Antihistamine diet. Hypoallergenic diet: weekly menu for children and adults

Food allergy is a scourge of the 21st century, caused by the development of the food industry and the use chemical substances on a global scale. It affects people of all ages, and those who can consume all foods without consequences for the body are becoming fewer and fewer. This is why the term hypoallergenic diet is used so often today.

Most allergy sufferers know exactly what they should not consume. But on this moment Cases of allergies of unknown cause have become more frequent, when detecting the allergen is a particularly difficult task. Among the child population of the planet widespread received the phenomenon of polyvalent sensitization - allergic reaction the body to several products or substances at once.

The most common manifestation of food allergies is skin rashes. various localizations, peeling, the appearance of cracks. In children, the rash is localized on the cheeks and is popularly called diathesis.

The essence of a hypoallergenic diet

An anti-allergenic diet is a diet that excludes the consumption of potentially allergenic foods. It is prescribed for food allergies of unknown cause, as well as for hypersensitivity reactions to an unknown substance (for example, atopic dermatitis).

The essence of the diet is simple - exception food allergen eliminates the body's reaction. But there is a long way to discover a substance that is undesirable for a particular case, including three stages.

  1. Compliance with dietary rules until allergy symptoms disappear completely.
  2. Gradual introduction of products to detect potentially dangerous ones.
  3. Preparation of an individual diet.

The principle of operation of a hypoallergenic diet is simple - the complete exclusion of foods eliminates the sensitization reaction, and their gradual return to the diet performs a diagnostic function. Products defined for individual person, as worsening the condition, are completely excluded from the diet for a while or for life.

Sometimes a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed for sensitization, which is rarely provoked by foods:

In this case, the task of hypoallergenic nutrition is to reduce the load on the antitoxic organs: liver, kidneys, as well as cleanse the body of substances that can worsen the allergy sufferer’s condition.

Relative adherence to a hypoallergenic diet is recommended during pregnancy, as well as for nursing mothers, especially in the first months of a child’s life. This approach creates a kind of prevention of allergies in a child or intestinal colic when breastfeeding. Although many scientists argue that if the mother does not suffer from food allergies or other types, there is no need to follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Principles of nutrition

The permitted list of foods on a hypoallergenic diet can include foods that meet special requirements.

  • Naturalness of products. It is better to use organic products grown in natural conditions with minimal use of additives and growth stimulants. Chemical purity of products is a difficult task for modern conditions, but if you have relatives in the village or the opportunity to purchase only organically pure food, it’s time to take advantage of it.
  • No processing. If possible, the diet should include food suitable for consumption with minimal heat treatment.
  • Regional Compliance. Hypoallergenic food should not include products that are exotic for the allergy sufferer’s area, even though they are organic and contain minimal allergens. It is better to focus on local vegetables and fruits characteristic of a particular season.

Components of permitted dishes

The permitted products, which are listed in the table below, can be used in any quantities and combinations, but it is better to give preference to single-component dishes.

Table - Products for the menu for every day of the hypoallergenic diet

Product groupList of products
Meat- Turkey;
- chicken white meat;
- beef
Cereals- Rice;
- buckwheat;
- oatmeal;
- millet
Dairy- Kefir;
- fermented baked milk;
- pure yoghurts;
- pickled cheeses
Vegetables- Cabbage of all varieties;
- cucumbers;
- salad;
- leafy varieties of greens;
- potato;
- peas;
- zucchini
Fruits- Apples;
- pears;
- gooseberry
Bread- Crackers;
- Rye bread;
- yeast-free unleavened baked goods
Beverages- Black tea;
- compote of local dried fruits
Fat- Sunflower oil;
- melted butter;
- olive oil

Moderately allergenic products

Products from this group should not be included in the daily menu, as they have the potential to cause allergies. During the first time of following a diet, it is better to refuse:

  • whole milk;
  • adding sour cream to dishes;
  • yeast baking;
  • pasta;
  • rabbit meat, veal;
  • freshwater fish;
  • green tea.

Particularly on this list are sugar and salt. Their use is undesirable, but possible if you observe moderation. The antiallergic diet according to Pevzner advises limiting daily use salt up to 7 g.

Whole milk is used only for cooking cereals. Milk porridges can be eaten by children on a hypoallergenic diet if they have normal lactose tolerance. If, after consuming them, a change in the patient’s condition is observed, they switch to a dairy-free diet, excluding any milk and its processed products.

Forbidden food

A detailed description of the hypoallergenic diet includes strict prohibitions.

