What can be prepared for exacerbation of psoriasis. Proper nutrition in psoriasis is one of the rules for successful therapy

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, the main symptom of which is the formation of red-silver papular rashes on the surface of the skin. The main goal of therapy is to get rid of skin formations and achieve a stable state of remission. A huge role in the treatment process is played by the diet for psoriasis. Doctors recommend sticking to it constantly.

Proper nutrition

A proper nutrition system does not replace treatment, but promotes rapid healing and improves the condition. If the patient consumes the recommended foods and completely excludes forbidden foods from the diet, unpleasant symptoms will disappear after 7-12 days.

However, there is no universal diet that will bring maximum benefit in each case. It is important to consider the tolerance of certain products. Therefore, the diet for patients with psoriasis is selected individually. It should be developed by a doctor, based on diagnostic data. Testing for the tolerance of different types of food is carried out only during the remission period. Foods that cause exacerbation of psoriasis should be completely excluded from the diet. If there was no reaction, they can be eaten very rarely and in strictly moderate quantities.

What can you eat with psoriasis?

Dietary nutrition in psoriasis should help maintain the acid-base balance and the harmonious functioning of all body systems.

Let us consider in detail, the use of which products provides for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • Fruits and berries - they create the necessary alkaline environment in the digestive tract. It is harmful to eat only prunes, currants, cranberries, plums and blueberries. Bananas, melons and apples (only baked) are consumed separately from other products. Especially useful are pineapples, cherries, grapes and raisins, nectarines, mangoes.
  • Vegetables - in moderation, you need to use pumpkin, legumes, rhubarb, sprouts (Brussels). It is important to exclude potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers from the diet. Other vegetables can be eaten at every meal. They must be fresh, boiled or stewed. Especially useful are cucumbers, carrots, beets, broccoli, sweet potatoes, watercress, celery, beans (green beans).
  • Poultry meat - preference should be given to chicken and turkey meat. You need to include them in the diet several times a week (up to 3 times).
  • Fish - trout, tuna, sturgeon, halibut, sole, sardines, salmon, herring, mackerel are especially useful. Fish can be boiled and also steamed. You can't fry it. It is recommended to eat fish at least 4 times a week. This product is useful because it enriches the body with useful fatty acids.
  • Cereals ─ the basis of the diet should be cereals from rice, barley, wheat, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Lamb - before cooking, it is important to remove fat. May be used twice a week.
  • Dairy products are the main source of calcium, cottage cheese, sour-milk products are especially useful.
  • Eggs - you can only eat boiled, a maximum of 4 times a week.
  • Vegetable oils are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are necessary for the formation in the body of active substances that have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. Sunflower, olive, corn, cottonseed, almond oil are recommended. They can be drunk in a spoon three times a day.
  • Natural greens ─ dill, salads, parsley, green onions.

It is very helpful to drink enough water. Approximate norm ─ 7-10 glasses daily. It is also advisable to supplement the diet with juices (only freshly squeezed). Juices from spinach, parsley, carrots, celery, beets are recommended. You can drink tea with psoriasis, especially herbal tea. You can't add sugar to it.

The diet should be rich in vitamins, especially A (butter, liver), E (vegetable oil), C (rose hips), O (fish), B (buckwheat, beef liver), PP, bioflavonoids (currants), zinc (fruits, vegetables, meat) and aminobenzoic acid (fruits, vegetables).

Fasting will help cleanse the body during a diet. It is advisable to practice one "hungry day" every week. This is a general recommendation for women and men.

What can not be eaten with psoriasis?

Treatment and prevention of the development of psoriasis involves the exclusion from the diet of foods that contain cholesterol, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

These include:

  • Bread and all grain products containing gluten.
  • Fatty meat ─ it provokes inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Smoked, salty, spicy, as well as fried dishes.
  • Nuts ─ provoke the development of allergies. You can not use it in its pure form, as additives, as well as peanut butter.
  • Spices - aromatic substances contained in their composition, have a toxic effect, which leads to skin irritation and the development of psoriasis. Clove, pepper, nutmeg are recognized as especially harmful. The exceptions (in very moderate doses) are garlic, onions and horseradish.
  • Citrus.
  • Alcoholic drinks, especially those based on grapes. Not even beer.
  • Blue cheese.
  • Products containing preservatives, emulsifiers, leavening agents, stabilizers, dyes.
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates, especially sweets and carbonated drinks.
  • Canned food and sausages.
  • Semi-finished products, fast food products.
  • Margarine and spread.
  • Sugar ─ it is desirable to replace it with fructose.

If the diet of a person suffering from psoriasis does not contain the above products, it will be possible to speed up recovery and achieve a stable state of remission.

Diets for psoriasis

The right diet for every day is easiest to choose if you follow well-designed diets. The most popular and effective, as confirmed by the reviews of many people, are the diets of Pegano and Svetlana Ogneva.

Pegano diet for psoriasis

The diet according to the John Pegano system consists in a certain principle of nutrition. Its basis - the food consumed should contribute to the strict maintenance of acid-base balance in the body. To do this, 70% of the diet should be alkaline-forming foods, and 30% acid-forming.

According to Pegano, the predominance of an alkaline reaction in the body leads to a cure for psoriasis. If you properly adjust the diet, you will not need medicines. This is the basis of his concept.

Below is a table of alkali-forming and acid-forming products.

The Pegano method involves the passage of 5 stages:

  1. Cleansing the body ─ for this, for 5 days you need to maintain a diet (multi-fruit), the next 3 days, only an apple diet is recommended. Additionally, the use of enterosorbents is required.
  2. Special dietary regimen ─ the diet is compiled according to the acid-base principle. The duration of the diet is not limited to a certain period. This is a lifetime system.
  3. Physical activity ─ it is especially important to pay attention to exercises for the spine.
  4. Cosmetological procedures aimed at restoring the epidermis (sauna, bath).
  5. Positive mood, avoiding stress.

The main principles of nutrition according to Pegano:

  • Whole grains and dairy foods should not be mixed with citrus fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them.
  • Meat and starch-containing products do not mix.
  • You can not eat flour products, cereals and fruits at one meal.
  • To cleanse the body, you need to regularly drink herbal infusions and teas (without sugar).
  • Products should be consumed raw, stewed, steamed.
  • It's important not to overeat.

If you follow the Pegano diet, the general condition of the body improves, skin itching is eliminated, the rate of cell death slows down, and psoriasis stops developing.

Diet of Svetlana Ognevoy

Book by S.M. Ognevoy "Therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis".

