What should a healthy person's heart rate be at rest? Healthy lifestyle. What medications are there for prevention?

The concepts of adequate existence and perception of the world around us play an important role in our lives. But rarely does anyone think seriously about what a truly healthy person is (both physically and mentally). This is understandable: for people who feel well, this is not so necessary, and patients, as a rule, think only about their illness. Therefore, probably, the very concept of a “healthy person” looks somewhat blurry. In this article we will try to formulate just some principles by which this can be determined.

Healthy people

It is rightly noted: health is what is remembered when it goes away. In fact, this is one of the most important criteria full life people, regardless of their wealth and race, religion and significance. Moreover, health and illness as concepts cannot be considered independently of each other. It is not possible to find a clear and absolute line. Therefore, probably, in many medical reports professional doctors They write: “Practically healthy.”


Of course, not all people in the world look the same. Exist various shapes and body types, weight, height, national characteristics and other important signs. What is good for one may be harmful for another. But in general, we can take as a basis some basic general criteria by which a healthy person is determined. In a physical context, this is an individual who does not have bad habits and regularly performs sporting events. In psychological terms - a positive attitude towards existence, the ability to communicate with others like oneself, observance of moral and religious laws. Healthy people, as a rule, are immediately recognizable in a gray crowd; they exude a pleasant and quite powerful aura of well-being. Others seem to be drawn to them, unconsciously (or consciously) trying to recharge themselves with the energy of harmony. In this context, we can say that a healthy person is one who has physical abilities, strength, emotional feelings, spiritual development are in harmony with each other.

Medical examination criterion

It may seem very simple: if you are not sick, then you are healthy. But sometimes this is not the case, and a person is unaware of the disease living in him. This becomes known quite by accident, as a result of routine tests or ongoing examination. Therefore, it is very important not only to feel good, but also to listen to the opinions of doctors. And if the doctor tells you that you are healthy, then this is really so.

Feeling good

On physiological level an individual's well-being may consist of specific manifestations.

  • There is enough (and even excess) energy to carry out everyday activities: going to work, doing household and family chores, and housekeeping. And, what is typical and especially important, do not feel unhappy at the same time!
  • Healthy and restful sleep. It’s easy to wake up, start your daily activities without tension and swaying, feeling cheerful and energized after a night’s rest.
  • There is regular (at least once a day) bowel movement. Sometimes this factor is not given due attention, but in vain! After all, irregularity is the key to poisoning the body with waste products, and slagging (especially after forty) cannot lead to anything good: a person begins to get sick, immunity decreases, and a loss of strength appears, indicating general and regular poisoning of the body.

External signs

Image healthy person As a rule, it consists of external signs characteristic of not being overloaded with extra pounds, skin, smile - and many other nuances. Let's look at some of them.

What should you do to be healthy?

Much depends in this regard on balanced nutrition. If you don't feel completely healthy, try starting with this. Analyze whether your diet is calculated correctly, whether it contains enough vegetables and fruits, vitamins and microelements. It will not be amiss to estimate how many kilocalories per day you spend, and how many you consume when eating. For many people, even those who appear healthy, all these parameters do not stand up to criticism. Set up your daily routine. Sleep should be long, at the right time - but not excessive (about 7-8 hours). And don’t forget about physical exercise: it needs to be done daily, especially for people who lead sedentary lifestyle life.

Why do we start to feel bad, but don’t worry too much about it and even get used to our state of health? By what signs can we judge whether we are healthy?

Sometimes I have a headache, sometimes I don’t sleep well, and then I wake up with a heavy head. Gradually my health is deteriorating and we don’t know why this is happening. Do you remember in childhood? You don’t notice yourself, there’s no heaviness, you sleep soundly. Let's remember ourselves in childhood from a health point of view.

The child’s consciousness is constantly upbeat and joyful, there are no strong negative experiences, there are no obsessive thoughts or fatigue. There is always curiosity. If the child is not overfed, then he will have constant feeling slight feeling of hunger. When feeding a child with natural, non-fried, unrefined food, he will have light, sausage-like stools after each meal. Believe me, it's possible. But some doctors say that it is normal if there is no stool for several days. No! Don't expect health with this kind of stool.

And what beautiful skin healthy children have. Clean, beautiful, without flaws and unpleasant odors. Thermoregulation works great if the child is not wrapped up too much. It is not easy to maintain this skin condition. A healthy child’s immunity is strong: wounds and cuts heal quickly, and infections rarely stick.

A sign of health is the condition of the muscles. Muscles good developing child, and then a healthy adult, elastic, hardy, moderately strong, proportionally developed. U physically developed child good flexibility of all ligaments and joints.

In general, a healthy child has good posture, a small layer of fat, and practically does not get tired. Healthy child always friendly to others, perceives events soberly and reasonably.

You might want to argue with this, but read signs unhealthy person, and perhaps you will realize that we have missed something in our health.

