How to find out about the health of your kidneys, known methods. Modern methods of checking kidneys for diseases What test shows the condition of the kidneys

A general urine test (its norm is known to both laboratory assistants and therapists) is a laboratory test that is mandatory and is carried out for any disease for diagnostic purposes. In this analysis, organoleptic, biochemical, physico-chemical, microbiological indicators are checked, and sediment is also studied.

Why donate?

What does a general urine test show? Why should it be compulsory at all? This study is carried out in order to understand how the kidneys work, whether there is any pathology in them, and simply to diagnose the general condition of the body. First of all, the task is to determine the function of the urinary system, as well as diseases such as nephritis, oncology, nephrosclerosis, urolithiasis, and amyloidosis. In men, this analysis will help determine the functional state of the prostate. Even with a banal preventive examination, this procedure is mandatory and helps to identify many pathologies at an early stage.

The main thing is to assemble it correctly

Before collecting urine for analysis, you should refrain from taking medications. Collect the morning portion that formed during the night. Before this, hygiene procedures must be carried out, because microorganisms located on the genitals can affect the results of the study. For women during menstruation, it is generally better to refuse to take the test. Previously, urine tests (the norm of its indicators are well known to therapists) were all taken in glass containers. However, his results could be distorted, because washing it is not so easy. Today, there are sterile plastic containers for collection that are hermetically sealed with a lid and used only once. You should collect a medium portion, that is, start urinating into the toilet, and only after a few seconds - into the container.

What needs to be determined?

There are many indicators included in a urine test (their norm depends on various factors). The first is the specific gravity, which in humans ranges from 1015 to 1020, as well as nitrites (they should not normally be present either). The urine reaction is normally acidic, but depending on nutrition it can be alkaline. There are substances that should be absent from the analysis in a healthy person, these include the following: protein, sugar, ketone bodies, urobilinogen, and bilirubin.

Leukocytes are also included in the urine analysis; their norm in the field of view of the microscope of a laboratory technician should be from 3 to 6. Secondary indicators include cylinders (this is the desquamated epithelium of the urinary tubules of the kidneys), hyaline (from one to two), epithelial cells (normally there should be from 4 to 5). There should be no bacteria in a normal urine test, but if they are present, then we can talk about a genitourinary tract infection.

Indicators that can help in diagnosing many diseases

Specific gravity is an indicator that can increase or, conversely, decrease. An increase indicates that there is sugar, salts, or both in the urine. A decrease in specific gravity down to the density of water (which is 1000) indicates that the kidneys cannot control the process of urine formation, therefore, harmful substances (waste products) are not excreted from the body. In this case, it is worth thinking about renal failure and checking kidney function in more detail (for this, a urine test is performed according to Zimnitsky). And it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a clinical urine test again, because consuming a large amount of liquid can lead to a decrease in its specific gravity. There is no sugar in the urine of a healthy person, and if it appears, this indicates a very dangerous and formidable disease, such as diabetes. If ketone bodies are detected after a urine test (the norm does not provide for them), this may indicate a complication of the above-mentioned disease. Diabetic coma occurs unexpectedly, and in advanced cases, without appropriate help, a person may even die.

Something that shouldn't normally be there

The appearance of protein in the urine is called proteinuria. This phenomenon is also abnormal. The reason lies in the fact that the permeability of the glomerular filter is impaired. As a result, several types of proteinuria are distinguished, depending on where exactly absorption is impaired. Glomerular proteinuria indicates a deterioration in the permeability of the glomerular filter; when protein absorption in the renal tubules is impaired, tubular proteinuria develops.

Protein in the urine appears in acute or chronic glomerulonephritis, renal amyloidosis, as well as in systemic damage to connective tissue and diabetic nephropathy. Purulent and inflammatory diseases in the urinary tract, fever, severe circulatory failure or nephropathy during pregnancy can cause an increase in this indicator. Physical activity, overheating, hypothermia, rapid changes in body position, and eating foods high in undenatured proteins can increase protein levels in the urine in the short term. In case of jaundice, bilirubin or urobilin may be observed in the analysis.

Important point

The appearance of red blood cells in the urine above normal is called hematuria. Normally, they are most often absent; up to one cell is allowed in the field of view of the laboratory assistant’s microscope. There are micro- and macrohematuria; in the first version there are not very many red blood cells, in the second they occupy the entire field of view. But in both cases this is not normal. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder can provoke an increase in this indicator. Ailments such as glomerulonephritis and oncological processes cause a large number of red blood cells in the analysis, bleeding makes the urine scarlet or red. Red blood cells can be changed in appearance, whether they contain hemoglobin or not.

Standard options

As mentioned above, a urine analysis may also contain leukocytes (their norm is several cells in the field of view), and there are cylinders in a normal analysis. An increase in the first indicator indicates inflammation in the urinary system. There can be up to 20 leukocytes - then this is called leukocyturia. An indicator of 60 or more indicates the presence of pus in the urine, or pyuria, which is reflected in its smell and color. Cylinders, the norm of which in urine analysis does not exceed several units in the field of view, can be hyaline (tubular cells), granular (destroyed and degenerated renal tubular cells), waxy (protein that has coagulated in the lumen of the tubule), epithelial (desquamated epithelium of the renal tubules) ), erythrocyte (red blood cells layered on hyaline cylinders), leukocyte (leukocytes layered on elongated conglomerates).

