Food allergies 5 7 years menu. Hypoallergenic diet, products, correct nutrition principles

Perhaps allergies have become one of the most common diseases of the 21st century. Nutrition for allergies in adults and children should be correct. Increased sensitivity of the body to allergens after contact with them is an allergy. Allergens can be different: aeroallergens contained in the air, skin allergens, allergenic products, allergies to insect bites, allergies to medications, etc.

However, for any type of allergy, you must adhere to proper nutrition. First of all, those who suffer from allergies need to switch to a hypoallergenic diet. In this case, you need to know all the products that are divided into low-allergenic, moderately allergenic and highly allergenic. Let's figure out which food is less harmful for allergies.

What can you eat if you have allergies?

Highly allergenic foods that often cause an allergic reaction:

  • Whole milk products, cheese and cow's milk
  • Many varieties of fish, seafood, black and red caviar
  • All types of eggs
  • Semi-smoked, smoked and especially raw smoked products: fish, meat, sausages, sausages and sausages.
  • Canned and pickled products, especially industrial products: canned fish, stew, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. In a word, all the products that are in jars.
  • Salty, hot, spicy foods, spices, sauces and seasonings.
  • Vegetables such as pumpkin, tomatoes, beets, red peppers, sauerkraut, carrots, eggplant, celery and sorrel.
  • Berries and fruits, especially orange and red: strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, persimmons, grapes, red apples, plums, cherries, pineapples and melons.
  • All citrus fruits
  • Carbonated and fruit waters, chewing gum and flavored yogurts.
  • Dried fruits such as figs, dates, dried apricots and raisins.
  • All types of mushrooms, nuts and honey.
  • Caramel, marmalade and all chocolate products
  • Kissels, juices and compotes from the above listed berries and fruits, as well as vegetables.
  • Cocoa and coffee
  • Alcohol in all its forms
  • Exotic products: mango, turtle and meat, kangaroo meat, avocados, pineapples, etc.
  • Products that contain additives: emulsifiers, flavors, preservatives and colorings

Medium Potency Products

  • Grains such as wheat and rye
  • Buckwheat and corn
  • Fatty pork, horse meat, lamb, turkey and rabbit meat.
  • Berries and fruits: red and black currants, apricots, peaches, bananas, cranberries, watermelons, lingonberries.
  • Potatoes, green peppers, legumes and peas.
  • Herbal infusions

Low allergenic products:

  • Fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese and natural yogurt.
  • Lean pork, beef or boiled chicken
  • Such fish: sea bass, cod, etc.
  • Buckwheat, rice, corn bread
  • Tongue liver and kidneys
  • Fresh cabbage of all kinds, spinach, broccoli, parsley, dill, cucumbers, zucchini, turnips, rutabaga and squash.
  • Rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley
  • Olive and sunflower oil, as well as butter
  • White cherries, white currants, green apples, pears and gooseberries
  • Dried pears, apples and prunes
  • Still mineral water, weak tea, rosehip, pear and apple compotes.

What to eat for allergies? It is necessary to exclude highly allergic foods first. Or minimize the consumption of foods that you cannot eat if you have allergies. This is the essence of the diet for allergy sufferers during the period of contact with allergens. This is also the first step in choosing an individual diet for patients who suffer from food allergies.

Regardless of the severity of a child’s allergy, it can cause serious health problems. If the problem of hypersensitivity to certain products is not resolved, the allergy will become chronic. A hypoallergenic diet for children is prescribed when symptoms of food allergies appear or when other types of allergies worsen, for example, to animals, dust, etc.

Children of all ages face the problem of food allergies: from several months to 17 years. A similar situation is associated with the characteristics of modern food products sold in stores and markets. Almost all of them contain large amounts of GMOs, harmful additives and preservatives. They provoke allergies in the child.

The menu of the diet proposed below includes safe foods that do not cause a negative reaction in the body.

  1. The diet for children aged 1 to 5 years is recommended to be used under the supervision of a nutritionist. The doctor will identify the allergen, decide whether it is necessary to exclude it from the diet forever or for several months, and determine the duration of the diet. If an allergy appears in a baby several months old and he is fed breast milk, the mother should follow a similar diet.
  2. After treatment, some products can be returned to the child’s diet, but only in minimal quantities. Often there is a need to completely exclude allergenic products, since they provoke an allergic reaction on their own, and in combination with other types.
  3. A child's body fights allergies better than an adult. The child will not have to go on a diet for years. It is enough to follow it for about 10 days, but the timing depends on the specific case and may vary. You will definitely need to consult a doctor.

List of contraindicated products

There are many allergens among food products; they are poorly absorbed by the baby’s body, and during an exacerbation of an allergic reaction, they generally become very dangerous. Among them are:

  • orange or red fruits and vegetables;
  • citruses;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • bird;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • cow's milk;
  • smoked meats, marinades, preservatives;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • seasonings;
  • dried fruits;
  • cocoa, coffee, tea;
  • non-natural products: chewing gum, chips, carbonated water and the like.

Among other things, there are foods that should be consumed with caution, and even better, exclude them from the children's menu altogether. Fatty meat, corn, buckwheat, potatoes, beans. Herbs in the form of decoctions, currants, bananas, apricots.

Authorized Products

Although much will have to be excluded from the baby’s diet, the list of foods allowed for allergies is quite extensive. With them it is quite possible to come up with a varied menu. Suitable for him:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • dairy products;
  • oatmeal, pearl barley;
  • River fish;
  • semolina;
  • bread made from corn, buckwheat or cereals;
  • green and white vegetables and fruits;
  • any types of oil;
  • still mineral water, weak tea, rosehip tincture.

Menu for babies 9-12 months

It is recommended to feed babies from 9 months to 1 year suffering from allergies as follows:

First feeding at 6-7 am:

  • About 200 milliliters of hypoallergenic formula or mother's milk.

Second feeding at 9-11 am:

  • Approximately 200 milliliters of porridge with vegetable broth or breast milk;
  • 60 grams of fruit puree.

Third feeding at 13-15 hours of the day:

  • 150 grams of vegetables, pureed with 6 grams of olive oil;
  • 150 ml of hypoallergenic formula or breast milk.

Fourth feeding at 17-18 pm:

  • 200 ml of mother's milk or hypoallergenic formula.

Fifth feeding at 20-22 pm:

  • Also 200 ml of mother's milk or formula.

Menu for children over 1 year old

Here is one of the options for a hypoallergenic menu from 1 year to 2-3 years. Dishes can be swapped at your discretion and depending on the availability of food in the refrigerator.


For breakfast, oatmeal, for lunch, meat soup with cabbage and herbs, for an afternoon banana, for the evening, veal with stewed vegetables.

In the morning, porridge from pumpkin or corn, for lunch, borscht without meat and baked rabbit, for an afternoon tea with bread, in the evening, pork stewed with vegetables.

For breakfast, rice porridge with prunes, for lunch, repeat Monday - meat soup, fresh cabbage salad, tea with crackers for the afternoon, cottage cheese for the evening.

In the morning, millet porridge, for lunch, similar to the second day - borscht without meat and buckwheat porridge, for an afternoon snack, apples, for dinner, beef or pork cutlets and cabbage salad.

Buckwheat porridge in the morning, rabbit with stewed potatoes for lunch, baked apples for afternoon snack, boiled or baked fish and cabbage salad for dinner.

Rice porridge in the morning, vegetable stew and boiled veal for lunch, cottage cheese casserole with tea for afternoon, stewed rabbit and cabbage salad in the evening.


Breakfast - rice porridge, for lunch boiled potatoes and vegetable salad, cottage cheese for afternoon snack, stewed rabbit and beet salad for dinner.

Let's sum it up

Allergies are a serious problem, and recently an increasing number of children of different ages are facing it. Sometimes a child’s body cannot tolerate certain foods, resulting in diathesis. And if you do not pay attention to allergies, a more dangerous immunoallergic reaction may occur. The reasons for the development of such a reaction in children have not been determined; heredity, ecology, the structure of the digestive system, and so on can influence this.

If the mother has an allergy (not necessarily to food), then the child is at risk. It is impossible to determine in advance what the body’s reaction to a new product will be, so a hypoallergenic diet is important. Proper nutrition will eliminate the risk of contact with potentially harmful foods.

  • A hypoallergenic diet involves steaming dishes, they can also be boiled or baked, and there should be no fried foods in the diet.
  • Cereals must be pre-soaked for 1.5-2 hours.
  • When cooking meat, be sure to drain the first broth.
  • New products are introduced with caution, in small portions. If there is no allergic reaction, then after a couple of days the portion can be increased. You cannot introduce several new foods into your child’s diet at once, as it will be more difficult to identify the allergen later. In addition, a reaction can be triggered by a combination of certain foods. In addition, you need to know that sometimes allergies occur not after the first intake of a new product, but later, when specific antibodies appear in the body.

A hypoallergenic diet for children is extremely important if they have sensitivity to certain types of foods. In the modern world, food allergies are not uncommon. It’s good if you know what exactly the body reacts to. Then changing your diet will not be difficult.

But there are times when a child has an immune response to almost any food. You have to exclude most possible allergenic foods from your diet. Over time, the main symptoms of food allergies will disappear, and the disease will go into remission. Then you can gradually introduce previously prohibited foods and observe the reaction.

