Why breastfeeding should not eat fresh cucumbers. Fresh cucumbers while breastfeeding

Every mother understands how important fresh vegetables are - they enrich our body with vitamins and valuable minerals, and also improve intestinal motility. But during lactation, women have to carefully select foods for the diet, since many of them can cause unwanted food reactions in the crumbs. When can you start eating cucumbers while breastfeeding and will green fruits cause allergies in a newborn?

What are the benefits in cucumbers?

Many consider cucumber a useless vegetable containing only water and fiber. This opinion is erroneous - juicy fragrant fruits are a source of important elements, in their composition:

  • potassium and magnesium;
  • pectin;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • bromine;
  • cobalt.

Also, the pulp and skin of the vegetable contain vitamins C, PP and a number of elements of group B. The juiciness of cucumbers is due to the high water content. Enriched with minerals, it helps to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract, and helps to remove toxins from the cells. Fiber and vegetable dietary fibers contribute to the normalization of the intestines, cleanse it of accumulations of toxins and cholesterol.

Including fresh cucumber while breastfeeding in the menu of a new mother will help to lose excess weight. Light snacks on this vegetable will enrich the body with tartronic acid, which slows down the process of converting polysaccharides into fats.

Interestingly, the amount of vitamin C in the pulp gradually changes as the fetus grows. In young cucumbers, ascorbic acid is contained in a small amount, and in large and overgrown cucumbers it is completely absent. To make the new component of your menu as useful as possible, choose small-sized vegetables for your meals. Fresh young cucumbers will contribute to:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • skin tightening;
  • improvement of peristalsis;
  • removal of toxins and toxins;
  • increase the absorption of protein and iron;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

Of course, by eating a few cucumbers, you will not replenish the reserves of the listed minerals and vitamins in your body. There are not enough elements in this vegetable to cover the daily allowance, in addition, a nursing woman should not be overly fond of any one product. Nevertheless, the inclusion of cucumbers in the diet for breastfeeding will be able to diversify the menu of the newly-made mother.

To whom can cucumbers be contraindicated?

Harmless at first glance, cucumbers have a number of contraindications associated with their diuretic effect and a large amount of plant dietary fiber. Excessive use of the product is not recommended when:

  • the presence of stones in the kidneys, urinary or gallbladder;
  • stages of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, as well as the urinary tract;
  • enterocolitis and enteritis;
  • intestinal dyspepsia;
  • ulcer or erosion of the stomach;
  • hypersecretory gastritis.

Even in the absence of contraindications, it is recommended that a nursing woman adhere to reasonable restraint when eating a vegetable: overeating can lead to flatulence, and traces of specific enzymes, once in the digestive system of an infant with breast milk, will cause excruciating colic in the baby.

Can cucumbers be breastfed?

Cucumbers are not included in the list of products prohibited during HB, you can and should eat them, but with certain reservations. Firstly, it is necessary to observe moderation when using the product, and secondly, carefully choose vegetables for your diet. What kind of cucumbers can you eat while breastfeeding?


Fresh cucumbers contain a maximum of useful elements and vitamins, and it is them that are recommended to be eaten by a newly-made mother:

  1. Only seasonal fruits should be consumed, preferably grown in your own garden or purchased from trusted private traders. Cucumbers sold in stores in the fall, spring and winter can contain a lot of harmful chemicals that made them grow in those seasons.
  2. When including fresh green fruits in your diet, especially in the first 3-4 months, carefully calculate how many more vegetables are on your menu. An excess of fiber can negatively affect the well-being of the crumbs on HB.
  3. Before you eat a cucumber, you need to cut off the peel from it. It is in it that the fruits accumulate a maximum of harmful elements that they take from the soil and from the air. It is necessary to peel the peel not only from store-bought, but also from home-grown vegetables.


Many new mothers are interested in whether it is possible to have some pickles while breastfeeding? It all depends on how these fruits were salted. Barrel pickles in terms of the number of trace elements are in no way inferior to fresh ones, and the content of ascorbic acid in them increases significantly. Canned fruits are completely useless.

