Bifidumbacterin liquid instructions for use for newborns. In what cases is Bifidobacterin used in newborns?

In addition, there is a dietary supplement called Bifidumbacterin, which is similar in composition and purpose to the drug of the same name.

Active substance - bifidobacterium bifidum (lat. bifidobacterium bifidum) - gram-positive anaerobic bacteria belonging to the genus Bifidobacteria (lat. bifidobacterium).

Dosage forms : in bottles, ampoules, tablets, in powder form in laminated foil bags, in the form of candles.

Composition of bifidobacterin
The composition of a specific sample of bifidumbacterin depends not only on the dosage form, but also on the manufacturer. In most cases, bifidumbacterin contains a strain bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1, however, later developed strains No. 791 or LVA-3 can also be used. Bifidumbacterin powder has the appearance of a crystalline or porous mass of whitish-gray or beige color, and also has a specific taste and smell. When dissolved in water, an opaque suspension is obtained.
  • Bifidumbacterin in bags made of aluminum foil laminated with polyethylene: one sachet contains at least 500,000,000 freeze-dried live bifidobacteria of an antagonistically active strain bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1, purified from the cultivation medium, and 0.85 g of lactose (manufacturers: Partner CJSC, Ecopolis LLC, etc.). Lactose, used as an excipient, activates the growth of bifidobacteria.
  • Bifidumbacterin in the form of vaginal suppositories : one suppository contains at least 10,000,000 live bifidobacteria (1 dose), freeze-dried in a cultivation medium with the addition of sucrose-gelatin-milk medium (manufacturers: Enzyme LLC and Lanofarm LLC, etc.).
  • Bifidumbacterin dry (lat. bifidumbacterinum siccum): one bottle contains lyophilized powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration and topical use of 5 doses (manufacturers: Enzyme LLC, Lanopharm LLC, Ecopolis LLC, etc.) of bifidobacteria bifidobacterium bifidum strains No. 1, 791 or LVA-3 and components of the drying medium: gelatin, sucrose, skim milk.
Indications for use of bifidumbacterin
  • intestinal dysbiosis
  • intestinal dysfunction of staphylococcal or unknown etiology
  • as part of complex therapy for acute infectious intestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, escherichiosis, yersiniosis, rotavirus infection)
  • food poisoning
  • as part of complex therapy of allergic diseases
  • diseases of the digestive system, lungs, genitourinary tract and others, accompanied by intestinal dysbiosis
  • anemia, weight deficiency, rickets and allergic diathesis in weakened children
  • for the prevention of mastitis by treating the mammary glands in nursing mothers at risk
  • early transfer of infants to artificial feeding and feeding with donor milk
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of children with aggravated premorbid conditions:
    • premature or with signs of prematurity
    • who received antibiotics in the early neonatal period
    • whose mothers suffered from severe toxicosis, extragenital diseases, had a long anhydrous period or other pathology
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of children of mothers:
    • having lactostasis
    • having cracked nipples
    • resuming breastfeeding after recovery from mastitis
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of children with anemia, malnutrition, rickets, diathesis and other manifestations of allergies, patients with whooping cough
  • gynecological diseases:
    • bacterial vaginosis and colpitis of various etiologies
    • sanitation of the female genital tract for bacterial and senile colpitis, prenatal preparation of pregnant women at risk with violation of the purity of vaginal secretion up to III-IV degree
Professional medical publications addressing the use of bifidumbacterin in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Gracheva N.M., Partin O.S., Avakov A.A., Gavrilov A.F., Solovyova A.I. Probiotics in the complex treatment of patients with gastrointestinal diseases with concomitant intestinal dysbiosis // Attending physician. - 2008. - No. 9.
On the website in the literature catalog there is a section “Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, symbiotics”, containing articles devoted to the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics.
Method of application of bifidobacterin and dose
Bifidumbacterin for oral administration (tablets, powder):
  • For children fed on mother's milk, bifidumbacterin is mixed with milk and given during feeding.
  • For bottle-fed children, older children and adults, bifidumbacterin is mixed with a liquid portion of food, preferably fermented milk, and given before meals. It is acceptable to mix bifidumbacterin with 30-50 ml of boiled water at room temperature and take the resulting suspension without waiting for the lactose to completely dissolve.
  • For the purpose of prevention, bifidumbacterin is taken 1-2 times a day; children under one year old, 2.5 doses, children over one year old and adults, 5-10 doses for 10-15 days, 2-3 times a year.
  • When treating diseases of the digestive tract, children under one year old take 5 doses of bifidumbacterin 2-3 times a day, children from one to seven years old take 5 doses 3-4 times a day, adults - 10 doses 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 15 days. If indicated, treatment can be repeated 2-3 times with a month break between courses.
  • For patients with surgical pathology, bifidumbacterin is prescribed for 3-5 days before surgery and for 10-15 days after surgery, 15-30 doses per day.
  • For acute intestinal infections, bifidumbacterin is prescribed in therapeutic doses for 5-7 days.
Bifidumbacterin for external and local use:
  • Prevention of mastitis. 5 doses of bifidumbacterin are dissolved in 10-15 ml of boiled water at room temperature. 20-30 minutes before feeding, use a sterile swab soaked in a solution to treat the nipples and areolas of the mammary glands for 5 days.
  • Gynecology. After treatment with antibiotics, to restore the vaginal microflora. 10 doses of bifidumbacterin are dissolved in 15-20 ml of boiled water at room temperature. A tampon generously soaked in solution or a suppository is administered intravaginally for 2-3 hours, twice a day for 5-10 days.
Special instructions: The simultaneous use of oral forms with antibiotics is not recommended, as well as dissolving the drug in hot water (above 40 C) and storing it in dissolved form. The use of suppositories can be combined with the simultaneous administration of antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. Suppositories that smell like rancid oil or have broken packaging are not suitable for use.

