What are the benefits of red lentils? Lentils – the empress of all legumes

Lentils have long been known for their taste. But few people know exactly what benefits and harms this legume brings to the human body. Before you start using lentils in your diet or using them to prepare various beauty recipes, you need to carefully study the nuances of its use.

Table: composition of lentils

ElementContent per 100 g of product
Vitamin A5 mcg
beta carotene0.03 mg
Vitamin B10.5 mg
Vitamin B20.21 mg
Vitamin B990 mcg
Vitamin B51.2 mg
Vitamin E0.5 mg
Vitamin PP5.5 mg
Calcium83 mg
Potassium672 mg
Magnesium80 mg
Sodium55 mg
Phosphorus390 mg
Iodine3.5 mcg
Iron11.8 mg
Fluorine390 mg

Product benefits

  1. The product is a source of valuable vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by our body.
  2. This legume contains a lot of iron. One serving provides 90% of the daily requirement of this microelement.
  3. Lentils are one of the leaders in vitamin B9 content, which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin.
  4. This product contains coarse insoluble fibers that normalize intestinal function.

Table: comparison of lentils and peas by nutritional value and calorie content

Video: beneficial properties of lentils and their combination with bell peppers

There are five varieties:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • brown;
  • black.

Red or orange

Red lentils are also called orange lentils. The color of the product is determined high content gland. In addition, this variety is rich in potassium. Including red beans in your diet helps improve brain activity and normalize work nervous system person. The product does not have a shell, so it cooks quickly.


Green (French) lentils lead among other types in their healing properties, since it contains greatest number fiber. In fact, it is unripe beans. This variety is indicated for intestinal problems and to reduce sugar levels. The green variety takes longer to cook than others.


Yellow lentils are green grains freed from the shell. This product retains all the healing qualities of the previous variety, but contains slightly less fiber.


Brown lentils are the most common in cooking. These are the same beans as green beans, but already ripe. They retain the beneficial properties of the product.


Black lentils were first developed in Canada. This variety is the most aromatic, and when cooked it retains its shape and color. It is superior to its counterparts in protein content, therefore it is considered more nutritious. The color of the product is given by a special pigment with antioxidant properties.

Black lentils look like black caviar, for which it received the name “beluga”

Sprouted grain

Sprouts also have amazing properties. The grain becomes alive, the content of vitamin C in the product increases. The sprout will be useful to everyone, but not large quantities.

Tip: eating 50 grams of sprouted beans per day will be useful for people suffering from low immunity.

Sprouted lentils are especially useful because they retain all their beneficial properties.

Which type is the most useful?

It is difficult to answer which lentils are the healthiest, since all varieties have a good effect on the human body. Green vegetables have more fiber, so they are suitable for diabetes and diseases. gastrointestinal tract. The black one fights cancer more effectively, and the red one fights anemia and vascular problems. Eating sprouts improves immunity well. To a healthy person It is enough to diversify your diet with lentils in any form up to twice a week. When used correctly (up to 100 g per day), the product will only bring benefits to the body.

All varieties have beneficial properties

Benefits for women

  1. Prevents the development of breast cancer.
  2. Warns benign tumors uterus.
  3. Helps make it easier to survive menopause.
  4. Women reproductive age makes it easier painful conditions with premenstrual syndrome.

Benefits during pregnancy

  1. Promotes normal formation and growth of the fetus.
  2. Increases the immunity of mother and child.
  3. Prevents the development of anemia.
  4. Ensures normal hematopoiesis.

During pregnancy, you should limit your intake to 50 grams per day because:

  • because of slow digestion a feeling of nausea may occur, which is especially undesirable with toxicosis;
  • in women at risk urolithiasis abuse can provoke the formation of kidney stones.

When breastfeeding

  • helps strengthen the baby's immunity;
  • provides the necessary level of iron and prevents anemia in mother and baby;
  • promotes normal bowel function, regulates stool, and also removes waste and toxins from the woman’s body;
  • does not cause allergies in the child.

For feeding babies

  1. Legumes can be introduced into the baby’s menu no earlier than 8 months. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then not earlier than two years.
  2. Most domestic pediatricians recommend introducing this product only from the age of 2, since the grains of these crops contain special fibers and sugars that can cause increased gas formation and irritation of a child’s fragile intestines.
  3. It is recommended to start getting acquainted with legumes with red lentils, as they contain less coarse fiber.
  4. Beans contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is absorbed more easily by the child's body than meat.
  5. You should try giving the product to your child with half a teaspoon in pureed form. If the baby has problems with digestion, then postpone the start of complementary feeding with legumes to a later date.
  6. It will be enough to use the product for complementary feeding once every 2 weeks.

The role of the product in healthy nutrition for men

According to scientists, lentils are especially beneficial for men suffering from impotence. In addition, the strong half of humanity is susceptible cardiovascular diseases. Including beans in a man's diet will help prevent these ailments.

Lentils for weight loss

Reasons why the product is useful for weight loss:

  • is not high in calories;
  • valuable carbohydrates contained in lentils do not cause surges in blood glucose;
  • It takes a long time to digest, so it saturates well;
  • is an excellent source of protein, and the content of coarse dietary fiber contributes to good intestinal function.

For the purpose of losing weight, it is better to eat green beans, since they contain more healthy fiber, it takes longer to digest and suppresses appetite for several hours.

