, but also the baby.

For successful weight loss, a specially developed “Balance” program is used, which means drinking one dose of cocktail per day instead of one meal. This approach will allow you not to disturb metabolism, not to use fasting and malnutrition, and to provide the body with useful components Energy Diet.

There is only one limitation: you should not choose cocktails that contain caffeine.

Remember also that when breastfeeding, the use of any food additives and medications should be agreed with the pediatrician.

Japanese diet for breastfeeding

Principle Japanese diet- This is a pronounced reduction in caloric intake, mainly due to easily digestible carbohydrates.

The duration of the diet is 13 days. It is assumed that during this time you can get rid of 7-8 kg and maintain this result for a long time. Whether this is true or not, we will not say.

Weight loss occurs by eliminating sugar, salt, sweets, flour and alcohol-containing drinks from the diet.

However, nutritionists strongly do not recommend using such a diet for women who are breastfeeding. Daily calorie content Such a diet is too low, which can lead to suppression of lactation and will also have a negative impact on the child. In addition, the list of products from the proposed menu (and you must adhere to it) is not at all suitable for nursing mothers. For example, a diet involves daily use coffee instead of breakfast - you must admit, this is not entirely healthy, especially during this period.

Therefore, it is better to eat right and lose weight with active image life.

Protein diet during breastfeeding

What is a protein diet? From the name it is clear that the amount of protein consumed in the diet increases many times, and at the same time the proportion of fats and carbohydrates is significantly reduced. Of course, we cannot talk about nutritional balance here. As a result, a dramatic change occurs metabolic processes, a carbohydrate-fat “hunger” is created, which contributes to fairly rapid weight loss.

You cannot continue this way of eating for a long time: this will lead to deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails, anemia and decreased performance may develop. If consumed predominantly protein food more than two weeks, kidney function may be seriously impaired, cholesterol levels will also increase, vascular tone will worsen, and blood clots may form. Therefore, there are many contraindications to following such a diet. This elderly age, diseases venous system, kidneys and digestive tract. Of course, such a diet is also not suitable during pregnancy and lactation.

In pregnant women, the load on the kidneys increases several times, since it is necessary to filter not only the blood of the mother, but also the developing child in utero. If, instead of giving the kidneys a rest, the body is loaded with large amounts of protein food, this can lead to extreme negative consequences. Therefore, it is better to abandon this method of losing weight.

Diet for colic while breastfeeding

Colic occurs to one degree or another in almost all infants. The mother’s task is to make sure that colic is less pronounced and does not bother the baby so much.

As we have already said, the composition of breast milk largely depends on what the nursing woman eats. And if the diet contains foods that can cause increased gas formation, then the risk of colic in a child increases significantly.

What are these foods that you should avoid?

  • Black bread (for example, Borodinsky).
  • Whole milk.
  • Any cabbage, both fresh and cooked.
  • Beans (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans).
  • Grape.
  • Fresh apples.
  • Radish.

Basically, in order to avoid increased gas formation, nutritionists do not recommend eating any raw fruits and vegetables. It is better to prepare them in advance: boil, bake, stew, etc.

It is also necessary to combine products correctly. For example, it is better not to eat fruits with protein foods, and vegetables with milk, etc. There are even special food compatibility tables, where all possible and undesirable combinations are carefully described.

If a mother eats properly, but the baby still develops colic, then perhaps it is not a matter of nutrition, but that the baby is not latching onto the breast correctly.

Diet "Minus 60" during breastfeeding

The dietary menu according to the “Minus 60” system is designed for gradual decline body weight. It does not involve long hunger strikes, and there are significantly fewer restrictions. This allows you to slowly but surely lose weight without denying yourself almost anything.

The essence of nutrition is that high-calorie foods are allowed to be consumed only in the morning, that is, before noon. This is followed by lunch and light dinner until 18-00. Sugar should be limited, but in the morning you can eat almost everything except milk chocolate. Hungry and fasting days not expected.

The Minus 60 nutrition system is effective, complete, and easily portable. For these reasons, it can be used both during pregnancy and breastfeeding. True, you will have to be patient: body weight decreases quite slowly, but steadily.

