Human sleep: why and why do we sleep? The dangers of regular sleep deprivation. And it's not a waste of time

At first glance, everything seems simple: in order to get a good night's sleep, you just need to sleep longer. But if you are a fan of such “simple” solutions, Lifehacker has bad news for you.

Why sleeping a lot is just as bad as sleeping a little

Lack of sleep has a lot of side effects: from fatigue and loss of concentration to the inability to feel like a person without being completely overwhelmed. They are known to anyone who has passed difficult exams or is too familiar with the phrase “tomorrow morning is the deadline.” However, oversleeping is fraught with serious troubles.

During a large-scale study Sleep Duration and All-Cause Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies, covering almost one and a half million adults, an interesting statistical pattern was established. People who sleep less than 6 hours a night have a 12% greater risk of dying prematurely from any health problem than those who get the standard 8 hours of rest. But for those who like to sleep longer than 9 hours every day, the risk of dying prematurely is even higher - up to 30%!

And the desire to spend more than 8–9 hours in sleep, if it accompanies a person constantly, is a dangerous marker Self-Reported Sleep Duration and Quality and Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis cardiovascular diseases.

In general, sleeping longer is sometimes, of course, a good option. But it’s better not to play around and try to keep your sleep within certain norms. Moreover, these norms have already been calculated.

How much sleep do you need to be productive and healthy?

Specialists from the American National Sleep Foundation took this issue seriously. They formed an expert group of the world's leading scientists - sleep professionals, as well as representatives of the most authoritative organizations in the field of health care: neurologists, psychiatrists, gerontologists, pediatricians...

For two years, researchers carefully studied scientific publications and reports related to sleep and its effect on the body and well-being. As a result, updated recommendations appeared How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? regarding the duration of rest depending on age.

Here's how much sleep you need to stay healthy:

  • Newborns (0–3 months) - 14–17 hours.
  • Infants (4–11 months) - 12–15 hours.
  • Toddlers (1–2 years) - 11–14 hours.
  • Preschoolers (3–5 years old) - 10–13 hours.
  • Junior schoolchildren (6–13 years old) - 9–11 hours.
  • Teenagers (14–17 years old) - 8–10 hours.
  • Boys and girls (18–25 years old) - 7–9 hours.
  • Adults (26–64 years old) - 7–9 hours.
  • Seniors (65 years and older) - 7–8 hours.

The variation in numbers is due to the individual characteristics of each person. And this is understandable, because the amount of sleep we need depends not only on age, but also on lifestyle, activity level, and general health.

However, the boundaries of healthy sleep are still quite categorical. If you sleep more or less than the amount of time indicated for your age group, you are most likely talking about sleep disorders - with certain health consequences.

The only way to start is to try to “fit” your sleep duration into a healthy framework.

When to go to bed to get enough sleep

Most often, the problem of lack or excess sleep is caused by two things:

  1. You can't go to bed on time.
  2. You can't wake up on time.

And if the solution to the first point is largely related to self-discipline, then in the second case the situation is more complicated. It often happens that, having honestly gone to bed at 23:00, we wake up when the alarm clock rings, for example, at 6:30. But at the same time we feel completely overwhelmed - although the recommended norm seems to have been met.

The reason is that sleep is a cyclical phenomenon. It consists of 5–6 time periods lasting about 90 minutes every. At the beginning of the cycle we fall asleep, closer to the middle we sleep soundly. And by the end, the body is ready to easily wake up - from an alarm clock or, say, sunlight.

Summary: to wake up quickly and vigorously, set your alarm clock correctly. You can calculate the time to start it yourself - for example, with the help of Lifehacker.

Another option is to use one of those that track your sleep quality and wake you up at the most opportune moment.

Hello, dear readers!

When a person is born, he sleeps most of the time, then, as he grows up, he becomes sorry for wasting precious time on sleep. As he gets even older, he begins to value sleep, since there is sorely not enough time for it. In old age, a person has time to sleep, but sleep itself, alas, does not come. Let's figure it out how many hours do you need to sleep a person and why he needs sleep at all. What symptoms indicate lack of sleep? And also how to prepare for bed to get a great night's sleep.