The diet for psoriasis according to the method of Dr. Ognevoy also provides for the creation of an optimal acid-base balance in the body. The division of products into alkali-forming and acid-forming coincides with the division according to Pegano. You need to eat more alkaline-forming foods. The diet must be combined with other treatments.

Features of the Fire diet:

  1. It is important to completely exclude all forbidden foods from the diet. These include plums, blackcurrants, prunes, pomegranates, fatty meats, chocolate, cane sugar, proteins, canned food, alcohol, yeast, starch, vinegar.
  2. The basis of the diet should be cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, garlic, onions, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, cereals.
  3. Every week you need to do a fasting day. During its duration, you can use only one product: apples, vegetables, sour-milk. This is necessary for cleansing the body.

Scheme of the ratio of the number of products in the diet according to Ognevoy.

Consider a menu for a week that fully meets the needs of a person suffering from psoriasis:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Wheat porridge, apple, herbal tea Borscht, boiled lamb, dried fruit compote Vegetable salad, stewed mushrooms, pear juice
Tuesday Oatmeal, glass of juice Vegetable soup, steamed salmon, green tea Chinese cabbage salad, lean fish, chamomile tea
Wednesday Vegetable puree soup, apple juice Vegetable salad, baked trout, low-fat cheese, black tea Barley porridge, cucumber, rosehip broth
Thursday Rice porridge, dried apricots, herbal tea Beetroot, turkey meat, juice Boiled silver carp, coleslaw, linden tea
Friday Vegetable salad, boiled egg, juice Buckwheat porridge, baked fish, green tea Vegetarian borscht, stewed mushrooms, herbal tea
Saturday Oatmeal, black tea Broccoli puree, fish cakes (steam), apple juice Vegetable soup, boiled fish, dried fruit broth
Sunday Omelet (steam), vegetable salad, compote Vegetable soup, salmon fillet (baked), herbal tea Cabbage salad, boiled fish, rosehip broth

Between meals, it is advisable to drink mineral water (alkaline - Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Borjomi, Kislovodsky Narzan).

Recipes for psoriasis

1. Salmon with vegetables baked in foil

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon steak (2 pcs.).
  • Lemon juice (2 tsp).
  • Dill (30 g).
  • Vegetable mix (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini).

Cooking method:
Finely chop the vegetables, bring to half-cooked in a double boiler. Then put them on the foil (to form boats out of it). Top with fish steaks drizzled with lemon juice. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 160°. Before serving, sprinkle the fish with dill (chopped).

2. Steam cutlets


  • Turkey meat (300 g).
  • Carrots (1 pc.).
  • Egg (1 pc.).
  • Dill (50 g).
  • Sweet pepper (1 pc.).
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Prepare minced meat (ground meat, egg, salt mix). Form cutlets out of it, stuff them with pieces of pepper, and then roll in grated carrots and dill. Steam for 15-20 minutes. Porridge or vegetable salad is suitable as a side dish.


Adhering to the right diet, following the diet recommended for psoriasis, you can correct the violations of the functioning of body systems, relieve inflammation of the skin. This leads to a decrease in the manifestation of pathology, and also allows you to achieve a state of prolonged and stable remission.

The diet for psoriasis should be varied, balanced and complete. It is important that it contains many vitamins. Doctors note that during the period of exacerbation of the disease, a strict diet must be combined with drug treatment and physiotherapy. An integrated approach is the basis for success.

Articles on the topic

Psoriasis - how to get rid of a deadly autoimmune disease?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not on your side yet ... And have you already thought about cardinal methods of treatment? It is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in a rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to the chronic form. Red blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We found an interesting interview with a dermatologist at the Russian Center for Dermatology.

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious skin disease associated with the formation of reddish-silver papular rashes. This disease can manifest itself as a result of a violation of the general metabolism. There is evidence that such disorders provoke disharmony of the microflora of the stomach with the intestines, which leads to dermatoses, such as, for example, psoriasis of the scalp. Diet in this case is a significant factor on the path to healing. Proper nutrition in psoriasis, along with drug treatments, has a significant impact on the course of the disease.

The human body individually in each case reacts to a variety of foods and therefore it is almost impossible to develop a menu suitable for all in psoriasis. Only a dietitian can determine what to eat with psoriasis, in a particular case of the disease. And in the same way, only a specialist can say that you can not eat with psoriasis. And although information publications are full of topics such as: psoriasis, diet, treatment, only a qualified specialist can perform a diagnosis and determine effective methods of treatment.

Proper nutrition for psoriasis

A diet for patients with psoriasis, with the help of a rational selection of a diet, should correct metabolic disorders in the body and prevent exacerbation of skin reactions.

Nutrition for psoriasis should comply with certain principles:

  • individually for each patient, products are determined that can lead to allergic reactions, followed by their complete exclusion from the diet;
  • complete abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • eating small amounts of food 4-5 times a day;
  • exclusion of the use of fried, smoked and spicy foods;
  • reduction in salt intake;
  • refusal to use products containing preservatives, emulsifiers, food colors, stabilizers, baking powder and other artificial additives;
  • a ban on the use of citrus fruits (exclude oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits from the diet);
  • refusal of easily digestible carbohydrates (products from the highest grades of flour, sugar);
  • the use of plant foods - what can be eaten with psoriasis in predominant quantities, except for citrus fruits, legumes and vegetables of the nightshade family;
  • in the diet, the predominance of cereals (buckwheat diet for psoriasis is very popular);
  • the use of sour-milk products with a low fat content;
  • the daily diet must include vegetable oils that provide dietary nutrition for psoriasis.

What can you eat with psoriasis

When compiling a menu for a week with psoriasis, experts offer an option for the day:

  • Breakfast: egg omelette, boiled carrot dessert, tea.
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup with rice, baked meat with buckwheat porridge, apple, dried fruit drink.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, vegetable pudding, coffee with milk.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to use low-fat kefir.

There is an opinion that therapeutic fasting in psoriasis leads to the normalization of metabolic processes. However, the opinions of scientists about the effectiveness of using this method differ. Since the majority of patients have impaired lipid metabolism, nutrition in psoriasis should be based on the choice of foods with a limited amount of fat. Thus, the diet for psoriasis is often based on the use of simple, varied and vitamin-rich foods.

What can not be eaten with psoriasis?

Proper nutrition in psoriasis is based on dietary regimen. Therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis Ogneva, a doctor dealing with nutrition for psoriasis, recipes, is based on the complete exclusion of condensed milk, ice cream. Many experts agree that it is necessary to limit spices, seasonings, strong broths.

