Social activity of the individual: concept, characteristics, conditions for implementation. What is the social activity of society

Under the conditions of a qualitative transformation of society, the problem of the social activity of the masses and the individual acquires special significance. "

The process of radical renewal is impossible without the involvement

in it the broadest masses, without the development of new non-traditional forms of social activity. Meanwhile, this need of society is not satisfied. The contradiction between the need to develop constructive creative activity and the real state of activity of the masses, between this need and destructive, negative and destabilizing factors in the manifestation of activity, is aggravated. ^

What is social activity?

The starting point in understanding social activity is the understanding of its connection with the sociality of the individual. The sociality of the individual in the broadest sense of the word is its connection with the social


whole: society, social communities, humanity. Co-

sociality can be. revealed only through the study of the system of social relations of the individual with a wide variety of communities:

class, professional, settlement, demographic, ethnic, cultural, status, etc. Interests, needs, values ​​of these groups are diverse. The concept of social activity gives an idea of ​​the quality of sociality, the level

and the nature of its implementation.

In conditions of qualitative changes, it is especially important to find out the level and nature of the personality's sociality. Does the person feel, understands the needs, interests of society and, in connection with this, the goals and

goals of social movements? Does he accept them as his own? Does she follow them thoughtlessly, or is she able to realize, to comprehend on her own? How does it implement? Is he aware of himself as a subject of social relations? How developed is the human in man, has the experience of his historical social development been mastered? It is impossible to answer these questions without referring to the category of social activity.

The social activity of the individual is a systemic social quality in which the level of its sociality is expressed and realized,

those. the depth and completeness of the relationship of the individual with society, the level of transformation of the individual into the subject of social relations.

Social activity cannot be reduced to one of the moments of consciousness or activity of the individual. This is the initial social quality, which expresses a holistic, sustainable active attitude towards society, the problems of its development and determines the qualitative features of consciousness, activity, and states of the individual.

The interests of the individual, the values ​​that he accepts, may conflict with the interests of wider communities,

society as a whole, but this does not mean that the individual is not socially active. A high level of social activity does not imply mindless adherence to the interests of society, automatic acceptance of its values.

Social activity is not only an understanding and acceptance of the interests of society and certain communities, but also a willingness,

the ability to realize these interests, the vigorous activity of an independent subject.

The most important signs of social activity of the individual (in

the opposite of a passive personality) is a strong, stable

  • 4 5-275

personality is a chivalry, not situational desire to influence social processes

(ultimately society as a whole) and real participation in public affairs, dictated by the desire to change, transform, or vice versa, preserve, strengthen the existing social order,

its forms, sides. And in terms of its content, focus on certain values, and in terms of their comprehension, and in terms of the nature

and the level of implementation of social activity is diverse. It seems that it is the analysis of its connection with sociality that will make it possible to identify certain types of social activity. It is possible to single out, based on the characteristics of this connection, three main criteria for social activity.

The first criterion makes it possible to identify the breadth, range of values ​​of the individual, the level of sociality in terms of orientation towards the

Orientation to certain interests, needs, values. The nature and level of acceptance of interests, needs, values. The nature and level of realization of interests, needs, values.

the resources of not only a narrow social group, but also wider communities, society as a whole, humanity. Social activity can have an egocentric orientation, locking a person into

the space of his personal subjectivity; alterocentric, subordinating life to the service of loved ones; sociocentric, aimed at the realization of social needs of different levels,

making human life inseparable from the concerns and problems of broad social communities. In modern conditions, the importance of orientation towards universal human values ​​is increasing. For a socially active person, they are initial, defining. Thus, the first criterion reveals the nature of the driving forces,

needs, values ​​underlying social activity.

An active person is a person for whom the highest value is life in the name of public interests, life in the midst of social events, life subjectively included in the movement and

development of social organisms and social processes.

The basis of social activity is the special characteristics of the self-consciousness of the individual, identifying him with society and race.


viewing it as a subject expressing and protecting the interests of the community as their own. Productive is the concept of the general value orientation of the personality, which in-

"integrates all values, ideas into a holistic unity. Knowing the content of the general value orientation of an individual, it is impossible

it is possible to predict with certainty his actions at certain, discrete segments of his life path (they may be the result of the influence of many factors), but it is possible to predict with certainty the general lines of his social activity in a long life perspective.