But the fact that barrel pickles are healthy does not mean that a nursing mother can consume them in unlimited quantities. Such a product retains fluid in the tissues, which means it takes away water, which should go to milk production. Excessive consumption of pickles can reduce lactation.

If you want a pickled cucumber or the product is required to prepare a dish, you can eat a little, but do not get carried away.


A nursing mother should not eat pickled cucumbers: this product combines a large amount of salt and acetic acid. Together, these elements, undesirable for nutrition during lactation, can adversely affect the production of breast milk and harm the health of the baby.

Features of the introduction into the diet of a nursing mother

Breastfeeding experts do not have a well-established consensus on the optimal timing of the introduction of fresh cucumbers into the diet of a nursing mother. Some of them allow you to try seasonal vegetables already in the first month, others, fearing an increase in colic in infants, recommend waiting with the inclusion of the product up to 3 months. When to try a green fruit - you decide based on the well-being of the baby.

  1. For the first time, eat a small piece of fresh cucumber without skin in the morning. It is better to do this half an hour before feeding the crumbs.
  2. Within 2-3 days, monitor the reaction from the skin and intestines of the baby. Colic will occur by the evening of the first day, and rash and diarrhea by the second day. It is important during the control period not to include new foods in your diet.
  3. If the baby has the listed negative reactions, postpone the inclusion of the product in your menu for 3-4 weeks.
  4. In the absence of negative manifestations, you can gradually increase the amount of vegetables in the diet in increments of three days until you reach the norm of 2-3 medium fresh cucumbers.

It is still better not to try pickled cucumbers during breastfeeding until the end of the colic period and eat no more than 1 fruit. At the same time, it is important to provide yourself with the optimal amount of warm drink in order to compensate for the loss of fluid that has arisen due to the formation of edema.

Cucumber selection

A nursing mother should eat only seasonal fresh cucumbers, the inclusion of vegetables grown in industrial greenhouses in the diet can lead to poisoning of the baby with traces of nitrates that enter his body with breast milk and accumulate in his tissues.

To make the vegetables as useful as possible, it is better to choose medium-sized fruits. Each cucumber should be carefully examined and felt:

  • the color of the skin should be uniform, without dark and light spots;
  • the fruit is elastic and strong to the touch;
  • a characteristic aroma should come from a fresh vegetable;
  • the stalk should be dense and not pressed through when pressed;
  • if there are pimples on the skin, they should be dense and not break.

Do not buy fruits with signs of rot: cutting off the spoiled part will not help get rid of the pathogenic flora that has already spread throughout the pulp. Also avoid purchasing vegetables that have an attractive glossy sheen - waxing can mask a spoiled product.

Craving for pickles has always been considered by the people as a sure sign of pregnancy. If for all 9 months the expectant mother did not deny herself the pleasure of crunching with canned vegetables, then after giving birth, it's time to think about whether pickles can be breastfed. After all, everything that the mother eats, as a result, the newborn will get through the milk. And since his body is still weak and not adapted to the digestion of "adult" food, some kind of trick should be expected from some dishes from my mother's table.

The question of whether cucumbers can be breastfed usually does not arise for anyone. After all, this is one of the few products that have almost no contraindications. They do not cause allergies, are easily digestible, non-caloric, and are rich in vitamins and trace elements:

  • a large amount of potassium supports the performance of the cardiovascular system;
  • vegetable fiber stimulates peristalsis and the growth of microflora in the intestine, thereby normalizing digestion;
  • cucumbers contain vitamins E, PP, B-groups;
  • minerals and metals (sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, zinc and others) saturate the body with essential substances.