Protasov's diet during breastfeeding

Nutrition according to Protasov involves avoiding salt and sugar. The diet should consist primarily of raw vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

Experts note that in general the diet is quite good, but during pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood It's better to give it up.

The fact is that the system proposed by Protasov does not cover the body’s needs for proteins and fats, and the main permitted products do not contain sufficient quantity amino acids necessary for the baby. Many vitamins are absorbed only in the presence of fat in food, so a deficiency of fat can lead to insufficient intake of vitamins into the body. WITH high probability such nutrition will negatively affect the composition of milk and the health of the nursing mother and baby.

Nutrition according to Protasov is especially undesirable in the presence of any diseases of the digestive tract, due to the abundance of raw vegetables in the diet. This may cause aggravation chronic diseases and the emergence of health problems.

Diet "6 petals" during breastfeeding

“6 Petals” is, in fact, a series of mono-diets that alternate over six days. Every day there is an emphasis on specific product power supply:

  • first day - fish;
  • second day – vegetables;
  • third day - chicken;
  • fourth day – cereals;
  • fifth day - cottage cheese;
  • sixth day – fruits.

The creator of this diet promises to get rid of about 4 kg in 6 days, but at the end of the diet it is recommended to follow dietary restrictions for another week.

Nutritionists categorically do not advise following mono-diets, especially for nursing mothers. Therefore, the “6 petals” diet is not the best the best option when breastfeeding. Moreover, before using it, it is advisable to undergo examination for the absence of diseases of the digestive and urinary systems, so as not to harm the body.

Low-carbohydrate diet while breastfeeding

The basis of a carbohydrate-free diet is proteins and fats, which should to some extent compensate for the carbohydrate deficiency.

As we know, carbohydrates serve as the main source of energy for humans. If you reduce their intake, the production of insulin, which helps form fat in the body, decreases. As a result, fat is consumed, which leads to weight loss.

However, before “going on” a diet while breastfeeding, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist. Why?

At increased consumption Fatty foods with a minimal intake of carbohydrate foods cause the body to lose moisture, which leads to weight loss, but can cause kidney disease. In addition, loss of fluid can lead to less breast milk being produced.

High protein content promotes the formation of kidney stones and also inhibits the production of sex hormones.

In addition, a lack of carbohydrates provokes a deficiency of serotonin, the pleasure hormone. As a result, a nursing mother may experience mood swings, nervousness, absent-mindedness, and irritability.

Experts' conclusion: of course, when breastfeeding, the consumption of sweets should be limited. But you shouldn't give up carbohydrates completely. The body needs energy, and a nursing mother energy requirement usually elevated.

A nursing mother should carefully monitor her diet, because food enters the baby’s body along with breast milk. A fragile body often does not accept new foods. As a result, an allergy appears and is disrupted.

Principles of nutrition for a nursing mother


Diet shouldn't interfere good nutrition. A nursing mother needs basic food groups. These include dairy and fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, eggs and even confectionery.

It is important that a woman receives required dose vitamins and other useful elements. But at the same time it is necessary to refuse harmful products. For example, from fried and spicy dishes, fatty and highly salty foods.

To ensure your baby's safety, watch the dosage! Even the safest food, if consumed in large quantities, will cause bloating, colic and other disorders in the baby.

Drinking regime

When breastfeeding, you need to drink more fluids. Liquid has a positive effect on lactation and is an effective method. The average daily dose is three liters.

A nursing mother can drink purified water, natural juices and compotes, tea. In addition, you need to eat broths and soups.

But doctors warn that large amounts of fluid should not be administered immediately after childbirth! Increase the dosage gradually. In the first four days, when lactation is just establishing, excess water will lead to excess milk. This may cause.

What can a nursing mother do?

