Products with the highest protein content. List of herbal products

PP is a fashionable modern designation for daily proper nutrition, which has replaced the previously popular strict diets. Those who eat healthy and balanced, wisely consume foods high in protein, prolong their youth and achieve healthy longevity, this is a well-known fact.

The usefulness of food is determined by its composition and nutritional value for the body, but, unfortunately, we often end up with food that is empty, useless and even harmful. By thinking about the composition of the food you consume and applying the knowledge gained from this article, you can significantly improve your quality of life, put your body in order and keep it in shape, and improve your overall well-being.

Let's figure out why protein is so important for a person who strives to be healthy and beautiful.

First, protein is a natural building block in the body. Without the supply of a sufficient amount of protein, the formation of new tissues is impossible - muscles, internal organs, blood and immune cells, hair, nails, skin, enzymes, hormones, collagen, elastin.

The intestines process protein supplied with food into amino acids and deliver it through the liver with the blood to all tissues and organs. The liver produces some amino acids itself, and some supposedly can only come from outside. There are 8 essential amino acids (10 in childhood), they participate in metabolic processes, provide energy, restore, nourish and protect tissues.

Signs of protein deficiency are especially noticeable in people under 30 years of age: sagging muscles and skin, wrinkles, lethargy, poor condition of hair and nails, increased weight, pallor, immune disorders manifested in frequent colds, acne, rashes, as well as constipation, chronic fatigue and high level of stress.

According to modern research, the daily intake for a healthy adult is 1-1.5 g/kg body weight (minimum 40 g per day) from the 4th month of pregnancy - 2 g/kg body weight; for athletes, the daily dose of protein can be 120-150 g .

Child aged 1-3 years. should receive protein at the rate of 4 grams per kilogram of weight, from 3 to 7 years – 3.5–4 g/kg; at 8-10 l. – 3 g/kg; from 11 l. Up to 16 years – 2.5–2 g/kg. It is important that the amount of protein a child takes in from food is greater than that excreted by the body (positive nitrogen balance), otherwise development and growth are impaired.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not only people who give up animal products who suffer from protein deficiency. By consuming low-quality meat products, and even combining them incorrectly, a deficiency in the daily dose of protein, even the minimum 40 grams, is observed in a very large number of people, especially among people with low incomes.

Protein in food

For a long time it was believed that the body can obtain essential amino acids only from products of animal origin, but in fact this is not so (confirmed by research by Swedish scientists at Karolinska University and German scientists at the Max Planck Institute). There is also a theory that all amino acids can be produced by the healthy microflora of the human intestine (the work of Academician A.M. Ugolev in 1958 on species-specific adequate nutrition).

In addition to animal products, many plant products contain absolutely complete and better digestible proteins in the right quantities. We get proteins or proteins by eating meat, dairy products, eggs, legumes, grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, organ meats (liver), seafood and mushrooms.

By adhering to certain principles, you can increase the quantity and quality of digestible protein in food:

  • During the day, each meal should contain some amount of protein;
  • the maximum dose of protein is for dinner;
  • to gain muscle mass, it is recommended to consume proteins 30 minutes before and 15 minutes after training;
  • Cottage cheese contains difficult-to-digest protein, so it is better to consume it separately from everything else, adding only fermented milk products;
  • Of the cheeses, the most useful are young and homemade, like feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, Suluguni, that is, cheeses similar to cottage cheese, and it is better to eliminate excess saltiness by washing the cheese in boiled water. Processed cheeses are not healthy;
  • Meat, fish, and offal are best consumed boiled, baked, or stewed.
  • Combine with legumes, herbs or vegetables (except potatoes). Smoked meats, lard, and semi-finished products are not healthy food products; they are rather half empty, half harmful. When consuming meat with alcohol, be prepared to reduce the dose of protein intake and the release of alcoholic poisons that interfere with the digestion of animal proteins;
  • Milk is also recommended to be consumed separately, since it coagulates under the influence of gastric juice, sticks to other food, preventing it from being digested, and then it rots in the intestines. It’s better to drink in small sips (for example, make “golden milk” with turmeric in the evening), holding it in your mouth, and after milk, eat dried fruit;
  • eggs also contain hard-to-digest protein, combine them with herbs and vegetables, neutralizing cholesterol from the yolk;
  • acids like citrus fruits and tomatoes interfere with the absorption of proteins - by inhibiting the digestion process at the exit, we again have rotting processes in the intestines;
  • bread (except whole grain), cereals, potatoes are high-starchy carbohydrate foods and should be consumed separately;
  • one type of protein per meal. Cheese with meat is bad for digestion, cheese with nuts is also bad, and so on.
  • fat is also recommended to be consumed separately from proteins, or together with starchy foods (do not add butter or vegetable oil, cut off the skin and fat from meat).