The kidneys are a very important paired organ that is responsible for eliminating toxins.

Various diseases lead to disruption of the functioning of all body systems.

That is why any person should know how to check their kidneys, what tests need to be done and which doctor checks the kidneys.

Main symptoms

If a person has any problems with their kidneys, they will experience the following symptoms:

regular increase in blood (arterial) pressure; change in the color of urine, the appearance of impurities in it (including blood) and an unpleasant odor; constant urge to urinate (especially at night); decrease or increase in the volume of urine produced; pain when urinating; sharp or nagging pain in the lumbar region; swelling of the legs and face; constant thirst and decreased appetite; the appearance of shortness of breath.

If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to undergo examination. With its help, the onset of disease development can be detected in a timely manner. Also, a prerequisite for examination may be taking medications that interfere with kidney function (Acyclovir, Biseptol, diuretics, etc.).

Pain in the lumbar region becomes more intense after hypothermia or with the development of a viral disease.

Who is at risk?

Those people who regularly drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, or take a large number of different medications should be concerned about the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Poor nutrition can also trigger the development of diseases. Kidney disease is often observed in people who are overweight and have diabetes.

Diagnostic methods at home

How to check your kidneys at home? Accurate diagnosis at home is not possible, but certain steps can help determine if you have any kidney disease. First, remember if pain in the lumbar region bothers you: sharp and acute pain is a symptom of renal colic, and aching pain indicates a chronic course of the disease.

Collect your morning urine in a clean container. It is preferable that it be white, but you can use transparent. Examine the urine carefully: there should be no foreign matter in it, the normal color is yellow. If you notice a change in the color of your urine or the presence of flakes, contact your doctor immediately! Brown or red colored urine is especially dangerous.

Another diagnostic method is to calculate the daily volume of urine excreted. To do this, urinate in one container for 24 hours, then measure the amount of its contents.

Normally, a person excretes about 2 liters of urine per day. If this number is greater, this indicates polyuria; if it is less, this indicates oliguria.

With anuria, the kidneys do not produce urine at all. If there are any deviations, consult a doctor immediately.

Another sign of kidney dysfunction is swelling on the face. They are easily identified by enlarged eyelids and a slightly swollen face. Swelling in kidney diseases forms very quickly, and the skin is pale. They can occur not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body.

Swelling is often accompanied by general malaise. If you notice such a symptom, consult a doctor!

What tests do you need to take to check your kidneys?

In order to recognize kidney disease and check its function, it is necessary to undergo examination in a clinic. First of all, the specialist will suggest taking urine and blood tests.

Analysis of urine

Every person should have their urine tested every six months. In the laboratory, urine is studied, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells is counted, color, transparency and acidity are determined. Experts also detect the presence of pathogenic impurities.

What urine test should I take to check my kidneys? In addition to the general analysis, there are two more types of urine tests that are used for kidney disease:

according to Nechiporenko - will identify pyelonephritis, cystitis and other inflammatory processes; for Bence Jones protein - it can be used to detect malignant neoplasms in the kidneys.

General blood analysis

Blood is taken in the laboratory from a vein and from a finger.

In the first case, the analysis will show the amount of creatinine and uric acid, in the second - the degree of inflammation (if any).

During the day before donating blood, it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages and medications.

Additional examinations

Based on the results of urine and blood tests, the patient may be prescribed additional examinations:

Ultrasonography. Using this method, a specialist evaluates the structure of the kidneys. Ultrasound is safe even for small children. X-ray. It allows you to identify various tumors in the kidneys. In some cases, the patient undergoes urography. To do this, a contrast agent is injected before the procedure. Scintigraphy. This method, unlike ultrasound, allows us to identify not only the size of organs, but also functional disorders.

All of these methods will give a complete picture of the condition of the subject’s kidneys.

Renal scintigraphy

The most common kidney diseases and their symptoms

There are many diseases that cause kidney problems, but some are particularly common.

Urolithiasis disease

The main symptom of this disease is renal colic. It is a consequence of the passage of a stone from the kidney into the ureter, which leads to disruption of the outflow of urine and injury to the walls of the urinary tract. Acute pain can spread to the entire pelvic area, and sometimes to the inner thigh.

A person suffering from renal colic cannot find a position in which the pain would subside. There is an admixture of blood in the urine, sometimes sand is noticeable.

Inflammation (cystitis, pyelonephritis)

The most common diseases accompanied by inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract are cystitis and pyelonephritis.

With these ailments, the patient experiences high fever, lethargy and decreased appetite.

The pain can be either aching or sharp. There is a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region. Often cystitis and pyelonephritis are accompanied by frequent and painful urination.

