How often can you wash your dog. How to properly bathe your dog at home How often to bathe your dog

Not without reason tailed friends prefer to do without bathing. In nature, wild dogs do not bathe at all, they can swim, they can climb into the water, but the reason must be good. In young individuals, skin secretion is actively working, which disinfects, protects and cleans the coat. On "bath days", dogs wallow in the dust or grass, physically brushing off the dirt. However, sometimes guided by the instinctive impulse of disguise, our furry comrade falls out in the garbage, rotting fish or, what already, in excrement with an "attractive" smell. The situation is hopeless - only swimming will save. It would seem that the procedure is elementary, but it does not hurt to know a few rules on how to properly wash the dog so as not to harm it.

In no cynological guide you will find a recommendation - "be sure to bathe the dog every ...". Traditionally, pets are washed every six months or a quarter, "careerists", bathed before exhibitions, especially whimsical clean ones once every 7-10 days. Owners of large dogs should think about the services of grooming salons or a “support group”. It will be quite difficult for a miniature hostess girl to overcome a Rottweiler or a German shepherd if she decides to resist. If you decide to wash your dog at home, you need to consider a few rules:

  • An hour before swimming in an apartment or house, vents, doors and other sources of air flow should be tightly closed. A wet dog and a draft are incompatible!
  • Be sure to bathe your dog with a collar and leash.
  • Under no circumstances should water or shampoo get into your ears! Pets with cropped ears bathe in a "cap" or do not wash their hair - a simple but very important rule!
  • In addition to tying the dog, the floor of the bath must be completely covered with a sheet or a blanket. If the pet breaks out, he may not stay on wet paws and earn fractures.
  • Be sure to put a muzzle on the dog if it bites or “sinned” with such actions before. It is advisable to use a nylon muzzle, this will save the owner from bruises, and the bathroom from destruction.
  • Prepare an appropriate wardrobe. The dog will cowardly, flooding everything around with water - this is normal. In a fit of emotion, the dog may begin to climb onto his hands, actively working with his claws - a long sleeve is required.
  • Praise and encourage your dog while bathing, do not use brute force, generously reward the pet after the procedure.
  • You will need a lot of towels! Based on the size of the dog, prepare 5-10 towels, your task is to wipe the dog to the maximum dry state.
  • The use of a hair dryer is allowed, but! Drying should be carried out at low power, with cold or slightly warm air. Do not comb the coat while blow-drying! Drying your pet "like yourself" will cause serious damage to the dog's skin.
  • A few hours after bathing, the dog is contraindicated for walking. If the pet runs around the house - do not forbid, this is a natural way to maintain muscle tone and body temperature after getting wet.

Read also: Everything you need to know about Chihuahua teeth

Important! After bathing with shampoo, while still wet, the coat should be slippery, like streaks after rinsing with conditioner. The composition of the shampoo should contain fatty acids, proteins and products that support dry skin.

In the autumn-spring period, the pet returns home with dirty paws, sometimes with a stomach. A few rules on how to wash a dog after a walk:

  • It does not matter what time of the year you got a puppy, if washing the paws is planned, teach your pet to this procedure from childhood.
  • In autumn, washing with water at room temperature is allowed, in winter - only cold! Do you want to know why? Try placing your frozen feet in a basin of hot water, feel the burning, tingling, pain and general discomfort, multiply it by 2 - that's how your pet feels.
  • Do not use deep containers, this will smooth out the moral aspect of washing. A small rectangular basin is suitable from which the dog can freely get its paw.

When purchasing a puppy, think over the moment of bathing in advance and prepare the pet gradually. Many dogs bathe calmly when they are hosed down, and furry pets, if provided with conditions in the hot season, take a bath on their own. The key to whole paws, furnishing the house and the absence of abrasions from the owner is education from childhood.