  • Meat and offal. Pork, horse meat and veal are among those types of meat that contain specific protein compounds that can cause sensitization. By-products, including duck and chicken, are also excluded from the diet.
  • Smoked meats and sausages. Smoked fish, dried meat, sausages in any form are completely excluded from the diet.
  • Fish and seafood. Any varieties sea ​​fish, caviar, seafood and algae are completely excluded from the diet as potential sources of allergens.
  • Eggs and honey. These foods so often cause allergies that they are always excluded completely until the allergen is precisely determined, and sometimes for the entire duration of the diet.
  • Confectionery. Chocolate, ice cream, cookies, milk and jelly desserts, caramel, cocoa and other sweet products industrial production. Allowed alternatives to desserts are homemade marshmallows and dried apples or pears.
  • Fruits and vegetables . Everything red and orange falls under the veto: beets, tomatoes, red apples, currants, cherries, cherries. Also prohibited Exotic fruits and vegetables, regardless of their color: citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwi, avocado, mango, papaya.
  • Cereals and corn. Wheat, rye, barley, as well as, due to its specific composition, are completely excluded from the diet.
  • Spices and nuts. Any natural spices, chemicals, marinades, sauces, as well as herbal decoctions and infusions are prohibited. All types of nuts, seeds, and unrefined oils extracted from them should not be consumed by allergy sufferers.

The diet for allergies is not particularly varied. But it helps the body recover, improve its health, and find the cause of poor health.

Important nuances

A diet for allergies involves not just limiting the list of foods consumed, but also observing special rules nutrition.

  • Emphasis in diet. The main sources of energy when following a diet are cereals. It is very important to ensure sufficient intake of fiber and other dietary fibers into the body by increasing the amount of indifferent vegetables in the menu.
  • Cooking method. The preferred method of heat treatment of products is boiling. It ensures a reduction in the amount of allergens in products. It is acceptable to use recipes that involve steaming or baking.
  • Diet . The diet implies adherence to the principles of fractional nutrition: eating individual foods in different time days, and also frequent meals - frequent use food with reduced portion sizes. Up to six meals are allowed per day.
  • Fluid restriction. For urticaria allergic origin Swelling of the soft tissues is often observed. The Pevzner diet recommends reducing the amount of fluid consumed until swelling disappears completely. At the same time, it is important to reduce volumes through liquid dishes, tea and drinks, rather than pure water.
  • Timing of the diet. For an adult, it is recommended to follow a hypoallergenic diet menu for two to three weeks, for children - no more than 10 days, due to the risk of vitamin deficiency and slower growth and development.
  • Medical consultation. In complex cases of allergies, it is necessary to coordinate the diet with your doctor. This is especially true when creating menus for children under ten years of age. It is also important to make sure that there are no contraindications to dietary restrictions - diseases of the stomach, intestines, blood, central nervous system.

According to doctors, a hypoallergenic diet not only helps eliminate allergens and sensitization reactions, but also improves the health of the body as a whole, leading to normalization of weight and metabolic processes.

Example of a daily menu

An approximate daily menu for an antiallergic diet can be varied.

  • Breakfast . , rice or seasoned with olive oil. Toasted bread. Tea.
  • Second breakfast. Apple marshmallow. Kefir, fermented baked milk or natural yogurt.
  • Dinner . Vegetable soup with cereals, cooked in the second broth. Steamed meatballs from chicken or turkey. Pita.
  • Afternoon snack. Toast with stewed zucchini. Fermented milk products.
  • Dinner . Salad from any variety of cabbage, leafy greens, peas. Stewed beef, potato side dish.

To prepare delicious snacks, you can use boiled meat, cheese, and lettuce. A sandwich made from rice or oatmeal bread with such a filling will not be inferior in taste qualities popular burgers.

Rules for removing restrictions

Stopping the diet completely may take several months. In this case, the transition to normal nutrition occurs taking into account the following rules.

  • Gradual exit from the diet. Alternate introduction of foods into the diet is used. Weakly injected first allergenic products, and highly allergenic - last.
  • Time to adapt. Every New Product administered once every three days. This is necessary to fully monitor the body’s reaction to new food.
  • Careful observation. To determine the allergen, it is important not just to look for a rash on the body, but also to monitor the general condition of the body in response to the arrival of a new type of food. A signal of intolerance may be headache, indigestion, feeling of heaviness, bloating. For complete monitoring, it is recommended to keep a written record of the products administered and the reaction to them.
  • Radical exclusion of allergens. If your condition worsens after eating Russian hard cheese, this does not mean that you need to try the Dutch variety. The best option is to exclude any type of cheese for a period of a month and only after the condition has completely stabilized can new experiments be carried out.

Along with drug therapy, during treatment various forms allergies, a certain result is achieved by correcting the diet. A hypoallergenic diet not only stops the exacerbation of the disease, but also becomes preventive measure.

What principles is the hypoallergenic diet based on?

The basic principle of constructing a menu for a low-allergenic diet is the exclusion from the diet of foods that provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

The gradual elimination of certain foods from the diet allows you to diagnose allergens and take measures to prevent relapses.