Sleep provides rest person. In a dream, a person grows and recovers. When a person is unwell, he feels the need to sleep more.

Sleep provides normal immune system function. People deprived of normal sleep have poor resistance to infections.

Information processing occurs in sleep received per day. People who are in the process of active learning have an increased need for sleep. During REM sleep, brain activity is higher than during wakefulness.

The quality of sleep affects our daily activity, emotions, attention, concentration, creativity and even body weight.

Lack of sleep increases morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, especially in women.

2. How many hours should you sleep?

Optimal sleep duration for an adult — 7.5 — 9 hours. Such recommendations are given by the World Congress of Sleep Medicine.

Moreover need for sleep from the same person varies from day to day. This means that today 7.5 hours will be enough for you to rest, and tomorrow you will need 8 or 9. In any case, it is advisable for healthy people to adhere to this sleep duration.

Sleeping more than 10 hours a day is dangerous physical inactivity and all the associated problems - overweight, insufficient muscle mass, etc.

The need for sleep duration is determined genetically. The above sleep duration is suitable for 97% of the world's population. And only 3% of people are able to be satisfied with 6 hours of sleep.

If you sleep during the day, then it is desirable limit this time to 30-45 minutes.

Siesta is a great habit and helps you feel energized throughout the day. However, it should not be at the expense of a night's sleep.

The optimal time to fall asleep is from 5 to 30 minutes. When a person goes to bed and falls asleep earlier than 5 minutes later, this indicates significant fatigue and an urgent need for sleep. Falling asleep after more than half an hour indicates two things (either/or):

  • that it's too early to sleep
  • that the person is experiencing significant stress and cannot relax

Now let's move on to the symptoms that indicate that you are not sleeping enough.

3. Symptoms of lack of sleep

People who are sleep deprived may not even be aware of it. Unfortunately, lack of sleep is almost the norm in modern culture. Most people do not get enough sleep for various reasons, but over time, most people begin to perceive it as the norm.

At the same time Lack of sleep continues to reduce health and cause serious financial harm.

The harm from lack of sleep and its impact on a person is compared with the damage from alcohol intoxication.

Here are the symptoms that indicate lack of sleep:

  • Fatigue, apathy, lethargy
  • Motivation is reduced
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Decreased creativity
  • Difficulty resolving problems
  • Immunity decreases, frequent acute respiratory infections, caries, fungal infections
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • Poor motor skills, increased risk of injury
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Other health problems

In general, a small amount of sleep will not bring anything good to a person and 25 hours will not add to the day.

Let's look at techniques that will help you significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

4. How to improve your sleep quality

The World Congress of Sleep Medicine has developed 10 commandments for adults:

  1. Set a sleep/wake schedule
  2. Limit your siesta time to 45 minutes
  3. Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol 4 hours before bed and do not smoke
  4. Avoid consuming caffeinated foods and drinks 6 hours before bedtime
  5. Avoid heavy, spicy or sweet foods 4 hours before bed. A light snack is fine
  6. Be physically active, but not before bed
  7. Use a comfortable mattress and pillow, bed linen made from natural fabrics
  8. Choose a comfortable temperature for sleeping, ensure the room is ventilated
  9. Eliminate all possible sources of noise and light
  10. Book a bed for sleep and sex. Don't work in bed or watch TV

These simple rules will help you sleep better.


Lack of sleep leads to serious problems with a person’s health and financial condition. The sooner you eliminate sleep deprivation, the less damage it will cause you. Falling face first into a plate is an extreme thing that should not be allowed.

Adequate sleep, proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity - minimum conditions for health and success.

Thanks for sharing the article on social media. All the best!

Sincerely, Elena Dyachenko

It turned out that it is a difficult problem to determine how much sleep an adult needs per day. What time do you need to go to bed to get enough sleep is also an important question...

Hello everyone, dear readers and subscribers. Svetlana Morozova is with you. In distant Soviet times, while still a schoolgirl, I heard on the radio an aphorism from some ancient philosopher: “if a person gets up 2 hours earlier, he will live 10 years more.” It was also explained there that we are not talking about longevity at all, but about the fact that if you reduce night sleep by 2 hours, instead of unconscious and completely unproductive lying in bed, a person will have time to do a lot of necessary and useful things.