Choosing cleansers, skin type matters

Remember the old "pH 5.5" commercial? Not everyone knows what this indicator really means. PH is the level of active hydrogen ions in a solution or liquid, which indicates its acidity. The normal pH of a dog's skin is 7.4 - drier, more sensitive, and more susceptible to the harmful effects of cleansers. Few manufacturers indicate the pH level on the packaging, this is not surprising - research technology is expensive, and production is even more expensive.

Read also: How to wean a dog from barking at other dogs: 10 tips and tricks

Important! If you are not sure about the safety of the detergent, it is better to bathe the dog with clean water!

It is almost impossible to get rid of foreign smell without the use of detergents. What to do if there is no special shampoo, and the pet is "perfumed" in the nearest pile of garbage? Can I wash my dog ​​with baby shampoo? - In a catastrophic case - it is possible. It is desirable that the shampoo is intended for babies, contains lecithin or lanolin. If only soap is at hand, break a few yolks in water and use the prepared liquid as a rinse, massage the skin thoroughly and rinse.

Note! A matted coat or dandruff after bathing is a clear sign that the shampoo is not suitable for the dog.

Show dogs take a bath more often, to maintain the quality of coat and color, special products should be used. White wool turns yellow from washing, a product with reflective particles will help. Brown or chocolate shades can be "refreshed" with a tinting conditioner, but the dyes must be only natural! Dogs with fine hair are shown a rinse based on animal fat, hairless pets are washed with special cream shampoos. The most severe case is allergic pets, the remedy is selected with a veterinarian and / or a “trial method”.

Washing a dog without water is possible!

We discussed simple options, but what to do if bathing is contraindicated for a dog, how to wash a dog without water? There may be several reasons to think: bathing is contraindicated for old dogs because of the high probability of catching a cold, skin eczema progresses upon contact with water, healing wounds or sutures must be protected from moisture. The easiest option is the dog is dirty, how to wash it if it is afraid of water?

There is an exit! At first, resourceful women tried this method on themselves, after which dog cosmetologists picked up the idea. To clean wool, powder is used, the main part is talc, auxiliary elements disinfect and disinfect the skin. The product is available in jars in the manner of baby powder. The powder is distributed over a small area, after which the wool is gently combed. It is important to carefully comb the dog before "bathing", remove excess undercoat and tangles. Such reading does not require additional procedures.

Any owner sooner or later asks about bathing his dog, because this will not only remove dirt, unwanted blades of grass and specks, but also bring you the moral pleasure of caring for your beloved pet.

And what dog would not be pleased to feel the care of the owner, substituting him for soaping one or the other side?

A quick guide for owners of fluffy (and not so) ponytails who are worried about the personal hygiene of their pets!

How often?

Usually, the frequency of washing your pet directly depends on his age, body weight, coat length and season. There is an opinion that you need to wash the dog as needed - as it gets dirty, so in the pelvis. But is it so often possible, and most importantly, should you wash your dog?

Paws after a walk can be washed every time you return home. After all, not a single dog wants to listen to claims from the owner for a soiled carpet or smeared parquet. Yes, and you yourself extra cleaning is useless. But if the time of year and the weather is not rainy, it is quite enough to simply wipe your pet's paws with a damp cloth and avoid another trip to the bathroom.

How often can you bathe or rinse your handsome? In principle, if you wash the dog with clean water once every 1-2 weeks, there will be no particular harm. But also sense. We still do not recommend that you “clean” your dog’s coat too zealously - you can disrupt the work of the sebaceous glands and get a problem in the form of a disgusting smell of fish, dog or mushrooms.

But if you came home like this, then immediately run to the bath and take more shampoo!

How many times?

How often, or rather how many times a month can and should you wash your pet with shampoo? It’s also not worth exhausting your pet with bath procedures every month, since the natural protective fatty layer on the dog’s coat will perfectly cope with cleansing from excess dirt even without our help.

An exception in this situation can only be exhibitions or any indications from cynologists or veterinarians.