Infections (glomerulonephritis)

Glomerulonephritis is an infectious disease. In the first stages of the disease, blood is noticeable in the urine, and as the disease progresses, anuria (cessation of urine production) may occur. With glomerulonephritis, the electrolyte balance is disturbed, extensive swelling develops, but there is no pain characteristic of renal diseases. The most serious complication is swelling of the brain and lungs.

Preventive measures

The kidneys are the natural filter of our body, so it is very important to take care of their condition and prevent the development of possible pathologies in advance.

To do this, it is enough to follow simple tips and recommendations, mainly related to your daily diet and lifestyle.

Here is a list of preventive measures that will help avoid the development of kidney diseases:

Limit the amount of foods in your diet that are high in protein, which can cause kidney stones. The protein norm per day for an adult is 0.7 grams per kg of weight. It is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Eat more foods that are good for your kidneys: berries (lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries), watermelon and melon, rose hips, fresh herbs, vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, bell peppers), apples, fish (preferably sea). Maintain drinking regime. If you do not have chronic kidney disease, drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day, in hot weather, in case of dehydration (diarrhea and vomiting), and during intense exercise, this volume increases. Avoid any hypothermia, as it increases the load on the kidneys. Play sports (but don’t overexert yourself; dancing and yoga are good for preventing kidney disease). Temper yourself and strengthen your immune system. Watch your weight.

The kidneys are a fairly sensitive organ, so you should treat them with special attention. If you notice any symptoms that indicate the development of kidney disease, be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that the disease is easier to treat at the initial stage.

Sometimes the presence of pathologies of the urinary system can be suspected independently. If you see white flakes in your urine, you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis. White flakes in urine - causes and treatment. Could this phenomenon be normal?

Why your kidneys hurt during pregnancy and what you can do as treatment, you will find out by following this link.

Video on the topic

Laboratory tests play an important role in the diagnosis of kidney pathology. They allow you to reliably assess the functional state of the urinary organs and even judge the prognosis of the disease. In our review, we will try to figure out what tests you need to take first in order to check your kidneys and get a complete picture of their work.

Checking your kidneys at home

Interestingly, you can do a simple kidney examination yourself. It is enough to collect your morning urine in a clean white or transparent container and evaluate its clarity, color and smell.

Urine of a healthy person:

transparent, without foreign matter; straw-yellow in color; has a slight odor.

If you find foam, flakes, sediment in it, a color change to brown or reddish, or a strong odor, you must undergo a medical examination. Symptoms of pathology of the urinary system (lower back pain, difficulty urinating, signs of intoxication) are another indication for prescribing tests.

Urine tests

The main method of laboratory diagnosis for kidney diseases remains urine testing. Kidney tests make it possible to judge both the general functioning of the organs of the urinary system and to identify specific symptoms of the disease.

To ensure that the test results are as reliable as possible, it is recommended to give urine after a little preparation:

For 1-2 days, eliminate foods that can color urine (for example, beets, large amounts of carrots, smoked meats, pickled vegetables and fruits, sweets). During the same time, give up alcohol, coffee, multivitamin complexes, diuretics. If you constantly If you are taking any medications, notify the doctor who referred you for analysis. 24-48 hours before your visit to the laboratory, avoid heavy physical activity, visiting the bathhouse, or sauna.

Note! Menstrual bleeding in women, acute infectious process and hypertensive crisis can affect the result, and urine examination will be uninformative. It is better to reschedule the kidney examination and get tested after the condition normalizes.

You should donate morning urine that has accumulated in the bladder during the night's sleep. Before this, you should take a shower and perform thorough hygiene of the external genitalia. An average portion of urine is collected in a sterile container (it is better if it is a disposable container, which is sold in pharmacies): the subject needs to start urinating into the toilet, and then collect 50-100 ml into the container without touching the skin.

Urine collected for analysis is stored for 1.5-2 hours in a cool place. Later, the biomaterial is considered unsuitable for study.

General clinical examination of urine

OAM is a standard examination method that evaluates the physicochemical characteristics of collected urine and the presence or absence of pathological impurities in it.

OAM allows you to create a general idea of ​​how the kidneys work in the body. An increase in the level of leukocytes in the urine and the appearance of bacteria in it indicate the development of an infectious process. Red blood cells and a large number of casts suggest the acute stage of glomerulonephritis.

If the above parameters deviate from the norm, one can judge not only kidney disease, but also systemic disorders in the body. For example, the detection of glucose in the urine is a likely sign of diabetes, and a positive test for bilirubin can confirm the presence of obstructive jaundice.

Test according to Nechiporenko

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is a diagnostic method necessary for a detailed determination of formed elements in the urine - red blood cells, leukocytes and casts. It is usually used to identify a hidden infectious process, when it is difficult to judge the nature of the pathology based on the results of OAM. Generally accepted standards of analysis are presented in the table below.

Zimnitsky test

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky is based on the collection of daily urine indicating the time of urination. Allows you to determine the density of urine excreted at different times (long-term, monotonous hypoisosthenuria - a sign of renal failure), the presence of perversion of urination.

Blood tests

Along with kidney tests, laboratory blood tests also make a significant contribution to the diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system. Why do doctors consider them as an “assistant” in making a diagnosis? The fact is that the chemical and biological composition of blood reflects the state of the entire organism.

