Circumcised at rest. Uncircumcised Penis vs. Circumcised: Benefits of the latter

Learn all about sex with a "circumcised" man.

The fact that sex with a “circumcised” man is an incredible extravaganza can be heard quite often. Perhaps such an opinion has spread in our latitudes, thanks to compatriots who spend exciting holidays in Turkey and Egypt, and, perhaps, thanks to local residents of Arab countries who “stuff” their price because they want to impress our girls.

And since many are already planning their winter holidays, I would like to thoroughly understand the topic. After all, the answer to the question may become for some ladies one of the arguments on what it is better to spend money on: a tour to Egypt, the Emirates or a ticket to a ski resort in Ukrainian Transcarpathia, Austria or Poland.

  • Myths and reality

Circumcision has given rise to many myths around itself that speak both in favor and against it. Some of them sound completely fantastic - for example, that after circumcision, manhood in some incredible way increases in size. Of course, there are no real prerequisites for such a fact. In fact, circumcision, which covers the head of the male genital organ, has long been practiced in Judaism and Islam. This is due to the fact that in hot countries where these religions traditionally flourished, there are problems with water, and, accordingly, with hygiene, and bacteria multiply faster at high temperatures. And caring for a “circumcised” organ, whatever one may say, is much easier. Ukrainian men usually circumcise for medical reasons (for example, phimosis). This is a rather painful procedure and few Orthodox men decide on it voluntarily.

  • pure physiology

So, let's start with the issue of hygiene. Let's say right away that it is really easier for circumcised men to support her. Physiologically, it is arranged in such a way that at rest the head of the penis is covered with a thin fold of skin, which stretches during an erection, and the head opens. Under the skin, physiological secretions of the body can indeed accumulate, which provoke the growth of bacteria and an unpleasant odor. But this happens only if a man completely ignores hygiene issues. And since we do not live in the desert and every house has running water, it is quite simple to solve this problem with the help of a daily shower. In addition, the smell from unwashed armpits is not a little better, so circumcised men should not ignore water procedures.

  • circumcision and orgasm

Visually circumcised and uncircumcised genitals also differ. So, in a tense state, a bridle is not visible in a circumcised member, since it is not there and, accordingly, it can no longer be used in erotic games. There is an opinion that after circumcision the sensitivity of the penis is somewhat reduced, so that the man does not suffer from premature ejaculation and sex lasts a long time to the delight of his partner. Although no one has conducted such statistics and there is no reliable evidence that this is true. Most likely, the duration of sex depends on the experience of the partner. And for many Arab men, it is a matter of honor not to fall into the mud in front of a woman. Although to say that Slavic men don’t give a damn about this is also not a language.

  • What does a woman want?

Our compatriots in sex with a circumcised man are most likely attracted by the effect of novelty, the desire to try the unknown: “What if, indeed, unearthly bliss? And I won't even try!" Sexologists say that the male orgasm does not depend on the circumcision procedure. This is influenced by temperament, arousal, mood, state of the body and nervous system at the time of sexual intercourse, experience. The same man in a different state and with different partners can manifest himself in bed in completely different ways, feel the approach of orgasm in a different way.

It is possible that in many cases the placebo effect is triggered. A woman tunes in to enchanting sex with a circumcised man and, of course, gets it. Although, in fact, if this man has a bright temperament and sexual power, then this happened not because he was circumcised, but because of his physiology and experience. Since, in fact, apart from the appearance, the sexual organ does not undergo any special changes. By the way, many men make a real sex machine out of their circumcised friend and a fetish to seduce beautiful ladies. But the fact is that all their skills are the result of persistent “training” to master skills aimed at satisfying a woman, and have nothing to do with circumcision. It is not an equal sign for long-term quality sex.

However, if you are determined to try sex with a circumcised man, why not. In this case, you will have the opportunity to compare the difference personally. Only, I beg you, you do not need to persuade your Ukrainian man to circumcision for this purpose. Most likely, this will only ruin your relationship.

Recall that Ivona recently published a man's opinion about the use of sex toys. Details can be read Here.

With a circumcised and uncircumcised cock... what's the flavor? Those who had contacts with both types of male dignity can talk about all the intricacies of intimacy and name the differences. If you have not had the opportunity to appreciate the features of a circumcised penis or such an “adventure” scares you, then you should definitely read our article.

How many myths and controversies gave rise to circumcision - do not count! Doctors, women and men do not get tired of discussing this topic, and each side has. Someone likes a circumcised penis (and this is not just a question), someone considers such men not full-fledged. What do we think? Let's discuss.