Every year it is recommended to bathe the dog no more than 1 in 3 months, or even less often. This procedure should not be mandatory and unconditional. Just keep an eye on the condition of your pet's coat, and if you see fit, you can arrange a bath day for the dog.

Is it possible…

in winter

Many people ask how often you need to wash your pet in winter. In general, strictly speaking, it is undesirable to bathe a pet in the winter. Since low air temperatures can not positively affect your dog, it is better to postpone bathing until the warm season.

Some breeds with thick hair and extra undercoat can dry up to two days. And in winter it is incredibly easy to catch a cold even for the largest and fluffy dog.

After vaccination

After vaccination, your animal's immunity is weakened, because it is going through a struggle with new antibodies in its body. Therefore, all veterinarians recommend bathing dogs before vaccination day. Weakened immunity may simply not withstand the next wash and a simple vaccination will become a source of many complications. For such animals, regular combing is recommended, which also perfectly maintains the coat in good condition.


Pregnancy is not considered a disease. However, it is extremely important to protect your dog during this period from negative effects on its body. And if you decide to bathe a pregnant dog, then you will need to follow extremely careful manipulations to protect it from hypothermia, injury and infection. Since the loop may remain open for some time after knitting, it is important to monitor the purity of the water (do not bathe in natural reservoirs) and its temperature.

During estrus

It is not advisable to bathe your pet during estrus, as this can lead to catarrhal diseases of the genitourinary system. If you wash or wash your dog, it is better to use special disinfectants. However, a simple wiping of tender places will be quite enough - and you will save you from a cold, and you will bring down the smell a little.

head and ears

The head, or to be more precise, the muzzle, is categorically not recommended to be watered. If, when bathing, you decide not to bypass this part of the body, then it is best to simply wipe the muzzle with a damp palm or sponge, without soaping it. No matter how hypoallergenic your shampoo is, getting it in your eyes is highly undesirable. Just be careful not to get water in your ears while swimming. This is fraught with otitis media and other inflammatory diseases.

Before vaccination

If the dog is already old enough, not only bathing is recommended before vaccination, but also flea treatment, anthelmintic and ear reading from ticks. Since immunity is weakened after vaccination, you are unlikely to be able to bathe your pet in the near future, therefore it is more rational to bathe him before going to the veterinary clinic. But still, if this is not necessary, you should not wash the animal once again.

Before childbirth

Before giving birth, bathing for a pregnant dog is not particularly recommended. Your animal's body is too busy with another very important process and is just in the process of preparing and rebuilding, and unnecessary interference with its physiology will only cause additional stress. You don't want to give birth in the bathroom, do you?


When choosing a dog wash, carefully read the ingredients. It is best if the shampoo is mild, does not contain aggressive ingredients and does not dry out your pet's coat and skin. Of course, for each dog, the selection of cosmetics for bathing will be individual, since the choice depends on many factors - the length of the coat, skin sensitivity, allergic reactions of the dog, breed.

According to reviews, Bras shampoo showed a good result - in addition, it does not have a biting price.

Read the label: A good shampoo is the one with natural ingredients. egg yolk, lecithin, glycerin. You can also make your own shampoo using glycerin, boiled water and essential oils. But do not forget to be extremely careful in the use of homemade tools.

Is it possible...?


It is not recommended to use soap on your pet, especially do not rub dry soap on your pet's coat. So you can damage the very structure of the villi, and after bathing the dog will take on the appearance of a “sad broom”. Moreover, you may well dry out your pet's skin and provoke endless scratching, which often leads to combed wounds.


There is an opinion that tar soap, due to its disgusting smell, can magically rid your dog of fleas and ticks. But it's not. In fact, apart from troubles with wool, skin and a terrible smell, you will not get anything else. The effectiveness of flea removal using this procedure is extremely small, therefore, use tar soap for such purposes. Not recommended. It is better to purchase a special flea and tick shampoo.