Diet Pegano and Fire

To date, unique and are the most widely known. According to both authors, clinical nutrition in psoriasis should provide the necessary acid-base balance of the body, as a result of which the alkaline reaction exceeds the acidic one. This is influenced by the food consumed and the emotional state. The menu for patients with psoriasis should be 70-80% alkaline-forming and 20-30% acid-forming. Both experts decided which diet is most acceptable for psoriasis, and offered lists of products, among which there are significant contradictions.

On the use of all citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, lime, lemon), the Pegano diet for psoriasis is based. However, clinical nutrition for psoriasis Ognevoy excludes the use of any citrus fruits, except for grapefruit.

The Pegano diet for psoriasis includes the use of such foods:

  • cereals - oats, wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye, millet, bran;
  • whole seeds - sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, flax;
  • fish (not fried): tuna, cod, trout, mackerel, flounder, salmon, trout.

Pegano classifies these foods as acid-forming. However, the diet for psoriasis Fire indicates that these products are alkaline-forming. Ogneva recommends combining therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis with traditional medicine recipes.

The buckwheat diet for psoriasis has also become widely known, which is associated with the beneficial effect of cereals on all organs of the digestive tract. Nutrition for psoriasis, recipes for preparing dietary dishes are not the only ways to deal with the disease. For example, psoriasis of the scalp, in which the diet is not particularly different from the principles of nutrition for other skin diseases, can be treated with the accompanying help of traditional medicine. Dr. Ogneva combines therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis with the use of Altai and Far Eastern herbs.

Diet for psoriasis does not cure the disease. But a person who does not adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and eats foods that cause allergic dermatitis increases the risk of a relapse. This skin disease is incurable, but if a psoriasis sufferer follows medical recommendations, is actively treated and monitors nutrition, he thereby prolongs remissions and eases the course of an attack if the disease worsens. Therefore, you need to know what you can and cannot eat if psoriasis is diagnosed.

General principles of diet for psoriasis

A food table that lists permitted and prohibited foods will help you make the right diet. If not a single food product is indicated opposite the name in the “can” column, then this group is prohibited in the diet of a person diagnosed with psoriasis.

People with a skin disease refrain from heavy meals and dishes that include foods that are strong allergens. In the daily menu, doctors recommend giving preference to light dietary dishes that do not overload the digestive tract.

Product Can It is forbidden
Legumes Soy, lentils, peas in small quantities
Fats vegetable Butter, margarine
Greenery Lettuce, dill, parsley, chives, lettuce
Sour-milk low fat fatty
canned food Pickles, marinades, fish, meat
cereals Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley semolina, rice
Dairy Reduced fat content
Meat dietary meat Fatty varieties, lard, smoked products, including sausages
Beverages Mineral water, table water Coffee, tea, alcohol, freshly squeezed and packaged juices
Vegetables Beets, carrots, cabbage, onions, pumpkin, corn Paprika, tomatoes
Nuts, seeds Almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin, linseed, sunflower seeds
condiments Cumin, garlic Vinegar, salt, hot spices
Fish, seafood Fresh, lean varieties Caviar, smoked fish, salted fish, crabs, shrimps, mussels, lobsters
Sweets Natural, jelly, marmalade, compote, fruit drink Honey, chocolate, sugar, confectionery
Dried fruits Prunes, dried apricots, raisins Candied fruit
Cheese Curd Fat varieties, with mold
Fruits Apples, pears, melon, watermelon, pineapple, mango, kiwi Citrus fruits, oranges, tangerines, lemons
Bakery Macaroni, whole grain bread Baking, white flour pastries
exotic Soy sauce, various sauces
Berries Blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, currants Strawberry Raspberry
Eggs Quail Chicken

It is useful for people with psoriasis to consider when compiling a menu what you need:

  1. Refrain from legumes. Beans, lentils, peanuts, soybeans are foods that are consumed in moderation, despite the fact that they are rich in zinc and B vitamins.
  2. Include in the diet vegetable and nut oils, except for soy and peanut, rich in polyunsaturated acids. Avoid butter and margarine.
  3. Greens and salads are useful, so dill, parsley, basil, lettuce, feather onions are included in the daily diet. These products are rich in vitamins and minerals, support the body, saturate with nutrients, strengthen the immune system.
  4. Choose fermented milk and dairy products, such as cheeses, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, low fat and no sugar. They contain calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and stops inflammation in psoriasis.
  5. Refuse canned food. There are almost no vitamins in it, but a lot of spices, salt, vinegar.
  6. There are buckwheat, barley, millet, oatmeal. Semolina and rice (especially peeled, custard) are excluded, since they contain a lot of starch, they contribute to weight gain.
  7. Choose dietary meats: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef and lean lamb. Steam or boil meat dishes. Salo, pork, fatty poultry are contraindicated in psoriasis.
  8. Drink plenty of liquids, mineral slightly carbonated or table water, unsweetened compotes, herbal teas. But give up freshly squeezed juices, in which there are a lot of essential oils. Sufficient fluid intake maintains the health of the skin and all internal organs.
  9. Refuse vegetables and fruits that cause allergies and provoke dermatitis. For example, nightshade, which include potatoes, tomatoes, paprika, eggplant. Eat pumpkin and Brussels sprouts in moderation. Zucchini, zucchini, carrots, white cabbage, beets saturate the body with essential vitamins, vegetable salads made from cabbage, carrots, beets seasoned with vegetable oil are especially useful. They “cleanse” the body due to their high fiber content, maintain skin health.
  10. Do not eat citrus fruits and berries that contain red pigment: raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates. But lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, black currants, on the contrary, must be in the diet of a person with psoriasis. During remission, pineapple, mango, kiwi are useful, and green apples, bananas are best eaten baked. Melon, pears are used as a separate dish.
  11. Include fresh nuts and seeds in your diet, such as walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. Refuse varieties that often provoke allergies, such as hazelnuts.
  12. There are fish - low-fat varieties with white meat, pink salmon, because they are rich in omega acids, but exclude red caviar, seafood and surimi.
  13. From sweets, prefer natural ones, for example, fruit jelly, marmalade, marshmallow. Suitable dried apricots, prunes, raisins. But chocolate, honey, caramel, sweets, cookies are contraindicated for people with psoriasis.
  14. From bakery products, choose products from wholemeal flour, refuse muffins and pasta from wheat flour of the highest grades, products that include sugar, butter.
  15. Avoid spicy, salty, pickled foods, exotic foods such as soy sauce because it is high in salt and fermented beans.
  16. Be careful with eggs. Hard-boiled chicken, eat no more than 2 times a week, eat quail eggs, especially yolks. They are believed to fight relapses of the disease.