At rest, the head of the uncircumcised penis is covered with a thin fold of skin, which stretches and “disappears” during erection. Usually, men do not experience any problems with the foreskin (well, except for hygienic ones - often dirt and various secretions accumulate under this skin, provoking and excretion. But this problem is easily solved by daily washing).

Circumcised men do not even care about the cleanliness of their intimate place, because due to the lack of skin, nothing accumulates in them, so they are always clean and fresh. This fact is often noted by partners. Agree, it's nice when a man doesn't smell like a horse.

In a tense state, the difference between circumcised and uncircumcised is clearly visible - for example, a circumcised man does not have a bridle, since it is no longer there. While uncircumcised, the bridle is clearly visible and can be used in your own.

Currently, circumcision is practiced in Judaism and Islam. Modern circumcision is performed if it is shown to them for medical reasons.

There is no fashion for circumcision, so few Christian men voluntarily decide on this painful procedure.

Orgasms for circumcised and uncircumcised men

It is believed that after circumcision the penis rises. Doctors say that after this procedure, the nerve endings located in the exposed area are exposed, so the head loses sensitivity and sex becomes longer. According to others, this argument is considered a myth.

There is no reliable evidence that a circumcised guy is better than an uncircumcised one. It all depends solely on the experience of the partner, but not on circumcision.

Despite this fact and the possibility of its unreliability, women are attracted by the prospect of experiencing a circumcised man in order to verify this fact first hand. Only any sexologist can say with confidence that temperament, arousal, mood, the state of the body and the nervous system at the time of sexual intercourse are important. The same man in a different state and with different partners can feel the approach of orgasm in different ways.

Some seriously think that a circumcised penis will somehow magically get bigger. For what reason? They do not increase anything, but, on the contrary, they shorten it.

But the circumcision did not add a difference in the form of real centimeters. If a woman wants to think that the penis has become longer after circumcision, you won’t convince her otherwise, besides, this is only at hand for a man.

Girls should slow down with a circumcised man, because apart from the aesthetic appearance, their penis has acquired nothing else.

Only their skills, abilities and duration of sexual intercourse are the result of long and hard work aimed at satisfying women, but this has nothing to do with circumcision.

Circumcision is not equal to good and. If you're tempted to try sex with a circumcised man, why not. At the same time, on your own experience, you can compare the difference and say with accuracy what you liked and what you didn’t. You just don’t need to persuade your man to circumcision just to try sex with a circumcised man - that’s just it.

There are many causes and consequences. What is it?

Male circumcision (circumcision) is a surgical intervention during which a boy or an adult male removes the extreme, unnecessary for him, flesh.

Even before the advent of the twentieth century, approximately 80% of the entire male population, of those who adhered to the Muslim faith, were required to go through this test. Such is the order.

And no painkillers for you.

But today this procedure has been preserved in absolutely all Muslim countries..

The procession is considered obligatory, according to faith.

Boys go through this as an infant, as the final decision rests with their parents.

This simple procedure is also done in Jewish countries and in some African communities.

Russia is not a country where this is mandatory. But increasingly, men are choosing to undergo surgery for a number of reasons.

Reasons for the operation

Medical recommendations - in this case, the specialist of the medical center himself advises to apply the intervention. The foreskin can serve as a place of accumulation of harmful infections that will lead to inflammation of the male genital organs and even sexually transmitted diseases.

One of the inflammatory processes is phimosis.. In other words, scarring, as well as problems with tissue extensibility. Hygienic reasons - it is noted that getting rid of the foreskin reduces the risk of dangerous diseases such as hepatitis C, AIDS.

Circumcised men (a photo of a penis after circumcision is later in the article) get sick much less than those who chose to abstain. The advantage is that if the glans penis is open on a permanent basis, the risk of balanoposthitis (inflammation), leukoplakia (mucosal lesions) and other diseases will decrease.

What male circumcision looks like is an aesthetic belief for many - the reason is completely individual. Such a desire arises in men, because the operation seems beautiful to them. The strong half wants to show their pisyun in all its glory, thus showing its advantages. Religious canons - the only criterion here is religion.

Such views are held very strictly by Jews and Muslims. The rite is performed at an unconscious age, when the child is not even a year old. In this case, the decision is made by his parents.

Stages of the procedure

Before this brief penile circumcision operation, a man must complete the following list of actions:

  • take a general blood test (CBC);
  • general urinalysis (to identify problems or illnesses of the patient);
  • blood chemistry;
  • coagulogram (clotting).

The day before, pubic hair and groin hair are shaved off. Circumcision-related urological surgeries take an average of a quarter of an hour to 40 minutes.