Many people do not risk using laundry soap for their hygiene procedures, let alone dogs. As in the case of other examples, laundry soap will not bring any positive result for your pet. It washes away dirt and grease, thereby destroying the fatty layer of the dog's coat, which helps it protect itself from pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms in its natural environment. Because, laundry soap - no!

For children

Baby soap is actually very drying to the skin of dogs. After all, what is good for a person is not always good for an animal. The main negative effect of baby soap on your pet's skin can be dandruff and skin irritation. Therefore, if you do not want the dog to constantly itch, shake heaps of dandruff from wool onto your carpets, then put baby soap away from cosmetics for bathing a dog.

Then the following logical question arises:

Human, regular shampoo

The answer is no, no and again no! Humans and dogs have completely different skin, and ordinary shampoos for our hair can cause irreparable harm to the health of any dog. The reason is that the acidity of the skin - PH - is lower in dogs than in humans, which indicates more delicate and sensitive skin. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use human shampoos in dog bath procedures.

For cats

In principle, shampoo for cats is not capable of harming a dog when bathing, since cats are more sensitive - they have more delicate skin, and, accordingly, shampoos are more gentle. However, it’s better to have your own set of cosmetics for each pet, because if you constantly wash the dog with cat shampoo, you won’t be able to wash the cat with dog shampoo after all, because dog shampoo for a cat can just turn out to be harmful.


As with baby soap, don't. The reason is absolutely the same acidity of the skin. It is not for nothing that veterinarians recommend washing dogs with shampoos specially designed for them - they take into account all the features of the animals in the composition. Therefore, children's shampoo will also not bring much benefit to the dog, do not be too lazy to buy puppy shampoo if you decide to start a dog in the house.

conditioner balm

As in the case of shampoo, it is necessary to select other products - conditioners, balms, in accordance with the characteristics of your animal. In addition, you should know what effect this or that product has - there are conditioners that repel dirt, prevent the formation of tangles or remove the static effect.

Read the instructions and composition carefully - the acidity level should correspond to the PH level of your shampoo and pet's coat. It is also necessary to take into account the season, because in winter the wool needs additional nutrition, choose the right conditioner with a vitamin complex.

Dry shampoo

For dogs, it can also be a very useful product. Loose powders allow you to remove dirt from your pet's coat without the use of water, and besides, they do not irritate the skin. So such a remedy will first of all be the most convenient to use and is suitable for those who suffer from increased skin sensitivity.

And if you are not afraid to experiment at home yourself, then you can make your own dry shampoo, for this you will need:

  • baking soda,
  • corn starch,
  • essential oil.

Prepare the brush, mix all the ingredients and feel free to take on the cleaning of the wool.

How to do it right at home?

Detailed instructions on how to wash your dirty in the bathroom:

  1. To make your dog feel comfortable, bring her favorite toys to the bathroom.
  2. Give her some time to get used to the bathroom.
  3. Play with the water jet, talk to your pet in a calm voice.
  4. The dog must stand completely in the tub.
  5. You can put cotton balls in the ears to prevent moisture from getting in.
  6. The corners of the eyes are smeared with Vaseline.
  7. Washing necessarily begins with the withers, and the wool is poured towards the tail.
  8. Shampoo is also applied from the withers to the tail, paying attention to especially polluted places.
  9. With a sufficiently strong jet of water, it is necessary to remove all the shampoo from the wool, carefully making sure that no foam remains.
  10. Excess moisture can be removed by hand, wringing out the wool a little.
  11. Dry the dog with a towel, and if it is not very large, wrap it in it for a short period of time.
  12. Do not rub the coat intensively with a towel, but blot it - this way you will not harm either the hairs of the coat or the skin of the dog.
  13. If your pet is not afraid of a hair dryer, dry the coat as much as possible with a cool stream of air.
  14. After bathing, the first few hours should not let the dog go outside, in order to avoid colds.

