What is the best food for. The most useful foods - the key to beauty and health

Power plays important role In human life. Health, immunity and mood largely depend on the diet. That is why, for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, it is advised first of all to review your diet and change your eating habits. And it helps.

To be healthy, you need to organize a proper and balanced diet. Absolutely all substances without exception must enter the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and water. Special attention you should pay attention to products that improve the functioning of certain organs. They contain the content of useful substances usually the maximum.

We offer you to get acquainted with the list of 30 products that must be in the diet so that all parts of your body work properly and smoothly.

For the brain


Fish contains in its composition valuable animal protein, which takes part in all key processes in the body, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids belonging to the category healthy fats. Regular consumption of salmon will help not only strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also improve brain function.


Love tuna. Recent studies have shown that eating this fish helps reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, improve blood flow to the brain, prevent inflammation in this part of the body, and stimulate cells.


The composition of sardines contains vitamins B, A, D, as well as phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine. This product is easily absorbed by the body and energizes it for a long time. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of sardines improves brain function.

bitter chocolate

To improve brain function, choose only the highest quality chocolate with high content cocoa. It contains the antioxidant flavanol, which improves blood circulation in the brain and protects it from oxidative processes that lead to Alzheimer's disease.


Walnuts help to activate mental activity. Even in their form they vaguely resemble human brain. This is a very useful product. Walnuts are a valuable source of vitamin E and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and protect brain cells from damage.

For muscles


Bananas are an indispensable product in sports nutrition. They contain enough a large number of fiber, that is, dietary fiber, which is responsible for long-term saturation. This fruit is not so high in calories, but it is sweet and tasty. Many athletes eat a banana after a workout to fill the "carbohydrate window" and prevent muscle breakdown.


Tofu is a product that is enriched with proteins. And as you know, in order to get a relief body and build up muscle mass, you need to lean on this substance. Tofu can even compete with meat in terms of the content of vitamins, minerals and high-quality protein.


Another well-known source of protein is eggs. It is best to eat them for breakfast. Eggs perfectly saturate the body with energy and help control appetite. It is impossible not to appreciate their role in gaining muscle mass.

red meat

Red meat should be included in your diet, but in moderation. It contains in its composition not only dietary fiber, which is important for athletes, but also other valuable substances that strengthen the immune system and human health.

For the lungs


Your lungs will always be in perfect order if you add broccoli to your diet. British scientists have found that this cabbage contains valuable substances that increase the activity of a gene that protects lung cells from damage by toxic substances.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are not far behind their "colleagues in the shop." Regular use of this product will help reduce the risk of occurrence and development lung diseases and protect against lung cancer.

Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage protects against harmful effects external environment not only human lungs, but also other important organs. So, Beijing cabbage, as it is also called, helps to remove toxins, toxins and salts. heavy metals from the body, has anti-cancer properties and increases immunity to diseases.

For skin

Green tea

Green tea is a valuable source of antioxidants. These beneficial substances not only strengthen the human immune system, but also have a rejuvenating effect on the body, slowing down cell aging. This cannot but rejoice. The skin becomes more elastic, velvety and not at all painful.

Add a slice of lemon to your favorite drink. The enzymes found in green tea enhance the body's ability to absorb vitamin C from citrus fruits.


Blueberries are known for their ability to improve eyesight. However, this is not the only advantage of this sour berry. The composition of blueberries resembles medicine a wide range actions, for which it was dubbed the "superfood of the XXI century."

It is indispensable for good skin. Moreover, berries should be present in the diet, and not be part of cosmetics. Regular consumption of blueberries will help eliminate minor skin defects, moisturize it from the inside, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and smooth out visible irregularities.

For hair

Dark green vegetables

If you want to get strong and shiny hair, then lean on dark green vegetables. They provide the hair with a shock dose of calcium and iron, which are so necessary for hair growth. Particular attention should be paid to broccoli, chard, spinach, lettuce.


Include beans in your diet. Legumes are a valuable source of vegetable protein, which stimulates hair growth and strengthens them from the inside. Beans are also rich in iron, zinc and biotin. In combination, these substances prevent brittleness, brittleness of hair and add to them natural shine.

For eyes


Not everyone knows about such an important property of corn as the ability to strengthen eyesight. The fact is that in the retina of the human eye in minimum doses contains gold. In order for vision to be vigilant, this amount must be maintained at a level. Since the human body itself is not capable of producing gold, it must be taken from outside, for example, from corn.

egg yolks

There is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, strengthening general state human health and immunity. It is called lutein and is found, for example, in egg yolks. They are also a valuable source of zinc, which, in combination with lutein, prevents macular degeneration. And this is one of the main causes of vision loss in people over 65 years of age. True, eggs must be eaten raw.


Crispy carrots should be included in your diet from childhood. If you can't remember the last time you ate it, now is the time to fix it. Carrots help improve overall eye health. It's all about lutein and beta-carotene, which in large quantities contained in this product.

For heart


Regular consumption of tomatoes helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system by a quarter. This conclusion was reached by American scientists in the course of scientific research 11 years long. It's all about the antioxidant lycopene, which has a protective effect on the human heart.

baked potato

Despite the fact that many losing weight today refuse potatoes, this is hardly reasonable. In moderation, no cellulite will appear from it, but the work of the cardiovascular system will noticeably improve. The only point: potatoes need to be baked, not fried.


If you want your heart to work properly, then drink 150 milliliters daily pomegranate juice. This amount will be enough to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation and prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.


Apples contain flavonoids. These beneficial substances reduce the risk of developing coronary disease hearts and others cardiovascular disease. They also have the power to regulate the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

plum juice

Drink plum juice - be healthy! Regular consumption of this fruit improves blood circulation and heart function. It is noteworthy that even after heat treatment, plum fruits do not lose their beneficial properties.