Allergenic products

According to the degree of influence on the body, food can be divided into 3 main groups:

  • high impact;
  • with average;
  • with weak influence.

The first group includes allergenic products such as cow's milk, chicken eggs and poultry meat, fish and various seafood, nuts, citrus fruits, mushrooms, honey, cocoa, chocolate, tomatoes, red peppers. Highly allergenic grains include wheat and rye. Therefore, bread and other baked goods, pasta, and semolina can cause a reaction. The body is very sensitive to berries such as raspberries and strawberries. The food items listed above are excluded from the menu first.

Allergens of moderate impact are beef, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, legumes, many berries, etc.

Fermented milk products, green-colored vegetables and fruits, lean meats, and barley have the least impact on the body. A hypoallergenic diet for children may include apples, pears, cabbage, cucumbers, and zucchini. Suitable meats include lean pork, lamb, rabbit, and turkey.

Allergic reactions to foods can develop from birth or occur over time. At an early age they are observed more often than in later periods of life. Over time, the immune system strengthens and sensitivity to certain foods decreases.

Some children experience cross-allergy. In this state, the body begins to react not only to obvious allergens, but also to other products. Even on food that was previously tolerated without any problems. It is important to prevent this situation. The child should be switched to hypoallergenic food as early as possible. Otherwise, you can provoke serious complications, and the treatment will be more difficult and longer.

A hypoallergenic diet for children facilitates the general condition of the body and allows you to understand the reasons for such a reaction.

  1. Strong allergens are removed from the diet.
  2. Diets are followed for about 7-10 days until symptoms decrease.
  3. They begin to introduce a new or previously prohibited product in a small amount and observe the reaction.
  4. If everything is in order, the product is used in the diet. Otherwise, exclude it for a longer time - for 1-2 months.
  5. A week after the introduction of the first product, they try a new type of food and note its effect.

A food diary will help you identify allergens. It records when and what the child ate and what the reaction was. After observing, it will be possible to understand which products the child’s body is most sensitive to.

Infants and their diet

In infants, food allergies most often occur to the protein contained in cow's milk. Conventional formula and complementary foods made from dairy products excluded from the diet. Special hydrolyzed mixtures are prescribed. They contain broken down protein, which is easily digestible.

When breastfeeding, the most allergenic foods are removed from the mother's diet. It is advisable to keep a diary and note what was eaten during the day. This will make it easier to determine which product should not be consumed so as not to provoke an allergy in the baby.

Monitor your child closely during the introduction of complementary foods. The product is offered to the baby in small quantities. The next new type of food can be given 7-10 days after the previous complementary feeding. The food to which an allergy was noticed is canceled for a while, and then they are tried again.

Hypoallergenic diet for children 1-3 years old

Starting from the age of one year, the amount of formula and milk in the child’s diet decreases noticeably. Other food products take their place. The child's menu becomes more varied. Therefore, the risk of developing allergies increases.

Not only the products themselves matter, but also the way they are prepared. Smoked meats, various pickles, spicy and fried foods are not allowed.
Limit or completely exclude from the diet sweets and confectionery, as well as food containing nutritional supplements. It is important that a hypoallergenic diet be strictly followed. Recipes for dishes should be selected according to the age of the baby.

Don’t be afraid to eventually include in your diet foods that you previously noted
reaction. The child's body develops and improves. Foods that should not have been given at one year of age may be well digested later. Typically, after three years of age, a child “outgrows” the allergy.

Important points in preparing hypoallergenic dishes

Food for children is prepared boiled, steamed, or in the oven. Fried foods are excluded. The meat is boiled in two waters. First, boil it for about 20 minutes, and then change the water and finish cooking the product. Porridge is cooked in water. Cereals are pre-soaked for 1-2 hours, just like potatoes. Lenten soups are better for feeding your baby. Since meat broth can cause an allergic reaction. Vegetables are stewed or boiled.

A hypoallergenic diet for children will help get rid of the disease. The menu must be balanced so that the growing body receives the necessary substances. However, doctors do not recommend giving your child vitamins, as they may cause a negative reaction.

What do you eat it with?

Scientists regularly add new foods to the list of allergens. But there are certain types that are generally known as the main “provokers” of allergies. For example, common foods that can cause unpleasant symptoms are: dairy products, cereals, fruits, eggs, seafood, fish. It is not necessary that all of the above can cause allergies. But, for example, in the case of cheese, kefir, milk, butter, the situations are most specific. Also among cereals, allergies can be caused by: corn, rice, oats, wheat. There is a huge choice among plant-based products. These can be oranges, tangerines, bananas, pears, tomatoes. But many of them cease to be potentially dangerous if they are subjected to heat treatment - boiled, fried, stewed or frozen.

Eggs are the most dangerous because they are included in many dishes. They are added when making baked goods, pasta and simply when cooking.

Regarding seafood, the situation is ambiguous. Many fish products contain iodine, which is essential for the human body, but if a person is allergic to fish and other seafood, he lacks this essential substance. You have to be content with vitamins or eat buckwheat porridge and persimmons in large quantities.

Allergists are a special type of doctors who are engaged in identifying food groups; several types are distinguished: high allergenicity, moderate allergenicity and hypoallergenicity. The latter group is extremely rare among people, but it causes such inconvenience that no person would want to feel. For everyone susceptible to allergies, their own nutritional system has been created; much depends on the individual reactions of the body and intolerance to a certain group of foods.


There is a concept of a hypoallergenic diet, a list of products that allergy sufferers are allowed to eat - these are some safe dishes. They include: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, but everything should not be purchased, but home-made. It is also important to eat beef and boiled chicken, buckwheat porridge, and plant products that are green in color.

This trouble is due to the fact that the immune system cannot cope with the allergen. Therefore, it is better for people with such atopic dermatitis to completely exclude the main “provocateurs” that cause skin itching, rash, peeling and redness. Sometimes they are simply unbearable. But eliminating certain foods can help overcome atopic dermatitis. In addition to a proper diet, you need to use moisturizing creams and drink special tablets like Claritin. What should be excluded from the diet: all red vegetables and fruits; orange tint is also considered harmful. It is necessary to avoid smoked foods, pickles, too rich in spices and fried foods. Salt and sugar are also not held in high esteem - you need to reduce their consumption to a minimum. Products such as chocolate, eggs, milk, fish, and honey pose a great risk.

When eating food, you need to monitor the condition of your skin. If the situation gets worse, you need to switch to lean dishes, under no circumstances add salt, and see how much the condition improves.

In childhood, contact with foods that cause allergies is more difficult to experience than in adults. After all, children tend to eat in various institutions other than home - kindergarten, school. And parents have to control the feeding process. Advice: an individual approach is possible, the main thing is to talk with the administration of the institution so that they exclude highly allergenic foods from your child’s menu. The child should keep a notebook in which he will include everything he ate outside the home. Then it will be possible to identify the causes of his illness. Also, from childhood, you need to teach your child to self-control, because restricting food in childhood is not easy, especially when peers eat heavily. In addition, you need to ensure that all vitamins and nutrients enter the child’s body. If fruits are not allergenic, then vitamins in tablets and capsules should be available to children.

It is important for a mother to take care not only of her own condition, but also of the baby. After all, it is he who can become the main hostage of the situation that has arisen against the background of allergies. Adults, in principle, should not eat foods with potential allergens, and breastfeeding mothers need to be doubly careful about their diet. Nutrition for a newborn is mother's milk, with which he receives all the substances necessary for full development and vital functions. The exclusion of some products leads to the loss of nutrients and elements. Therefore, hypoallergenic should still include vegetables and fruits, as well as meat. Overly allergenic types of these products should be avoided. As we wrote earlier, these can be oranges, carrots, seafood and types of red meat. Boiled chicken and beef during heat treatment are not prohibited. It is better to add less salt and spices to your food. If a woman knows what product she is allergic to, then it should undoubtedly be excluded from her diet. You also need to beware of various types of red fish in oil and canned food. Leave citrus fruits and chocolate, as well as smoked foods, for a period without exacerbations. And exclude honey and ginger, pickled products and sausages from your daily diet. There is no need to overuse foods that cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, such as cheeses, pastries, grapes, bread (except those with bran). And, of course, try to forget about sugar. It is known to be abundant in berries and some fruits, soda and packaged juices. Make sure that all microelements are balanced in your body. In no case should you starve, subjecting yourself to exhausting diets, and you should also not eat the same dishes every day. Steaming is your salvation, because it makes food safer by depriving it of allergens.

Types of dishes: how to diet

The diet should be used for food-related allergies. First, let's talk about nutrition for children. During various allergic exacerbations, it is necessary to observe a number of restrictions for two weeks. So: the child needs to exclude fish, seafood, lemons and oranges from the diet, try in principle not to give citrus fruits, eggs and all dishes containing them, honey, strawberries, tomatoes, eggplants, milk. As soon as the allergy subsides, you can allow the least safe tomatoes, eggplants, and some eggs to be included in the menu. It is better to avoid citrus fruits until the allergy is completely relieved. In case of a sharp recurrence and the appearance of new symptoms, exclude it for at least a year. This diet seems strict; it is difficult for a child to give up what he has been eating for a long time. But, gradually, by including some foods in your diet, you can find out the least dangerous ones.