Meat products

It is easiest to get complete, easily digestible protein from meat. Beef and lamb contain 75-80% complete protein, pork – 90%. The breed of livestock affects the nutrient content of their meat. Also, the amount of protein in meat depends on the sex of the animal: females have more protein in meat than castrated animals, and those, in turn, have more than calves and lambs. The older the animal, the lower the digestibility of protein in its meat. Pork is better digestible than cattle meat.

When cooked (for example, boiled), especially in small pieces, the hard collagen in the meat protein becomes a water-soluble substance that can be digested by human gastric enzymes. When frying, a certain amount of amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan) may be destroyed; Salting meat practically does not reduce the amino acid content, but canned meat has a protein value that is almost half as much. Remember that meat cannot be completely digested in any form and takes up to 5 hours to digest.


Dairy products are indeed relatively rich in casein protein and other important microelements, but protein from them is not very well absorbed, especially by adults. Lactose (milk sugar) intolerance is becoming more and more common among the population.

Sour cream is good for improving digestion, cottage cheese is useful for stomach ulcers, as well as high blood pressure, but not for exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. We are, of course, only talking about natural food. Forget about yogurt, cheese, sour cream products and carefully read the labels on packages in the supermarket if your health is important to you.

Dairy products should not be overused, as they increase acidity in the stomach, and to neutralize the acid, the body uses up its mineral reserves, including calcium. This happens because people after 10 years of age no longer produce special enzymes that can break down casein proteins and lactose.

Another problem with dairy products is related to the way large livestock concerns work - dairy animals are injected with antibiotics in large quantities, and they also have increased levels of hormones, which does not have the best effect on the immunity and cancer susceptibility of meat and milk consumers.

When processed by the body, casein is converted into casomorphin and is addictive – especially cheese.


The egg has an excellent balance of all amino acids; it was even considered ideal when compared with other products in terms of protein content. Egg white protein is highly digestible. Boiled eggs are best to eat; a raw egg causes the binding of certain vitamins, destroys enzymes, and also carries the risk of salmonellosis. The yolk is many times less healthy as it contains a lot of bad cholesterol.


In cooked cereals you can find from 7 to 25 g of protein per 100 g (porridge with water). But the protein from them is absorbed only by 45-50%. Porridges are also valuable for their healthy complex carbohydrates. Do not add sugar and butter to cereals - you will greatly increase the dietary value of this product. The amino acid set becomes complete when preparing porridge with milk.

The most protein is in quinoa (quinoa), buckwheat, semolina, millet, pearl barley, as well as the now rare amaranth cereal (shiritsa). Fresh sprouts of cereals and beans are rich in amino acids and proteins: soybeans, flax, wheat, beans and others.

Cooking cereals at high temperatures and grinding them improves digestibility. Cereals, such as wheat, rye, barley and oats, if abused, are dangerous due to their high gluten content, but a bowl of porridge in the morning will not cause harm, unlike sausages, semi-finished products, chips and other “delicacies” where gluten is added on an industrial scale. In case of an existing allergy to gluten (celiac disease), even porridges containing it should be excluded.

Seitan is an artificial vegetable “meat” that is almost 100% gluten and contains 25% protein. There is much more protein in legumes: soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas - up to 25g, this is more than in any other product!

One of the unpleasant problems associated with cereals is bugs that really like to live in them. They poison the entire bag of cereal with the products of their vital activity, not to mention the fact that it looks very unappetizing. Buy cereal only in original packaging without damage or holes, monitor the expiration date and follow the rules of hermetically sealed storage at home.

Another popular modern “horror story” about cereals and grains (as well as fruits and vegetables, and animal products) is GMOs and harmful fertilizers used in the cultivation of cereals. In general, the harm of GMO products has not yet been clearly proven. Try to give preference to products grown in an environmentally friendly area near you (usually this information is on the packaging).

High Protein Foods

To summarize the above, it is best for the body to obtain the required amount of protein by consuming the following foods properly prepared: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, buckwheat, soy (in the form of tofu, soy meat), beans, peas, barley, quinoa, and mushrooms and nuts.