What kind of products can not be found on the shelves of our stores now! Their range is increasing every year, but the quality leaves much to be desired. What foods can be considered the most dangerous, and which ones are the most beneficial to health? In this article, we will talk about foods that are harmful to our body, introduce you to the mechanism of addiction to harmful foods and explain the cause of many diseases caused by malnutrition.

The most harmful products

Chewing sweets, marshmallows in bright packaging, "chupa chups" All these are, without a doubt, harmful products. Not only do they all contain great amount sugar, as well as chemical additives, dyes, substitutes, and so on.

Chips, both corn and potato- very harmful to the body. Chips are nothing more than a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, coated in dyes and flavor substitutes. Also, eating french fries will not bring anything good.

Sweet carbonated drinks- a mixture of sugar, chemistry and gases - to quickly distribute throughout the body harmful substances. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such a liquid to the stomach. In addition, carbonated sugary drinks are harmful and high concentration sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, do not be surprised that, quenching your thirst with such a soda, you are thirsty again in five minutes.

Chocolate bars- this is a gigantic amount of calories combined with chemical additives, genetically modified products, dyes and flavors. Remember the Snickers boom of the perestroika period. A huge amount of sugar makes you eat bars again and again.

Special article - sausage products. Even if we imagine that paper is no longer added to sausages, minced mice are not used in sausages, all the same, sausages, and sausages, and other meat delicacies remain one of the most harmful products in a modern gastronomic assortment. They contain so-called hidden fats (pork skin, lard, interior fat), all this is veiled with flavors and substitutes for flavors. Development genetic engineering, undoubtedly plays a huge positive role in medicine, but also has the other side of the coin. And the negative is that more and more food manufacturers are switching to genetically modified raw materials. So sausages, sausages, sausages are 80% (!) Made of transgenic soybeans. Not only sausages and sausages are harmful, fatty meat itself is not a useful product for the body. Fats bring cholesterol into the body, which clogs blood vessels, which accelerates aging and increases the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Mayonnaise. Cooked at home and used, figuratively speaking, by grams, it does not bring much harm to our body. But as soon as we start talking about factory-produced mayonnaise, or about dishes containing mayonnaise, then we should immediately put up a “Dangerous to Life” sign. Mayonnaise is very high-calorie product, in addition, it contains a huge amount of fats and carbohydrates, as well as dyes, sweeteners, substitutes, and so on. So think again when adding mayonnaise to fried potatoes. A special concentration of harm in shawarma, generously flavored with mayonnaise, in hamburgers, sandwiches with mayonnaise.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, metabolic disorders and obesity - this is far from complete list side effects that the habit of flavoring food with mayonnaise gives.

Among the harmful products is not only mayonnaise, but also ketchup, various sauces and dressings, presented in a wide range on the shelves of our stores. The content of dyes, flavor substitutes and genetically modified products in them, unfortunately, is no less.

In one point, it is worth taking out generally unsuitable foods for food: noodles fast food, numerous instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices such as "Yupi" and "Zuko". All this is solid chemistry, causing undoubted harm to your body.

Salt. A healthy adult needs only 5 grams of salt per day. We, as a rule, eat much more - 10-15 g of salt! At the same time, its excessive consumption causes the development of cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, the accumulation of toxins and, accordingly, the appearance malignant tumors. Elderly people, as well as those who suffer from heart and kidney diseases, should eat no more than 2 g of salt per day, and it is better not to salt food at all.

Alcohol. Even in minimum quantities interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol is very high in calories in itself. It’s probably not worth talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys, you already know everything very well. And do not rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is good. All this takes place only with a reasonable approach to its use (quite rarely and in small doses).

What causes the use of harmful products?

Malnutrition is known to be hidden reason most human diseases. Eating fatty foods leads to weight gain. The abundance of food containing a large number of substitutes and dyes gradually poisons the body, but it is also addictive. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that by eating junk food, the so-called "alert system" about the incoming poison stops working in the body. Yes, yes, the effect of many substances added to products by modern manufacturers is comparable to the effect of poisons. Your body receives poisons in small doses, gets used to them and no longer sends alarms expressed by rashes on the skin, or nausea, or dizziness.

The feeling of fullness diminishes over time. The reason for this is boiled food. It has a special effect on the gastrointestinal tract, dulling the feeling of satiety. Rough vegetable food stimulates the work digestive system. Therefore, make your daily diet in such a way that it includes as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible.

Not only the quality of the food you eat is important, but also the quantity. Wrong mode nutrition also has a harmful effect on the functioning of the body - being at work all day, a resident modern city eats normally only once a day in the evening, and even before bedtime. Thus, a person seeks to satisfy severe hunger. The feeling of fullness comes only half an hour after the start of the meal. It often turns out that by this time a person has already eaten too much, much more than the body needs.

Improper nutrition is a direct road to obesity, to heart disease, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before you eat something from the above list, think twice. Harmful products shorten a person's life, poison the body. Think about your future and the future of your children.

Most Healthy Products

Nutritionists around the world are still arguing about which foods are good for health, and which foods are better to refrain from eating. This dispute is hundreds of years long, but regarding the benefits of certain products, all doctors and nutritionists unanimously agree.

Apples. In all respects, useful and wonderful fruits. Firstly, the acids contained in apples help fight putrefactive bacteria, so apples are very good for the stomach. They are also useful for the cardiovascular system. Secondly, the composition of apples includes a substance (quercetin), which slows down growth. cancer cells. Nutritionists also recommend eating one or two apples for an afternoon snack to replenish the necessary trace elements. A variety of varieties can satisfy even the most demanding taste.

