What can you eat after 6 when you lose weight. Low fat dairy products

We all know that it is impossible to eat tightly at night. This not only threatens with the deposition of fat reserves, but also with a deterioration in well-being, and possibly insomnia due to a full stomach. But on the other hand, falling asleep in the pangs of hunger is unnatural and unpleasant, it is also possible that blood glucose levels will drop, which will lead to poor health in the morning.

Few people can fall asleep to the rumbling of their hungry stomach and obsessive thoughts about food. If you still managed to fall asleep hungry, it is more likely that you will wake up in the middle of the night, spit on everything and go to the kitchen. Looking for the golden mean! In the evening, you do not need to starve, just dinner should be light. Therefore, in the evening it is necessary to eat. Today on site website We will tell you what foods you can and should eat in the evening, and which ones you can’t.

Products for the evening menu

We exclude food containing carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning and afternoon. Of course, it is best if these are foods with a low glycemic index. They do not cause a sharp increase in sugar and the release of insulin, and then the onset of acute hunger.

Of course, sometimes you can treat yourself to your favorite sweet, a piece of cake, buns and pie, but only in the morning.

We include in the evening menu products that consist mainly of protein, fiber, rich in minerals and vitamins and a minimum amount of fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates.

  1. Dairy low-fat products- kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, milk. They contain protein, which is the building material for our cells, as well as calcium - it relieves stress and calms the nervous system.
  2. Fiber, vegetables. Vegetables can be eaten in the evening in any form. Stewed, boiled dishes consisting of carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers supply the body with the necessary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Potatoes are also included here, but their consumption should be limited and reduced compared to other vegetables.
  3. Fresh vegetable salads. Fresh salads from vegetables and herbs are well suited for an evening menu, especially in summer. Just do not fill them with fatty mayonnaise. A small amount of vegetable oil, sunflower or olive will work better for these purposes. You can add lean meat to them.
  4. Fish and seafood. Shrimp, squid, sea fish also contain easily digestible protein, essential fatty acids, and phosphorus. Feel free to include seafood in your diet.
  5. Lean poultry meat: chicken breast, turkey. Fatty meat of pork, beef should not be eaten at night. But light dietary poultry meat is well suited for an evening meal. You can also include lean beef in small amounts.
  6. Dried fruits rich in minerals, but also high in sugar. A few things in the evening won't hurt. And so it is better to eat them in the morning.
  7. Bread should be whole grain, with bran, mainly consisting of rye flour.
  8. Eggs you can also eat in the evening. But, if you are in the process of losing weight, it is better to eat egg white without yolk or with a small content of it. For example, an omelette of 3 whites and 1 yolk.

As you can see, the choice is very large and from the list of products you can cook a wide variety of dishes for the evening. It is best to eat 2 hours before bedtime, at least 1 hour before bedtime.

But what if you want to eat late at night? Tatyana Rybakova will talk about this in her video blog.

Good day to you, my dear readers! What do you think you can eat after 6? A good question, which suggests that you can still eat in the evening. And indeed, after 6 pm life does not end, and the stomach, which does not know what, insistently requires food.

And he does it right, because after a break between meals for more than 10 hours, our body turns on a kind of accumulation mode - it begins to store food in stocks to the maximum. You don't have breakfast at 4 am, do you? So, you can not only have dinner, but you need to.

Let's figure out what food you can eat after 6 pm and even before bedtime, in order to lose weight at the same time.

What to eat after 6 to lose weight?

I would like to clarify right away that 6 pm is a very conditional time. In fact, it is recommended to eat no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Therefore, if you go to bed at 12 at night, then you may well eat the last time at 8 o'clock.

And this recommendation applies not only to those who want to lose weight, but also to those who want to effectively restore their strength overnight. The fact is that at night our body produces a special hormone that gives us strength, builds new cells and rejuvenates the body.

Moreover, there are foods that you can eat at least at night, and they will not interfere with your gaining strength and losing weight.

And an important note: you can eat after 6 and other foods and dishes, but in order for you to lose weight, your dinner must be light - low-fat and low-carb.

We'll talk about examples later.

Eating After 6: General Principles

Let's discuss the general principles of evening meals - there are not so many of them.

To lose weight, after six you need to eat protein foods (always low-fat) and fiber. It is protein and fiber that do not cause weight gain when you eat them even in the evening, even at night.