The bacteria contained in bifidumbacterin, despite the beneficial effects, are not equivalent to a person’s own microflora and, like all other probiotic strains included in drugs and dietary supplements, are not able to multiply in the intestines for a long time. Even the most effective probiotics only work during the course of treatment and are found in stool no longer than one to two weeks after treatment.

Interaction: The effect is enhanced by vitamins (especially group B), and reduced by antibiotics.

Unfortunately, almost every baby during the neonatal period and in infancy is faced with such an unpleasant problem as dysbiosis. Bifidumbacterin, which is widely used for dysbiosis in newborns and infants, will help restore the balance of disturbed microflora and normalize intestinal function.

Description of the drug Bifidumbacterin

Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic (a product containing live cultures of lacto- and bifidobacteria). It is not a drug, but rather serves as a dietary supplement. It has a fairly good effect in the treatment of dysbiosis, populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria, which, in the process of reproduction, form a healthy microflora in it, displacing pathogenic organisms. In addition, the product normalizes metabolic processes and digestive functions, activates the immune system, and promotes better absorption of nutrients.

There are several types of the drug:

  1. Bifidumbacterin.
  2. Bifidumbacterin Forte.
  3. Bifidumbacterin Multi (1, 2 or 3).
  4. Bifidumbacterin 1000.

Bifidumbacterin is produced in several forms, containing the same active substance - freeze-dried microbial cells of living bifidobacteria of the antagonistically active strain Bifidobacterium bifidum N1, purified from the cultivation medium. Each product has a different dosage. In addition, the medicine contains various auxiliary components depending on the form:

  1. Capsules. Lactose or lactulose are excipients. The capsule itself consists of formative gelatin, titanium dioxide and indigofarmin. Bifidumbacterin, Bifidumbacterin Forte and Bifidumbacterin Multi (2 and 3) are produced in this form.
  2. Pills. Excipient - lactose. Bifidumbacterin and Bifidumbacterin 1000 are produced.
  3. Lyophilisate for preparing a solution. Auxiliary components are sucrose, gelatin and skimmed milk powder. Only Bifidumbacterin is produced in this form.
  4. Powder in bags and bottles. An auxiliary component is lactose (which is found in milk). Bifidumbacterin Forte and Bifidumbacterin Multi (1 and 2) are presented in this form.
  5. Liquid emulsion. Excipients - gelatin, lactose or sucrose and skim milk. Bifidumbacterin is produced in this form.
  6. Suppositories (candles). Auxiliary components are solid or confectionery fat, petroleum paraffin, lactose, sucrose-gelatin drying medium and T-2 emulsifier. Bifidumbacterin is produced.

