The importance of the laboratory in the life of the clinic. Laboratory equipment

Test laboratories are part of the certification process. Must be legally registered. Such a laboratory must have highly qualified staff and equipment that is necessary for accreditation.

In the era of modernity, there are many types of testing laboratories. Learn more about medical laboratories Here. Testing laboratories are needed for the following areas of activity:

  • Food.
  • Chemical.
  • Medical.

There is also an electrical laboratory. This is a new field of use for laboratories, since expensive equipment is needed to test electrical devices. Most often, testing laboratories are necessary for the study of food products. Thanks to them, it is possible to establish the characteristics of a particular product, identify a number of violations in its preparation, and identify harmful, toxic substances.

Medicinal preparations are subjected to special scrutiny. Each component must be studied, because the state of the person will depend on the action of the drug. Without laboratory tests, the medicine is not allowed for sale, because in this way it cannot be considered safe. Without research and testing, the drug is considered dangerous and can cause harm.

Control laboratories for the food industry

Laboratories for the food industry must meet certain requirements. They are used in poultry farms, confectionery factories, and dairy production enterprises. Almost every modern food enterprise has such a laboratory. If any violations are detected, the product is withdrawn from production, and the cooking recipe is changed so that, as a result, a product that is safe for the human body is produced.

In laboratories, product quality criteria are microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. It can take from several hours to several days to research a product. It all depends on the amount of ingredients in the food, the degree of research. In some cases, a more thorough study of the product is required.

Each laboratory must meet modern requirements; without special equipment, it cannot be registered and opened. Upon successful completion of the test, the laboratory issues an official certificate to the manufacturer of the product. This is a mandatory completion of a successful check. If a product is found to be in violation, certificates will not be issued.

Today, many institutes, medical clinics and factories need their own specialized laboratories designed to study any issue and obtain information. In order for the data to be reliable, it is necessary to have accurate and adjusted equipment, trained personnel, and also observe the sterility of the utensils and tools used. As a rule, owners purchase drying cabinets for this purpose.

What are the laboratories

Depending on the direction, two main types can be distinguished: medical and chemical. The first includes several types:

Chemicals are divided into:

  • laboratories of organic chemistry;
  • analytical, designed to analyze the components of substances for compliance with the established requirements;
  • chemical and technical for the control of any products using specialized equipment;
  • spectral assays for determining the chemical composition based on its luminescent, emitting, absorbing, reflecting spectra and assessing the amount of metal impurities by fusing the sample with reagents.

A separate group includes forensic laboratories. Since, depending on the task, an approach from both the chemical and medical side may be required, these units have sophisticated equipment. Pathological anatomical are designed to establish the cause and time of death based on aspiration biopsy, as well as puncture material. Many sanitary and epidemiological stations need to study environmental objects. For these purposes, there is also a special unit equipped with analytical instruments, tools, utensils and


The study of chemistry as one of the fundamental natural sciences is necessary for the formation of a person's worldview. Knowledge of the technique and technology of laboratory work allows on a scientific basis to engage in experimental and research work in any field of chemistry and chemical technology.

The role of chemistry in the development of electrical engineering, electronics, and space technology has increased. Chemistry also plays an important role in practical life.

Preservation of the environment, environmental expertise, biosphere monitoring, creation of waste-free technological processes, waste disposal, use of secondary raw materials are important environmental tasks of modern society.

Global problem of the XXI century. - protection of nature and the environment. Chemical enterprises are sources of emissions into the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Control of the content of harmful substances, their maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) is assigned to environmental laboratories.

Clean atmosphere and space, natural waters, forests, fields, beauty and preservation of nature - this is health and life on Earth.

Specialists working in the chemical industry must have a sum of knowledge and skills based on the study of chemistry, physics and other sciences.

The technique and technology of laboratory work is of great practical importance, based on strict scientific principles.

Of course, the necessary knowledge and skills are acquired over time, but it is better to learn them at the beginning of work in order to avoid negative results and injuries.

Russia inherited a developed structure of the chemical industry from the USSR. The production of mineral salts, acids, ethanol, synthetic rubber, rubber, explosives, as well as oil refining, have been established in the required volumes.

