Is it possible to cure periodontitis at home. Consider in detail each of the above types of physiotherapy.

Periodontitis, or, as it is popularly called, tooth periodontitis is inflammatory disease periodontal tissues that surround the tooth (gingiva, dental ligament and surrounding jawbone). In professional terms, periodontitis is an inflammation of the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth.

Periodontitis can be localized, that is, spread to the region of one or two teeth, or generalized, that is, affect most of the dentition. If a patient has periodontitis, it is usually chronic. Therefore, the main task of a specialist is to identify the cause of the disease, prescribe proper treatment and - most importantly - to prevent subsequent exacerbations and complications.

What are the signs of periodontitis?

The initial signs of periodontitis are bleeding gums when pressing on them or when brushing your teeth, bluish or red gums, and bad breath. Already in the later stages of the disease, tooth mobility and visible exposure of their roots appear, which indicates a severe and advanced form of the inflammatory process. When periodontitis becomes chronic, there is a "resorption" of the tissues surrounding the tooth, pathological gum and bone pockets are formed. As a result, the tooth gradually loosens and falls out.

Root exposure in periodontitis should be distinguished from the so-called gingival recessions - a decrease in the height of the gingival margin, as a result of which the root of the tooth is exposed, in other words, “slipping” or atrophy of the gums. Unlike periodontitis, recession is not caused by inflammation and does not entail the formation of pathological pockets and loosening of the teeth. In addition, in most cases, gum recession is successfully treated.

What are the causes of periodontitis?

Understanding the causes of the disease is a very important point that helps the doctor correctly determine how to treat periodontitis of the gums. The disease can be provoked by both general and local factors. TO common reasons include diseases gastrointestinal tract, diseases associated with pathology endocrine system, some gynecological and urological diseases, sexually transmitted infections, and weakening immune system. Local, or local, factors are the absence of teeth, malocclusion, incorrectly installed fillings or crowns, which mechanically irritate the gums and create conditions for the accumulation of bacterial plaque. A significant role is played by the specific microbial flora of the oral cavity, which occurs in some patients and causes periodontitis. But the main factor in the development of periodontitis is poor hygiene oral cavity.

How is periodontitis diagnosed?

It is possible to determine whether a patient has periodontitis or not already at the first appointment, focusing on his complaints and the condition of the oral cavity. Moreover, in the diagnosis of the disease, special tests are used, the most popular of which is the Parma index. It works in the following way: a special Schiller's solution is applied to the gums, which reacts to unhealthy tissues and stains them in a bright color, revealing a focus of inflammation. There is also an index that determines the level of bleeding, and a Russell test that reveals the condition of not only the gums, but also bone tissue.

X-ray examinations, which determine the degree of the disease that has arisen, are the main ones in the diagnosis of periodontitis. For such a study, you can use a radiovisiograph (a device for conventional targeted x-rays), an orthopantomograph (an extraoral device capable of taking a picture of both jaws at once). However, the most informative method considered extraoral cone-radial CT scan, which allows you to examine each piece of the jaw and tooth layer by layer in a three-dimensional format.

At present, there is a technique computer diagnostics Florida probe, which allows you to accurately determine and fix the depth of periodontal pockets - the main pathological manifestation of periodontitis. The examination is easily tolerated by patients and helps the doctor to prescribe competent treatment.

With periodontitis, a microbiological study is also carried out, with which you can study the microflora of the oral cavity and determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics for a more accurate selection of drug treatment.

Another mandatory study is a blood test. It allows you to identify the cause of the disease, which can be both the initial stage of diabetes and chronic infectious process in other organs and systems, as well as disorders associated with hormonal background and metabolism.

In the process of diagnosing periodontitis, consultation of related specialists is often required to identify and treat concomitant diseases.

How is periodontitis treated?

Successful treatment of periodontitis can only be achieved in a well-coordinated team "doctor plus patient". Much depends on the doctor, but even more depends on the patient himself. The doctor is responsible for the treatment, and the patient is responsible for maintaining the result, because periodontitis is a chronic disease.