Newborns and infants are advised to use Bifidumbacterin and Bifidumbacterin Forte in powder and liquid forms, as well as in the form of lyophilisate (due to the ease of their use).

Bifidumbacterin Forte differs from simple Bifidumbacterin in that a sorbent (activated carbon) is added to its composition, which promotes the uniform distribution of bacteria throughout the intestine and the removal of pathogenic flora and toxins.

Forms of release of Bifidumbacterin for newborns: powder, liquid emulsion, lyophilisate - photo gallery

Bifidumbacterin: dry powder in bags Bifidumbacterin: lyophilisate for preparing a suspension in ampoules Bifidumbacterin: liquid emulsion, easy to use

Indications for use: constipation, diarrhea, colic and other gastrointestinal problems

When can a pediatrician prescribe Bifidumbacterin for a baby?

The drug is prescribed for:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis, viral infections, etc.);
  • diarrheal syndrome of staphylococcal and unknown etiology;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • colic;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • vomiting;
  • increased gas formation and bloating;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • general purulent infectious diseases;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • in order to boost immunity;
  • to populate the intestines with beneficial microflora in babies born prematurely;
  • to normalize the intestinal function of bottle-fed babies;
  • in the complex treatment of diseases such as rickets, anemia, malnutrition, various manifestations of allergies;
  • in case of disruption of normal intestinal function while taking antibacterial drugs during the neonatal period.

Contraindications, drug interactions

Bifidumbacterin is considered a safe drug, therefore it is approved for use from the first days of a baby’s life. It has no contraindications, and no side effects are observed as a result of taking it.

It is worth noting that Bifidumbacterin should be taken with caution by those who have lactase deficiency (milk intolerance), since it contains lactose and lactulose, which are milk sugars. In this case, not always, but dyspeptic symptoms may develop in the form of nausea, regurgitation and vomiting, which quickly disappear when the drug is discontinued.

Interaction with other drugs, as stated in the instructions for the drug, has not been established. No negative effects are observed when taken simultaneously. Moreover, Bifidumbacterin has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract when using antibacterial drugs, antivirals, immunomodulators, which negatively affect the intestinal microflora.

Instructions for use: how to dilute the drug

The dose, form and duration of taking the drug are determined by the pediatrician. The duration and effect of the course depend on the general condition of the child’s body, as well as on the state of the intestinal microflora.

On average, treatment with Bifidumbacterin lasts no more than two weeks, but in case of severe or chronic dysbiosis, the course is extended to four to five weeks.

For newborns, the drug in the form of a concentrated liquid emulsion should be mixed with a small amount of warm boiled water (no more than forty degrees), breast milk or formula, given to the child, and then watered and fed to the baby as usual. Some mothers whose children are able to drink from a spoon give Bifidumbacterin this way or pour the diluted drug from a syringe into the cheek. Shake the bottle before use.

The dry powder from the bag must be poured into a container with breast milk, water or formula, stirred thoroughly until dissolved (a cloudy suspension should form) and given to the baby. Breeding is done before feeding.

When using a lyophilisate, do the same thing, only the liquid is added directly to the bottle and shaken.

There is no need to prepare the product in advance, since after standing for some time, it loses its properties.

The drug is diluted in 30 ml (about 3 tablespoons) of warm liquid until a cloudy suspension forms. It is given to the child at the beginning of feeding in a separate bottle, after which it is necessary to give breast or another bottle with the mixture in the required quantity.

How can I replace Bifidumbacterin?

Bifidumbacterin can be replaced with any other probiotic preparation suitable for children during the neonatal period. Only your pediatrician can tell you which product is allowed to be used specifically for your child in a given situation.

