Nutrition chart for weight gain. Products for gaining muscle mass

A diet for weight gain may seem like some kind of paradox, because most people only think about how not to gain weight. overweight. But there are people who suffer precisely from lack of weight. And these are not only those who have become victims of anorexia. It happens that fast weight loss caused by systemic disease. In this case, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. If there are no serious reasons for concern, diet will help cope with the consequences of exhaustion.

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    Basic principles of nutrition

    In order to gain weight and build muscle mass, you need to eat right. Sweets and fast food, of course, would help you gain weight, but they do not bring any benefit. In this case, body weight will increase due to an increase in fat deposits. These products also contain substances that are harmful to the digestive system.

    Therefore, those who want to gain weight wisely need to count the calories in their diet and include healthy foods in it in the same way as those who plan to lose weight. To start energy value The diet should increase by 200-300 kcal per day. Besides:

    • The nutritional value of the diet should be 4 g of carbohydrates, 2-3 g of protein and 1 g of fat per kilogram of body weight per day.
    • Proper nutrition should be fractional, that is, designed for 4-5 meals a day. It is best to organize 3 main meals and 2 snacks, since human body can absorb no more than 40 g of protein at a time.
    • Portions should be small, but high in calories.
    • 30 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice: This will improve the process of absorption of nutrients.

    In total, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, but in between meals. You should not drink water directly after lunch or dinner. In the same way, you can’t exercise immediately after eating; you need to wait at least 2 hours.

    High-calorie foods

    In order to gain weight, you need to eat high-calorie foods nutrition. But this does not mean that you can eat everything.

    A balanced diet should include:

    • Dairy products with medium and high fat content, that is, from 3.2%. Not all people tolerate whole milk well, but cottage cheese, yogurt, and kefir must be present in the diet. You can eat mild cheeses, including soft ones with a higher fat content.
    • Complex carbohydrates - whole grain porridge cooked in milk; Buckwheat, rice, semolina, etc. are suitable. This also includes muesli, including those containing nuts and raisins.
    • Fatty meats: pork, beef, if there are no contraindications to their consumption.
    • Durum wheat pasta.
    • Starchy vegetables, primarily potatoes.
    • High-calorie fruits: grapes, bananas, melons, peaches.
    • Honey, preserves and jams, fruit jellies and mousses. You can also eat chocolate, but in reasonable quantities.

    A protein-carbohydrate bar is suitable as a dessert - such sweets are sold in stores sports nutrition.

    Universal diet for weight gain

    • genetic tendency to extreme thinness;
    • exposure to frequent stress;
    • recent severe infection or surgery;
    • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Before following a diet that will help you gain weight, you should consult your doctor. After all, there may be contraindications for any nutrition program. These include a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases, inflammation of the pancreas, etc.


    Every day you need to count calories. It is their quantity that ultimately determines body weight. But if a person plays sports, then they are spent during training, which must be taken into account when calculating.

    The main source of calories is fat. Although proteins and carbohydrates also provide them. 1 g of fat provides 9 kcal, while carbohydrates or proteins provide 4 kcal each. To meet your daily requirement, gain weight, and at the same time not harm your health, you need to eat twice as much protein and carbohydrates as fat.

    If you break this rule, you can gain weight, but this will negatively affect the blood vessels. From an aesthetic point of view, this is not the result that is needed.

    Need to receive physiological norm proteins, since they are what they consist of muscle cells, they are building materials for hair, skin and nerve fibers. Proteins can be of plant or animal origin.

    To increase body weight, you need at least 50% animal proteins in your diet.

    When it comes to fats, things are not so simple. For proper nutrition need omega-3 fatty acids. They help build up muscle mass, improve cognitive abilities, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. They must be included in the diet - they are found in walnuts. For the same reason, it is recommended to dress salads linseed oil. Not all people like it, so you can replace it with sunflower or olive. They contain equally beneficial omega-6 fatty acids.

    Thus, considering the list of oils, it can be noted that butter is significantly lower in calories compared to vegetable oils. Useful fatty acids it contains less, but is still recommended for use in cooking.