Methods of treatment of periodontitis are divided into medical and surgical. With a slight inflammation that has arisen due to dental deposits, the doctor thoroughly cleans the teeth, eliminates conditions that contribute to the retention of microbial plaque, polishes the surfaces of the teeth and applies to the inflamed area medical bandage With drug. With the formation of a deep periodontal pocket and severe pain, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics. When treating severe periodontitis, one has to resort to more serious (surgical) procedures, such as curettage and flap surgery. But in any case, periodontitis requires complex treatment, including professional hygiene, preparations for local and internal use and, if necessary, surgical procedures.

There is also a hardware method for the treatment of periodontitis - Vector. The method consists in the use of ultrasound in combination with medicines aimed at combating microbes and stimulating healing. The Vector apparatus is used both as independent technique, as well as in combination with surgical treatment.

What are the surgical treatments for periodontitis?

Surgical treatment of periodontitis is relevant in the later stages of the disease with strong tooth mobility and deep periodontal pockets. This is, first of all, a curettage procedure, which involves the removal of dental deposits and pathological granulation tissue from under the gums. If the depth of the periodontal pocket is up to 4 mm, a closed curettage is performed without opening the gums, if more - an open or patchwork operation, when it is necessary to peel off the periosteal flap, fold it back and clean the pocket. This procedure always performed with anesthesia and is well tolerated by patients.

In addition to the above procedures for periodontitis, splinting is performed, which fixes loose teeth.

Can periodontitis be eliminated with a laser?

Treatment of periodontitis with a laser is one of the most effective and minimally invasive ways to combat the disease, which is one of the stages of complex treatment. The laser has cleansing and antibacterial properties. During the procedure, each periodontal pocket is treated for a certain time, sufficient for the laser light beam to destroy pathogenic bacteria. The procedure is bloodless and almost painless. However, good effect can only be obtained with integrated approach to the treatment of periodontitis.

Is it true that periodontal disease can be cured with implants?

Implantation is a method of dealing not with periodontitis itself, but with its consequences. On late stage diseases, the teeth become mobile and fall out, so they have to be replaced with implants. It should be understood that dental implantation in periodontitis has its own difficulties and limitations, since bone tissue is resorbed in this disease. Its sufficient volume is the main condition for the successful installation of implants. If periodontitis is in an advanced stage, implantation can be very difficult or even impossible due to a lack of bone volume. That is why patients should start treatment as early as possible in order to do everything possible to save their teeth, and if they are lost, not to miss the opportunity to restore them with implants.

In any case, before installing implants, it is required to transfer periodontitis to the stage of remission (stabilization) or, if possible, to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

What are the consequences of untreated periodontitis?

Loss of teeth

The advanced stage of the disease destroys the soft and hard tissues around the teeth, which leads to their loss.

Deterioration of conditions for implantation

As mentioned earlier, with severe periodontitis, the volume of jawbone, which complicates the installation of implants, requiring a preliminary increase in bone tissue, and in extremely severe cases, makes implantation impossible.

Occurrence of other diseases

Periodontitis contributes to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the lungs, heart, and even the formation of blood clots.

How to avoid further exacerbation of the disease?

This is where the patient becomes the main member of the well-coordinated “doctor-patient” team. To maintain the result obtained after the treatment of periodontitis, you should brush your teeth correctly and regularly, following all the recommendations of the attending dentist, as with periodontitis personal hygiene oral cavity is different from the usual. In particular, along with the usual brush and paste, it becomes necessary to connect additional hygiene products: dental floss (floss), various brushes for teeth, irrigator, etc.

In addition, you must come to professional cleaning to dentistry at least once every six months, and for people with chronic periodontitis even more often - once every three months. good hygiene is an excellent prevention of periodontitis and the only way support the outcome of treatment.

How much does periodontitis treatment cost? What makes up the cost?