To lose weight, it is better to use green lentils

Can you get better from eating lentils?

With moderate consumption, it is quite difficult to gain weight from beans. The product is slowly absorbed, so it dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. In addition, its use does not cause sharp jump blood sugar, so you don’t want to eat soon after such a meal.

Can the product be used in the evening?

In the evening, lentils should be eaten in in moderation because it contains carbohydrates. If you eat 50 grams of beans as a side dish for dinner, it will only benefit your body and you will not gain weight.

Lentils for athletes

Red lentil soup is a very healthy and tasty dish.

Liver diseases and cholecystitis

Lentils are digested slowly, as they contain a large amount of coarse fiber. Therefore, in case of liver diseases, biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis, its consumption should be limited to 1 time per week. If the patient wants to pamper himself, then he needs to choose the red variety.

Red lentils are suitable for people with liver diseases

Gastritis, including with high acidity

Lentils, especially green and black, are recommended for gastritis with low acidity, but you should include it in your diet only after consulting a doctor. This legume irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and causes increased gas formation. Therefore, with gastritis with increased acidity it should be excluded from the diet.

With gastritis with low acidity, you can eat lentils only in a well-cooked form - as puree soups or liquid porridges. And before cooking, it should be soaked for 8–10 hours to reduce gas formation.


Gout is a disease associated with metabolic disorders. The diet in this case is aimed at eliminating foods containing uric acid. Lentils are rich in this substance, so they should be excluded from the diet for this disease.


Hypertension is a disease characterized by high blood pressure. In this case, you need to monitor your diet especially carefully. People suffering from hypertension simply need to include lentils in their diet at least 2-3 times a week due to their high potassium content, which is beneficial for blood vessels. In addition, a large amount of coarse fiber helps normalize cholesterol levels.

A remedy for hypertension based on motherwort


  • 20 g of dry motherwort;
  • 30 g lentils.

Cooking method

  1. Combine the ingredients and fill the composition with water.
  2. Simmer the broth over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Strain the infusion.

Drink two tablespoons of the decoction three times a day before meals.

Stones in the kidneys

This is one of the few diseases in which lentils and all legumes are contraindicated, since these products can trigger the formation of new stones.

Beauty Recipes

Lentils have long been used in the manufacture of beauty products. For example, in India, legume-based shampoo with essential oils. The product makes hair soft, manageable and smooth.

At home, you can prepare simple and useful masks for face and hair.

Mask for split ends with sprouted lentils


  • 1 tablespoon of dry fenugreek;
  • 100 g of sprouted beans;
  • 100 ml natural yoghurt.

Cooking method

  1. Grind fenugreek and lentils in a coffee grinder.
  2. Add yogurt, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator overnight.

The next morning, the mask should be applied to your hair for 3 hours. Then rinse off the product with warm water without shampoo.

Rejuvenating face mask


  • 1 cup lentil grains;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 100 ml freshly brewed green tea.

Cooking method

  1. Grind the beans in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix with sour cream.
  3. Apply the mixture evenly to your face and keep for 15–20 minutes.
  4. After the specified period of time, moisten a cotton swab with fresh tea leaves and wash off the mask with it.
  5. Remove the remnants of the mask by washing with running cool water.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite all its beneficial properties, lentils have a number of contraindications. It should be excluded from the diet:

  • for joint diseases;
  • for gout;
  • with uric acid diathesis;
  • with difficulty urinating;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • for hemorrhoids.

Particular care should be taken when using this legume for diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and pancreatitis. Do not exceed the consumption limit - this is the main precaution. If you follow it, then there will be no health problems.

Unfortunately, lentil dishes are being prepared less and less often; they have the beneficial properties of reducing nervous excitability, blood glucose levels, increasing blood glucose levels, improving heart function and vascular tone, and helping with weather dependence. The plant belongs to the legume family. A pair of seeds are formed in the pod, which is more correctly called a bean.

History of a useful plant

Lentil soup was prepared at the court of Ramses II, and lentil bread was placed in funeral burials. A lot of lentils were consumed within Egypt, they were exported to Rome and Greece, where they served as the staple food of the common people.

From the Mediterranean, lentils ended up in Lithuania. And then, as is known from the chronicles of the monks of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, it appeared in Russia in the fifteenth century. Later it was replaced by other grains and legumes, but for quite a long time it was used for cooking various dishes soldier's kitchen.

The herbaceous plant is common in countries with temperate and hot climates. Such as modern India, European countries, North Africa, Asia. In our country the most favorable climate in the Volga region, in the south of the European part.

Depending on the size of the seeds, a large-seeded variety is distinguished; after appropriate processing, it goes on sale.

The small-seeded variety, together with green mass and straw, is used as animal feed.

Harvesting begins when the pods at the bottom and middle of the plant reach maturity, top level ripens during storage.

Unpeeled lentils are the most delicious, since a lot of the beneficial properties are concentrated in the shell. Other varieties are distinguished by their ability to be completely boiled.

Composition and calorie content of lentils

The calorie content of 100 g of lentil seeds is 295 kcal, with the proportion being up to 60%, proteins 30%, the rest fats. In terms of content, they are the leader of the legume family. Compared to peas, they have the beneficial property of boiling well and having a pleasant taste.