    If a person wants to get better and his standard daily norm energy received from food is 2400-2500 kcal, then first he needs to increase it to 2700-2900 kcal.


    The menu for every day can be varied:

    An hour and a half before going to bed, you can drink a smoothie based on fruits, cottage cheese and honey. For breakfast you can eat an omelette with vegetables and toast or a cottage cheese soufflé.

    Diet for weight gain for women

    Many women believe that they can gain weight in less than a month solely by eating desserts and fruits. This wrong approach, because all of these are products that increase blood glucose levels. If you stick to such a diet, sooner or later it will lead to diabetes.

    • kefir;
    • yogurt;
    • cheese and cottage cheese of medium and high fat content;
    • some types of fish (tuna, trout, cod);
    • meat;
    • bird.

    A woman who wants to gain weight on this diet can offer the following menu:

    Day of the week



    • Breakfast: steamed omelette (you need no more than 2 eggs to prepare it) and 2 slices of lean ham.
    • Snack: protein shake or smoothie made from cottage cheese, milk and honey.
    • Lunch: broth soup, turkey stew.
    • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
    • Dinner: fish soup
    • Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream.
    • Snack: a glass of kefir.
    • Lunch: broth soup, meatloaf with egg.
    • Afternoon snack: drinking yoghurt.
    • Dinner: seafood salad
    • Breakfast: hard-boiled eggs, a couple of pieces of lean ham.
    • Snack: a glass of kefir.
    • Lunch: broth soup, boiled turkey or chicken.
    • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
    • Dinner: fish baked in the oven
    • Breakfast: cottage cheese soufflé.
    • Snack: 2 slices of lean ham.
    • Lunch: broth soup, meatloaf.
    • Afternoon snack: hard-boiled egg.
    • Dinner: grilled fish
    • Breakfast: omelet.
    • Snack: a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.
    • Lunch: broth soup, grilled steak.
    • Afternoon snack: toast with cheese.
    • Dinner: baked fish
    • Breakfast: cheesecakes.
    • Snack: a glass of kefir.
    • Lunch: fish soup, seafood salad.
    • Afternoon snack: hard-boiled egg.
    • Dinner: chicken fillet baked in the oven


    • Breakfast: omelet with ham.
    • Snack: a glass of kefir.
    • Lunch: fish soup and fish baked in the oven.
    • Afternoon snack: curd dessert.
    • Dinner: boiled chicken fillet

    To obtain required portion vitamins, you can add some berries to cottage cheese or kefir. Lemon during the cooking process, fresh herbs, etc. go well with seafood. If it is difficult for a girl to follow such a diet or it causes disturbances in the digestive processes, you should urgently consult a doctor.

    Diet for weight gain for men

    Men, unlike women, are less likely to gain weight due to a number of reasons: physiological characteristics. Carbohydrate nutrition programs are not suitable for them. In addition, most gentlemen want to increase muscle mass, and not just gain weight.

    Based on this, a three-day diet for men is formed:



    • Breakfast: omelette with lean ham, a glass of milk.
    • Snack: cottage cheese casserole, protein shake or smoothie.
    • Lunch: fish soup, 2-3 toasts, mashed potatoes And fish cutlets, a fresh vegetable salad.
    • Afternoon snack: toast with cheese, smoothie or protein shake.
    • Dinner: durum wheat pasta with grated cheese
    • Breakfast: muesli with berries and milk, banana.
    • Snack: cottage cheese with sour cream.
    • Lunch: broth soup, eggplant stuffed with meat.
    • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with green tea.
    • Dinner: salad with chicken meat and fruit jelly for dessert
    • Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in milk with dried fruits, and toast with cheese.
    • Snack: cottage cheese casserole, berry smoothie.
    • Lunch: lentil soup, vegetable salad with seafood.
    • Afternoon snack: two bananas.
    • Dinner: chicken cutlets, side dish - potato dish or vinaigrette

    After the cycle is completed, it repeats again.