Bifidumbacterin analogues - table

Drug name Release form Active substance Indications Contraindications Price
Lactobacterin dry
  • acute diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • weakened immunity;
  • intestinal infections;
  • constipation;
  • colic;
individual intolerance to the components of the drugabout 150 rubles
Acipolcapsules (contents dissolved in liquid)
  • kefir grain polysaccharide.
  • intestinal infections;
  • acute diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • long-term therapy with antibacterial drugs;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • constipation;
  • colic;
  • allergic reactions;
  • complex treatment of bacterial and viral infections.
about 300 rubles
  • live lactobacilli acidophilus;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • complex of non-pathogenic bacteria.
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • colic;
  • regular regurgitation;
  • vomit;
  • increased gas formation;
  • dysbacteriosis.
about 250 rubles
Acylactlyophilisate for preparing suspensionlive lactobacilli acidophilus
  • intestinal infections;
  • acute diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • weakened immunity;
  • constipation;
  • colic;
  • flatulence.
about 120 rubles
  • capsules (the contents are dissolved in liquid);
  • dry powder for preparing a suspension.
  • bifidobacterium bifidum;
  • Activated carbon.
  • intestinal infections;
  • acute diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • poisoning;
  • constipation;
  • colic.
about 150 rubles

Analogues of the drug - gallery

Linex contains a complex of bacteria that restore intestinal microflora Probifor is excellent for diarrhea and poisoning

Doctors' opinion about the drug

To this day, doctors have differing opinions about the benefits of some probiotics. Some believe that they help in the development of the intestinal function of the newborn, while others are of the opinion that as the child grows, the intestines itself adapt to all conditions, so help is not needed.

In general, reviews of the drug Bifidumbacterin are positive. But any specialist will tell you that you shouldn’t mindlessly take it “for all your ailments.” Moreover, there is no need to use it in the absence of symptoms of intestinal disorders.

About drug overdose - video

The gastrointestinal tract of a recently born baby is not yet fully formed, and therefore it does not work properly. We are talking about unpleasant phenomena familiar to all mothers: regurgitation, flatulence, colic, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. They make the baby restless, capricious, and cause sleep disorders. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to use special medications - probiotics. They normalize the intestinal microbial flora and the functionality of the digestive tract.

Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic preparation based on bifidobacteria (in dried form), which improves intestinal function. The medication is used to treat children with severe digestive disorders, to prevent rickets, together with other drugs for the treatment of anemia. Bifidumbacterin normalizes digestion, replenishes the deficiency of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, and improves immunity.

Digestive disorders in infants

After birth, the child’s digestive tract is sterile; when it enters a new environment, it is colonized by a variety of microorganisms (beneficial, opportunistic). It is pathogenic bacteria that provoke digestive disorders due to improper breakdown of breast milk (baby milk). This disorder in infants is manifested by colic, excessive accumulation of gases, and frequent and profuse regurgitation. Because of this, sleep deteriorates and the newborn slows down.

In many cases, the digestive tract adapts to new conditions without the help of medications, and all symptoms of dysbiosis (disturbance of the bacterial flora) disappear by 3 months. If this does not happen, you need to help the baby overcome the difficult period. It is important to fill the intestines with bifidobacteria, which are contained in the drug Bifidumbacterin. After penetration into the digestive tract, microorganisms actively multiply and stop the development of opportunistic bacteria.

Basic information

Bifidumbacterin is a representative of eubiotics (probiotics). Bifidobacteria, which are the main component of the drug, are grown on a special nutrient medium. After entering the digestive tract, they actively multiply. Beneficial microorganisms stimulate the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize digestion, metabolism, and synthesis of useful substances. In addition, the drug increases the body's defenses and accelerates the release of toxic substances.

The probiotic is effective against many harmful microorganisms: enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, staphylococci, and some strains of yeast-like fungi.

There are different dosage forms of the eubiotic: dry Bifidumbacterin in ampoules, in powder (foil bags), as well as capsules and vaginal suppositories.

The dry preparation, packaged in ampoules and vials, was created using the freeze-drying method, that is, living microorganisms were first frozen and then dried. The content of bifidobacteria in 1 dose of probiotic is 107 CFU, in addition, the drug contains a milk-sugar-gelatin medium on which microorganisms are grown.