What will be the menu for a child with allergies:

  • Breakfast: porridge and drink. Lunch: vegetable broth soup without adding tomatoes, a piece of boiled chicken. Kissel or green tea. For a snack: green apple or persimmon. For dinner: steamed rice with a cutlet and a glass of kefir.
  • Morning: pasta, apple. Soup with meat on the bone and vegetable broth. Vegetable stew. Apple.
  • Hard cheese. Vegetable soup, steamed meat, jelly. Buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlet. Pear.
  • Cottage cheese casserole and tea. Soup with stewed meat. Snack on porridge and cabbage salad. In the evening - only kefir.
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream. Soup with vegetables and meat. For dinner, buckwheat porridge and stew.
    These dishes can be swapped, combined, and modified depending on the child’s taste preferences. It is important not to include milk, honey, a lot of sugar and citrus fruits.

If you have a pressure cooker, then this recipe will certainly suit you: Take minced meat, mix it with chopped onion and bread (breadcrumbs) soaked in water. Remember - it is better to choose bread from cereals. Then knead the mixture well with your hands and form small circles, and then put them in a saucepan in a double boiler, set the temperature to maximum and set the timer. After half an hour, the cutlets should be ready. If desired, add a little salt before serving.

Apples baked with meat. Take large green apples, cut them in half and remove the core, then take the onions and sauté them in a frying pan. Grind a piece of fresh beef in a blender or meat grinder. Then add the onion, salt and meat mixture to the apple halves. Place them in the oven after pouring a glass of beef broth over them. Bake in the oven for at least forty minutes, check before removing the dish. A golden and rosy apple indicates that the dish is ready.

This is just a small part of the dishes. In fact, an allergy is not a death sentence; you can always find opportunities that will allow you to prepare wonderful and unique dishes, invent new recipes and please not only yourself and your loved ones. Watch your diet and food allergies won't bother you!

Basic principles of creating a menu for allergy sufferers

Up to 3 years of age, one of the main reasons for the development of allergic reactions in children is food. This is partly due to the intolerance of certain foods by a small organism, and partly to the immaturity of the digestive system.

With age, the influence of food allergens decreases somewhat (household allergens take the leading positions), but even an adult with allergies should carefully consider their own menu.

What is important to pay attention to when creating a menu for an allergy sufferer:

  1. It is necessary to find out (by keeping a food diary up to 3 years and specialized tests for allergens after 3-4 years) which foods cause allergic reactions, and try to avoid eating them.
  2. It is advisable to significantly limit in the diet such foods that provoke allergic reactions such as cow's milk, chicken eggs, chicken (note!! chicken is the strongest allergen!), nuts, in particular peanuts, wheat (meaning gluten, which is contained in wheat), fish, shellfish, soy, chocolate and citrus fruits.
  3. When creating a menu, be guided by the degree of activity of the allergic process: during remission (that is, a state of “external health”), an allergy sufferer can afford to expand the diet with low-allergenic and moderately allergenic products.
  4. Since in 80% of cases, allergy sufferers experience concomitant disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, it is important to follow the principles of a healthy diet, excluding smoked foods and limiting fried foods in the diet.
  5. Also, when preparing first courses, do not use meat broth, replacing it with water or a decoction of vegetables, to which the child does not react.
  6. While allowing small “variations” in your diet once a day, try to make the rest of your meals as hypoallergenic as possible!
  7. When choosing sweet dishes for an allergic person, try to “play up” the fruits that are allowed for him to eat: the fact is that when preparing most desserts, highly allergenic foods are used, which can be allowed in minimal quantities only during remission of the disease.

Yes, creating a universal menu for a child with allergies that would suit everyone is quite difficult. I will give an example of a menu, explaining my choice in the comments:

Hypoallergenic diet for children 1 year old

Most often, infants and children in their second year of life suffer from atopic dermatitis and other types of food allergies. It's connected with:

  • immaturity of the food system;
  • manifestation of heredity;
  • incorrect or unsystematic introduction of new complementary foods;
  • artificial feeding (among other things, breastfeeding is a primary preventive measure against allergies).

The difficulty of diet therapy and menu selection for children with allergies aged 12 months to 2 years is that during this period, as a rule, breastfeeding, if any, ends and the child switches to the common table.

A hypoallergenic nutrition system for children 2 years of age and younger involves separating products for preparing children's meals according to the level of allergenic potential:

  1. High: chicken and chicken eggs, cow's milk, fish, mushrooms, nuts, honey, tomatoes, carrots, beets, citrus fruits, apricots, strawberries, raspberries, melon, grapes, coffee, cocoa, chocolate.
  2. Medium: pork, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, peas and legumes, currants, banana, sweet peppers, corn, pumpkin, peaches, pears.
  3. Low: rabbit, turkey, zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, white currants, plums, watermelon, gooseberries.

Diet therapy should be based on the removal from the child’s diet of foods that contribute to allergies, or those that may be a potential cause.

A hypoallergenic diet for early childhood children allows you to consume the following foods:

  • meat: rabbit, turkey, beef without fat;
  • dairy: hypoallergenic milk formula, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, hard mild cheese;
  • cereals and cereals: rice, pearl barley, barley, corn and buckwheat porridge;
  • vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, turnips, lettuce, eggplant, dill, potatoes;
  • fruits and berries: blueberries, white and red currants, plums, gooseberries, dried dried fruits;
  • rye bread, wheat crackers, vegetable oil.

When preparing meals for a baby prone to urticaria or atopic dermatitis, it is better to choose recipes in which the products undergo heat treatment: steamed, boiled, stewed or baked.

A child with allergies should be seen by an allergist or immunologist. In kindergarten, he is fed according to a special treatment menu.

Diet for children 3 years and older who suffer from allergies

In fact, the nutrition of a 3-5 year old child suffering from allergies is not much different from the menu recommended for younger children. The only difficulty is that many children at this age attend kindergarten and do not eat at home.

When enrolling a child with allergies in a preschool institution, his parents must inform the administration and the teachers directly about what foods he has an unhealthy reaction to.

This information is also noted in the medical record, which is kept by the nurse assigned to the kindergarten. It’s good if the institution has a nutritionist who organizes the child’s meals according to an individual menu.

The mother and father of a 7-year-old child should also be vigilant. If they are allergic to certain foods, they should notify the school principal and class teacher about this. As a snack, you can give a student with allergies green and yellow apples, pears, grain bread with hard mild cheese, white yogurt, biscuits and homemade unsweetened bread crackers.

Obviously, a hypoallergenic diet for children of different ages is not too strict. Here the child receives sufficient, varied, and most importantly, healthy nutrition.

  1. Be sure to carefully plan and create a menu for your child. Eliminate all foods that are not suitable for him. Keep a diary and write down all the changes that occur in your baby after eating. Reflect on the condition of his skin, as well as the estimated time when manifestations occur. This will make it easier for you to understand which products have allergenic characteristics and can harm the child’s body.
  2. If your child attends kindergarten, be sure to tell the kindergarten's medical worker that your baby is allergic. Describe which products are contraindicated for him. The teacher and medical worker must carefully monitor what the baby eats while away from home. In kindergarten they are responsible for his health. It would be great if there was a choice of dishes in the kindergarten. Now this principle is often practiced. If not, the healthcare professional should eliminate the side dish or main dish for children with allergies, replacing it with something else.
  3. Don't indulge your child's whims! All kids love sweets. However, you should understand: if the baby has allergies, then such pampering can even be deadly. In severe cases, after encountering an allergen, the child’s body may react with Quincke’s edema or laryngeal spasm. This is a very dangerous complication that requires immediate qualified medical care. If suddenly after a meal or snack your baby begins to choke or turns blue, immediately call the emergency room. You must act very quickly, as the time to save a child’s life is ticking by in minutes.
  4. Teach your child the rules of healthy eating. At the table it is better to eat approximately the same food that the baby eats. This way you will show him that he is not at all some kind of sick or deprived of anything. It’s just healthy eating, and that’s how everyone eats. Be sure to praise your baby when he eats the right and healthy foods well. Watch yourself! If you allow yourself to have a snack or drink tea with chocolates or cakes, don’t be surprised later why your baby reaches for the “yummy”. All children from two years old are similar in behavior to little monkeys. This is due to the development of their psyche. In their behavior, they accurately copy those around them or their parents. Be a truly good example for your child. His health now and in the future depends on you.
  5. All children with allergies or intolerance to certain foods should be observed by an immunologist. If the course of the disease is calm (without frequent exacerbations and rashes), visit your doctor at least once a year. This is necessary for dynamic monitoring of the state of the child’s body.

If a child develops an allergy to any irritant, he has to say goodbye to his usual life. During this period, the main thing is to alleviate the baby’s condition, eliminating any negative impact. If the question concerns a food reaction, then a diet for allergies in a child must be followed.

Why is diet important for allergies?

Allergic spots on the body of a child under one year old

An allergic reaction is caused by the effect of an irritant on the body. Therefore, in addition to drug therapy, a set of measures is necessary, including eliminating the influence of the allergen and introducing a hypoallergenic diet.
Switching to a diet menu is necessary for:

    treatment of allergies, since changing diet eliminates allergens;

    diagnostics, that is, identifying an irritant from a list of food products.