Principles of a hypoallergenic diet:

  1. The diet includes foods that do not burden the gastrointestinal organs. intestinal tract;
  2. The menu should be balanced and provide vitamins and microelements;
  3. Energy value is 2800 kilocalories;
  4. Daily norm table salt– 7 g;
  5. Meals are fractional, up to 6 times a day. Small portions promote complete breakdown and absorption of foods, which means they reduce the risk of allergies. In addition, this way of eating guarantees appetite and the desire to eat healthy;
  6. Dishes are steamed or stewed, fried, smoked foods, pickled vegetables, fatty salads are often allergens;
  7. Strong broths (especially chicken broths) are boiled by changing the water many times. Animal protein is a serious allergen;
  8. To people suffering food form allergies, you need to drink at least two liters of water per day, this regime ensures the timely removal of allergens and toxins from the body;
  9. The temperature of ready-to-eat food should be comfortable - hot food irritates the walls of the stomach and intestines, stimulates irritation of the nervous system, which, in turn, increases the risk of pathologies;
  10. The hypoallergenic diet for adults is designed for an average of 21 days. For children - a gentle option: for a week, if necessary - a little longer. Once every three days, a product is added from the “dangerous” list, observing the body’s reaction;
  11. To simplify the identification of allergen products, during a hypoallergenic diet it is recommended to prepare simple dishes with big amount ingredients;
  12. The diet should be varied, sufficient quantity rich in vitamins.

In order to be able to analyze in detail food reactions, it is recommended to keep a food diary in which to record what was eaten, at what time and in what quantity, as well as whether or not there was a reaction to the food.

List of prohibited products

The list of highly allergenic products includes:

  • High fat dairy products, hard cheeses;
  • Seafood, fish, fish roe;
  • Smoked products, sausages;
  • Canned foods;
  • Nuts (primarily peanuts);
  • Red, orange fruits (oranges, tangerines, apples, grapefruits), vegetables (beets, pumpkins, carrots, tomatoes), berries (almost all) and dried fruits;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Chocolate;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Coffee, cocoa;
  • Products with a large number of chemical additives (preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers)

List of products allowed for consumption

Products that are considered conditionally safe form the basis of the diet, but in individual cases they can provoke an allergic reaction:

  • Boiled and stewed meat: white chicken, turkey, beef, veal;
  • Vegetable soups;
  • Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower);
  • Loose porridges (except semolina);
  • Dairy products low fat content: cottage cheese, feta cheese, kefir, natural yogurt;
  • Green vegetables and fruits, except celery and sorrel;
  • Compotes and teas from dried fruits (except dried apricots);
  • Crispbread, biscuits, yeast-free bread

The Ado diet is based on these products. Approximate menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, weak tea, cottage cheese
  • Lunch: green apple
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with broccoli, pasta, chicken meatballs, compote
  • Afternoon snack: jelly, unleavened cookies
  • Dinner: boiled cod, pasta
  • Second dinner: kefir

Recipes for dishes of a nonspecific general hypoallergenic diet are simple and accessible, but at the same time, the nutrition is balanced and ensures the supply of vitamins and microelements to the body.

Hypoallergenic diet during breastfeeding

The question of the advisability of a special diet for nursing mothers is currently widely discussed in medical circles, and most doctors are of the opinion that if the mother does not have allergies, there is no need to follow a strict diet.

General rules in all cases establish a ban on the use of:

  • chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Strawberries
  • Citrus
  • Smoked products

In what cases is diet necessary?

There are situations when a mother during breastfeeding Must comply with dietary restrictions:

  1. Manifestations of allergies in a newborn (peeling, redness of the skin, atopic dermatitis);
  2. During the first month of feeding, to determine whether the baby is prone to allergic reactions;
  3. Congenital pathologies gastrointestinal tract in a child, preventing normal absorption and assimilation of nutritional components;
  4. Compounded hereditary history: the mother has bronchial asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, food allergies.

Replacing breast milk with formula is a half-measure that is not always justified. Up to six months the child receives balanced diet, and the signs of allergy go away. But the need to introduce complementary foods can exacerbate the problem.

With mother's milk, the baby receives small doses of allergens; adjusting the menu allows you to gradually expand the diet and lead the baby to the introduction of vegetables, fruits, juices, and cottage cheese. Breast milk promotes the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, when mother's milk is not absorbed, the pediatrician must select the mixture and determine the timing of the introduction of complementary foods.

A nonspecific diet for a nursing mother prohibits:

  • Cow's milk (whole);
  • Fish caviar;
  • Seafood;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Cocoa and chocolate;
  • Nuts;
  • Citrus;
  • Red berries;
  • Smoking, pickling, marinades, spicy dishes, seasonings, spices;
  • Alcohol


  • Strong meat and fish broths;
  • Chicken meat;
  • Wheat and products made from it;
  • Red and orange vegetables and fruits

It is important to understand that some foods, while not being allergens in their pure form, can enhance the negative effects of other foods or increase the production of histamines - substances that cause the external manifestations of allergic reactions.

If the baby is susceptible to allergies, the mother “sits” on strict diet and follows it for 2-3 days. The diet is monotonous, it consists of products that have minimal risk cause a reaction: boiled rice without oil, kefir, buckwheat bread, compote of apples (dried fruits), lean pork (stewed or boiled), boiled potatoes (pre-soaked in water).

A nursing mother must lead food diary, into which all food is carefully added.

If the allergy does not manifest itself within three days, then one new product is introduced and the mother carefully monitors the child’s condition. The resulting reaction is a reason to return to the original menu for a while until the child returns to normal. Thus, it is possible to identify allergenic products.