    Some nutritionists advise drinking not kefir or smoothies, but fresh milk, but not everyone tolerates it well. Whole milk Causes constipation in men more often than in women. So smoothies and protein shakes will become a great alternative.

    For a child

    Children who are overly active may experience problems associated with being underweight. This prevents them from doing the right thing physical development. A diet for a child aimed at gaining weight necessarily implies daily use dairy products, meat or fish.

    Approximate daily diet at home:

    Fruits and vegetables need to be in season to reduce the risk of developing allergies. It is better to choose kefir and yogurt that are enriched with additional vitamins and do not contain preservatives.

    Nutritious smoothies for weight gain

    Smoothie is a drink made from fruits, vegetables or berries whipped in a blender. Many people perceive it as part of a weight loss diet. But a smoothie can help you gain weight without harming your health. The main thing is to do everything correctly, that is, increase the calorie content by using kefir or yogurt of normal fat content.

    From melon and cucumber


    • slice of ripe melon - 2-3 pcs.;
    • cucumber - 70 g;
    • a few mint leaves;
    • normal fat yogurt (from 3.2%) - 250 ml.


    1. 1. Peel the melon and cucumber.
    2. 2. Add mint leaves.
    3. 3. Pour over yogurt.
    4. 4. Mix everything in a blender.

    You can drink the resulting smoothie instead of a snack.


    Required ingredients:

    • green apple - 1 pc.;
    • cucumber - 1 pc.;
    • celery - 2-3 pcs.;
    • spinach - to taste;
    • yogurt or kefir - 250 ml.
    • red pepper and ginger - to taste.


    1. 1. Peel vegetables. Remove the coarse fibers from the celery.
    2. 2. Finely chop all ingredients.
    3. 3. Pour yogurt or kefir.
    4. 4. Add some red pepper and ginger to improve digestion.
    5. 5. Beat in a blender.

    This smoothie contains a lot ascorbic acid, vitamin A, potassium and phosphorus.

    With strawberries, cherries, blueberries

    Required components:

    • strawberries - 50 g;
    • cherry - 50 g;
    • blueberries - 50 g;
    • flax seeds - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • wheat sprouts - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • yogurt or kefir - 250 ml.


    1. 1. Combine all ingredients.
    2. 2. Beat in a blender.

    This smoothie contains vitamins C and E - antioxidants that slow down the natural aging process, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. In this smoothie - fruit sugars and fiber, which will be absorbed by the body rather slowly. This compares favorably with freshly squeezed juices, which cause a sharp increase in glucose levels in the body.

    • banana - 2 pcs. ;
    • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. ;
    • wheat sprouts - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • nuts - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • cinnamon - 1 whisper;
    • drinking yogurt - 300 ml.


    1. 1. Place in blender.
    2. 2. Grind.

    Smoothies should be drunk an hour before training to provide yourself with energy for intense loads. Bananas will provide carbohydrates, cinnamon - iron, nuts - elements necessary for sports.

    Any healthy smoothie can be made more nutritious by adding flax-seed, containing proteins and fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, as well as hemp seeds, nuts, cereals or bran.


    You can make protein shakes. This suitable option for those who are actively involved in sports. They even add protein powder to the drinks, which is sold in sports nutrition stores.

It is important not to skip meals and not to fast for more than 3 hours. Ideal option nutrition to gain muscle mass, a man will eat according to the clock, so the body will quickly adapt to the system and itself will give a signal that it is time to eat. Restructuring the body to new mode On average it takes about 3-4 weeks.

Another secret to maintaining a routine is planning your meals in advance. At first you will have to weigh everything and keep a food diary, but over time this will no longer be necessary. There are special services for this on the Internet, or you can install applications on your phone.

For those who have not exercised before and decided to get better - an increase physical activity within reasonable limits, it has a beneficial effect on appetite and nutrient absorption. Therefore, to accelerate weight gain, you need to use the muscles of the body. A set of exercises for both home and. And for those who are especially thin, it’s worth reading the article.