But carbohydrates and fats will only slow down your weight loss, and in cases of busting with them, they will even add unnecessary weight to you.

Dinner after 6 pm: the most reliable options

The most reliable option for evening meals are dairy protein products (necessarily low-fat) and fiber.

It would be ideal to eat low-fat cottage cheese or kefir (however, any fermented milk product is suitable - ryazhenka, varenets, etc.) with fiber (and these are well-known bran, which are widely used for weight loss).

Such a set will not let you get better, even if you eat it right before bed. Take kefir, add bran to it, wait until they swell a little, eat and go to bed calmly.

Evening food: other examples

In addition, non-starchy vegetables can be eaten as a late dinner. These are all types of cabbage, pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, tomato. Berries are also not forbidden, and, of course, a variety of greens.

From protein foods, you can also eat an omelet (especially an omelet from some proteins), lean fish and seafood - all of these are quite light.

What is undesirable to eat in the evening?

So, what after 6 (more precisely - 4 hours before bedtime) is not necessary to eat?

Fats and simple carbohydrates (flour, sweet) are definitely not suitable for eating in the evening.

Meat, even dietary white poultry meat, is better not to eat at night, because. meat is digested for a long time - 4-7 hours, and not only will it not allow "weight loss" processes in the body to start, but it will also interfere with your restful sleep.

As for dairy products, in the evening it is better to exclude cheese - this is a rather fatty product.

Fruit is also undesirable, because. most fruits contain quite a lot of carbohydrates.

What food should you choose for dinner?

Based on the listed products allowed in the evening, try to choose something that seems satisfying to you, and, most importantly, tasty.

It's easy - protein meals are always very satisfying. It remains to figure out how to cook them so that dinner is a success.

In the evening, you are allowed all methods of cooking without fat - stewing, steaming, grilling, baking.

For example, fish baked in a bag with spices will decorate any table, and a steamed omelet is much more tender than fried. Seafood stewed with vegetables is a rather gourmet meal, and cottage cheese with berries is almost a dessert. In a word, you can eat deliciously, and at the same time lose weight 🙂

Is it possible to lose weight if you fast after 6?

Pretty popular myth. However, there is some truth in it, although for most modern people it still does not work.

When a break in food intake is more than 12 hours, then enzymes (proteins that regulate various chemical processes in our body) begin to store fat in fat cells. And this is absolutely normal - the mechanisms for storing energy are turned on, because fat for the body is also energy.

So if you stopped eating after six, then be kind enough to have breakfast before six in the morning. Does not work? Then eat a light dinner, and do not let the body make additional fat reserves.

Even if you are the lucky one who has no appetite at all in the evening, drink at least a glass of kefir or eat an apple. Then new fat deposits due to long breaks between meals will not appear.

So, eating after 6 is allowed even for those who want to lose weight. It's all about making the right choice. I wish you easy harmony! And don't let your dinner look like a dull strict diet!

P.S. By the way, read about nutrition for weight loss: - 10 correct answers with portion sizes and other useful information.

P.P.S. And a little about "magic". Why in quotes? How else can you relate to perspective? Oddly enough, but it really looks like magic... Read the details at the link.

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

We all know that eating at night is bad. But not all of us can follow this rule. It is all the more difficult in the modern rhythm of life to keep fit and monitor your diet. A modern person spends the whole day in motion, at work, in traffic jams. Getting home in the evening, he begins to sweep everything that his eyes see from the shelves of the refrigerator.

Therefore, the question of what to eat in the evening is extremely relevant for all of us. Moreover, the unspoken law “do not eat after six” simply does not work. And those who are fanatical about their body and believe that it is better to eat nothing than to fill their stomach, deplete their body, and, as a rule, simply become incapacitated due to a lack of useful trace elements.

In the article we will try to figure out what is right to eat in the evening, so as not to get better, but at the same time saturate the body with the necessary substances. It is important to consider that nutrition for women, men and children is somewhat different.

For or against a late dinner

Before talking about what to cook for dinner, it is important to determine the optimal time for consuming the last serving of food. It also depends on how you eat throughout the day.

Today, the restrictions are not so categorical. It is not necessary to have time to eat the last time at 6 pm if you work and go to bed at 12 am. Our body must receive food throughout the day at regular intervals. Otherwise, no matter how much we want it, a person will get hungry at night and go to the refrigerator.

