The most useful fruits and berries. The healthiest fruits

"Doctors" from the garden and garden help to improve health and get rid of a variety of ailments

Vegetables, fruits and berries have long been included in most health and tonic diets. It is believed that fiber is very useful for obesity, diabetes, because it stimulates intestinal motility. And vegetables and fruits are good for diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and many other ailments.

Top 4 Healthiest Vegetables

1. Red beets

Red beets are the universally recognized "cleaner" of the body number one. Firstly, it contains fiber, phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and a number of organic acids that improve the "movement" of food and destroy bad putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. Secondly, it contains a lipotropic substance - betaine - which makes the liver get rid of toxins more efficiently. And thirdly, beetroot helps to rejuvenate the body due to the folic acid contained in it (more new cells are created) and quartz (the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves).

How to use: boiled, with borscht, in a salad, in the form of a decoction or juice.

2. White cabbage

It contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps to bind heavy metals and toxins, and then remove them from the intestines. In addition, it is rich in organic acids, which improve digestion and normalize the microflora of the digestive system. White cabbage also contains a very rare vitamin U. It neutralizes dangerous chemicals, is involved in the synthesis of vitamins, and even heals ulcers.

How to use: fresh, pickled, in the form of juice.

3. Garlic

One clove of garlic contains more than four hundred useful components. They reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and purify blood vessels, kill cells of glioblastoma multiforme (often becoming the main cause of brain cancer), destroy diphtheria, tubercle bacillus and Helicobacter (the latter causes stomach ulcers), remove worms, etc.

How to use: fresh, ground.

4. Onion

Its main value is phytoncides, which are contained in essential oils. These substances kill many bacteria and fungi in just a few seconds. In addition, onions improve digestion, nutrient absorption, and even appetite. And a large amount of sulfur allows you to effectively neutralize and remove all harmful substances from the body.

How to use: fresh, in a salad, in the form of an alcohol tincture and a cosmetic mask (for acne and blackheads).

Top 10 Healthiest Fruits

1. Apples

Due to the high content of pectin and fiber, apples normalize the work of the entire digestive system - they bind toxins and toxins, improve appetite, stimulate the production of gastric juice, relieve constipation, etc. In addition, apples kill pathogens of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, influenza A viruses.

2. Avocado

Unfortunately, the beneficial properties of this southern guest are almost unknown to our compatriots. However, avocados contain a unique substance - glutathione, which blocks about 40 different carcinogens, relieving the burden on the liver. In addition, it normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves digestion, supplies tissues with oxygen, etc.

3. Banana

This fruit helps reduce blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. It normalizes the work of the stomach, reducing acidity and eliminating heartburn, improves mood. In addition, a banana is quite satisfying, so it can be easily used as a breakfast or snack.

4 Grapefruit

This fruit improves digestion and promotes better absorption of food. Grapefruit also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, accelerating them. With a moderate diet, if you regularly eat grapefruit, you can lose 5-7 kilograms in a few months.

5. Apricot

If the season does not allow you to enjoy fresh natural apricots, then you can replace them with dried apricots (the same apricots, only dried ones). Apricots contain beta-carotene, which is essential in the fight against skin aging and is also good for vision. Dried apricots are rich in iron and magnesium - sources of energy for the body, which also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

6. Mango

This fruit is exotic for our country, but more and more often it begins to appear on store shelves. One mango contains a daily requirement of vitamin C, and in addition, mangoes help prevent arthritis, heal wounds and strengthen the immune system.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is not without reason called a real storehouse of vitamins. This fruit helps cleanse the intestines and has a mild laxative effect. It is especially useful to eat kiwi for weight loss - it strengthens the immune system during weight loss and cleanses the body.

8. Lemon

Everyone knows about the miraculous properties of lemon - it is the number one fruit for colds and strengthening immunity. In addition, lemon is an excellent fat burner, which also helps reduce appetite. With strict control of body weight, a glass of water with a slice of lemon is the most necessary remedy.