The second criterion characterizes the measure, the depth of acceptance, assimilation of values. At the same time, the initial methodological principle of understanding social activity is the allocation of its three sides: rational, sensual-emotional, volitional. Personality

Can accept values ​​at the level of feelings, moods, knowledge or volitional aspirations. As a rule, at the level of emotions, a person assimilates values ​​superficially, although in a vivid emotional form. At the level of knowledge, there is a deeper and more specific assimilation of values. At the level of volitional aspirations, social attitudes are formed, i.e. readiness for action, for the realization of needs, values. Only in unity do all these levels give a truly complete and deep acceptance of values. A vivid expression of the organic connection of knowledge, feelings and will, providing genuine social activity, are the beliefs of the individual, his social attitudes. Indicators of a high level of social activity are conscious involvement in social life,

high personal significance of the interests of society as a whole and specific communities, the individual's awareness of his place in society, personal responsibility for the processes taking place in it.

The third criterion reveals the features of the realization of values. The indicators of the level of implementation are the nature and scale, results, forms of activity.

When analyzing character, it is especially important to find out whether interests, social roles are realized purely formally, standardly or creatively, what is the level of creativity, innovations in methods, methods of implementation. Is the implementation of an internally consistent process when the value orientations of the individual, his social attitudes are realized, or is there a gap between the values, value orientations of the individual, his social attitudes and

activities, when on the basis of situational motives other

value personality. Revealing the internal unity of the process of implementation is achieved as a result of comparing the value orientations, social attitudes and activities of the individual.

When studying the scale, it is necessary to identify whether the person takes on himself in connection with the orientation towards certain values ​​of the goal,

additional obligations, more significant specialized roles, or only conscientiously or proactively fulfills its previously inherent ones.

In the study of forms of activity, the most essential clarification is the one-dimensionality or multidimensionality of the expressions of social activity. Are certain values, interests, goals realized?

in one or multiple forms? In modern conditions, it is productive to compare the level of development of forms of activity and identify their connection.

Close connection, interpenetration of forms of social activity is a necessary condition for its existence and development.

And, on the contrary, activity acquires a detrimental character when the forms are inconsistent, do not complement, but oppose each other. In modern conditions, we are faced with opposition to the political

and moral activity. The development of moral activity lags behind, and this leads to the transformation of political activity into

quasi-activity, which gives rise to consequences that are harmful in the moral and in all other respects.

We can give the following scheme of the main indicators of the social activity of the individual (see Fig. b6).

With a systematic approach, social activity appears as an internally multifaceted phenomenon, as a unity of the subjective and objective, as a system of orientation and values ​​that express the interests of certain social communities, as a system of feelings, knowledge, volitional components, as a creative attitude that involves innovations in understanding and implementation values ​​in various forms;

Social activity is a system-forming quality,

characterizing the integrity of the individual. Its level is evidenced by the consistency of the elements, not so much by the level of their development, but by the nature of their relationship, unity.

Therefore, when measuring the quality, the level of maturity of activity, it is fruitful to use personality culture as an integrative indicator. Most often, culture is defined as a set of certain orientations, values, realized in


(Egocentric and alterocentric orientation Monosociocentric orientation Focus on certain interests, needs, values

Polysociocentric;?I orientation Orientation to universal values

Acceptance at the level of feelings Acceptance at the "level of knowledge" Acceptance at the level of volitional aspirations, ^ Acceptance at the level of feelings, knowledge, volitional aspirations - our Hirikter and the level of acceptance of interests, values

Acceptance at the level of feelings and volitional aspirations Acceptance at the level of knowledge and feelings Acceptance at the level of knowledge and volitional aspirations

The character is creative, non-creative, contradictory and consistent Scales and results (social roles and effectiveness of activity) Forms (orientation to a multifaceted and one-dimensional space, connection of forms) Characterize the level of realization of the needs of interests, "values

personality transformative activity. According to A. Mol, personality culture is its spiritual equipment. It seems that these definitions are not precise enough. Culture is a more general concept

this is a qualitatively mature manifestation of the sociality of the individual, measured through the consistency of the elements of the spiritual world of the individual, this is a general way for the individual to master social experience, social roles, functions. Culture is not only an orientation, a mood of consciousness, not just a body of knowledge, but a certain state of their productive implementation, an expression of social activity and social initiative of an individual. This is the realization of spiritual equipment. This is a way of perceiving the world, types of activity, which is formed on the basis of certain value orientations, knowledge, beliefs, certain activities and is an expression of social properties inherent in the personality. Os-

The new structural elements of personality culture are beliefs, personality traits, the nature of the activity, its skills and

skills. Therefore, we judge the culture of an individual primarily by the level of development and implementation of social roles, the performance of certain functions, by the possession in this regard of the mechanisms of assimilation and development of social experience. Appeal to culture as an integrative indicator focuses on the study of moments of personality activity, expressing its holistic orientation, interconnection,

Structural orderliness, consistency of qualities, integrity of activity.