The powder contains 108 CFU of living bacteria, which are purified from the nutrient medium. In Bifidumbacterin forte, the live microbial mass is 107 CFU, bifidobacteria are sorbed on activated carbon particles and mixed with lactose.

Due to the fact that microorganisms are immobile, the probiotic carries out local colonization of the inner lining of the intestine, as a result, the natural bacterial flora is restored faster. The release form of Bifidumbacterin forte is powder, capsules that contain 5 doses of bifidobacteria.

Purpose of the drug

Bifidumbacterin is prescribed to a newborn in the following cases:

  • Disturbance of the intestinal microbial flora after taking hormonal, antibacterial, antitumor drugs, NSAIDs.
  • Dysbiosis after stress.
  • against the background of diseases of the digestive system (inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas, stomach and duodenal ulcers, etc.).
  • Disturbance of microflora in urogenital infections, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Infectious diseases of the intestines with an acute course (rotavirus gastroenteritis, staphylococcal foodborne toxic infection, intestinal infection caused by salmonella, etc.).
  • Infectious intestinal diseases of unknown origin.
  • Malabsorption syndrome.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis, vaginitis of bacterial origin.
  • Pathologies of the digestive organs (liver, intestines, pancreas) – restoration of natural microflora before surgery.
  • Allergy, which is accompanied by dysbiosis.

Bifidumbacterin is used for newborns who consume artificial formula or donor milk to normalize the microflora. In addition, the drug is effective for preventing inflammation of the mammary glands in nursing mothers.

Application and dosage

Method of administration of the probiotic: oral, rectal, vaginal. Oral forms of the drug are used for children.

Many parents are looking for an answer to the question of how to breed Bifidumbacterin for newborns. To do this, you need to open the bag of powder and dilute it with warm liquid (breast milk or cooled boiled water). One dose of powder is diluted in 30 ml of liquid. If the child does not drink the entire portion of the solution, it is recommended to use less liquid. It is important to monitor the temperature; it must be warm; at 40°, living microorganisms die. The solution is given to the baby 30 minutes before feeding.

Newborns are given only fresh medicine; it is prohibited to store it. In dry form, the drug can be kept on the lower shelves of the refrigerator (temperature about 10°).

The daily dosage of the drug for the treatment of newborns depends on age and symptoms:

  • 0 – 6 months – 1 sachet twice or thrice for 2 – 3 days, then the frequency of use is increased to 4 – 6 times;
  • 6 months – 3 years – 1 sachet three times or four times;
  • 3 – 7 years – 1 sachet 3 to 5 times;
  • From 7 years and older – 2 sachets three times or four times.

The therapeutic course lasts 3 to 4 days, for infectious diseases of the intestine with an acute course - from 5 to 7 days. After 2 – 3 courses with a break of 4 weeks, a long-term positive result is achieved.

Daily dose of the drug for the prevention of digestive disorders:

  • 0 – 6 months – 1 sachet once;
  • 6 months – 3 years – 1 package once or twice;
  • From 3 years and older – 2 sachets 1 or 2 times.

Preventive treatment lasts 2 – 3 weeks. The final dosage and treatment regimen will be determined by the pediatrician after examining the child and establishing a diagnosis.

Precautionary measures

Children usually tolerate the probiotic well, and there are no side effects after taking it. According to the instructions for use, Bifidumbacterin is contraindicated in infants only if they are hypersensitive to its substances (lactose, starch, calcium stearate). Every mother should know which components cause allergies in her child, and select medications according to this information. It’s even better to entrust the choice to a pediatrician.

Similar drugs

If there is an allergy to the components of Bifidumbacterin or hypolactasia in an infant, it is recommended to replace the drug with a safer one. The pharmaceutical market offers medications with similar effects:

  • Bifiform;
  • Probifor;
  • Bifinorm;
  • Biolact and others.

These are drugs based on living bifidobacteria that inhibit the development of pathogens.

Many parents are interested in the question of which is better - or Bifidumbacterin. Both drugs are probiotics based on living microorganisms. Only Lactobacterin contains lactobacilli, and Bifidumbacterin contains bifidobacteria. Probiotics act in almost the same way, but the latter drug is more often prescribed to infants, since there are more bifidobacteria in their intestines. The doctor will help you choose the right medicine and advise you on how to take it.