9. Papaya

This fruit is not often found in stores. Some nutritionists recommend replacing it with an orange, but one papaya contains 15 times more vitamin C and beta-carotene than an orange. Papaya reduces the risk of polyarthritis and helps lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Even scientists do not deny the benefits of fruits. But most of them cannot single out the most useful among the abundance of fruits.

Note! But based on the positive qualities, the presence of the necessary micro and macro elements, the most useful fruit in the world is an apple.

Table: Top 10 most useful fruits for the human body.

Place in the ranking fruit name Description and properties
1 Apple The composition of apples includes a large amount of pectin and fiber, which helps to stabilize metabolic processes.


Improved digestion.
Beneficial effect on the skin.
Slowing down the synthesis of uric acid.
Acceleration of formic acid catabolism.

Joint diseases.

Apples are recognized as the healthiest fruit because of their pits, which contain the daily intake of iodine, which helps to improve a person's well-being and concentration.

2 Pomegranate Pomegranate is used in folk medicine and cosmetology. A decoction based on it treats open wounds, lesions on the skin and helminths.


Has a disinfecting effect.
Helps with diarrhea due to the tannin it contains.
Prevents the appearance of cancer.
Slows down the growth of cancer cells.
Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Strengthens the nervous system.
Normalizes blood circulation.
It is excellent for ARVI and colds.
Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Lowers blood pressure.
Removes radioactive substances from the human body.

Diseases of the thyroid gland.
Heart ailments.

3 Kiwi Kiwi is great for weight loss. It supplies the human body with all the necessary components.


Breaks down fatty deposits.
Increases immunity.
Increases resistance to stress.
Clears the body of cholesterol.
Removes excess salt.
Prevents the formation of kidney stones.

4 Persimmon Persimmon is popular because of the high amount of potassium, which helps with heart ailments.


Positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Providing an antibacterial effect.
Ridding the body of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
Reducing the burden on the kidneys.
Removal of excess fluid.

Peptic ulcer.
Liver ailments.
Kidney disease.

5 Banana Banana contains a large amount of natural sugar.

diabetes mellitus.
Vascular ailments.
Ulcerative colitis.


Strengthening immunity.
Increasing concentration.
Cleansing the digestive system.
Reducing fatigue.
Body toning.
Accelerated muscle building.

6 Avocado Prevents aging.
Gets rid of excess weight.
Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Reduces blood pressure.
Has an antibacterial effect.
Normalizes the water-salt balance.
Increases stress resistance.
Normalizes the work of the heart.
Increases immunity.
Effectively fights constipation.
Slows down the growth of cancers.
Strengthens the skeletal system.
7 A pineapple Eating pineapple helps digest and absorb protein.
Toxin cleansing.
Breakdown of fat deposits.
Strengthening immunity.
Lowering blood pressure.
Prevents stroke.
Soothes pain sensations.
It has a positive effect on the digestive system.
8 figs Strengthening the nervous system.
Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
It is used for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases.
9 Grape It has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin.
Slows down aging.
Removes stains on teeth.
Supports the proper functioning of the body.
Improves the work of the heart.
Normalizes metabolism.
10 Orange/Grapefruit Prevention of the appearance of acne and rashes on coffee.
Evening skin tone.
Appetite improvement.
Strengthening the body.
Lowering cholesterol.
Removal of bleeding gums.
Providing an antipyretic effect.

Useful berries

Many scientists note that berries are much healthier than fruits. They contain more vitamins and useful components.

List of berries useful for human health:

Important! The acai berry is recognized as the most useful berry. They contain a large amount of antioxidants that help fight premature aging and cell death.

The healthiest vegetable for women and men

Not only fruits are useful. For the normal functioning of the digestive tract, the human diet must include vegetables. But they should be useful and able to enrich the body with all the necessary substances and vitamins.

