How to keep a newborn feeding diary. Elimination diet and food diary rules

Today, diet therapy is the main component in the treatment and prevention of food allergies. In order to help the child, it is necessary to choose the right individual diet. Why individual? Unfortunately, almost any food (their constituent components, quantity, method of preparation, etc.) can cause one or another allergic reaction. For one baby, potatoes can be important source nutrients and elements, and for the other - a strong allergen.

The biggest difficulty in the treatment of allergies (including food) is that to identify allergens - the culprits of exacerbations allergic reactions- It's hard enough. This is a painstaking joint work of the parents of a child with allergies and the attending allergist-immunologist. Often, parents believe that at an allergist's appointment, all issues related to an allergic child are immediately resolved. A similar situation exists with laboratory tests to identify allergens: they do not always provide an opportunity to understand the situation and adjust the child's diet.

But every time, being at the appointment with an allergist, mothers hear a question about the diet of the child or mother and child (if the baby is still on breastfeeding). In order for the attending physician to prescribe proper diet, to adjust the nutrition of mother and child, it is necessary to keep nothing more than a “food diary”. Having this important “statistical” document in hand, you won’t have to spend a lot of time talking about your baby’s favorite foods, and the doctor will have an invaluable tool that can clarify a lot about the course, treatment and prevention of a child’s allergic disease.

Surely, you have heard about the food diary more than once. And, despite the individual opinions of mothers in the style of “Why is this necessary? He doesn’t give anything! ”, Many parents were really able to pick up balanced diet nutrition for their children, taking into account their individual characteristics. After all, often there are even such situations when two separately taken products do not give the child any allergic reaction, and their sharing within one day causes an exacerbation.

What should be included in a food diary? You can choose any form of keeping a food diary that is convenient for you. The main thing is that you lead it for a certain period of time constantly: without missing anything that the child eats / drinks (even if he stole a small piece of bread from the table). The diary should reflect a list of products (including all ingredients) indicating the amount eaten (at least approximately), the method of preparation and the time of taking the product, medicines, drinks, etc., as well as all unusual reactions, the time of their occurrence, changes in the nature of the stool And emotional state child.

You can give examples of keeping a food diary for children up to a year and after a year.

You can download an example of a food diary for children of the first year of life.

Download sample food diary older than a year life is possible

Keeping a systematic food diary will help you correctly identify foods that are allergenic to your child, their combination or constituent ingredients, as well as foods to which the child has intolerance. Special attention devote to the diary during the introduction of new foods into the baby's diet. Do not forget that you can not enter more than one product at the same time, you need to do this slowly (within 3-7 days), increasing the amount daily.

Physicians' opinions about how to keep a food diary , diverge slightly. Some experts only mean records of what is related to the digestion process (what the child ate, what medications he took, what was the stool, is there an allergic reaction) . Others also suggest writing about all contacts with possible allergens (mother's new perfume, a visit to the circus, a new washing powder etc.). Of course, the more information you record, the more accurate and accurate the conclusions that the doctor will help you make will be. In any case, everything related to nutrition requires the most scrupulous approach.

What to write in a food diary:

  • O shop products(kefir, juice, bread, etc.) indicate the manufacturer and date of manufacture, especially in relation to dairy products (poisoning by them is the most severe);
  • if the purchased products that your baby eats contain any suspicious additives(for example, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, various E), it is better to add them too;
  • O homemade food note even the smallest amounts of food eaten, including salt, sugar, seasonings, describe in detail the composition of the dishes you have prepared;
  • write, today's food was or not, although it should always be fresh by default.

How to keep a food diary (my example)

I took an ordinary notebook, drew it on 4 columns. In the first column, the date and time of each meal. In the second - all food and drinks for the day. If the child drinks something other than water between meals, this should also be recorded. In the third column, the medicines that the baby takes so that you can evaluate healing effect, as well as possible side effects and allergic reactions. On days when we do not drink any medicines, I remove this column (I do only three columns). The fourth column contains your observations of the child's health: first of all, this is the condition of the skin (itching, dryness, rash, redness) and stools (consistency, color, smell). Moreover, if some symptoms appear or disappear during the day, then you need to indicate the time of occurrence of the reaction, at least approximately. You also need to make other changes here. general condition eg lack of appetite, activity, complaints. Allergies vary from child to child, so coughs, asthma attacks, sneezing, runny nose, etc. may also be present.