Hypoallergenic nutrition is especially important for allergies in young children. During this period, it is possible to quickly identify the source of the allergy due to a limited list of foods consumed by the child. It is also necessary to check the body’s reaction to other allergic foods in order to avoid complications in the future.

Diet stages

If allergies occur, it is important to start eating in a timely manner, in accordance with the hypoallergenic menu. At different stages of an allergic reaction, food includes a specific list of products and also differs in characteristics.

  1. The initial stage of an allergic reaction, characterized by acute manifestations, includes the most stringent nutritional requirements. During this period, there is a refusal of all products that not only give a negative reaction in children, but can also potentially cause allergies.
  2. After the acute period has subsided and symptoms have decreased over several months, a menu is introduced that includes only hypoallergenic food. At this stage, foods with increased allergic potential and substances that can cause cross-allergy are excluded.
  3. When the allergy goes away, nutrition goes into the body's recovery stage. During this period, you can try to introduce previously prohibited dishes with mandatory monitoring of reactions. Substances that irritate the body are strictly excluded.

It must be remembered that nutrition should be balanced and enriched with healthy foods.

Nutrition during the acute period of allergies

Children with allergies may experience varying degrees of reaction symptoms.
During the acute stage of the disease, it is imperative to adhere to a certain diet. The child is prescribed a strict diet. During this period, hyperreactivity of the body is observed.
As a result of this, it can intensify the reaction to the stimulus, as well as respond with negative manifestations to familiar foods. Therefore, a diet is followed for allergies in a child.
The strongest food allergens are the most severe and especially dangerous foods for allergy sufferers:

    seafood, fish products, caviar;

  • cheeses and yoghurts;

    eggs and processed with its content;

    smoked products;

    preserved and pickled products;

  • spices and herbs;


    fresh berries and fruits;

These products can cause a surge in an allergic reaction, even if the initial allergy was not of a food nature.
Also from the menu it is necessary to categorically exclude:

    meat and fish broths;

    salt and salty foods;

    fried food;

    sausages, sausages, ham;

Despite the beneficial properties of some vegetables, such fresh fruits can have a detrimental effect for allergy sufferers. Prohibited vegetables include:

  • bell pepper;

Negative consequences can also occur when introduced into the menu:



  • peaches;

  • grapes;

    sea ​​buckthorn;

It is strictly forbidden to consume margarine and fats with refractory properties during an exacerbation. As for drinks, you should avoid drinking coffee, cocoa, kvass, and fruit juices.

What is allowed to be consumed?

Parents of children suffering from allergies are often afraid to introduce foods into their diet. This is because they can cause a reaction. However, there are a large number of dishes that are allowed to be included in the menu during a hypoallergenic diet.

Vegetables and dishes made from them

Children can include dishes made from hypoallergenic vegetables into their diet. These include:

  • celery;



When preparing dishes, you can add any herbs: parsley, dill, bay leaf.
Many mothers strive to add potato dishes to the menu. However, this vegetable is not hypoallergenic. Despite this, it is allowed to be included in children’s meals with one condition: before use, potatoes must be soaked in water for half a day. During this time, the tubers will “give up” unnecessary starch, which often becomes the cause of allergies.

Completely excluded vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, red bell peppers.

It is worth completely eliminating all red vegetables during the diet: tomatoes, carrots, red bell peppers. They contribute to the development of allergic reactions.
Since fried foods are excluded from the diet, vegetables can be stewed, steamed, or baked in the oven. The child is allowed to eat soups, stews, and purees.

Meat products

If you have an allergy, you should not give up meat. After all, it contains valuable minerals for children. However, during this period it is worth eating dietary types of meat. Children's nutrition should be enriched with healthy types of meat:



  • lean pork;


You should avoid eating beef. This is because if you are allergic to milk, you may develop intolerance to beef. Therefore, it is worth eliminating all products that may contain cow protein.


Cereals can be an excellent side dish and stand-alone dish for breakfast. In this case there are not many prohibitions. Almost all cereals are included in the menu for allergies in children. Allowed use:

  • Hercules;

  • corn;

You can also prepare green beans as a side dish, which are sold fresh frozen.

Bread and butter

Hypoallergenic include flaxseed, sesame and olive oil.

Children are often allergic to wheat. The reaction occurs under the influence of the gluten protein. Therefore, when choosing bread, you should give preference to varieties that do not consist of wheat flour. You should also be careful with bread containing oats and barley.
Among the permitted types of bread are:

    Darnitsky bread;

    dietary bread without fiber, sugar and additives.

When preparing various dishes, it is allowed to add oils. In this case, it is better to refuse sunflower oil, replacing it with flaxseed, sesame or olive oil.

Fruits and sweets

If you have a food allergy, you should not completely give up fruits and sweets. Some products not only do not harm, but will also cheer up a little allergy sufferer. Children are allowed to eat:

    pears and apples (green);

    white cherries;

    white currants;

    yellow plums.

As with vegetables, you should avoid eating red fruits and berries. Watermelon is especially dangerous because during its cultivation it can absorb all harmful substances. Also, berries bought off the road can be toxic due to exposure to exhaust fumes.
Grapes are a heavy and dangerous fruit. It is not recommended for small children, especially those who are susceptible to allergies.

Children love sweets very much, but most often in large quantities they have a detrimental effect on the young body.

Dark grape varieties may cause the greatest reaction.
Sweets in large quantities can harm a child’s body. However, they cannot be completely excluded. After all, they contain glucose, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. Therefore, if the source of a food allergy is known, then it is necessary to exclude exactly those foods that contain it.
Children often have a reaction to honey. Despite all the beneficial properties, it has an increased degree of allergenicity. Therefore, during the diet it should be completely excluded.


During the period of food allergies, children are allowed to drink various types of drinks. Among them are:

    green and white tea;

    still mineral water;

    compote of permitted fruits and berries.

You should exclude store-bought juices from your daily menu, as they often cause allergies.

Approximate nutrition of a child during the diet

To diversify your diet during the allergy diet, you can think about the proposed menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner in advance.
For breakfast, it is recommended to eat porridge cooked in water:


    rice with apples;

    wheat with currants.

You can also make pies with cabbage, fruit, and plum pie.
In the morning you can give your child tea or dried fruit compote.
For lunch, the first course should be a must. You can cook:

A diet for allergies in a child should be prepared only with the approval of a pediatrician or allergist. The doctor must evaluate how varied and rational baby food will be if allergens are excluded. He should also note new products, which in terms of nutrients and minerals should not be lower than those excluded from the diet.
By following the diet in children, the load on the organs and systems of the body is significantly reduced. Therefore, it becomes easier for them to deal with allergy symptoms. During this period, it is important for parents to support their child so that he enjoys proper nutrition. To track reactions, the mother should keep a diary in which she will note the number of products introduced and the child’s condition after consuming them. If there are no reactions, the introduction of new products can be continued.

Nutrition is important for a child, especially one with allergies. Parents must understand that proper diet the child will relieve allergy symptoms and also help avoid many diseases that can develop against the background of allergies: cough, runny nose, asthma.

What should be included in menu for older children? What to feed a teenager with allergies?

Hypoallergenic diet: standard menu

Before you plan your child’s diet yourself, consult an allergist . He will tell you how to develop a special diet for treating or acute allergy symptoms.

Of course, the doctor will take into account physiological needs of a teenager in minerals, vitamins and essential nutrients that are so necessary for the child’s body.

If there is no allergist in your city, you can safely visit the same pediatrician or nutritionist.

Hypoallergenic diet - the main menu for a child. This is a standard, basic diet. Based on it, you can create an individual diet. Such a diet can be followed by an allergy sufferer throughout his life and can become a good habit.

We will answer several main questions about a hypoallergenic diet for a child.

  • What should the products be?

All products must be steamed, boiled or cooked in the oven. It is also worth excluding foods containing food additives and dyes from your diet, and purchasing only fresh, natural products.

  • What to exclude from the diet?

Firstly, fish, seafood, soy products, cow's milk, tomatoes, bananas, eggs, strawberries, grapes, cocoa have a high level of allergenicity. They should not be used at all.
Secondly, spices, exotic fruits, sweets may contain substances harmful to a teenager.
Third, even the most common vegetables—like red peppers, radishes, and sauerkraut—can cause some allergy symptoms. They can be consumed, but under the supervision of a doctor.
As for fruits, then the following are prohibited: raspberries, blackberries, peach, pomegranate, pineapple, kiwi.

  • How to diversify the menu?

If you know what allergen your child has, then it is better to exclude products containing it. But food that does not cause allergies can be introduced into the diet, but in small doses - about 10-20 grams. This way you will be sure that your teenager can eat certain foods.

It is worth noting that an allergic reaction in the body can appear in the first hours after eating any food.

Sample menu for a teenager with allergies

Every morning you need to teach your child to drink 20-30 minutes before meals, a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon . Thanks to this, the liver is cleansed of toxins and waste, and the period of exacerbation of allergies is mitigated.


  • For breakfast Prepare oatmeal porridge in water with apples or applesauce.
  • At lunch Offer your child lentil or pea soup in chicken broth, as well as boiled rice with beef, and green tea.
  • For dinner he can eat a casserole of cottage cheese and raisins, drink tea or water.