Signs of an unhealthy person.

There are obvious signs of diseases - they manifest themselves as symptoms, disturb and darken our lives. Official medicine, as a rule, ignores the systemic signs and conditions of the body as a whole, not being able to correctly recognize and interpret them. Most doctors, to whom patients try to convey their inner experiences, brush them off and say that all this is the product of their agitated mind.

But in these sensations and experiences the very essence of human health is concentrated and manifests itself. What we experience now as some kind of internal sensation, in a month or a year will turn into a completely measurable and diagnosable symptom - but then it will be too late or, at best, difficult to make adjustments.

So, let's try to describe the most common and quite obvious system-wide symptoms of pain.

Life suddenly lost its colors and colors. Habitual pleasures and entertainment no longer bring joy. Everything became gray and boring.

We are filled with constant anxiety, which develops into fussiness and hyperactivity. We imagine all sorts of fears, and our mind and feelings constantly sort through them, trying to “lay out the straws” in advance. But all the gaps still cannot be closed, and this constant erection of fences between oneself and life is exhausting and enervating.

We respond to the slightest external influence with irritation, “break down” into an overreaction, missing important details, and therefore often make irreparable mistakes.

It is difficult for us to manage the situation - it seems that our perfect and sophisticated plans begin to crumble on their own immediately after they are drawn up. And we begin to look for the culprits - although it always turns out to be just a switchman.

We have difficulty falling asleep, our sleep is disturbing, filled with chaotic events, usually in black and white and in dim lighting. In these dreams we become participants in scenes of horror, we run away, but the chase overtakes us. Or we contemplate pictures of the rampant elements that are about to engulf and destroy us.

In the morning we wake up poorly, the whole day passes in a sleepy heaviness. Life turns into a kind of dream. We do not feel like we are the leading force in the current situation - on the contrary, we feel that someone or something is leading us with an iron hand, and we do not know where. This instills fear.

Any stress - physical, emotional or mental - throws us into a cold sweat. Having sweated, we cannot dry ourselves and begin to freeze.

The hands and feet are constantly cold - both in warm and cold weather. We begin to fear gusts of wind. Both cold and heat cause us equal suffering.

The tongue becomes covered with a white, gray or brown coating. Any food leads to the formation of gases, the stomach swells, pain or burning appears in the intestines.

I am constantly hungry and have to snack every hour. A pathological desire arises to eat only sweet, salty, richly fatty or spicy foods. Or all this in combinations - in other words, we are being sucked into the fast food industry.

Consciousness is constantly depressed, frequent strong experiences, intrusive thoughts, a constant feeling of fatigue and indifference to life, experiencing dissatisfaction or irritation over trifles. Of course, such a state of consciousness is quite painful, but sometimes it happens. What if this permanent state- that’s a problem.

The diet of an unhealthy person is rich big amount processed or unnatural foods. There is never a real feeling of hunger. Stool is difficult or absent during the day.

The skin of an unhealthy person is greasy or, on the contrary, dry, cracked, acne-prone, pimply, sometimes with an unpleasant odor.

It's unpleasant to admit, but all these signs are abnormal, but most people put up with them and don't know what to do.

Unhealthy people have reduced immunity, frequent infectious diseases, wounds, cuts, burns heal slowly. Muscles are flabby, weak. Generally, unhealthy person has poor posture and has excess or lack of fat.

If you understand that your condition is based on these signs of health is not ideal, then it may be useful to you. After all, the state of your health depends on what enters your body from the outside.

Dear friends, if you have been experiencing similar symptoms for several years, this means that you have already moved down the path of degradation and, in fact, are already living in cancer mode. And the appearance of the corresponding symptoms is just a matter of time and chance. Therefore, these symptoms should be perceived as a signal that you need to begin to rebuild yourself, change your personality, radically updating the entire system of your being, at all its levels.

Signs of a healthy person

Here's a sketch system-wide health conditions, which is synonymous with the readiness to evolve - first physiologically, and then creatively and spiritually:

You fall asleep early (no later than 22.00) and easily, without an alarm clock, also wake up very early - at 6 or even 5 in the morning. You wake up because your body simply won’t accept any more sleep and lying down. I want to immediately get up and start acting.

You see beautiful and vivid dreams - indistinguishable from reality. During sleep, you act meaningfully, fully aware of yourself. The events of the dream unfold in a picturesque natural environment, in bright lighting.

You experience joy – all the time. I want to run around, jump, sing.

The body sparkles, streams of freshness and warmth flow through it. You don’t feel your internal organs, at least unless you listen to them specifically.

Hands and feet are hot, even in cold weather. The cold wind is perceived as freshness and brings joy. The heat is also easily tolerated.

Your tongue is bright pink, your nails are elastic and smooth.