So, the most optimal time for the last meal is at least 2 hours before bedtime. Maximum - 4 hours. This is just enough for the food to be digested. After all, if we fall asleep with a full stomach, we wake up tired in the morning, because all night long our body, instead of resting, spends all its energy on digesting food.

daily calorie intake

Dinner is definitely considered one of the important meals. But it should account for the least amount of calories from the daily intake, which for a woman is 1800 calories, for men - 2200.

Therefore, when answering the question of what you can eat in the evening, it is important to consider that the food is low-fat. Food processing also matters. At night, it is undesirable to eat fried foods, it is better to boil, stew or steam food.

And if in modern conditions of life it is not possible to observe the daily routine, then it is simply necessary to follow the rules of healthy nutrition.

Rules for eating in the evening

Before talking about what to cook for dinner, consider the basic rules for eating in the evening.

To begin with, each of us needs to realize one simple thing - a person cannot control the work of his biological clock. What does it mean? After all, we cannot influence the beat of the heart, the rhythms of breathing. Also, we cannot regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. We can only help him.

In addition to the fact that the body should not be stuffed with food before bedtime, it should also not be left hungry. This contributes to the fact that at night he begins to digest his own fats, thereby becoming exhausted. Everything should be in moderation. This also applies to our food. It is important to find the "golden mean".

It is necessary to take into account such a criterion as the age category. After all, the body of a mature person needs carbohydrates much less than a child's or a young person's body.

What to eat in the evening for an adult

It is important to understand that a late dinner is not the best option for dieters. Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor their diet for people suffering from diabetes or hepatitis. In such cases, it is necessary to take into account the index that any product has. It depends on it the rate of digestibility of food by the body.

Those foods that have a low index are great for a night or evening snack. They should contain the least amount of carbohydrates and fats and more fiber and vitamins.

So, what can an adult eat in the evening:

  • Any dairy products that are low in fat. Calcium, which they have, helps relieve stress, and protein restores cells and tissues.
  • Vegetables. They are best steamed, stewed or grilled without the addition of vegetable oil. For dinner, stewed tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers are perfect. They contain substances that help remove toxins from the body and slow down the aging process, but not all vegetables can be eaten in the evening. Sweet potatoes and potatoes for dinner are better not to eat. In the evening they can be eaten occasionally.
  • Seafood. Must be included in the menu for both adults and children. Protein, which is contained in large quantities in fish, is easily absorbed by the body, while not overloading it at night.

  • Cellulose. It is better to use it in its pure form, pouring one tablespoon with a glass of boiled water. Of course, there is a lot of fiber in foods like a banana, but it also contains glucose, which is very harmful to the body when consumed before bed.
  • animal protein. Most of it is found in chicken fillet. At the same time, the amount of fat is minimal, unlike pork or lamb.
  • Steamed chicken fillet with vegetables is a great option for dinner.
  • Dried fruits. They can be consumed only in small volumes, pre-filled with water. They contain a sufficient amount of natural sugar. It is undesirable for people on a diet to include dried fruits in their diet.
  • Chicken or quail egg. It is useful to eat them both in the morning and in the evening. But in the afternoon, it is best to consume only protein.

We have considered far from the entire list of products that you can eat in the evening. But you can build on them and roughly determine the rest. The choice of products from which you can make a diet for dinner is quite large.

Products for the evening for children

Oddly enough, but children also have their own dietary restrictions. Although we are used to cooking children fatter and more high-calorie, this does not mean that their body can withstand such a load. After all, many parents are afraid that the child may lose weight. And for some reason, no one is afraid of the fact that because of the current diet, the percentage of childhood obesity is growing. And the worst thing is that parents, seeing how their child is getting fat, categorically find themselves doing something about it. Like, it will outgrow and everything will be fine, but this is far from the case. The process of obesity, started at a young age, only worsens over the years, which leads to many serious diseases already in adulthood.

What to cook for dinner for children

For some reason, many mothers believe that porridge at night is the very thing that her child needs. Alas, this is not so. Porridge - carbohydrates that absolutely can not be eaten in the afternoon for an adult, not to mention a child.

Do not forget that children who regularly attend kindergarten receive balanced meals there for the whole day. Give me some sour milk. It can be yogurt, curdled milk or milk. A milkshake is perfect.

A salad of fresh vegetables or fruits is also useful. You can give freshly squeezed juice.

It is undesirable to give meat to a child in any form. It can cause colic or diarrhea, as well as painful drowsiness.

