Nutrients for chicken meat. Chicken meat: benefits, calorie content

In a healthy diet, dietary preference has long been given to chicken over beef or pork. Chicken dishes are included in the diet of people of different ages, different countries, and different times.

It is no coincidence, just according to rough estimates, that there are over 700 different breeds of poultry. The unpretentiousness, ease of breeding chickens, and the enormous benefits of meat for the full functioning of the human body are also valued.

About the composition of chicken

The smell of chicken during cooking is easy to recognize. The pleasant aroma comes from the characteristic essential oils.

The unique composition of the low-calorie product is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, PP, and various microelements. Provides the required components:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • gray;
  • sodium;
  • silver;
  • animal protein

In terms of 100 grams of chicken meat: protein content - 23.2 g, fat - 1.65 g, calorie content is 110-210 kcal. depending on the selected part of the carcass and the cooking method.

Raw meat has the least calories. Boiled, smoked, stewed and fried chicken is higher in calories. The lowest indicator corresponds to chicken skewers.

About the benefits of chicken meat

Nutritionists place chicken meat one of the first places in the ranking of healthy and nutritious foods.

Enriching the body with essential protein promotes rapid recovery during periods of fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion.

Sports loads, stress, intense work take away strength. Regular consumption of chicken dishes will help strengthen the functioning of the nervous system, avoid insomnia and depression. The body's endurance and immune defense increases.

Low calorie chicken allows you to include the product in diets to normalize weight. It is important to eat the healthiest boiled breast recommended for your daily diet.

Chicken meat, rich in vitamin E, protects against premature aging of the skin, strengthens nails and hair, and prevents general aging of the body by improving fat metabolism and sugar levels.

The product is easily absorbed due to the small amount of connective tissue. Therefore, it is so important for those who want to be beautiful and young to eat right, and not to forget how chicken meat is beneficial.

Doctors note the composition of amino acids in chicken meat, which affects the proper nutrition and development of children, the formation of their skeletal and muscular systems.

It is important for expectant mothers to know that dietary chicken has a beneficial effect on pregnancy. Vitamins B9 and B12 are needed by the reproductive organs of the female body.

  • Warm chicken broth is traditionally recommended during flu periods, ARVI, other colds to restore the immune system;
  • the healing composition of the product with the presence of glutamine helps during recovery after surgery for building muscle mass;
  • For diabetics, white chicken meat is the main dish of the daily menu. Thanks to it, metabolism and the functioning of the pancreas are normalized;
  • for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is important that meat contains polyunsaturated acids that help prevent atherosclerosis, remove unnecessary cholesterol, prevent stroke, and hypertension;
  • “heart patients” need chicken broth to restore normal heart rhythm;
  • during the period of peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, with chronic gastritis, chicken meat becomes a medicine for the patient;
  • Boiled chicken dishes alleviate the condition of patients with gout and polyarthritis;
  • Treatment of anemia and improvement of blood circulation is carried out by adding domestic chicken meat to the diet.

Connoisseurs of chicken meat, the benefits and harms of which depend on the method of preparation, recommend giving preference to boiling, stewing, but not frying or smoking.

White and red meat

The question often arises about the differences between white and red chicken meat. There cannot be a clear answer which is better.

White meat has more magnesium and slightly fewer calories, but the difference is so tiny that it only matters in cases of very strict diets.

Red meat gets its color from the presence of iron and various minerals. All components are vital for humans. The red part of the carcass contains more zinc, riboflavin, and vitamins of various groups.

Thus, the combination of white and red chicken meat equally strengthens the body, gives energy and strength. Features of physical condition and preferences will tell you which meat to choose: white or red.


Please note that rooster meat is tougher than chicken. When choosing, you need to be guided by determining the age of the bird. Young rooster meat is suitable and healthy, but old rooster meat threatens indigestion. The most tender and low-calorie meat is chicken.

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain dehydrated chicken meat, that is, dried, freed from liquid. This product is intended for the preparation of animal feed.

About the dangers of chicken meat

Harm comes from improper preparation or use of the product. Most of the fat and bacteria accumulation occurs in the skin of the chicken.. Eating natural fatty tissue is unsafe for the stomach and pancreas.