A general blood test may indicate kidney disease:

decreased levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells (anemia); increased concentration of leukocytes - the main sign of inflammation; accelerated ESR.

In a biochemical blood test, it is important to take into account the following indicators:

creatinine (normal – 44-106 µmol/l); urea (normal – 2.5-8.3 mmol/l).

An increase in these indicators indicates that the kidneys are not coping with their work, and the patient develops chronic failure of these organs.

Above, we looked at how to check the kidneys and determine further tactics for managing the disease. In addition to laboratory tests, there are also instrumental methods for examining the organs of the urinary system, which make it possible to judge the size, location and internal structure of the kidneys. In combination with blood and urine tests, they will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and begin timely treatment.

Indications for kidney examination

Regardless of the type and type of future examination, it is necessary to carry out serious preparatory work. The kidneys are a powerful filter of the body, taking the brunt of the impact, so their health must be taken care of especially carefully. All studies are painless and do not cause any discomfort to the patient, so they should not be postponed. Such tests must be carried out for the following indications:

1Elevated blood pressure, which remains at 139/89 mmHg. Problems associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular system should not be confused with pathologies in the development of the kidneys. Only a full analysis carried out in a medical institution will make it possible to distinguish between these two pathologies. 2 Frequent nighttime urges to go to the toilet, which cannot be fully satisfied. 3 Significant reduction in the amount of urine excreted - you should also be very careful with this indicator. In some cases, we are not talking about serious kidney problems, but about metabolic disorders. 4Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, which many mistake for gout, salt deposits, etc. 5 Increased body temperature. 6Heaviness in the lower abdomen and back, which is not entirely correct to attribute solely to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. 7Pain when urinating. 8Changes in the color or smell of urine - this indicator should very much alert a person. Here we can talk not only about kidney problems, but also about the risk of developing cancer. 9 Blood clots in the urine. 10Decreased hemoglobin level.

Each of these reasons must be considered exclusively comprehensively, so you should not even try to make a diagnosis yourself at home, while prescribing treatment for yourself. Some kidney pathologies are latent in nature, and their symptoms can be deceptive. In this regard, the resolution of such issues must be entrusted to doctors.

Methods for diagnosing pathologies

Any kidney examination begins with urine and blood tests. After reviewing the composition of urine, the doctor will make a conclusion about the state of health based on the following indicators:

the number of leukocytes, indicating the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body; epithelium; presence of glucose; slime; pathogenic bacteria of various etiologies; salt; additional impurities that can significantly narrow the radius of searching for the cause of the ailment; red blood cells; average weight; presence of cylinders; presence of protein.

For preventive purposes, a general urine test must be taken by healthy people at least once every 6 months. Those who have risk factors need to visit a medical facility even more often to take not only a urine test, but also a Rehberg test, which has certain indications. The local therapist and nephrologist will tell you what tests need to be taken.

A common means of identifying various kidney problems are diagnostic techniques, divided into several types:

1Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the kidneys is used in the initial diagnosis, as well as to assess the actual condition of the kidney tissue. The doctor has the opportunity to assess the dynamics and quality of the patient’s urinary tract. The frequency of ultrasound appointments ranges from 12 to 14 months. Children need to undergo it once every 8 months. 2X-ray examination serves to obtain an objective visual representation of the functioning of the kidneys. For this purpose, an X-ray tube is used in medicine. In some cases, the doctor needs to introduce a special contrast to highlight the required area. Carrying out such an examination is indicated no more than once a year. 3Computed tomography of the kidneys is a more informative method that makes it possible to conduct a more targeted examination. The use of this remedy is possible only if there are appropriate indications. 4Radionuclide scintigraphy involves the injection of a small dose of a radioactive substance. It is carried out only if there are necessary indications. 5Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the use of a special magnet, which helps to select the required area for examination.

An integrated approach to research

Despite a fairly wide selection of diagnostic tools, none of them can be considered completely reliable. A qualified doctor will always resort to several ways to confirm or refute the guess made, for example, the patient may be asked to donate blood to check the kidneys. In some cases, you need to undergo a number of other tests, each of which will narrow the range of causes of the ailment.

Do not think that a nephrologist is an unqualified doctor who forces patients to take the same tests a large number of times.

Numerous kidney problems cannot be accurately determined by just one test.

That is why various methods are used that make it possible to look at the clinical picture of the disease from different angles.

Untimely treatment is no less dangerous than incorrect treatment, so excessive haste here is simply unacceptable and can be fraught with consequences. When talking about diagnosing kidney problems, it is necessary to highlight one important fact. Reasonable prevention is the key to a healthy life. As many may think, various abnormalities in the functioning of this organ are immediately noticeable and are associated with severe pain, but this is not entirely true.

In many cases, we may be talking about a latent problem that can get worse over a long period of time. It will seem to a person that here we are talking about a mild malaise, a slight cold or overwork. Subsequently, the aching pain will increasingly remind itself, telling the person about the need to visit a doctor. Official medical statistics show that early diagnosis of problems of the urinary system allows them to be completely eliminated in 2-4 weeks.