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These 120 minutes every day will be added to his active life and as a result, at the end of his life it will turn out that this person, unlike his lazy neighbor, could actively enjoy work, study and even entertainment for ten years. Tempting, isn't it?

In those distant years, it seemed very tempting to me! But there was no way to implement this. If you only cut two hours from your night's rest, for some reason you begin to nod off at school, and at lunch, and even no entertainment comes to mind, the only thing you want most of all is to get to the pillow as quickly as possible!.. Strange.. So, how much sleep does an adult need per day?

As you get older, you become more awake

This is also no secret to anyone. There are the following average figures: infants sleep two-thirds of the day; preschoolers - half a day (night + daytime sleep); schoolchildren, teenagers - 9-10 hours; youth, as well as adults - 7-9 hours; elderly people, after 60 years - 7-8 hours.

Statistical data can be viewed in the table:

But these are average figures and, frankly speaking, in the modern world few people follow this prescription.

The phases of sleep consist of rapid and slow sleep. The slow-wave sleep phase lasts several hours, it is during this time that the body recovers, but waking up in the middle of such a phase is extremely difficult. The REM sleep phase lasts 10-15 minutes, it is during it that a person dreams and wakes up easily and simply.

Shall we save?

Sometimes it seems that the whole world took as its motto the words of the ancient philosopher cited at the beginning and began to mercilessly cut down on night rest in sacrifice to study, career, household chores and even computer games. Everyone wants to squeeze more out of the day than there is in them, and the easiest way to do this is through sleep.

One of the famous women's magazines several years ago conducted a survey among the fair sex. In the column “most cherished desire,” 80% of the women surveyed wrote that what they most want is not money or jewelry, not luxury cars or a villa on the Caribbean Sea, and not even love, but sleep! Just get some sleep!

And what do we get as a result?

One of my good friends really liked to watch TV in the evenings after work. And he was so sorry to abandon another unwatched film or some program that he gradually began to go to bed later and later. At first he slept 7 hours a day, after a couple of years - already 6 and a half; in a couple more years - exactly 6, then - 5, and then - myocardial infarction! Do you know what the attending physician asked him first? “How long do you sleep?”!

My friend, apart from sleep disturbances, led a very healthy lifestyle: he did not drink, did not smoke, walked every day and did not experience much stress. The cause of a heart attack is chronic lack of sleep. His heart was not receiving the necessary recuperation.

And this is not all that a person who saves on sleep can encounter. Waiting for him:

  • Decreased immunity, which leads to frequent colds.
  • Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus, other hormonal disorders (decrease in testosterone in adult men; increase in hydrocortisone, which leads to obesity and loss of muscle mass).
  • Depression, irritability, chronic fatigue, and, paradoxically, insomnia.
  • Deterioration of memory, concentration, attention, hence increased injury rates.
  • For lovers of a slim figure, another bad news is the accumulation of excess weight.

And this is not a complete list of ailments that are caused by an unreasonable desire to steal from your body a piece of the night’s rest it needs.

How much sleep does an adult need per day: a word to couch potatoes

These percentages are much smaller than those suffering from chronic lack of sleep, but such people still exist. Sleeping more than 10 hours is also harmful to health. And this, again, is not news. Everyone has been faced with the fact that if you take a nap until lunch - a headache is inevitable, and drowsiness is added to it, which is called a “stupid state”, when a person walks lethargically, reacting poorly and sluggishly to what is happening.

And if you have chronic oversleep, then you are threatened with:

  • Hypertension (Yes, yes! If you don’t sleep enough, your blood pressure rises; if you sleep too much, your blood pressure rises again).
  • Fatigue, decreased performance, depression.
  • Migraine, soft tissue swelling.
  • Decreased metabolic processes, obesity.

It’s an amazing thing: if you sleep little, you get fat, and if you sleep more than you need, you get fat again. Yes it is. The result is the same, but the mechanism is different. With a lack of sleep, the body does not have time to rest and recover and therefore strives to at least accumulate more nutrients in reserve. By the way, many have noticed that after a sleepless night the appetite is much stronger.