The skin on the bird's wings is different from the skin on other parts of the carcass. It is safe, especially in poultry that have been fed without antibiotics for growth.

Thorough heat treatment of meat is important to ensure product safety and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, poisoning, dysbacteriosis, and the appearance of helminths cannot be avoided.

There is a danger of allergy to chicken protein. It is important to observe moderation and not overeat the product, so as not to provoke manifestations of the disease.

How many calories are in chicken and chicken by-products?

There is a significant difference in the calorie content of dishes from different parts of the chicken carcass. These factors are important considering the cooking method.


  1. Low calorie advantage of chicken breast, only 115 kcal per 100 g of product.
  2. White meat contains less fat.
  3. The shins, thighs, and necks differ from each other in terms of caloric content slightly and occupy the second position.
  4. Wings and backs are the leaders in calories, they are almost twice as many as the breast.


Chicken by-products also differ from each other.

  1. Navels and ventricles contain 110-130 kcal per 100 grams of weight.
  2. Liver – 140-145 kcal.
  3. Hearts and skin are the highest in calories, 165-205 kcal.
  4. Chicken offal from liver, hearts and stomachs averages 130-140 kcal per 100 grams.


The constant advantage of chicken meat is its availability to the population. Chicken is inexpensive.

Even during the “dark” times for our economy, the dietary product did not disappear from the shelves. The price of a product in different regions depends on supplies, domestic or imported, the quality of raw materials, and the conditions for selling products.

The market dictates price fluctuations and sets upper and lower limits. 1 kg of meat can cost much less in a rural area than in a metropolitan supermarket.

In the private sector, many people independently breed and keep chickens on their farms.

Expenses on feed and creating conditions for keeping chickens pay off and bring “income” in the form of fresh chicken meat and eggs.


In search of ways to eat healthy, people often forget about what is familiar and available at all times. You need to use the knowledge and recommendations of nutritionists, choose chicken or chicken meat, and cook taking into account the preferences of your household.

There are a huge number of recipes with chicken in dishes. Listen to your body and find your solution to your dietary problem.

The first chickens that appeared in Tsarist Russia were called simple or Russian. The roosters had a well-developed red crest and the same earrings on the sides of the head, golden plumage on the neck, dark red or rusty red feathers, a fiery coloration of the back of the back with a metallic green tint of large sickle-shaped braids. The hen had a small crest and had modest partridge plumage of a brownish tone with a vague pattern on the back and a reddish pattern on the neck.

Like their wild ancestors, domestic chickens live on the ground. They spend the whole day on their feet, which corresponds to the structure of their limbs. Their entire life, except for sleeping at night, is connected with the surface of the earth. Strong legs save you from pursuers. Not content with the food that remains on the surface of the earth, chickens tear up the soil with their strong legs, looking for suitable food for themselves - worms, larvae, germinating seeds. They also tear up their swimming holes to get rid of annoying insects. Finally, the legs serve as a weapon of defense: roosters have pointed horny spurs on their tarsus, with which they strike each other during fights.

Chickens scurry in thickets of weeds, in cracks between stacked logs - in a word, in a very secluded place on the ground. And only to roost for the night does the chicken fly up to roost: there it is less in danger (again, the habit of its wild ancestors).

The useful qualities and valuable inclinations already present in wild chickens were improved in various directions during domestication. Many breeds were obtained, varied in appearance and unequal in economic importance. Currently, there are three areas of chicken productivity: egg, meat and meat-egg, or general use.

Chickens of egg breeds have the highest egg production, low weight, and lively temperament. They feed well on paddocks and are distinguished by good early maturity. The young begin laying eggs at 4 months of age. Man changed the chicken beyond recognition: bank chickens gave 10-30 eggs a year, modern breeds - more than three hundred.

There are many breeds of chickens in the world, different in appearance, color, breeding characteristics and direction of use. Different breeds have eggs of different colors, for example: white, brown, green, blue, red (see Chicken egg). Currently, the European poultry standard includes about 180 chicken breeds. However, in general there are many more of them on Earth.