The study of the mechanism of the formation of the social activity of the individual in modern conditions requires, first of all, an analysis of the influence of innovations in social life, the formation of new economic,

social and political structures, new moments of spiritual development, characteristic of our society at the present time. It is important to compare this influence with the influence of old conservative structures and traditional forms.



1.1 The concept of social activity and its essence

1.1.1 Social activity of the individual in the scientific literature

Let us consider the essence of the concept of "social activity of the individual", its main characteristics, and describe the ways of its development. At the same time, it is necessary to identify the genesis of the chain of concepts (“activity” - “activity of the individual” - “social activity”) in conjunction with the concepts interconnected with them.

"Activity" is a complex, generalized concept used to characterize reflection at the level of living organisms. Activity and its features act as a constitutive feature of reflection. So, M.S. Kagan considers activity as a form of "... an internally determined movement of living matter ...". In his works, V.S. Tyukhtin notes that “with activity, living things are associated with such abilities as the ability for self-preservation, adaptation, self-regulation, self-reproduction and development in the process of interaction of organisms with the living environment” . In turn, N.A. Bershtein, based on the study of the movements of living organisms, developed the concept of "physiology of activity", according to which activity is considered as an essential property of a living organism that determines its behavior.

The physiology of activity was a fundamentally new step in the development of not only neurophysiology and psychology, but also biology, a transition from considering the organism as a reactive system to considering it as an active system. Activity is manifested when the movement programmed by the body towards a specific goal requires overcoming the resistance of the environment. But this overcoming the organism releases energy until it triumphs over the environment or perishes in the struggle with it. As a philosophical category, activity reflects "the ability of objects of animate and inanimate nature and subjects of social life to interact spontaneously, intensively directed or consciously with the environment, change and transform themselves and the environment, as well as the intensity of this process, its measure" . In the interpretation of S.L. Rubinshtein, a person consciously transforms the world, and consciousness is manifested and formed in activity. In the conscious activity of a person, his activity is manifested. As a motivating force of human activity, S.L. Rubinstein singles out the motive. Motives that determine activity and are determined by needs act as a source of personality activity, providing it with a certain direction. Motives, in turn, are integrated into various relationships. The content of relations is most fully reflected in personal meanings, which are understood as "... an individualized reflection of reality, expressing the attitude of the individual to those objects for the sake of which its activities and communication are deployed" .

In specially conducted studies, parameters were identified for assessing the dynamic manifestations of activity. For example, V.M. Rusalov identifies three parameters of activity:

1) high-speed;

2) ergic (desire for intense mental work);

3) variational (internal tendency to a variety of behavior).

In psychology, there are such types of activity as general and search.

General activity is a feature of the manifestation of temperament. Some people can be passive, inert by nature. Therefore, they need to make significant efforts to become active and proactive in this or that activity. Others, active and impetuous, need to determine in which direction to act so that their energy and enthusiasm will help them achieve their goals.

Search activity is understood as behavior aimed at changing the existing situation or attitude towards it in the absence of a definite forecast of its results, but with constant consideration of the degree of its effectiveness. Search activity is a necessary component of many types of behavior. For example, the manifestation of search activity is an important part of the planning process, forecasting the results of self-educational activity.

In pedagogy, activity is revealed as the most important personality trait, consisting in the ability to change the surrounding reality in accordance with one's own needs, views, goals and manifested in intensive activity in work, study, creativity, etc.

In our work, we adhere to the position of V.I. Andreeva, M.G. Garunova, O.G. Sushchenko, G.I. Shchukina, who, when considering the concept of "activity", focus on its activity aspect, arguing that activity is motivated by the subject of activity, and activity itself, thus, acts as a motive for activity.

So, G.I. Shchukina showed the dialectic of two main approaches in the pedagogy of the concept under consideration: “activity” is considered as a synonym for activity or the quality of an individual’s activity. In her opinion, if activity is a unity of subject-subject properties, then activity belongs to a person, and to a greater extent, to the subject of activity. Activity, therefore, expresses not the activity itself, but its level and character. As an attribute of the actor, it affects both the process of goal-setting, and the creation of motivation, and the choice of methods of activity.