In most Russian clinics, a unified system for the process of removing “unnecessary” flesh has been formed:

  1. To begin with, the penis and the areas around it (testicles, thighs, lower abdomen) are moistened with a disinfectant solution. Povidone-Iodine is usually used as an antiseptic. If the patient has an individual intolerance, then it is replaced with alcohol or another antiseptic.
  2. After that, sterile underwear is applied to the patient's body, leaving only the area intended for the operation open.
  3. The next step is anesthesia. The base of the penis is tightened with a thin tourniquet. This is necessary in order to inject an anesthetic injection into the tissues of the penis, which is most often used as ubitesin, lidocaine, or ultracaine.
  4. A clamp is taken and with its help the foreskin of the penis is slightly pulled back.
  5. The doctor carefully trims the skin in a circle, removing it either completely or partially.

In the first case, the head of the penis will always be open after circumcision, and in the second case, in the absence of an erection, it will be partially covered by the skin. Stitches are placed on the penis. In conclusion, the operated organ is bandaged. left completely alone.


What does a penis look like after circumcision?

It takes a certain time for the sutures to heal, usually about 10 days..

  1. During this period, the seam must be treated with an antiseptic and ensure that dirt from the outside world does not enter the postoperative area.
  2. When the surgical wound heals, an imperceptible scar (up to 1 mm wide) remains in its place, which is located circularly at a distance of 3-5 mm from the coronal sulcus of the head of the penis.
  3. If before circumcision the head of the penis was completely closed, then after it opens and appears to the eye. The sexual organ of a man is noticeably embellished.

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times, you will see photos before and after circumcision in the next paragraph of our article.

Photo of male circumcision

This paragraph presents photos of circumcision in men, before and after the operation:

Before and after male circumcision: loss or gain?

On the topic of the pros and cons of such an experiment, one can argue for a long time without coming to a final conclusion.. What are the pros and cons before and after male circumcision?

Here the strong half of humanity was divided into two sides:

  1. Some say that the operation helped them a lot, changed their lives, introduced something new.
  2. Others, on the contrary, claim that they regret what they have done a little.

Let's try to figure it out. There are advantages here, of course.

  1. First, "circumcised" men stop worrying about hygiene. It persists even if they don't put much effort into it. They will no longer have a question and concern about an unpleasant smell. Morning shower and freshness for the whole day.
  2. Secondly, the duration of sexual intercourse with a partner increases at least twice. Well, isn't that wonderful?

But there are also consequences such as discomfort in the groin.

  1. Many of the test subjects admit to an inconvenience that they had not noticed before. This applies to tight clothing. Something is always pushing and rubbing.
  2. The second negative factor is a significant decrease in sensitivity. Before undergoing the procedure for getting rid of the foreskin, during intercourse, she constantly rubbed against the penis, thereby bringing the man to the sexual peak.

    Now, the skin is missing and only the partner's vaginal opening stimulates the penis.

    In the future, men are forced to come to a sophisticated form of sexual intercourse. It takes a long time to get used to, but eventually the sensations will normalize, the sexual intercourse will be as complete as before the operation.

In conclusion, it should be clarified that this procedure is not mandatory everywhere. Knowing all the pros and cons, whether to take this step or not is the individual opinion of each man.

Half a century ago, circumcision was a mandatory procedure only for Jews and Muslims. But since the 60s of the last century, this event has been gaining popularity. Today, circumcision is performed by many men, regardless of religion. The fact is that after certain studies, a connection was established between circumcision and cancer of the genital organs.

Uncircumcised Penis vs. Circumcised: Benefits of the latter

First, as mentioned above, the risk of developing malignant tumors in this area is significantly reduced.

Secondly, the duration of sexual intercourse increases. The skin of the head of the penis without the foreskin becomes rougher and somewhat loses in sensitivity, which delays the moment of orgasm. Sometimes doctors recommend using circumcision to overcome premature ejaculation.

The appearance of the organ is significantly improved, because for many, the wrinkled foreskin causes unpleasant impressions.

In addition, scientists have shown that a circumcised organ protects to some extent from AIDS. The foreskin, which is often injured, primarily suffers from the virus. Microtraumas are a great danger, because through them the infection enters.

It has also been shown that men with uncircumcised organs are more prone to sexually transmitted infections than circumcised men.


The main disadvantage is pain shock. Circumcision in infancy is most often performed without anesthesia, but recently, due to numerous requests from parents, it has nevertheless begun to be used.

Then there are hygiene issues. In babies, the cleansing of the head of the penis occurs on its own, but after circumcision, there is a need for more thorough care. The difference, however slight, between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised one is that the folds and indentations in the region of the frenulum and corolla are a suitable site for the development of bacteria.