After the walk

For washing the dog and its paws after a walk you should simplify the procedure - prepare a small container with water and a brush. After placing the dog on a synthetic mat, carefully clean each paw, and then wipe it dry with a towel.

In fact, it’s not worth it to especially bother with exactly how to bathe a dog and wash its paws after a walk - there are no secrets here.

To know how to wash dog paws after walking You don't have to make it too hard for yourself either. First of all, accustom your pet to the fact that when he enters a room or apartment, he should not run after you and follow you.

After carefully inspect the paws - if the weather was dry, just wipe the pads and claws with a damp cloth. But if it was raining outside and clods of dirt gathered on the paws, they can be cleaned off into a bowl, and then washed clean with a sponge or brush. At the end of all procedures, be sure to wipe the paws with a dry towel.

Can you wash your paws with soap? Household is impossible, it greatly degreases. Pet stores sell special liquid soaps for washing paws - you can use them when the paws are really dirty. In general, we repeat, the best thing is to wash off dust and sediment with plain clean water.

It’s impossible to say exactly how often you need to bathe a dog after the street - it all depends on how much your dog is a pig 🙂

How to wash if afraid of water?

  • Accustom your dog to water gradually. Do not immediately put it in a container full of water, this can provoke a big panic.
  • Praise your pet, reassure, give rewarding treats
  • Prepare in advance the necessary container of water. Many dogs are frightened by the sound of running water. Water slowly from a small bucket.
  • It is not necessary for a shy dog ​​to wet its muzzle.
  • It is better to start bathing with the door closed so that the dog is not frightened or distracted by extraneous sounds.
  • It is better to cover the bottom of the bathtub or basin with a rubber mat - sliding will add unnecessary worries to the dog.

In general, for dogs that do not like to bathe, dry shampoo and wiping with wet sponges are just right. These funds may well replace a full bath, if there is no urgent need for it.

cute photos

Just look at these dirty and clean - it's impossible not to smile:

Useful video

Wash your dog with experienced cynologists:

As well as a video on how to care for a pet and wash its paws after a walk:

Bathing a dog is a mandatory hygienic procedure that allows you to maintain the cleanliness and health of the coat and skin of the animal. Proper use of hygiene products, knowledge of the intricacies of the process will allow the owner to take care of a shaggy friend without much hassle. Water procedures for different breeds of dogs have their own characteristics and depend mainly on the size of the pet and the structure of the coat.

Read in this article

Should I bathe my dog

Veterinarians and experienced breeders answer the question of the need to bathe the dog in the affirmative. Bath procedures are necessary for the pet in the first place to eliminate all kinds of pollution. Wool well accumulates dust, dirt particles, soot, tobacco smoke, pollen and seeds of plants, household waste.

City dust is fraught with many dangers. These are exhaust gases, and droplets of engine oil, and soot, and caustic fumes. A lot of harmful substances accumulate on the pet's coat during walks. Outside the city, the dog is subjected to no less misfortunes.

In the country, in the forest, the pet's hair is polluted with grass seeds, thorns. The dust contains plant pollen, agricultural pesticides. Dogs love to wallow in mud, sand and even manure. With independent methods of protection against pollution (shaking off, licking), the dog cannot always cope with the problem. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the pet as it gets dirty.

Modern detergents, designed specifically for the sensitive skin of pets, allow you to carry out water procedures easily and without consequences for the health of your four-legged friend.

  • It is very important to wash off the foam well by rinsing the animal with clean water for at least 5-10 minutes.
  • When washing a dog, avoid getting water in the ears. It is also impossible to direct the jet to the genital area.
  • After bathing, several towels are used to dry the dog. If the dog is accustomed and does not feel fear, you can dry the wet coat with a hair dryer.
  • The animal should be washed as it gets dirty. Large breeds need water procedures less often - 1 time per month. Miniature dogs can be bathed weekly. The structure of the hair affects the frequency. If the dog has a hard coat, then water procedures will not be needed as often as the owners of a soft coat.