Until now, doctors and nutritionists have not developed a single diet that would significantly alleviate the course of the disease. If a person is diagnosed with psoriasis and, for example, diabetes, his menu will be different from people who have stomach problems. Diabetics will have to limit fruits on the menu, especially bananas, grapes, and people with gastritis will have to give up onions and many vegetables and black bread. Therefore, in each case, the diet will vary. Even the place of residence makes adjustments to the diet, since it is better to buy fresh products, give preference to seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Allowed and useful products

Useful products for psoriasis should be:

  • rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals;
  • dietary, lean;
  • hypoallergenic.

The list of foods that can be eaten with psoriasis is extensive, and a person with a skin disease should make up a daily diet so that the meals are complete and varied. The menu is made taking into account the fact that most of the diet (up to 80%) should be of plant origin.

For example, fruits with psoriasis can be eaten every day. The exceptions are citrus fruits and canned in syrup. Oranges, lemons, tangerines can cause a severe allergic reaction, a rash, and provoke a relapse of the disease. There is a lot of sugar in canned food and almost no vitamins remain. It is better to combine fresh berries and fruits with low-fat yogurt or coarse-grained cottage cheese.

Vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, beets are especially useful. Of these, it is easy and quick to prepare salads, in which you can add sunflower, cedar, pumpkin seeds.

The list of products that make up the menu of a person with psoriasis necessarily includes white fish, lean meats, which are a source of amino acids needed by the brain and the whole body to maintain immunity.

The allowed list also includes legumes, such as soybeans, chickpeas, peas, green and yellow, lentils, and beans. These foods are rich in zinc, which is essential for people with psoriasis. However, excessive consumption of legumes in food loads the digestive tract and aggravates the course of the disease.

What not to eat with psoriasis

Prohibited foods for psoriasis cause inflammation, dermatitis, aggravate the course of the disease. Some of them are allowed to be consumed in moderation at the stage of remission.

A person who has been diagnosed with a skin pathology should be careful about food products, since some of them are allowed to be consumed only in a certain form. For example, nuts for psoriasis are best eaten raw, but not fried, not salted. Hazelnuts, cashews, and other exotic varieties are contraindicated because they cause allergies.

When buying a product, be sure to pay attention to the appearance and expiration date. Moldy almonds or walnuts, a “smelly” product that has passed its expiration date, are prohibited.

In no case should you eat canned food with psoriasis. It has few nutrients, but a lot of salt, pepper, vinegar, and other spices. These products provoke allergic reactions, dehydrate the body, irritate the digestive tract.

A person with psoriasis should eat homemade food, give preference to natural products and simple dishes. For example, bought dumplings are a bad choice if a person is sick, because minced meat contains salt, spices, soy, and bone fat. If you cook a dish at home from whole grain flour and lean minced meat with herbs, dumplings will become a dietary dish.

Some people who have been diagnosed with a skin pathology are afraid to include certain fruits, such as persimmons, in their diet because of their bright color. However, the fears are unfounded. Persimmon with psoriasis will not do harm.


Nutrition for psoriasis for a woman or a man should be fractional. A person should eat 4-6 times a day, eat small portions, chewing thoroughly.

The optimal time for the last meal is 2 hours before going to bed. This mode reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Food for psoriasis should be varied, but it is not recommended to combine too many foods in one dish.

How to eat right with psoriasis: a sample menu for a week

The menu for psoriasis should be varied, because the body needs vitamins, mineral salts, and nutrients. No need to overload the intestines by combining as many components as possible in one dish. For every day, it is better to prepare simple meals, while gradually eliminating unsuitable foods from the diet.

In the treatment of psoriasis, the diet also depends on the stage and course of the disease. For example, during relapses, they eat mashed, steamed, boiled dishes that do not contain salt, sugar, spices. Fruits, especially apples and bananas, are baked, and "exotics" are discarded.

For breakfast, a person with psoriasis can eat porridge boiled in water (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, corn). You can season them with dried fruits, fresh berries, yogurt. Snack on well-baked apples, bananas, oatmeal cookies. You can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or a cup of weak, unsweetened green tea.

Lenten lunch consists of pureed vegetable soups and meat or fish dishes. Low-fat boiled lamb, beef, chicken with a side dish of fresh vegetables or cabbage-carrot salad seasoned with vegetable oil will do.

As a dessert, you can eat natural fruit mousses, fresh fruit and berry salads, jellies, marshmallows and low-sugar marshmallows. If the disease is in remission, limited consumption of honey is allowed, and it is better to refrain from butter at any stage of the disease.

Dish recipes

The diet for psoriasis patients consists of about 80% plant foods, cereals, fruits, vegetables and dishes based on them. Food rich in fiber, vitamins, mineral salts supports the digestive function of the body, strengthens the immune system, prolongs remission and greatly facilitates the course of the disease.


Salads for psoriasis are prepared from fruits or vegetables and seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt or vegetable oil. A simple vegetable salad recipe that never gets boring, made from cabbage, beets, carrots is suitable as a snack or side dish.


  • One large carrot.
  • One medium beet.
  • White or Beijing cabbage, a quarter of a head.

Preparing the salad:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water with a brush, you can pour over boiling water.
  2. Clean beets and carrots. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage.
  3. Rub the root vegetables on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.
  4. Shred the cabbage.
  5. Put in a deep bowl. Season with vegetable oil.
  6. Mash with a fork to release the juices from the vegetables.

In such a salad, you can add fresh herbs, cucumber and fresh zucchini. A combination of vegetables and a handful of fresh berries, lingonberries or cranberries will suddenly play, giving the salad a sour taste. A handful of walnuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkins will also come in handy.


Soups with psoriasis are best cooked in vegetable broth. You can eat mushroom and vegetable mashed soups seasoned with low-fat yogurt. Soups on lean kefir are also useful, for example, holodnik.

For lunch, champignon puree soup with leeks is suitable.


  • champignons - 500 g;
  • one small leek;
  • greens, parsley, dill;
  • garlic;
  • whole grain bread crumbs.

Mushroom soup preparation:

  1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into quarters, cut the leeks into rings.
  3. Finely chop the herbs and garlic.
  4. In a saucepan, simmer the mushrooms and onions in a small amount of water until tender.
  5. Add herbs and fresh chopped garlic.
  6. Wait until the liquid boils.
  7. Remove from heat and puree until smooth.

The soup can be seasoned with yogurt. Eat with toasted whole grain bread.

Second course

Steamed chicken cutlets or baked fish fillets are suitable for the second.

For baked fish you will need:

  • 400 g lean fillets, such as carp, cod, pike, hake;
  • one small carrot;
  • one bulb;
  • greens, dill, parsley;
  • Champignon.