Onion. Onions are not just a useful product, but also a panacea for all diseases. Every day we add onions to almost all dishes on our table, but we don’t even think about what a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements both root onions and their green shoots contain. Onions have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, and cardiovascular system. It improves immunity and treats colds.

Onion juice treats a runny nose, if you put grated onions on your heels at night, then in the morning you will forget about a cold. Such healing effect is achieved due to the special substances present in the onion - phytoncides. These substances delay the reproduction of pathogens and are able to completely destroy them. It is worth noting that the onion practically does not lose medicinal properties even when heat treatment. Therefore, you have many options to provide your body with useful substances all year round and, moreover, at a very low cost.

Garlic. Just like onions, garlic is rich in nutrients and is just as strong in the fight against colds. In addition, garlic normalizes the flora of your stomach, killing harmful microorganisms. This product is also useful in that it lowers cholesterol in the blood. Of course, raw garlic is much healthier, but after heat treatment, garlic loses its unpleasant odor. On days when you can avoid close contact with people, eat a couple of cloves of fresh garlic, this will have a beneficial effect on your body.

Carrot. There are many vitamins in carrots: A (carotene), which is also called the beauty vitamin, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K, P, PP, minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine , phosphorus, cobalt, etc.), it also contains enzymes, fructose, glucose, lecithin, amino acids, proteins and starch. It is recommended to eat in diseases of the heart, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, high acidity stomach, disorders of salt metabolism and various inflammatory processes. And carrots prevent the development oncological diseases, improves hematopoiesis and is very useful for vision.

Nuts. The listing of all the useful substances contained in nuts will take up the entire space of this article. Nuts are rich in both vitamins and minerals. They increase potency in men and libido in women - a kind of natural Viagra. Nuts are also good for the heart, for vision, and reduce the risk of diabetes by 25-30 percent. Nuts can serve as an additional ingredient in the dish, giving it a piquancy, as well as an independent snack that allows you to “freeze the worm”.

Fish. If you constantly - at least three times a week - include fish instead of meat in the menu, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing and exacerbating heart diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary disease, and others), as well as blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, in terms of its nutritional and culinary qualities, fish is not inferior to meat (it contains many substances useful for the human body - from 13 to 23% of proteins, as well as fats, extractive and mineral substances), and even surpasses it in terms of ease of digestion of proteins.

Milk. Milk, as well as dairy products are very useful for the body. Milk contains much-needed calcium, which strengthens bones. Pregnant women are advised to drink a glass of milk a day to maintain calcium levels. Fermented milk products, or rather the bacteria they contain, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Green tea. drink every day green tea- this is not just a tribute to fashion, it is very healthy. Green tea reduces the risk of strokes, improves immune system. Of course, we are not talking about tea bags. To drink a truly healthy and valuable drink for health, buy only loose tea and preferably produced in countries where the use of chemical additives is prohibited.

Honey. Honey is extremely useful: it increases the body's resistance to many infections and has bactericidal properties. It is recommended to take it in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, etc. This wonderful natural product contains many vitamins (C, K, E, P, group B), enzymes, organic acids and proteins, and among the microelements - the whole periodic table: potassium, calcium, manganese, chromium, sodium, nickel, silicon, magnesium, iron, copper, silver and others.

Bananas. A unique fruit that also boasts unique properties. Bananas relieve stress and replenish lost strength. They contain a huge amount of vitamin A, C, in addition, bananas contain a quarter of the required daily dose of vitamin B6. Bananas normalize bowel function and miraculously replace laxatives. Iron contained in bananas increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. On top of that, the beneficial properties of this product are also in the normalization of the activity of the cardiovascular system, providing the brain with oxygen, neutralizing hyperacidity stomach. But do not forget that the energy cost of a banana is 90 kilocalories per 100 grams, so those who are worried about their waist do not need to get carried away with bananas.

Olives. Both black and green olives have a lot of useful nutrients, vitamins and trace elements for the body. So, for example, olives are especially generous in vitamin E, as well as in iron. Olives can be eaten on their own (black olives drizzled with lemon juice and sprinkled with coarse red pepper are especially good for breakfast, for example), and in dishes (a few olives will spice up the pickle, add a subtle taste to the salad). It is also useful to eat olive oil. Try to make all salads based on it. In addition to the useful properties of olives, as food, they also have aesthetic abilities - they can decorate any dishes very beautifully.

In addition to olives, it is also rich in vitamin E avocado. It also contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary to prevent hypertension.

It is not enough to know what foods are useful and why they are useful, it is also important to take into account the characteristics of your body and regulate nutrition, taking into account these very characteristics. Proper and balanced nutrition can work wonders. Health!


5 most unsafe and cheap products

People most often buy cheap food to save money, or memories of the difficult 90s are firmly planted in their heads. But is it really economical, given the negative health consequences and not the cheapest medical services?

We have studied the beneficial properties of foods known to mankind and selected the 50 most delicious and healthy. For example, ginger, eggs and beans, nutritionists advise to have on the table.

Vegetables and greens

Asparagus. She is appreciated for low level carbohydrates and calories, easy digestibility and a whole range of vitamins (K, B1, B2, B9, C, E, A, PP) and macro- and microelements (zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron).

Bell pepper. Or, as we used to call it, bell pepper. It is not only a bright, crispy and slightly sweet vegetable, but also great source antioxidants and vitamin C.

Broccoli. These dark green inflorescences are useful both in fresh, and frozen: they will easily give odds to many vegetables in terms of protein, fiber and vitamins K and C.

Carrot. The main source of carotene, necessary for a person to grow cells and provide healthy condition skin, mucous membranes and eyes.

Cauliflower. Contains more protein and vitamin C than regular cabbage. Vitamins A, B, PP, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and fiber have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and are able to protect the gastrointestinal tract from the occurrence of ulcers and cancerous tumors.