According to reviews, Bifidumbacterin labeled “Forte” is more effective, since it contains bifidobacteria adsorbed on activated carbon particles. The drug penetrates the digestive tract and exhibits a therapeutic effect faster.

Thus, Bifidumbacterin is an effective and safe probiotic agent that restores the intestinal microbial flora, normalizes digestion, and improves immunity. However, in order to avoid negative effects before using the drug, carefully study the contraindications. Bifidumbacterin is contraindicated in case of allergies to its components and hypolactasia. It is important to follow the dosage and treatment regimen determined by the pediatrician.

When a child has digestive problems associated with a violation of the composition of the intestinal flora, he is prescribed drugs from the group of probiotics. One of the very popular remedies of this type is Bifidumbacterin. In what cases is it prescribed in childhood, in what form is it used and how is it dosed?

Release form

Bifidumbacterin is produced in the following forms:

  • Lyophilisate. This Bifidumbacterin can be taken orally after mixing with water or used for external treatment. It is represented by a light gray or beige mass. The drug is available in bottles packed in a box of 10 pieces. There are also packages of 12 and 14 bottles.
  • Powder. It is sold packaged in sachets in packs of 10 or 30 bags. A suspension is prepared from this powder, which the patient drinks.
  • Pills. One package includes from 20 to 60 tablets.
  • Capsules. One jar contains from 10 to 50 capsules.
  • Rectal/vaginal suppositories. They are sold 10 pieces per pack.

Bifidumbacterin forte is also produced, the difference of which is the presence of activated carbon in the composition, due to which bacteria are evenly released in the intestines, and toxic substances are eliminated faster. This drug is presented in gelatin capsules and powder, which is taken orally.

Different release forms allow the drug to be taken by children of any age.


The main ingredient of Bifidumbacterin, thanks to which the drug has a therapeutic effect, is the living bacteria Bifidobacterium bifidum or Bifidobacterium longum. One dose is considered to be at least 10 million CFU of such microorganisms.

In one suppositories contains 1 dose. Capsules are produced containing bifidobacteria in the amount of 5 doses. One tablet can contain 1 dose or 5 doses. One bottle of lyophilisate can contain 3, 5 or 10 doses. One packet of powder contains 50 million CFU, which is equivalent to 5 doses.

Part dry Bifidumbacterin (lyophilisate) in addition to beneficial microorganisms, it may include milk powder, gelatin, sucrose and lactulose. The auxiliary ingredient of the powder form is lactose monohydrate. Candles include additional components such as confectionery fat, solid or liquid paraffin, emulsifier, gelatin and other substances.

Tablet form Bifidumbacterin contains not only a mass of bacteria, but also starch, MCC, lactose and calcium stearate. Additional substances in capsules include gelatin, lactose or lactulose, as well as titanium dioxide and dyes.

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Operating principle

The therapeutic effect of Bifidumbacterin is due to the antagonism of bifidobacteria towards opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria. Once in the intestines, microorganisms from Bifidumbacterin begin to actively reproduce and resist harmful microorganisms. Taking this drug:

  • Increases the ratio of normal intestinal microorganisms to pathogenic ones.
  • It has a positive effect on metabolic processes and nonspecific resistance to diseases.
  • Provides sufficient synthesis of vitamin B9, niacin, vitamin K and biotin.
  • Participates in the breakdown of fatty acids, as a result of which the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  • Normalizes the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines.
  • Activates local immunity.
  • It counteracts Helicobacter bacteria, thereby prolonging remission in peptic ulcers.
  • Minimizes side effects from medications taken orally.

For information about how bifidobacteria work, see the program “About the Most Important Thing”:


Bifidumbacterin is in demand:

For infants, this remedy is indicated when the baby is early transferred to artificial feeding. It is also prescribed if, after eating, the baby burps profusely, suffers from colic, bloating or stool retention.

Bifidumbacterin helps cope with many gastrointestinal problems in children

At what age is it allowed to take it?