The price for the treatment of periodontitis depends on the complexity of the disease, on whether surgical procedures will be performed and to what extent.

With periodontitis, folk remedies in the form of all kinds of herbal infusions do not help. They can bring temporary relief and mask the problem, but it is impossible to radically solve it with mouthwashes. Neither home treatment nor the miraculous toothpaste advertised on TV will help get rid of periodontitis. Rinses and toothpastes are just one of the auxiliary components V complex treatment. If you have or suspect periodontitis, contact your dentist for timely diagnosis, because exactly on early dates diseases doctors have a lot of opportunities to help you!

  • 044 337-93-60

Periodontitis of the gums and teeth is a disease that is often diagnosed by dentists at the present time. Not every patient goes to dental clinic when the first symptoms and complaints appear, in connection with which, most often, doctors during a dental examination find already quite pronounced periodontitis.

The first symptoms this disease usually there is swelling and redness of the gums, mucous membranes and periodic bleeding during or after brushing your teeth. And only later certain time there is pain in the gums, bad breath, severe swelling of the gums. Many patients do not consider these manifestations serious enough, do not apply for qualified help and independently seek information about how to treat periodontitis at home.

However, given the variety of symptoms in all inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, the choice of therapy without an examination and the conclusion of a dentist cannot be correct. That's why drug treatment periodontitis should be carried out only on the basis of the appointments of the attending dentist - periodontist.

Modern principles of treatment of periodontitis are based on certain schemes, following which in 98% of cases it is possible to correctly diagnose the degree of damage to periodontal tissues and, based on the data, prescribe necessary drugs and procedures. Since the question of how to treat periodontitis worries every patient with this disease, in this article we will consider the main types of drugs and drugs that can be recommended for damage to periodontal tissues and gums.

With periodontitis in the tissues of the periodontium, against the background of the inflammatory process, there is a gradual destruction of all structures that hold the teeth. Also, with prolonged inflammation of the gums and damage to deeper layers of tissues, in the thickness of the periodontal structures, the depth of periodontal pockets, which are filled with the contents of plaque, may increase. As a result, purulent contents may be released from these pockets.

Also, all periodontal tissues undergo destruction during long course diseases, the teeth in the holes begin to loosen and, in advanced cases, may fall out. The main cause of this disease is the presence of a microbial factor, that is, foci of infection in the oral cavity. First of all, it is plaque and stones, advanced dental caries or previously untreated gingivitis.

Apart from local factors can affect the course of periodontitis systemic diseases, disorders of the endocrine system or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of deformations or anomalies of the dentoalveolar system, malocclusion or incorrectly performed dental treatment earlier can also aggravate periodontitis.

That is why when drawing up a plan for the treatment of periodontitis, it is necessary to take into account all indicators of laboratory and diagnostic examination, conclusions from related specialists - therapists, pediatricians, family doctors, and data from the patient's medical history. Correct sequence patient examinations include:

  • An examination by a periodontist and a conclusion about the condition of the teeth, their prognosis and the decision to preserve or remove the teeth.
  • Sounding out to the patient all options therapy and manipulation, to save teeth
  • Coordination with the patient of the treatment plan
  • Determining the stages of using the selected methods of treatment and prescribing drugs, taking into account this clinical case

This scheme allows each doctor to correctly begin to address the issue of how to treat periodontitis in each clinical case.

Treatment regimens for periodontitis

With a disease such as periodontitis, drugs for treatment can only be prescribed after all hygiene measures to eliminate foci of sources of infection in the oral cavity. And since the main cause of microbial effects on the tissues of the oral cavity is dental plaque, plaque under and above the level of the gums, caries and tartar, the first stage of treatment is professional teeth cleaning.

Currently, periodontists use Vector hardware treatment methods for high-quality and thorough removal of all types of dental plaque and sanitation of inflamed pockets in the periodontium. ultrasonic cleaning and other types of professional oral care.