The meaning of progress is in the transformation of each person into a person, into an "active figure" needed by others. Under favorable conditions, a healthy individual develops three types of activity: physical (biological), mental and social activity, which can be interpreted through the prism of the needs of the individual.

Physical activity is the natural need of a healthy body to move, to exercise and to overcome all sorts of obstacles. It is a prerequisite for mental development in ontogeny.

Mental activity is the individual's need for knowledge, on the one hand, of the surrounding reality, including social relations, and on the other hand, for the individual to know himself. All types of cognition are carried out through reflection - a form of mental activity aimed at comprehending the actions of other people and their own actions.

Social activity is the need of the individual to change or maintain the foundations of human life in accordance with their worldview, with their value orientations. Positive social activity is due to obligation. Truly social activity consists in focusing on changing the circumstances of people's lives and on self-change for the benefit of oneself and others. The condition for the development of social activity is a complex of all factors affecting a person.

All kinds of human activity, of course, interact with each other. However, the loss of physical activity by a person does not deprive him of the opportunity to develop and assert his mental and social activity precisely because of his social nature. The social activity of a person is not only determined by his mental activity, but, in turn, determines the further development of mental and physical activity. The social activity of the individual is based on three foundations: worldview - obligation - will.

In the philosophical, sociological, psychological literature, the social activity of the individual is defined in different ways: as a kind of measure of activity in society; measure of direction of activity; the activity itself; the total ability of the subject to a variety of active relations with objective reality. The opinion is expressed that "... social activity in its general sociological understanding is an attribute of a social subject, a subjective social reason, a source, a basis for all its social qualities, properties, its entire social structure, moreover, its very social being ...". There are other, narrower interpretations that reduce social activity to a personality trait, an element, a component of its structure.

As follows from the analysis of the literature, there is no unity of positions in the definition of social activity and understanding of its essence among scientists. It is indisputable that the essence of social activity cannot be determined without considering the relationship between activity and activity.

There are different opinions of researchers about the relationship between these concepts, which can be divided into the following groups:

  • social activity is identified with activity;
  • the category "social activity" is wider than the category "activity";
  • the category "social activity" is narrower than the category "activity".

In our opinion, social activity is realized in the worldview and activity of the subject, i.e. these categories are related as a whole to a part. A similar approach is typical for S.A. Potapova, who defines social activity as "... the socio-psychological, value, professional setting of the subject, implemented in his activities ...".

A significant factor in determining social activity is that not every activity is an expression and indicator of social activity, but only an activity that has certain qualitative and quantitative characteristics in their relationship. In order for an activity to be considered active, it must have the property of independence. This means that activity should not be imposed from the outside, but be internally necessary for a person, generated by his needs. Needs are an internal source of activity. In addition, in order to characterize the subject as socially active, he must be aware of and consciously realize his needs.

The methodological conclusion of V.G. Mordkovich, according to which activity is an essential feature of the subject, because "without activity there is no subject." This is due to the fact that when carrying out the activity imposed on him, a person must be characterized as a “carrier of activity”, i.e. an object that fulfills someone else's will and does not have its own need for it. The performance of such activities can be characterized by the category of "social passivity", which is the inverse of the category "social activity". It should be noted that not all needs are the driving factor in social activity, but only those whose satisfaction is of social importance and affects public interests. The structure and types of social activity will be different for each type of activity of the subject, i.e. social activity can only be considered in conjunction with a certain type of activity.

Man, as is commonly believed, is a social being. To feel comfortable in society, you need to know how to communicate with people correctly. Today we will talk about how to become a social person and fully realize yourself through communication with other people.

How to become socially active

Most likely, a person who has been in the shadow of society for several years, has not shown any social activity, will eventually want to prove himself, but he may face the question of how to become social. And for this, there are small tips to help a person open up.

  1. Don't be conservative: use modern gadgets, keep up with fashionable novelties - let a few trendy things appear in your wardrobe, read modern books, go to movie premieres. In a word, be on the wave with modern society.
  2. Do not be afraid to make acquaintances, because social activity is possible only among people. You can meet both in social networks and in real life. Find social groups on the Internet that you are interested in, join them, and conduct active dialogues with the participants. Now dating through the Internet is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. You may be united with someone by the movement for the salvation of nature or some kind of charity event. Find out where you can participate in these charity events. As a rule, there are open and good-natured people.
  3. If you want to take an active social position, then participate in the life of your city, country. Go to the polls, support social actions in your city. Help homeless animals, because you can become a volunteer in a shelter in your city. This is a very suitable occupation to become a social person.