The emphasis will be on homeopathic remedies and traditional medicines, selected taking into account the specific cause of the disease, the patient's health status, immune system characteristics, etc. If the patient does not know how to check the kidneys and seeks help at a later stage, then there is a high probability spreading the disease further. In this case, the entire course of treatment can last for several months or even years.

Modern medical techniques make it possible to detect the disease at the very beginning of the process in order to prevent the pathology from developing into an irreversible form. But little depends on medicine if the patient does not want to undergo a kidney examination. But if you look at it, today any person is at risk of kidney pathologies and is obliged to take care of their health, especially since the examination of organs does not cause pain or discomfort and is carried out quite quickly. So, kidney tests are accepted in any clinic, and a specialist will definitely accommodate a conscientious patient who wants to examine his kidneys.

Who needs to have their organs checked?

It is especially important to undergo examination for people engaged in active physical activity.

Everyone and without exception! And it is better if kidney disease is diagnosed at a young age, for example, to check for the presence of congenital pathologies. Modern doctors know this very well, which is why babies in maternity hospitals undergo an ultrasound scan during the first month of life. But still, who is in a special “risk group”? These are patients with the following factors:

  • If there are relatives in the family history who have kidney disease, all relatives should undergo a full examination.
  • Pregnant women are a special group of patients with increased stress on their organs and require particularly careful examination.
  • With frequent lower back pain and the presence of edema, these are signs of developing pathologies that will be revealed by kidney diagnostics.
  • After suffering viral diseases (sore throat, flu), poisoning, acute forms of disease, infection or toxicity of organs may occur.
  • If there is the slightest change in the color or smell of urine, you should also go to the doctor, of course, if the changes did not occur as a result of eating coloring foods: beets, berries.
  • Advice! It is especially important to undergo examination for people engaged in active physical activity. Lifting weights provokes many kidney diseases, so preventing the disease will not be superfluous

    Modern methods for diagnosing kidney diseases

    The list of modern diagnostic methods is extensive; we’ll try to tell you everything about how to check your kidneys. Doctors classify all options as follows:

  • Physical diagnostics;
  • Laboratory methods for testing kidneys;
  • Instrumental methods of examination.
  • Physical

    This group includes an initial examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis, complaints and possible causes of the disease

    This group includes an initial examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis, complaints and possible causes of the disease. The doctor will ask in detail about diet, lifestyle, the presence of pathologies in the family, and ask other questions that need to be answered as thoroughly and accurately as possible. Questions do not arise out of curiosity: often renal pathologies arise against the background of unfavorable circumstances and are only an accompanying disease occurring against the background of the main one, which should be identified.

    Visual inspection is the second stage, which involves palpation of the lumbar region. Sometimes palpation is enough for an experienced professional to already know a preliminary diagnosis and write a referral for tests to confirm or refute his assumptions.

    Advice! Many organ pathologies in the last stages of development have obvious and vivid symptoms. An initial examination is enough for the doctor to immediately refer the patient for treatment to a specialist


    These diagnostic methods involve examining liquids or substances under a microscope, identifying pathological changes in the composition of elements

    These diagnostic methods involve examining liquids or substances under a microscope, identifying pathological changes in the composition of elements. As a rule, this includes blood tests for kidney and urine diseases. Urine tests may have different purposes, but the first is a general analysis. Here are the tests you need to take if there is pathology:

  • Zemnitsky's samples;
  • Analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • Amburger samples;
  • 24-hour urine analysis;
  • Ben-Jones protein test;
  • Distasis fences and other elements.
  • Important! The doctor himself will tell you what tests to take to check your kidneys. Most likely, you will need to stay in the hospital for several days, there is no need to refuse - detection of pathology in the primary classical urine sample requires accurate identification of the causes

    Blood samples are also taken for kidney disease. Blood biochemistry is mandatory, determining the level of components and deviations from the norm, and a general analysis.


    Perhaps this is the most extensive list of options, which helps to examine the kidneys literally “from all sides”

    Perhaps this is the most extensive list of options, which helps to examine the kidneys literally “from all sides.” Instrumental examinations are classified as follows:

  • Imaging methods, which include ultrasound examination. The method is ideal for identifying pathologies in the early stages.
  • X-ray methods:
    • plain radiography of the abdominal area;
    • infusion urography;
    • excretory urography;
    • retrograde pyelography;
    • angiographic examination of arteries;
    • CT or computed tomography.
  • MRI or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Radioisotope methods:
    • scanning;
    • scintigraphy;
    • radiography.
  • Endoscopy:
    • cytoscopy;
    • Chromocytoscopy.
  • Morphological methods or biopsy.
  • A huge list does not mean that you need to take all the tests to identify pathologies of kidney function. Tests, as a rule, are paid for; starting self-medication and self-diagnosis will be incorrect and costly, so you should first get a referral from a doctor; only a specialist will be able to determine which tests will have to be taken to clarify the diagnosis.