Let's talk in more detail about the last two products. Edible mushrooms, collected in an environmentally friendly place and properly processed, have a high nutritional value. When grinding (especially when grinding dried mushrooms into powder), cooking, chitin is destroyed, due to which the digestibility of protein in them reaches 70%, and the protein content on average becomes 20 g. Mushrooms contain 18 amino acids, including all essential ones. The danger of mushrooms (apart from individual intolerance) lies in their ability to accumulate harmful substances (heavy metal salts, radiation), so do not buy mushrooms from unfamiliar people, especially along the highway.

Nuts are a very valuable and healthy food product in terms of protein content, essential fatty acids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. You can’t eat a lot of them because of the high fat content (albeit healthy ones). On average, 60 g of nuts contains 400 kcal, this is the calorie content of a good lunch, and eating more than 100 g per day is a harmful excess. Essential amino acids are present in most nuts. The most protein is in peanuts (although this is generally not a nut, but a legume, and very high in calories), cashews, pistachios, almonds, and also in sunflower seeds (which is a cereal). The main rule with nuts is moderation.

Other plants that have a relatively high content of easily digestible protein include corn, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, pumpkin seeds and cocoa powder.

Table of proteins in food

These tables show the comparative protein content in descending order (mg per 100 g of product).

Meat products

chicken (boiled breast) 29

beef (boiled) 25

boiled beef tongue 23

turkey (boiled breast) 20

goose (baked in foil) 18

pork (baked) 16

chicken gizzards in sour cream 16

lamb (baked) 15

stewed beef liver 14

doctor's sausage 12

boiled sausages 11

chicken hearts in sour cream 8

beef broth 0.6

Dairy products, eggs

cottage cheese 5% 17

quail eggs 13

hard-boiled eggs 12

natural yogurt 2% 4

sour cream 10% 3

cow's milk 2.5% 2

cream 20% 2


dried roach (Caspian) 46

salted red caviar 31

salted pink salmon 21

tuna in own juice 21

boiled squid 21

boiled shrimp 18

Atlantic salted herring 17

baked pollock 16

squid stewed in sour cream 12


dried boletus 35

Dried boletus 24

white dried 20

boiled boletus 9

fried chanterelles with onions 6

white fresh 4

fresh champignons 4

cream of mushroom soup with cream 2-6

fresh milk mushrooms 2

pickled honey mushrooms 2

mushroom soup with buckwheat 0.6


manchurian nut 28

pistachio 20

almonds 18

walnut 14

brazil nut 14

pine nuts 11

almond milk 3

Cereals, legumes, grains

sunflower seed sour cream (urbech) 25

sunflower seeds raw 20

boiled soy meat 18

soybean sprouted 13

oatmeal with milk 10

boiled chickpeas 9

boiled lentils 8

boiled beans 8

millet porridge 5

fresh peas 5

pea 4

canned green peas 4

buckwheat porridge 4

creamy pea soup 2

semolina porridge 3

boiled rice 3

soy milk 3

Vegetables, fruits, berries, greens

pumpkin seeds 24

canned olives 18

dried beets 9

dried onions 8

dried celery 8

dried carrots 7

Brussels sprouts 5

dried rose hips 4

parsley 4

dried apricots 3-5

blackberry 2

bananas 1.5

citrus fruits 0.9

Harm of protein foods

Regularly exceeding the daily dose of protein has a bad effect on the body: rotting processes in the intestines begin, poisoning with decay products occurs, metabolism is disrupted and the condition of the nervous system worsens. Consumption of 1.7 mg/kg of body weight more than normal is considered excessive, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.

The liver will not cope with the excess supply of nitrogenous compounds, it will accumulate fat, acidity will increase and calcium reserves in the body will suffer. Regular abuse of meat leads to the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints, which will create conditions for the development of gouty arthritis. The nervous system will experience increased excitability and aggressiveness, and therefore the cardiovascular system will also suffer.

How to lose weight on protein foods

Losing weight on protein foods occurs naturally if the amount of protein in the diet is brought to the daily value, while the protein replaces some of the fats and carbohydrates. Nutritionists have developed various protein diets, consider the most famous and popular:

1. Kremlevskaya (astronaut diet)

The emergence of this method of losing weight and gaining muscle mass is attributed to nutritionists from the USA, which later migrated to the USSR. The point is to reduce carbohydrate intake, replacing them with protein foods.

Nutrition rules include tracking foods eaten using special tables and counting points. For 20-40 points per day, it is proposed to create a menu for yourself from the products on the list for 4 weeks: 20 points per day in the first week, 25 are allowed in the third and 30 in the fourth.