Medical treatment of periodontitis

The next parallel stage of treatment is drug therapy, which includes preparations for use in the oral cavity and restorative means. To eliminate the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues and gums, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Untimely diagnosis and treatment of periodontal tissue diseases can lead to tooth loss! Self-healing doesn't work! Contact PerioCenter specialists!

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IN dental treatment such means as gel and ointment from periodontitis, applications and compresses are actively used. Rinsing with periodontitis is also recommended with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents. All drugs used topically are prescribed for a period of 7 to 10 days and are applied about 2 times a day, in the morning and evening.

Medicines for periodontitis

At easy course periodontitis and the presence of swollen and reddened gums, applications or rinses with a solution of Chlorhexidine are used. There are also ready-made funds based on Chlorhexidine and antibacterial drug Metronidazole, such as a gel or ointment for periodontitis - Metrogyl for gums, Asepta gels, Holisal and others.

All drugs used on the area of ​​​​inflamed tissues in the oral cavity have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action, and also an anesthetic effect. After applying these drugs, swelling and bleeding from the gums decrease, and pain and a feeling of fullness in the periodontal tissues decrease within a few minutes.

Antibacterial agents are recommended for moderate and severe periodontitis, antibiotics of the Fluoroquinolones, Lincosamides groups, drugs based on Metronidazole and others are the drugs of choice, depending on the results of the analysis for the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity to drugs.

Means for rinsing with periodontitis

Rinsing with periodontitis complements the treatment and allows you to effectively clean the oral cavity from plaque and remove the microbial layer. With periodontitis, the most effective drugs will be in solution - Chlorhexidine and Miramistin, or ready-made rinses in the form alcohol solutions, such as Chlorphyllipt, Stomatofit, Tantum - Verde and others.

All rinse solutions must be used strictly according to the instructions, as excessive use alcohol formulations a burn of the mucous membrane and areas of inflamed gums can occur. Therefore, when choosing drugs, it is necessary to consult with the attending periodontist to obtain information on how to rinse your mouth with periodontitis will be most effective and safe, given the clinical situation.

Treatment of periodontitis with herbal preparations

In addition to drug therapy recommended herbal remedies, decoctions of chamomile or calendula flowers, compositions with eucalyptus, oak bark and mint. Oils are also used in the treatment of periodontitis, applications with sea buckthorn or fir oil have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect on mucous membranes. Oils for applications are used up to two times a day, preparations are applied to cotton pads and placed on areas of inflamed tissues for 10-15 minutes. Within 5 - 7 of such therapy, it is possible not only to eliminate swelling and redness, but also bleeding gums.

Restorative therapy

Since periodontitis is often observed in patients with reduced immunity, for general strengthening health recommended vitamin complexes. Also, an important point in the treatment of diseases of the tissues of the oral cavity is the correction of nutrition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the balance of the diet and the intake of vitamins and minerals with food.

In addition, oral care products should be changed. Toothpaste with periodontitis, a special one should be selected. Currently, pharmacies have a fairly large range of pastes based on herbal ingredients, which not only strengthen damaged gums, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Paste from periodontitis in combination with rinsing allows you to carefully and effectively clean the oral cavity from microbial plaque on the teeth.

Where is the best place to treat periodontitis and who to contact?

As the experience of dentists - periodontists shows, following daily care and drug treatment of periodontitis, it is possible to completely stop inflammatory and destructive changes in the periodontium and gums. However, it should be noted that the success of treatment also depends on the timeliness of the visit to the doctor and the correct use of the recommended treatment regimen. If you are concerned about these symptoms - do not waste time on self-treatment, contact professionals, because your health is your main value.

At the PerioCentre clinic, you can go through everything in just a few visits to the attending physician. necessary examination, and based on the diagnostic data, together with the doctor, plan the optimal treatment regimen for you. Trust the professionals, because at present, curing periodontitis is not a problem.

Contact the PerioCentre dental clinic - keep your health strong for many years.