When you pick up healthy, fresh vegetables or fruits, you feel the flow of life emanating from them, which passes over you like waves of warmth, freshness or hot goosebumps. Unhealthy food triggers your instinctive aversion. Even just looking at her, you begin to choke, there is a burning sensation in your stomach, your head begins to hurt.

It doesn't take long to find creative solutions. When a problem appears, you immediately “see” its solution, and this solution is always simple, satisfactory to everyone and carries with it some special inner humor.

Often problematic circumstances around you are resolved easily,as if by themselves. It seems that it’s enough just to think – and lo and behold, it has already happened!

If you are experiencing the health conditions described, we can only congratulate you on this and wish you continued success.

The above system-wide symptoms are markers of success or failure in healing. So you tried or even just picked up a widely advertised nutritional supplement that generally recognized authorities advised you to use - and suddenly you felt internal resistance, protest. It became cold, the inner light went out. You feel anxious, fussy, and “losing your face.” What does this tell an attentive person? That now we need to get rid of this additive and not touch it in the near future. And in the future - who knows? Maybe in a couple of years your body will flourish and rejoice from this very substance. And sometimes it happens like that. You walk past a shopping center filled with bustle and irritation, and suddenly you feel a flow of pleasant, comfortable warmth. You go to this warmth, like a desert camel to a humid breeze. Like a dog smells game. And so you come to a small health kiosk, reach out and grab a bottle of emulsion for turpentine baths. You found it! This is for you personally. Now don't miss the bird of happiness! This is not fantasy - I just described an incident from my life.

S. Gladkov

Watch a short video about what health is.

Helminthiasis is a specific group of diseases that are caused by helminths.

Negative effects of helminths on the human body

Such changes cannot pass without leaving a trace and will not affect the patient’s health:

The statistics of worm infection are only growing every year, with children being the most infected. But prevention of worms in humans should be carried out at any age.

Types of helminths

All of them can be divided, depending on the route of infection, into three groups:

  • contact helminths;
  • biohelminths;
  • geohelminths.

Where do worms live:

  • pork and bovine tapeworm, roundworms, nematodes, hookworms, strongyloides - large intestine;
  • pinworms in the colon;
  • opisthorchis, clonorchis, fasciola - prefer the liver, bile and bile ducts;
  • echinococci initially appear in the liver, eventually spreading to the spleen, pancreas and other organs;
  • Pork tapeworm larvae spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, settling in all organs and tissues, blood vessels, and mucous membranes.

If you have several symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe a series of tests, full examination and necessary treatment.

In fact, helminth infection can occur anywhere and anytime. They are found in water, soil, grass, animal fur, in public places, on door handles and handrails in transport, on money and any other things.

The main ways in which people become infected are:

  • eating poorly cooked meat and fish;
  • drinking unfiltered water;
  • swimming in polluted waters;
  • eating unwashed vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • ignoring hand hygiene after a walk, visiting a store, coming home, before eating;
  • young children become infected on playgrounds, playing in sandboxes and on grass;
  • in the presence of infected domestic animals.

Preventing helminthiasis in humans will reduce the chances of becoming infected and help protect your health.

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. It is not possible to completely protect yourself from worms entering your body, but you can greatly reduce the risk.

Exists special prevention worms in adults and children, which will help significantly reduce the level of infection in people.

Nonspecific measures for the prevention of helminthiases:

  • full-fledged heat treatment meat, fish;
  • washing hands before eating and after going outside;
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • drinking only filtered water;
  • avoid swimming in little-known and polluted bodies of water;
  • monitor the health of your pets;
  • regularly change underwear and bed linen, change them high temperatures when washing, ironing;
  • accept special drugs against worms;
  • undergo medical examination periodically.

Prevention helminthic diseases carried out once or twice a year, in spring and autumn, when the risks of infection increase. Also, if one of the family members is infected, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis with medications for everyone else.

During primary invasion, and during negative result, carry out repeated measures.

If there are symptoms that are indicators already existing infestation, you should take anthelmintics.

TO increased group risks include:

  • children;
  • those who have cats, dogs and other pets in their home. It is necessary to carry out the prevention of helminthiasis in them;
  • agricultural workers;
  • travelers who often visit exotic countries;
  • fishermen, tourists;
  • children who visit health centers, camps, and recreation centers.

What medications are there for prevention?

If a person knows that he had a chance of becoming infected with worms, he should consult a doctor and get from him detailed diagram prevention of helminthiasis.

If you prefer any preventive medication, it is worth studying its contraindications. It is best to consult a specialist.

Preparations and their description:

Drug name

Side effects

All of the above drugs are intended for the prevention of worms in adults.

Treatment of children

The child's body is unique, and it lends itself to special treatment.