  • Satisfy your hunger in the morning Corn porridge will help, if you are not allergic to cow's milk, you can add a piece of butter to the dish.
  • At lunch Offer your child chicken breast broth with herbs and vegetables. You should not add to it those products that your teenager is allergic to. For the second course - buckwheat and boiled turkey.
  • For dinner child eats carrot casserole. He can add sour cream, again, if he is not allergic to cow's milk.



  • Breakfast the child will start with a salad of cottage cheese, cucumbers, parsley and dill. Maybe drink a glass of kefir.
  • At lunch Prepare him milk soup, as well as potato balls and green tea.
  • For dinner Carrot casserole and green tea will do.


  • Quench your morning hunger millet or pearl barley porridge. Choose which one to cook based on your child’s taste preferences.
  • At lunch feed him broth with chicken breast and herbs, as well as stewed cabbage. Maybe drink green tea.
  • For dinner let him eat potato casserole with cabbage, drink tea or water.



  • For breakfast You can cook baked apples with cottage cheese and raisins, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • At lunch A light soup of rice and vegetables is suitable, as well as boiled chicken breast or boiled beef with buckwheat, a glass of water.
  • For dinner You can offer your teenager dumplings with potatoes, but in no case with cherries, strawberries or other fruits. Add sour cream, dill, parsley to the dish. You can drink green tea with your food.

Allergenic products

  • Chicken eggs;
  • Cow's and often goat's milk and products made from them, except fermented milk;
  • Sea and river fish, especially smoked;
  • Seafood – shrimp, lobster and crab;
  • Goose or duck meat;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Red and orange fruit and vegetable crops;
  • Soybeans and all soybeans;
  • Wheat and all grains containing gluten;
  • Smoked meat and sausage;
  • Sauces, ketchups and industrial mayonnaise;
  • Spicy herbs and root vegetables, vinegar;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts);
  • Sweets, especially chocolate;
  • Honey and bee products;
  • White wheat bread, buns, cookies and waffles;
  • Canned food and any products with food colorings and additives;
  • Spices, except bay leaf.

What should the baby eat then? All the products from the list during the period of exacerbation of the disease can really cause a noticeable blow to the baby’s body, but during the period of long-term remission they can be introduced into the diet only by acting carefully and slowly.

This is how we introduced new products into the complementary feeding of children up to one year old, and this is how we introduce allergen products into the menu of children with allergies - in small portions, starting with 1-2 teaspoons. The metabolism will gradually adjust to the new product, build a protective mechanism and, over time, will perceive it as friendly. The hypoallergenic children's menu will gradually expand, and during periods of seasonal exacerbations, it will narrow.

Dietary vegetable dishes for children with allergies

Allowed vegetable crops:

  • zucchini and squash;
  • any cabbage (except red cabbage);
  • cucumbers;
  • potatoes (only soaked from starches) and Jerusalem artichoke;
  • green and onions, parsnips, celery, dill, parsley and bay leaves.

What hypoallergenic dishes for children can be prepared from vegetables?

  1. Steamed and multicooked vegetables.
  2. Vegetable stews in the oven, with or without meat.
  3. Salads of fresh cucumbers and cabbage with herbs.
  4. Soups with meat or vegetable broth.
  5. Mashed potatoes made from vegetable broth with the addition of other permitted vegetables.

Recipes for children's dietary dishes from vegetables

Cabbage and apple salad

Chop the white cabbage very finely, grate the apple and mix these ingredients. Sprinkle with apple juice and stir. You can add prunes, cut into thin strips, to the salad. Serve with hot potato stew or porridge.

Cauliflower and Kohlrabi Soup

Both younger and older family members will love this delicious soup. It is very easy to prepare, the color is fresh, and the taste is delicate.

For the soup we will need the following vegetables:

  • cauliflower – 3-4 inflorescences,
  • kohlrabi cabbage - half a spherical stem,
  • parsley root - a small piece,
  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp.,
  • parsley and dill - to taste.
  • a little butter and sour cream for dressing.


Cut the peeled parsley root and turnip-shaped kohlrabi stalk into thin strips and lower them slightly in a saucepan with heated butter.

Place a saucepan with 1 liter of meat or vegetable broth on the fire (you can also use plain water). Place cauliflower, disassembled into small inflorescences, into the boiling broth, add flakes and add parsley root and kohlrabi, lowered in a saucepan.

Cook until the vegetables are soft. If desired, you can add a couple of sliced ​​potatoes.

Serve with sour cream, adding a little salt to the soup right in the plate.

Zucchini stuffed in a steamer


  • Zucchini – 2 fruits
  • Lean veal – 400 g
  • Onion – 1 onion
  • Salt - a little
  • Parsley - a few sprigs
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.


  1. First, prepare the minced meat: wash the meat and onions, cut into pieces and grind twice in a meat grinder.
  2. Wash the zucchini, cut off the ends and cut across the fruit into pieces 5-6 cm long. From each “barrel” we select the pulp with a spoon, forming a void for stuffing it with meat. Finely chop the pulp without seeds and add to the prepared minced meat.
  3. Mix the ground meat with onions with zucchini pulp, chopped parsley (leaves only!), add some salt and add half the sour cream. Fill the voids of the zucchini with the filling, place in the steamer basket and cook for 50 minutes.
  4. Serve topped with sour cream.

From zucchini and squash you can make green caviar, oatmeal pancakes without eggs, baked with cottage cheese in the oven and many other interesting dishes. The main thing is to turn on your imagination!

Potatoes with cottage cheese baked in foil

This is a very tasty but simple dish that children love. It's very easy to prepare.

Peel medium-sized potato tubers (2 pcs.) and cut into slices 5 mm thick, soak for an hour in cold water.

While the potatoes are soaking, prepare the minced curd: grind 200 g of cottage cheese through a sieve, add dill (a little), add some salt and mix with sour cream (2 tbsp).

Grease the central part of the foil square with olive oil. Now we cover each potato circle with minced curd, just like we prepare a sandwich, lay out our “sandwiches” in layers in a checkerboard pattern in the center of the foil and add about a quarter glass of water.

We wrap the free edges of the foil and carefully pinch them to lock in moisture. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Serve directly in foil (children will really like this serving!) with sour cream or baby kefir.

Meat recipes for children with allergies

If goose and duck meat causes allergies, then beef (veal), turkey and rabbit are dietary products. Meat should definitely be included in the child’s menu, as it is rich in iron and complete proteins.

Turkey cutlets with zucchini


  • Turkey meat – 400 g
  • Zucchini – half a fruit or about 150 g
  • Rice flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a little


Grind pieces of turkey and zucchini meat in a meat grinder, add flour, add salt and mix thoroughly. We beat the minced meat against the walls of the dish and then form small cutlets from it. Place them in a steamer bowl, which we grease with olive oil, and steam for about 50 minutes. Serve with sour cream and any side dish.

These cutlets can also be cooked in a saucepan. Place the formed cutlets in a pan, the bottom of which is also greased with olive oil, add 1 glass of water and simmer for about 40-50 minutes.

Dietary meat dishes for allergy sufferers are as diverse as those for healthy people. The only things missing from their recipe are carrots and spices. Therefore, you can cook cabbage rolls, stuffed green peppers, meat rolls, meatballs, stew, and even create delicious pilaf!

Children's hypoallergenic cereals

The children's diet menu contains a lot of cereals both as a side dish and as a dessert. From permitted cereals we can prepare rice, oatmeal, corn and buckwheat porridge. But it also happens that this list can be either wider or narrower.

Milk porridges are cooked with milk obtained from dry milk mixtures, or with soy, rice milk, or water. Porridge cooked in water is not necessarily tasteless. If you offer your baby dessert porridge, then its taste can be enriched with a grated apple, banana, juicy pear or a couple of plums.

If you are preparing porridge with meat or vegetables, then prepare a salad of cucumbers and cabbage, zucchini pancakes, stew white cabbage or serve boiled broccoli with sour cream.

Desserts for children with allergies

Unfortunately, sweetening desserts is not recommended for young children with allergies. And honey, unfortunately, is not allowed. Therefore, dried fruits (allowed) and fresh fruits can serve as sweeteners: apple, green pear, banana, kiwi.

The best hypoallergenic desserts are prepared using baby kefir or cottage cheese. The main thing is that both cottage cheese and kefir are not sour. In this case, adding a banana or sweet pear solves the problem of sweetness of the dessert.

Banana oatmeal cookies

These delicious cookies will be a real joy for your baby, and you will be happy to try a few of them!

For dietary cookies we will need:

  • 1 glass of rolled oats (flakes),
  • 2 bananas (ripe)
  • a handful of light raisins and a handful of dried fruits (apples and pears),
  • olive oil for greasing the mold.

Making these cookies is a real pleasure! Mash the bananas with a fork, add rolled oats and dried fruits (cut large pieces into tiny cubes), mix and form cookies. Place on a baking sheet, pre-oiled with olive oil, and bake in a very hot oven for 15 minutes.

For drinks, it is allowed to prepare a decoction of dried fruits from apples and pears, or from fresh fruits. A delicious drink and green tea with the herb stevia, which contains glycosides that sweeten the drink. It is not only a natural sweetener, but also a very valuable medicinal herb.