However, the production of plastics, synthetic fibers, varnishes and paints, dyes, macromolecular compounds lags behind the proper level and is inferior to developed countries.

On the basis of market relations, the volumes of production of the necessary chemical products will be adjusted. Analytical chemists and ecologists will analyze their quality.

Chapter 1




Chemical laboratories of different directions have common principles of organization, use the same equipment and perform the same operations.

Chemical laboratories can be educational and research. They are also classified according to the specifics of the work carried out in the laboratory of general, analytical, physical, organic chemistry, special technological, workshop, factory, etc.

The laboratory room should be spacious and bright, which must be taken into account when designing. Do not place the laboratory room near exhaust pipes, vibrating machines, as this can lead to inaccurate analysis results, damage to instruments.

The main working area per employee working in the laboratory should be about 14 m 2 . Each employee must be provided with a laboratory table with a length of at least 1.5 m.

General rules for laboratory work

Each laboratory worker is provided with a place to be kept neat and tidy. It is forbidden to clutter up the workplace with unnecessary items.

When performing laboratory work, certain rules must be strictly observed.

    Before classes, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the progress of work on the training manual, clarify the goals and objectives, and think over each action. You can start working only after submitting a preliminary report (a brief description of the course of the experiment) and an interview. On admission to work in the laboratory, the lead teacher makes a note in the work journal.

    The worker must know the basic properties of the substances used and obtained, their effect on the body, the rules of work

with them and on the basis of this, take all measures for the safe conduct of work.

    It is forbidden to conduct an experiment in dirty dishes, as well as to use substances from bottles without labels or with an illegible inscription.

    Do not pour excess reagent from the tube back into the reagent bottle. Dry salts are collected with a clean spatula or spoon.

    Do not confuse corks from different bottles. To keep the inside of the cork clean, the cork should be placed on the table with the outer surface.

    Do not take common reagents to the workplace.

    The performance of laboratory work and each individual experiment requires strict adherence to all instructions contained in the job description. The experiment should be carried out carefully, carefully and without haste.

    It is forbidden without the permission of the teacher to conduct any experiments that are not related to this work, or change their sequence.

    If the work cannot be completed in one lesson, then it is necessary to discuss with the teacher in advance at what stage the work should be interrupted and when it will be possible to finish it.

Safety regulations

When working in a chemical laboratory, basic safety rules are observed.

    It is strictly forbidden to work alone in the laboratory, since even a small unnoticed malfunction of the equipment or an error in the performance of an experiment can lead to serious consequences.

    It is necessary to avoid unnecessary movements and conversations in the laboratory, direct contact of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract with reagents. A lab coat should be worn at all times during class.

    All work with toxic and strong-smelling substances, with concentrated solutions of acids, alkalis, as well as the evaporation of their solutions, should be carried out only in a fume hood. The doors of the cabinet during operation should be lowered to 18 - 20 cm from its working surface.

    Grinding solids that give caustic dust (lime, iodine, etc.), diluting concentrated acids and alkalis, preparing a chromium mixture should be carried out in porcelain dishes in a fume hood, protecting your eyes with goggles and gloves

kami. When diluting concentrated acids, especially sulfuric acids, carefully pour the acid into water, but not vice versa.

    Do not work with flammable liquids near heating devices. It is forbidden to heat volatile flammable substances on an open flame. To do this, use a water or oil bath.

    When heated, test tubes are fixed either in a tripod foot or in a test tube holder closer to the hole. The opening of the test tube must be directed away from yourself and others in order to avoid damage when substances are ejected from the test tube.

    Any substances should be pipetted using only a siphon or a rubber bulb.

    Particular attention should be paid to the assembly of glass installations. Glassware must not be clamped into the legs of tripods without appropriate padding. Be especially careful with thin-walled dishes, thermometers, refrigerators.

    It is forbidden to eat or smoke in the laboratory.

    It is forbidden to put foreign objects on the laboratory tables, as well as to be in the laboratory in outerwear.

    Any incident in the laboratory, even the smallest one, must be reported to the teacher or laboratory assistant.

Fire safety rules

When working in a chemical laboratory of any profile, it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules.

    Heaters must be handled with care. It is forbidden to work with faulty equipment and devices. It is strictly forbidden to use electrical appliances with bare wires or damaged insulation for connection. If the coil of the electric stove burns out, disconnect the stove from the mains.