From an economic point of view and according to the nature of their main products, breeds can be divided into three main groups: egg breeds, meat-egg breeds and meat breeds.

You need to choose chicken with your eyes and nose - this is the main advice of chefs of all times and peoples. As soon as you smell even a faint smell of rotten meat, refuse the purchase. And carefully examine the appearance of the carcass - this is only possible in completely transparent packaging, so do not pay attention to chickens wrapped in colored bags. A proper broiler chicken should have well-developed muscles, a rounded breast without a prominent keel bone, and pale pink meat. Make sure that the skin is not grayish, but has a pinkish tint of pale yellow color.

Chicken calories

Chicken is considered one of the types of dietary meat; its calorie content is 190 kcal per 100 g of product. 100 g of boiled chicken contains 137 kcal, and 100 g of fried chicken contains 210 kcal. Calorie content of stewed chicken is 164 kcal. If consumed in moderation, chicken meat will not harm your figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken meat is rich in proteins, linoleic acid, which stimulates the immune system, and vitamins B1, B2.

Chicken contains vitamin B6, which is why it is good for the heart, as well as a lot of protein and glutamine, which are stimulants of the central nervous system and strengthen the body.

Chicken meat also contains the vitamin niacin, a medicine for nerve cells. This vitamin supports heart function, regulates cholesterol and is involved in the production of gastric juice.

People have known about the health benefits of chicken meat for a long time. In the East, and in Korea in particular, chicken meat has long been considered a healing food product and an effective means for the prevention of age-related diseases. Indeed, chicken contains much less fat than, say, beef or pork, and is easily absorbed by the body.

Protein contains carbohydrates, minerals, protein, B vitamins and amino acids, which the human body cannot synthesize on its own. In addition to being nutritious, protein also has protective properties. It contains lysozyme, which kills and dissolves microorganisms, including putrefactive ones. During long-term storage, the protective properties of the protein are lost. And such eggs become unfit for consumption.

A chicken egg is one of the most valuable food products that deserves to be known to people as much as possible. It consists of: protein, yolk and shell. These components are useful both together and separately.

Eggs contain 12 essential vitamins. For example, in terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil. Minerals such as phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and iron acquire an optimal ratio in the egg.

The yolk is rich in proteins, vitamins, lipids, and other substances. The shell is 90% calcium. The yolk contains lititin, which has a positive effect on fat metabolism in the body. The yolk is also enriched with almost all vitamins, including vitamin D. A lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to rickets, changes in the nervous system, and damage to teeth. That is why pediatricians prescribe yolk to young children several times a week without fail.

Despite the popularity of vegetarian diets, nutrition experts do not recommend excluding meat products from the diet. Any type of meat is a supplier of complete protein and B vitamins, which are absent in vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, excessive consumption of heavy fatty foods becomes an unbearable burden for the body, which leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and is also one of the reasons for gaining excess weight. It is believed that chicken meat, about the benefits and harms of which many popular articles and scientific treatises have been written, can be consumed in much larger quantities than pork, lamb or beef without the risk of harming your health.

The benefits of chicken meat - 10 beneficial properties for the body

  1. Powerful antidepressant

    The muscle fibers of animals and poultry contain tryptophan. This amino acid is involved in the production of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that help improve mood and relieve nervous tension. It is no coincidence that in moments of emotional outbursts we want to try a piece of fried or grilled chicken. Don't deny yourself this pleasure. A light dinner including a small amount of chicken meat is useful for avoiding insomnia, will help cope with depressive thoughts, and will give you joy in life.

  2. Benefits of chicken for the thyroid gland

    The meat of this poultry contains selenium, which optimizes the balance of iodine in the body, which has a positive effect on the condition of the thyroid gland. It is very important to monitor the health of this organ in order to avoid diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances.

  3. Chicken, whose beneficial properties are due to its easy digestibility and low amount of fat, is a supplier of vitamin B12, necessary for the formation of red blood cells. A significant portion of micro- and macroelements is contained in chicken liver. According to nutritionists, consumption of 100 grams of this product not only satisfies the daily need for nutrients, but also exceeds the norm three times. Thus, the introduction of chicken meat and liver into the menu serves to prevent anemia, improves blood composition, increases energy balance, and allows for faster recovery from illness.