Cucumbers. They are almost 95% water, making them one of the lowest calorie vegetables. They are low in fat, protein and carbohydrates. Despite this, cucumbers are high in vitamins and nutrients (especially potassium).

Oleg Iryshkin

We all know that vegetables need to be eaten daily, because they contain vitamins and fiber (such food is considered healthy). reverse side is the quality of the products. For example, many vegetables accumulate pesticides and excess nitrates. Therefore, before use, it is better to remove the skin from tomatoes and cucumbers. The second "pitfall" is the wrong cooking time. For example, cereals should be cooked until "al dente", but many of them are digested, thereby destroying the chemical structure of the product.

Garlic. An indispensable vegetable in the fight against colds. When garlic cells are destroyed, allicin is formed - one of the strongest antioxidants, which has a bactericidal and fungicidal (destroys the fungus) effect.

Ginger. Ginger root has a complex composition with a large number of useful substances, including vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fatty acids, and essential oils. Ginger improves digestion and also has detoxifying and immune-boosting properties.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

The chemical composition of ginger root is unique: vitamins B, C, A, E, K, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium. It stimulates the digestive system and brain activity, perfectly fights inflammatory diseases and is even able to reduce toxicosis during pregnancy.

Curly cabbage (kale). This species undeservedly remains in the shade of broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage. Grunkol, or cabbage-kale (as curly cabbage is also called), contains all the necessary amino acids, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. If these arguments are not enough for you, then just add that in terms of nutrient density, it has no equal among all green leafy vegetables.

Onion. Like garlic, it is primarily valued for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in iron and potassium, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, vitamins B and C, and many minerals. Onion retains almost all of its beneficial properties even after cooking.

Tomatoes. The eternal dispute about what a tomato is - a berry, a vegetable or a fruit, seems to have been decided in favor of the latter. Be that as it may, senor tomato contains not only vitamins A, B2, B6, E, K and various trace elements, but also a powerful antioxidant - lycoline, which has an anti-cancer effect.

Sweet potato. Sweet potatoes, despite the high level of glucose, are recommended for diabetics because they are able to stabilize blood sugar levels. Sweet potatoes contain no fat at all, and their proteins and carbohydrates are better absorbed than those of ordinary potatoes.

String beans. Unlike bean seeds, these green beans are not as rich in protein, but they contain many vitamins, folic acid, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Thanks to this, they improve digestion, can reduce blood sugar levels and the risk of heart attack.

Fruits and berries

Apples. A fruit that you can always take with you for a quick snack at any time, wherever you are. They are valued for their high content of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants.

Avocado. They differ from other fruits in that they are 77% healthy fats. Despite this, they are not only tender and tasty, but also healthy: they contain potassium, fiber and vitamin C - available.

Bananas. Not only is it one of the world's most popular berries (yes, a banana is a berry, not a fruit) and a favorite post-workout meal, it's also the best source of potassium, as well as fiber and vitamin B6.

Blueberry. One of the most powerful sources of antioxidants of any food. And you probably know about the benefits of blueberries for vision since childhood.

oranges. All citrus fruits have long had a reputation as the main supplier of vitamin C to the body. In addition, like other fruits, oranges are rich in fiber and antioxidants.

Strawberry. Beneficial for the body, not only low content carbohydrates and calories, but also vitamin C, fiber and manganese.


Lentils. Very tasty and satisfying variety of legumes, one of the best sources squirrel plant origin, vitamins and fiber.

Oleg Iryshkin

PhD, doctor sports medicine and sports dietetics, nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

Lentil is an ancient crop. She is rich vegetable proteins and complex carbohydrates that can keep you full for hours. Lentils are rich in vitamins: C, B₁, B₂, B₃, B6, B₁₂, as well as many minerals. Plus, lentils contain fiber, which improves bowel function and serves as food for beneficial microflora.

Beans. By the amount and digestibility of proteins, it can be compared with meat and fish. Due to the huge amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, this product is recommended for diet food with heart failure and diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

brown rice Thanks to minimal processing, brown rice contains more fiber, magnesium and vitamin B1 than regular rice. Physicians often refer to it as dietary products and celebrate positive influence on blood sugar levels, arterial pressure and prevention of colon and pancreatic cancer.

Oats. This cereal, in addition to the numerous minerals and vitamins that make up its composition, is valued for its high level of fiber (over 30%) and beta-glucans, which reduce the level of "bad cholesterol".

Quinoa. It does not contain a single gram of gluten, only healthy fiber, magnesium and vegetable protein. Quinoa is an incredibly filling food that can be one of your best allies in the fight against extra pounds.

Nuts and seeds

Almond. These nuts are full of vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fiber. Nutritionists claim that almonds help in the fight against overweight and speeds up metabolism.

Chia seeds. Favorite product of the ancient Aztecs last years became popular with vegetarians. Chia seeds are incredibly nutritious and very healthy: 100 g of seeds contain 40 g of fiber and the necessary daily dose magnesium, manganese, calcium and other nutrients.

Coconut. pulp coconut- a source of not only fiber, but also medium fatty acids that will help you with weight loss.

Macadamia. Not the most popular nut in Russia differs from its counterparts high level monounsaturated fats (the healthiest) and low omega-6 fatty acids (not the healthiest). It costs no more than hazelnuts and is sold in large supermarkets, you just need to carefully inspect the shelves.

Walnuts. Only 7 nuts a day (no more, they are very high in calories) can increase human immunity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They contain almost all the vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber necessary for the body.

Peanut. These beans (mistaken by many as nuts) are rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and can help shed a few extra pounds. The main thing - do not replace whole peanuts with peanut butter, otherwise everything will turn out exactly the opposite. roasted peanuts, however, also should not be carried away in any case.