Dear mothers! We hope that our simple tips will help you create a children's diet menu for allergy sufferers, which you can easily implement by preparing dishes to suit your child's taste preferences. We hope that as your baby grows up, he will get stronger, his metabolism will normalize, and together you will begin to cook everything that was previously prohibited!

For a child with allergies, a properly selected menu is a guarantee of good health. A proper diet not only alleviates allergy symptoms, but also helps to avoid a host of concomitant diseases. To correctly create a menu, let's decide on the ingredients that need to be excluded.

What can cause allergies

The list of products that can cause allergies is very extensive. For some people, only 2-3 products may be allergens, while for others, most products are problematic.

Top 10 allergenic foods:

  • Milk. It also applies to other products containing milk (lactose): cheeses, yoghurts, butter, cottage cheese, and sometimes veal or beef.
  • Eggs. You should be careful with products containing eggs: cakes, pasta, mayonnaise, baked goods.
  • Honey. May cause severe allergies due to pollen.
  • Fish. Allergies to seafood and fish are rare, but they are the most severe in terms of the degree of action.
  • Gluten. This is an allergen found in barley, oats, wheat, and rye.
  • Fruits. The most allergenic fruits are bright colors: strawberries and all citrus fruits. Kiwis and pineapples may also be unsafe.
  • Meat. Quite a rare allergen. Negative reactions are usually associated with consumption of beef (if you have a milk allergy) and chicken (if you have an egg allergy).
  • Vegetables. Most often unsafe: tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini and carrots.
  • Nuts. Peanuts and almonds (they are found in various children's sweets).
  • Chocolate. Chocolate itself is not an allergen, but it makes the body vulnerable to other allergens.

If the allergen has not yet been identified, it is better to create a child’s menu taking into account all products that can cause a negative reaction.

Menu for a child with allergies

The main thing in the menu of a child with allergies is a hypoallergenic diet, that is, a basic diet, based on which it is possible to choose an individual diet.

Diet options

For breakfast:

  1. Pancakes made from buckwheat flour without eggs, with pieces of fruit or berries that do not cause allergies. Weak tea.
  2. Pumpkin porridge. Apple juice.
  3. Rice porridge with grated banana (or apple). Dried fruits compote.

For lunch:

  1. First course: Vegetable soup based on: cabbage, potatoes, celery, green peas, parsley, carrots, beans. Various grains are added to the soup.
    Second course: Boiled rice with stewed rabbit meat.
  2. First course: Rice soup with rabbit broth.
    Second course: Buckwheat porridge with stewed cabbage.
  3. First course: Borscht with turkey broth (without tomato and overcooking).
    Second course: Potato pancakes (for fastening, use 1-2 tablespoons of semolina instead of eggs).

For afternoon tea:

  1. Fruit (berry) puree. Green tea.
  2. Lenten pancakes with banana. Dried fruits compote.
  3. Rice casserole with fruit. Apple juice.

For dinner:

  1. Mashed potatoes with water, steamed turkey meatballs. Grated apple and cabbage salad.
  2. Vegetable cabbage rolls. Two slices of rye bread.
  3. Buckwheat and minced rabbit casserole (simmered onions and carrots are mixed with minced meat and boiled buckwheat, baked in the oven). Salad of fresh cucumbers and dill.

General principles of developing a diet for allergies in a child

When forming a diet, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

So, it is necessary to remember that children need protein and fiber to a much greater extent than adults. This is due both to the extremely high activity of the child (especially at the age of 3-7 years), and to the need to “complete” all systems and organs. But it so happens that it is animal protein that most often provokes an inadequate immune response.

The second point is the high prevalence of allergies to cow's milk protein. In addition, there are certain differences between “children’s” food allergies and “adults”:

  • in most children, the immune reaction is combined with a non-immune reaction (the so-called pseudo-allergy is realized);
  • most often polyallergenic sensitization occurs;
  • The older the child, the higher the likelihood of developing cross-allergy.

The last point is related, first of all, to expanding the child’s diet.

Taking into account all the listed features, we can highlight the basic principles for the formation of any hypoallergenic diet - both specific and nonspecific:

  • a diet is necessary for any allergic disease, be it food hypersensitivity, hay fever or contact dermatitis;
  • in case of food allergies, it is necessary to accurately determine the trigger allergen;
  • it is necessary to eliminate animal protein as completely as possible and replace it with vegetable protein;
  • the use of fermented milk products is permissible;
  • it is necessary to exclude histamine-liberating products;
  • It is important to exclude not only causative allergens, but also cross-irritants (especially important for hay fever);
  • strict control of the completeness and balance of the diet is required.

Mandatory rules

Individual selection of diet for allergies in a child is important

Another point worth focusing on is the rules that must be followed if a child needs a hypoallergenic diet:

  1. Working in tandem with an allergist. You cannot independently exclude foods from the diet or introduce them, especially with severe allergies;
  2. Strict compliance. You cannot “follow” a child asking for an allergenic product. It is important to remember that with a true allergy, even a small portion is enough to cause a severe allergic reaction;
  3. Timely adjustment. There is a possibility of some types of allergies self-healing with age, as well as the emergence of new ones;
  4. Hypoallergenic life. It must be combined with a diet - regular wet cleaning, the absence of mold, dust, and, if possible, pets in the house, the use of air filters.

Stages of introducing a diet for allergies in a child

  1. Identification of the trigger factor, selection of diet. Provocative tests, scarification tests, and empirical diet therapy are carried out. The duration of this stage is higher, the more allergens are direct irritants;
  2. Maintenance therapy. The longest stage in diet therapy (its duration varies from 3-5 months to several years. At this stage, all allergenic foods for humans are excluded;
  3. Diet expansion. The criterion for transition is complete clinical and laboratory remission. At this stage, starting with minimal doses, minimally allergenic foods are introduced first, then cross-allergens and, in case of successful introduction, attempts are made to introduce increasingly stronger allergens.

Non-specific diet

A nonspecific diet implies the exclusion of all highly allergenic foods. It is prescribed on the first visit to an allergist with complaints of hypersensitivity reactions.

Elimination diets of the widest possible spectrum are used. According to the opinion of I.V. Borisova, professor of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, all products are divided into three types according to the degree of their allergenic activity. Products highlighted:

High activity:

Medium activity:

Low activity:

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia offers a similar scheme for the distribution of products according to their allergenicity:

Table: Diet for allergies in a child from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (part 1) Table: Diet for allergies in a child from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (part 2)

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky names the six most allergenic foods:

  • egg;
  • peanut;
  • milk protein;
  • wheat;
  • fish.

Hypoallergenic diet according to Ado for children

Photo: Professor Andrey Dmitrievich Ado

HELL. Ado, a Soviet pathophysiologist, immunologist and allergist, studying the trigger mechanisms of allergic reactions, found out that there are products that are practically obligate (obligatory) allergens, and there are those that are relatively safe in terms of allergies.

The Ado diet for children with allergies, formed back in 1987, is based precisely on this: eliminating “aggressive” foods and replacing them with more gentle ones.

Advantages of this diet:

  • a specific list of foods that should not be consumed, rather than a lengthy definition of “hazardous food”;
  • exclusion of all allergens at once, which ensures rapid elimination of clinical allergy symptoms;
  • the ability to introduce obligate allergens into the diet one at a time, finding out exactly what irritant a reaction develops to.

However, this technique also has disadvantages:

  • extreme non-specificity;
  • lack of focus on the individual characteristics of each child.

What a child can and cannot do with this hypoallergenic diet

According to Ado, you can consume the following foods:

It is imperative to remove from the diet:

Hypoallergenic diet menu for children for 7 days (according to Ado)

Thus, the diet menu for children for a week might look like this:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Second dinner
Monday Oatmeal with water, sandwich with butter, sweet tea Vegetable broth soup, broccoli with boiled tongue, cabbage salad with vegetable oil, apple compote Hard biscuits, peach juice Mashed potatoes, beef meatballs, tea Kefir, gingerbread
Tuesday Pancakes on water with apple jam, chicory Buckwheat porridge on water, beef stroganoff, tea Apple, savory cookies Stuffed cabbage rolls, tea Ryazhenka, savory cookies
Wednesday Five-grain porridge with water, sandwich with butter, tea Vegetable puree soup, vegetable stew with sausage, tea Drinking yogurt, Viennese waffles Stewed cabbage with sausage Kefir, gingerbread
Thursday Yogurt, banana, bread, tea Noodles, ground beef, steamed or fried without oil, dried fruit compote Prunes Vegetable stew with sausage, cranberry juice Carrots with sour cream and sugar
Friday Baked apples, raisins, cherry juice Pea soup with vegetable broth, mashed potatoes with stewed beef, cabbage salad, tea Yogurt, puff pastry made from yeast-free dough Boiled rice, cauliflower, green beans, tongue, rose hips Kefir, gingerbread
Saturday Dairy-free rice porridge, toast with cheese, chicory Buckwheat porridge with beef meatballs, tea Dried apricots Cucumber salad with olive oil, vegetable puree soup Ryazhenka, cookies
Resurrection Cottage cheese casserole with jam, tea Boiled beef, cabbage salad, chicory Cottage cheese with banana Sausage noodles, peach juice Yogurt, dried fruits

It is worth noting that this diet is suitable for a child of any age (over 2 years), but is approximate and requires adjustment in portion sizes.