Diet for hay fever

  • Allergy to tree pollen. Prohibited: nuts, fruits, celery, carrots, parsley;
  • Allergy to cereal pollen. Prohibited: baked goods, flour products, bread kvass, oat groats, cereals, flour, cocoa, chocolate, coffee;
  • Allergy to weed pollen. Prohibited: melon, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant, sunflower seeds, halva, mustard, mayonnaise, sunflower oil;
  • Allergy to spores of microscopic fungi. Prohibited: yeast, yeast dough, kvass, beer, sauerkraut, cheese, sugar and its substitutes, wine, liqueur, moonshine.


Among food products that cause urticaria are:

  • Seafood, fish;
  • Eggs;
  • Nuts;
  • Citrus;
  • Tomatoes, eggplants;
  • Cheeses;
  • Alcohol;
  • Chocolate

Following a hypoallergenic diet allows you not only to reduce the amount of medications used to stabilize the condition, but also to abandon them altogether, reaching a state of stable remission. Despite the apparent difficulties and strict restrictions, the dietary intake can and should be varied and balanced.

An allergist should help determine the range of products; on all questions related to treatment, you should consult a specialist. If you have doubts about whether a particular product can be eaten, you should avoid it until you consult a doctor.

A hypoallergenic diet is a specially selected nutritional system for the treatment of various allergic diseases.
With its help, you can establish the cause of the disease, reset excess weight, improve the general condition of the body.

For liver diseases

The liver is known to be very important organ in the human life system.

One of the most important functions that the liver performs is to cleanse the body of toxins.

She, like a filter, retains everything harmful substances. And therefore, with excessive consumption junk food and the liver is the first to suffer from alcohol.

In order to normalize the processes of this organ and not overload it, it is necessary to adhere to the basics proper nutrition. The weight of the menu eaten per day should not exceed three kilograms, otherwise it will be difficult for the liver to cope with the large volume.

The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • canned food;
  • fried food;
  • egg yolk;
  • cold and hot drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • strong broths.

When choosing proper nutrition, you should give preference to the following products:

  • various cereals;
  • Rye bread;
  • fermented milk products with low fat content;
  • milk;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • apples, bananas;
  • egg whites;
  • meat and fish of fatty varieties.

To prevent liver damage, it is necessary to remove it from your diet. acute types vegetables - radishes, radishes, and prefer fruits with a soft and gentle texture.

What causes liver pain, symptoms and treatment

The liver cannot hurt on its own because it has no nerve endings.

Often, her illnesses are discovered during testing for another illness.

There are not many liver diseases:

  • viral, infectious hepatitis;
  • diseases from excessive consumption alcohol - cirrhosis, fibrosis and others;
  • Wilson's disease;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

Despite the fact that the liver itself does not hurt, the condition can be determined by several symptoms:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • drowsiness, malaise;
  • frequent headaches;
  • excessive sweating;
  • yellowing skin, eye whites;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • dryness, itching of the skin;
  • elevated or low temperature bodies;
  • liver enlargement.

Usually, for liver diseases, the fifth table is prescribed. It contains the required amount of proteins and carbohydrates and completely eliminates fatty foods. During this diet, you should not drink cold drinks, alcohol, tea or coffee above average strength. The use of salt is limited. This regimen involves eating four to five times a day.

All dishes should be exclusively steamed or prepared by stewing; in some cases, experts do not even recommend baking.


How to eat

Allergies are not necessary congenital disease. It can also appear in an adult. It manifests itself differently for everyone.

It could be itchy skin, persistent cough, excessive lacrimation, runny nose, swelling of the larynx, tongue, skin rashes and many other manifestations. Many of these symptoms make life very difficult for a person, and many are very life-threatening.

Eat different drugs, can help with allergies, but it is better if the treatment is complex. It must include a diet.

It involves consuming foods that are not causing allergies. To create a nutrition system for a person suffering from allergies, you need to consult a specialist doctor.

Atopic dermatitis always occurs due to contact of the body with an allergen. One way to get rid of it is to follow a diet.

A hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis is compiled by a doctor, taking into account all factors and needs of the body. There is no need to say that it is prescribed only after examination, so as not to confuse atopic dermatitis with simple intolerance.

If it really is dermatitis, then from daily menu Products containing histamine liberators are completely excluded:

  • smoked meat, fish;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • canned and salted vegetables, berries;
  • sausage, ham, sausages;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • pork, beef liver.

It is better to feed your child soups based on weak broths, lean boiled beef or veal.

If a child suffers from atopic dermatitis, this brings certain difficulties, since his growing body needs to replenish all lost substances. In addition to foods prohibited for adults with atopic dermatitis, nuts, citrus fruits and chocolate should also be removed from the child’s diet.

Ado diet

Andrey Dmitrievich Ado is a scientist, doctor of science, immunologist, allergist. The diet he put together helps eliminate many signs of allergies and reduces the possibility of their new manifestation.