Untimely diagnosis and treatment of periodontal tissue diseases can lead to tooth loss! Self-healing doesn't work! Contact PerioCenter specialists!

  • 044 337-93-60

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the tissues surrounding and holding the periodontium (tooth). The disease manifests itself destructive changes in the bone itself and adjacent to it ligamentous apparatus.

According to statistics, periodontitis affects the majority of people who go to the dentist. The higher the level of tooth loss, the degree of their mobility, as well as the bone tissue around them, the longer, more difficult and more expensive the treatment will be.

Signs of periodontitis and its treatment

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat periodontitis at home, however, in most cases, the effectiveness of such methods directly depends on the phase of the disease. Typically, this concerns initial stages periodontitis, when you can easily block the development of the disease by rinsing with herbs or using a special gel.

Symptoms of periodontitis

If you are attentive to your health, the symptoms of the disease can be seen on initial stage. The first signs are the formation of soft plaque, slight mobility of the teeth, bleeding gums during hygiene procedures. Often there is reddening of the gums and exposure of the periodontal roots. Do not ignore these symptoms and hope that periodontitis will go away on its own.

Treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the mobility of the teeth becomes more noticeable, pus accumulates in the gums, the dentition is deformed. After some time, the tooth root is completely exposed, and the teeth themselves are loosened even more, which can lead to their independent loss.

Forms of periodontitis

There are several factors that determine the classification of the disease. According to the duration of the course of the inflammatory process, two forms of periodontitis are distinguished:

  1. Spicy. It is quite rare and is characterized by a sharp onset and rapid deformation of the tissues of the tooth.
  2. Chronic. The disease is characterized by periodic alternation of periods of exacerbation and remission.

According to the prevalence of the focus of inflammation, the following forms diseases:

  • Localized. The inflammatory process develops in a certain area, usually touching one or two periodontiums and not spreading to other areas.
  • Generalized. Inflammation completely captures one jaw or both at once.

Also in severity clinical signs Periodontitis can have an initial, mild, moderate and severe form.

Causes of periodontitis

The disease may appear as a result of the following factors:

How is periodontitis treated in dentistry?

Turning to the clinic, the patient first of all receives a consultation with a paradentologist who, having examined the condition of the oral cavity, will prescribe a course of therapy. If a disease is detected at the initial stage, the usual recommendations of a specialist can be dispensed with. In order for the doctor to correctly assess the condition of the bone tissues and adjacent areas, it is necessary to take a full (panoramic) x-ray of the oral cavity in advance.

A mandatory procedure for the onset of periodontal disease is a professional cleaning of the oral cavity, during which soft plaque and tartar are removed under the gums and above them, which are the main source of harmful microorganisms.

Usually, after this procedure, the condition of the oral cavity returns to normal: bleeding disappears, the swelling disappears, and the gums themselves acquire their original shade. In the future, you just need observe oral hygiene, but at the same time it will be necessary to periodically (about once / 6-8 months) carry out professional cleaning.

In order to finally block the harmful bacteria that live in the dental pockets, as well as to prevent the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs may be recommended by a specialist.

Periodontitis: treatment at home with folk remedies

Self-treatment of periodontitis implies compliance with certain rules. First of all, it concerns the diet and diet. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of sweets, since such food helps to create favorable conditions for the appearance and development of harmful microorganisms which further exacerbate the course of periodontitis.

After each use food products, saturated with carbohydrates, you should rinse your mouth.

For hygiene procedures, it is necessary to use brushes with sufficiently soft bristles, which will avoid injury to the gums and tooth enamel. In addition, with periodontitis, the choice of toothpaste plays an important role. Usually in this case, experts recommend a cleaning agent, with high concentration components plant origin and a small amount of abrasive particles.

It must be borne in mind that not all pastes are suitable for daily use and can only be used when the patient is undergoing a treatment course.

The top five most effective remedies for the treatment of periodontitis at home include the following toothpastes:

For self-treatment periodontitis, you can perform exercises using small spruce twig.