Specific diet

In this section it is worth considering the types of dietary nutrition for various diseases and symptom complexes and separately for food allergies to specific groups of irritants. Despite the fact that, in general, dietary tables are similar. Each case has its own characteristics.

Diet for respiratory allergies

If you are allergic to pollen (especially birch), it is important to exclude cross allergens

With hay fever, the most important thing is to eliminate cross allergens. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of oral allergic syndrome. Depending on which plant pollen becomes an irritant, there are lists of cross allergens.

In case of bronchial asthma, which often becomes a symptom or outcome of hay fever, the main symptom of which is broncho-obstructive syndrome, it is extremely important to exclude honey from the diet so as not to provoke an episode of broncho-obstruction and, as a consequence, suffocation, cough, heaviness in the chest.

Diet for skin allergies

Photo: Atopic dermatitis

It has been proven that when it comes to treatment for children with allergic dermatitis caused not by food allergies, but by direct contact of the allergen, as well as with eczema and urticaria provoked by this factor, diet therapy does not play a significant role.

But a hypoallergenic diet for children with atopic dermatitis should be selected much more carefully and with caution. This is especially important if atopic dermatitis is caused by food allergies.

In this case, elimination of the trigger factor is actually etiopathogenetic therapy and determines the success of treatment. But even in the absence of an immediate reaction of an allergic person to food products, it is necessary to follow a nonspecific diet.

Diet for food allergies in a child

With food allergies, the key is to eliminate the trigger allergen itself, as well as all cross-irritants.

There are several main options for dietary tables:

  • diet without milk;
  • diet for hypersensitivity to cereals;
  • diet for hypersensitivity to chicken egg white;
  • diet for soy allergy;
  • diet for allergies to yeast and mold.

Dairy-free diet

Photo: Manifestations of milk protein allergy

This type of dietary food can be prescribed for hypersensitivity to cow's milk protein. In the most difficult situation, when the child cannot tolerate milk or dairy products, you should refrain from consuming:

Often traces of milk protein may contain:

  • confectionery, sweets;
  • creams and sauces;
  • waffles;
  • biscuit;
  • sausage and frankfurters.
  • casein;
  • casein hydrolysate;
  • buttermilk;
  • sodium caseinate;
  • potassium caseinate;
  • calcium caseinate;
  • lactalbumin;
  • lactoglobulin.

It is necessary to compensate for the lack of milk and dairy products with lean meat, poultry, soy, and legumes. Monitoring the intake of calcium into the body is mandatory. Age standards:

You can replenish calcium deficiency with vitamin complexes, as well as fish, legumes, and vegetables. Taking vitamin D is mandatory.

Diet for grain allergies

The following should be excluded from the child’s diet:

It is important to pay attention to the following names on the packaging:

  • vegetable protein (including its hydrolysates);
  • vegetable starch;
  • malt and flavorings based on it;
  • monosodium glutamate.

You need to be careful with emulsifiers, thickeners, and flavorings, which also often contain cereal proteins.

You can compensate for these products with barley, oats, rye, rice, buckwheat, and corn flour. However, this should be done with caution, keeping in mind the possibility of developing cross-allergy.

Diet for egg allergies

It is necessary to remove from the foods you eat anything that contains egg white:

You should beware of the following names on the label:

To replace egg white (which is usually required for baking), you can use flaxseed, soy flour and cottage cheese, gelatin, and potato starch. In addition, there are many recipes available for dishes that do not require eggs.

Diet for allergies to soy, yeast

It is necessary to exclude dishes in which this product is used, incl. some sausages, sausages, minced meat, dough, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, margarine. Soy sauce should not be consumed.

If you are hypersensitive to yeast, you should not:

  • baking;
  • vinegar;
  • sauerkraut;
  • dairy products;
  • fruit juices;
  • kvass;
  • alcoholic drinks, especially beer (especially important for teenagers!).

Diet for other diseases

For hemorrhagic vasculitis, which also has another name - allergic purpura - diet therapy is very important. On the one hand, often the cause of autoimmune aseptic inflammation is food allergy. On the other hand, one of the main elements of the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis is the prescription of hormonal drugs.

However, this disease is not treated on an outpatient basis; all children are required to be hospitalized, so it is easier to follow a diet. Should be excluded:

  • causative allergens (if any);
  • products that have ever caused adverse reactions, including allergies or food intolerances;
  • obligate allergens.

For angioedema, the diet should also be selected in accordance with the allergy history. If this condition was caused by an insect bite or the administration of a drug, following a nonspecific diet is sufficient. In the case where the swelling was caused by a food allergen, it is absolutely necessary to exclude it.

Hypoallergenic diet for children of different ages

The above data is quite general. However, it is impossible to deny that the nutrition of a child aged 8 months and 16 years are completely different things. That is why it is important to highlight the features of a hypoallergenic diet for children of different ages.

Nutrition for children up to one year old

For infants, the main allergen is cow's milk protein. That is why products based on it are introduced into complementary foods late, not earlier than the 8th month of life. As for the main type of nutrition, this issue is relevant for those children who are on artificial or mixed feeding.

Cow's milk formula is contraindicated for them; hypoallergenic products are required, for example:

Photo: Nutrilak Peptidi MCT
  • Nutrilon Pepti;
  • Nutrilac Peptide;
  • Tutteli-Peptidi;
  • Nutramigen;
  • Pregestimil;
  • Frisopep AS.

For children with other types of allergies, hypoallergenic formulas should also be prescribed, but it is acceptable to use food based on moderately or partially hydrolyzed casein:

  • Nutrilak GA;
  • Nutrilon GA;
  • Humana GA;
  • GA topic
  • and etc.

If the child is breastfed, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition of the nursing mother. She may be prescribed a dairy-free or gluten-free diet, or a nonspecific hypoallergenic diet may be recommended.

Nutrition for children from one to three years old

During this period, diet therapy is especially important.

Hypoallergenic diet for children 1 year old:

  1. necessarily implies the exclusion of milk.
  2. Fermented milk products are allowed if they are well tolerated.
  3. You cannot give your child foods from the group of highly allergenic ones; it is unacceptable to go to a common table; the food should be lightly salted, without spices, preferably without chemical additives.

Hypoallergenic diet for a 2 year old child:

  • allows the introduction of chicken and quail eggs if well tolerated, but does not allow the transition to a common table.

Hypoallergenic diet for a 3 year old child:

  • already makes it possible to transfer the child to “adult” food; fish and nuts are allowed.
  • However, even with a favorable course of the disease, it is not recommended to give the child chocolate, cocoa, tropical fruits, strawberries, mushrooms, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and seasonings.

Diet No. 5 GA for children 1-3 years old - menu

Sample menu for a day of a hypoallergenic diet for young children.

Menu for the day of hypoallergenic diet No. 5 ha for young children with food allergies

Diet for allergies in children over three years of age and adolescents

By and large, the hypoallergenic menu for a week for a child of three and twelve years old differs only in the size of the portions. However, it is much easier to control young children than older ones: pocket money and time spent outside the attention of parents appear.

In older adolescence, prohibitions on:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fast food;
  • products with a large number of dyes, flavors, and flavoring additives.

Thus, the formation of a hypoallergenic diet is a very responsible process, in which it is important to take into account many factors, such as the type of allergy, the age of the child, and the trigger factor. Therefore, it is better to entrust the preparation of the diet to a specialist.

We must not forget that following a hypoallergenic diet for children is one of the most important, and sometimes the main, element in the treatment of allergic diseases.

Allergies: risk factors and symptomatic manifestations

This disease is a rejection by the child’s digestive system of a certain category of products - allergens. A negative reaction of the body can appear either immediately after eating food or after a long time - in the second case we are talking about a so-called delayed disease.

We list the main reactions of a child’s body that can be observed with allergies:

  1. Manifestations on the skin. This group of symptoms includes rash and redness, as well as dry skin. Another unpleasant consequence is skin itching. Failure to take timely measures can lead to the described reactions developing into allergic dermatitis.
  2. Reactions of the digestive tract. This group of consequences often includes abdominal pain, nausea, regurgitation and vomiting. Most allergy sufferers also experience various types of stool disturbances and bloating. Dysbacteriosis may also belong to the described symptomatic group.
  3. Problems with the respiratory system. Your baby's body may signal an allergy with symptoms such as nasal congestion or runny nose.

Individually, these symptoms may be a consequence of other diseases, but the presence of reactions from different groups is almost always an indicator of an allergic abnormality. The factors causing atopy can be completely different:

  • violation by the mother of the tenets of healthy eating;
  • defective development of the digestive system;
  • intestinal infections in infancy;
  • artificial nutrition introduced too early;
  • overeating;
  • consuming highly allergenic foods too early, etc.

Whatever the cause of the allergy, the nutrition of a child with such a disease should be carefully monitored by parents to avoid further development of the disease and complications.

Information: Scientists have proven that the main cause of childhood allergies is most often the mother’s consumption of products containing food dyes - both during pregnancy and during feeding.