This is all about fresh cucumbers while breastfeeding. And what about pickles? Of course, some of the useful elements are lost during conservation, but still in winter they serve as a good source of vitamins. As you know, sauerkraut, for example, is considered one of the record holders for vitamin C; fresh forks cannot be compared with it in this indicator.

vitaminfresh cucumber, mcgpickled cucumber, mcgpickled cucumber, mcg
A3 5 -
IN 10,3 0,02 -
AT 20,2 0,02 -
AT 30,3 0,2 -
AT 60,4 0,03 -
AT 94 3 -
WITH7 8,5 -
E0,1 0,07 -
RR0,3 0,2 0,5

As you can see, a sufficient amount remains in pickles, and some become further larger than in fresh fruits. In addition, during salting, a fermentation process occurs that enriches vegetables with lactic acid, and this is a nutrient medium for the growth of the “correct” intestinal microflora and the suppression of harmful ones. This means that pickles during lactation contribute to good digestion in both mom and baby.

Please note that we are talking about the benefits of pickles, but not pickled. The latter - although tasty, but in terms of nutritional value - are absolute "dummy".

Possible harm to canned cucumbers

Another thing is that marinades are extra salt, vinegar, sugar and other additives that are not useful for a nursing woman. Especially if canned vegetables are not grown and cooked with their own hands, but bought in a store. From what products they are made, and according to what "secret" recipe, one can only guess. While a nursing mother cannot afford to experiment with food of dubious quality.

Another danger of pickles is excess salt and pungency. The first creates an additional burden on the kidneys, causes swelling, joint pain. The second can significantly affect the taste of milk, so spices and seasonings during breastfeeding are not recommended. The baby may refuse milk with an unpleasant aftertaste, and salty milk will provoke a strong thirst in him.

The third risk is intemperance in food. And ordinary cucumbers when breastfeeding can cause trouble if you overdo it with them, and pickles - even more so.

Possible reactions in a child:

  • increased thirst;
  • bloating, gaziki;
  • intestinal colic;
  • loose stools or constipation;
  • skin rash;
  • capriciousness.

In such cases, it is better to temporarily expel the cucumber from your table and try to introduce it in a month.

Rules for the use of cucumbers with HB

So, all the reasons why cucumbers should not be breastfed are known. It remains to do so in order to minimize them, so that mommy, if desired, can eat salty without harm to health - her own and the crumbs.

  1. Avoid industrial preserves. They may contain hazardous chemicals. Salt the cucumbers yourself, and preferably environmentally friendly.
  2. In no case do not eat salty and pickled food before the newborn reaches three months.
  3. Limit yourself to 2-3 small pieces per day.
  4. Salted cucumbers should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Use them as a savory addition to other foods.

Like any other products, during lactation, cucumbers are introduced to the mother's diet gradually and with observation of the child's reaction. Try a small piece in the morning, see how the baby perceives the innovation. If no deviations are found, you can increase the portion, not forgetting that the reaction is delayed in time as a harmful substance, for example, a preservative, accumulates in the body.

Bloating, by the way, from pickles also happens in adults, to say nothing of babies with their immature digestive tract. If the baby's colic intensified, any stool disorders appeared, it is likely that this is the "merit" of the gherkins eaten by the mother. In addition, ingredients such as spices, vinegar, citric acid negatively affect the formation of intestinal microflora, and this already threatens with dysbacteriosis with all the attendant troubles.

With a tendency to edema in a woman, salty can also play a bad service. During lactation, the kidneys are already overloaded due to the need to filter the increased volume of blood, so they do not need excess water in the body. As you know, it is salt that retains fluid in the body.

Considering all the circumstances, when breastfeeding with the introduction of pickles, it is better to wait until a year, when the baby will already begin to get used to the adult table, and mother's lactation will be established and will stop responding to external factors such as heavy drinking.

In any case, in the question of whether it is possible to pickle while breastfeeding, be guided, first of all, by the behavior of the child, secondly by your well-being, and only after that by your own food addictions and momentary desires. Remember that the future health of the baby largely depends on the usefulness of breastfeeding, as well as how difficult the lactation period will go without consequences for the female body.