How to communicate correctly

To become a pleasant conversationalist, you need to learn to listen to your opponent. Usually people like to talk about themselves rather than listen to others. Therefore, be careful when talking, do not interrupt and try not to ask your interlocutor again. Be friendly and polite, and also adhere to the basic rules:

Knowing how to communicate well and be a good conversationalist will help you successfully communicate with society.

If you seriously decide to work on yourself, then you may be interested in the section on our website.

Under the conditions of a qualitative transformation of society, the problem of the social activity of the masses and the individual acquires special significance.

The process of radical renewal is impossible without the involvement of the broadest masses in it, without the development of new non-traditional forms of social activity. Meanwhile, this need of society is not satisfied. The contradiction between the need to develop constructive creative activity and the real state of activity of the masses, between this need and destructive, negative and destabilizing factors in the manifestation of activity is aggravated.

The starting point in understanding social activity is the understanding of its connection with the sociality of the individual. Social personality in the broad sense of the word, it is its connection with society, social communities, humanity. Sociality can be revealed only through the study of the system of social ties of an individual with a wide variety of communities: class, professional, settlement, demographic, ethnic, cultural, status, etc. Interests, needs, values ​​of these groups are diverse. The concept of social activity gives an idea of ​​the quality of sociality, the level and nature of its implementation.

Social activity of the individual- a systemic social quality in which the level of its sociality is expressed and realized, i.e. the depth and completeness of the relationship of the individual with society, the level of transformation of the individual into the subject of social relations.

Social activity cannot be reduced to one of the moments of consciousness or activity of the individual. This is the initial social quality, which expresses a holistic, sustainable active attitude towards society, the problems of its development and determines the qualitative features of consciousness, activity, and states of the individual.

The interests of the individual, the values ​​that he accepts, may conflict with the interests of wider communities, society as a whole, but this does not mean that the individual is not socially active. A high level of social activity does not imply mindless adherence to the interests of society, automatic acceptance of its values.

Social activity is not only the understanding and acceptance of the interests of society and certain communities, but also the willingness, ability to realize these interests, the vigorous activity of an independent subject.

The most important signs of social activity of the individual(as opposed to a passive personality) is a strong, stable, and not situational, desire to influence social processes (ultimately society as a whole) and real participation in public affairs, dictated by the desire to change, transform, or, on the contrary, preserve, strengthen the existing social order, its forms, sides. And in terms of its content, focus on certain values, and in terms of their comprehension, and in terms of the nature and level of implementation, social activity is diverse.

Criteria for social activity:

First criterion allows you to identify the breadth, range of values ​​of the individual, the level of sociality in terms of focusing on the interests of not only a narrow social group, but also wider communities, society as a whole, humanity.

Second criterion characterizes the measure, the depth of acceptance, assimilation of values. At the same time, the initial methodological principle of understanding social activity is the allocation of its three sides: rational, sensual-emotional, volitional.

Third criterion reveals the features of the realization of values. The indicators of the level of implementation are the nature and scale, results, forms of activity.

The study of the mechanism of the formation of the social activity of the individual in modern conditions requires, first of all, an analysis of the influence of innovations in social life, the formation of new economic, social and political structures, new moments of spiritual development that are characteristic of our society at the present time. It is important to compare this influence with the influence of old conservative structures and traditional forms.

Questions for self-examination:

1. What is the difference between the concepts “man”, “individual”, “personality”, “individual”?

2. What is the personality structure?

3. What is the “social status” and “social role” of a person? How are these concepts related?

4. Formulate the main provisions of the status-role concept of personality.

5. What are the main causes of role tension and role conflict? How are these concepts different? What is the nature of role conflict?

6. What factors influence the socialization of the individual.

7. What is the significance of education and upbringing for the socialization of the individual?

What is an active life position, a socially active person? There is no simple answer to this seemingly simple question. These expressions take on many different meanings. Therefore, the answers may be different - depending on the position, field of activity, experience of the respondent.

Our first interlocutor was a teacher from one of the Cherepovets schools with twenty years of teaching experience (at the request of our interlocutor, we will not name him).

- An active life position is what everyone is talking about, but which is difficult to articulate. We would like it to be always a positive activity, taking the form of collectivism, camaraderie, the ability to make friends and be true to your friends. Maybe such social activity is just kindness, compassion, humanity. This means that we must all educate our children together.