  1. tomatoes. Tomatoes prevent the development of cancer, are rich in vitamins and normalize blood pressure.
  2. Broccoli. Cabbage is rich in antioxidants, perfectly strengthens the immune system, helps fight viral infections.
  3. Brussels sprouts contains a lot of folic acid, necessary during pregnancy.
  4. Carrot popular due to the presence of beta-carotene, which improves vision and skin condition.
  5. Pumpkin is an invaluable assistant for:

    Heart disease.
    Rheumatoid arthritis.

  6. Sweet Potato or Sweet Potato. Vitamin A and manganese predominate in its composition. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  7. Eggplant helps to strengthen the heart and nerves. It contains nasunin, a component that prevents the destruction of human brain cells.
  8. bell pepper. Rich in lycopene and folic acid.
  9. Spinach. The constituent component is chlorophyll, which helps fight many diseases.
  10. Onion. The heptides contained in the vegetable slow down the process of destruction of calcium. This vegetable is useful for children during the formation of the skeletal system.

Healthy fruits and vegetables for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the diet is selected very carefully, because many vegetables and fruits can cause allergies.

Note! Vegetables and fruits recognized as healthy for pregnant women can pose a serious threat, so you should consult your doctor before eating them.

Table: healthy fruits and vegetables during pregnancy.

Fruits are very tasty - this alone makes them useful, because tasty, juicy food improves mood. A sufficient amount of fruit in the human diet is the prevention of heart disease and stroke, protection against cancer, normalization of blood pressure, preservation of vision. Vitamins and trace elements contained in berries and fruits help to strengthen the immune system.

Health authorities in many countries around the world recommend that people eat 5-7 different fruits and berries. Portions may not be large at all, the main thing is variety. If it is difficult to eat a lot of fruit, you can drink freshly squeezed juice or make fruit purees, cold berry soups and smoothies.

What fruits should be included in your diet? We offer a list of the most useful fruits and berries that you must eat - whole, in juice or in puree.

The most useful fruits and berries: TOP 15

1. Apple

100 g contains 40-50 kcal. One medium apple contains approximately 75 kcal.

Add to list "The Healthiest Fruits" almost always hits an apple, regardless of which doctor made the top list. An English proverb says: Eat an apple before bed and doctors will be out of work". Apples contain iron, so they are especially recommended for children, teenagers and pregnant women. Apples contain flavonoids that reduce the likelihood of developing asthma and diabetes.

2. Avocado

100 g of avocado contains approximately 160 kcal. One medium avocado has about 230 calories. Avocados are rich in vitamin E and folic acid.

The value of avocados is enormous: read more about this in our article "". The main advantage of avocado is that it contains monounsaturated acids, which reduce cholesterol levels. Vessels and heart remain young and healthy.

3. Banana

100 g of banana contains approximately 80 kcal. One large banana can have 160 calories. Banana is rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

Bananas always end up in healthiest fruits list. They contain a lot of fiber necessary for the intestines. A lot of vitamin C. Bananas contain a huge amount of potassium, which gives energy and strength. Potassium helps to lower blood pressure, improve muscle condition.

4. Blueberries

100 g of blueberries contain only 40 kcal. Blueberries are most valued because they are rich in antioxidants that prevent aging of the body.

The high levels of antioxidants found in blueberries may reduce the risk of age-related diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Therefore, the older the person, the more often he needs to eat blueberries. Contrary to popular belief, blueberries do not cure eye diseases. It is only useful as prevention of visual impairment, since the substances contained in it help to improve blood circulation in the retina of the eye. In general, blueberries are rich in essential vitamins A, B and C, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and on vision as well.

Blueberries keep well in the freezer. Rinse fresh blueberries with lukewarm water, dry with a towel, put in containers and put in the freezer. Frozen blueberries can be eaten all winter long. After taking it out of the freezer, it must be left for a short time at room temperature - it will quickly defrost. When defrosted, the berry will give juice, which can be added to your morning fresh juice or sauce. The berry itself can be put in porridge, yogurt, salads, or used to make creams and toppings for sweet desserts.