Treatment with Bifidumbacterin can be prescribed to patients of all age categories. If necessary, this drug is given even to an infant. At the same time, it is better to use probiotics in the treatment of both children under one year old and a two-year-old child or older after consultation with a doctor. Bifidumbacterin in suppositories and capsules is prescribed from 3 years of age.


Side effects

In rare cases, the child’s body “responds” to taking Bifidumbacterin with an allergic reaction.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • It is recommended to take Bifidumbacterin orally during a meal or 20-30 minutes before it. The drug should be given to an infant before feeding.
  • Bifidumbacterin in dry form is recommended to be diluted with water at room temperature in a volume of about 30-50 ml or some fermented milk drink. If the medicine is given to newborns or infants, it can be mixed with formula or mother's milk. Do not dilute the powder or lyophilisate with hot water (at a temperature above +40°C). In addition, this medicine should not be stored in liquid form.
  • It is best to take tablets and capsules with non-hot water, but any fermented milk product is also good for this purpose. If the child cannot swallow the capsule, its gelatin shell is opened, and then the powder is mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of boiled water. The resulting suspension is drunk without waiting for it to dissolve.
  • The single dosage depends on the reason for prescribing Bifidumbacterin. For preventive purposes or for chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, it can be 1 sachet, 1 ampoule or 1 capsule, and for acute bacterial lesions of the intestines, the dose per dose can be increased to 5 bottles, tablets, sachets of powder or capsules.
  • The frequency of taking Bifidumbacterin is determined individually. Often the doctor prescribes a double or triple dose, but it is acceptable to use 1 to 6 times a day.
  • The duration of treatment with Bifidumbacterin is also determined by the reason for its use. For example, for chronic intestinal diseases, the medicine is given in a course of 10-14 days, for acute infections with diarrhea - from 7 to 10 days


Since the drug is unable to accumulate in the body, exceeding the dosage of Bifidumbacterin does not lead to the appearance of negative symptoms.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Bifidumbacterin should not be used orally simultaneously with antibiotic treatment, as this will reduce the activity of bifidobacteria.
  • The administration of B vitamins will increase the therapeutic effect of Bifidumbacterin.
  • The drug in suppositories is acceptable for treatment together with antiviral, antibacterial and immunostimulating agents.

If you're interested in seeing what living bifidobacteria look like under a microscope, check out this post:

Terms of sale

To buy any of the Bifidumbacterin options at a pharmacy, you do not need to present a prescription from a pediatrician. The price of the drug varies from 100 to 450 rubles, depending on its form and number of doses. For example, the average cost of 20 capsules is 200 rubles, and for 10 bottles of lyophilisate you need to pay about 100 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is important to store Bifidumbacterin at temperatures up to +10°C. The medicine can be transported at a higher temperature (up to +20°C), but not longer than 10 days. The drug can be frozen, except for the capsule form (the lower temperature limit for storing capsules is +2°C). If the packaging labeling is unclear, the packaging itself is damaged, or the expiration date (it is 12 or 18 months) has expired, this Bifidumbacterin cannot be used.

Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about why beneficial bacteria are needed:

The newborn period is a very important and responsible stage for the baby and his parents. The state of well-being is so fragile, everything can change at any moment. The newborn will need time to adapt to life outside the mother's womb. He often needs help in this adaptation process. Mainly, parents are faced with digestive problems, intestinal colic, and weight loss.

After birth, the child’s way of eating has radically changed, and now it is very important to improve the functioning of the intestines. The digestion of food involves enzymes from the child’s stomach and intestines and intestinal microflora, that is, bacteria living in the large intestine. And if you consider that a baby is born with a sterile intestine, without microflora, then it is clear that normal intestinal function cannot be expected in the first months.

Let's start with when to use bifidumbacterin for a newborn.

In what cases is this drug used?

The colonization of the child's intestines occurs gradually. Here it is important not to allow opportunistic microflora to predominate and become “pioneers”.

Let me explain that opportunistic microflora includes microorganisms that can inhabit a child’s intestines in small quantities without harming the body. But if, under certain unfavorable conditions, an excessive increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms occurs, this will lead to an imbalance of “beneficial” and “harmful” microflora. This phenomenon of imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines is called dysbiosis, or dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis has very unpleasant resulting manifestations: constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, colic, impurities in the stool, weight loss, and so on.