  1. Wash carrots and mushrooms thoroughly.
  2. Clean the bulb.
  3. Coarsely grate the carrots or cut into strips.
  4. Chop the onion into rings.
  5. Mushrooms cut in half.
  6. Finely chop the greens.

Pour a little water into a baking dish and lay out grated carrots, onions, herbs, mushrooms, fish fillets and again vegetables in layers so that the mushrooms are on top. Cover the form with baking paper or a lid designed for this and place in a preheated oven. Bake the dish for a quarter of an hour.


For sweets, you can eat oatmeal cookies, marshmallows, marshmallows and desserts based on natural fruits, berries, nuts, but not containing sugar. An example of these can be raw food cakes, which use dates, almonds, sunflower seeds, even buckwheat.

Some Features

For dinner or breakfast, protein omelettes with fresh green peas are suitable. However, you should not lean on egg dishes. They can be eaten 2-3 times a week if the disease is in remission.

Caution should be observed with festive dishes, since it is not customary to refuse food at a party. It's okay if a person with psoriasis in remission allows himself once a month to move away from the usual menu without abusing prohibited foods. The only things you should really abstain from are alcoholic beverages, chocolate and coffee.

If a person with psoriasis is waiting for guests, then there will be no problems. There are hundreds of dietary and vegetarian dishes that are not ashamed to treat the king himself.

Varieties of diets

Existing diets for psoriasis are based on different principles. For example, Dr. Pegano, the author of dietary nutrition for psoriasis, suggested that the paramount factor for alleviating the disease and prolonging remission is a mono-diet for 3-5 days and bowel cleansing. Dr. Ogneva believes that the key to curing psoriasis lies in the pH balance, so she included alkaline foods that heal the body in the list of allowed foods.

However, a person needs acids, because psoriasis does not develop if the pH of the environment is optimal.

Diet d. Pegano

The essence of dietary nutrition according to the method of the American Dr. Pegano is to follow the stages of the diet and include certain foods in the daily diet.

The Pegano diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, apples, bananas and melons are considered a separate independent dish. They are used in baked form.

A person with psoriasis starts with a so-called fasting diet and chooses between:

  • mono-fruit diet, which is observed for 5 days;
  • apple, which adheres to 3 days.

In addition, treatment includes:

  1. Physical healing exercises for the spine, because Dr. Pegano saw a connection between relapses and a problem back. The fact is that damaged vertebral discs pinch nerve endings and blood vessels, and impaired blood flow provokes psoriatic relapse.
  2. Visiting beauty salons, baths and saunas, therapeutic baths. Procedures cleanse the skin, remove toxins from the body.
  3. Effective stress management, from meditation to reading and listening to your favorite music. The lower the stress level, the lower the risk of relapse.

People with psoriasis include in their daily diet:

  • cereals and bran;
  • almond;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • dairy and sour-milk lean products (milk, curdled milk, buttermilk, yogurt);
  • porridge boiled in water;
  • wholemeal bread.

Approximate weekly menu according to Dr. Pegano:

  1. On the first day, buckwheat porridge for breakfast, for lunch - vegetable soup and fresh vegetable salad, for dinner - baked or boiled fish fillet with leaf lettuce. You can snack on fruits, fresh and baked.
  2. On the second day, you can have a protein omelet with greens for breakfast, have grated broccoli and leek soup for lunch, and eat boiled chicken fillet with green peas or asparagus beans for dinner.
  3. The third day includes kefir or natural yogurt for breakfast, barley with vegetables and mushrooms for lunch, fresh vegetable salad and chicken for dinner.
  4. On the 4th day, you can have breakfast with cottage cheese, drink chamomile tea, dine with low-fat fish soup, have a snack with grapes or a baked apple, and dine with vegetable salad.
  5. The fifth day includes celery salad for breakfast, wholemeal pasta with vegetables for lunch, cream soup or cabbage soup with whole grain bread croutons for dinner. You can have a snack with any fruit from the permitted list or a handful of nuts / seeds.
  6. On the sixth day, you can have breakfast with a coarse-grained cottage cheese casserole, have a snack with low-fat yogurt, and eat baked trout with vegetables for lunch.
  7. Finally, the last 7 days include dishes such as carrot salad for breakfast, borscht for lunch, buckwheat or barley porridge with vegetables or chicken breast.

If you stick to a diet constantly, monitor the health of your skin, drink enough fluids and have a good rest, you can get rid of the disease, extending the remission period.

Diet Fire

According to Dr. Ognevoy, a special alkaline diet relieves the manifestations of psoriasis, which heals the skin and joints and improves immunity. For a month, you should refrain from carbohydrate and protein foods.

During an exacerbation of the disease, Ogneva recommends that people take Polyphepan or Enterosgel medicines, and drink chamomile tea half an hour before meals.

Most of the foods that the doctor included in the developed diet are alkaline, with a pH level of 7-14. Fried and smoked foods are contraindicated. A person should eat boiled, baked without fat, stewed foods.

  • fermented milk, cottage cheese or kefir;
  • apples;
  • vegetables.

A fasting day does not mean a hunger strike, because exhausting the body during a psoriatic relapse is strictly prohibited.

In addition, you need:

  • include lecithin in the daily diet;
  • eat 5 times a day, eating approximately equal calorie servings or dividing the diet into three main meals and two snacks;
  • quit smoking.

A healthy diet is combined with moderate physical activity, they try to relax more, avoid stressful situations, scandals and quarrels. Before following the Fire diet, a person who has been diagnosed with atrophy of fibrous tissues or diseases of the cardiovascular system should consult a dermatologist and their doctor.

The diet includes a lot of plant foods and reduces protein intake:

  1. Fruits and vegetables, especially berries (grapes, cherries), nectarines, pineapple, mango and papaya. Before eating, the fruits and berries are thoroughly washed, the skin is peeled off. Vegetables, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers are used as a side dish, in salads, soups. However, they will bring more benefit if they are eaten fresh, thermally unprocessed.
  2. Cereals, wholemeal bread, pasta, buckwheat, durum wheat, unrefined flour.
  3. Dietary meat and sea fish.
  4. Greens, seeds.
  5. Eggs and lean dairy products.
  6. Vegetable oils.
  7. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates.
  8. Tofu.

In limited quantities, a person with psoriasis can eat mushrooms, nuts, honey, and grapefruit. You should drink table or mineral water, herbal teas, indicated for psoriasis.

The Fire diet is not as strict as Dr. Pegano's diet. If you follow the recommendations, exclude from the menu those products that cause relapses of the disease, the condition of a person with psoriasis will improve, the body will get stronger. The disease will cease to manifest itself brightly, or even go into a stage of stable long-term remission.