    When carrying out work in which spontaneous combustion can occur, it is necessary to have an asbestos blanket, sand, scoop, etc. at the ready.

    In case of ignition of combustible substances, quickly extinguish the burner, turn off the ventilation of the fume hood, de-energize electric heaters, and remove vessels with flammable substances.

Burning liquids should be covered with an asbestos blanket, and then, if necessary, covered with sand; under no circumstances should it be filled with water. Small localized fires are extinguished with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. If there is a lot of smoke, wear a gas mask.

First aid in case of accidents

IN laboratory there are cases requiring emergency medical care - cuts of hands with glass, burns with hot objects, acids, alkalis. There is a first aid kit in the laboratory for first aid. In serious cases, the victim must be escorted to the doctor.

Basic first aid rules:

    for small cuts with glass, remove the fragments from the wound, disinfect it with an iodine solution and bandage it with a bandage;

    in case of burns of hands or face with a reagent, wash off the reagent with plenty of water, then in case of a burn with alkali - with a 1% solution of acetic acid, in case of a burn with an acid - with a 3% solution of sodium bicarbonate, and then again with water; clothing that has come into contact with the reagent should be removed;

    in case of a burn with a hot liquid or a hot object, rinse the burnt place with running cold water for 5-10 minutes;

    if a chemical gets into the eyes, rinse them (using an eye wash) for 10-15 minutes with a stream of cold water so that it flows from the nose to the temple; in any case, immediately deliver the victim to a doctor;

    if a poisonous substance is ingested, it is necessary to induce vomiting - rinse the stomach with a large amount of warm saline solution (3-4 teaspoons per glass of water); if the victim has lost consciousness or if the poisoning is caused by the ingestion of a solvent, acid or alkali, then vomiting cannot be induced; the victim should be moved to fresh air and left in a calm position, warm; immediately call an emergency team;

    in case of electric shock, quickly turn off the electricity with a common switch; remove the victim to fresh air and, if necessary, give him artificial respiration and heart massage.


Each chemical laboratory should be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, sanitary panels with water, gas, vacuum supply, electrical panels of tables and fume hoods with AC and DC (if necessary) current supply and ground loops.

An indispensable attribute of any chemical laboratory is a fume hood in which they work with toxic substances,

and also burn and calcinate organic and inorganic substances.

There should be containers with a volume of 10-15 liters near work tables and water sinks for draining solutions, reagents, solvents, as well as dry waste collection baskets.

The chemical laboratory must be equipped with a plant for the production of distilled or demineralized water. Distillers are used to obtain distilled water. Distilled water is collected in glass bottles with tight-fitting lids. It is necessary for preparing solutions, washing chemical glassware in analytical, environmental and other laboratories. To obtain distilled water, it is recommended to have two installations: a working one and a standby one. Distilled water should be used sparingly, long-term storage is not allowed.

To obtain pure demineralized water, ion-exchange filters are used. Water is passed through a cation exchanger, which binds only cations. The result is water that is acidic. This water is then passed through an anion resin that binds only the anions. The water passed through both ion exchange filters is demineralized and has a low electrical conductivity. (X< 1 μS/cm) and is used when carrying out work requiring the absence of inorganic impurities.

State autonomous educational institution

Secondary vocational education of the Republic of Crimea


Methodological development of the lecture:

I. Methodological block

Lecture topic:"Participation of a nurse in laboratory research methods"

Discipline:Technology for the provision of medical services

Speciality: nursing

Well: 1 Semester:II Number of hours:2

Purpose of the lecture: introduce the rules for preparing for various laboratory tests of urine, feces and learning the technique of taking a swab from the throat and nose at BL.

1. Learning goals: Formation of a system of professional knowledge and skills in the section: "technology for the provision of medical services."

The student must know:

- rules for the preparation and collection of general and bacteriological urinalysis, daily urine analysis for sugar, diastasis, according to Zimnitsky, according to Nechiporenko;

- rules for the preparation and collection of general and coprological analyzes of feces, feces for occult blood, for helminth eggs, for protozoa, for enterobiasis;

The technique of taking a swab from the pharynx and nose on BL.