Cereals, bakery and pasta products, potatoes, and sugar are strictly excluded for the duration of the diet. After 4 weeks, don't indulge in all the forbidden foods - eat 60 points a day and you'll be in shape for many years.

2. Dukan

The French nutritionist proposed his system in 1977, since then it has been developed, supplemented, tested, published and tried many times. The system is based on the principle of four stages: attack, alternation, consolidation, stabilization, during which it is necessary to follow the list of permitted foods, perform exercises, alternate protein and carbohydrate days.

3. Atkins

Dr. Atkins is an American nutritionist who has seduced many Hollywood stars with his two-week weight loss system. The principles are similar: at first, the strictest rejection of carbohydrates and fats; the basis of the diet is meat, dairy foods, mushrooms, nuts, seafood; later some fruits and vegetables are allowed.

Diets have contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, high cholesterol, constipation, unstable psycho-emotional state (depression).

4. Drying

This is a method of adjusting the appearance of the body rather than weight, and is relevant for athletes. Drying gives the figure a beautiful relief and reveals muscles. Sugar and baked goods are completely excluded (you can use a little whole grain bread or with bran).

Only slow carbohydrates are consumed (cereals, vegetables), a lot of low-fat protein - cottage cheese, meat, eggs, nuts, mushrooms, fish, soy, special sports nutrition - pure protein - helps a lot. When cutting, it is important to consume fewer calories than you burn per day. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Such a diet should not last longer than 2 months without a break and no more than 2 times a year.

Protein-rich foods are consumed around the world in ever smaller quantities. The trend has been gaining momentum for a long time, adversely affecting human health and the state of the body systems.

Poultry meat is especially rich in the content of this element. It is not only useful, but also indispensable as a source of easily digestible protein. In addition, poultry meat has a reduced weight gain, which will be an additional advantage for those who are busy choosing a diet for weight loss. This food is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Beef meat

Beef meat has the same set of beneficial qualities as poultry. It is worth noting that in order to obtain maximum benefits for the body, meat is generally best consumed boiled or stewed.


Veal is especially rich in proteins and is divided into categories. The first or second are considered the most suitable for consumption.

Horse meat or horse meat

From the point of view of the content of protein elements, the optimal choice would be horse meat of the second category, in which the percentage of protein is about 20 of the total mass. Rabbit meat is one of the most useful both in terms of protein content and other substances, minerals and vitamins.


As for pork, beloved by most, it, no matter how ironic it may be, is the most useless of types of meat. Although it deserves attention in terms of taste, nothing more. Protein in this variety is contained in negligible quantities. Moreover, with regard to weight loss issues, pork should be the last product in the daily diet.


It is generally accepted that fish meat is the most dietary product. It contains 16% protein. In addition to protein, fish contains many nutrients and substances, the consumption of which significantly improves the general condition of the body.


Everything from chicken to quail can contain up to 17% complete protein, depending on the variety or category. In addition, they are rich in acids, minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to the body, and also contain phosphorus and iron.

It is best to consume such a product boiled, because with short cooking, all the beneficial properties of eggs are fully preserved.

Milk products

The well-known cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein compounds in amounts up to 18%. Of course, the choice should be made in favor of low-fat formulations. Cottage cheese can be additionally mixed with yogurt and fruit, which will have a beneficial effect on overall digestibility.

Like cottage cheese, it belongs to the group of foods rich in protein compounds. It is worth noting that cheese itself is a high-calorie product; its choice should be approached from this point of view - less calories - more protein.

Plant food

Protein-enriched plant products come in a wide variety of varieties. First of all, the list contains vegetables and fruits. For those unfamiliar with which foods are rich in protein compounds, it can be difficult to monitor your diet. Advice: you should include familiar fruits and vegetables in it: pears, oranges and others, Brussels sprouts and potatoes. Carrots, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers are also high in natural proteins, which makes their consumption necessary.

The list of vegetables and fruits that are especially useful from this point of view is as follows: fruits with pits (apricots and peaches), carrots, onions and zucchini.

There is so much protein in plants and plant foods! And cereals are no exception - they are an excellent option for leading a truly healthy lifestyle. Almost all cereals are food that is easily digestible by the body. Moreover, their consumption helps improve digestion.

To summarize the accumulated knowledge, let’s present the names of products and their protein content. This table will be a godsend for those who are looking for a list of TOP high-protein foods to add to their diet.