    Advice! Absolutely all methods differ in their characteristics and final picture. If a doctor prescribes CT and MRI, this does not mean that he is “taking money.” CT shows a more blurred overall picture, but clarifies all the small details, and MRI will give clear localization and dynamics of development in general terms. Sometimes, if there are formations, the specialist sends for an x-ray of the lungs, which, according to the patient, are very far from the kidneys. However, this analysis is required to clarify the presence of metastases

    Ultrasound is one of the most frequently prescribed studies of renal pathologies.

    Now let’s tell you a little more about some instrumental studies:

  • Ultrasound is one of the most frequently prescribed studies of renal pathologies. According to its characteristics, the procedure is the most convenient for the patient, fast in speed and accurate in the final clinical picture. In particular, ultrasound will show the boundaries of the kidneys, interaction with other organs, the presence of developmental anomalies, mobility of the paired organ, localization of the source of infection and will give a picture of the dynamics.
  • Urography is carried out with the introduction of a contrast agent, on the basis of which the presence of stones, infections of the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system, foci of inflammation, etc. are revealed. It is especially necessary to perform urography if there is a suspicion that the kidney is burdened with a tumor.
  • X-ray is an instrumental study that clarifies all the information about the condition of the kidneys and bladder. X-rays are used to determine the volume of the tumor, its location and interaction with the vessels and parenchyma. The technique reduces the likelihood of errors in diagnosing urological diseases.
  • Scintigraphy is always performed if the diagnosis of urinary system disorders is complicated by additional factors. The study clarifies the shape, size of the organ, its position, degree of damage, evaluates the functionality of the organs and possible disorders. In addition, only scintigraphy provides a complete clinical picture of the condition of the renal tissue, and this is extremely important in the presence of formations or enlargement of the pelvicaliceal system.
  • MRI is a study that is necessary to detect organ diseases at the earliest stage. MRI is also indicated when ultrasound, CT, and X-rays are ineffective - for some types of pathologies, the listed options are not available or will not provide a complete clinical picture of the disease. Moreover, when prescribing therapy, the doctor may also require an MRI to check how a particular treatment option will work.
  • What tests need to be taken?

    To identify kidney pathologies and find out everything about possible organ diseases, you should undergo general urine and blood tests - this is mandatory and the procedure is considered a classic one. In addition, the doctor will make a number of other recommendations based on your medical history and visual examination. But if a specific pathology is not identified or there are no prerequisites for clarifying the diagnosis, a biochemical study of blood and urine will be the first and last analysis. If necessary, the examination will be complete and as thorough as possible.

    It is necessary to keep all systems of our body in order, so people should know clearly when and how to check their kidneys. In medical practice, there are many ways to check kidney function, each of which is used when a certain pathology is suspected. The choice of research method is carried out by the local therapist, with whom you need to make an appointment at the first symptoms. If the physician sees a risk of developing a chronic disease, he may refer the patient to a nephrologist for further advice.

    Indications for kidney examination

    Regardless of the type and type of future examination, it is necessary to carry out serious preparatory work. The kidneys are a powerful filter of the body, taking the brunt of the impact, so their health must be taken care of especially carefully. All studies are painless and do not cause any discomfort to the patient, so they should not be postponed. Such tests must be carried out for the following indications:

    1. Increased blood pressure, which remains at 139/89 mmHg. Problems associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular system should not be confused with pathologies in the development of the kidneys. Only a full analysis carried out in a medical institution will make it possible to distinguish between these two pathologies.
    2. Frequent nighttime urge to go to the toilet, which cannot be fully satisfied.
    3. A significant reduction in the amount of urine excreted - you should also be very careful with this indicator. In some cases, we are not talking about serious kidney problems, but about metabolic disorders.
    4. Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, which many mistake for gout, salt deposits, etc.
    5. Increased body temperature.
    6. Heaviness in the lower abdomen and back, which is not entirely correct to attribute solely to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
    7. Pain when urinating.
    8. A change in the color or smell of urine - this indicator should very much alert a person. Here we can talk not only about kidney problems, but also about the risk of developing cancer.
    9. Blood clots in the urine.
    10. Decreased hemoglobin levels.

    Each of these reasons must be considered exclusively comprehensively, so you should not even try to make a diagnosis yourself at home, while prescribing treatment for yourself. Some kidney pathologies are latent in nature, and their symptoms can be deceptive. In this regard, the resolution of such issues must be entrusted to doctors.

    Methods for diagnosing pathologies

    Any kidney examination begins with urine and blood tests. After reviewing the composition of urine, the doctor will make a conclusion about the state of health based on the following indicators:

    • the number of leukocytes, indicating the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body;
    • epithelium;
    • presence of glucose;
    • slime;
    • pathogenic bacteria of various etiologies;
    • salt;
    • additional impurities that can significantly narrow the radius of searching for the cause of the ailment;
    • red blood cells;
    • average weight;
    • presence of cylinders;
    • presence of protein.

    For preventive purposes, a general urine test must be taken by healthy people at least once every 6 months. Those who have risk factors need to visit a medical facility even more often to take not only a urine test, but also a Rehberg test, which has certain indications. The local therapist and nephrologist will tell you what tests need to be taken.