An allergy is an individual intolerance to a particular product, therefore the allergens are different in each case. However, all of them can be classified into three groups, which are presented in the table below.

Group Description Examples
1 High risk of a negative reaction from the child’s body Milk (cow), fish products and seafood, chicken, meat broths (regardless of the type of meat), eggs, citrus fruits, carrots, strawberries, etc.
2 Average risk of a negative reaction from the child’s body Rabbit, pork, buckwheat, rice, currants, apricots, bananas, cherries, potatoes, cranberries, etc.
3 Low risk of a negative reaction from the child’s body Some fermented milk products, horse meat, green vegetables, pumpkin, plum, watermelon, etc.

Statistics say that in 90% of cases, allergic symptoms in babies are caused by milk. Many people consider cow's milk to be a good companion to first complementary foods, which ultimately results in digestive problems for children. Rejection of this fluid usually occurs in the first years of life. The cause of the body’s negative reaction is protein components (for example, albumin), which are contained in large quantities in milk. A good alternative is fermented milk products, which are much less likely to cause food allergies and are included in the low-risk group.

In second place in terms of frequency of negative reactions is fish - for almost everyone who has ever experienced an allergy, it is included in the list of significant allergens. A child’s body may not tolerate either certain varieties or seafood in general. The peculiarity of fish allergy is that it often does not go away and is observed throughout a person’s life. The main reason for intolerance to this product is specific proteins contained in river and sea products, which, moreover, do not disappear during heat treatment.

In third place are chicken eggs. A negative reaction to food of this kind is most often accompanied by undesirable reactions of the body to poultry meat and broths based on it. It is noteworthy that egg white is much more likely to cause allergy symptoms than yolk. Intolerance to grains such as rye and wheat is also often observed; allergies to rice and buckwheat are less common. In recent years, there has been an increase in cases of allergies to soy, which has become overused as a milk substitute.

Children under the age of six months are most often characterized by multiple allergies, when the body is susceptible to not one, but several foods. One of the varieties of this disease is cross-allergy, which consists in the manifestation of symptoms when consuming the main product and its analogues: for example, milk and sour cream, apple and pear, etc.

Important: At the first signs of an allergy, you need to avoid unadapted (not intended for children) store-bought products: this includes juices, yoghurts, instant cereals, etc. The dyes and preservatives they contain will only add fuel to the “fire” of the disease.

How to identify an allergen?

Determining what exactly a child is allergic to can be very difficult. A significant narrowing of the diet and the exclusion of highly allergenic foods such as milk and meat can harm the baby’s body, because such food is the main source of protein necessary for growth and development. Therefore, it is advisable to start searching for the allergen as soon as the first symptoms appear.

The process of identifying allergenic foods begins with keeping a food diary. The principle is simple: all meals are recorded in printed or paper form, indicating the date, time, food consumed and their quantity. Allergy symptoms are recorded in the same diary. In this case, as mentioned above, the reaction can be either immediate or delayed. Comparing data from the two areas most often helps determine which food causes a negative reaction in the body. It is better to add new products little by little, and do it in the morning, so that you can monitor the baby’s health during the day. If there are no adverse reactions, the following product can be added within 72 hours.

If an allergen is identified, it must be immediately removed from the child’s diet. Repeated introduction of the product can be tested after 3-4 months - as a rule, during this period enzymes are formed that can resist allergic effects. If the symptoms recur, then it is better to postpone eating this kind of food for at least a year.

Important: It is better to study the food diary together with a specialist allergist, who will be able to more accurately assess the situation and identify allergens that may be invisible to a non-professional eye.

There is also a medical way to determine products that cause unwanted reactions - an allergen test. However, this method by itself is unlikely to give the desired results - a blood test will only show possible allergenic factors, which without keeping a diary will not be able to provide accurate information. For older children, it is also possible to use an injection test - this method involves administering a small dose of the suspected allergen subcutaneously. The injection helps determine if you are allergic to a specific substance.

Diet for allergies

The main element of the allergy treatment process is diet. Often manifestations of the disease occur in breastfed infants - this means that the mother’s diet needs to be adjusted. The first product to be eliminated is usually cow's milk; further actions depend on the presence of allergic reactions after such an adjustment.

In the case when the child is bottle-fed, you need to pay special attention to the mother's milk substitutes used. It is possible to use substitutes such as mixtures based on goat milk or fermented milk products, which allow you to maintain the level of protein necessary for development. If such options are also accompanied by allergies, then it is worth using soy mixtures. In any case, manipulations with the baby’s diet should be carried out only after receiving the recommendations of a pediatrician.

A mother who is breastfeeding a child needs to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. It may include the following foods:

  • boiled beef;
  • soups and broths with vegetables (preferably without red and orange vegetables);
  • vegetable oil;
  • cereals;
  • plain yogurt;
  • pickled cheese;
  • green fruits and vegetables (cucumber, apple, cabbage, herbs, peas);
  • dried fruits;
  • yeast-free lavash or dried wheat bread.

When cooking, it is better to refrain from using salt and other spices. If even with such a diet you experience rashes or other negative reactions, you can try to exclude one of the foods for several days so that you can determine the allergen.

Advice: Do not delay going to the doctor in the hope of getting rid of the symptoms on your own: perhaps the reaction is a consequence of another disease, and a late examination can only worsen the situation.

Video - Mother’s nutrition and child’s allergies

Complementary foods for children with allergies

Introducing the first complementary foods is a difficult task for any mother. If there are allergies, there are even more questions, and parents are lost in the process: where to start, in what quantity and how to choose foods for complementary feeding. The general principle is this: children who have allergies switch to bottle feeding later than their peers. Allergies most often indicate insufficient development of the digestive tract, and too early complementary feeding in this case can negatively affect the growth and proper development of the child.

For all children, the first product that can be introduced is vegetable puree. In a normal situation, such complementary foods can be introduced at 6 months; for allergy sufferers, it is better to postpone the process for 2-3 months. In any case, this is a very individual question, and only a personal pediatrician can tell you a more exact date. How to choose vegetables for puree? The ideal choice would be those products that are natural for the region where the child lives. In Russia it can be cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini. But it’s better not to rush with the introduction of tomatoes - in general, all brightly colored vegetables can provoke unwanted reactions in the child’s body. When introducing any complementary foods, it is important to follow the principle of consistency: at least 10 days should pass between trying new foods. Begin to introduce the product literally drop by drop, gradually increasing the portions to several tablespoons.

The next type of complementary food is porridge. You need to start introducing them at least a month later than vegetable purees, so that the baby’s body has time to adapt to new products. Porridges are prepared without adding milk or salt, but you can add a teaspoon of butter. If parents prefer dry cereals, be sure to make sure that the composition does not contain dairy products or gluten.

After trying vegetables and cereals, you can begin introducing meat puree. To do this, it is better to opt for horse meat or rabbit; lean pork and turkey also rarely cause allergies. Beef is the next safest, but chicken should be offered last to allergy sufferers. The basic principles of introducing such complementary foods coincide with those outlined above. Most often, meat puree is added to vegetable puree, starting with the smallest doses.

Upon reaching a year, fruits can be added to the child’s diet. Preference is given to products that are green in color, preferably those that grow in the region where the baby lives. Gradually, the menu can be enriched with bananas, plums, apricots - the main thing is not to forget to monitor all the reactions of the young body. Products that were classified as a highly allergenic group in the table above can be introduced into a child’s diet only after 1.5-2 years and with great caution.

Important: When choosing products for complementary feeding, pay special attention to naturalness, shelf life, absence of nitrates and harmful impurities - this will avoid aggravation of allergic manifestations.

Video - Nutrition for children with allergies (part 1)

Video - Nutrition for children with allergies (part 2)

How to reduce the allergenicity of products?

Helpful tips when preparing food for children with allergies:

There is probably no point in mentioning that the most useful cooking methods are boiling (especially steaming), stewing and baking. By the way, it is important to know that even with heat treatment, fruits do not lose their allergic properties, which is why their consumption begins so late.

Menu for older children

Children over 3 years of age typically eat a much wider variety of foods. Therefore, the diet conditions for them are more stringent, in particular:

  1. If an allergic deviation is suspected, all products classified as high risk are removed from the child’s usual menu. It is for children aged 3-4 years that diary keeping and medical allergy tests, which have already been described, are best suited.
  2. After identifying allergens, an individual menu is drawn up (be sure to consult with your pediatrician). Foods that cause negative reactions in the body are completely excluded from the diet. A hypoallergenic diet is followed for 1-3 months - usually during this period external traces of the disease completely disappear.
  3. When no external signs of illness are observed, the gradual introduction of allergic foods can begin. The principle is very similar to the introduction of the first complementary foods: the allergen is introduced in very small doses with a gradual increase in the amount to the standard; At least 10 days should pass between the introduction of different products. If allergic reactions recur, it makes sense to postpone menu expansion for several months.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following: allergies today are a disease that affects most children around the world. It is treatable and certainly not a death sentence - therefore, young parents should avoid panic, which may interfere with an adequate assessment of the situation and timely contact with specialists. If you follow special hypoallergenic diets and carefully monitor the child’s health and behavior, you can get rid of allergies quite quickly and painlessly.

Dyshidrosis in children



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