If a person’s night rest is too long and this continues day after day, his metabolic processes decrease, his metabolism is disrupted, food is poorly processed and absorbed, but is stored in fat.

So let's rest as much as is good for our body!

How much is useful?

Generally accepted standards for an adult: minimum - 7.5; maximum - 9 hours per day. But individual needs may vary. Pregnant women need more sleep, especially in the first half of pregnancy. It is better for the expectant mother to determine the duration of the night's rest by observing her well-being, but more often it increases by 30 minutes or more.

People with persistently low blood pressure (hypotension) are also forced to rest more than their healthy counterparts. When playing sports, especially with heavy loads, for example, bodybuilding, it is necessary to spend at least 8 hours on a night’s rest, and if the athlete still has a feeling of insufficient recovery of strength, then 9.

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People who work night shifts especially need to be careful. The temptation to cut down on daytime sleep is very strong: life is in full swing all around, and you are forced to sleep!

No, you need to courageously curtain the windows, warn your family not to disturb you, undress and actually go to bed, and not take a nap in the corner of the sofa. Only then can we hope that the body will restore strength and health. After all, it’s already stressful for him to work in antiphase with biological rhythms.

Night is for sleep

What time you need to go to bed to get enough sleep is also an important question. Each body has its own biological clock and in order not to disturb its rhythm, it is necessary to sleep when the sun falls below the horizon and passes in its lowest position, and to be awake when it passes in its highest position.

The sun is lowest at midnight, and therefore the most correct thing is to go to bed at least an hour or two before midnight. Chronic violation of this rule will lead to insomnia, nervous disorders and even depression, fatigue, heart rhythm disturbances, and some doctors claim that this shortens life expectancy.

Humanity has always paid enough attention to the problem of night rest; even Islam speaks about the rules of wakefulness and sleep. There are not only serious treatises, but also funny ones, for example, there is a whole theory about the connection between dozing and the sign of the Zodiac. The conclusions are very curious, for example: Taurus needs 25 hours to get enough sleep, and Scorpio needs 1 hour, and Aquarius doesn’t sleep at all, he just dozes.

Finally, I want to say: the words of that ancient philosopher are true only in relation to people who are used to spending 10 hours or even more in bed. All others must strictly ensure that the unreasonable worries of the day do not rob their body of the necessary night rest.

With this, my article: “How much sleep does an adult need per day” has come to an end.

Sleep is an important and complex process that occurs in the body. A person spends about a third of his life in a state of sleep. It is necessary to renew the energy spent during the day. In a dream, a person’s physical and spiritual health is restored. How much sleep does an adult need?

Sleep duration

The required duration of sleep for an adult is a relative concept. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day. In general, these are statistical data, and not in every case they correspond to reality.

Some people can sleep 6 hours and feel great, but for others 10 hours is not enough.

The length of night's rest can be affected by age, health, physical activity and other factors.

In the first year of their baby’s life, parents lose up to 2 hours of sleep per day, which is about 700 hours per year.

Depending on age, the need for sleep changes, so it is recommended to sleep:

  • for newborns - at least 15 hours a day;
  • children under 2 years old - 11-14 hours;
  • children from 2 to 5 years old - 10-11 hours;
  • children from 5 to 13 years old - 9-11 hours;
  • teenagers over 17 years old - 8-10 hours;
  • adult sleep - 8 hours;
  • people over 65 years old - 7-8 hours.

These data are considered average, so each person decides for himself how much sleep he needs per day. The body knows how many hours of nightly rest it needs. A person can only listen carefully to himself.

The rate of sleep in older people is constantly decreasing, periods of sleep and dozing are changing, and the duration of night rest is shortening. Therefore, they have a need for daytime sleep.

According to scientists who conducted research on sleep duration, it turned out that people who sleep 6.5 to 7.5 hours a day live the longest.