  • Beef – up to 24 g;
  • Lamb – up to 20 g;
  • Pork – 25;
  • Veal – 23;
  • Rabbit – 25;
  • Chicken – 22;
  • Duck – 10;
  • Ham, bacon and sausages – up to 18;
  • Liver – up to 20;
  • All types of fish – up to 26 gr.

As for the eggs:

  • Chicken – 7 g;
  • Duck – 3 g;
  • Quail – 6 gr.
  • Milk – from 3 g;
  • Sour cream – 3.5;
  • – from 20 to 25 gr.

Fruits, nuts and cereals - plant foods - are characterized by a small percentage of protein, however, in general, consumption has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and the vegetable protein contained in them is easily absorbed by humans.

Product combinations

It is worth noting that products containing the element in question in sufficient or insufficient quantities can be combined by preparing them according to special recipes. So, poultry meat in apples is a classic for baking in the oven. The protein content of such a finished product is simply impressive and is worth eating regularly. Various vegetable salads with poultry and the addition of nuts, which also contain a sufficient amount of protein, will be a godsend for those who value proper nutrition and watch their figure.

There are sufficient quantities of foods rich in nutrients and protein, and store shelves abound with them, and sometimes refrigerators and kitchen shelves. The importance of consuming such products should not be underestimated, because nutrition in general should be varied and balanced. This will provide the body with all the substances it needs for normal functioning. The daily menu should include a wide variety of meats, fruits and vegetables with nuts.

It is worth paying attention to combinations of products in the form of recipes in order to cover the daily intake of food with sufficient protein content. It is also important to remember that the norm is, first of all, your health and you should not forget about it. Amounts of up to 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of a person’s body weight are suitable for consumption. Anything above this value can harm even the healthiest person.

Your feedback on the article:

High-protein foods can be called, without exaggeration, the alpha and omega of a healthy diet. Without them, it is difficult to lose weight and almost impossible to gain weight - unless, of course, the goal is muscles and not rolls of fat on the sides. Without them, the body will not be able to ensure the normal functioning of internal organs. And food that is poor in such important compounds is unlikely to be truly satisfying. In other words, anyone who cares about their physical fitness and health has many reasons not only to know foods high in protein by name, but also to regularly include them in their menu.
Proteins are needed for more than just muscle growth

What are the benefits of protein?

In the scientific community, high-molecular organic compounds, which we simply call proteins, bear the proud title of guardians and organizers of life. And this is not without reason. Once in the stomach with food, they are broken down into amino acids, which immediately begin to take an active part in the physiological processes of the body:

  • participate in the production of hormones;
  • ensure blood clotting;
  • regulate the functioning of the nervous system (lack of protein affects coordination);
  • affect the activity of the kidneys and liver;
  • the delivery of nutrients to cells is also controlled by protein;
  • without it, neither the restoration of old tissues nor the growth and construction of new ones is possible - including muscles;
  • it provides the body with energy;
  • Some proteins act as antibodies, resisting various diseases and strengthening the immune system.

Don’t think that proteins are exclusively meat and cottage cheese!

The body is able to synthesize some amino acids itself. But this part is small, so our body cannot do without regular replenishment of its reserves from the outside. And you can’t do without a list of high-protein foods, which you should print out and hang on the refrigerator, or better yet, memorize it - you’ll have to refer to it often.

Top 10: athlete's first assistants

Let's spend a few more minutes on a little clarification. No food on earth consists solely of proteins; it will always contain a certain proportion of fats or carbohydrates, which can significantly slow down progress towards the goal if your goal is not only beautiful relief, but also weight loss. In this case, preference should be given to high-protein foods low in fat and carbohydrates. Subject to regular training, the body will completely use it to build muscle tissue and will not try to store it in the folds of the abdomen.

Knowing the secrets of healthy eating makes it much easier to achieve your goals.

On the other hand, nutritionists say: a small amount of fats and carbohydrates will benefit the absorption of protein. So don’t rush to clear all controversial dishes from the menu, leaving only the highest protein foods without “excesses” among those allowed. Diversity has never harmed anyone, but bigotry often does.

If your goal is weight loss

What to focus on for those who set themselves the task of losing a few kilograms, so that the muscles not only do not suffer, but also continue to increase in size?

1. Fish. It consists of a quarter of protein (100 g of product contains 20-25 g of pure protein), is easily absorbed by the body and is full of polyunsaturated fatty acids that the body needs for normal functioning. It’s difficult to gain weight on fish, but if you’re actively trying to stay slim or are on a cutting diet, choose low-fat varieties—tuna, trout, salmon—and diversify your diet with seafood more often.