5. Cherry

100 g of cherries contain 55 kcal. Cherries are rich in antioxidants.

Cherries contain the antioxidant anthocyanins, which can reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, cherries are high in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, which makes cherries beneficial for immunity and psychological well-being.

6. Cranberry

100 g of cranberries contain only about 20-30 kcal.

For the peoples of the north, cranberries have always been the healthiest berry helping to recover from many diseases. It is also good because it can be stored fresh, without a special preparation - just pour fresh cranberries into a wooden box or cardboard box and put them in the cold.

Cranberry has an antibacterial effect - it serves as a defense against infections, and also helps to cure infectious diseases. This is especially true for cranberries when it comes to urinary tract infections.

In addition, cranberries are believed to prevent kidney stones.

Oral baths with slightly diluted cranberry juice are effective for periodontitis - the gums are strengthened, the general condition of the oral cavity improves. And since cranberry juice kills bacteria, such baths are also.

7. Grapes

100 g of grapes contain approximately 70-80 kcal. Grapes are a source of antioxidants and manganese.

Not all nutritionists include grapes in List of "The most useful fruits and berries" because grapes make you fat. It is quite high in calories, and also promotes the absorption of fats. However, in everything you need to observe the measure - if you eat only a few grapes at a time, then it will only bring benefits.

The skin of grapes contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which reduces the risk of blood clots and helps lower blood pressure. So, protects the heart from wear and disease. In addition, resveratrol has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Studies in rats have shown that resveratrol prevents the development of cancer (skin and gastrointestinal).

8 Grapefruit

100 g of grapefruit contains about 40 kcal. Grapefruit is especially rich in vitamin B.

Pink grapefruit contains flavonoids and lycopene - these substances are useful in protecting the body from cancer. Grapefruit contains pectin, which protects against aging (including the skin, for which grapefruit is especially valued by women) and helps lower cholesterol levels.

9. Kiwi

100 g of kiwi contains about 50 kcal. In one medium kiwi without skin - about 40 kcal. Kiwi is rich in vitamins C and E, as well as magnesium and potassium.

Kiwi is very rich in vitamin C, which means it improves immunity. Kiwi is good for bones, teeth, gums, cartilage. Frequent consumption of kiwi fruit is believed to help lower triglyceride levels (high triglyceride levels increase the risk of heart disease).

Kiwi is usually peeled, but it is not necessary to do this - you can simply wash the kiwi and cut it into rings right with the skin on. Kiwi skin is edible.

10. Orange

100 g of orange contains about 40 kcal. Orange is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and potassium.

Orange is a good source of folic acid, especially needed by pregnant women and those who are just preparing to conceive. Orange is useful for everyone: it contains vitamins necessary for good immunity, and substances that reduce triglycerides and cholesterol.

11. Pineapple

In 100 g of pineapple 50-55 kcal.

Pineapple contains the natural enzyme bromelain, which breaks down fats and proteins. This improves metabolism. Pineapple activates digestion. Bromelain helps to lose weight. In addition, bromelain prevents the appearance of blood clots, inhibits the growth of malignant cells, and increases the rate of wound healing.

12. Pomegranate

100 g of pomegranate contains 50-60 kcal. One medium pomegranate contains approximately 105 kcal. Rich in vitamin C, a number of minerals and trace elements.

Pomegranate is rich in tannins that protect the heart - regular consumption of pomegranates reduces the risk of heart attacks. Pomegranate contains anthocyanins, useful for a quick recovery from inflammatory diseases. Pomegranate juice is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia (the pomegranate contains iron).

13. Raspberry

100 g of raspberries contain about 50 kcal. Raspberries are a source of folic acid and magnesium.

Raspberries are not often included in list of healthiest fruits and berries- it is often referred to as a pleasant seasonal delicacy. However, raspberries are rich in ellagic acid, which helps prevent cervical cancer. Raspberries contain antioxidants that protect the body from premature aging. Folic acid and magnesium are essential for everyone. Moreover, it has been established that 8-9 people out of 10 suffer from magnesium deficiency. And magnesium is vital - for example, calcium is not absorbed without it. Useful raspberries and anemia.