Measures to prevent helminthic diseases for children directly depend on their age:

  1. Piperazine is recommended from birth. It has no side effects and is characterized by high efficiency. There is a deterioration in appetite and moodiness.
  2. Nemozol can be given from 12 to 24 months. This is a suspension that fights roundworms, pinworms, and lamblia. Possible bowel movements, loss of appetite, headache.
  3. Albendazole is indicated from the age of three. Very effective against enterobiasis, hookworm, necatoriasis. Side effects in the form of nausea, diarrhea, cramps, sleep disturbances.
  4. After 5 years, Levamisole is used. This drug is highly effective against mixed helminthic infestations. Causes diarrhea, vomiting, and allergic reactions in children.

Prevention against worms carries great harm children's body. Antihelminthic therapy requires additional use absorbents. It could be Enterosgel, Activated carbon. They remove all toxins with feces.

There are also traditional methods for the prevention of worms in humans:

  • Pour 3-4 cloves of garlic into a glass of milk. You need to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. Do not eat for 2-3 hours;
  • Pour boiling water over elecampane leaves and leave in the dark for 12 hours. Drink tincture 3-4 times a day, before meals, 50 mg;
  • eat raw pumpkin seeds, you can drink it with milk;
  • Regularly drink freshly squeezed juices and eat spicy foods.

Traditional methods for the prevention of worms in adults and children are in no way inferior to medications.

Worms in humans: symptoms in adults and how to identify them

Symptoms of the presence of worms in an adult

Worms in humans provoke a number of symptoms. If they are identified, it is possible to determine the invasion on early stages, which will avoid diagnostic errors.

The main symptoms of helminthic infection:

Symptoms of worm infection in children

Pathogenesis of symptoms of helminthic infestation in children and adults

At active phase reproduction, it is easy to determine that a person has worms. You need to get tested for eggs. With opisthorchiasis in the area anus You can detect them yourself in children. For these purposes, you need to temporarily stick it to the skin in the area. anus sticky paper or tape. If a child has opisthorchid eggs, they will stick to the surface.

Worms in humans provoke symptoms such as nausea and vomiting due to the release of waste products into the intestines. Some species secrete hormones that cause malabsorption of fluids in intestinal wall, which leads to diarrhea.

The above symptoms may be mild, so treatment is not carried out. When intestinal dysfunction develops, a person may be sent to the infectious diseases department, since clinical manifestations illnesses resemble gastrointestinal poisoning.

Low-grade body temperature due to helminthic infestation in humans occurs for many reasons:

  1. Blood intoxication;
  2. Disruption of the brain and internal organs;
  3. Anemic syndrome;
  4. Neurological disorders;
  5. Allergy.

Which allergic symptoms observed with giardiasis:

  • Dermatitis around the mouth;
  • Acne and pimples;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Herpes on the lips;
  • Neurodermatitis.

Allergies can be local or general. Local manifestations - itching skin, dry cough, asthmatic narrowing of the bronchi. General reactions with giardiasis: rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal membrane), bronchial asthma, cracked nails, brittle hair.

Against the background of a decrease in the functions of the immune system, diseases such as sinusitis (inflammation paranasal sinuses nose), stomatitis, vulvovaginitis, bacterial vaginosis.

Pinworm in children is accompanied by sleep disturbances and snoring at night. Such signs of the disease are caused by nervous reactions when brain tissue is damaged.

How to determine what worms a person has

Before we tell you how to determine whether a person has worms, we will highlight the most common representatives.

Infection with luminal forms of pathogens provokes pathology gastrointestinal tract. There are about 100 types of agents that live inside the intestines. The most common luminal worms:

  • Wide tapeworm;
  • Pinworm;
  • Dwarf tapeworm;
  • Hookworms;
  • Whipworm;
  • Filariasis;
  • Cysticercosis;
  • Paragonimiasis.

The easiest way to identify pinworms. They emerge from the anus on their own at night. They lay eggs on the surface of the skin between the buttocks. To identify the pathogen, it is enough to collect a cast from the surface of the skin over anus and examine it under a microscope.

From intestinal helminthiases in Russia there are: trichocephalosis, taeniasis, ascariasis, metagonimiasis, enterobiasis, taeniarinchiasis, hymenolepiasis.

Roundworms attack the lungs and intestines. Infection with the pathogen is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Man coughing with discharge yellow sputum. Blood can be found in it. Microscopic analysis of the excreted from the upper respiratory tract secretions reveal roundworm larvae.

On the background temperature reaction“volatile infiltrates” appear in the lungs. They are detected when performing x-rays of organs chest. In this moment general analysis blood shows an increase in the number of eosinophils. In the second phase of infection, when the pathogen multiplies in the intestines, the release of trypsin and pepsin decreases. These enzymes are responsible for digesting proteins. Studying the concentration of intestinal juice contents allows us to indirectly judge pathological infection.

Strongyloidiasis manifests itself in a variety of syndromes. Against the background of pathology, there are allergic reactions and dyspeptic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. When studying the biochemical state of the blood in icteric syndrome, an increase in the amount of bilirubin and liver enzymes (AlAt, GGTP, AsAt) is observed.