Often, newly-made mothers have a question as to whether it is possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding a newborn baby. Let's try to give an answer and find out: how this vegetable can be useful and how to use it correctly with active lactation, so as not to harm the baby's health and not worsen his well-being.

What is useful cucumber?

The rich vitamin composition provided this vegetable with such a high prevalence. Cucumber contains vitamins B, E, A, PP. Among the microelements, it is worth noting calcium, fluorine, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium. Separately, it must be said about iodine, which is also present in cucumbers and is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Fresh cucumbers have a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect, which contributes to the release of body tissues from toxins, and it is important in the postpartum period.

Among the useful properties of cucumber, it should be noted that this fruit:

  • positively affects the work of the kidneys, providing a diuretic effect;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes the process of digestion, due to the presence of a large number of dietary fibers. This vegetable has a mild laxative effect, which is important after childbirth, especially for those women who have problems with stool regularity.

Is it possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding a newborn?

Until the moment when the child is 3 months old, doctors do not recommend eating cucumbers. Otherwise, the mother may face:

  • The child has;
  • flatulence;
  • development
  • allergies.

Given the above, fresh cucumbers with active breastfeeding of a newborn are strictly prohibited.

Upon reaching the above age, it is necessary to introduce cucumbers into the diet gradually, while observing the reaction of a tiny organism. When redness, blisters, rashes appear, the vegetable is excluded from the diet. In such cases, you should immediately contact a medical institution. It should be noted that this phenomenon is observed quite rarely.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the answer to the question of a young nursing mother: is it possible to eat cucumbers if the child is a newborn and has not yet turned a month old - negative. In no case are experiments and risks that may adversely affect the health of the baby are unacceptable. It is not justified even in those cases when you really want cucumbers.

Eating a smoked breast, biting it with a fresh fragrant cucumber and drinking tea with condensed milk is quite normal for a pregnant woman. The diet of a lady after childbirth is built in a completely different way. Everything is allowed for food only hypoallergenic, sparing, lean. Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat cucumbers? A question that often worries women during lactation.

From this article you will learn:

This common and non-irritating product contains a minimum of substances, and consists almost entirely of water (more precisely, 95%). Of the useful components in it, you can find a small amount of vitamins A, B and C, but in order to feel the effect of fortification from this vegetable, you will have to eat a box of cucumbers at one time.

Of the main useful qualities, the positive effect of fiber on peristalsis and the low calorie content of the product with its large volume are distinguished. For those who are trying to lose weight or have restrictions on the use of sucrose, cucumbers can fill the stomach. Often this vegetable is used in dietetics as a ballast in the main dish for saturation.

Is it possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding?

In the first weeks after birth, a fragile baby is very sensitive to any innovations in his daily routine. The body of the crumbs experienced unimaginable stress, changing its usual microclimate to the disturbing world around it. Any phenomena that he has to face can cause negative reactions in the behavior and attitude of the baby.

Therefore, the diet of a nursing mother in the first weeks after childbirth should be as gentle as possible for the body of her newborn baby.

You should not experiment with new products that can alarm the baby, at least in the first month after childbirth.

What might not like the baby's body in cucumbers?

The main cause of concern for newborn babies after eating cucumbers by their mothers is flatulence. It so happened that after this vegetable a large amount of gases is formed in the intestines.

And if an adult organism does not notice this against the background of the colossal volume of mixtures of various products it consumes, then the intestines of the crumbs with immature microflora can react instantly. The consequences of flatulence in newborns are known to everyone - sleepless nights and days, crying, torment, pain ...

After the neonatal period, which lasts from 3 weeks to 1.5 months, you can safely begin to introduce a fresh vegetable into your diet. But at the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for introducing a new product.

After consuming a small amount of vegetable, you should observe the reaction of the baby over the next day. If you notice anxiety in the crumbs, then you must either suspend the introduction of cucumbers into your diet, or carefully try the second serving again.