Fish can be safely included in any diet

2. Meat. Here, chicken breast remains the undisputed favorite of athletes and healthy eating enthusiasts. Just like fish, it consists of almost a quarter of protein with a minimum of fat and almost complete absence of carbohydrates, especially if you choose skinless chicken fillet. Following chicken is lean beef, rich in iron and zinc, which are important for men, rabbit meat and turkey meat. But pork and lamb let us down: a large amount of animal fat negates the benefits of the product.

Less fat and oil, more spices!

3. Liver. Offal will help diversify meat and fish dishes. Liver, for example, is comparable in protein content to meat, but it contains little fat - even pork contains, at most, 5%.

Don't discount by-products

4. Low-fat cottage cheese. This protein is a long-digesting protein, so it is not recommended to eat it after training in order to close the protein-carbohydrate window. But during the day and in the evening, cottage cheese is always a welcome guest on your plate. Moreover, from every 100 g of product you will receive 15-20 g of protein, which will include calcium, which strengthens bones and relieves muscle cramps.

Sugar is prohibited, but herbs and spices are allowed

If your goal is muscle

For those who want to gain weight, another list of products will come to the rescue.

5. Legumes. This is a real record holder for protein content! Soybeans consist of almost half of it, and peas, beans and lentils, although they lag behind their “relatives,” confidently hold second place - for every 100 g of product there are about 20 g of the purest vegetable protein, which is as close in composition as possible to what found in meat. However, there was a fly in the ointment here: a third of soybeans are fats, and other legumes are full of carbohydrates.

Pea porridge is as filling as mashed potatoes

6. Cheeses. Pleasant taste, 20-35% protein, calcium... What else is required from a product intended for sports nutrition? If cheeses had a little less fat, we would have an ideal source of protein. Alas, fat is sometimes present in equal parts with protein, so use cheese with caution - it will significantly increase the calorie content of the diet.

A slice of cheese, a savory cracker - and your snack is ready.

7. Nuts. A good choice for a snack: filling, healthy and, on average, 20% protein. It’s not for nothing that they are present on the menu of any bodybuilder who is diligently gaining weight. True, the fat in strong kernels is at least twice as much as protein, so you need to eat them with caution.

Peanuts are high in protein, but almonds and walnuts are lower in fat.

8. Eggs. 10-12% protein makes this product an indispensable assistant in gaining weight, but if you are losing weight or are concerned about creating relief, you will have to give up the yolks. There is too much fat concentrated in them - up to 35%.

9. Cereals. Buckwheat, oats, rice, millet and barley will serve as a tasty side dish, a valuable source of protein (up to 15%) and will not break the budget. One bad thing is that, even if you wanted to, you cannot classify cereals as high-protein, low-carbohydrate products: in some of them, the amount of these compounds that are dangerous for slimness can reach up to 70%.

Cereals contain not only proteins and carbohydrates, but also minerals

10. Bread. Surprised? Meanwhile, bread contains 5-8% protein, which makes it an important contender for your attention. The main thing is to choose varieties with lower carbohydrate content and more vitamins. Such as rye bread made from wholemeal flour, which can rightfully be called a bodybuilder’s assistant in both weight loss and weight gain.

If you don't get carried away with eating bread, it will only bring benefits

comparison table

For better clarity, we present you a table of high-protein foods indicating the amount of fats and carbohydrates.

Video: 10 cheap sources of protein

10 cheapest, but at the same time effective products for gaining weight according to the Kukharim channel:

Why is protein so important? Protein is the main macronutrient involved in the processes of cell building and repair, fat burning, and appetite control. It also regulates the release of glucose into the blood, which protects us from hyperglycemic surges and gives strength and energy.

For people with low physical activity, it is advisable to consume 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day; for athletes, this value is 1.5-2.5 g/kg. It is important not to exceed 2.7 g/kg, as excess protein can impair kidney function and cause serious consequences.

It is very important that your diet is not only tasty and varied, but also balanced in all components. You don’t have to give up protein, even if you’re a vegetarian, you just need to choose the right foods for you.

To do this, check out our list.

Greek yogurt

Regular yogurt already has enough protein, but if you make Greek yogurt by removing excess whey, you get a thick, tasty product with an incredible amount of protein, up to 23 grams per 100 g. This yogurt is also a source of calcium and probiotics.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese contains easily digestible protein.

The favorite dairy product of all athletes carries up to 18 g of protein, mostly represented by easily digestible casein. You can make delicious dietary desserts from cottage cheese, or you can eat it just like that, including at night.