Test to find out if a person has worms

The test on how to find out if a person has worms is based on a thorough study pathological symptoms diseases. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you experience itching in the anus?
  2. Are there any skin rashes;
  3. Do you experience nausea and vomiting?
  4. How often does bloating occur?
  5. Are sleep disturbances observed?
  6. How often does bitterness occur in the mouth?
  7. Are the lymph nodes enlarged?
  8. Do you experience muscle pain?

If there are 7 affirmative answers to the test questions, the presence of helminthic infestation can be assumed with a high degree of certainty.

When a person has worms, the symptoms described above are observed during the active infection stage. The number of individuals at this degree is large, so they actively influence the body.

Treatment of helminthic infestations: common tablets and methods

Common tablets for helminthic infections in humans:

  • Pyrantel;
  • Helminthox;
  • Nemocid;
  • Vermox;
  • Mebendazole;
  • Medamin;
  • Dekaris;
  • Pirkon;
  • Vanquin;
  • Gelmodol;
  • Vermakar.

Most drugs are prescribed by doctors after identifying the type of pathogen. Decaris is used for preventive purposes. He has a minimum side effects at the minimum dosage.

When choosing tablets, you need to pay attention to the fact that most of the drugs described above destroy only adult individuals and have no effect on larvae.

From folk remedies We can recommend treatment with seeds and tansy. It has been known since ancient times that pumpkin seeds have a good anthelmintic effect. For a therapeutic effect, you need to eat 300 grams of seeds within an hour, and then take a cleansing enema. Repeat the procedure on the second day.

While maintaining sanitation and regular prevention helminth infections, you can effectively protect yourself from pathology!


How to find out if a person has worms?

Detecting helminths in the body of the “host” can be difficult - the symptoms of their appearance in most cases are quite vague and are similar to the development of other diseases (dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, infectious and viral diseases).

The main signs of helminthiasis

Unambiguously determine the presence helminthic infestations and only a specialist will help identify their type - for this purpose, he will recommend undergoing an appropriate examination: taking a stool test for eggworms (the procedure is carried out several times over three weeks), as well as conducting a blood test for the presence of antibodies and antigens to different types of helminths.

A variety of things help determine “I have worms.” allergic manifestations. Characteristic symptoms arise due to the fact that worms irritate the human intestinal lining or simply irritate the mucous membrane - unprocessed food particles are absorbed into the blood and spread with its current throughout the body. The immune system reacts to this phenomenon by producing specific protective cells that cause allergies.

The following symptoms can help identify “I have worms”:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight or, conversely, its rapid increase;
  • a person infected with helminthic infestations experiences a constant and rather strong feeling of hunger;
  • the “owner” may exhibit such signs of helminthiasis as a characteristic taste in the mouth or an unpleasant odor from it;
  • if the patient has worms, he may suffer from symptoms of asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases;
  • The presence of helminths in the body can lead to the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

How to determine if there are worms by external signs? Helminths in human body may cause the following symptoms:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • the dermis becomes dry and rough;
  • seborrhea;
  • early wrinkles sometimes appear on the face;
  • the epidermis becomes covered with dark spots of varying sizes and structures;
  • Multiple cracks sometimes appear on the heels;
  • brittle nails.

Which specific symptoms helminthiasis can occur in men? These are the following signs:

  • sand, stones in bladder or kidneys;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • mental disorders.

How does helminthiasis manifest in women:

  • characteristic whitish vaginal discharge;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammatory processes in the adrenal glands, bladder, kidneys;
  • painful periods.

Clinical picture of different types of worms

Diagnostic measures

What to do if a person suspects the presence of helminthic infestations in his own body? Helminths, unfortunately, do not leave the “host’s” body on their own, so in order to remove the worms, special treatment is required.

Usually, a stool test should be done several times in a row with a short time interval - this is necessary in order to finally make sure that there are no worms in the body.

Russia is celebrating a year of fighting cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which are the leading cause of death not only in our country, but throughout the world. Level blood pressure(BP) is one of the indicators by which risk is assessed and CVD prevention is carried out.

For those who are not affected by the problem of hypertension, to prevent CVD development It is enough to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle. People diagnosed with arterial hypertension» falls on permanent basis support normal level Blood pressure with the help of medications such as Capoten or other proven medications to lower blood pressure. But it is equally important for both to have an understanding of ways to keep blood pressure within normal limits, as well as methods to prevent or control hypertension.

Why is this so important? Why does a doctor check your blood pressure at every checkup? Does normal blood pressure depend on age? What can you do on your own if your blood pressure suddenly rises?

These and other questions were answered by Alexander Grigorievich Arutyunov, candidate medical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and general physiotherapy RNIMU named after. Pirogova, Secretary General of the Eurasian Association of Therapists, head of the clinical division of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists (RNSOT), member of the European working group in emergency cardiology.

Why is blood pressure level so important? Why does the doctor check it at every examination?