  4. Immune System Support

    Speaking about the benefits of chicken meat, it should be mentioned that it contains such important microelements as iron and vitamin PP, which help strengthen the immune system and prevent certain types of oncology and other diseases. Deficiency of this vitamin, also known as nicotinic acid or niacin, leads to pellagra, a serious illness manifested by intestinal disorders, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, loss of brain activity, which in critical cases ends in death.

  5. Boiled chicken is an invariable component of weight loss diets

    High-quality animal protein is necessary for our body to strengthen bones and tissues, and also helps in the fight against excess weight. Obesity has become a dangerous trend in modern society. The presence of lean chicken meat in the diet can play an important role in achieving a slim figure, as it causes a long-term feeling of fullness and protects against accidental snacking.

  6. Improving reproductive functions

    Chicken meat and poultry liver contain folic acid, which increases the body’s ability to conceive and bear healthy offspring. Eating chicken meat will be beneficial during pregnancy, preventing the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. The presence of steamed or baked chicken in the expectant mother's diet will help neutralize the damage caused to the nervous system by stressful situations that often haunt a woman throughout the entire 9 months of bearing a baby. In addition, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) was found in chicken meat, which stimulates the activity of male sperm and improves the quality of female eggs.

  7. Optimizing brain function

    Nicotinic acid, contained in chicken meat, has a positive effect on the functions of the brain and nervous system, prevents damage to DNA cells in the developing fetus and serves as a preventive measure for the decline of cognitive abilities in old age. Moderate consumption of chicken meat will help avoid memory disorders and even prevent Alzheimer's disease.

  8. Ensuring eye health

    Synthesis of vitamin A in the body is impossible without the presence of retinol, lycopene, alpha and beta-carotenes. We can get all these microelements by eating chicken. The beneficial properties of vitamin A help maintain excellent vision, have a positive effect on the condition of the eyes, serve to prevent cataracts, and prevent the destruction of the lens.

  9. Eliminating skin problems

    Due to the presence of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in chicken meat, the beneficial properties of this product ensure healthy skin and mucous membranes. If you notice a sore tongue, chapped lips, or skin rashes, you need to diversify your menu with chicken dishes in combination with vegetables or cereals.

  10. Strengthening bones and muscles

    Being an excellent source of animal protein and phosphorus, chicken meat in your diet will help increase the strength of muscles and bones, and prevent age-related changes in the skeleton and muscles. Diets that include lean chicken support healthy teeth and gums, prevent hair loss and brittle nails.

What else is useful?

Chicken meat is deservedly popular due to its taste, beneficial properties and low calorie content.


Chicken is chicken meat, a chicken carcass and all its components. It is impossible to say with certainty when chickens began to be domesticated. According to some sources, the first domestic chickens appeared around 2000 BC in India. Other sources say that domestic chickens already existed 6000-8000 BC in Southeast Asian countries, and especially in China. And currently, wild chickens inhabit the territory of China, Indochina, Indonesia, the Philippines and India. It is believed that the ancestors of domestic chickens were bank chickens, originally from Asia.

Today, chicken is the most common poultry. It is grown in almost all countries of the world. Brazil and the USA are considered to be the largest producers of chicken.

To get chicken, the bird must be raised at home or in a factory. Those birds that have reached adulthood are subject to slaughter, scalding and plucking. A completely feathered chicken carcass is ready for cooking and subsequent consumption.

The average weight of a chicken carcass is from 1.5 to 5 kg (depending on the breed). For example, carcasses of dwarf breeds can weigh 0.5 kg. A fresh carcass has slightly yellowish or white skin, well-developed muscles, pale pink meat and a round breast. A young chicken has delicate white skin, and its legs are covered with small scales. An old chicken has yellow skin, and there are large growths and large scales on its legs.

In cooking, chicken is used to prepare hot and cold appetizers, first and second courses. They mainly use meat from meat breeds of chickens (there are also general breeds, meat and egg breeds, and egg breeds).