  • Wash the coniferous branch cleanly and place it in the oral cavity. With biting movements, massage the teeth and gums. The exercise should be repeated several times during the day.
  • Bite one tip of the plant with your teeth, while pulling the twig out of your mouth with your hands.
  • Move the jaws up and down, while holding the needles with the front teeth.

Coniferous gymnastics helps to increase blood flow to the gums and has positive impact on the muscles of the mouth. In addition, the needles contain substances that have excellent therapeutic effect.

Special gels, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, showed themselves quite effectively. The most popular are such products as Holisal and Metrogil Denta, which are distinguished by their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as rapid absorption into the surface of the gums. Rub the drug should be several times / day and the result will not keep you waiting.

Traditional medicine

You can treat periodontitis with the use of folk remedies.

honey and propolis

For rinsing the mouth, a solution of propolis in alcohol (10% -15%) is used. It is necessary to drip 20 drops of tincture into a glass boiled water and rinse your mouth 5 times/day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Strengthening the gums can be done with honey and ordinary table salt. To do this, take honey (1 tablespoon) and a small amount of salt. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the resulting mass is placed in a gauze bag. This tool should wipe the gums every evening after brushing your teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide

A solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) can only be used if a preliminary professional cleaning of the oral cavity has been performed. This drug used to wash periodontal pockets from purulent secretions.

Be careful! Penetration of peroxide deep into the soft tissues of the gums can cause necrosis. In addition, it should be remembered that simple wiping will not give the desired results, and it is quite difficult to wash the dental pockets on your own.


The sap of the plant is often used as an antibacterial and pain reliever. To do this, a small piece of aloe leaf is cut lengthwise and applied to the sore spot, preferably at night. Repeat the procedure every evening for a week.


To rinse the mouth, use the juice of the mountaineer pepper, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The procedure is carried out 3-5 times / day after brushing your teeth and eating. This helps to reduce inflammation and improve general condition oral cavity.


Celandine grass will help get rid of bleeding and inflammation of the gums. For the treatment of periodontitis, a tincture of celandine (one liter jar) is prepared, which is poured with vodka and infused for two weeks. Before use, the drug is diluted boiled water(not hot) in a ratio of 1:1. The course of treatment is 1.5 weeks. In order to prevent the procedure should be repeated every month.


Chopped garlic (1 tbsp.) Mix with dry tea leaves (1 tbsp.), Pour boiling water over the mixture (1 tbsp.). Place all this in a tightly closed container and infuse for 20 minutes in a cool place. Ready solution strain and rinse the mouth for 10 minutes. The course of treatment is two weeks. Before the procedure, it is necessary to make a thorough cleaning of the teeth.

Sea salt

Sea salt contains a large amount of iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the healing process. With the help of this natural remedy can get rid of harmful microorganisms inhabiting the oral cavity, as well as bleeding gums. In addition, sea salt helps to relieve inflammation and strengthen the base of the teeth. Used for rinsing saline solution prepared from boiled water (1 tbsp) and salt (1 tsp). The resulting product can also be used for rubbing into the gums. However, it is necessary to be extremely careful with this, since the delicate mucous membrane can be damaged under the influence of salt grains.

pine needles

It is necessary to prepare a mixture of crushed pine needles(2 tablespoons) and water (400 ml). Bring the solution to a boil and boil for several minutes, strain.

Cowberry and calamus

Mix the crushed grass of calamus marsh (1 tbsp.) With the same amount of lingonberry leaves. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water (0.5 liters), leave to cool completely, strain. Rinse your mouth 3 times/day.

Oak bark

It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. crushed oak bark(1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (2 tablespoons) and cook for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Then strain the decoction and use it to rinse the mouth 4 times / day after eating.

string and violet

Mix violet grass (2 tbsp.) With string (1 tbsp.), Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture (1 tbsp.), Leave for 30 minutes, strain. Wait for the tincture to cool completely and rinse the mouth 2 times / day.