Lentil seeds are beneficial for containing B vitamins:

  • B3 (niacin, vitamin PP), important element oxidative reactions in cells. A nicotinic acid necessary for more complete absorption of vitamin C, it enhances its therapeutic effect.
  • B1 (thiamine), important for maintaining a healthy heart, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • B2 (riboflavin), involved in the creation of red blood cells, is necessary for reproductive functions and the thyroid gland. Improves the appearance of skin, nails, hair.

Macroelements are represented by potassium, phosphorus,. Lentils contain a lot of copper, which is especially useful female body. In addition, silicon, iron, manganese.

Even after heat treatment, lentils retain quite a lot of beneficial properties.

What diseases are treated with dishes made from lentil seeds?

ABOUT medicinal properties The Roman Aesculapians knew lentils. They were convinced that by eating various lentil dishes every day, the patient became calmer and more balanced.

Lentil porridge stimulates metabolic processes, increases protective forces body.

Decoctions are used in folk medicine in case of stomach upsets. A liquid decoction helps with constipation. Thick is recommended for diarrhea, loose stools. Decoctions have diuretic properties.

Benefits of sprouted seeds

As you know, what a sprout needs first of all is its nutrition and reserve of strength to hatch. During germination, a complex process occurs biochemical reaction. As a result, the beneficial properties of lentil seeds increase many times over.

How to sprout lentils:

  1. Wash the seeds and place on a shallow wide dish. Pour a little warm water so that they are completely submerged.
  2. After a day, rinse thoroughly, place in the same container, and cover loosely. natural fabric(cotton, linen, gauze folded several times). Place in a cool place, but not to fall diffuse light. For example, on a windowsill.
  3. Over the next 24 hours, sprinkle the germinating lentil seeds with water every few hours, maintaining the required level of humidity. You can carefully rinse 1-3 more times without damaging the delicate sprouts.
  4. If the length turns out to be insufficient, continue germination for another day, not forgetting about moistening and washing.
  5. When the length is sufficient, rinse again. Store lentil sprouts in the refrigerator.

Sprouted seeds are useful to eat as an independent dish, as well as add to salads.

Lentils for weight loss

The lentil diet is useful for reducing weight up to three kilograms per week. An indispensable condition during the diet is to drink up to 1.5 liters of clean water during the day.

To achieve results, you will have to slightly limit your diet. Menu options for breakfast, lunch, dinner are presented below:

  • a sandwich made from whole grain bread with butter and a slice of ham;
  • a couple of toasted pieces of bread, low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of honey;
  • 50 g muesli, 150 low-fat yoghurt, pear.
  • a bowl of thick lentil soup;
  • lentil cakes 200g;
  • 2-3 lentil cutlets;
  • mixture of boiled lentils with mashed potatoes 300g.
  • vegetable soup;
  • low-fat cottage cheese 250g;
  • persimmon 3-4 pcs.;
  • a couple of pieces of lean boiled fish;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • mushroom broth.

Lentil soups

Simple soup. Sort out 1 cup of seeds, cook in 1 liter of water over low heat until they become soft. Add 2-3 slices, sprinkle with herbs.

Cream soup. Sort out 0.5 kg of lentils, rinse, add 1.5 liters of water. Cook, adding unchopped carrots and roots. When the seeds and vegetables become soft, remove the vegetables and pour a little broth into a separate bowl. Grind the lentil seeds with the broth, diluting the puree to the desired thickness if necessary. Let the soup boil, add 100g cream, 2 egg yolks, 50g butter.

Lentil cutlets

Boil 250g of seeds, pour part of the broth into a separate bowl, mashing the contents to obtain a puree of the required thickness. When it cools down, add 50g of flour, spices, mix. After forming cutlets, fry in vegetable oil.

Healthy flatbreads

Pour 200g lentils for 1-2 hours warm water so that it swells. Boil until softened, mash the puree. Add egg, 1-2 tsp. flour, chopped onion. Form into flat cakes and bake in the oven.

Contraindications and harm of lentils

The plant belongs to the legume family, so cooked foods increase gas formation.

You should not abuse this useful product in case of joint diseases, gout, dyskinesia, or impaired motility of the biliary tract.

Legumes of any variety are prohibited for cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).

Modified: 02/18/2019

Lentils is high protein product legume family. It grows in pods and comes in several varieties: red, brown, black and green. Essentially, the varieties do not differ in any way in their beneficial properties. Lentils are quick and easy to prepare. A low cost makes her accessible form high quality protein for many people.

Lentil beans contain fiber and are the number 1 food in terms of fiber content. It ranks second in the world in terms of vitamin B9 (folic acid) content. This legume is the oldest agricultural crop. It is grown for human consumption or animal feed.

Lentils have a high nutritional value, and has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of the body. Numerous studies have proven that increasing the consumption of plant-based foods like lentils helps reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Lentils give a healthy complexion to the face and hair, increase energy and reduce weight.

1. Helps lower cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol promotes the formation of bile acids, which enter the intestines. Because of bile acids cannot be utilized, they turn back into cholesterol and clog the veins and arteries. Fiber can remove bile from the body; it absorbs bile like a sponge and utilizes it. Because lentils are a rich source of fiber, they help reduce blood cholesterol levels. And its reduction, in turn, leads to a reduction in the risk of heart disease and the likelihood of stroke.

2. Lentils can relieve heart disease.
As mentioned above, thanks to the fiber contained in lentils, the risk of heart disease is significantly reduced. In addition, lentils are a real storehouse of folic acid and magnesium, which greatly contribute to heart health.