Bathing a four-legged friend should be calm, not nervous or screaming. During washing, it is worth reassuring and encouraging the dog, having completed the water procedure, the pet should be treated with a treat and caressed.

To learn how to properly wash your dog, see this video:

Features of water procedures at home for large dogs

Bathing representatives of large breeds is not much different from the water procedures of their smaller counterparts. The only difficulty that the owner faces is how to put a large pet in the bath. To do this, apply training techniques using treats, your favorite toy.

Close the door to the room. If the bath is high, care should be taken to ensure that the dog can get into it with the help of the owner. To do this, you can put a stable and wide stool near the bath. Some pets are happy to jump into the wash tank, others will have to help.

Many owners in the hot season successfully bathe large dogs in the yard of the house, in the country, using a hose with warm water. You can pour water into several buckets and take the required amount with a ladle.

Before washing the dog, make sure there are enough towels to dry the coat. A large dog will require at least 3 - 4 waffle or terry.

How to wash a large dog, see this video:

Hygiene products

The veterinary pharmacy and pet store has a wide selection of bath and soap products for pets. Special shampoos for dogs correspond to the acidity of the skin of pets and do not cause a negative reaction on the part of the dog's body (itching, dandruff, allergies).

When choosing a detergent, you should pay attention to the nature of the coat. For long-haired and short-haired breeds, special formulas have been developed to take into account the peculiarities of the structure of the hair and undercoat.

How to wash an animal so that it does not smell

Despite all the natural beauty, dogs most often do not smell as pleasant as the household would like. To cope with such a nuisance as the smell of a dog, special shampoos containing substances that destroy unpleasant odors will help. You should not buy strongly scented products for these purposes, as they will only mask the unpleasant odor for a while.

Important questions

Even experienced owners do not always know all the subtleties of bath procedures for dogs. With some you have to turn to specialists.

Is swimming allowed after vaccination?

Is it possible to swim in reservoirs, river, sea

Four-legged friends often accompany their owners on vacation and take a dip in natural waters with pleasure. If the animal does not have an allergic reaction, then short bathing in the river and lake will not cause harm.

As for salty sea water, after the swim, the animal must be rinsed with fresh water. To avoid accidents, bathing dogs in open water is only allowed in life jackets.

Bathing shaggy friends pursues, as a rule, hygienic purposes. Competently selected special shampoos and conditioners, the implementation of the rules and recommendations will make the procedure pleasant and comfortable for the pet. Dogs in the majority love to take a bath and will appreciate the efforts of the owner.

Caring owners take good care of their pets. They buy food with vitamins for them, try to walk them more often, but they remember the last thing that the dog needs to be washed. And then the question arises: how often can you wash a dog?

How often to bathe a dog

Bathing is the most affordable way to keep your dog clean. In addition, the room begins to become less polluted. But do not be too zealous with this procedure, otherwise the animal can only be harmed. Bathing removes natural oils from your pet's skin and takes time to regenerate.

Exist three points of view How often should you bathe your pet:

  • the dog needs to be washed several times a year;
  • the animal should be bathed every 10 days;
  • Wash your pet as needed.

Hygiene and bathing

If the dog constantly lives in a booth, then the owners practically do not wash it. And they do it right, because in their natural habitat dogs don't swim. However, with the onset of severe frosts, the owners let the pet into the house for the night. In this case, it must be washed. Such rare bathing will not bring any harm to the animal, the most important thing is to let it dry before releasing it back into the street.

A dog that lives permanently in an apartment should be washed more often but only if it's really necessary. After a walk, it is enough to rinse her paws.

Dog walking and grooming

The dog at least once a day, but it is necessary to walk it so that it warms up and goes to the toilet. After that enough rub her paws. Decorative breeds do not need to walk along the street at all, and relieve themselves in a tray.