When starting the period of weight gain, a list is compiled necessary products and is purchased for the first week. It’s better to create a menu and prepare food for the whole day at once; this will help you distribute food correctly, so that you don’t add calories at the last moment with anything.

The time it takes to gain weight is different time everyone, so you should clearly define the result. It is better to increase the calorie content and volume of food gradually, this way you can avoid discomfort and confidently move towards your goal. There is no need to rush in this matter, as they say "the quieter you go, the further you'll get". Listen to your body and you will soon see positive changes.

Nutrition for mass is a two-component phenomenon. The diet should “supply” the actively training male body the necessary energy (its source is carbohydrates), and also provide building material for the “building” of new muscle fibers (protein products).

By and large, the process of gaining mass (in other words, increasing muscle volume) includes three main steps:

  1. Muscle stimulation as part of the training process by working with heavy weights;
  2. Supplying the body with nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) with food and special supplements (BCAAs, protein, vitamin-mineral complexes);
  3. Quality rest necessary for muscle recovery and effective growth.

Below will be discussed key points related to nutrition, the goal of which is a qualitative increase in body weight (that is, muscle gain).

Basic Rules

Meals for gaining muscle mass for men should be high in calories, so the amount of nutrients obtained from the diet should exceed those consumed during periods of intense training.

Some athletes (especially beginners) are afraid to gain and excess fat. Of course, there is always the possibility of an additional layer of fat appearing during the active mass gain stage. It is extremely difficult to avoid this. However, you can give your muscles a beautiful definition later with the help of a carbohydrate-free diet (“drying”).

Some athletes take a different path - their diet for gaining weight is initially “dry” - that is, they simultaneously build muscle and get rid of fat. Although this approach has obvious advantages, it overloads the body - the body is subjected to daily high-intensity training in a calorie (and, accordingly, energy) deficit. With an improperly organized diet for men, “gaining lean mass” can harm the body of athletes.

For example, three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are supplemented with two carbohydrate snacks (second breakfast and afternoon snack) and a glass of protein shake before bed.

This approach will help increase the overall daily calorie content diet and “accelerate” metabolism.

The advantages of such nutrition for an athlete for weight are obvious:

  • There may be significantly more food than the athlete is accustomed to eating during the day;
  • You can increase the number of meals from 6 to 10. This will evenly distribute the intake of amino acids and other nutritional components into the body throughout the day and speed up metabolism.

To gain quality mass, an athlete needs to eat every two to three hours - this can be either a full meal or a snack.

So, the first two requirements that should be adhered to while gaining muscle mass were discussed above:

  • Increase in total daily calories;
  • Correction of diet (the number of meals increases from 6 to 10).

Now we need to pay attention to one more thing important point– changing the structure of an athlete’s diet during training to gain weight, that is, correcting the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (hereinafter referred to as BJU).

Optimal proportions:

  • Proteins – 25-30%;
  • Fats – 10-15%;
  • Carbohydrates – 50-60%.

This ratio is considered not only “healthy”, but also useful for anabolism (increasing muscle mass). This structure is designed to provide the body with a sufficient amount of amino acids (“building materials”), as well as give it the necessary energy when “supported” minimum quantity vegetable fats.

About nutrients

Obviously, the basis of nutrition for muscle growth is BJU. Each of these components can also be different. Thus, proteins can be fast (protein, whey protein isolates - instantly absorbed) and “long-lasting” ( meat products– are absorbed extremely slowly).

Fast proteins are needed when the athlete’s body has been “starving” for a long time and requires replenishment of building materials - this happens early in the morning and immediately after an intense workout.

“Long” proteins are required by the body at all other times. Best moment to take a protein shake - just before bed.

The best sources of protein for a sports diet for weight gain:

  • Meat (preferably poultry);
  • Seafood, fresh fish;
  • Dairy products: skim cheese, yogurt, kefir, milk;
  • Eggs;
  • Nuts;
  • Legumes (lentils, peas, beans).