2. Developmental goals:

promote the development of: communication, attention, memory, professional thinking, respect for the patient, the development of logical and clinical thinking.

3. Educational goals:

strive for education: a sense of responsibility, a sense of humanism, a sense of tact, mercy and respect for the patient.

4. General competencies: OK1-OK13

Interdisciplinary connections:

anatomy, Latin, psychology, ethics and deontology, therapy, surgery, pharmacology, microbiology, laboratory diagnostics.

Organizational structure of the lecture

No. pp The main stages of the lecture and their content Goals in levels of assimilation Type of lecture, methods and methods of teaching Didactic support, visibility, TCO
I Preparatory stage. 1. Organizational moment. 2. Formulation of the topic, justification of relevance. 3. Definition of educational goals and motivation of students' educational activities. 2

Organization of students ensuring attention and assimilation of the material.

II The main stage Plan for the study of lecture material 1. The value of laboratory research methods. 2. Types of laboratories. 3. Examinations and sampling procedures 4. Urine collection for various studies 5. Fecal collection for blood testing 2 Step-by-step presentation of the material, Video materials, diagrams, tables, visual aids inform students about new elements of knowledge, skills explain the most important points, organize current control of knowledge for mastering the material. Video materials, tables, lecture notes, visual aids, classroom equipment in pre-clinical practice.
III Final stage 1. Lecture summary. 2. Answers to the questions asked 3. Task for self-preparation study of theoretical material and preparation of answers to control questions 2

Students are asked to answer questions

study of theoretical material and preparation of answers to control questions

L.I. Kuleshova, E.V. Pustovetova, Fundamentals of Nursing, Phoenix, R.-on-D., 2015, p..

T.P. Obukhovets, Fundamentals of nursing. Phoenix, R.-on-D., 2015, p.

II. Information block

Lecture text

« Rules for preparing for laboratory tests "

Laboratory research methods– study of biological material ( biosubstrato V). Biomaterials - blood and its components (plasma, erythrocytes), urine, feces, gastric juice, bile, sputum, effusion fluids, tissues of parenchymal organs obtained by biopsy.

The purpose of laboratory research:

Establishment of the etiology of the disease (its causes); sometimes this is the only criterion for assessing the clinical situation - for example, infectious diseases;

the appointment of treatment;

Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment in dynamics.

Laboratory tests are ordered and evaluated by a doctor. Laboratory staff are responsible for the laboratory stage. In the pre-analytical stage, the nurse plays an important role:

prepares the patient for the study, provides him with laboratory glassware, draws up a referral for the study;

carries out the sampling of biomaterial, ensures proper storage;

transports the material to the laboratory.

The reliability of the research depends on how correctly this stage passes.

Types of laboratories, their purpose

Clinical diagnostic

Determination of physicochemical properties of biological substrates and microscopy. For example, a general analysis (blood, urine, sputum, feces), urine tests according to Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko, feces for occult blood, feces for helminth eggs, a general analysis of gastric juice and bile, exudates and transudates, cerebrospinal fluid, etc. Clean, dry glassware or special disposable containers are used to transport biomaterials to the laboratory.


Determination of the chemical properties of biological substrates. For example, hepatic blood tests (total protein, bilirubin, thymol and sublimate tests), blood for rheumatic tests (C-reactive protein, formol test), lipid metabolism study (beta-lipoproteins, total cholesterol), enzymes (ALAT, ASAT, LDH, etc.), carbohydrate metabolism study (blood glucose), blood test for iron, electrolyte content, biochemical study of bile and urine, etc.

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Medical laboratories are institutions of the healthcare system or structural units of medical and preventive or sanitary institutions designed to conduct various medical research. This group does not include research laboratories.

The structure of the laboratory service.

Clinical diagnostic laboratories are divided into two large groups:

general laboratories;

specialized laboratories.

The structure of the laboratory service basically corresponds to the needs of health care institutions in laboratory diagnostics and monitoring of patient therapy, providing for the daily requests of attending physicians in the most common tests (general type CDL), their emergency performance in emergency practice (express laboratories), as well as serial production of the most complex studies. This is done by specialized laboratories (hematological, cytological, biochemical, immunological).