There is a substance in our body called homocysteine. It is formed from the amino acid methionine and lives in the body for a very short time. It is removed by folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. If there are not enough of these vitamins in the body, then homocysteine ​​begins to damage the walls of blood vessels. Cholesterol begins to deposit on damaged walls of veins and arteries. And its excess, as we know, leads to heart attack and stroke. This is why folic acid is very important for proper functioning of cardio-vascular system.

Magnesium improves blood circulation, allowing oxygen and nutrients to easily reach all cells of the body. Eat lentils - it will protect you from heart disease.

3. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.
Fiber also helps prevent constipation and other digestive disorders (such as diverticulosis or irritable bowel syndrome). We already know how fiber works; it absorbs all toxins and impurities like a sponge. In addition, it contains a lot of water, which it saturates with. feces, facilitating their removal from the intestines.

Among legumes, lentils are the leader in coarse fiber, which contributes to normal digestion and removing toxins from the body:

4. Stabilizes blood sugar levels.
And again we return to fiber. This dietary fiber slows down the rate at which carbohydrates enter the bloodstream and thus maintains constant sugar levels without sharp jumps. Lentils not only do not raise sugar, but also reduce the level of glucose in the blood if it has increased.

5. Lentils are a storehouse of protein.
Of all legumes and nuts, lentils are in third place in terms of quantitative protein content. Lentils contain 26% of their calories from protein, making them a great option for vegetarians and vegans.

6. Fights fatigue and fills you with energy.
Iron deficiency is a leading cause of fatigue. Women between the ages of 18 and 50 are especially sensitive to iron deficiency. One cup of boiled lentils contains more than a third of your daily iron requirement. This vitamin distributes oxygen throughout the body, stimulates energy production and speeds up metabolism.

7. Promotes weight loss.
Although lentils contain great amount useful nutrients, such as fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals, it still contains relatively few calories and virtually no fat (only 1.5 g, which is 2.3% of daily norm). One cup of cooked lentils contains about 295 calories, which is only one-fifth of the daily calories you need. That is why by eating lentils, you can get rid of extra pounds, but stay full.

8. Lentils help remove cancerous substances from the body.
Selenium is a mineral found in lentils. It is not found in most other products. Selenium prevents inflammation, reduces tumor growth, and improves the immune response to infection by stimulating the production of disease-killing T cells. This mineral also plays a role in the enzymatic function of the liver and helps detoxify certain cancerous substances from the body.

9. Promotes muscle growth.
In order for our body and our internal organs functioning properly, we urgently need a constant, regular supply of high-quality protein from food. Lentils contain the necessary amount of protein for the proper functioning of the body, and its amino acid composition satisfies all protein nutrient needs.

10. Prevents atherosclerosis.
According to research, eating lentils allows the body to accumulate sufficient quantity antioxidants, which will help reduce the chances of developing atherosclerosis. Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals and, thus, eliminate damage to cells and genes.

11. Improves electrolytic activity.
Lentils contain potassium, which is considered the best source of replenishing electrolytic activity. After all, many diseases are associated precisely with the fact that there is too much sodium and too little potassium in the body. In addition to its main effect, potassium contributes to the proper, coordinated functioning of the kidneys, heart and brain.

Benefits for women

12. Rules out breast cancer.
Folic acid found in lentils large quantities, eliminates the formation of malignant tumors in the mammary glands. It neutralizes cancer cells.

13. Blocks PMS symptoms.
During periods PMS woman prone to mood swings, apathy, depression and irritability. Lentils contain the amino acid tryptophan, which carries happiness hormones. Regular consumption of lentils helps good mood and adds vitality, and also eliminates possible lower back pain.

14. Relieves symptoms during menopause.
Lentils contain vitamins that promote nervous regulation (calcium, tryptophan, B vitamins). Thanks to these vitamins, women who have reached the stage of menopause will be able to endure its symptoms much easier.

15. Contributes the right flow pregnancy.
Among other things, lentils have another main benefit for women: they are extremely useful during pregnancy. 100 grams of lentils contain 90% -120% daily norm folic acid (vitamin B9) for the body. This legume is necessary for pregnant women. Thanks to its properties, lentils will ensure the proper development and formation of the child’s nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Lentils have twice the folate content of peas:

Benefits for the skin

16. Cleanses and adds shine to the skin.
For lentils to be beneficial for the skin, they must be used in face masks. The most popular variety for such masks is red lentils. It serves as an excellent base for exfoliating masks, cleansing masks and masks that tighten pores. Thanks to such masks, a natural glow appears on the skin, the skin becomes soft and tender.

17. Eliminates acne and wrinkles.
Lentils promote proper operation sebaceous glands, which helps reduce the risk of acne, inflammation, and blackheads. The number of wrinkles is reduced and the risk of age spots decreases several times.

Lentils are one of the leaders in folic acid content, which gives the skin youthfulness:

Benefits for men

18. Relieves prostate diseases.
By eating red or brown lentils, men can get rid of inflammation in the prostate gland. When lentils are combined with medications of appropriate action, blood circulation in the body improves. groin area, the risk of prostatitis is reduced.

19. Leads to healthy potency.
Since lentils normalize the course blood flow and cleanses blood vessels, this will help men get rid of problems associated with erectile dysfunction.