Also in the diet of the baby, you can include vegetable puree, cottage cheese fruits or cottage cheese with fruits. If your child tolerates dairy products well, teach him to drink a glass of warm milk with honey before bed. This will calm the nervous system well and help restore the energy wasted during an active day.

food for pregnant women

An erroneous myth - "if I'm pregnant, I can eat from the belly." This is not only harmful, but in some cases dangerous. After all, the more a woman recovers, the more the fetus grows. And this is harmful for both the mother and her baby.

Proper and nutritious nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to the success of the health of mother and child.

A woman should eat at least five times a day. Accordingly, she will have two dinners.

It is also worth considering the individual intolerance of products by the female body during pregnancy. It was during this period that he was very picky. Consider a list of basic products.

So, what is better to eat in the evening for a pregnant woman:

  • Boiled egg combined with fresh vegetable salad. You can pour non-acidic juice.

  • Vinaigrette and black tea. Instead of pickles in a salad, use fresh ones.
  • A piece of black bread, steamed fish, black tea with lemon.

Women suffering from edema are not recommended to drink large amounts of liquid. It is also necessary to minimize the amount of salt. The emphasis should be on vegetable salads, herbs and lemon juice. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats. It can be sesame or pumpkin seeds.

Dinner for those who are losing weight

A large number of young people lead an active lifestyle. They try to spend their free time in gyms, fitness clubs and other places where you can tighten your figure. Plus, girls try to stick to a diet, but at the same time they can constantly be undernourished and receive less useful trace elements.

When choosing products, it is important to consider their compatibility and digestibility. At the same time, for athletes and those who purposefully lose weight, the diet must be compiled individually.

Consider what to eat in the evening so as not to get better:

  • Banana. If such a high-calorie product does not suit the first category of people, then it is just right for athletes. Thanks to the hormone tryptophan in its composition, a banana has a positive effect on the athlete's nervous system, calms it down and helps to get enough sleep. It is better to choose ripe fruits. Green fruits are bad for the digestive system.
  • Beet. It contains betaine, which affects fat burning. Vitamin cocktails, soups and juices for sports nutrition are prepared from beets. For dinner, beets can be consumed boiled and with chicken fillet.
  • Celery. This is a unique vegetable that can be consumed by anyone who does not want to get better. There is a minimum number of calories per 100 grams of the product - only 10. It also has a high fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of celery has a positive effect on the strength of hair and nail growth. Helps to cleanse the skin. With all its positive qualities, celery enhances the removal of water from the body. Therefore, if you don’t know what you can’t eat in the evening, if you don’t want to lose weight - celery salad with sour cream and a pinch of salt. Plus, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

  • Salad with fresh vegetables, boiled chicken breast, low-fat yogurt.
  • Salad with vegetables and feta cheese, a glass of warm milk, a couple of bananas.
  • Vinaigrette without cucumbers, boiled chicken meat, a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  • Beet salad with sour cream, steamed fish, fruit juice.
  • Celery salad with cabbage, stewed zucchini, vegetable juice.
  • Vegetable stew with meat, herbal tea.
  • Stewed fish with vegetables, tea with lemon.

What foods should be eaten for dinner so as not to get better

Women who want to lose weight quickly and not engage in physical activity often refuse dinner altogether. This is fundamentally the wrong decision. For the body, this is stress, it can be given to you by the body in the form of various diseases. So just stop and stop losing weight.

If you really want to lose weight, break your diet into five parts, while portions should be small.

Throughout the day, try to eat more vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil, eat vegetables in season. It is not necessary to buy artificially grown tomatoes or cucumbers in winter. It can be carrots, beets, white cabbage. In summer, the variety of vegetables is so great that it is difficult to list them all. Add seasonal herbs to salads. In addition to olive oil, the salad can be dressed with yogurt, sour cream, lemon juice.

The best product for losing weight is grapefruit. Based on it, a three-week diet has been developed, since the flavonoids in its composition burn fat perfectly. With this diet, breakfast and dinner should be replaced with grapefruit or freshly squeezed juice from it. For lunch, there should be boiled fish, chicken or stewed vegetables. Be careful: this diet is not suitable for everyone.

Grapefruit does an excellent job of removing fluid from the body. Together with her, he removes excess toxins. Helps reduce morning puffiness.