When choosing cheese, you should focus not only on its fat content, but also on its protein content; the higher this value, the better. If you are, then try low-fat ricotta and mozzarella, Adyghe cheese, 5-7% versions of your usual cheeses.


The best choice would be not skimmed milk, but 2-2.5%. In addition to a few grams of protein, you will receive the necessary amount of fat, with which vitamin D will be absorbed.

Soy milk

If you can't stand cow's milk, try it. It has very few calories, a lot of protein, and is great for cocktails and smoothies.


Egg white is considered the standard protein. It is easily digestible, contains most of the essential amino acids and is available in any store at an affordable price. Now a new product has appeared on the Russian market - pasteurized egg whites in bottles. Now you don’t need to think about where to put the yolk, which is especially important for people who adhere to proper nutrition and eat 6-10 or more proteins per day.

Beef, veal, pork tenderloin

Steak contains up to 1 gram of protein for every 7 calories. This is one of the most delicious and favorite sources of protein for men. Unfortunately, the price of quality meat makes it not accessible to everyone.

Chicken breast

This product, along with eggs, is the most popular among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Chicken breast can not only be boiled or fried, but also stewed, cutlets and sausages made from it. It turns out to be especially tender if you cook it in an air fryer after marinating it.

Turkey breast

Turkey fillet is more expensive than chicken, but for those who want to get the same amount of protein (from 20 grams per 100 g) and diversify their menu, turkey breast is a great option.



Halibut has fatty white meat, rich in protein, and few bones.

This fish contains a lot of not only protein (from 20 grams per 100 g), but also fat (more than 2 grams), so try not to eat it too often.


If you love seafood, then you are very lucky because they are all rich in protein and healthy fats. So, octopuses contain 25 grams of protein.


You can eat salmon grilled, fried, boiled, baked, in combination with vegetable salad or asparagus. Each steak contains more than 20 grams of protein.


Tender white fish that is very easy to cook in the oven or in the slow cooker. Minimum cost and a whopping 21 grams of protein per serving.


Beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils are sources of high-quality vegetable protein and complex carbohydrates. Every 100 grams of beans contains 10 g of protein.

Peanut paste

Just 2 tablespoons of this delicacy contain as many as 8 grams of vegetable protein. But do not forget about the large amount of fat in the paste; it is not for nothing that in other countries this product is called peanut butter.

Cocktails and smoothies

By making cocktails and smoothies with the addition of cottage cheese, soy milk, protein (sports nutrition) and other protein products, you get tasty and nutritious drinks that will not only satisfy your hunger, but also help you recover after hard work.


This soy cheese is gradually gaining popularity. It can be added to soups, or it can be fried in a small amount of oil. Protein content – ​​12 grams per 100 g.

Whole grains, bran, fiber, cereals

These products also contain enough protein, but it would be better to combine them with something from our list. For example, whole grain toast with peanut butter, a smoothie with cottage cheese, fiber and soy milk, or chicken breast with buckwheat and vegetables.

Protein is an essential food component. Every person's diet must contain at least a minimum (for their weight) amount of protein, otherwise the body will not be able to function properly. Even the pickiest eaters can find foods to suit their tastes. Good health to you!

A video about why protein is necessary and what foods contain it, from the program “Live Healthy!”

Foods that are high in protein are an important part of any nutrition plan. Without this nutritional substance, hair begins to fall out, nails begin to break, and muscles become like jelly. Typically, the average man needs 56 grams of protein per day, and the average woman needs 46 grams.

Carbohydrates are also essential for our body as they are a source of energy. However, they stimulate the release of insulin, the main fat-producing hormone, so taking too much of them regularly can lead to weight gain.

As for fats, their excess interferes with the absorption of many elements and leads to a delay in the removal of food from the stomach, which can lead to indigestion. But of course, fats do not need to be excluded, they just need to be in small quantities.

If you want to maintain a healthy weight and develop muscle mass, you should eat more foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat. Moreover, many of them are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals.

Table of foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats

This table shows the approximate amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats per 100 g of product.

Product, 100 g Protein, g Carbohydrates, g Fats, g
Eggs 19,6 0,7 10
Pork chop 26,6 0 7
Tuna 23,6 0 0,7
Parmesan cheese 38,5 4,1 10
Lamb meat 24,7 0 14
Beef 26,1 0 16
Ground beef 26,6 0 15
Cottage cheese 12,4 2,7 0,6
Chicken breast 31 0 2,8
Beef liver 29,1 5,3 3,1
Cod 22,8 0,9 5
Ham 17,6 0 6
Shrimps 18 0 1,1
Crab 20 0 1,1
Tofu 16 2 5,1

Now let’s take a closer look at each of the listed products.