Harm and contraindications

1. Disrupts work digestive tract.
Don't overuse lentils. Out of habit, you can eat a lot of it, which naturally, will affect the functioning of the digestive tract. Excessive consumption of beans can lead to unpleasant heaviness in the abdomen, to bloating, gas formation, stomach cramps and accumulation of toxins in the intestines. It's connected with excessive consumption fiber, which is part of lentils. To avoid side effects, drink plenty of water and increase your lentil portions gradually.

2. Promotes the formation of kidney stones.
Lysine, which is part of lentils, has the ability to accumulate in the body. With constant consumption of lentils, there is a risk of kidney stones. If you already have kidney stones, avoid eating lentils.

3. Impairs kidney function.
Eating plenty of protein has other benefits as well. side effects. It can put pressure on the kidneys by increasing the leaching of protein from the body. Ultimately this may affect general function kidney

4. Disturbs cardiac activity.
In addition, lentils are rich in potassium. This mineral can negatively affect the activity of the heart, which can lead to numbness of the limbs. Watch your daily portion of lentils, do not overeat them.

5. Can cause allergies.
Lentils are a potential allergen. Lentil cereals are contraindicated for people with problems with the intestines and bile ducts, as well as those suffering from gout.

Chemical composition

Nutritional information per 100g serving of lentils and percentage of daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Microelements
  • Calories 295 kcal - 21%;
  • Proteins 24 g - 29%;
  • Fats 1.5 g - 2.3%;
  • Carbohydrates 46.3 g - 36%;
  • Fiber 11.5 g - 57.5%;
  • Water 14 g - 0.55%.
  • B1 0.5 mg - 33%;
  • B2 0.2 mg - 11%
  • B5 1.3 mg - 13%;
  • B6 0.4 mg - 18%;
  • B9 358 mg - 90%;
  • PP 2.5 mg - 27%.
  • Potassium 731 mg - 21%;
  • Calcium 83 mg - 8%;
  • Silicon 80 mg - 266%;
  • Magnesium 71 mg - 18%;
  • Sodium 55 mg - 4%;
  • Sulfur 163 mg - 16%;
  • Phosphorus 356 mg - 36%;
  • Chlorine 75 mg - 3%.
  • Iron 6.6 mg - 37%;
  • Zinc 2.5 mg - 17%;
  • Copper 0.5 mg - 25%;
  • Selenium 0.2 mg - 35%;
  • Manganese 1 mg - 49%;
  • Chromium 1 mg - 21%.


Beneficial properties of lentils

  • helps lower cholesterol levels;
  • can alleviate heart disease;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • is a storehouse of protein;
  • fights fatigue and fills with energy;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • prevents cancer and atherosclerosis;
  • promotes muscle growth;
  • improves electrolytic activity;
  • useful for men and women;
  • good for skin.

Excessive consumption of lentils can lead to:

  • unpleasant heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • gas formation;
  • stomach cramps;
  • accumulation of toxins in the intestines;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • disruption of heart function;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • the occurrence of allergies.

This cereal has more advantages. And you won’t be able to harm yourself if you eat this product correctly. The main thing is to know when to stop and follow the above recommendations.

Research sources

The main studies on the benefits and harms of lentils were carried out by foreign doctors. Below you can get acquainted with the primary sources of research on the basis of which this article was written:


Additional useful information about lentils

How to use

Basically, lentils are used as food, as well as regular cereal(for example, peas). Consequently, the main and most popular method of preparing it is boiling.

Lentils can be boiled and eaten as lentil porridge. Cook the lentils over low heat for 15 minutes. It does not require pre-soaking. Lentils can be added to soup like any other legume. With any method of preparation, it equally reveals all its beneficial properties.

Lentils are highly digestible, so they can replace bread and any other cereal. When you cook lentils, add thyme to the dish. He is able to perfectly highlight everything taste qualities this legume.

Add to salad.
Among other things, lentils can be added to salads. Before adding to the salad, it must first be boiled. Lentil salads always turn out tasty and satisfying.

Use in canned form.
To save time, you can buy canned lentils. However, if you purchase such a product, make sure that the aluminum can is not made with BPA ( chemical substance, commonly found in the lining of aluminum cans). This may cause health problems.

You can also eat sprouted lentils. To do this, rinse the beans well, then soak them in water for two to three days, changing the water every 24 hours. This procedure will positively change the composition of lentils, increasing the amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

How to choose

There are many various types lentils available in markets, with a palette of colors from brown to green, yellow to red. Lentils can also vary in size.

Some of the most popular types of lentils are:

  • Brown(Spanish) - cooks quickly, goes perfectly with meat and vegetables.
  • French green(with a dark red or blue-green color) - these lentils are sold unripe and cook for about 1 hour. Excellent for adding to salads, as it retains its appearance after cooking.
  • Red(has an earthy aroma) - minimal cooking time, suitable for puree or cream soup.
  • Black(also called "beluga") - similar in appearance to black caviar, suitable for any dish.

The type of lentils you want to buy depends on what you will be using them for. Different types of lentils have different textures and flavors. Lentils with husks remain more intact when cooked compared to lentils without husks, which are mashed. But since all types taste similar and provide the same nutrients, you can easily alternate between types.