  • Lean beef and veal, chicken and turkey, boiled rabbit, in the form of meatballs and meatballs;
  • Low-fat fish (carp, pike perch, cod) boiled up to twice a week;
  • Cottage cheese and cheese in heat treatment. It could be cheesecakes;
  • in small quantities. Milk is known to contain a strong allergen. Therefore, if the baby severe allergies, then it is better to give up milk and in this case consume more fermented milk products;
  • Low fat fermented milk products. This is yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk without additives;
  • fresh and stewed. The daily portion should be at least 400 grams.
  • Fruits and berries - at least 300 grams per day. In addition, do not forget about freshly squeezed juices and natural compotes;
  • Wheat, buckwheat, rice, corn and oatmeal. But it is better to avoid semolina while breastfeeding until the baby is at least six months old;
  • Rye bread, with bran, coarsely ground;
  • Dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets and desserts during lactation. Prunes and are especially useful. Dried fruits make a rich compote;
  • Butter in daily dosage– 25 grams.
  • Vegetable oil – 15 grams. You can eat sunflower, olive, corn and soybeans;
  • The amount of flour must be limited. However, some sweets are allowed for a nursing mother. Marshmallows, marshmallows, homemade cakes and low-fat cake in small quantities will not harm.

Recipes for breastfeeding

One of the principles of nutrition for a nursing mother is that it should be varied. However, how to diversify the menu if the list of permitted products is so limited? We offer recipes for dishes that are not only healthy, but also delicious.

Dishes for nursing mothers represent balanced diet taking into account the compatibility of products, as well as vitamins and minerals. Useful elements will help a woman recover faster after childbirth and promote the proper development and growth of the baby.

In addition, the dishes exclude foods that can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, this food is safe.


To prepare soups, it is better to use vegetable, chicken or secondary meat broth, since it shouldn't be bold.

Zucchini and fennel soup

  • Fennel – 2 fresh roots;
  • Medium zucchini - 1 piece;
  • Chicken broth – 1 liter;
  • Parsley and dill;
  • A little salt and pepper (optional);

Chop the squash and fennel roots into small pieces. Fry the fennel in the melted butter for five minutes, then add the courgettes. Simmer for 5-10 minutes. Chop the boiled chicken and add it to the broth along with the stewed vegetables. Cook for 5-7 minutes and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Spinach soup

  • Frozen spinach - half a pack;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Small carrots - 1 piece;
  • Medium potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Butter – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Melt butter in a frying pan and add frozen spinach. Fry until completely defrosted (about five minutes). Finely chop the carrots and potatoes and add to boiling water. Vegetables can be lightly fried or stewed in butter before cooking.

When the water boils, add the spinach. Beat the egg, pour into the broth and stir quickly. Let the water boil again.

Second courses

When cooking meat dishes Use buckwheat, pasta and mashed potatoes as a side dish. Don't forget about such a simple dish as stewed potatoes with meat. It is convenient to cook such food in a slow cooker.

Lean meat and peeled potatoes are cut into small pieces, you can add finely chopped carrots. The ingredients are mixed and simmered in a frying pan with water added, or cooked in a slow cooker without water.

Another light dish is boiled rice with goulash. For goulash, choose lean beef or veal. Squeeze together with carrots.

Beef in a pot

It's very easy and tasty dish, for the preparation of which you only need beef fillet and low-fat sour cream. Cut the fillet across the grain thin layers. Each piece can be sprinkled with a little salt and olive oil. Let the meat marinate in its own juices for 20 minutes.

Fry the pieces on each side for 1-2 minutes in hot olive oil and layer them in a pot. Coat each layer with sour cream, you can sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese. Place the pot in the oven for one hour. Before serving, you can add fresh dill or parsley.

Stewed hedgehogs

  • Beef – 500 grams;
  • Chicken egg - one piece;
  • Boiled rice - half a glass;
  • Small carrots - 1 piece;
  • Loaf slices soaked in milk - 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream – 1 glass.

Mince the beef (you can buy ready-made), mix with soaked loaf slices, raw egg and boiled rice. You can add a little salt. Cut the carrots into small pieces and fry in olive oil. Add one tablespoon of roasting mixture to the minced meat. Pour sour cream over the remaining carrots and simmer.

We form hedgehogs from the minced meat in the form of small round cutlets, fill them with sour cream and carrot sauce and simmer in the oven for one hour.