The foods on the Fire diet menu contain essential nutrients that a person with a skin condition needs:

  • vitamins, minerals;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • zinc, calcium.

For example, for breakfast you can eat cottage cheese or yogurt with fruits or cereals, for lunch - soups on vegetable broth, including mashed ones, have dinner with fish, vinaigrettes, pasta made from whole grain flour. You should not include porridge and cottage cheese or soup and porridge in one meal, but fresh vegetables and fruits can be present in any meal. As a dessert, you can make a smoothie or fruit salad.

Dietary nutrition differs depending on which part of the body the psoriasis covers. A person still builds a diet based on the composition of the products and the method of cooking, but adjusts the list of allowed and prohibited foods, taking into account psoriatic manifestations.

For example, nutrition for psoriasis of the scalp excludes many spices and onions, garlic, horseradish and mustard. Fatty heavy fried foods, rich pastries, scrambled eggs and pasta are also contraindicated.

In food that undergoes prolonged heat treatment, few vitamins remain, and in bakery products with the addition of sugar, full-fat milk, butter, there is no fiber that a person with psoriasis needs to stimulate digestive functions.

During an exacerbation of psoriasis, the diet should be strict, consisting exclusively of boiled, stewed, pureed food, hypoallergenic vegetables, fruits, berries and cereals on the water.

It is necessary to consume minerals and vitamins in addition and take care that the diet contains as much vegetable fiber as possible.

Diet for weight loss in psoriasis

Obesity and overweight negatively affect the course of psoriasis, because the disease primarily affects the skin folds. In overweight people, psoriasis can be more severe and relapses last longer because obesity negatively affects the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system. Therefore, if a person weighs a lot and notices manifestations of a skin disease, he should lose weight.

The best results can be achieved if you combine a strict diet and moderate exercise. You can start the exercises after the exacerbation passes, and the disease subsides.

First, you should consult a dermatologist and visit a nutritionist who will select the optimal diet and give advice on diet. In no case should you start with hunger strikes and intense stress on the body. A diet that excludes many foods is supplemented with vitamin complexes to provide the body with the necessary nutrients in the fight against the disease.

Six principles that people with psoriasis should adhere to in order to lose weight and improve the course of skin disease:

  1. You can not completely exclude carbohydrates, but you can and should - fatty foods. The exception is fish rich in polyunsaturated acids.
  2. Include in the diet anti-inflammatory foods, cereals, flaxseed flour, unrefined vegetable oils, especially extra virgin olive, fresh fish, but not smoked or salted.
  3. Exclude foods that provoke inflammatory processes, such as potatoes, paprika, eggplant.
  4. Drink enough fluids, water, slightly carbonated mineral water.
  5. Exercise moderately, visit the pool, sauna, as soon as the disease enters the remission stage.
  6. Manage stress. This is a whole science that allows you to control emotions, and therefore refrain from impulsively eating junk food, sweets, pickles, which “help calm down” anxious people.

Effective weight loss diets include any diet that is indicated for psoriasis, because they follow three main principles of healthy eating:

  1. Exclusion of unhealthy food.
  2. Sufficient fluid intake.
  3. Fractional nutrition.

A person with psoriasis should monitor their condition throughout the course of treatment and independently exclude any foods that aggravate the course of the disease, even if they are on the list of allowed ones.

Psoriasis is a fairly common ailment characterized by damage to the dermis and mucous membranes, the appearance of psoriatic plaques (papules of a reddish or pinkish color), malaise, itching, and hyperemia of the dermis. From the development of the disease is not insured by any person, neither young nor old.

Pathology brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort to a person's life. In addition, people suffering from an illness have to constantly (during periods of exacerbation) hide the problem under their clothes.

- incurable disease. Patients are prescribed supportive treatment to help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent relapses. Along with drug therapy and physiotherapy, patients are advised to adhere to dietary nutrition.

It is important to understand that the therapy of pathology is impossible without correcting the diet.

Diet for psoriasis contributes to a significant reduction in the intensity of symptoms, as well as prolongation of periods of remission. Diet food is easy to follow at home.

Nutrition Basics

The complex of therapeutic measures gives a positive effect in the fight against pathology. Diet for this disease is an integral part of this complex. By observing the principles of nutrition, as well as excluding the intake of prohibited products, it will be possible to forget about the unpleasant manifestations of pathology for a long time. The diet is effective for any kind of ailment (plantar, scalp). Adhering to therapeutic nutrition, the result will be noticeable after a week.

There are many diets that help in preventing the exacerbation of pathology. The most common and effective diets include the diet of Ognevoy and D. Pegano. Diets have some differences, however, the basics are the same.

  1. The diet for psoriasis should be hypoallergenic.
  2. It is recommended to avoid alcohol and smoking.
  3. Therapeutic diet involves reducing salt intake.
  4. From eating products containing preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and other synthesized additives, it is necessary to refuse.
  5. The diet should be enriched with plant foods.
  6. The dietary menu involves the rejection of quickly digestible proteins (sweets, pastries).
  7. The diet must be enriched with cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) and vegetable salads.
  8. Food should be consumed in small portions, at least five times a day.
  9. The introduction of low-fat dairy products into the diet is recommended.
  10. During dietary nutrition, you need to monitor the regularity of bowel movements. If constipation is noted, vegetable fiber and vegetable oils should be introduced into the diet.
  11. You also need to move more and drink enough fluid (at least two liters).

Diet Benefits

Diet is an integral part of pathology therapy.

Its main advantages include:

  • improvement of the condition of the skin;
  • loss of extra pounds;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stool normalization.

It is important to understand that dieting for psoriasis should be constant. This is the only way to prevent the recurrence of pathology.

The diet is contraindicated for people with pathologies of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. This is due to the exclusion from the diet of substances that have a direct effect on the vascular system. If it is necessary to neutralize an acute attack of pathology with the help of nutrition, the menu is adjusted with the obligatory consideration of the individual characteristics of the organism.

Each diet for psoriasis has its own characteristics. What foods and dishes can be consumed by people with this ailment, and which ones should be discarded, you can find out from your doctor.

As can be seen from the table of allowed and prohibited foods, people with psoriasis are advised to give up starchy foods, in particular potatoes, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts. It is also not recommended to eat bananas, melons, corn, prunes, mushrooms, lentils.

Only a qualified specialist can prescribe a therapeutic diet. You should not make your own diet or ask for advice from friends or rely on reviews on a particular diet on forums on the Internet. You can clarify the diet, learn recipes from your doctor.