Distinctive features of good and bad lentils:

Good lentils:

  • has a crumbly structure;
  • does not have condensation on its packaging;
  • grains do not differ in size and color;
  • does not contain foreign particles, mold, bugs;
  • fragrant;
  • has a smooth shape.

Bad lentils have:

  • low quality;
  • damaged packaging;
  • expired;
  • different colors of beans;
  • spots on beans;
  • crushed and damaged beans.

How to store

With proper care, lentils can be stored for quite a long time. Distinctive feature This crop is able to absorb moisture.

  • Lentils should not be stored in containers where condensation may form.
  • Store it in a dark, cool and dry place.
  • Throw away the product if it smells damp or rotten.
  • Boiled lentils should be stored strictly in the refrigerator and no longer than 6 days.
  • Once cooked, lentils can be frozen.
  • After defrosting, it may change its consistency, but it will not lose its beneficial properties.

History of origin

Lentil seeds have been found in archaeological sites of ancient settlements in the Middle East. Thanks to these excavations, the age of the lentils can be determined. She is at least 8 thousand years old. As a result of the migration of tribes in the Middle East, lentils were spread across Africa and then migrated to Europe. Historians have suggested that slaves were fed lentil stew to make them strong and hardy, and therefore productive.

Historically, Indians have been one of the largest consumers of lentils. About a quarter of the world's lentil production today comes from India, most of which is consumed and never exported. The Indian diet often includes a staple dish called dhal (or lentils), which is an ancient recipe and part of the daily diet in India.

In other parts of the world, such as Israel and Ethiopia, lentils also provided a high percentage of nutrients for growing populations. In Jewish mourning traditions, lentils were prepared for the mourners, along with boiled eggs, because they round form symbolizes life cycle from birth to death.

Ethiopians consumed lentils to provide the body required quantity calories, fiber and protein. They especially fed lentils to babies for their rapid growth and development. And they used it during periods of famine.

In Ancient Greece, lentils were made into flour and added to bread products. Lentil stew was the cheapest dish and was considered food for the poor. Only in the 18th century did noble people begin to consume lentils.

Lentils were brought to Russia in the 12th century. During a period of severe drought and a lean year (the end of the 19th century), only lentils were produced and it was this that saved many people from starvation. After this incident, lentils began to be actively grown in Russia, and the country took a leading place in the export of lentils in the World. But later, this crop became unprofitable to grow due to the prevalence of a cold climate in the country, and India began to take first place.

Currently, the traditions of lentil consumption are being restored in many countries. Dishes from it can be found on the menus of the world's best restaurants, but of course mainly in Asia, where it has gained popularity.

How and where they grow

For many peoples of Asia, lentils are rightfully considered one of the most important sources squirrel, which in its own way nutritional properties can replace bread, cereals and even meat. The technology for growing lentils is very similar to peas. However, this legume is more heat-loving.

Lentils may be damaged by frost, but will withstand drought with ease. On this moment, the main countries growing lentils are: India, Canada, Turkey, USA, Nepal, Australia, etc. Lentils are also grown in Russia, in the southern regions, for example, in the Rostov region.

  • Lentils were one of the first plants domesticated by humans, along with wheat, barley and peas.
  • Lentils were brought to Russia in the 11th-12th centuries under the name sochevitsa.
  • Lentils are not capable of accumulating harmful or toxic substances.
  • In ancient times, lentils were valued as a medicinal plant.
  • In France, lentils are considered “royal food.”
  • In Brazil, lentils are a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  • During World War II, the American government encouraged its citizens to eat lentils so as not to “undermine” the country’s economy in difficult times.
  • Mentions of lentils are found in the books of the Old Testament. It was the main food of our ancestors.
  • At the end of the 19th century, there was a severe drought in our country, and only lentils produced a great harvest, thereby protecting our people from hunger.
  • Only 8% of Americans consume lentils.
  • Lentils have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs dating back to 2400 BC. e. The ancient Egyptians may have used it as an aphrodisiac.
  • It is believed that lentils give children vigor and diligence.

Lentils have been known for quite a long time; they belong to the legume family and contain fiber, protein and many others. useful elements. Low calorie and small glycemic index make lentils the most popular product in the diet of those losing weight. What else red lentils are rich in, its benefits and harms are described in our article.

Pros and cons of red lentils

There are three types of lentils: brown, green and red. The first is added to hot dishes and soups, the second - to vegetable salads, and red lentils are becoming a common ingredient in a variety of sauces and side dishes. Let's look at the beneficial properties of this product.

Benefits of eating lentils

Any component in lentils has beneficial influence on the body. Let's list the main advantages of eating lentils.

Antioxidant properties of lentils

The natural antioxidants contained in lentils can prolong the youth of the body and maintain its health.

Losing weight with lentils

Red lentils promote weight loss. Due to the low fat content and the presence of fiber in it, appetite is reduced and the feeling of hunger is dulled.

Effects of lentils on the skin

Red lentils are included in many folk remedies recipes. Lentils perfectly exfoliate the skin and tighten pores. After using such a natural peeling, the skin of the face is noticeably transformed, as if glowing from within, becoming soft and tender.

The effect of lentils on heart function

Helps lower cholesterol, prevents heart disease, helps in reducing blood pressure. All this is due to the fiber and potassium content in red lentils. In addition, lentils contain a large amount of folic acid and magnesium, which also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. This product can be consumed by people with diabetes.