His diet divides all foods into permitted and strictly prohibited. He recommends sticking to a strict diet until all signs of allergies disappear. Only then, with the permission of your doctor, can you gradually add other foods to your diet.

Ado advises all patients to keep a food diary, in which all data on the food consumed will be entered.

List of hypoallergenic diet products:

  • boiled meat (veal or beef);
  • soups for vegetable broth with the addition of various cereals;
  • purified (refined) oil;
  • melted butter;
  • various cereals;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • greenery;
  • oven-baked apples;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • bran bread;
  • rosehip decoction or apple compote;
  • weak tea.

Prohibited foods

Strictly prohibited products include:

  • all citrus fruits;
  • alcohol;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fatty sauces based on mayonnaise;
  • walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and other types;
  • fatty fish, caviar;
  • smoked meat, fish, sausage;
  • spicy, salty sauces such as mustard, ketchup, soy sauce;
  • vegetables such as radishes, turnips, tomatoes;
  • bold cow's milk;
  • red berries, fruits;
  • baked goods;
  • any mushrooms;

The most popular recipes

Casserole with boiled cereal

  1. Boil any cereal, make porridge with a liquid consistency.
  2. Grease a baking dish a little, add chopped green apples and bananas.
  3. Pour the porridge on top and bake in the oven.

Delicious vegetable baked goods

  1. Finely chop the boiled vegetables using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Put a little sugar, a pinch of salt, and flour into this mass.
  3. Mix everything, form buns or flat cakes.
  4. Bake on a parchment-lined baking sheet for about thirty minutes.

Allergy is a specific reaction of the body to allergens and one of the best methods Its elimination is a hypoallergenic diet. It is prescribed in addition to generally accepted therapeutic actions to improve general condition sick.

A hypoallergenic diet is effective reduction allergic load on the body. Its essence lies in the complete exclusion of highly allergenic foods. Also selection given diet nutrition can be used during lactation to improve the quality of breast milk.

Clinical picture


Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the majority of fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies , and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

What is a hypoallergenic diet?

A hypoallergenic diet implies the exclusion of all foods with high allergic properties from the diet. The diet is selected individually, since the causes of the disease are very different.

The hypoallergenic diet includes products with gentle properties for digestive system. Similar food normalizes physiological cycles in the body, while covering the need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other microcomponents and vitamins.

Important! Almost every hypoallergenic diet involves reducing the amount of salt. With this diet, you can consume no more than 7 g per day.

A hypoallergenic diet per day should include:

  • 400 g carbohydrates;
  • 90 g proteins;
  • 80 g fat.

Important! Part of the diet must consist of animal products.

Why is this diet needed?

The primary goal of a hypoallergenic diet is to reduce the number of allergens entering the body. Products with sensitization can aggravate a person’s condition. Also important task diet is to determine the type of allergens and further reduce their number.

When using this diet, it is possible to minimize allergy symptoms, except in cases with particularly serious condition patients, like anaphylactic shock. Thanks to these properties of the diet, the need to take medications is reduced.

Nutrition during the diet is rational and balanced. This is important for all spheres of the body’s life, with diet having the greatest importance for the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to tone the body, saturate it with useful substances and speed up the process of removing toxins.

Key Nutrition Principles

A hypoallergenic diet is effective therapeutic event. A nutritionist will help you select individual nutrition based on anti-allergenic products and create a special menu.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • Proper eating regimen. Recommended fractional meals, it is based on dividing food into 5-6 meals. This diet prevents overeating, reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract, and increases the quality of food breakdown in the intestines. Allergy sufferers often lose their appetite, and split meals can eliminate this problem.
  • Product processing. The best way to prepare low-allergenic dishes is steaming or boiling. You should forget about frying, baking and other types of cooking. It is important to regularly change the water when preparing broths with meat and fish to reduce the amount of allergens released. It is recommended to change the water three times per preparation.
  • Drinking regimen. A hypoallergenic diet always involves drinking plenty and frequently. 1-2 hours after eating, you should drink a lot of water. In general, you need to consume 2.5-3 liters per day - this speeds up the process of removing allergens and toxic compounds from the body.
  • Alcoholic drinks. A hypoallergenic diet does not allow for the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol reduces the speed of digestion and reduces absorption useful substances, accordingly, allergic manifestations worsen.
  • Temperature. Hypoallergenic products are recommended to be consumed warm; their temperature should be at least 25°C. When consumed cold or in excess hot food irritation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, and, accordingly, the risk increases adverse reactions body.

A hypoallergenic diet is indicated for adults for 14-21 days. For children, the duration of the diet can be reduced to 7-10 days.

Important! New foods are introduced into the diet one by one (a new component every 2-3 days) to determine the body’s reaction.

Allergic foods should be included in Personal diary. The doctor, after looking at the records, will be able to identify intolerance to one or another component. It is also worth noting that for allergy sufferers, the method of consuming fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits is the best way to obtain vitamins and fiber.

Hypoallergenic products are an essential part of the diet. When preparing dishes from a variety of ingredients, the process of identifying the allergen becomes more complicated. With prolonged monotonous consumption of dishes, the accumulation of certain substances occurs; if one of them is an allergen, there is a high probability of developing severe allergic reactions.