I also indicate which products seem suspicious to me (I highlight them with a marker), so that later I can try to find the cause of the allergy myself. In addition, it helps when viewing the diary for a long period (for a month or two), it is easier to navigate the entries. For example, if my baby doll visited my grandmother and treated herself to a homemade pie (with an egg in the dough, which my grandmother completely forgot about), then I write it down, highlight it and then follow the reaction.

The concept of a food diary is probably unknown to most parents, but if you have a baby growing up with an allergic reaction to food, then you have probably come across a doctor's recommendation that it's time to start keeping such documentation. By the way, doctors say that for healthy child such information will be useful, but on the contrary - extremely useful. So, let's see - in what cases you need to keep a food diary and most importantly - how to do it right?

Food allergies in babies

It is most common in children under one year of age. According to statistics, about 30% of children suffer from food allergies, the rest of the children may have backlash organism on household chemicals, indoor dust, pet hair.

Food for a child is really the strongest allergen. At an early age, the child's gastrointestinal tract is not able to perceive a foreign protein completely, therefore, a persistent allergic reaction occurs. As soon as internal organs the child will mature, he will begin to perceive normally new food for him. You just need to wait!

Cause of Allergy on food is that the enzymes in the child's stomach cannot fully break down the components of the food. As a result, it starts to decrease. local immunity baby, which is very bad. After all, the body needs to deal with foreign proteins (this is how most products are perceived).

Symptoms of an allergic reaction in babies: skin rashes, redness, peeling, burning, itching, diaper rash that do not go away long time. Wherein general well-being the child also worsens, he becomes less active, more naughty, irritated. To all unpleasant symptoms you can add disruption gastrointestinal tract: regurgitation, vomiting, colic, stomach pain, stool becomes liquid.

Food Allergy Diagnosis- Very difficult process. That is why parents should be interested in helping their child on their own. How? It is enough to keep a food diary from the first days of a baby's life. Only in this way, through observation and analysis of eating behavior child, you can draw certain conclusions - what foods to give the baby and what not.

Laboratory research

There is a proven, effective and reliable way Find out what foods your child has an allergic reaction to. This - laboratory research, with the help of which it is possible to identify the products responsible for the allergy. To do this, you need to come to the laboratory with your child and do a blood test for the reaction of immunoglobulins E to a particular type of allergen (for example, meat, milk, bread, oatmeal, etc.).

The most common childhood food allergens are:

  • Chocolate;
  • Eggs;
  • Meat and fish.

But, not always the child develops an allergy to these types of products. The complexity of such laboratory diagnostics is that the number of allergens in the kit is not so wide, therefore, parents may not know what their crumbs are allergic to. In addition, an allergy may not even be to the product itself, but to some additives in its composition. For example, for gluten in the composition of milk and oatmeal baby porridge for the first complementary foods.

Interestingly? Lab test may show the body's lack of sensitivity to multicomponent food, but in fact, there will be an allergy. In this case, the doctor will need to familiarize complete list products that the child or mother consumes if the baby is breastfed. To this end, parents of an allergic child need to be able to keep a food diary.

Food diary - what is it?

A food diary is a special notebook in which mom or dad will write down what their child eats during the day. If the mother is breastfeeding, then she writes down her diet in this notebook.

Properly made records will allow timely identification of the cause of the allergy and the necessary therapy.