Sweets, pastries and condiments

Dark chocolate. The sweetest item on our list contains half of necessary for the body human daily intake of iron, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants. Recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Oleg Iryshkin

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

The most useful dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans and a minimum sugar content. So, cocoa beans contain antioxidants that eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals. However, including chocolate in your diet, you need to know the measure and not consume this product in excess, beyond the calculated biological balance of food components and individual daily calorie content.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

How easier composition dark chocolate, the better. Ideally, it should contain cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. The percentage of dark chocolate depends on the amount of grated cocoa, for example, 99% is the largest amount of cocoa. Such a product is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and contains a small amount of vitamins B and E. Its use helps stabilize cholesterol levels and improves mood (due to a decrease in cortisol production). The average daily portion of dark chocolate should not exceed 25 grams.

Multigrain bread. Western nutritionists advise eating bread made from sprouted wheat grains with the addition of legumes. It will be difficult to find it in our stores, so we offer regular multi-grain bread as an alternative.

Homebaked bread. If you want to eat healthy bread, you have to cook it yourself. But in homemade bread there will definitely not be gluten, and the amount of carbohydrates will not be as high as in the usual one.

Apple vinegar. It is indispensable not only when preparing a salad, but also when dieting: Apple vinegar reduces appetite and makes you feel full longer. It will also help lower blood sugar levels.

Olive oil. Most healthy oil in the world contains powerful antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Coconut oil. Like coconut pulp, the oil consists of medium fatty acids (90%), which will help to cope with extra pounds. And recent studies have confirmed that it can improve the condition of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Dairy products and meat

Cheese. One slice of cheese contains as much calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and other minerals and amino acids as a whole glass of milk, and it has even more protein than meat or fish.

Yogurt. The fermented milk product preserves everything positive properties regular milk, and due to the content of beneficial bacteria, it also improves digestion.

Butter. natural farm butter contains not only essential saturated fatty acids for our body, but also many nutrients and vitamins A and K2.

Whole milk. One of the best sources of calcium, vitamins, minerals, animal protein and healthy fats - my mother told us about this. True, in other words.

Salmon. This fatty red fish is rich in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for improving memory and the proper functioning and nutrition of the human brain.

Sardines. Small but very useful marine fish that can give the body 2 times more calories than white fish. In addition, they contain a large amount of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals and a complex of vitamins A, D and B. unsaturated fats from sardines are considered healthier than saturated animal fats.

Shellfish. Mussels, snails and oysters occupy one of the first places among all products in terms of the amount of nutrients. These dietary seafood with easily digestible protein can completely replace meat in the human diet. But yes, it's expensive. And oysters are generally decent almost nowhere to be found - except perhaps on Sakhalin and in Vladivostok.

Shrimps. This seafood delicacy contains very little fat and calories, but a large amount healthy protein, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they have a whole range of nutrients, including selenium, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamin B12.

Trout. An interesting fact that says a lot about this fish: it lives only in clean water. According to the content of nutrients, trout can be compared with salmon: a lot of vitamins A, D, B, E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Tuna. In terms of protein content (more than 22%), it easily outperforms all other fish and can be compared with caviar of some commercial species. Vitamins of groups B, A, E, PP, two dozen micro and macro elements and omega-3 fatty acids improve the functioning of the eyes and brain and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 2 times.

As a rule, the foods that are the most delicious for us and that we use with great appetite are also the most harmful. Meanwhile, malnutrition is main reason development of many diseases. Let's analyze which foods are harmful to our body, and which are useful?

Harmful products.
Animal fats, lard, eggs, fatty meat, cream and sour cream in large quantities, as well as foods with a black crust formed during frying, negatively affect the health of the body.

Sweets and flour products. Various cookies, cakes, sugar, sweets and chocolates, as well as sweet juices, are the cause of acne. Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon the use of this category of products, and it is not necessary. It's just better to replace such products with more useful ones. For example, chocolate candies and cakes can be replaced with dried fruits and honey, and sweet drinks with tea and water. If it is absolutely impossible to live without a cake, sometimes you can afford a small piece of low-fat cake (bird's milk or a serving of fruit and berry jelly or soufflé).

White bread. The consumption of white bread has a detrimental effect on our health, as well as on the figure. It does not bring any benefit to the body, it only adds empty calories. A great alternative to white bread is bran bread or unleavened bread. Fortunately, today in stores you can find this type of bread.

In the list of harmful products, of course, you can include different kind chewing sweets, chocolate bars, lollipops, etc., since they contain a large amount of sugar and various chemical additives, flavors, dyes and preservatives.

Separately, I would like to say about the most harmful product that both children and adults adore - these are chips, moreover, both potato and corn. Chips are a dangerous mixture of carbohydrates and fat, coated in dyes and flavor substitutes. French fries are considered less dangerous, but no less harmful.

Sweet carbonated drinks. They contain a huge amount of sugar ( daily rate, necessary for a person, is contained in 250 ml of such a liquid) and various chemicals (flavorings, preservatives) that poison our body. As a rule, carbonated drinks with a lot of sugar add extra calories, but do not carry any benefits. An excellent substitute for sweet carbonated drinks is water with lime, especially in the summer heat, and in winter this drink serves as an excellent antidepressant, since lime affects the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Freshly prepared ones are also a good alternative. fruit juices and fruit salads without sugar.