These are just a few basic foods that you should be aware of when deciding what to eat in the evening on a diet. Try to take a responsible approach to the selection of basic products, choosing those that remove excess fluid from the body.

Meal plan

Having decided what to eat for dinner in the evening, you need to clearly outline the meal plan:

  • Previously, before dinner, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of kefir or unsweetened tea. It is better to do this half an hour before a meal. It is not recommended to drink juice, as it only awakens the appetite.
  • It is necessary to eat in small portions, slowly, chewing food thoroughly.
  • Then you can drink a glass of water with lemon or grapefruit juice.

Remembering that it’s delicious to eat in the evening and not get fat, you can make a diet for the whole week. will have a positive effect on the condition of your body and the whole family.

Even if your willpower goes off scale, and the figure is more and more reminiscent of the ideal, there is no absolute protection against night zhor. Old habits or banal boredom can pull you to the refrigerator, and reduce all your results to nothing.

But is it possible to combine night snacks with weight loss? It turns out you can. Night raids on the refrigerator may not damage your figure in any way.

Another study two years later, in 2013, showed the same thing - when participants ate the largest meal the day before three days, they lost weight faster than those who ate after that time.

Researchers still don't have a definitive answer to why late dinners cause weight gain, but many argue that this is due to a slow metabolism. When the body prepares for sleep, digestion slows down, and a large dinner right before bed causes discomfort and prevents you from getting a good night's sleep.

But still, many nutrition experts agree that small portioned healthy snacks will help you stay within your daily calorie allowance and lose weight despite nighttime snacking.

Nutritionist Andrea Wilcox pleases night eaters:

As long as you eat healthy throughout the day, don't overeat or go hungry, healthy snacks before bed won't hurt.

You may also just need a late-night snack if you've been exercising in the afternoon.

True, there is one problem: rushing to eat at night, we often exceed the number of calories that is calculated for the day, and eat the wrong foods, even if they seem quite healthy.

It's an art - to eat right at night, so as not to get fat.

What can you eat at night?

Your nightly diet may include:

  • Nuts and fruits
  • Whole grain crackers
  • Low-fat muesli dressed with low-fat yogurt
  • Oatmeal with almond milk (can be substituted with soy milk)
  • Whole grain bread with thin slices of chicken

It seems counterintuitive, but nutritionists advise against avoiding high-carb foods before bed.

Carbohydrates increase levels of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is converted to serotonin.

This chemical creates a feeling of relaxation and well-being, which will help you sleep better.

If you have diabetes, it's worth working out your nightly menu with a nutritionist so you know what foods will help keep your blood sugar levels stable.

What not to eat at night

Forget about the junk food that everyone eats at night, and you will have a healthy, deep sleep. Every time you grab a stick of sausage or drop a spoon into a salad generously dressed with mayonnaise, remember that you will not sleep well, and sleep is of great importance for weight loss and daily appetite.

Too much protein and fatty foods

A high concentration of protein is found in meat, especially in red. It requires a lot of energy to digest, which can disrupt sleep. Yes, protein should be in your nighttime snack, but not too much. The same goes for fatty foods (it should generally be excluded from the nightly diet).

No sweets

Avoid low glycemic foods, even if only a little. They raise blood sugar levels, and as a result, energy levels, which then quickly fall. It also affects sleep badly.

Give up alcohol

Not only is alcohol generally bad for sleep, it can also lead to obesity. Just remember that when you drink a glass or two, your inhibitions, if not fly away, then definitely weaken. “Ah, to hell with him! I want fried ham!”

Large portions

Try to have your dinner at least three hours before bedtime so you don't feel like snacking and getting in the way of this healthy and sound sleep. If you eat a heavy meal an hour before bedtime, your body digests food lying down, which slows down digestion and prevents you from getting a good night's sleep.

Give up caffeine

The quality of your sleep is directly related to weight loss, so don't drink coffee and soda after 3pm and make sure you don't have it in your dinner either. And this applies not only to coffee, but also to chocolate, sadly.

How to protect yourself from night trips to the kitchen?

If you're serious about quitting your late-night snacking, these tips will help you keep yourself out of the fridge, or at least out of your weight.

First of all, look at what you eat during the day, how much and how much. For monitoring, you can even start a food diary or use special applications for this. As a result, you will know how much proteins, fats, carbohydrates and sodium your body consumes during the day, and what you can eat late at night so as not to spoil your figure.