Lentils to improve digestion

Like any plant product rich in amino acids, lentils have a positive effect on cleansing the body of harmful substances, including blood purification. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, problems with stool go away.

Lentils for cancer

Due to the presence of natural antioxidants in lentils, as well as the presence of fiber in it, the likelihood of cancer tumors is reduced.

Strengthening the immune system with lentils

Regular consumption of red lentils can increase vitality body, strengthen the immune system and resistance to microbes. It is good to consume it during the season of viral epidemics in combination with other healthy natural products - for example, honey, onions, garlic.

Healthy vision thanks to lentils

Side effects of eating red lentils

Many products, having a lot of useful properties, nevertheless have some contraindications and side effects. Let's dwell on them.

Bloating and flatulence from lentils

Excessive consumption of red lentils causes the formation of gases in the intestines, since the fibers contained in lentils do not have time to be absorbed thin walls intestines. Acceptable rate lentils per day - a glass of the finished product. You can reduce the manifestations of flatulence by adding fresh herbs to your food.

Kidney stones due to lentils

Lysine in large quantities, found in lentils, can cause kidney stones. People with kidney diseases The use of this product should be limited. In addition, an excess of protein can aggravate the course of the disease.

Lentils can reduce the body's vitality

An excess of potassium in the blood leads to symptoms of fatigue, weakness, rapid heartbeat, even vomiting and tingling in the heart area. If such symptoms appear, you should avoid eating red lentils. Perhaps this is a sign individual intolerance of this product.

useful product with many medicinal qualities may be harmful to health if misuse or serious illness

How to store lentils?

The shelf life of lentils can be about a year, provided that they are kept in a closed glass container with a tight lid and in a dark place. It is recommended to store lentil dishes in tight food containers, preferably in the refrigerator. Lentils can be stored in the freezer for no more than 6 months.

Having learned more about such a product as red lentils, the benefits and harms of which are described in our article, let’s move on to some of the secrets of its preparation.

Secrets of cooking red lentils

It is not difficult to prepare this product, the main thing is to know a few nuances.

Choosing the Right Lentils

For normal life The most beneficial for the stomach are red varieties of lentils. They are easily digestible and do not cause allergies, unlike brown ones. The latter can increase flatulence.

Preparing to eat lentils

Be sure to rinse the lentils thoroughly in cool water to remove all dirt. It is best to grind the lentils, as they are more nutritious.

Before eating, you can soak the lentils in water for about 2-4 hours. It should swell approximately 2 times.

Applying spices to lentils

When cooking lentils, it is best to supplement them with spices that transform gas-forming oligosaccharides; absorption then occurs faster and better.

Features of cooking lentils

Cook the lentils over low heat for several hours. To speed up the cooking process, you can pre-soak it overnight.

What can you eat lentils with?

The best and healthiest way to eat lentils is in soups or added to vegetables. A piece of bread will increase the effect of amino acids, which are vital for maintaining normal functioning body.

The maximum benefits from lentil consumption can only be obtained with regular consumption. It is enough to make dishes from it 2-3 times a week.

Lentils are a legume crop; represents the genus of the same name and belongs to the legume family.

This leguminous crop was grown for food and as fodder many centuries ago.

Lentils are a very tasty and healthy product.

A specific feature of the plant is that it does not absorb harmful compounds.


The calorie content and nutritional value of grains depend on the variety and cooking technology:

Energy value, 100 g.Green and brown lentils rawBoiled green and brown lentilsRed lentils rawBoiled red lentils
Calorie content297 kcal105 kcal318 kcal100 kcal

Are lentils a protein or a carbohydrate? Lentil cereals are a source of light protein and complex carbohydrates.

Lentils have a varied chemical composition.

Grains contain the following microelements in large quantities:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • amino acids tryptophan;
  • light vegetable protein;
  • Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids;
  • vitamins gr. B (especially high content of B1), PP.

Sprouted grains, as shoots grow, are enriched with vitamin C.
Sprouted lentils will compensate for the lack of vitamin C

This valuable cereal- leader in folic acid content: a serving of boiled beans provides the body with vitamin B9 by 90%.

For better absorption iron product served with fresh vegetables and greens containing the antioxidant vitamin C.


Lentils come in several varieties:

  • brown- the most popular. In American cuisine, vegetable soups are prepared with herbs and this type of cereal. The brown variety of beans has a nutty flavor. Effective for lung diseases, various injuries and fractures;
  • red— during the cooking process it quickly becomes soft since it lacks a shell;
  • black,“beluga”, similar to caviar;
  • green French "Puy"— grains of aromatic French lentils retain their integrity even after prolonged heat treatment. The Puy variety is used for making salads. Yellow beans - this one green variety, only cleared of shells.

Red lentils, benefits and harm

Eating red lentils will benefit you in the following cases:

  • Red lentils contain a lot of iron, so they will useful for anemia, anemia;
  • Vitamin A does strong hair and nails, the condition of the skin and teeth improves noticeably;
  • vitamin E prevents aging;
  • Dietary fiber functions as a regulator of metabolic processes, the body is filled with energy, the supply of which lasts for a long time.

Prepared from red lentils delicious soup, you will learn the recipe from the video:

You may also be interested in learning about the benefits and harms. These are crushed barley seeds, which during processing are cleared only of flower films, as a result of which almost all the vitamins, microelements and fiber contained in the grains are retained.