The food diary should contain the following columns:

  • Date of;
  • Feeding time(you even write down the time of small snacks, both yours (with) and the child);
  • Product type(e.g. sugar, salt, sunflower oil, oatmeal, bread, cottage cheese, banana);
  • Amount of product eaten(even we are talking about the approximate volume of food - approximately 100 grams, etc.);
  • Child's reaction on the product from the side skin(at 10 in the morning the cheeks began to turn red), from the side of digestion (at 13 days - liquid stool green), the child's well-being - capricious, calm, irritable, etc.
  • Notes- at 10 am they gave one drop of vitamin D.

Of course, the process of keeping a food diary is very laborious, but otherwise you will not be able to help your child.

The minimum duration of a food diary is 2 weeks. It is impossible to draw an objective conclusion by analyzing 2-day records.


In the food diary, entries should be kept every day, carefully entering all those foods and liquids that were drunk / eaten by the child. Moreover, even minor moments are important, for example, the child ate a small piece of tomato from his mother's plate or tried tea.

Be sure to record the form in which the child ate the product - raw, boiled, fried, etc. Did you add seasonings when preparing the dish? Did you salt and if so, how many grams did you add?

If you are introducing a child, then you should not immediately introduce several new products. For example, they gave the baby a zucchini - look at his reaction, then, after a few days, a pumpkin, etc.

What is a food diary and how to keep one

For mothers of children with allergies up to 6 months. at full GW and
for children with allergies from 6 months. for food...

Every mother of a baby suffering from allergies must have come across the concept of a “food diary”. But not all parents know why you need to keep a food diary, and how to do it right.

According to experts, more than 20% of babies under one year old have pathological reactions to food. In the early childhood it is food that is the main source of foreign protein and the main factor provoking the development of allergic reactions. This is facilitated by the physiological immaturity of the organs and systems of a small organism. The enzyme system in children of the first years of life does not yet actively break down food components, the immature intestinal mucosa has a high permeability for large protein molecules that are potential allergens, is not fully formed normal microflora intestines, reduced local immunity, which protects the mucous membranes digestive tract from foreign agents.

Allergic reactions associated with food intake in babies can present with a variety of symptoms, of which the most common are skin manifestations(local rashes on the skin, accompanied by redness, peeling and itching, persistent diaper rash), as well as various violations digestion (abundant regurgitation and vomiting, colic, change in the nature of the stool - frequent loose stools or constipation).

The diagnosis of food allergy is not an easy task. food intolerance is not always allergic character. WITH modern point of view, it is customary to single out concepts food intolerance and food allergies, which have similar clinical manifestations, but they are based on different mechanisms response.

Food intolerance, especially in children early age, which is most often accompanied by local moderate skin manifestations in the form of redness and peeling, is most often associated with the immaturity of the intestinal enzyme system and, as a rule, disappears as the enzyme system matures, following a diet with the exception of products that cause intolerance, and correcting digestive disorders.

In the development of a true food allergy, the main role is played by disturbances in immune system, while the determining role in its occurrence is played by hereditary predisposition (the presence of allergic diseases in family members). In addition, with food allergies, there are persistent long-lasting skin manifestations in the form of atopic dermatitis requiring the use of a whole range of measures, including, in addition to diet, antihistamines, hormonal and a number of other drugs. Food allergy can persist throughout life, and in the absence of timely and adequate measures, it can become the initial step for the development of more severe manifestations of a systemic allergic disease, such as allergic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Allergic reactions in especially young children can occur after taking almost any food product, however, there are foods that have pronounced allergenic properties. Products have more pronounced allergenic properties. protein origin containing animals and vegetable proteins. The most highly allergenic foods include: cow's milk, eggs, fish, seafood, nuts, wheat. Widespread allergens also include cocoa and chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, strawberries, vegetables and fruits of red and orange colors (apricots, red varieties of apples, carrots, tomatoes, etc.), honey, meat of animals and birds, food cereals (oats, millet, etc.).

Often, pathological manifestations on the skin in the form of redness and itching are caused not by the product itself, but by various chemical additives introduced to improve taste, smell, color, which ensure shelf life, as well as the presence of antibiotics and hormones in animal meat, pesticides, nitrates in plant products. etc.