Nutrition coach Milham Tara recommends eating a hearty breakfast, a large lunch, and a small snack before dinner. The diary will also help you understand that you have received all the nutrients, the lack of which may well drag you to the kitchen at 10 pm or at night.

Drink more water

Make sure your body gets enough water throughout the day. Drink 2 liters of water a day, or more if it's hot outside or you're exercising. Dehydration can create the illusion of hunger, which will disappear with a couple of glasses of water.

Hot soothing drinks

Nutritionist Lucy Gabel recommends calming yourself down with a cup of hot herbal tea when you're hungry at night. You can also drink hot water with lemon, honey, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and ginger at night (add ingredients to taste).

“Warm water helps to relax, feel calm and satisfied, and honey helps to cope with hunger,” explains Lucy.

Lock up the kitchen

This is the last way for those who cannot eat a little bit, and if they have already reached the refrigerator, they sweep everything in a row, literally washing down chocolates with borscht.

Create an unbreakable rule: do not enter the kitchen at all after ten in the evening, for example, or after eight.

Do whatever you want - read, watch TV, go for a walk or take a hot bath. You can just go to bed, but, of course, not immediately after dinner.

If you are tired, your willpower may not be at its best, so you can take some rest, such as a nap.

Maybe it's a disease?

For some people, mostly women, nightly forays into the kitchen turn from a bad habit into an eating disorder. No appetite in the morning, copious meals in the afternoon, and waking at night with a wild, irresistible desire to eat something.

If you have discovered such a dietary lycanthrope in yourself, most likely the reasons lie in psychological problems and an eating disorder. You can consult a doctor, or just think about what went wrong in your life.

We all know that it is impossible to eat tightly at night. This not only threatens with the deposition of fat reserves, but also with a deterioration in well-being, and possibly insomnia due to a full stomach. But on the other hand, falling asleep in the pangs of hunger is unnatural and unpleasant, it is also possible that blood glucose levels will drop, which will lead to poor health in the morning.

Few people can fall asleep to the rumbling of their hungry stomach and obsessive thoughts about food. If you still managed to fall asleep hungry, it is more likely that you will wake up in the middle of the night, spit on everything and go to the kitchen. Looking for the golden mean! In the evening, you do not need to starve, just dinner should be light. Therefore, in the evening it is necessary to eat. Today on the site For-Your-Beauty.ru we will tell you what foods you can and should eat in the evening, and which ones you can’t.

Products for the evening menu

We exclude food, with m carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning and afternoon. Of course, it is best if these are foods with a low glycemic index. They do not cause a sharp increase in sugar and the release of insulin, and then the onset of acute hunger.

Of course, sometimes you can treat yourself to your favorite sweet, a piece of cake, buns and pie, but only in the morning.

We include in the evening menu products that consist mainly of protein, fiber, rich in minerals and vitamins and a minimum amount of fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates.

  1. Low-fat dairy products - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, milk. They contain protein, which is the building material for our cells, as well as calcium - it relieves stress and calms the nervous system.
  2. Fiber, vegetables. Vegetables can be eaten in the evening in any form. Stewed, boiled dishes consisting of carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers supply the body with the necessary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Potatoes are also included here, but their consumption should be limited and reduced compared to other vegetables.
  3. Fresh vegetable salads. Fresh salads from vegetables and herbs are well suited for an evening menu, especially in summer. Just do not fill them with fatty mayonnaise. A small amount of vegetable oil, sunflower or olive will work better for these purposes. You can add lean meat to them.
  4. Fish and seafood. Shrimp, squid, sea fish also contain easily digestible protein, essential fatty acids, and phosphorus. Feel free to include seafood in your diet.
  5. Lean poultry meat: chicken breast, turkey. Fatty meat of pork, beef should not be eaten at night. But light dietary poultry meat is well suited for an evening meal. You can also include lean beef in small amounts.
  6. Dried fruits are rich in minerals, but also high in sugar. A few things in the evening won't hurt. And so it is better to eat them in the morning.
  7. Bread should be chosen whole grain, with bran, mainly consisting of rye flour.
  8. Eggs can also be eaten in the evening. But, if you are in the process of losing weight, it is better to eat egg white without yolk or with a little of it. For example, an omelette of 3 proteins and 1 yolk.

As you can see, the choice is very large and from the list of products you can cook a wide variety of dishes for the evening. It is best to eat 2 hours before bedtime, at least 1 hour before bedtime.



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