But talking about kindness and humanity in the framework of the school curriculum is not so easy. After all, as a rule, practically the only traditional school course where issues of morality and humanism are discussed directly and in a system is the literature course. But with him, just all the time, the reformers of education are trying to get rid of him, then they strive to reduce everything, then to simplify ...

You also need to take into account the context: television and the Internet, computer games and social networks. By themselves, they are wonderful and useful. But after all, we can’t seriously say that it is humanity that is instilled in computer “shooters” and “walkers”? The world around appears tough, sometimes cruel. Does such a world prepare for the real challenges of being a teenager? Huge question. Therefore, we need joint efforts to humanize our education, to strengthen the role and place of those few humanitarian subjects that are able to give patterns of behavior or, at least, make you think about the eternal questions of good and evil, responsibility and love.

A person who perceives the world through the prism of these issues is a socially active person, a person who sympathizes and empathizes.

What's next? Behind the walls of the school for most of the current graduates are university audiences. The student is a special category, the most active in public opinion. Is this so, we ask our next interlocutor, director of the Humanitarian Institute of the ChSU, Professor Alexandra Chernova.

I'll try to narrow down the issue. Probably, we are not interested in youthful physiology, which gives rise to many activities, including social ones ... There is nothing to say about it, in general. Except, perhaps, one thing: there is an opinion of sociologists, according to which we live in an era when childhood disappears again ... Before the 18th century, there was no childhood as such, and there was no child, there was a small adult, who was treated differently in different cultures and different faiths. differently. And childhood was invented by enlighteners.

Today, childhood is disappearing in a different direction - it does not want to stop, and, on the one hand, social infantilism is developing, on the other, entire subcultures, like adults who consciously do not want to grow up.

There is an important factor. The entire modern global industry of meanings and signs is aimed at fighting age. Consumer culture needs active consumers with the insatiability of youth and with a tight wallet and plastic cards of people of age.

The university is a special place where the most current trends and emerging trends intertwine. Why about adulthood and childhood? Because, in my opinion, an active life position has only one reliable basis - independence and self-sufficiency. Independence is always a responsibility. Willingness to take risks and avoid overprotection. Fascinated by creativity, hobbies, their first job, love, freedom and lack of school parental control, a sense of adulthood, are the guys themselves ready to cope with the fact that they, using slang, “screwed up”?

The good news is that there are more and more of those who are ready. And the resulting pair at the state exam does not turn into a "lost year", but a successful career in the distribution network and the successful passing of the state in a year. Or passion for the profession makes you start and quit one program and specialty after another. But after three or four “re-admissions”, the talented guy managed to internally discipline himself and successfully combine study and work. This is an example of positive life activity: responsibility for oneself, one's destiny.

And that means real adulthood. Young people should have the right to make some mistakes, to make their own decisions, to make their own free choice. It's their right and it's okay. Can it be taught? Hardly. But to promote the formation of social norms, to prepare and help, in my opinion, the education system is simply obliged.

But what do professional sociologists think about the problem of social activity? For an answer, let's turn to an authoritative researcher of the social problems of the region, head of the department of sociology and social technologies of the Humanitarian Institute of the Chechen State University Albina Fur.

- An active life position means an indifferent attitude to what is happening around. That is, not just acceptance, but also active participation in solving those problems that arise not only in oneself, but precisely in society, in the world around. Everything starts with the family. But society, as a macro environment, must also form an active life position or influence its formation. That is, precisely those actions that can be designated as an active life position should be stimulated and encouraged: to take the initiative, not to remain silent, not to pass indifferently past socially dangerous cases.

Now an individual style of life is welcomed. But this individuality, the inner world must be directed to the correction of society. Fundamental changes are needed: the inclusion of young people in solving pressing issues, not only their own, but such as communal problems, problems of education, that is, it is about how they live, what they are included in.

I would also like to note the following thing: the school should play a big role in this issue, not only from the point of view of knowledge, but also from the point of view of creating an environment where the child sees examples of indifference.

To what end do we come? Social activity and an active life position are a sign of growing up. But in order for them to form and develop, conditions are needed, the position of society is needed ... The search for a young person must meet with understanding. Naturally, if it is not dangerous to others. It's great when there are many options for self-realization. The difficulty is that this formation takes place in real life, among real people. But there's nothing you can do about it: after all, you can't learn to swim on the shore.

Alexander Valentinov



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