Treatment of psoriasis with a diet: a list of prohibited and permitted foods for consumption

People with this disease, all without exception, are advised to follow a therapeutic diet that helps to normalize the functioning of the body, improve metabolism, and prevent relapses. The treatment of psoriasis with a diet is to exclude the use of certain products and replace them with healthy products.

Prohibited Products

With this ailment, it is advised to exclude the use of the following products:

  • Herbs and spices. With psoriasis, spices and products that contain them are harmful. The increased content of essential oils and aromatic substances has a toxic effect on the human body. These substances provoke irritation and the appearance of intense itching of the skin, which means aggravation of the pathology.
  • Orekhov. Eating any nuts with pathology is prohibited. Peanuts are one of the most allergenic foods. People with this disease should avoid the use of both the nuts themselves and in the form of supplements. Peanut butter is also prohibited.
  • Citrus peels. It contains high concentrations of essential oils that are toxic to people with psoriasis.
  • Fatty meats. They contain arachidonic acid. It is this substance that is one of the factors in triggering inflammation and the appearance of psoriatic plaques on the dermis.
  • Alcoholic drinks. It is forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages, but the most severe restriction applies to drinks made from grapes. During fermentation, the formation of aromatic substances is noted, which provoke the development of an allergic skin reaction. The harmful effect of alcohol on the liver leads to malfunctions in its functioning. The body cannot completely cleanse the body, which means that toxins, toxins and other harmful substances will accumulate in it, which often lead to a relapse of psoriasis. Alcohol, even at a minimal concentration, provokes a violation of the absorption of useful and nutrients, it strikes the immune system.

Food restrictions are not common. The body of each person is individual, and in a special way reacts to different products. Doctors do not recommend giving up everything. Before prescribing a diet, experts conduct individual testing of products.

Treating psoriasis with diet is very important. Eating the right foods will help in improving well-being and preventing exacerbations of the disease. It is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables (kiwi, beans, apricots, pineapples, carrots, berries, herbs, cabbage), lean meat and fish, cereals, low-fat sour-milk and dairy products.

With the complex therapy of psoriasis, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations, it is necessary to provide the body with vitamins and minerals.

People suffering from pathology are also advised to use ginger. It helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances, as well as eliminate the symptoms of pathology. Ginger contains a significant amount of vitamins A, B, ascorbic acid and trace elements. In addition, ginger is rich in amino acids. Experts advise to use as an additive to the first and second courses.

Only by following all the doctor's recommendations regarding the treatment of psoriasis with a diet, you can achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. In addition, proper nutrition will help improve the functioning of all organs and systems, as well as weight loss.

Diet for psoriasis: detailed dietary nutrition according to Ogneva and D. Pegano

Often, in the complex treatment of the disease, adherence to the diet proposed by D. Pegano or the diet developed by Ogneva is prescribed. John Pegano developed the diet over twenty years ago. Initially, the doctor stated that the exacerbation of the pathology can be prevented simply by eating healthy foods and giving up harmful ones.

However, it is important not only to eat right, but also to perform special wellness activities, such as:

  1. cleanse the body. In this case, it is supposed to cleanse the body with the help of a special weekly mono-diet. During the first two days, you must eat apples and citrus fruits, and for the remaining five - any permitted fruits. In addition, the doctor recommends using sorbents and periodically doing a colonoscopy.
  2. Exercise. Physical exercise promotes overall health and spinal health.
  3. Restore the skin. It is recommended to do various cosmetic procedures. You can visit a beautician for this purpose, or you can make masks at home. A good effect can be achieved by taking baths with medicinal plants and visiting the bath.
  4. diet. This rule is the most important.

The diet for psoriasis is described in detail in the writings of Pegano, it implies the enrichment of the diet with fiber-rich foods. Foods with dietary fiber should make up about 70% of the diet. Enrichment of the diet is recommended: figs, asparagus, beans, cabbage, kiwi, pineapples, dates, pumpkin, berries, mangoes, beets, carrots, herbs, apricots.

It is not recommended to abuse corn, mushrooms, apples, bananas, avocados, lentils, rhubarb, prunes, cranberries, melons, legumes. It is better not to combine them with others. Preferably eat them as a snack.

The remaining 30% of the diet should also be planned taking into account the permitted products. Dishes are preferably steamed or boiled. Fried food is contraindicated.

Diet for psoriasis involves:

  • eating exclusively boiled eggs; poultry meat, rabbit; fish (perch, tuna, swordfish);
  • cereals (wheat, corn flour, barley, oats, millet, bran, flax, sunflower);
  • low-fat milk and products from it.

For cooking, it is preferable to use olive, rapeseed, soybean, almond and corn oil.

The Pegano method implies exclusion from the diet: starchy foods, fats, sweets, nightshade vegetables, marinades, offal, strawberries and strawberries, foods containing yeast, dyes, sweeteners, fatty meats, sausages, sausage, fried fish, fatty dairy products.

The diet suggested by Dr. Ogneva differs from the Pegano diet. The menu should be products that maintain the acid-base balance. For a week, you need to prepare the body for a fasting day, the purpose of which is to cleanse the body. At this time, do not go hungry. The use of dairy products or fruits and vegetables is recommended.

The Fire technique involves not only proper nutrition, but also the observance of several recommendations:

  • refusal of alcoholic beverages;
  • eating small meals;
  • exclusion of prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • strengthening the immune system.

80% of the diet should be products that form alkali. A detailed diet for psoriasis according to Ognevoy involves the use of: grapes, almonds, mushrooms, pumpkin, garlic, whole grain crackers, bran, oats, buckwheat, juicy fruits, chicken or turkey meat, pumpkin and flax seeds.

The remaining 20% ​​should be products that form an acidic reaction. Limited consumption of cream, cereals, sausages, margarine, cheese, potatoes is allowed.

It is forbidden to eat corn, legumes, pomegranates, offal, avocados, sushi, strawberries and strawberries, red meat, sweets, smoked foods, crustaceans and shellfish.

During the first few weeks, you must strictly adhere to all recommendations regarding nutrition. Then you can slightly adjust the menu to your taste.