Unwanted Products

List allergy products For consumption, you should start with animal proteins, which are present in abundance in meat and fish. Their use should be limited during the recovery period, until symptoms are relieved and the allergen is identified. Particularly dangerous are meat, milk and products made from it.

A hypoallergenic diet involves eliminating smoked, fried and salted foods from the diet. Salt increases the symptoms of allergic reactions and delays the elimination of harmful substances.

Preservatives are another enemy of the patient with allergies, so products with them are not on the list of permitted ones. Also, if you are on a hypoallergenic diet, you should avoid processed foods from the store, cakes, canned food, etc. Their negative effect on the body is also due to the presence of dyes.

Sour and spicy foods can provoke stomach irritability, lead to digestive dysfunction and intensify allergy attacks.

A strict hypoallergenic diet for adults and children should exclude the following foods:

  • caviar, various seafood and fatty fish;
  • milk (except fermented milk products);
  • eggs (especially yolks);
  • sausages;
  • marinades and canned food;
  • various sauces;
  • All herbal products with red and orange color;
  • citrus;
  • mushrooms;
  • dried fruits - a negative effect was noticed from raisins, dried apricots and dates;
  • chocolate, marshmallow, caramel;
  • cocoa and coffee.

Products that are approved for consumption

It is necessary to consider which vegetables are considered hypoallergenic, since the diet is based on these products. Hypoallergenic products plant origin do not provide negative influence on the intestines and digestive system.

For elimination allergic manifestations should be added to the diet of allergen-free foods with high level starch and fiber. They are quickly digested and prevent gastrointestinal irritation.

Dietary hypoallergenic vegetables:

  • cabbage (both cauliflower and white cabbage);
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • greenery;
  • garlic and onion;
  • cucumbers;
  • radish
  • zucchini;
  • potato;
  • asparagus;
  • peas.

Among the others hypoallergenic products, which may be included in the menu, are present:

  • fermented milk: kefir, skim cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • chicken, rabbit and beef;
  • dietary fish;
  • cereals: pearl barley, oatmeal, rice and semolina;
  • white or green fruits (pears, gooseberries, apples, and certain varieties of cherries are considered hypoallergenic);
  • dried fruits;
  • weak green tea and compote;
  • simple, biscuit cookies;
  • inconvenient types of bread.

Menu for 7 days

It can be difficult to choose dishes for a hypoallergenic diet on your own, so below is a list approved by nutritionists. But it is best to plan a diet for a week under the guidance of a doctor.

Optimal diet for the week:

Day of the weekSample menu for the day
  • Breakfast – boiled or steamed buckwheat, cottage cheese covered with sour cream (2 tbsp), green tea.
  • Lunch – cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, some veal and currant compote.
  • Dinner – fresh cucumbers in sour cream, boiled rice with turkey.
  • Breakfast – oatmeal with dried fruits and tea.
  • Lunch – vegetable stew with lean meat (rabbit, beef or chicken), compote.
  • Dinner – steamed veal cutlet, rice and cucumber salad.
  • Breakfast - sandwiches with cheese, homemade yogurt with bran and tea.
  • Lunch – stewed vegetables with a small piece of turkey and cabbage salad.
  • Dinner – mashed potatoes, steamed veal cutlet, apple.
  • Breakfast - pasta with cheese and green tea.
  • Lunch – pickle soup with cucumber, steamed carp and apple.
  • Dinner – stewed potatoes, cabbage and carrots, also fermented baked milk.
  • Breakfast – casserole with cottage cheese, green tea.
  • Lunch – boiled rabbit with vegetable side dish and compote.
  • Dinner – steamed rice, banana, cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal, compote.
  • Lunch – steamed rabbit cutlet, veal, rice side dish.
  • Dinner – buckwheat, fruit salad and kefir.

Recipes for diet meals

Hypoallergenic food recipes can be used in a wide variety of ways, the key condition is proper preparation and quality ingredients. Cooking most dishes does not require special skills.

Important! If you are allergic to seafood, you should replace it with meat, preferably poultry.

Chicken and spinach soup

You will need to prepare:

  • chicken broth (drain water after boiling 2-3 times);
  • spinach – 100-150 g;
  • onion – 1 medium onion;
  • sour cream – 50 g;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • dill is added according to taste.

The procedure for preparing hypoallergenic soup is very simple. The broth is simmered over low heat, spinach, onion and sour cream are added alternately. Cook the soup for 30 minutes, checking for readiness. Add dill dressing.

Steamed meat cutlets

Chicken is mainly used to prepare hypoallergenic cutlets, but it can be replaced with minced pork and beef.

To prepare them you will need to prepare:

  • minced meat – 0.5 kg;
  • bread – 2 pieces;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • egg – 1 pc.

The preparation consists of a series of simple actions. Place bread (preferably a loaf) in milk to soak. Chop the onion finer and add it to the minced meat along with the bread. Next you need to add the egg and mix everything. Form cutlets and cook in a steam bath until done.