Raspberries are high in calories and contain a lot of sugar. For people with excess weight and diabetes, raspberries are shown in very limited quantities! Raspberries can cause food allergies!

14. Pear

100 g of pear contains approximately 55 kcal. In one fairly large pear - 95-100 kcal. Pear is rich in fiber.

15. Watermelon

100 g of watermelon contains only about 30 kcal. Watermelon is rich in vitamin B.

Watermelon is 92% water. It gives a feeling of satiety, while a person receives very few calories. So, watermelon allows you to lose weight. Watermelon is a diuretic, it relieves swelling. Watermelon can be eaten very often, but not in huge portions - 2-3 slices of watermelon per day will be enough.

Helpful information

free radicals These are harmful molecules that form naturally in the body during chemical reactions. But the formation of free radicals is especially promoted by smoking, bad air, pesticides, and radiation. Free radicals damage body cells. This leads to premature aging as well as heart disease and cancer.

Antioxidants- natural or synthetic substances that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Fresh fruits and berries, as well as freshly squeezed juices, are richest in antioxidants. The healthiest fruits and berries listed in this article contain enough antioxidants to keep the body young and healthy for a long time.

The value of fruits in human nutrition is imperceptible at first glance, but it is irreplaceable by taking pharmacological mineral-vitamin complexes. This is because the role of fruits in nutrition is not limited to the supply of minerals and vitamins in combination with other types of nutrients. The main benefit of fruits in nutrition is the regulation of all digestive processes due to pectins, fructose and vegetable fiber.

If no one doubts the benefits of vegetables, then many misconceptions are associated with fruits. At the same time, people often fall into one of two extremes: either temporarily almost completely switch to eating fruits (“They are so healthy!”), Or they try to exclude individual fruits from daily consumption (“They are sweet!”).

Useful properties of fruits

The beneficial properties of fruits begin with the fact that they are able to quickly satisfy hunger and saturate the blood with easily digestible fructose. Love for cakes and pastries will sooner or later negatively affect the figure. It is better to replace them with sweet fruits. These are also sweets, only more useful.

Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, etc. - should always be on your menu. Eat them instead of sweets when you really crave sweets. But dry fruits alone are not enough. In addition to them, you need to eat any three fruits a day, such as an apple, peach, kiwi.

What are the benefits of fruits for humans

You need to figure out how fruits are useful for a person who limits himself to his usual diet and adheres to a particular diet. You have probably heard that if you want to lose weight, bananas should be excluded from the menu. Like, it's better to eat a pie than a banana. Is it true? No, this is another myth. If there are no medical contraindications, primarily diabetes and allergies, then we are talking only about quantitative restrictions on bananas.

It is impossible to exclude any products from the diet of a practically healthy person. The first principle of a balanced diet is variety. By the way, the calorie content of 100 grams of bananas is 96 kcal, and a pie is 200-250 kcal. Calculate for yourself what you should prefer.

fruit intake

The intake of fruits not only does not saturate the body with extra calories, but also allows you to get rid of harmful addictions to sweet foods. The misconception about the high calorie content of fruits is very popular. To debunk it, I’ll say right away: the average energy value of fruits does not exceed 50-60 kcal. For example, in 100 grams of apples there are 45 kcal, in 100 grams of oranges - 40 kcal.

Bananas are somewhat higher in calories. But these are not the calories that remain in the body in the form of a fat layer. Most of them are not absorbed due to dietary fiber, which reduces the absorption of carbohydrates.

Checked by personal experience and the experience of patients: if in the morning or before 16-17 hours you manage to have a snack with three sweet fruits or eat a sweet fruit as soon as you want sweets (in addition to the main meal), then very soon you will find that you remember less about favorite non-diet sweets. And a little later, they will begin to seem cloyingly sweet to you after fruit. If you try to stick to this rule for one to two weeks, you will easily part with three extra pounds without changing anything in your diet, only replacing sweets with three sweet fruits as a snack.