If the anxiety repeats, then cucumbers are harmful to this baby. If the baby did not respond to the change in mom's diet, then you can safely use healthy fresh vegetable salads from cucumbers.

About nutrition during lactation

There is also no definite answer to the question of how many cucumbers a nursing mother can eat, since this moment will depend on the combinations with which the vegetable is consumed.

Do not mix cucumbers with:

  • dairy and sour-milk products;
  • beets;
  • cabbage;
  • raw apples;
  • carbonated water;
  • plum;
  • apricots;
  • dried fruits.

Any of the combinations can lead to active gas formation in the intestines of both the mother and the infant.

If we talk about the maximum norm, then we should not show excess in any products, since even our adult body can react negatively to any overeating.

In what form can you eat cucumbers during lactation

The fresh cucumber is the most neutral in terms of its effect on the human body.

Pickled cucumbers are not prohibited for use by a nursing mother, but are not very useful. Salt retains water in the body, thereby preventing the active release of toxins from it. And the retention of toxins in the mother's blood leads to their entry into breast milk.

Pickled cucumbers are not approved in the diet of a breastfeeding woman. The vinegar contained in any pickled foods adversely affects the body of an infant. Canned foods often contain sodium nitrate. This substance causes oxygen starvation of the body and can lead to detrimental consequences in the future.

It is very important to use this vegetable only fresh. Eat cucumbers only in the season when they grow on the ground. It is undesirable for nursing mothers to eat greenhouse or imported cucumbers from abroad.

Such vegetables are grown in unnatural conditions, when they are planted and cultivated, various chemicals, inorganic fertilizers, medicines for diseases, stabilizers for greater safety and other harmful compounds are used. All this can get into the blood of an infant and cause irreparable harm to his health.

If you have any difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

Cucumbers are a very tasty and healthy product, but can a woman use it while breastfeeding? Let's try to figure it out together.

Useful properties of cucumbers when breastfeeding

This green vegetable has many useful properties that will undoubtedly be useful to a young mother. The benefits of this product are as follows:

  • high calcium content, which can have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart muscle;
  • low calorie content;
  • the presence of vitamins E, B, PP;
  • a large amount of iodine;
  • high content of dietary fiber, aimed at improving digestion;
  • a large number of trace elements - zinc, magnesium, iron, chlorine, fluorine, calcium, sodium.

During the use of cucumbers for food, metabolism is normalized and digestion of food with a high protein content, metabolism is normalized, cucumbers have a diuretic and laxative effect.

The introduction of fresh cucumbers in the diet for HB

Of course, all the above properties of this green vegetable are extremely useful for any adult. However, are they so useful for a small, newly born baby? Despite the fact that the food eaten by the mother does not get into breast milk, the reaction of the woman's body to any product she eats is still transmitted to the child. That is why, if fresh cucumbers are introduced into the mother's diet very early, then the child may experience gas formation, bloating, colic, and in some cases dysbacteriosis.

Unfortunately, many newborns and babies under three months old experience tummy pains that occur as a result of milk fermentation in the intestines. At the same time, cucumbers can only aggravate this process even more, so it is best for a newly-made mother to temporarily abandon this product.

In the future, after the baby is three months old, fresh cucumbers are recommended to be eaten in a minimal amount and only in the morning to see what kind of reaction your child will have throughout the day. Even if there is bloating and colic, then by night they should go away on their own.

Pickled and pickled cucumbers while breastfeeding

In terms of the number of useful components, such a product is in no way inferior to a fresh vegetable. They contain all the same useful trace elements aimed at increasing appetite and normalizing digestion. At the same time, a nursing woman should use lightly salted and pickled cucumbers with the utmost care. After all, excessive eating of this product can cause the formation of intestinal colic in a baby. They need to be gradually introduced into the diet and only in small portions, combining with already familiar products. If the baby does not have abdominal pain, there is no rash, then you can eat another piece.

If there are no consequences, then a nursing mother can introduce cucumbers into her diet, but only in acceptable volumes, since they can retain fluid in the body.



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