Along with this, athletes (especially beginners) need to avoid the following protein products:

  • Smoked meat;
  • Homemade fat cottage cheese;
  • Ham;
  • Sausage (particularly salami);
  • Sweet milk formulas (for example, yoghurts).

Carbohydrates are also divided into “fast” and “slow”. The first group includes fructose and glucose (compounds that are quickly absorbed and raise insulin levels), the second - alimentary fiber, which are slowly absorbed and therefore do not cause a sharp “jump” in blood sugar.

Fast carbohydrates should “enter” the body immediately after training and early in the morning, immediately after waking up. Their task is to “supply” the body required quantity energy or quickly replenish its massive costs. At all other times, as part of the main meals, athletes require slow carbohydrates(porridge). Before going to bed, you should avoid any carbohydrates.

The best carbohydrates for athletes gaining muscle mass:

  • Porridge (millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • Pasta (only from durum wheat);
  • Black, bran, rye bread;
  • Muesli (cereals);
  • Vegetables such as potatoes, beets and carrots are recommended to be consumed within reasonable limits - they contain a large number of starch.

Fats can be saturated (bad) and unsaturated (healthy). TO last group must be attributed vegetable oil, fish, omega 3. Their main task is to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body. From bad fats (mayonnaise, butter) it is better to refuse - their use is fraught with a set of extra pounds.

The best fats:

  • Vegetable oils (olive, corn, flaxseed);
  • Avocado;
  • Fish.

Power scheme

Let's consider approximate menu for building and growing muscle mass:

  • Morning - water + simple carbohydrates;
  • Throughout the day – slow proteins + complex carbohydrates;
  • A few hours before training – light proteins + medium carbohydrates;
  • Half an hour before training – amino acids in free form+ whey protein isolate;
  • During the lesson - sweet water with glucose (if the athlete wants to increase muscle mass), BCAAs (when the athlete also wants to “dry out”);
  • Immediately after training – simple carbohydrates (juice, gainer) + amino acids in a simple form;
  • An hour after class there should be a full meal;
  • In the afternoon – complex carbohydrates + complex proteins;
  • Before bedtime – there are no carbohydrates, “long-lasting” proteins (cottage cheese, casein protein) are recommended.

Athletes gaining muscle mass should completely avoid sweets and starchy foods. confectionery. Of course, they are very tasty, but when they enter the body, they immediately cause a spike in blood sugar, stimulate appetite, and, in truth, they themselves are a source of a lot of unnecessary calories. In response to this “behavior,” the body immediately begins to convert glucose into fat.

It is also better to limit fast carbohydrates and fats in the diet. No smoked meats, sausages, store-bought sauces, ketchups or mayonnaise in daily menu Under no circumstances should there be an athlete.

It is recommended to eat as many fruits, vegetables and greens as possible - fiber has a positive effect on the digestion process and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates - thus, the level of glucose in the blood increases gradually, and mono-, di- and polysaccharides do not turn into hated fat cells.

You need to pay attention to your diet. “Mass” athletes should not eat large portions several times a day (and heterogeneous food).

Meals should be frequent, fractional, regular. Only in this case useful material enter the body gradually and are better absorbed.

Of course, these recommendations are solely general character. Each athlete (whether a bodybuilder or a weightlifter) must create an individual diet based on the characteristics of his own body. Compliance with it requires enormous self-discipline, but the result is worth it.

Strong is in fashion now, healthy body with developed muscles and a moderate percentage of fat, so everything more people show a desire to gain weight. Weight gain can be a problem for ectomorphs who find it difficult to gain weight. But it's quite possible. However, to achieve the goal, you will need to radically change your usual diet, using special diet, which is based on high-calorie carbohydrates and proteins.

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Why gain weight?

Being underweight comes naturally to some people. This is due to body features determined genetically. People who are naturally too thin are called asthenics or ectomorphs. They have thin bones, long limbs and have great difficulty gaining weight.