Bananas in small quantities are allowed even with uncomplicated diabetes mellitus, since they are dominated by fructose, which does not require as much insulin to assimilate as glucose does.

Thus, a person, feeling a sweet taste, enjoys food, while fructose itself is partially excreted along with.

Even the sweetest fruits, including bananas, are low-calorie foods!

There are recommendations in the literature that fruits should be eaten separately from other foods. What is it connected with? In addition to protein dishes, fruits and vegetables should form the basis of our menu. Their number in the diet should also be controlled, and this is quite simple to do. As has been repeatedly mentioned, you need to set yourself a clear goal: eat three fruits and two vegetable salads a day. Salads can be tied to the main meals - for lunch and dinner. But it is better to snack on fruits, without mixing them with other food. Firstly, this way you will enjoy their taste as much as possible. Secondly, there is no need to increase the amount of food consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner - it is already enough. Do not stretch the walls of the stomach.

The effect of fruits on the human body

In order to enhance the effect of fruits on the human body, in the morning you can eat some juicy, soft, sweet fruit, if there are no contraindications - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. And do not forget that during the day you have to eat at least two more fruits between main meals.

Are fruits combined with dairy and sour-milk products? It really does fit everything! If you do not want to give up your favorite fruit yogurts and curds, then you do not need to do this. The same cottage cheese contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. No one chemically removes any of the components from it. Proper nutrition is a varied diet. And any nutritionist will attest that mixed foods are one way to provide variety. By adding a banana to the cottage cheese, you will enrich the dish, increase its benefits.

In recent years, the number one enemy of health is the general pollution of the body, in connection with which it is recommended to completely cleanse the lymph at least once a year. What is required for such a "general cleaning"? Just for three days in a row, there are lemons, oranges and grapefruits in a simple pattern. What can be said about this? If possible, then citrus fruits should be consumed not three or even 33 days a year, but more often.

The benefits of including them in the diet are undeniable, but only if it is balanced. Another question is, are citrus fruits able to purify the lymph? Medicine does not have such information. Lymph is a liquid tissue of the body contained in the lymphatic vessels and nodes. It is formed as a result of the absorption of tissue fluid into the lymphatic vessels. If a person is healthy, the lymph nodes should not let anything superfluous into the lymph.

So eat your favorite fruits daily and the body will cleanse itself. Give him a broom!

Kiwi is the record holder for the content of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C in this fruit is 6 times more than in lemon. In order for your body not to experience a lack of ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat one kiwi a day.


Grapes are especially useful for those who have heart problems. 300 g of grapes contains the daily rate of potassium, which regulates the course of metabolic processes in the heart muscle and ensures the conduction of the heart impulse. In addition, grapes are just a godsend for hypertensive patients: it reduces pressure, dilates blood vessels, and eliminates stagnation.


Apples are also extremely useful. These fruits help to increase hemoglobin and remove toxins from the body, and in terms of the amount of iron they are second only to meat. An apple can be safely called a beauty fruit: they prolong youth, improve complexion, and promote weight loss.


Pomegranate is a small treasure trove of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. Pomegranate juice is prescribed for atherosclerosis, anemia, asthma, and gastric diseases. The fruit is simply necessary for those who want to strengthen their immunity, and it also helps prevent cancer. Regular consumption of pomegranate juice improves the condition of the skin and hair.


Bananas are quite high in calories, but despite this, you should not completely exclude them from the diet. These delicate fruits contain trace elements that contribute to the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. If you want to always be in a great mood, eat two small bananas every day.

So, we made sure that each fruit has its own unique properties, and each of them is useful in a certain case. If you have a cold - the most useful fruit for you - kiwi, if you are depressed - eat bananas, if you want to cleanse the body or lose weight - lean on apples!



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