Products of the meat processing industry (sausage, sausages, etc.). All this sausage assortment contains hidden fats (lard, pork skin, visceral fat), which are masked by flavor substitutes and flavorings. In addition, more and more manufacturers meat products they add genetically modified raw materials to their products, in particular transgenic soybeans, the side effects of which have not yet been fully studied. The fats contained in these products contribute to an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which clogs the blood vessels, thereby accelerating the aging process of the body and increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Mayonnaise. Self-made mayonnaise and used in rare cases and small amounts of special harm to the body will not cause. However, ready-made mayonnaise, to which most of us are accustomed, as well as dishes with its addition, are highly caloric, because mayonnaise contains a huge amount of fat and carbohydrates. In addition, various dyes, substitutes and other "chemistry" are also used in its production. Mayonnaise is especially harmful in the composition of various hamburgers, shawarma, hot dogs. You should not use fat-free mayonnaise as an alternative, consoling yourself with the fact that it contains fewer calories. This is far from true. The number of calories in such mayonnaise is not much less than in ordinary mayonnaise, but various E-supplements- great amount.

The list of harmful products should include ketchup, ready-made sauces and dressings, as well as various dishes fast food, which can be purchased at any supermarket. They contain a huge number of substitutes for flavors and other chemistry, from which there will certainly not be any benefit.

Salt. Everyone knows its second name "white death". Its use reduces pressure, negatively affects the salt-acid balance, and contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Salt lowers blood pressure, disrupts the salt-acid balance in the body, and contributes to the accumulation of toxins. Therefore, if you cannot refuse it, then at least try not to indulge yourself in excessively salty dishes.

Alcohol. Alcohol, as strange as it sounds, is very high in calories. Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol from the school bench. And do not amuse yourself with the thought that in small doses it is good for the body. This is wrong. Even a small amount of alcohol adversely affects the absorption of vitamins by the body. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for healthy lifestyle life.

Products fast food or fast food. All meals, the so-called fast food can be considered a huge source of bad cholesterol. Eating very fatty meat products increases the formation of free radicals in the body, which contribute to the attachment of cholesterol to the walls of blood vessels and their clogging. Besides, free radicals can affect the structure of cells and contribute to their degeneration. Therefore, it is best to eat lean beef for food, and use fresh vegetables as a side dish, because they have so many antioxidants that actively fight free radicals and restore the structure of damaged cells.

Coffee with cream. Regular consumption of coffee with cream can negatively affect your figure. In addition, it is no secret that coffee consumption deprives our teeth of whiteness and natural shine, and excess caffeine can contribute to the rarefaction of bone matter, resulting in very brittle bones. Also, coffee is referred to those products, the use of which causes acne. This is because coffee increases the production of cortisol, a hormone that is responsible for stress and which, in turn, is the main cause of acne in middle-aged people. It is especially harmful to drink sweet coffee on an empty stomach in the morning. According to ongoing research, damage to the body is caused by drinking more than two cups of coffee a day. Therefore, you should only occasionally allow yourself black coffee or coffee with the addition of skim milk. And it is best to give preference to tea, both green and black. The flavanoids it contains have an antioxidant effect, regulate the amount of bad cholesterol, reducing the risk of clogging the artery.

What causes the use of harmful products?
It is no secret that malnutrition is a hidden source of many human diseases. Fatty foods in large quantities contribute to the appearance of excess weight. Constant use food rich in preservatives and dyes poisons the body over time, while at the same time causing addiction. Receiving small portions of toxic substances, the body gradually gets used to them and stops signaling us about it, namely, it does not appear on the skin. allergic rashes, there is no nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

In addition, a person gradually begins to dull the feeling of fullness, which is associated with an abundance of boiled food, which in a special way affects the digestive system. Vegetable food (coarse) has a stimulating effect on the digestive system, so the diet of any person should have more fresh vegetables and fruits.

But not only the quality of the food consumed matters, it is also important in what quantities the food is consumed. Violation of the diet negatively affects the functioning of the body. In the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, we manage to fully eat only in the evening, mostly before bedtime. And since by the evening we experience severe hunger, we most often transmit, and this is reflected in our figure. In addition, such nutrition leads to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, before you eat something very tasty, but harmful, think a hundred times, because such food slowly kills our body.

The most useful products.
Of course, nutritionists still have endless discussions about the harm and benefits of certain foods. However, there are still products, regarding the benefits of which there is a unanimous opinion.

Apples. Apples, no matter how you look at them, are very healthy fruits. They contain acids that effectively fight putrefactive bacteria, and this is of great benefit to the stomach. In addition, the benefits of apples have been proven for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Apples also contain the substance quartzetin, which affects the growth of cancer cells, slowing them down. To replenish the body with the necessary trace elements, nutritionists recommend eating several apples in the afternoon.

Onion. The composition of the onion contains substances that are effective in the fight against pathogenic microbes. In addition, onions are rich in carotene, vitamins, including vitamin C, sugar and mineral salts. Essential oil onion has a bactericidal effect. It is used to treat many diseases, including it effectively lowers blood sugar levels, improves the functioning of the liver, cardiovascular system and thyroid gland, improves immunity, and is also effective in combating colds. Onions owe their properties to the phytoncides contained in it - special substances that prevent the reproduction of pathogens. In addition to onions, carrots, beets and potatoes are useful. It is worth saying that even with heat treatment, the onion retains its medicinal properties.

Garlic. Garlic also contains a huge amount of nutrients and is effective against colds. It has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms and restores the intestinal microflora. In addition, its use reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Raw garlic is most useful, but after thermal exposure, it loses its unpleasant aroma. Therefore, on weekends, when a meeting and communication with strangers garlic should be consumed fresh.

Nuts. The benefits of nuts are undeniable. They are very rich in vitamins and minerals. Their use has a beneficial effect on male potency and female libido. It is very useful to use nuts to improve vision, for heart function, besides, they reduce the risk of developing diabetes. They can be used as an addition to salads, as well as in the form of an independent dish (as a snack).