For such people, it is normal to have a reduced body fat percentage. However, they do not have any health problems. But sometimes asthenics want to gain weight in order to gain more expressive shapes and not just a thin, but also a toned body. This can be achieved by building muscle at home with the help of a special sports diet and strength training with weights.

Sometimes you need to gain weight without gaining muscle. This is associated with underweight in a child or adolescent, as well as pregnant women, which leads to health problems in the former and a risk of prematurity in the latter. With this option, strength training is contraindicated, but you can increase weight by adhering to the nutritional system described below.

Sometimes a person needs to get better medical indications. This applies to cases where underweight has a negative impact on health (the digestive system, heart or other organs are not functioning properly).

Diet rules for weight gain

To increase lean body mass, proper nutrition plays a crucial role. This is not a diet in the standard sense, but balanced diet without serious restrictions.

You still have to count calories to achieve results. But the daily calorie intake should not be cut, but increased.

Calories for weight gain = 1.3 x weight (kg) x 30

That is, the basic caloric intake required to maintain weight increases by 30%. If there are no results from such a surplus, you can add another 20–30%.

Some people think that eating a lot is very easy. But not everyone can immediately follow the new diet, which involves eating 6 times a day in an increased volume. Therefore, at first you will have to eat literally through force.

In addition, we must not forget that there is no point in eating everything to gain weight. In this case, only the fat layer will increase, but the muscles will not gain sufficient quantity nutrients. For this reason, it is necessary to adhere to this BJU ratio.

Both men and women need to eat this way. Most girls are afraid to increase their caloric intake for fear of gaining excess fat. But without a calorie surplus, you won’t be able to increase your muscles and get beautiful, seductive shapes. Therefore, the main thing is to maintain a balance of BZHU. Then the weight will increase mainly due to muscles.

Top 10 foods for weight gain

Your diet for weight gain should include foods that promote muscle growth and increase your daily calorie intake. But it is worth considering that such dishes should be consumed in combination with strength training. Only then will you be able to quickly gain quality mass.

The table shows a list of the best 10 foods on a diet for weight gain, indicating the energy value and composition of the BJU.

Products Brief description of properties Calories (100 g) Composition (proteins/fats/carbohydrates), grams per 100 g
Chicken breastContains a large amount of protein necessary for muscle building113 kcal23,6/1,9/0,4
Red meat (beef)Rich lean protein, the most valuable amino acids and creatine, which helps increase strength indicators187 kcal18,9/12,4/0
SalmonFatty fish (salmon, tuna, trout, cod, carp) are a source of healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential on a weight gain diet.142 kcal19,8/6,3/0
EggsContain easily digestible protein and a complete set of amino acids, thereby helping to speed up the process of muscle recovery and growth157 kcal12,7/10,9/0,7
Cottage cheese 9%Available analogue casein protein, nutrients and protein from which are slowly released and absorbed over a long period of time, which provides fuel to the body for a long time159 kcal16,7/9/2
Oatmeal with milkA source of carbohydrates and energy, which a person urgently needs during the period of weight gain95 kcal3,7/2,9/14,2
RiceContains complex carbohydrates and protein, making it an excellent side dish for meat or fish.344 kcal6,7/0,7/78,9
Nuts (walnuts)High-calorie foods containing large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids654 kcal15,2/65,2/7
Cheese (Russian)Dairy product containing calcium and saturated fats, which you don’t need to be afraid of when gaining weight363 kcal24,1/29,5/0,3
White breadThe most high-calorie type of bread containing fast carbohydrates257 kcal8/2,3/48,9

Any nuts are good to eat:

  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • peanut;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

All types of nuts are high in calories and contain polyunsaturated fats, as well as valuable microelements.

A diet for weight gain can be called a protein diet. It is this nutrient that is necessary for building a beautiful, sculpted body. In addition, the diet mandatory carbohydrates and fats must be present. Without this, it will not be possible to increase body weight.

Menu for the week

Taking into account all the above rules for creating a diet for weight gain, you can create such a menu for a week with a scheduled diet for every day.