This is because uncontrolled blood pressure numbers indicate a poor prognosis. What does the phrase “poor prognosis” mean? The fact is that high and uncontrolled blood pressure numbers are directly related to an increase in the number of cardiovascular events, which, for simplicity, can be divided into two groups.

The first group is those affecting the quality of life. This is, first of all, a decrease in the cognitive abilities of the brain, that is, the ability to absorb and process new information. The brain is active throughout life, with billions of connections between cells existing and forming. But long years with high blood pressure will inevitably lead to significant reduction the number of these connections. At first this will affect daily activities, for example, it will become more and more difficult for a middle-aged man to make a career. Then, decades later, this will affect social activity, there will be problems with memory, with recognizing relatives and friends, and emotional instability will develop. This is the description vascular dementia, affecting every 50th person by age 65. In my opinion, this is the most obvious example of a decrease in the quality of life. Not to mention, of course, such good known states like headaches hypertensive crises, shortness of breath, early development heart failure.

The second group is those affecting life expectancy. This, of course, is myocardial infarction and disorders cerebral circulation associated with the effects of high pressure on vascular wall which promotes growth atherosclerotic plaques, the risk of rupture of a small vessel and the formation of aneurysms.

What is the normal blood pressure and does it depend on age? Is it true that those with low blood pressure also become hypertensive as they age? How can this be prevented?

Previously, it was believed that blood pressure numbers inevitably increased with increasing age, but this is not so. Indeed, a slight increase in blood pressure to upper limits normal pressure may occur, but further elevation always requires treatment. The question of treatment in each specific case is decided by the attending physician. Indeed, there are a number of studies that have noted that in those prone to hypotension in at a young age There is a higher risk of developing hypertension in the elderly. But risk is just numbers. Timely prevention aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce this risk.

The primary preventive measure is to give up bad habits such as smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. In second place is reducing salt consumption. Role table salt(more precisely, sodium included in it) in the development of hypertension was shown 75 years ago. For a long time This risk factor has not received due attention, but is now recognized as one of the leading ones. Very careful monitoring of dietary salt intake is necessary. For example, the average Muscovite consumes 16.1 g of salt per day, which is 3.5 times the safe norm.

It is also extremely important to maintain normal weight bodies. First of all, the danger is abdominal obesity, that is, fat deposition in the abdominal cavity, which sharply worsens the prognosis of hypertensive patients. Other preventable risk factors include kidney dysfunction and endocrine glands, sleep disorders and others.

Can blood pressure increase in a healthy person? Or is it necessarily hypertension?

Yes maybe. If we discard rare forms of hypertension, then there will still be quite a few options for the physiological rise in blood pressure. This is a lot of stress, and here this word should be understood not only emotional stress, but also regular lack of sleep, frequent flights with time zone changes, etc. This is a significant physical activity, especially if the body is untrained. This is the direct effect of nicotine causing spasm vascular bed in a smoking person. This is the trick large quantity caffeine by a person who does not consume it regularly. In addition, taking certain medications can increase blood pressure. In all these cases, the elimination of provoking factors can normalize blood pressure.

Is it possible to understand by how you feel that your blood pressure has increased (or decreased)? And if so, how?

First of all, an increase in pressure will lead to sensations such as headaches, often in the occipital region. Nausea (especially in young people), a feeling of fullness may occur eyeballs, flashing of spots before the eyes (usually with a significant increase in pressure).

With a decrease in pressure, a headache is also observed, which is accompanied by weakness up to fainting states, dizziness, tinnitus, darkening before the eyes.

How to prevent blood pressure surges?

A healthy person has a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, regular physical activity. In patients with hypertension, everything is the same, plus mandatory drug control of blood pressure.

Is there a way to lower my blood pressure on my own? And how do you know when you can do this and when you need to see a doctor right away? How to quickly and safely lower blood pressure during a sharp rise? They say it can be very dangerous if done incorrectly. What medications should you have with you in case of a sharp rise in blood pressure?

The set of medications for self-reducing blood pressure should be different in each case, and it should only be agreed upon with the attending physician! It is impossible to recommend a universal drug for everyone.

There is a misconception that to urgently lower blood pressure, it is enough to take an additional dose of a medicine prescribed by a doctor. However, dignity modern drugs– prolonged action with a gradual increase in effect - in this case is their disadvantage. A sudden increase in pressure is a special situation that requires a different approach and other means.

Examples of such drugs are Capoten (captopril) or anaprilin, if the pulse is more than 100 beats per minute.

At one time, captopril marked the beginning of the era ACE inhibitors in cardiology. To relieve a sudden and sharp rise in pressure, it is important that when taking the drug sublingually hypotensive effect begins to develop within 10 minutes. It is equally important that the use of Capoten does not lead to sharp fall blood pressure. After 20 minutes, blood pressure usually decreases by about 15%, after an hour - by 20%.