Fish. Eating fish reduces the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease by several times. There are also a lot of unsaturated fatty acids in fish, which do not allow cholesterol that enters the body with other food to accumulate. It is ideal to replace the consumption of meat with fish, or include more dishes with fish in the diet. Salmon is especially useful, the meat of which contains important omega-3 fatty acids, which can enter our body only with food or as a separate supplement. They reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of cancer.

Milk. Milk and sour-milk products are very important for the body, because they contain the calcium necessary for the body, which strengthens the bones. The bacteria contained in fermented milk products, have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Green tea. Green tea has a number of beneficial properties for our body. It reduces the likelihood of a stroke, increases the body's defenses. Green tea also reduces the risk of tumor formation. And about how useful green tea is for the skin, I generally keep quiet.

Honey. Honey can be called the most useful product. This natural substitute Sahara. Used in the treatment of many colds. In addition, honey is especially useful for the cardiovascular system.

Bananas. They have unique properties, they relieve stress and replenish lost strength. They contain a large amount of vitamins A, C, B6. Their use contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system, intestines, they are an excellent natural laxative. Bananas also contain a lot of iron, which increases hemoglobin in the blood. However, despite all the positive qualities of bananas, it is worth noting that they are quite high in calories, so those who are worried about their figure should not get carried away using them.

Olives. The benefits of olives have been known for a long time. They contain a lot of vitamin E and iron. Olive oil is very useful. Therefore, it is better to fill all salads with it. Regular use olive oil, due to the content of monounsaturated fatty acids in it, reduces blood cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Cauliflower and broccoli. The presence of cauliflower and broccoli in the diet significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cancer prostate. The vitamins and microelements contained in them (iodine, zinc, manganese) not only have a beneficial effect on metabolism, but also have an antitumor effect. They contain protein, which is almost equivalent to animal proteins. The pectin substances contained in these types of cabbage, entering the stomach, prevent the absorption of toxins into the lymph and blood, and also reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Ordinary white cabbage and greens. It is rich in fiber, which effectively removes cholesterol from the body and prevents the development of atherosclerosis, mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins, especially vitamin C in it. Greens are also good for our body, but you need to use it right away, because many vitamins are lost during storage.

Tomatoes. They contain a powerful antioxidant - lycopene, which protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevents the development of cancer, and also lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Tomatoes are also rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

Kiwi. In this exotic fruit a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, mineral salts potassium and fiber, which normalizes digestion and removes cholesterol from the body.

Blueberry. Blueberries are rightfully considered the number one healthy food, as they contain a huge amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients that neutralize free radicals, thereby preventing the development of cancer. In addition, regular consumption of blueberries reduces the risk of developing age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia.

Raisin. A very useful product with a number of useful properties. Strengthens nervous system and heart. It contains substances that can stop the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Black beans. A cup of black beans provides 15 grams of pure protein without artery-clogging saturated fat. Huge benefit beans for heart function, as they contain fiber, iron and a huge amount of antioxidants.

Cranberry. The use of cranberries is effective for colds, because it has an antipyretic effect, and also has a detrimental effect on viruses in acute respiratory infections. Cranberries are also effective in treating hypertension.

This is not the whole list, in addition to the named products, one can note prunes and dark plums, blackcurrant and chokeberry (chokeberry), dark grapes, eggplant, cherries and cherries, spinach, artichokes, raspberries, pomegranates, grapefruit, strawberries, blackberries, cocoa and low-calorie products from it. It is also useful to eat bean sprouts, peas, watercress, wheat.

However, knowledge of products that have beneficial and harmful effects is still not enough. It is necessary to regulate nutrition, taking into account the characteristics of your own body. Proper and balanced nutrition is the way to health. Don't forget about it.

A balanced diet is one of the keys to good health and good health at any age. But not everyone knows what useful products exist, and what it is. unhealthy food. And when you go to the store or to the market, it’s not difficult to get confused from the variety of food you see.

The division into harmful and useful conditionally

Of course, the most important thing to know about the benefits and harms of products is that the division into such groups is very arbitrary. For example, we all know that a ripe red tomato is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, just like a cucumber. Both of these products serve as a good prevention of vascular atherosclerosis, help the body not to accumulate excess weight, remove toxins and toxins, help launch tissue regeneration processes and improve blood properties.

Undoubtedly, cucumbers and tomatoes are a healthy food that can be eaten at any age, except for a period of up to a year due to the risk of allergies. But in fact, everything is more complicated. These products are useful only if grown without the use of synthetic substances, collected in a timely manner and purchased in season. That is, maximum benefit for the body from tomatoes and cucumbers can only be obtained from the end of June to the end of September. The rest of the time, such food, grown in a greenhouse, or spent weeks on the way to the place of purchase from hot countries, is no longer so useful. In addition, due to the abundance of chemical additives in the composition, it can even be classified as harmful products.

Another point is the presence of certain contraindications in humans. For example, cucumbers are not recommended for those who have thyroid dysfunction, kidney disease, and genitourinary system, tendency to edema. And tomatoes can not be eaten with some diseases of the liver and gallbladder, hypertension and gastritis, problems with the joints and spine. Besides, everything is good in moderation. Abuse of cucumbers and tomatoes can lead to exacerbation chronic diseases, nausea and vomiting, poisoning, digestive disorders, the development of allergic reactions.

Important! This is just a particular example of why the division of food into useful and harmful is only conditional. Each specific product can be assigned to any of the groups depending on its quality and properties, as well as individual characteristics person. But there are foods that are bad for everyone. For example, this is fast food, a large number of sweets, sweet soda, chips and other similar food. Such products are especially harmful for children.