    A common means of identifying various kidney problems are diagnostic techniques, divided into several types:

    1. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the kidneys is used in the initial diagnosis, as well as to assess the actual condition of the kidney tissue. The doctor has the opportunity to assess the dynamics and quality of the patient’s urinary tract. The frequency of ultrasound appointments ranges from 12 to 14 months. Children need to undergo it once every 8 months.
    2. X-ray examination serves to obtain an objective visual representation of the functioning of the kidneys. For this purpose, an X-ray tube is used in medicine. In some cases, the doctor needs to introduce a special contrast to highlight the required area. Carrying out such an examination is indicated no more than once a year.
    3. Computed tomography of the kidneys is a more informative method that makes it possible to conduct a more targeted examination. The use of this remedy is possible only if there are appropriate indications.
    4. Radionuclide scintigraphy involves the injection of a small dose of a radioactive substance. It is carried out only if there are necessary indications.
    5. Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the use of a special magnet, which helps to select the required area for examination.

    An integrated approach to research

    Despite a fairly wide selection of diagnostic tools, none of them can be considered completely reliable. A qualified doctor will always resort to several ways to confirm or refute the guess made, for example, the patient may be asked to donate blood to check the kidneys. In some cases, you need to undergo a number of other tests, each of which will narrow the range of causes of the ailment.

    Do not think that a nephrologist is an unqualified doctor who forces patients to take the same tests a large number of times.

    Numerous kidney problems cannot be accurately determined by just one test.

    That is why various methods are used that make it possible to look at the clinical picture of the disease from different angles.

    Untimely treatment is no less dangerous than incorrect treatment, so excessive haste here is simply unacceptable and can be fraught with consequences. When talking about diagnosing kidney problems, it is necessary to highlight one important fact. Reasonable prevention is the key to a healthy life. As many may think, various abnormalities in the functioning of this organ are immediately noticeable and are associated with severe pain, but this is not entirely true.

    In many cases, we may be talking about a latent problem that can get worse over a long period of time. It will seem to a person that here we are talking about a mild malaise, a slight cold or overwork. Subsequently, the aching pain will increasingly remind itself, telling the person about the need to visit a doctor. Official medical statistics show that early diagnosis of problems of the urinary system allows them to be completely eliminated in 2-4 weeks.

    The emphasis will be on homeopathic remedies and traditional medicines, selected taking into account the specific cause of the disease, the patient's health status, immune system characteristics, etc. If the patient does not know how to check the kidneys and seeks help at a later stage, then there is a high probability spreading the disease further. In this case, the entire course of treatment can last for several months or even years.

    If a person has “bags” under the eyes, and the skin becomes gray and dry, it means that there is a malfunction in the urinary system. You should not postpone a visit to a specialist to examine the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as assess their functional activity.

    A urologist or nephrologist will tell you how to check your kidneys. During the diagnosis, severe complications can be avoided. Treatment at an early stage of any disease allows you to quickly achieve the desired results and avoid unwanted surgical intervention.

    When to go to the doctor

    It is rare to meet a person who regularly undergoes a complete examination of the body. Most people put off visiting a doctor, swallow handfuls of pills and convince themselves that the pain, stinging, and tingling will soon disappear. And only when symptoms worsen do they make an appointment. This tactic is extremely dangerous, especially when the kidneys hurt.

    Paired organs rid the blood of waste and toxins, regulate blood pressure, and take part in metabolism. Even a slight disruption in their work will quickly affect the functioning of all life systems.

    Modern methods for diagnosing kidneys are painless and do not cause any discomfort to a person. People with the following types of kidney damage should definitely undergo an examination procedure:

    • high blood pressure;
    • frequent night urination;
    • decrease in the volume of urine excreted;
    • pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
    • increased body temperature;
    • burning and stinging when emptying the bladder;
    • change in the color and smell of urine.

    A kidney examination should not be postponed if even one of the above-described symptoms of malfunction of the urinary system appears. Experts recommend conducting a thorough diagnosis of paired organs twice a year.

    It is important for people with congenital or acquired kidney pathologies to undergo a complete medical examination. If there is a hereditary predisposition to urolithiasis or glomerulonephritis, it is necessary to regularly examine the child from infancy.

    If you experience nagging pain in your side, you should check your kidney function.

    Diagnosis at home

    It is not possible to conduct a full kidney check at home. But if you suspect a disruption in their functioning, you should determine the area where the pain is localized and try to analyze your sensations:

    • sharp, acute spasms indicate a rapidly developing inflammatory process in the structural elements of the kidneys (calyces, pelvis, parenchyma, tubules);
    • nagging, aching pains that appear during hypothermia or eating spicy foods occur with sluggish chronic pathologies.

    You can also check your urine at home for foreign impurities. To do this, you need to collect urine in a transparent container and carefully examine it. If fresh blood, dark blood clots, flakes, or cheesy sediment are detected, you must make an appointment for a consultation with a urologist.