Pour the crushed leaves of the plant (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (250 ml), insist in a cool place for 30 minutes. The rinse aid is ready. Use 4 times/day.


A decoction of the roots of this plant is a fairly effective remedy for periodontitis. To prepare it, you need to take the crushed comfrey root (1 tbsp.), Pour cool water (250 ml) and boil for 20 minutes over medium heat, strain. Use as a mouth rinse 2 times/day. At least five irrigations should be carried out at a time, each of which should last 30-40 seconds.

Rinse solution

Take 15 grams of mint, crushed raspberry leaves, spoon and myrrh. All ingredients are mixed, the resulting mixture is poured with wine alcohol (60 ml), wine vinegar (30 ml) and orchid leaves (16 gr.) Are added. The resulting solution must be poured into a bottle and sealed well. Insist in a dark place for 3 days, then strain. Use mouthwash 3 times/day.

So, the treatment of periodontitis folk ways implies the use various decoctions and tinctures for rinsing the mouth. It uses mainly herbal preparations, consisting of plants that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The use of such herbs in combination with a certain type of toothpaste and preventive measures gives very tangible effect from treatment.

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the gums and the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth, which holds it in the jaw socket.

The disease contributes to the appearance of atrophy of the bone tissue around the tooth and tooth mobility.

What treatment of periodontitis at home will help?


  • discomfort in the mouth;
  • the gum swells, bleeds while brushing your teeth, biting off solid food;
  • the appearance of throbbing pain in the gums;
  • bad breath;
  • the tooth is displaced and becomes mobile;
  • pus comes out of the gums.

Causes of occurrence:

  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • disease of the gallbladder, liver;
  • violation of the balance of the internal environment;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Other factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • age-related changes;
  • hormonal failure during pregnancy and menopause;
  • gingival caries;
  • mouth breathing can worsen protective properties saliva, causes the growth of dental plaques;
  • smoking.

What is periodontitis?


The course of periodontitis can be acute or chronic, exacerbated or in remission. It is divided into localized, generalized periodontitis, as well as mild, moderate, severe.

In localized periodontitis, a limited area of ​​periodontitis becomes inflamed. The gums bleed, may lose sensitivity, fester, emit an unpleasant odor. The structure of the tooth will collapse, the patient may lose the tooth.

It is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of the disease. They carry out professional cleaning of the oral cavity, remove plaque and calculus, treat the root of the tooth, use medications to normalize the number of microbes necessary for the oral cavity.

Generalized periodontitis reports violations in the area of ​​​​all or several teeth. The most dangerous stage of the disease. First, there is bleeding, swelling of the gums during brushing your teeth.

Accompanied bad smell. In advanced cases, pain appears, the teeth are displaced, the structure of the gums changes. Treatment should be comprehensive, include therapeutic and surgical methods.

Acute periodontitis can develop against the background of a jaw injury and be transient.. In most cases, it occurs in children.

The gum swells and causes severe pain. Symptoms of chronic periodontitis do not differ from the previous types.

How is periodontitis different from periodontal disease?

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of periodontal tissues. Widely distributed among the adult population.

Periodontitis - systemic lesion periodontal. It is not an inflammatory disease. Alveolar processes atrophy.

What are the main differences between periodontitis and periodontal disease?