This is one of the most delicious and healthy products. First, they are packed with nutrients and all the essential vitamins and minerals.

Secondly, they are a source of high-quality, quickly digestible protein (almost 20%), which is why athletes adore them. They are also low in calories, and therefore do not lead to the formation of fat deposits.

Pork chop

It also has a decent composition of nutrients - a number of B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and others.

By the way, pork contains oleic acid, which is considered the most valuable monounsaturated fatty acid.

Overall, pork chops are a very high protein, low carbohydrate food.


Tuna meat has the highest amount of protein among all fish - 23.6%.

100g of canned tuna has only 128 calories and no carbohydrates.

Like all fish products, it contains large quantities of omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Parmesan cheese

Parmesan contains more vitamins and minerals than any other known cheese. Consists of 30% water and 70% beneficial nutrients.

It helps normalize fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels. Cheese contains many fat-burning substances, so it can be an indispensable aid for those who are on a diet.

You can add its pieces to salad, pasta, pizza, or eat small slices with fruit.

Lamb meat

Tender, juicy lamb meat is low in fat, almost dietary, and also low in cholesterol. Like other meats, it offers a significant amount of protein, approximately 25%.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing lamb: it can be grilled, baked in the oven or cooked in a frying pan. It always turns out with great taste and aroma.


This meat provides high quality protein with low calorie content. Many diets include it in the diet, because it quickly relieves hunger and is low in fat.

It is best to choose meat no older than two years old and eat it boiled or stewed, so the body will receive more benefits.

Ground beef

Ground beef is a fairly high-calorie and nutritious product. Raw meat contains many different vitamins: groups B, A, B12, K and E. Steam the minced meat to preserve most of the important substances.

In general, food made from minced beef is very useful for restoring the body after various injuries, skin diseases and anemia.

Cottage cheese

In terms of the amount of protein and the degree of its digestibility, cottage cheese is superior to all dairy products. It should be noted that with different percentages of fat content, it differs in the amount of protein.

For example, in low-fat cottage cheese the protein concentration is 28%, with 9% fat content - about 18 g, and with 18% fat content - 15 g. By the way, homemade cottage cheese contains more of it than store-bought cottage cheese.

Chicken breast

On average, 100 g of chicken breast contains about 31 g of protein and virtually no fat or carbohydrates.

This is simply an ideal food for athletes and people on low-carb diets and adherents of a healthy diet. Chicken meat is easily digestible and can be eaten without fear of gaining excess weight.

Beef liver

There is as much protein in liver as in beef, but it is of higher quality. It includes iron proteins, which contain more than 20% iron, which plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin and other blood pigments.

If the liver is prepared correctly, it can satisfy the body with the full daily requirement of vitamins and elements, therefore it is very useful for small children, pregnant women and diabetics.


Salmon is one of the fattiest fish and provides plenty of omega-3s, protein and other nutrients. It even contains an antioxidant known as astaxanthin.

Fish should be consumed for anemia, problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, and heavy mental and physical stress. In addition, it should be included in the diet for hypertension, cardiovascular problems, poor vision, and stress.


Natural pork ham is undoubtedly a tasty product.

However, it is necessary to mention its high calorie content - people with excess weight or metabolic disorders are advised to eat dishes with ham with caution.

It can be eaten as a separate independent dish or added to dishes.


They are excellent for dietary nutrition; 100 g contain 83 kcal.

Thanks to the large amount of easily digestible proteins and low fat content, shrimp relieve hunger well without adding extra pounds.

Shrimp can be served as an independent dish, or can be added to various salads, cold appetizers, soups, pizza and pasta.


Crab meat is an extremely healthy food, especially when steamed.

It contains no carbohydrates and at the same time it has a high concentration of protein, vitamins A, B and C, chromium, zinc, copper and other minerals. 100 g - only 98 calories.


Tofu cheese is a popular delicacy in Chinese and Thai cuisine, made from curdled soy milk.

100 g contains only 2 g of carbohydrates and 16 g of complete protein, which contains all nine essential amino acids. This cheese can be an excellent alternative to red meat and poultry.

By the way, a recent study showed that high-protein, low-carb foods slow tumor growth and actually prevent the onset of cancer. And for type II diabetics, adding them to the diet helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. As you can see, they also contribute to the prevention and treatment of such serious diseases.



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