To prepare broths and soups, it is better to use an old chicken carcass, then the broth will be fragrant and rich. And for frying cutlets and meatballs, young poultry meat is better suited, as it is tender and soft and fries well.

The sirloin part of the carcass, drumsticks and thighs are used to prepare meatballs, cutlets, chops, salads, stews, pies, jellied, pilaf, jellied meat, soufflé and all kinds of semi-finished products. Giblets (liver, heart, stomachs) and chicken back are used to prepare pickles, solyanka, borscht, soups and broths. Chicken skin is used for baking minced meat (pasta, potato, mushroom, chicken), and the fat that is cut from the abdomen is used for frying and added to pates. A popular dish is also a whole chicken carcass baked with spices, as well as hot or cold smoked chicken.

Composition and calorie content of chicken

100 g of raw chicken meat contains 74.86 g of water, 23.2 g of proteins, 0.98 g of ash, 1.65 g of fat; vitamins: retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, tocopherol, choline, phylloquinone; macroelements: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium; trace elements: selenium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese.

The calorie content of chicken is 108 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of chicken

Due to its low calorie content, chicken has excellent dietary properties, so it is perfect for people seeking to lose weight, as well as for patients with peptic ulcers, diabetes, and gout. Thanks to its high content of vitamin B6, glutamine and protein, chicken is good for the heart, strengthens the body and stimulates the central nervous system.

The beneficial properties of chicken also include preventing vascular atherosclerosis and preventing the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks and hypertension. Chicken broth is an excellent remedy for colds.

Contraindications to eating chicken

It must be taken into account that chicken meat that has undergone poor-quality heat treatment can become a breeding ground for salmonella, and in humans can cause a serious gastrointestinal disease - salmonellosis.

In addition, you should not overuse smoked chicken, as it promotes the growth of malignant tumors. This is due to the fact that during the smoking process, amino acids undergo modification and radioactive isotopes accumulate in chicken meat. In addition, in modern conditions it often happens that when smoking meat they use substances harmful to the human body: acetone, formaldehyde, phenol.

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It won’t be difficult to name the reasons for the popularity of chicken meat. Chicken is inexpensive, has a pleasant taste, is easy and quick to prepare, and looks appropriate in any dish and with almost every type of side dish. But what about the qualities of the product and its effect on the body? Chicken contains a lot of protein, and it is easily digestible. It contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, zinc, magnesium.

Useful properties of chicken

Let's consider the main qualities of chicken meat taken under “ideal” or abstract conditions. We are talking about quality meat, cooked correctly and consumed in reasonable quantities. Then you can count on the following effects.

  1. Strengthening the immune system. A complete set of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals is what you need to maintain your immunity at a high level. It has been observed that chicken meat lovers get sick less often than those who exclusively eat pork. It is difficult to judge for sure the reasons for this situation. But, in any case, the statistics are objective and do not deceive. During the period of vitamin deficiency this is especially important.
  2. Replenishment of wasted strength. Chicken is a source of energy. It is recommended for regular use by athletes and people experiencing intense physical activity. After illness, long-term treatment, exhaustion and taking strong medications, chicken meat is incredibly useful. Let us at least remember that chicken broth is almost a medicine recommended for all patients on bed rest.
  3. Acceleration of metabolic processes. The protein contained in chicken is easily digestible and stimulates metabolism. It helps to provide conditions under which fat burning occurs as intensely as possible, overall weight loss is observed, but at the same time “lean” muscle mass increases. For anyone who wants to keep their figure in order, chicken meat is not only recommended, but is strongly recommended for regular consumption.
  4. Hemoglobin levels increase. An interesting property that is often forgotten. Chicken is a natural stimulator of hematopoiesis. Indications for use: low hemoglobin levels, anemia, general weakness, any systemic blood diseases, and so on.
  5. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion with regular consumption of chicken meat becomes stable, constipation and indigestion, flatulence and any other problems disappear. In addition, chicken can be called a kind of prophylactic against ulcers, gastritis and skin diseases. Chicken is especially beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract if combined with fresh vegetables.
  6. Maintaining healthy hair, nails and skin. In order for your nails to be strong, your hair to be easy to comb and shine, your skin to maintain a smooth surface and a healthy tone, you need to eat chicken constantly. It will provide the best conditions for maintaining a beautiful appearance.
  7. Normalization of the nervous system. Chicken meat helps prevent depression, insomnia, and neuroses. Compensates for the unpleasant consequences of emotional overstrain, severe stress, and anxiety. Gives peace, healthy sleep, goodwill and a positive attitude.
  8. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals present in chicken help to fully maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels. By regularly consuming the product, you can protect yourself from heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease.