Most needed by the body products

The healthiest foods for health are those that are chemical free, tasty, fresh, properly stored and prepared. Be sure to include this in your daily recipes. healthy food Reduce junk food intake. And then in a few days you will feel better, and in a few weeks you will notice not only good health, but also improvements in appearance. We have compiled for you a rating of the most useful and delicious food which can be consumed every day.


Undoubtedly, summer food is the most delicious and healthy. Most often, in the warm season, we include a lot of fruits and berries in our diet. Such healthy food contains vitamins, fiber and minerals, macro- and microelements, bioflavonoids, amino acids. They can be eaten at any time of the day. But for those who suffer from excess weight, high-calorie and sweet fruits are best moved to breakfast or consumed in the morning.

From such food you can prepare salads, eat them fresh, add them to cocktails, compotes, fruit drinks, jams. The high fiber content allows you to normalize digestion and serves as a good prevention of constipation. Among other useful properties of fruits and berries, it is worth noting the improvement of hematopoiesis and blood circulation, increased endurance and immunity, and acceleration of metabolism at the cellular level.


For male and women's health vegetables are also helpful. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, beta carotene, B vitamins, and many other useful substances. Among the useful properties of vegetables, it is worth noting the following:

  • improving digestion and absorption of nutrients from food;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and increasing their tone;
  • level reduction bad cholesterol in blood;
  • acceleration metabolic processes and removal of toxins;
  • cleansing the liver, kidneys and other organs;
  • boosting immunity.

In addition, some vegetables, such as all varieties of cabbage, daily use help reduce the risk of developing cancer and tumors in the body.


Dairy products contain many useful substances that are easily absorbed by the human body at any age. Kefir, curdled milk, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, butter - all this, when included in the daily diet, will help maintain health and beauty. Such foods are good for digestion, normal operation musculoskeletal system and transmission of nerve impulses.

Kefir and fermented baked milk are recommended to be consumed at night with a tendency to constipation and overweight. And sour cream is necessary for those who cannot refuse mayonnaise or have problems with bones and joints. Scientists have also identified the benefits of products made from milk for those who suffer from high blood pressure.


Nuts are the strongest source of energy. They are very high in calories and should be eaten in small amounts. However, they contain a lot useful minerals, vitamins, amino acids that are necessary for the body. Since ancient times, it has been known that walnut, forest, pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews and others improve memory and concentration, promote the production of serotonin, increase efficiency and endurance.

It is one of the main sources of vegetable protein and arginine. It is not without reason that nuts are recommended for athletes and bodybuilders during periods of intense training. Nuts are also useful for children, pregnant and lactating women (if not allergic reaction). You can use these products in a mixture with honey and dried fruits, seeds, aloe and lemon juice, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Fish and meat

Fish and meat are essential foods for humans. Without them, it is difficult for him to maintain balance in the body, as this is one of the main sources of protein - the main building block for our body. Fish and meat contain a large amount of protein, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, some of which the body itself does not produce, macro- and microelements. Fish additionally contains fatty acids involved in many metabolic processes.

Important! The most useful low-fat varieties of fish and meat. Also, try not to buy frozen foods. It is better to give preference to local fresh food. Moreover, it is advisable to eat fish no more than 2 times a week, since it is able to accumulate mercury and other harmful substances in its tissues.

Good carbs

In the list of healthy foods, good carbohydrates occupy a special place. In the tables, this food group, in addition to fresh vegetables and fruits, includes the following foods:

  • beans, soybeans, beans, peas;
  • honey and all bee products;
  • rye bread and bran;
  • different varieties of cereals;
  • bitter natural chocolate (cocoa bean content above 60%);
  • mushrooms;
  • pasta and all products made from durum wheat.

Such food gives satiety and energy for the whole day, saturates with vitamins and minerals, and helps to normalize metabolism.

Important! Except good carbs there are bad ones too. They should not be consumed, since they usually do not bring any benefit to the body. TO bad carbs include potatoes, soft wheat pasta, sweets, sugar, cereals, muesli, white polished rice, white flour products, chips, preserves and jams, popcorn, store-bought yoghurts and cheese curds.

Spicy food

Spicy food serves as a good prevention of atherosclerosis and stagnant processes, stimulates appetite, reduces salt intake by several times, and also helps the body to rejuvenate. In addition, such products help to increase immunity, which is especially important during the cold season, improve the emotional and mental state of a person and return healthy sleep to him.

What to give up

In order to always be healthy, beautiful, feel great and have a good physical shape, it is necessary once and for all to abandon products that are dangerous to the body. Experts warn that junk food- This:

  • canned food, as it contains a lot of preservatives and chemicals, bacteria can accumulate;
  • foods high in caffeine, sugar, salt, and alcohol;
  • sweet pastries;
  • fast food;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and some other sauces;
  • sweet soda;
  • a variety of snacks, as well as chips and crackers;
  • sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • margarine, spread, low-quality butter;
  • variety of sweets, including sweets and cakes.

Also, experts do not recommend eating a lot of fried foods, such as potatoes or meat. There are a lot of studies showing how harmful the foods that you decide to fry, and not boil, bake or stew. It's all about the oil in which the frying takes place. During heat treatment, carcinogens are released in it. Studies confirm the fact that such substances can provoke cancer and other serious diseases.

For your information. It is also not recommended to constantly cook food in microwave ovens. In this case, heating and cooking affects products at the molecular and even atomic level, which can affect the functioning of the entire human body. To avoid harm in this case, buy a quality microwave and use it strictly according to the rules.

As you can see, any product from useful can become harmful. And vice versa. When choosing food for yourself and your family, try to give preference only to natural food grown outdoors, buy vegetables, fruits and berries only in their natural season. Also pay attention to expiration dates. Healthy foods rarely last long. The only exceptions are dried fruits, nuts, oils. But food with synthetic additives, on the contrary, can be stored without changing its external and palatability weeks.

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