Potato zrazy with beef

  • Beef – 300 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Potatoes – 7 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil.

This amount of ingredients is enough for 8 large meals. Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and mash to a puree consistency. Add a raw egg and mix. You can add a little salt. Boil the second egg. Beef along with boiled egg Grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Place one tablespoon of puree on the film and knead, and place a tablespoon of cooked beef in the center. Using film, seal the edges of the potato “pie” and form a cutlet.

Then fry the zrazy in vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). Don't fry until crusty! Since too fried and fatty zrazy can harm the baby. It is fashionable for a nursing mother to eat zrazy with a small amount of sour cream.

Rolls with cottage cheese

  • Chicken or turkey breast – 1 piece;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 100 grams;
  • Low-fat cheese – 50 grams;
  • Cream 10%; Dill.

For the filling, beat grated cheese, cottage cheese and dill in a blender until smooth. Cut the fillet in half, spread the inside of the halves with this mixture and roll into rolls. You can also sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake chicken roll in the oven for 30 minutes, turkey roll – 40.


Store-bought baked goods with dyes and preservatives should not be included in the menu of a nursing mother. Flour and sweet foods can be eaten in small portions. Start with dried fruits and light pastries made from flour and cottage cheese. Add a minimum of sugar, or better yet, avoid it altogether.

  • Flour – 250 grams;
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • Butter – 100 grams;
  • Sugar – 200 grams; Egg – 2 pieces;
  • Green apples – 3 pieces;
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sour cream – 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt on the tip of a knife.

To prepare the dough, beat 100 grams of sugar with butter, add one yolk and mix. Beat the egg white and add it to the mixture. Mix the sifted flour with salt and baking powder. Gradually add to the resulting mixture. Knead the dough until smooth.

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. The dough is laid out in a mold, and apple slices are placed on top. The remaining sugar (you can do without it) is mixed with cinnamon and sprinkled on the pie. Place the crust in the oven for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, beat the second egg and mix with sour cream. Take out the half-finished cake and brush with this mixture. Place in the oven for another half hour.

Using the same principle, you can prepare cottage cheese pie. To do this, instead of apples, take 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or curd mass. Baking lovers can also experiment with yeast-free puff pastry. This dough is used to make puff pastries and cheesecakes with cottage cheese. Such baked goods in small quantities are very harmless during breastfeeding.

In conclusion, I would like to give some advice to nursing mothers. When preparing porridge, soak the cereal in cold water for a few hours. It is better to cook minced meat yourself. Many recipes contain cottage cheese, which is also best prepared at home. How to do this, read the article “. Bon appetit!

During pregnancy, the mother's diet can be quite varied. During this period, the child’s body and health are formed. To ensure the baby’s full development, strong immunity After birth, breastfeeding is necessary.

In order not to harm the baby, you need to very carefully monitor your diet during this period, follow strict diet. Many foods can cause severe allergic reactions, bloating, and colic in a child. Therefore, it is important for any nursing mother to adhere to proper nutrition, competently create a menu in the first month.

Basic principles of nutrition

The baby's first and only food after birth is breast milk. To provide the child with everything necessary for growth and proper development nutritional elements, a nursing mother must know and follow the main principles of nutrition during this period.

  • eat frequently, in small portions, at least 5 times a day;
  • drink a large amount of liquid - about 2.5-3 liters;
  • food can be quite high in calories, but not more than 3000-3500 kcal per day;
  • eat only certain fruits and vegetables;
  • Be sure to include fermented milk products and cereals in your diet.

It is very important to drink during the first 3 days more liquid. This could be a special herbal tea to increase lactation or a compote of dried apples. You can add weak green tea without sugar, but not often. Good fit mineral water, but without gas.

For lactation, it is useful to use, find out in a separate article.

On the fourth day, the amount of liquid should be reduced to 800-1000 ml. You must adhere to such restrictions for the next three days. On the seventh day, you can increase the volume of fluid consumed up to 2.5-3 l.

The diet in the first month of breastfeeding should be quite strict. But how to recover after childbirth, gain strength, so as not to harm the baby?