Medical indications

In official medicine, this procedure is called circumcision. In some cases, it is a necessity, for example, when the foreskin is narrowed (phimosis), which leads to the impossibility of exposing the head and pain.

Patients suffering from phimosis complain of pain when the head of an uncircumcised penis is exposed during an erection, problems with urination. There are also a number of hygienic troubles associated with the accumulation of smegma in the preputial sac.

An indication for such a surgical intervention is paraphimosis - infringement of the head by the foreskin. This pathology is dangerous because there is a violation of the blood supply to the head and the death of its tissues. In such cases, an emergency operation is performed.

If, after an injury or bruise of the foreskin, a scar has formed that interferes with a normal sexual life, then there is also a need for circumcision.

Circumcised cock, his hygiene, and uncircumcised penis

Under the skin covering the head, smegma accumulates - the secret of the sebaceous glands of the foreskin, mixed with moisture and dead epithelial cells. If you do not follow the rules of hygiene, then this substance will accumulate in the preputial sac. This will create a breeding ground for bacteria and germs that will cause inflammation and other problems.

It is for this reason that young mothers, even in the conditions of the maternity hospital, are told how to wash their sons. Adult men are no exception and should also properly care for their genitals.


During the procedure, including for medical reasons, the foreskin is cut off around the entire circumference. The patient at this time is under general anesthesia, which can sometimes be replaced with a local one.

Most often, a variety of clamps are used for the event, which are selected depending on the size of the penis. They also act as protective screens that protect the head from accidental herbs during the operation. They are left until the wound heals. Sometimes stitches are applied.

During the separation of the foreskin, bleeding may occur, because there are a lot of vessels in this area. This phenomenon is temporarily eliminated with the same clamps, and then the doctor bandages the bleeding vessels with self-absorbable threads.

The duration of such a procedure often does not exceed 40 minutes.

The operation can be partial or complete. The difference between the first option is that a part of the foreskin remains, covering the head halfway. In the second case, there is none.

After operation

During this period, pain may be disturbing, the severity of which depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. In this case, the doctor will recommend painkillers, which must be taken for 3 days.

At first, the head of the circumcised penis will become more sensitive and will react sharply to irritation, but this phenomenon is considered normal. It is worth abstaining from sexual activity for a month or even longer to ensure full tissue repair.

The danger in the postoperative period is an infection that can get into the wounds and cause inflammation. Also, a small amount of blood sometimes accumulates under the skin, but with proper treatment, these phenomena quickly pass.


It is worth summarizing by considering the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision.

The event is good because:

  • Hygiene procedures are greatly simplified;
  • Pathologies such as phimosis and paraphimosis are completely excluded;
  • Circumcised men rarely suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, such as widespread cystitis and pyelonephritis. This is due to the fact that the accumulation of smegma, which is a breeding ground for microbes and bacteria, is excluded;
  • What else distinguishes a circumcised man from an uncircumcised one: the likelihood of developing cancer of the penis is significantly reduced. It is worth noting that the wives of those who have been circumcised are much less likely to suffer from cervical cancer;
  • Increased duration of sexual intercourse.

Cons of the procedure

The opinion of doctors about the advisability of performing an operation without indications is different, for example, after such an event, a child develops post-traumatic stress, which in the future can lead to a number of psychological problems.

And adults do not always tolerate such manipulations well. Although modern painkillers make it possible to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon.

Reducing the sensitivity of the head is a positive moment only for those men who suffer from premature ejaculation, but for others it is quite an unpleasant moment.

Opponents of circumcision argue that the procedure leads to disruption of the functioning of the organ. There is discomfort during sex, and in adulthood, the likelihood of erectile dysfunction is significantly increased, so an uncircumcised organ has many advantages.

… what is the difference for us women? For experienced ladies, this question is not secretly sealed, but if you did not have the opportunity to appreciate this feature and you are afraid of the prospect of intimacy with a guy who has undergone this procedure, then our article will help you figure out a little what and why in this topic .

Circumcision operation: why is it done and how?

The ancient tradition of removing the foreskin from boys has survived and is common in many countries around the world. Contrary to popular belief among the ignorant population, any man can be circumcised, not only for religious beliefs - a Jew, a Muslim, etc.

In the USA, for example, this practice, which is unusual for us, has already become widespread, especially in large cities, despite the fact that most of those living there are Christians.

Attitudes towards circumcision over the past decades have been shaped by many factors:

  • medical indications;
  • hygiene considerations, especially in hot climates;
  • the desire for an aesthetic appearance (an independent decision of an adult man or the boy's parents);
  • a tribute to the religion in which the child is born;
  • initiation traditions in some tribes.