Principles of healthy sleep

How much sleep does an adult need? In order for sleep to benefit the body, you must follow these rules:

  • It is better for a person to go to bed and get up at the same time. If your routine is disrupted, it can lead to sleep disturbances, irritability, mood swings and, in some cases, illness.
  • After sleep, it is better to get out of bed immediately. If a person falls asleep again, this will lead to a deterioration in health.
  • The time before a night's rest should be spent in a calm environment, without activity and fuss. You can come up with a kind of ritual aimed at preparing for bed.
  • It is not recommended to sleep during the day to avoid problems falling asleep in the evening.
  • There should not be a computer or TV in the bedroom. Time spent in bed should be spent resting at night.
  • Don't eat heavy food before bed. The last meal of such food should not be later than 2 hours before bedtime. And the best option is 4 hours. You can, for example, eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir.
  • Physical activity during the day will help you fall asleep quickly in the evening.
  • Before going to bed, it is better not to drink coffee or drink alcohol, or smoke.

By giving up a few bad habits, you can get healthy and sound sleep as a result.

Do you need a nap during the day?

Is sleeping during the day beneficial for an adult? Taking a short nap, no more than 30 minutes a day, helps reduce the risk of heart disease. A person who naps 3 times a week during the day experiences improved mood, attention, and memory.

Daytime rest is useful for people who do not get enough sleep at night. Sleeping for more than 30 minutes can lead to difficulty falling asleep in the evening.

What can lack of sleep lead to?

How many hours should an adult sleep? Systematic deviation from the required sleep norm can lead to deterioration of health. Trying to compensate for a lack of sleep on weekends only makes things worse. may cause:

  • decreased immunity;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases;
  • overweight;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • deterioration of attention and vision.

How much sleep does an adult need per day? In men, lack of sleep can lead to decreased testosterone production. This, in turn, leads to a loss of strength and endurance, an increase in adipose tissue and the occurrence of prostatitis.

Weight gain occurs due to the need to replenish energy with high-calorie foods. When you don't get enough sleep, cortisol is produced, which is called the stress hormone. And when nervous disorders arise, people often eat.

With insufficient sleep, a person is very often visited by anger, irritability and depression. The nervous system suffers primarily from lack of night rest.

This condition can cause high blood pressure and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Often on a person’s face you can see the consequences of lack of sleep in the form of dark circles under the eyes and puffiness.

Insufficient night rest can lead to disruption of human biorhythms. Some changes in the body lead to irreversible processes that a person cannot solve on his own. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist.

Is long sleep beneficial?

It is known that lack of sleep negatively affects human health. Long-term sleep of 9-10 hours also does not benefit the body, because the average sleep for an adult is about 8 hours. Because of this, the following health problems arise:

  • weight gain;
  • pain in the head and back;
  • depression;
  • heart and vascular disease.

When a person sleeps a lot, he feels constantly tired. This condition also leads to disruption of the body's biorhythms.

Oversleeping can cause hormonal imbalance. In this state, few hormones are produced for the normal functioning of the body. Sleep hormones are produced in large quantities.

Is it harmful for an adult to sleep a lot? Scientists have found that increasing sleep duration leads to a reduction in life expectancy.

Eating before bed

The quality of sleep is largely influenced by the timing of meals. A person must rationally distribute his diet throughout the day and leave the right foods for the evening meal.

The existence of restrictions on eating food after 18 pm is not entirely correct, because being hungry is harmful to health and to the duration of sleep.

Before a night's rest, it is better to eat light foods that will not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. For dinner you can use cottage cheese, chicken, eggs, seafood, and vegetable salad.

How to sleep properly

There is an opinion that it is better to sleep with your head facing north. This assumption is supported by the Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, according to which the human electromagnetic field is represented in the form of a compass: the head is north, and the legs are south.

Therefore, if a person sleeps with his head to the north, his sleep will be sound and healthy, and it will be easy to wake up.

How to learn to wake up early?

When a person wakes up early in the morning, he can do many urgent things, because his productivity is at its highest at this time.

Initially, you should determine: how much sleep does an adult need per day? It depends on what time you go to bed in the evening in order to wake up in a cheerful mood in the morning.

When the sleep schedule is determined, the person will determine the motivation for waking up early. Some people use this time to solve work-related problems, while others use it to play sports.