Finally, one cannot fail to note the “hedonic” benefits of chicken meat. After all, its taste is very delicate, and anyone, if he is not a vegetarian, will get a lot of pleasure. These are the most important beneficial qualities present in chicken. But the properties of the product do not end there.

Is there any harm from chicken?

Some negative consequences of eating chicken are possible. But we must immediately warn you: harm is likely only if the product is used incorrectly or if you buy low-quality chicken from the beginning. By following the rules for eating and purchasing chicken, the risk can be reduced. But what does it consist of?

As we can see, these negative consequences can be overcome if you purchase and prepare chicken wisely. To make our own chances of benefiting higher, let’s try to further understand both of these components. And let's start with purchasing chicken.

How to buy healthy chicken

The beneficial properties mentioned above, unfortunately, apply exclusively to those chickens that are raised in natural conditions. That is, somewhere in the village, on a small farm or on your own farm. The problem is that today a city dweller is unlikely to be able to find such a product. Mostly store-bought chicken is available, but there is not much benefit from it, and here’s why:

  • chickens for stores are raised in a short time, so their meat simply does not have time to accumulate all the beneficial substances mentioned earlier;
  • we can say with a high degree of certainty that during their lifetime, store-bought chickens were “stuffed with”, albeit not prohibited, but still far from safe, drugs to accelerate growth;
  • you can never say exactly how long store-bought chicken has been stored: given that the markings are interrupted, the meat is soaked in a special solution to give visible freshness; it is no coincidence that the bones of store-bought chicken, which looks fresh, often turn out to be almost rotten;
  • It is also impossible to predict storage conditions: what the chicken came into contact with, how many times it was frozen, whether people who worked with chicken in the warehouse have medical records.

The conclusion is not particularly happy. Chicken from the store is a product with unpredictable properties. Perhaps there will be nothing dangerous in it. But there is a significant risk that the chicken will turn out to be stale, unhealthy, and generally mutated. Laughter is laughter, but there is some truth in these arguments. Whenever possible, raise your own chicken or buy directly from farmers. Nothing more reliable can be recommended.

How to Cook Chicken for More Benefits

If you have purchased chicken, there is one important task left: to cook it correctly, preserving the useful components of the composition and taste. What rules need to be taken into account?

  1. The most energy-dense part of the chicken is the breast. White meat not only contains more protein, but is also easier to digest. Meat from the drumsticks and thighs contains a lot of fatty acids, which increase the calorie content and fat content of the meat, but are useful for digestion and appearance.
  2. The best method for cooking chicken: Boiling in plain water. You can simply cook it in a saucepan, or you can put it in a frying pan, add clean water and leave until the water has evaporated. Any additional ingredient, even olive and sunflower oil, degrades the quality of the product. The more natural the cooking method, the healthier the dish will be.
  3. It is not advisable to store chicken after cooking for even 2–3 hours. It’s better to eat it right away, leaving nothing behind. Of course, this can be applied to any type of food, but chicken spoils especially quickly. If pork lies quietly in the refrigerator for several days, then boiled chicken will lose both its benefits and taste within a day.
  4. Since chicken contains a lot of protein, it must be consumed in doses. You cannot eat a serving larger than 200 g at a time. What is the reason? And the fact is that even such a small portion already contains 45–50 g of pure protein. The kidneys cannot cope with such a volume of protein at one time. As a result, either there will be too much load, or the protein will simply be excreted in a processed form. So, it's better to eat less, but more often.
  5. The best side dish for chicken is not pasta or potatoes, but fresh vegetables. If you combine chicken with fried potatoes, the same pasta and other carbon-containing products, its benefits will be reduced to a minimum.



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