Green lentils, benefits and harms

Green cereal takes a long time to boil, so it needs to be soaked.
Dishes made from this variety of lentil beans:

  • provide therapeutic effect for constipation, diabetes thanks to high content fiber;
  • green beans lowers bad cholesterol levels;
  • in combination with other means are capable improve the condition of rheumatism, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and etc.;
  • Unripe green lentils are richest in tryptophan, which triggers production of serotonin in organism.

The plant will also help produce serotonin. This is a real treasury of unique taste and powerful healing properties, it is useful for anyone to know how to consume amaranth seeds.

Which lentils are healthier, red or green? Each variety has a whole range of important substances and compounds, but the best in all respects is the green variety of lentil beans.

Green lentils- the most useful


Lentils can help overcome some diseases:

  • Soluble fiber improves the digestion process and prevents the development of rectal tumors;
  • Dietary fiber in lentil beans improve cholesterol levels in blood;
  • Regular inclusion of lentil grains in the menu has a beneficial effect on the immune system, genitourinary system, improves metabolism in organism;
  • Will help for constipation problems in the absence of intestinal inflammation;
  • To solve the problem of constipation, you can use and. In addition, potato juice perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and fights intoxications of various origins.

  • Lentils can also be consumed for diabetes. The product is filled with light carbohydrates that do not increase blood sugar levels. Successfully replaces most cereals and bakery products. The most useful for diabetes are plate-shaped lentils. It should be eaten 2 times a week.

If you have diabetes, you can also use. Beneficial for diabetics Fresh Juice vegetable crop, improving general health and allows you to prevent many complications of the disease.

Benefits and harms for the liver

Lentil grains, like all legumes, contain lecithin acid in large quantities. This substance has the ability to restore liver cells. The seeds of this side plant have a diuretic effect, prevent the accumulation of excess fluid, and promote the renewal of liver cells. Lentils are a treasure trove natural protein, practically devoid of fat. The product is extremely beneficial for the liver. Nutritionists recommend eating lentil cereal dishes 1-2 times a week.

You can prepare a decoction of lentils to cleanse the liver, you will learn more from the video:

For women

Lentil grains contain isoflavones, which prevent the occurrence and development of malignant tumors in the breast. They are preserved even in seeds that have undergone heat treatment.

For weight loss. This legume is rich in protein, which provides the body with energy for many hours and has virtually no fat. In addition to weight loss, the normal functioning of the body as a whole is improved. This natural product supports the body during diets, supplying it with all vital important substances.

Lentil cereals help achieve the correct balance of hormones, improve metabolic processes, which leads to natural weight loss.

Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on appearance and gives beauty “from the inside.” Zinc makes muscles flexible, which is very important for a successful birth process without tearing.

Is it possible for pregnant women? During pregnancy, it is important to consume the most valuable foods possible. Thanks to folic acid As part of cereals, lentils promote the proper development of the fetal brain, provide vitamins and other important substances to the body of the mother and the unborn baby.

At breastfeeding. The beneficial properties of lentils make it possible to recommend this product for breastfeeding. You can include lentils in the menu of nursing mothers after the baby is 2 months old to avoid colic and other tummy problems.

It is also useful for young mothers to take. This remedy not only increases milk volume during breastfeeding, but also helps a new mother cope with postpartum depression.

For children

Lentils should be offered to children over 2 years of age. It is better if this legume is part of a multi-component dish and is well boiled because digestive system small organism is not yet perfect. For children's nutrition, it is best to use red, yellow and sprouted cereals.
Children enjoy eating red lentil soup

How is it useful for men?

Eating lentils will bring invaluable benefits and for men. Natural product helps cleanse blood vessels, reduce “bad” cholesterol and prevent the development of heart disease, which often affects representatives of the “stronger” sex.

Zinc in lentil beans returns male strength, and protein helps to effectively build muscle mass. Thanks to magnesium and potassium, muscles become elastic.

For those who are involved in bodybuilding, lentils - important product nutrition. Cereals contain vegetable protein that can be easily digested. The beneficial substances of lentil beans help keep muscles toned.
Lentils saturate the body with calories for a long time. It should be consumed before and after workouts.


Due to the presence of difficult-to-digest protein in lentils, its consumption may be contraindicated for people who have:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • gallbladder problems.

Lentils, like other legumes, stimulate the formation of gases, so in addition to their benefits, they can cause harm to people with dysbacteriosis, intestinal diseases, and those who suffer from gout. To avoid these problems, legume grains should be served with greens and eaten in small quantities.
In some cases, lentils should be consumed with caution

It is difficult for the body to digest, so it should be boiled until soft over low heat and consumed during the daytime.

It also contains phytates, compounds that prevent normal absorption. useful substances and minerals.

Which is healthier?

Let's compare the benefits of lentils with other, more familiar legumes:

  • Beans- a bright representative of legumes, has many varieties. They are all similar in chemical composition, nutritional value. Beans are richest in potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B9, magnesium, and calcium. Unlike lentil grains, beans contain the important trace element selenium. The content of protein and valuable dietary fiber in the crops is approximately the same. The calorie content of beans is slightly more than 100 Kcal/100 g;
  • Peas- also a representative of legumes. It has a richer composition of amino acids, however, it is inferior to lentils in terms of protein and iron content. Unlike lentil grains, it does not contain isoflavones.

As you can see, you can’t do without this legume – be sure to try this wonderful product.

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