About safe descent It should be remembered that if there is a sharp jump in pressure upward, you should not “reset” it just as sharply, since this significantly increases the risk of complications.

Is it possible to fight hypertension with physical exercise? Or is the only option - pills?

Lifestyle changes are important, but medication support is still required. Exercise by a patient with hypertension requires medical supervision. Especially if we're talking about O strength training, which are generally not indicated for patients with hypertension. The recommended ones include the so-called cardio exercises: race walking, jogging, cycling, trekking, elliptical trainer, swimming.

Does a person with chronic hypertension ever have a chance to stop taking daily pills? Are there any more radical methods in development?

No, today, unfortunately, there are no such methods. Availability hypertension inevitably associated with taking medications. Yes, by changing your lifestyle you can significantly reduce the dose and even the amount of medications you take, but it is unlikely that you will be able to quit completely. Even such complex and bloody methods as denervation (surgical cutting of nerves) renal arteries do not provide significant improvement and are indicated only for persistent hypertension. Methods are being developed using antibodies to the main hormones responsible for raising blood pressure, but even in this case they will require periodic administration, even once every few months.

Much has been written about how blood pressure medications have so many side effects that they almost more dangerous than hypertension. What can you say about this?

Having uncontrolled hypertension is much more dangerous than these side effects. Their occurrence is low, they are usually not lethal, and the benefit always outweighs the possible risk. But you can get acquainted with the consequences of uncontrolled blood pressure in any cardiology or neurology department.

Is it possible to prevent hypertension if there is a family history of hypertension?

Yes, you can. The presence of hypertension in the family, even in all relatives, does not guarantee the presence of hypertension in a particular person, but increases its chance. Therefore, the key issue is maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a very young age.

Is it related high pressure with diseases of the spine?

These may be associated or related events. But it is not worth highlighting this as the only cause or mechanism.

Does normal blood pressure change during pregnancy? And during lactation?

Your blood pressure may change, but every such case is a reason to contact your doctor.

Please tell me if low blood pressure can be Negative consequences for the body? Is it worth taking medications for low blood pressure if you feel normal?

No, it's not worth it. Only cases of severe hypotension require treatment, but as a disease this phenomenon is extremely rare. Hypotension itself can be harmful, but we are talking about patients, for example, with an overdose of hypotonic drugs, and not about people who constantly live with a blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg.

In case of overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor, as too low blood pressure can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to such vitally important organs. important organs like the brain and heart.

Is it possible to donate blood if you have hypotension?

Hypotension (low blood pressure) is not on the list of contraindications for donation, but it is necessary to understand that too low blood pressure immediately before donating blood can lead to an even lower decrease in pressure.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a contraindication for donating blood. Blood loss can lead to significant, even life-threatening, fluctuations in blood pressure.

Knowing what the pulse should be, everyone has the opportunity to control the state of the body, and most importantly, promptly seek help if the heart rate goes outside the normal range.

Considering that cases of strokes and heart attacks have become more frequent in recent decades, this measure can save lives. Moreover, the age of those who became victims of heart disorders has become younger.

During dynamic contraction, the heart muscle causes vibrations in the walls of blood vessels, the frequency of which is called the pulse. This indicator is directly related to blood pressure. When talking about what a person’s pulse should be, the following factors need to be taken into account:

  1. Gender affiliation. For women, the heart rate is 5–8 beats per minute higher than for men.
  2. Physical activity. When considering the question of what pulse a healthy person should have, consider whether the person being examined is active image life. For sedentary people, the resting heart rate will be higher than for those who exercise or exercise regularly.
  3. Physiology. In a pregnant woman, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle is higher, especially during the third trimester. Therefore, when taking measurements in this state, it is not enough to take into account what the pulse should be at rest. Amendments need to be made to physiological characteristics subject.
  4. Age of the subject. Tachycardia and bradycardia often accompany human aging, which is considered natural.
  5. Presence of pathologies. Many transmitted diseases affect the functioning of the heart, which also needs to be taken into account when measuring the pulse.

The threat can be provoked by stress, excessive physical activity and other factors. The question of what heart rate a person should have at 55 years old is especially relevant in last years, when the number of deaths from strokes in this age group increased.

Low heart rate (bradycardia) is accompanied by:

  • fatigue;
  • migraine;
  • sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • shortness of breath.

Also leads to vital disorders important functions human body and provokes:

  • palpable pulsation in temporal region, chest, fingers;
  • inability to remain in a standing position;
  • stuffy ears;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting sensations;
  • coldness in the extremities;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • sweating

These symptoms should be regarded as sufficient to make measurements and compare the data obtained, knowing what the person’s pulse should be at rest.

Measurements are made using special equipment. Doctors use devices that simultaneously measure heart rate and blood pressure. IN living conditions A stopwatch is enough. In this case, the number of beats per minute must be recorded.