Let us recall at least the cult TV series of the past “Sex and the City”, where the heroine Charlotte had a chance to meet with an uncircumcised guy, and what feelings she had at the same time - unusual, strange, not aesthetically pleasing ... And not a word about faith or tradition. In our country, it is normal and does not cause confusion in any girl.

But having undergone the removal of the foreskin is a real exotic, an unknown and strange phenomenon. Hence the question that arises among girls - which is better? As with humor, but quite reasonably, another heroine of the same series remarked: “ I don't care what a man's penis is, as long as he has one!».

As for the procedure itself, the Jews traditionally perform the operation on boys on the eighth day of life, among Muslims at 3-4 years of age (depending on the region of residence - at 8-9 or 13-14 years old). That is, the decision is made by the parents.

In addition, the transition of any adult male to Islam according to the canons must be accompanied by a complete shaving of the head and dissection of the foreskin - at any age, so this is a completely conscious choice of a newly converted Muslim.

The medical indication for the procedure is the so-called phimosis - a congenital narrowing of the foreskin. It is easy to notice it, it is easy to eliminate it, the consequences are not terrible, except that careful care of the wound is required from the mother.

The operation itself is done under local anesthesia and consists of several surgical incisions: along the frenulum on the penis, then around the head, to completely remove the foreskin. After proper care, the skin at the site of the operation heals, and the penis takes on a characteristic appearance forever.

What is the difference between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised one?

At rest, the glans penis is covered by a thin fold of skin that stretches and recedes during erection. Usually men do not experience any problems with the foreskin, except that due to insufficient hygiene, it happens that secretions accumulate under the skin, and the breeding bacteria give off a specific smell.

Normal daily washing solves this issue as easy as shelling pears. On the other hand, circumcised men are practically not concerned about the cleanliness of their intimate place, even in extreme heat everything is clean and fresh there, which their sexual partners do not get tired of celebrating as a plus.

When the penis is tense, the difference is very clearly defined visually - a circumcised man does not have a frenulum (a thin strip, a cord extending from the head by 1-2 cm), because, in fact, it is no longer there.

In our territory, there are probably few men who decide on a painful procedure without good reasons. There is no fashion for circumcision, and all arguments regarding the quality of sexual life are either exaggerated or are pure fiction.

However, there are women who glorify the beauty and purity of the penis without foreskin. What are their reasons for that? There have always been and will be ladies in whom the sight of a penis (in fact, not erect) causes a slight disgust, in particular, because of that very strip of skin that does not hang down too pretty or requires special handling during foreplay.

It is these mistresses who promote the idea, they say, circumcised is much better, they attribute to such men special abilities to satisfy them in bed, stamina in sex, and so on.

However, such arguments are fiction, most likely born from individual experiences in bed. As they say, to each his own, whichever you like best. There is no reliable evidence that a circumcised guy is the best lover, and probably will not be. Because there are no purely physical indicators for such a conclusion.

Orgasm in men with circumcised and uncircumcised penis

The only topic for discussion that makes sense in practice is a longer sexual intercourse for those lovers who at one time underwent this unusual procedure in our area.

The indisputable fact is, perhaps, only that over time, the skin on the head of the penis, not protected by the foreskin, becomes a little rougher. Affects friction on the fabric of linen. The first conclusion that suggests itself is that the penis becomes less sensitive, which means that its owner will last longer in sexual intercourse. Selfish or not, many women are drawn to this prospect in bed as well.

Of course, the sensitivity of the lover's organ and the onset of his orgasm are closely related, you can not argue here. But any sexologist, and even a more or less experienced person in love affairs, will definitely tell you that for male orgasms (and not just for female ones), temperament, the state of the body and the nervous system at the moment are important for their quality and onset time.

Not a small role is played by psychological preparation and even how suitable and exciting the partner is. Needless to say, an orgasm is both a psychological and a physiological discharge, and bodily sensations alone are not enough.

Does the circumcised man have some fantastic skills in bed? It's ridiculous even to think about it, the question is reminiscent of the debate about the size of manhood and its relationship with the ability to satisfy a woman in bed. The situation is the same: sex becomes good or bad for completely different reasons. Girls who expect enchanting sensations from a circumcised lover should probably slow down with fantasies.

A common myth must have come from those hot guys who themselves have made their circumcision a kind of seduction fetish, and their special skills in sex are the result of experience and efforts aimed at satisfying their mistresses. Those of the men who do not make noise from their own characteristics, for sure, can be average and even bad partners.



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