Such unfavorable conditions, due to which dysbiosis can develop, include a long stay in a maternity hospital or in a specialized hospital during the neonatal period, surgical delivery, the use of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) to treat the mother or child, and prematurity. To this list you can add any stressful situations for the child after discharge from the maternity hospital: frequent moves, change of place of residence, introduction of complementary foods, separation of the baby from the mother (even short-term, for a few hours), hospitalization, teething, weaning from the breast, from the pacifier and so on.

If the microflora in general is disrupted, the baby’s entire body suffers:

  • Digestion worsens due to lack of enzymes;
  • the synthesis of proteins and vitamins is disrupted;
  • stool is disturbed;
  • the effect of toxic (poisonous to the body) substances is enhanced;
  • the ability of the intestine to absorb microelements and vitamins deteriorates;
  • pathogenic (disease-causing) microflora predominates;
  • immunity decreases, that is, the body’s ability to protect itself from adverse effects.

In young children, bifido- and lactoflora should predominate, that is, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Both of them belong to a large group of lactic acid bacteria. Breastfed babies receive these beneficial microorganisms through their mother's milk. That is why infants are much less likely to suffer from dysbacteriosis.

At risk for developing dysbacteriosis:

  • children born by caesarean section;
  • children with birth trauma;
  • premature, low birth weight babies;
  • children whose mothers suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • children after forced use of antibiotics;
  • children who, for some reason, were put to their mother’s breast late.

What are the benefits of Bifidumbacterin?

Bifidumbacterin contains live bifidobacteria, therefore it promotes the colonization of the child’s intestines with beneficial microorganisms. And these microorganisms, in turn, participate in:

  • in the production of enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates in food to a state in which they are easily absorbed by the body;
  • in the fight against harmful pathogens;
  • in the synthesis of B vitamins in the child’s body;
  • in the synthesis of proteins, if not enough of them are supplied with food;
  • in the process of absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin D by the intestinal walls;
  • in the removal of free radicals, in the neutralization and removal of toxic substances;
  • in the formation of children's immunity, as they participate in the synthesis of immune cells.

Can this drug be given to a newborn?

A conclusion about whether your baby definitely has dysbacteriosis can be given (after examination and examination) only by the pediatrician who is observing the child. In practice, I come across the fact that parents often make a diagnosis themselves and begin treatment on the advice of a neighbor or friend. Dysbiosis is considered almost the only cause of intestinal colic and child anxiety due to bloating. And this is wrong.

Bifidumbacterin is not an emergency drug for intestinal colic. Also, you should not take it unsystematically, irregularly, from time to time. Only full course treatment will be effective for dysbacteriosis.

Bifidumbacterin can be prescribed to a baby from the first days of life. It eliminates the imbalance of intestinal microflora, thereby normalizing the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. As a result of well-coordinated work of the intestines, gas formation decreases, stool normalizes, and colic disappears. The baby will sleep peacefully, gain weight, and stop being capricious and irritable.

Forms of release of the drug

Bifidumbacterin is produced in vials and ampoules, in powder (sachets), in suppositories and capsules. The drug in ampoules and vials is live bacteria in dry form. Bifidumbacterin in such forms contains 10*7 live bacteria and a nutritious milk-sugar-gelatin medium.

In the powder form of the drug, the live bacterial mass (10 * 8) is purified from the nutrient medium on which the bacteria were grown.

Bifidumbacterin forte includes colony-forming bacteria (10*7). Bifidumbacterin forte is produced in the form of capsules and powders, which contain 5 doses of bacteria in each unit of the drug.

Stone activated carbon, as an auxiliary substance, ensures immobilization (immobility) of these colonies. Due to the immobile state of the microbial mass, Bifidumbacterin forte locally colonizes (populates) the intestinal mucous membranes. As a result, the restoration of intestinal microflora occurs faster.

When to start and how to give?

The drug is used for various problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The dose and course of treatment with the drug is regulated by the doctor. This depends on the child’s age, weight, type of feeding, and the severity of dysbacteriosis. Bifidumbacterin in powder form is suitable for a newborn.



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