The diet for psoriasis according to Pegano is as follows:

  • Day 1 . Morning meal - cereal porridge with dried fruits, figs and herbal tea. Lunch meal - lean borscht, stewed cabbage, salad of carrots, asparagus and sprouted wheat and bread. Evening meal - oven-baked fish, vegetable salad and pineapple juice.
  • Day 2 . Wheat bran with low-fat milk and fresh berries should be included in the morning meal. The lunch meal should consist of pasta with garlic sauce, baked zucchini, vegetable juice and ginger-lemon couscous. For dinner, it is recommended to eat boiled cauliflower and stewed lamb, as well as vegetable salad.
  • Day 3 . The morning meal should consist of two boiled eggs, toast with cheese and greens from whole grain bread, berries and tea. Lunch - lean soup, baked champignons and cottage cheese or apricot dessert. For dinner, you need to eat salad (chicken with artichoke and spinach), toast with avocado paste.
  • Day 4 . Morning meal - pumpkin casserole, baked apple, chicory, lunch - cream soup, steam patties, cucumber salad, low-fat milk, dinner - baked chicken breast, asparagus, apple and cabbage salad, and tea.
  • Day 5 . The morning meal should consist of rice porridge with sesame seeds or flax oil, fruits and tea, lunch - boiled tuna, vegetable salad (any vegetables), evening - pumpkin-apple soup, salad (turkey with herbs), berry smoothie.
  • Day 6 . Breakfast - baked potatoes, cottage cheese casserole, juice, lunch - cream soup, pilaf, fruit salad and tea, dinner - rabbit leg, cucumber and herb salad.
  • Day 7 . In the morning, it is recommended to eat cereal with low-fat milk, a sandwich with cheese, for lunch - pilaf, vinaigrette and fruit, for dinner - grilled steak, salad (celery with mint green beans).

As for the Fire diet, it differs from the Pegano diet:

  • 1 day. The morning meal consists of carrot and pumpkin muffins made from buckwheat flour and juice. For lunch, you need to eat a salad (grapes with cottage cheese and herbs), soup in vegetable broth. The evening meal consists of mushroom soup, fish pie and salad.
  • 2 day. For breakfast, you need to eat zucchini casserole and fruit jelly, for lunch - lean borscht, chicken breast, fruit salad, for dinner - lamb chop and vegetable salad.
  • 3 day. In the morning you need to eat vegetable salad, boiled egg, for lunch - vegetable soup, trout (baked in the oven), for dinner - lemon-pear casserole, rice porridge with dried apricots, tea.
  • 4 day. In the morning you need to eat oatmeal with the addition of dried fruits, rosehip broth, for lunch - mashed potatoes, turkey cutlet (steamed), fruit salad, for dinner - scrambled eggs, salad of cucumbers, fish and cabbage.
  • 5 day. The morning meal consists of cereal with milk, marshmallows, the lunch meal consists of fish steak, lean soup and a salad of mushrooms and cheese. For dinner, you need to eat fruit salad and kefir.
  • 6 day. In the morning you need to eat millet and pumpkin porridge, a baked apple, for lunch - lean borscht, boiled lamb with onions and garlic, yogurt, for dinner - fish meatballs, arugula salad, lemon soufflé.
  • 7 day. Unloading.

The therapeutic diet for psoriasis is an integral part of the complex therapy of pathology. Compliance with the diet will help improve the condition and, most importantly, prevent relapses.

Proper nutrition in psoriasis involves a diet that includes healthy foods and vitamin complexes. At the same time, the nutrition table for psoriasis plays an important role in the preparation of the menu and the choice of products.

All nutrition in psoriasis should be reduced to ensure that substances with valuable properties enter the body. The most important thing is to know what you can eat with psoriasis, and what you should refrain from.

Psoriasis is a disease that occurs basically the same way in both men and women. Therefore, nutrition for men is no different from nutrition for psoriasis for women.

Diet for psoriasis patients limits the accumulation of acidity in the body, thereby guarding against unwanted weakening of the immune system.

Proper nutrition for psoriasis

In order to “moisturize” the skin from the inside, it is necessary to switch to proper nutrition for psoriasis and consume only healthy foods and vitamins.
So, how to eat right with psoriasis, and what healthy foods are recommended for the body:

  1. Honey and psoriasis. Honey contains vitamins that are so necessary for the body. Just do not get carried away, a teaspoon a day is enough.
  2. Raw food and psoriasis. A great way to lightly unload the body by eating only vegetables and fruits.
  3. fish oil for psoriasis. The richest food in vitamin B content, fish oil is an excellent substitute for tableted vitamins.
  4. pumpkin for psoriasis. Pumpkin porridge is an excellent solution for breakfast and dinner, contains a supply of essential vitamins and minerals.
  5. Olive oil for psoriasis. This is the only oil that is recommended for those suffering from psoriasis, which is also healthy, and is great for dressing salads.
  6. Fish for psoriasis. It is worth noting that fish - the number 1 product on the menu for psoriasis, is rich in essential healthy fats.
  7. Ginger for psoriasis. Ginger root contains a complex of vitamins and microelements and is useful in small quantities for psoriasis. Usually ginger is used as a seasoning for dishes, and also brewed tea.

How to eat with psoriasis

But it is better to refuse ordinary fats. To do this, try to eat foods that are steamed, boiled or stewed. Give preference to dairy products and greens. Salads dressed with olive oil and healthy psoriasis products with lecithin are great options for your diet.

Do not forget about fasting days. An excellent option would be 1-2 days of fasting, they are especially important during an exacerbation, but you should not get involved in fasting with psoriasis, this can only exacerbate the situation.

If you list all the components, what can you eat with psoriasis- the menu will not seem dull and monotonous, since such a varied diet for psoriasis is rich and high in calories. You can eat steamed, baked and boiled anything you want, except for what you can’t eat with psoriasis - undesirable ingredients of dishes. Vegetable oils, fish diet, liver and buckwheat are desirable.

Nutrition in psoriasis should not be bypassed and ignored. Therefore, careful control of dishes, which include prohibited foods for psoriasis, is a mandatory procedure.

What not to eat with psoriasis

In no case should you eat fried and smoked with psoriasis. It is undesirable if meat, canned ingredients with the presence of dyes and additives are often present in food.

Prohibited foods for psoriasis it is fat, chocolate, spices, coffee and sweets. Small involvement in nutrition with psoriasis of hot spices, pickles, tomatoes and strawberries also protects health well.

Menu for psoriasis for a week

The main thing in nutrition for psoriasis is to eat little by little, without overeating, 4-5 times a day. Here is an example menu for psoriasis for a week:

  • For breakfast, cook porridge in water, you can add fruits or cottage cheese with yogurt to it. From drinks, green or herbal tea is perfect.
  • The second breakfast may consist of a salad and a baked apple with honey or just sugar. Honey and psoriasis can only exist together in small doses, unless of course you are allergic to it.
  • Dinner. Vegetarian or chicken soup, boiled chicken breast and compote.
  • For dinner, you can make a vegetable salad and cook fish in the oven.
  • Do not forget to take and drink a glass of water between meals.

When compiling a menu for a week with psoriasis, do not forget to do fasting days, for example, it can be Friday. On this day, you can only eat apples, other vegetables or kefir.

Nutrition table for psoriasis



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