    A 24-hour urine test will help evaluate your kidney function. Within 24 hours, you need to collect urine in a calibrated container, and then measure the resulting volume. If it does not exceed 1.5-1.8 liters, then the kidneys have lost the ability to fully filter blood and secrete urine. A significant volume (more than 2.5 liters) means that the urine contains little uric acid and its compounds, waste products and protein breakdown products. The kidneys cannot fully concentrate urine, which causes serious damage to the entire body.

    Kidneys should be examined if urine color changes

    What tests are the most informative?

    After conducting an external examination of the patient and listening to his complaints, the urologist will tell you where to start the examination and what tests are necessary. As a rule, the results of laboratory and biochemical tests of urine and blood are needed to make an initial diagnosis. The content of white and red blood cells, as well as epithelial tissues, is determined in urine. The clarity, color and specific gravity of urine must be assessed. The concentration of casts, proteins and glucose is a determining factor in the presence of an infectious focus in the kidneys.

    An informative method for studying the functioning of paired organs is the daily volume of urine. It is necessary to submit to the laboratory urine collected during the day, excluding the first emptying of the bladder. In this way, it is possible not only to establish the presence of an inflammatory focus, but also the location of its localization in one of the organs of the urinary system.

    In order to determine the type of pathogenic pathogen, laboratory technicians inoculate a biological sample in a nutrient medium. This method reveals the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs that will be used in treatment.

    • from a finger to establish or refute the inflammatory process and the extent of its spread;
    • from a vein to determine the concentration of proteins and urea.

    For reliable test results, you must not eat food 12 hours before the procedure. If you suspect an endocrine etiology of decreased functional activity of the kidneys, you should not drink any liquid or even brush your teeth. People with systemic diseases need laboratory tests every 6 months.

    Modern diagnostic methods

    After studying and evaluating the results of laboratory tests, it is necessary to examine the kidneys to determine the extent of their damage. The doctor chooses diagnostic methods depending on the patient’s age and the expected disease. Research methods that use radiation are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

    Computed tomography is used to examine the kidneys.

    Such informative examination procedures as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are not prescribed for young children and people with mental pathologies. During the kidney check, it is necessary to remain completely still for an hour, which these categories of patients are incapable of. The following studies are usually carried out at varying levels of complexity:

    • ultrasonography. The procedure allows you to assess the condition of the calyces, pelvis and tubules, differentiate between benign and malignant neoplasms, and determine the localization of the infectious focus. The study allows you to detect stones in the kidneys or bladder and suggest their chemical composition. This is the only diagnostic method that has no contraindications and does not require special preparation;
    • urography. The method is indispensable for establishing the degree of damage to the kidney vessels and assessing the blood supply to the organs of the urinary system. Before the procedure, patients are injected with a contrast agent. After it spreads through the veins, arteries and capillaries, the smallest vessels are visualized on the computer screen. Urography is contraindicated for people who have individual sensitivity to contrast agents;
    • X-ray examination. During the procedure, the human body receives a dose of radiation that is considered safe. The photographs are not always informative, since the images are obtained only in one or two projections;
    • scintigraphy. The static method allows you to determine the shape of the kidneys, their location relative to each other, and assess the degree of damage to the pelvis and calyces. During dynamic scintigraphy, patients are injected with a contrast agent. On the monitor screen, the specialist monitors the movement of blood through the pelvic vessels in real time, checks the integrity of the veins, arteries and capillaries;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging. The procedure is contraindicated for patients with pacemakers, metal dental implants, and even tattoos. There are also some restrictions for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Modern diagnostic techniques make it possible to obtain three-dimensional images of the kidneys and evaluate the functioning of a single kidney after removal of the other. After completing the study, the patient receives a transcript of the results within 15-20 minutes;
    • CT scan. This diagnostic method is used to study possible damage to the renal structural elements, assess the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, and determine the area of ​​surgical intervention. Using CT, you can evaluate the condition of the kidney before making a decision to remove the second one.

    When examining the kidneys, the urologist always examines the bladder using cystoscopy. To do this, a thin catheter with a built-in camera is inserted into the hollow organ, and the diagnostic results are visualized on a computer screen.

    Cystoscopy is an auxiliary method for recognizing a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys. If blood or pus is found in the urine, then it is necessary to determine the location of the inflammatory focus.

    Ultrasound is an effective method for checking the kidneys

    Many modern diagnostic methods are contraindicated or are not very informative for some patients (pregnant women, people with prostheses containing metal). Using endoscopic techniques, the urethra and bladder are examined. By installing the built-in camera so that the opening of the ureters is in the field of view, you can find out whether the kidney is bleeding.

    After all laboratory and instrumental studies have been completed, a biopsy sometimes becomes necessary.

    This morphological diagnostic method is used to differentiate malignant and benign neoplasms of the kidneys, liver, and lungs. Using a special endoscopic instrument, a small piece of the biological sample is pinched off for further examination in the laboratory.

    For those people who care about their health, unexpected diagnoses are not scary. They undergo all examinations on time and immediately make an appointment with a doctor if their general condition worsens or if pathological signs of inflammation appear. Diagnosing kidney disease at an early stage allows you to avoid long-term hospital treatment.



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