How to wake up correctly:

  • it will be easier to wake up in a room that maintains the optimal temperature;
  • you can wake up using an alarm clock, to which you need to travel some distance;
  • some people ask family or friends to help them wake up early with a phone call;
  • after getting up, you should take a shower and drink a cup of coffee, which over time will develop into a certain ritual;
  • awakening should occur at the same time.

The habit of waking up early can be formed within 2 weeks and will help solve previously planned tasks.

How long should an adult sleep to get enough sleep?

Considering the harm from lack of sleep or prolonged sleep, we can come to the conclusion that each person’s sleep norm is individual. If he sleeps no more than 5 hours a day and feels great, then there is no need to worry.

It is important to listen to your body. One of the conditions: after a night's rest you need to feel alert and fresh.

Sometimes life situations arise when a person can sleep several hours a day and feel great. After some time, he returns to his normal sleep and rest patterns.

During illness, sleep duration increases. Doctors advise sleeping more during this period.

The concept of sleep quality largely depends on the duration and time when a person falls asleep. It is well known that people are divided into “larks” and “night owls”.

Each person can choose the optimal sleep mode for themselves, in which they will get enough sleep and feel good.

Women's sleep norm is at least 8 hours, while men need 6.5 - 7 hours to stay alert.

Each person must determine how much and when to sleep for himself, then he will not have problems associated with poor health.

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of a sweet dream at the most interesting moment...

It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day. But fortunately, there is a way to always wake up easily.

As you know, during sleep a person alternates two main phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. A good night's sleep consists of 5-6 such complete cycles. Scientists calculated the duration of each of them, which made it possible to find out the period of time when the body will be in the REM sleep phase. It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15.

Using this table, you will find out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up alert at the right time:

What time should you go to bed to wake up refreshed? This table is a godsend.

We hope this little trick will help you wake up easily and in a good mood. Usually a healthy person needs 7 hours to get enough sleep. If sleep and nutrition are healthy and correct, then after sleeping for 7 hours, a person should wake up on his own.

Midnight is a time of rest for all nature, since the sun is at its lowest position. The sun is responsible for the laws of time, so the daily routine and diet are closely related to solar activity.

What time should you go to bed? The best time for sleep and rest is from 21-00 to 00-00. Before midnight, 1 hour of sleep counts as 2 hours, which is confirmed even by modern scientists. At this time, the human nervous system rests.

To verify this, you can conduct an experiment:

Take it and go to bed at 21-00, and then wake up at 1-00 or 2-00 at night. And you will feel that you have completely slept. In the east, many people live according to this regime. They sleep at this time, and at other times they go about their business.

At other times, the nervous system does not rest. And if you didn’t sleep at this time, then you can sleep for at least 12 hours in a row, but your psyche will never rest. As a result, laziness, apathy, and drowsiness will occur.

What time should you get up in the morning?

From 2-00 to 6-00 Vata is active, which gives enthusiasm and cheerfulness. What energy acts for the period of time in which a person wakes up, then the effect of such energy throughout the day will be felt by him. Therefore, you need to wake up between 2 and 6 am and the person will be under the influence of vata energy – cheerfulness – all day long.

In the east this time is called the time of the Saints. At this time, people who are committed to spiritual development and self-awareness try to get up. Early in the morning you naturally want to think about the sublime. And such a person is capable of thinking about the sublime all day long and being joyful. He also becomes far-sighted and his intuition develops well.

Japanese scientists also conducted research on the time before sunrise and found the following:

In the pre-dawn time, special rays of the sun penetrate the atmosphere, which cause a special effect in the body.

At this time, the body works in two modes: night and day, that is, in passive and active modes. And it is precisely the switching from night mode to day mode that occurs at this time. In other words, it is these rays that switch these modes. But if a person is sleeping at this time, then this switching does not occur.

Then it acts in a weakened mode all day. Then he struggles with sleepiness all day because he is in the wrong mode. Hence the constant use of coffee and tea, which are mild narcotic substances.

Also, this time period (from 2 to 6 hours) is excellent for cleansing the body.

And if a person wakes up early, then his body naturally cleanses and gets rid of toxins



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