The main condition for setting accurate diagnosis And successful treatment food allergy and food intolerance is the identification and elimination of causally significant allergens, i.e. products that are the direct "culprits" in the development allergic manifestations. Identification of a causally significant allergen often presents significant difficulties, since in addition to the generally recognized highly allergenic foods, each person has their own specific irritant foods. The most reliable methods for determining the allergen product are laboratory tests. In children of the first year of life, the presence in the blood of specific immunoglobulins E to specific allergens(immunoblotting method). Older children use the method skin tests using a standard set of allergens, which includes eggs, fish, poultry, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc. laboratory methods identifying allergen product the main hopes of the parents of an allergic child are often placed. However, these methods do not always provide an opportunity to understand the situation. This is due to the fact that the set of allergens in the tests is limited and does not always make it possible to identify the product that causes an allergic reaction. In addition, an allergic reaction may not occur to the product itself, but to the additives it contains. In this case, laboratory samples will not reveal sensitivity to this product, and when eating it, allergy symptoms will be observed. Laboratory tests will also be negative in case of food intolerance, since it is not based on immune mechanisms response. Due to this, great value for the doctor is detailed information about the diet of the child and the nursing mother, about the time of occurrence, nature and duration pathological manifestations, which will allow you to establish a connection between the intake of certain foods and the occurrence of allergy symptoms. To this end, at the appointment, the doctor conducts a detailed survey of parents about the menu and eating habits of the child, and also asks the mother to keep a food diary. It is this "statistical document" that gives the most complete and detailed picture of the child's nutrition and his well-being after each meal, which gives the doctor the opportunity to determine the range of causally significant foods and adjust the diet of mother and baby.

What is a food diary?

A food diary is a notebook or notebook in which the mother keeps track of the foods eaten by the baby during the day and reflects all the unusual reactions and manifestations that the child has during this period. It should be noted that food allergies can be caused by foods consumed by a nursing mother, so if the child is breastfed, a similar diary should be kept by a nursing mother.

Mandatory sections of the food diary are the date and time of feeding, the type of food, the approximate amount of food eaten, all unusual reactions and changes in the child's well-being (skin manifestations, changes in the nature of the stool or the emotional state of the child), the time of their occurrence.

Food diary template:

Keeping a food diary is essential for all children with allergies. Also, keeping a food diary can be helpful. healthy babies having hereditary predisposition to allergies, in which one of the family members suffers allergic diseases. In such cases, it is especially important to strictly record everything eaten by the mother in the first weeks after arrival from the hospital, if the baby is breastfed, as well as accounting for the products consumed by the child during the introduction of complementary foods. Properly made records will help parents to identify the allergen in a timely manner and exclude it from the baby's diet.

Rules for keeping a food diary

Keeping a food diary is a responsible matter and requires self-discipline and patience from the mother. Within a period of time determined by the pediatrician or allergist the mother needs to accurately and methodically enter into the diary all the foods consumed per day, as well as record all changes in the baby's well-being throughout the day. It is more convenient to take to fill out the diary certain time e.g. in the evening when the baby is sleeping. It is important to understand that only complete and reliable information entered in the diary can help the doctor identify causally significant food allergens that cause unwanted reactions in the baby.

A food diary can only be informative if it is followed following conditions:

Recordings must be made daily without interruptions, entering in detail in the diary absolutely all the foods and liquids received by the baby during the day at the main meals and snacks, even a small piece of carrot that the baby pulled off the table matters here, while the mother was preparing soup or drying, eaten while walking. In the column "Type of product" it is also necessary to indicate the composition of the dishes and the features of their culinary processing (raw, boiled, baked, etc.). In the case of using a finished product, for example, store-bought baby curds or yogurt, it is advisable to also indicate the manufacturer of the product, since even products of the same name different manufacturers can cause the baby different reactions;

The column "Amount" indicates the approximate amount of food eaten. This is important as an adverse reaction may not occur with a small amount of the product (eg 1-2 teaspoons) and occur after a larger volume is consumed;