Mandatory products in the daily menu:

The strictest diet is followed for the first three days. At this time, the child adapts to a new way of eating. It is advisable during this period to eat:

From the 4th day you can introduce the following products:

Other products are gradually being introduced. You should start using them carefully, little by little, only in the first half of the day.

What not to eat for the benefit of a newborn

The list of prohibited foods on the menu of a nursing mother in the first month of breastfeeding is much longer than what is permitted.

From bad habits, such as smoking, you must definitely give up. During this period, you should also not be exposed to stress or hypothermia in order to avoid taking medications.

In the first 7 days of a baby’s life, the mother should attach great importance to her nutrition and approach it very responsibly. How to create the right menu for this period?

We offer a table with a menu for nursing by day for the first week:

Days 1 and 2 Day 3 4 day 5 day Day 6 Day 7
Breakfast 300 g buckwheat in water, without oil, a glass of lightly brewed green tea without sugar, 1-2 pcs. dry biscuits 200 g oatmeal with water, without butter and sugar, a glass of tea or compote, 2-3 homemade oatmeal cookies 150 g cottage cheese with a small amount of low-fat sour cream, weak green tea with milk, 3-4 biscuits Cottage cheese casserole, steamed chicken breast, 30-40 g cheese, green tea with milk, bread 3-4 cheesecakes, a little boiled chicken meat, 60 g cheese, unsweetened tea, cookies Cottage cheese, a little sour cream, whole grain bread with a small piece of plum. oils, green tea with the addition of low-fat milk
2nd breakfast 100 g unsweetened plain yogurt, herbal tea, 2-3 unsalted and unsweetened crackers Baked apple, 100 g unsweetened and low-fat cottage cheese, herbal tea Baked apple, some yogurt Baked apple, yogurt Yogurt, baked apple, herbal infusion Kefir, crackers
Dinner 300 g vegetable soup without potatoes and white cabbage(you can use zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, ), dry cookies, a glass of drink made from dried apples Stewed or steamed vegetables without oil or meat, 1-2 crackers, dry apple drink Vegetable soup, 100 g chicken breast without skin, bran bread, rosehip decoction Green, spinach and dill salad with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, vegetable soup, biscuits, dried fruit drink Weak boneless beef broth, wheat porridge on water with butter, bread, compote Steamed chicken, pasta, salad of sweet green peppers, lettuce and spinach with vegetable oil, whole grain bread (1-2 slices), herbal drink
Afternoon snack 200 g steamed vegetables, 200 ml compote Drinking yogurt without sugar or additives, 2-3 dry crackers Yogurt, ¼ green apple, peeled A pack of low-fat cottage cheese, a little sour cream Yogurt, biscuits A little cheese, compote, apple
Dinner 200-250 g gluten-free pasta, baked apple, 200 ml still water 200 g buckwheat in water, 1-2 pcs. biscuits, still water 300 g durum wheat pasta, 15 g butter, 2-3 pcs. oatmeal cookies, compote Buckwheat with butter, several cookies, herbal tea Stewed chicken with vegetables, biscuits, rosehip broth Wheat porridge with butter, water
For the night Glass of fermented baked milk Kefir Compote, 2-3 crackers Compote A little kefir 2% fat Anything fermented milk

At that time you need to limit your salt intake. To improve lactation you can take herbal tea(ready pharmacy) or prepare it yourself. To do this, you will need a glass of fresh black tea and 20 drops of pharmaceutical hawthorn. You need to drink this infusion 2-3 times a day.

In the first days, fluid intake in any form should not be less than 2.5 liters per day. We must not forget that from days 4 to 6, fluid intake should be limited to 1 liter per day.

Drawing up a sample menu for the month

From the second week When feeding, you can try low-fat sea fish, boiled or baked.

At the beginning of the third seven days the introduction of other fruits and vegetables into the diet begins, except for white cabbage. Add marshmallows or marshmallows in very small quantities.

IN last week months It’s worth diversifying your diet with baked potatoes. Gradually add, but not more than twice a week. Start with the white, and later add the yolk. You can eat lean rabbit meat,



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