Cottage cheese casserole

Standard cottage cheese casserole is an incredibly tasty and healthy hypoallergenic dish. Its use allows you to cover the daily need for protein in 1 dose.

To prepare a hypoallergenic casserole you will need the following products:

  • cottage cheese – 300-400 g;
  • egg white – 2 pcs;
  • raisins – 50 g;
  • sugar is added to taste;
  • semolina - half a tsp;
  • baking soda – 10-15 g;
  • vinegar – 1 tsp.

The curd is pressed through a sieve to remove stuck together lumps. Add 2 egg whites, sugar, semolina and raisins to a homogeneous consistency. After thorough mixing, soda is added (it is quenched with vinegar). The mixture is placed in any convenient form and placed in the oven. It is necessary to bake the diet casserole until it is ready, as evidenced by the blush on the crust.



To summarize, it is worth noting that a hypoallergenic diet is effective technique treatment of allergic reactions. Knowing the list of prohibited and permitted foods in a hypoallergenic diet, you can easily adjust the menu, making it tasty and varied.

If the diet is not followed, there is a risk of serious complications in the form of rhinitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock.

Doctors call allergies the disease of the century because modern world For almost every person there is one or two irritants that can cause him or her to experience certain symptoms of an allergic reaction. Children, who today are born surrounded by car exhaust, especially suffer from allergies. household chemicals and many synthetic substances that lead to the development of allergic diseases.

To control the load of allergens on the body, many methods are used, and one of them is diet. An anti-allergenic diet is indicated for all types of allergies (food allergies, eczema, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.), regardless of their cause and origin. The diet is followed for life or for a certain period of time (for example, nursing mothers adhere to this mode nutrition throughout the breastfeeding period).

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    Goals of prescribing an allergen-free diet

    By recommending a specific list of products to an allergy sufferer, the doctor solves two problems at the same time. Firstly, such a table has a diagnostic, and, secondly, therapeutic focus. This means that by eliminating highly allergenic foods from one's diet one by one, the patient can identify which foods are causing the adverse reactions and significantly improve their health.

    Prescribing a low-allergen menu for a nursing mother has slightly different goals. Such nutrition is already preventive, not therapeutic. While on breastfeeding, the child receives with mother's milk the components of all products that her diet includes.

    The immune system of a newborn is imperfect, so you need to avoid overstimulating it with potential allergens.

    Failure to comply with antihistamine nutrition by a nursing mother can lead to the development of allergic diseases in the child such as atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, and bronchial asthma.

    List of prohibited products

    When an acute allergic reaction of any kind appears for the first time, it is necessary to exclude from the diet until the cause of this condition is determined:

    • any nuts;
    • citrus fruit;
    • grapes, melon, pineapples;
    • all seasonings, sauces, spices and marinades;
    • smoked meats and pickles;
    • spicy root vegetables and vegetables (turnips, radishes, radishes);
    • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
    • fish, caviar, seafood;
    • poultry meat (except white chicken meat and turkey meat);
    • eggs;
    • full-fat milk and dairy products, including hard cheese, butter;
    • any mushrooms;
    • coffee and chocolate;
    • any alcoholic drinks;
    • confectionery, sweets and baked goods;
    • any products made in industrial conditions (pates, canned food, juices, etc.), except for baby food.

    The entire list of products is prohibited only in acute period allergic reaction. After the exacerbation is relieved and the specific cause of the allergy is determined, some of these products can be returned to the table. Also, the list of products may expand, since an allergen-free diet must be individual.

    List of approved products

    Most often, the low-allergenic menu includes:

    • hypoallergenic cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
    • vegetable oils (olive, sunflower);
    • meat: white chicken, boiled beef (except veal), turkey;
    • green vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, peas) and potatoes;
    • green fruits (apples, pears), preferably baked;
    • meat-free soups containing allergen-free vegetables and grains;
    • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, feta cheese, yogurt, yogurt (without dyes or flavoring additives);
    • drinks: tea, homemade dried fruit compote;
    • bread: white, preferably dried (crackers), unleavened flatbread, lavash.

    Hypoallergenic diet for children

    Children's allergic reactions have different causes than adults, so anti-allergenic nutrition for children is planned a little differently. IN childhood Polyvalent allergies are more common ( increased sensitivity to several products at once), and protein chicken egg and cow's milk is an allergen for absolutely all children under one year of age.

    It is important not to forget that the child is growing and needs sufficient vitamins, nutrients and energy. Therefore, mothers should not independently prescribe an antihistamine menu for an allergic child so that he simply does not go hungry. It is better to contact an allergist to determine specific foods that should be excluded from the diet.

    Nutrition for a nursing mother

    Currently, doctors' views on the diet of nursing women have become less radical. If for the last two decades it was believed that a woman must adhere to a strict antiallergic diet throughout the entire lactation period, today’s research suggests the opposite. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers exclude from their diet only the most aggressive allergens (egg, cow's milk, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, melon), which can harm a breastfeeding baby.