Eating Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
BreakfastFried egg of 6 whites and 3 yolks, orange juiceTea, sandwiches with cheese and butter, dark chocolateCottage cheese, milk, bananaOatmeal with milk, orangeSix boiled eggs, grapefruit juice
SnackMuesli with milk, bananaProtein barThree boiled eggs, yogurtProtein barMuesli with milk, bananaThree bananas, walnuts, kefir
DinnerBuckwheat, chicken fillet in mushroom marinadeRice, fish filletBarley, fish cutletsBuckwheat, chicken breastRice, beef stew
Second snackProtein barCereals with milkCottage cheese, milk, bananaProtein barAlmonds, candied fruits, kefirCottage cheese, milk, bananaProtein bar
DinnerBaked potato wedges with porkBuckwheat, beef stewRice, chicken breastFish baked in the oven with vegetablesBarley, beef stewBuckwheat, tongueRice, pork
Snack before bedCottage cheese 9%Casein proteinGainerCottage cheese 9%Casein proteinGainerCottage cheese 9%

The period of weight gain should last certain time. Usually it ranges from 1 to 3 months. When the muscles increase sufficiently in size, it is worth changing the nutrition system, reducing the calorie surplus. Usually, in thin people, muscle relief is clearly visible due to the low percentage of fat, so there is no point in doing strict cutting.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Operation laser liposuction? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

It is impossible to achieve a powerful and pumped-up body without decent muscle mass, which requires a properly and well-formulated diet to gain. Training that shapes muscles is also important, but they are useless if there is no “material” for work.

Those who want to have good muscle mass should always start by building a carefully adjusted menu, which should completely coincide with the assigned tasks and goals. This can be done by having a clear understanding of the basics of nutrition for weight gain and exactly what foods should be included in such a diet.

Based on four basic principles. They give a clear idea of ​​what the menu should be for an athlete who wants to gain muscle.

Meal frequency

In order for muscle mass to grow, a person needs to eat. Together with food, a person receives energy and substances, thanks to which all vital functions are carried out. metabolic processes, tissues receive material for development and expansion.

Gaining muscle mass occurs only when three essential nutrients are present in the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. If they are not supplied with food at a certain time, the muscles simply stop growing, which, of course, is a serious problem for the athlete.

For an ordinary person who is not trying to get bigger, it is enough to eat three times a day. This routine is not suitable for a bodybuilder, since long pauses between meals create a nutrient deficiency. He needs to eat with breaks of no more than 3 hours, that is, adhere to five or six meals a day.

This mode allows the body not only to digest food more easily, but also to receive all the necessary nutrients for uninterrupted work on building muscle tissue.

Calorie content of food

The fundamental principle of building good muscle mass is that you must always clearly know how many calories you consume per day. Otherwise, you will never be able to achieve your intended goal.

Muscles only grow when the body receives calories. Not all of them are used to build tissues. This process only takes certain part. Therefore, the energy value of incoming food should always exceed the number of calories burned.

Harmony of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

A carefully calibrated ratio of nutrients allows you to accurately build a diet for mass gain:

  • Squirrels. Their number varies from 30 to 35%.
  • Fats. Should make up 10-20% of the diet, with preference given walnut, sea ​​fish, fish oil, fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  • Carbohydrates. They make up the majority of the menu, varying between 50 and 60%.

The presence of a “window” of 5-10% implies that the exact ratio of BJU should be determined and adjusted individually, depending on the characteristics of the body and goals.

Water and its quantity

Gaining good muscle mass is impossible for those who do not pay attention to water - the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture in the body. A deficiency is fraught with a lack of progress in the task assigned to the athlete. Optimal daily norm for those who build muscle, it is considered from two to four liters. The exact amount is determined by the weight of the athlete.

You should not drink while eating. This creates a barrier natural process digestion and absorption of nutrients, does not provide digestive system work one hundred percent. Water is best consumed between meals.

Before training starts

It is better not to eat before class, but at least two hours before it. Preference should be given to products that contain complex carbohydrates. They provide a great boost of energy to ensure a productive and efficient workout.