To increase the efficiency of the diagnostic process in laboratory practice, ready-made forms of reagent kits and biomaterials are widely used, as well as automated analysis tools and computer control systems, including processing of research results and communication between the laboratory and clinical departments.

Measures envisaged by legislative and regulatory acts are being implemented to license medical institutions and their clinical diagnostic laboratories, and to certify specialists. In recent years, the training of specialists of new qualifications with a secondary vocational education has begun - medical laboratory technicians and medical technologists.

General clinical, hematological, biochemical, immunological, cytological, serological, microbiological and other types of research are carried out in multidisciplinary hospitals and polyclinics of general type CDL. Specialized KDL are created as part of dispensaries, antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums; they perform general and special laboratory tests in accordance with the profile of the institution. Centralized CDL are organized on the basis of large medical institutions. Complex, labor-intensive, research requiring special equipment, as well as mass research performed using automated and semi-automated systems, are subject to centralization. In medical institutions in rural areas, the simplest clinical laboratory tests are carried out on the spot, biochemical and other complex analyzes are performed centrally in the CDL of the central district hospital, and bacteriological tests are carried out in the bacteriological laboratory of the district SES. For a mass examination of workers in industry and agriculture, especially in remote areas, medical institutions are equipped with mass-produced mobile KDL. laboratory medical diagnostic

Types of laboratories.

1. The bacteriological laboratory performs bacteriological, serological, immunological and other studies.

2. The tasks of the virological laboratory include the diagnosis of viral diseases OR the production of viral preparations (vaccines, diagnosticums, antiviral immune sera, etc.).

4. The cytological laboratory conducts cytological studies of the material obtained from the biopsy. It is part of the CDL or in the form of a centralized cytological laboratory - a part of the oncological dispensary, a large multidisciplinary hospital.

5. The forensic laboratory is intended mainly to obtain objective data in the study of corpses, biological material evidence and in the examination of living persons, to establish the survival and prescription of injuries, the time of death, etc. It produces a complex of laboratory studies (morphological, biochemical, immunological, serological), spectral analysis, X-ray examination.

6. Pathological anatomical laboratory - a subdivision of the pathological department of a medical institution, in which macro- and microscopic examinations of sectional and biopsy material are performed. The main tasks of medical laboratories are to establish the causes and mechanisms of death of the patient, to conduct diagnostic puncture and aspiration biopsies of organs and tissues.

7. Sanitary and hygienic laboratory - a subdivision of the SES, conducting instrumental and hardware studies necessary for the implementation of preventive and current sanitary supervision. In the laboratory, instrumental (hardware) studies of the environment of industrial, communal and other facilities located in the territory serviced by the SES are carried out. Research is carried out according to the plan of the units of the hygienic department of the SES (labor hygiene, communal hygiene, food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, etc.).

8. Radioisotope laboratory (laboratory of radioisotope diagnostics) - a structural subdivision of a medical institution (if there is a radiological department in the institution, it is created as part of it). It is organized as part of a regional (regional, republican), city hospital, diagnostic center, oncological dispensary, other medical institutions or institutes and provides diagnostic studies, and, with the appropriate permission of the sanitary and epidemic service, treatment with the help of radiopharmaceuticals. Medical laboratories are equipped with diagnostic, protective and control-dosimetric equipment for conducting a set of studies necessary for this institution. A work permit (sanitary passport for working with sources of ionizing radiation) is given by the SES.

A special role belongs to medical laboratories of republican, regional, regional hospitals and SES, which should provide the maximum level of laboratory research; they are organizational, methodological, scientific, technical and educational centers of the respective administrative territories. Their responsibilities include studying and analyzing the work of laboratories in the region, disseminating best practices, improving the skills of doctors and laboratory assistants, providing advice, introducing unified methods, monitoring the quality of research, etc.

In military field conditions, medical laboratories are organized as part of military field medical institutions or independently. They are intended for laboratory diagnostics of combat pathology, identification and examination of objects contaminated as a result of the use of weapons of mass destruction. Such medical laboratories perform clinical-hematological, sanitary-hygienic, bacteriological, pathoanatomical, forensic and other studies. The organization of the work of medical laboratories depends on the combat situation, the intensity of the flow of injured and sick people, and the nature of the combat pathology. Medical laboratories are equipped with complete equipment.

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