Speaking about what the pulse of an elderly person should be, it should be noted that the upper limit is considered to be a frequency of 100 beats/min. Reducing to 50 tremors also poses a threat to human life. You cannot try to diagnose the causes on your own and do not self-medicate.

Tachycardia and bradycardia on ECG

What should a healthy person's resting heart rate be?

Depending on age, the normal heart rate for healthy people varies. When talking about what a person’s pulse should be at 35 years old, it is assumed that his body does not have any pathologies. With age, organs wear out, which leads to instability of the cardiovascular system: the development of heart failure, tachycardia or bradycardia.

Up to 35 years old

The number of beats in 60 seconds in a healthy person usually ranges from 72–75. In an excited state, the rate can reach 120 beats/min. And if there are no objective reasons for this, this indicates the presence of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart muscle. In this case, the patient should be provided with medical assistance.

For middle age

The normal heart rate chart shows what a person's heart rate should be at 40 years old. This is 60–90 beats/min. Take 70 as the average value. To find out what the pulse should be for a person aged 55, you need to take the average reading for the period from 50 to 60. If during measurements the heart rate is around 75, we can assume that the pulse is within the range norms.

In an elderly person

When considering the question of what the pulse should be for a person aged 60 years and older, it is necessary to take into account the wear and tear of the heart and the body as a whole. A decrease in heart rate at rest is a natural manifestation of old age; 50 beats per minute is considered to be the minimum limit of the acceptable range.

Answering the question of what the pulse should be in a person aged 65 years in the presence of tachycardia, it is worth noting that exceeding the threshold of 90 beats is a deviation from the norm that requires additional examination at the doctor's. Self-medication of vital organs is strictly prohibited.

If the heart rate does not correspond to the average values

Sometimes people are faced with a situation where the heartbeat data obtained does not correspond to what the pulse should be. Exceeding the established range does not necessarily indicate the presence of a disease. There are a number of reasons that can lead to this result:

  • nicotine;
  • binge eating;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • toxicosis;
  • coffee;
  • consequences of taking medications.

If the human body has not been exposed physical activity, can reach 100 blows due to the influence of the listed factors. You can return your heart rate to the acceptable range of 70–90 beats at home. To do this, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Drink a glass of warm water
  2. Go to bed
  3. Try to completely relax for 15–20 minutes.

Important. The examinee must take repeated measurements. The absence of signs of improvement indicates that you need to immediately call an ambulance. It’s not worth going to the clinic on your own, much less driving, endangering not only yourself, but also those around you. The deterioration of the condition will be accompanied by fainting, inhibition of perception and other symptoms that can lead to an accident.

Among medicinal methods To combat rapid heart rate, available at home is to take the following medications:

  • Valocordin;
  • Motherwort tincture;
  • Valerian;
  • Mint decoction;
  • Validol.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure unhindered access of oxygen to the room. 15–20 minutes after administration, the measurement is repeated. If the situation worsens, call immediately ambulance. When a person’s well-being does not improve, it is also impossible to wait until it becomes completely bad.

Important tip. While waiting for the ambulance, try not to take medications. There must be an urgent need for this. Take heart rate measurements periodically. The doctor who comes to the call knows what the pulse of a person should be at 50 years old or at any other age. But it will be better if you tell the doctor about the dynamics.

It is possible to neutralize the symptoms of tachycardia in humans using vagal tests. The purpose of the procedures is to evoke a reflex response vagus nerve through stimulation of other systems and organs of the body. Methods for reducing heart rate in a healthy person include:

  • stimulation of the carotid sinus (branch site carotid artery on the internal and external components) through massaging;
  • short-term pressing of the eyeballs with closed eyelids;
  • washing cold water or applying a cold, damp towel to your face;
  • straining while holding your breath while inhaling (can be combined with squats);
  • coughing;
  • inducing a gag reflex by pressing on the back of the tongue.

The vagal measures used are quite effective, they activate parasympathetic system which has an inhibitory effect on the heart. As a result, the heart rate decreases.

Straining squats, gagging and coughing mechanically stimulate the chest and abdominal cavity person. After the procedures, it is advisable to measure your pulse again to ensure their effectiveness.

Before using the vagal norm methodology, consult a doctor, since these measures to influence the pulse rate have contraindications. The procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist and recommended for use by him.

Useful video

How to measure a person's pulse correctly? Look useful information in this video:


  1. Understanding normal operation hearts in calm state(what the pulse should be, what it depends on, what symptoms are accompanied by going beyond the permissible range) makes it possible to react in a timely manner and save yourself from consequences harmful to a person.
  2. A beat rate of 70 to 90 beats in 60 seconds is considered normal. The lower critical limit for a person is 50, the upper is 100.
  3. There are a number of objective reasons that can take the pulse beyond the acceptable range. By eliminating them, you can bring your heartbeat back to normal.
  4. The only guarantee of the safety and effectiveness of the measures taken is observation by a doctor.


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