For convenience, it is desirable to divide the “Changes” column into 3 parts. In the first part, describe the manifestations on the skin of the baby (rashes, swelling, itching, their severity and localization), as well as respiratory dysfunction (runny nose, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath), if any. In the second part, note the reaction to the product from the digestive organs of the child: regurgitation, vomiting, colic, flatulence, the nature of the change in the stool. The third part should indicate changes in the general condition and behavior of the child in response to the introduction of new food (manifestation of anxiety, capriciousness, sleep disturbance, fever, etc.) It is also necessary to record the time of manifestation of one or another reaction of the body to the product, for example, rashes on the cheeks may appear immediately after eating or after a few hours;

In the "Notes" column, indicate additional factors(taking medications, administering a vaccine, changing the usual environment), which could affect the condition and well-being of the child and themselves provoke one or another undesirable reaction. You can also record suspected food allergens and other relevant information here. In this column, you can also indicate the weight of the child (it is advisable to measure no more than 1 time per week);

The duration of the diary should be at least two weeks, and if necessary for a month or more. Only with such a duration of observations is it possible with high probability to identify a causal relationship between the manifestations of allergies in a baby with a certain food product. Short-term records (within 1-2 days) do not provide any valuable information;

Entries in the diary are kept taking into account the diet prescribed by the doctor. When a connection is found between certain product and the manifestation of allergic reactions, the suspected product is temporarily excluded from the child’s diet until the exacerbation symptoms subside, after which it potentially dangerous product again once in a small amount is given to the child on an empty stomach. The resumption of symptoms confirms the causal role of this product in the development adverse reactions. In this case unwanted view food is excluded from the baby's diet for a certain period (it is set by the doctor individually), and in the diary unwanted product marked in red;

Allergens can only be identified if the range of products is properly expanded. The simultaneous introduction of more than one new product is not recommended. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult to identify a dangerous allergen, since it is difficult to assess the reaction when using several products at the same time, and also - combined species food. Enter New Product in the diet of a nursing mother or baby should be gradually, first in minimum quantity, while it is desirable to introduce the child to a new product in the morning. This makes it possible to assess the tolerance of each new product and to identify the allergen in a timely manner. In the absence of unwanted reactions next product administered no earlier than 3 days later. If any manifestations of intolerance occur, it is necessary to stop using the new product, write down the symptoms and consult a specialist. The next new product can be introduced only after the complete disappearance of all symptoms;

Do not combine the introduction of a new product with the intake of a new medicinal product, as well as introduce the baby to new food during the vaccination period.

A well-filled food diary allows you to systematize information about the baby’s nutrition, assess its nature and identify violations, identify foods, as well as their combinations or individual ingredients to which the child has hypersensitivity and choose a balanced diet for the baby and the nursing mother, taking into account individual characteristics.

Entries in the diary are kept taking into account the diet prescribed by the doctor. If a connection is found between a certain product and the manifestation of allergic reactions, the suspected product is temporarily excluded from the child's diet until the symptoms of exacerbation subside, after which the potentially dangerous product is given to the child once again in a small amount on an empty stomach. The resumption of symptoms confirms the causal role of this product in the development of adverse reactions. In this case, the unwanted type of food is excluded from the baby's diet for a certain period (it is set by the doctor individually), and the unwanted product is marked in the diary in red.

P.S.: I have no experience in keeping a "food diary", because.
During pregnancy, I followed a diet for pregnant mothers:
if the pregnant woman fell ill, did not take pills and other medicines:
we were born full-term in our DA,
during HB, in the first 5 months. GV, followed a diet for nursing mothers:
did not introduce early complementary foods, introduced Pedagogical complementary foods when the baby was ready:
( before the introduction of Pedagogical complementary foods, there was full breastfeeding on demand without additional water and before food, then complementary foods at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and breastfeeding on demand, including night hours, until natural self-weaning )
, and the baby turned out not allergic.

Just sharing info...
All the best and strong healthy kids!



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