They should be washed very infrequently. However, it is with these types of dogs that the owners treat them like a toy, they begin to wash and bathe them for no reason. In this case, it is recommended to take it off your hands and take a short walk down the street. The coat of the dog is at least a little, but it will get dirty, and this will justify the subsequent bathing.

In autumn and spring, when the street is muddy and slushy, the dog should be washed as needed. In the summer, this should be done in cases where it is really necessary. These pets are allowed to splash freely in ponds and reservoirs, there will be no harm from this.

In winter, you should also bathe the animal in exceptional cases, otherwise the dog may catch a cold due to wet wool. In addition, the skin, devoid of fatty lubrication, does not save well from the cold. It's best to have your pet outside a little wipe with freshly fallen snow and let him lie on it. Before returning home, you should simply brush off the remnants of snow from the wool.

It must be remembered that after a winter walk, the paw pads should be thoroughly rinsed, because in winter the streets are often sprinkled with chemicals that accelerate the melting of ice.

Dog breed and hygiene

Almost all breeds of dogs, both smooth and long-haired, are recommended to be washed once or twice a year. The exception is those breeds whose hairline requires special care. Bathe them once a week with the use of special detergents designed for sensitive skin, and which gently affect the hair structure.

They are washed after certain hygiene procedures, for example, after haircut. Breeds that shed very frequently should be bathed as little as possible.

Puppies, like children, often get dirty while walking and should be bathed once a month until they are six months old. The pet should get used to such procedures, and only after that they switch to the general regimen, bathing twice a year or as needed. While the puppy is constantly urinating at home, his should be washed away but do not bathe entirely.

old dogs doctors advise washing as little as possible, because the skin and coat become drier with age, and the natural grease is restored for a very long time.

You should also consider the dog's love for the bathing process. If she loves to splash in the water, you should not follow her lead and wash her as needed, and not to please her.

Particularly worth highlighting such breeds of dogs, the glands of which exude a specific smell. The owners eventually “sniff” and stop paying attention to it, but if strangers come, they will immediately feel it. If you wash your pet every day, this will not solve the problem and will not make the glands work differently, but the animal can be harmed. The way out in this case will be as follows: you should purchase a special mild shampoo and wash the dog once a month.

Bathing rules

The frequency of water procedures depends on how well they were carried out. If everything is done correctly and does not violate veterinary rules, then washing will not cause any trouble to the dog. Therefore, it is necessary adhere to the following recommendations:


These recommendations are not accidental, because any wrong action in the process of bathing a dog might scare her and in the future it will be very difficult to get her to go bathing. Even if everything goes well, you should not wash your pet more than once a month.

Too much frequent bathing makes the skin very dry, because of this, the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively, restoring the balance of moisture. As a result, the coat acquires a greasy sheen, the lipid balance is disturbed, and the dog has to be bathed even more often.

Some dog owners advise alternating regular and dry shampoo. But in any case, it must be remembered that the main purpose of bathing the animal is to keep it clean.

In addition to organizing proper nutrition and walking regimen, dog owners need to pay enough attention to the hygiene of their pets. Not only because the smell of a dog is very stable, it eats into clothes and furniture for a long time, but also because the animal itself feels much more comfortable if it is not bothered by skin itching and the coat is clean.

Water procedures in dogs usually do not cause negative emotions, on the contrary, they like to swim or walk in the rain. Therefore, it is not difficult to accustom a puppy to a bath. But you need to do this, following certain recommendations of veterinarians and groomers.

Let's start with the most basic rule: after each walk, the dog's paws should be washed or wiped with a damp sponge and then with a dry towel. In winter, the water should be cool, as a large temperature difference can cause cracks on the paw pads.

A simple procedure for washing paws will save the owner from dirty marks on the floor and furniture, and the animal from the risk of developing dermatitis. The fact is that today in many cities chemicals are used to speed up the melting of snow or when washing the streets. If left on the pads, they can irritate the skin.