You can eat a portion of pasta, porridge, as well as vegetables and fruits. A protein-carbohydrate mixture will not cause any harm. You can drink it about half an hour before training.

After completing training

You should not neglect eating after exercise. This time is most favorable for the absorption of all nutrients necessary for building muscle mass, and in the greatest quantities.

Immediately after exercise, it is permissible to either consume a serving of gainer or eat two bananas. A full meal should be after 40 minutes and consist mainly of proteins and slow carbohydrates.

What foods should be included in the menu for muscle growth?

Nutrition should consist not only of foods that are well absorbed by the body, but also healthy products, which contain the necessary nutrients. Cereals such as semolina, buckwheat, rice, as well as oatmeal and potatoes are rich in carbohydrates. Mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon contain a lot of fat.

There is a clear gradation of products based on the high content of a particular nutrient:

Carbohydrate-rich foods

  • bread (black);
  • flakes;
  • noodles;
  • muesli;
  • porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat, millet, corn);
  • pasta;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • peanut;
  • potato;
  • apricot seeds.

Products containing protein

  • peas;
  • eggs;
  • walnuts;
  • beans;
  • boiled fish;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • poultry meat;
  • Fried fish;
  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • caviar;
  • semolina;
  • mutton;
  • sausages;
  • boiled sausage;
  • beans;
  • beef meat.

High fat foods

  • sardines;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon;
  • red meat;
  • ghee;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • chips;
  • cream;
  • salo;
  • walnuts;
  • crackers;
  • cake;
  • chocolate;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sausage;
  • bakery products;

Based on this information, creating a diet is not difficult. The main thing is to maintain the ratio of nutrients.

Building muscle mass: main stages

In order for muscles to increase in mass, it is necessary to understand that this process takes place in a certain sequence. If you follow each step exactly, the result will not take long to arrive:

  1. When starting to train, you must immediately take vitamins, amino acids, and microelements.
  2. Next, they introduce a variety of specialized nutritional supplements into their usual diet, and supplement the main dishes with protein.
  3. Then start drinking gainers. This needs to be done gradually. First use the mixture with small concentration protein and then increase it.
  4. After three months, gainers are replaced with carbohydrates and proteins.
  5. Once you have achieved a significant increase in muscle mass, you should start using fat burners. They are accepted within a few weeks.

Tips from experienced bodybuilders for building muscle mass

Experienced bodybuilders have extensive experience in how to build muscle. If we analyze what recommendations they give, then success in achieving the athlete’s goal of gaining good muscle mass is as follows:

  1. Good appetite. You need to eat a lot, but not everything. A correctly and competently designed strategy for increasing muscle mass is that it is necessary to eat much more than the athlete can spend during the day, including taking into account the fact that a certain number of calories are spent on normal metabolism.
  2. The best exercises. For training, it is recommended to choose only those that have proven themselves with positive side and bring real results - deadlifts, squats, bench press, as well as curls with a barbell in hand.
  3. Progress. Staying at one weight for a long time, if you need to increase it, is not recommended. You should always strive for the desired weight by training a lot and hard, and eating right.
  4. Be careful with heavy lifting. In order not to get injured or harm the body, you need to take only the weight that you really can handle. Otherwise, you may be out of commission for several months.
  5. A complete and good rest. Lack of recovery slows down the process of gaining weight. The body should always be given a good rest, sleep is especially beneficial.
  6. Don't sit idle, but work in training. You shouldn't cut yourself any slack. IN gym you need to work hard and hard. Breaks between individual approaches should never exceed more than three minutes. This is quite enough to gain strength for the next set. When starting training, you need to be prepared for a fruitful and effective lesson.


So, to build muscle mass, you should remember the following important points:

  • training only partially determines success;
  • a balanced diet is required;
  • you cannot neglect your own health in pursuit of a goal;
  • recovery and rest are an integral part of the muscle building process;
  • never be lazy in training.

If these points are met, then the result is guaranteed.



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