    A complete hypoallergenic diet is recommended only for those nursing mothers who themselves suffer from allergies or if the child’s father is allergic. Such nutrition for a breastfeeding woman will become a preventive measure and will not allow unfavorable heredity to manifest itself in the child.

    Throughout the lactation period, a nursing mother should monitor the baby’s reaction to the foods she eats. There are often situations when, after the mother has consumed a product, a child on breastfeeding reacts to it. The appearance of a rash, itching, swelling, hives, or changes in stool in the baby is a reason for a woman to refuse this food until the end of breastfeeding.

    Ado diet

    One of the popular hypoallergenic nutrition systems was developed by the Soviet immunologist Andrei Dmitrievich Ado.

    The goal of the Ado diet is the same as any other anti-allergy diet - to identify and eliminate the allergen from food, and thereby improve the quality of life.

    Product Lists

    Having studied the characteristics of human immunity for many years, doctor Ado identified three groups of products: allergenic, hypoallergenic and medium degree allergenicity. They are divided as follows.

    Allergenic products Hypoallergenic products
    Fish, caviar, seafood Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)
    Any nuts (except almonds) Non-exotic dried fruits
    Citrus fruit Allowed fruits and berries (white currants, gooseberries)
    Cocoa and products containing cocoa (chocolate, creams) Homemade desserts
    Fatty meat, fatty poultry Lean beef (not veal), lamb
    Coffee Tea (green), herbal infusions
    Sauces, vinegar, any spices Sunflower oil, olive oil
    Fruits, vegetables and red berries Fruits, green vegetables
    Any mushrooms Fresh herbs
    Smoked meats Boiled meat
    Egg Pumpkin, squash, zucchini
    Exotic fruits, incl. peaches, apricots Watermelon, plum
    Cow's milk Fermented milk products without additives (kefir, cottage cheese)
    Honey Sugar
    Any alcohol Homemade infusions and compotes
    Butter pastries White bread, unleavened (dried)

    Products of average allergenicity include:

    • meat: rabbit, pork, turkey;
    • vegetables and fruits: peas, bell pepper, bananas.

    Such products should be added to the diet with caution, used in the morning (before lunch), so that if an allergic reaction develops, you can easily get help from a doctor.

    Rules for prescribing a diet

    For better effect hypoallergenic diet follow the following rules:

    1. 1. The Ado diet is prescribed by a doctor. It must be remembered that you should not self-medicate.
    2. 2. The antiallergic diet according to Ado is prescribed for a period of 14 to 21 days. A menu is prepared for each week, which includes dishes consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the beginning of a new week, the menu is changed to make the diet more varied. Sticking to a hypoallergenic diet for more than three weeks is undesirable because it can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
    3. 3. While the patient adheres to the norms of an allergen-free diet, it changes dynamically. First, all prohibited foods are completely excluded from the diet. When the acute symptoms of an allergic reaction disappear, the foods are returned to the table one by one to determine which food is the allergen.
    4. 4. During the Ado diet, you cannot take hormonal, antihistamines and other antiallergic drugs. They can hide the effect of allergenic foods on the body and distort the results of a given nutritional study.
    5. 5. Allergy sufferers following the Ado diet should keep a food diary. This will help the doctor identify allergenic foods and adjust the diet.

    Example of a weekly menu

    During the first week on an anti-allergenic diet, you should not eat any prohibited foods. But this is not a reason to worry about the taste of food - even from a small amount of permitted ingredients you can prepare delicious and satisfying dishes. An example of a low-allergenic menu for the first (strict) week of the Ado anti-allergy diet is presented in the table.

    Day diets Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
    First Vegetable soup White bread Buckwheat porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad
    Second Milk millet porridge, tea Vegetable stew Cottage cheese, tea Boiled rice with vegetables
    Third Toast (white bread), unsweetened cottage cheese with herbs, tea Cabbage soup with carrots and potatoes, white bread Marmalade, apple juice Boiled beef, buckwheat, cucumber
    Fourth Oatmeal (without milk) with dried apricots, tea Vegetable broth with croutons (white bread) Green apple, natural yogurt Steamed vegetables, kefir
    Fifth Toast (white bread), green vegetable salad with olive oil Cabbage soup, white bread Toast (white bread), cottage cheese, apple juice Millet porridge, green vegetable salad
    Sixth Oatmeal (without milk), tea Beef broth with broccoli and zucchini Natural yogurt with prunes and dried apricots Vegetable stew
    Seventh Rice porridge with prunes Vegetable stew Toast (white bread), cottage cheese, tea Boiled rice, cabbage, cucumber and carrot salad

    After a “strict” week of an anti-allergenic diet, it is allowed to gradually return allergen foods to the diet. It is better to start with products of average allergenicity. After introducing the product into the diet, you need to observe the body’s reaction for several days and keep a diary. If allergies occur, seek help.


    According to WHO, the incidence of the disease allergic rhinitis has tripled worldwide since 1990.

    During this period of time, more than three thousand deaths of patients using antihistamines. This is why it is so important to use non-drug methods to control the allergenic load on the body, that is, primarily diets.



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