But how often to bathe a dog in the bath or shower, wash it with or without shampoo, depends on many factors: where he lives, where he walks, where the animal sleeps, how long the coat is, how old the pet is.


If the dog lives in the house, it is advisable to wash it at least once a month, or even every week. Some people think that a weekly shower is not good for the coat, it can become a little dry. Perhaps, but it is guaranteed to save you from an unpleasant smell in the apartment. And if your four-legged friend sleeps in your bed, he simply needs regular bathing, especially in summer.

Important! Don't overdo it with washing either. Animals, like humans, have sebaceous glands in their skin. With frequent bathing with shampoo, their work may be disrupted, then the sebum will not be enough to protect the skin from drying out, and the hair may split or fall out.

Dogs that live on the street, in a booth or aviary, it is enough to wash every few months, choosing a warm season. In winter, animals with light coats can simply be thoroughly cleaned with talc or snow.

Breed and lifestyle

It is clear that you need to wash dogs of long-haired breeds more often, with a short hard undercoat, bathing can be done less frequently. For example, it is enough to bathe a Pinscher, Dalmatian or Shelly once a month, their coat is self-cleaning well from pollution. And Bobtails, Yorkies or Spaniels with long, soft, silky coats need more frequent bathing.

Regardless of the breed, each animal has its own character. If your four-legged friend on a walk behaves calmly, solidly, returns home clean, you can bathe him, as groomers recommend: once or twice a month, after a walk limited to washing his paws. But if he likes to run through muddy puddles, swing on the ground or grass, one bath every two weeks is clearly not enough. Then you have to wash your pet in the shower almost daily, but in order not to harm the skin and coat, use shampoo infrequently.

Dog shampoos

It is recommended to use pet shampoos for washing pets. As an exception, one-time, you can use baby shampoo for delicate care, but even it is not suitable as a permanent remedy, since the skin properties of animals are somewhat different than those of humans. When choosing shampoos, preference should be given to colorless, dye-free, made on the basis of natural ingredients.

Today there are dog shampoos for hard and soft, dry and oily skin, making combing easier, protecting against insects, eliminating dandruff or allergies.

The most popular shampoos for dogs are:

  • for short-haired breeds - Argan Oil Espree (500 ml costs 1200 rubles), Veda PhytoElite (220 ml bottle price 75 rubles);
  • for long-haired breeds - 8in1 Tea Tree oil (250 ml - 440 rubles), Doctor Zoo (250 ml - 130 rubles);
  • for sensitive skin - Herba Vitae (250 ml costs about 80 rubles), Espree Aloe Oat bath Medicated (355 ml bottle costs 480 rubles), 8in1 Sensitive (250 ml bottle costs 400 rubles);
  • for protection against ticks and fleas - Espree Flea & Tick Oat 9 (price of 600 m - about 900 rubles), Hartz Rid Flea & Tick (price of a bottle of 532 ml - 390 rubles).

How to bathe dogs

A long-haired dog needs to be combed before bathing so that the wet coat does not get tangled. It is best to wash in the bath, laying a rubber mat or a large rag on the bottom, and pouring enough water to cover the legs and lower abdomen. A small dog can be washed in a basin. The water temperature should be around 35-40°C. You can put cotton swabs in your ears to keep water out.

Attention! It is better to wash pregnant and old dogs, as well as small puppies, under a warm shower; it is not recommended to lower them into water.

Washing a dog consists of three stages: wetting the coat, lathering and rinsing. After thoroughly moistening all parts of the animal's body with water, shampoo diluted with water is applied to the coat (such a foamy mixture can be prepared in a bowl or an old shampoo bottle). Especially diligently need to lather contaminated places. After a few minutes of soapy “massage”, the shampoo is washed off with plenty of water. It is not necessary to dry the wool with a hair dryer, it is enough to blot the water with a soft towel.



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