Characteristic Periodontitis periodontal disease
Prevalence Affects 95% of the adult population Occurs in 2% of people
Development Can be aggressive and develop quickly Develops slowly, without symptoms
Factors affecting the occurrence Poor oral hygiene. Weakened immunity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver Not fully explored. Atherosclerosis can influence the appearance, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases
Is the disease transmitted from parents? Yes Yes
Localization Localized (may affect 1.2 teeth), generalized (all teeth affected) All teeth on the upper and lower jaws
Do gums bleed when brushing teeth? Yes Almost never
Tooth mobility The initial stage, can be eliminated with timely treatment Late manifestation, with periodontal involvement of half or more
Distance between gum and tooth There are pathological pockets, the depth depends on the degree of damage Almost never or shallow
Swelling of the gums Yes No
Increased tooth sensitivity Possible exposure of the necks of the teeth (teeth "grow" or become "longer") Often there is a wedge-shaped defect, which is accompanied by excessive sensitivity of the teeth when exposed to cold or chemical irritants.
Teeth position Changes in severe and moderate (fan-shaped discrepancy) There are also gaps between the teeth.
Therapy Using the device Vector or laser. Up to four procedures per year. Using the device Vector or laser. Lifelong preventive treatment recommended


Periodontitis can cause the following complications:

How to treat periodontitis?


At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor. The basis of treatment is the removal of dental plaque, plaque, and oral hygiene. Special ultrasonic devices cope well with this task.

After removal of dental plaque by a periodontist, it is necessary to remove inflammation in the gums (swelling, bleeding, pain, pus) and suppress the microbial microflora. Otherwise, the disease will continue its progression.

At local therapy oral cavity, the patient rinses the oral cavity with antiseptic agents, rinses periodontal pockets from a syringe with antiseptic solutions, makes applications with antimicrobial anti-inflammatory gels.

The duration of therapy is 10 days, the gums need to be treated during the day and in the evening.

An auxiliary method is physiotherapy with a laser or electrophoresis in order to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation a little faster.

For general therapy, a complex of antibiotics is prescribed. Depending on the severity of periodontitis, antibiotics are prescribed in tablets or intramuscular injections.

Along with the elimination of dental deposits and anti-inflammatory treatment, removal is carried out. non-viable teeth. The doctor may prescribe prosthetics with bridges or removable dentures.

Removal of the dental nerve and root canal filling is recommended if the amount of bone tissue atrophy is more than half of the tooth root, as well as in the presence of deep periodontal pockets that reach 2/3 of the length of the tooth root.

Pathogenic microflora from pockets is able to penetrate through the top of the root into the pulp of the tooth, causing the development of pulpitis. After such treatment, the mobility of pulpless teeth decreases.

Further treatment depends on clinical picture . Surgical treatment is the most radical and effective method to get rid of the disease. It stops the progression of periodontitis.

  1. Curettage of periodontal pockets (open, closed). Closed curettage are carried out blindly, and dental deposits can remain en masse in place. Effective for shallow periodontal pockets. Improves the condition of the gums temporarily and moderately to severely. Open curettage is a more effective method. Remove all tartar and granulation tissue from the pockets using an ultrasonic scaler and surgical curettes that scrape away the granulation tissue.
  2. Flap operations. An efficient and sophisticated method.

There are few specialist periodontal surgeons who can actually do this. complex operations. As a rule, dentists-therapists do not have the proper skills.

How else to treat periodontitis in adults?

For home treatment use the following toothpastes:

  • paradontax;
  • lacalut;
  • Periodontocide;
  • Forest balm.

Is it possible to cure the disease only by such means? The effectiveness of ointments and creams against periodontitis is not too high. Such drugs are made on a fatty basis, to which medicinal components are added.

The fatty base is a barrier to penetration medicinal substances in the mucous membranes of the gums.

The main cause of the disease is plaque and tartar. When using gels, but maintaining dental deposits, the effect will be short-lived. The inflammatory process will continue, but will not manifest itself.

  • Holisal;
  • Metrogil Denta;
  • Kamistat;
  • Asepta.

Folk remedies can also help get rid of the disease if combined with the main therapy.

For the treatment of periodontitis folk remedies the following recipes are used:

Periodontitis is also treated with vegetables and berries. Such recipes relieve symptoms and pain very quickly.

Small beets are peeled, rubbed on a fine grater. The gruel is laid out on the teeth around the gums. After half an hour, the beets should be spit out. The procedure should be repeated every day until the symptoms disappear completely.

The gums are massaged three times a day with cranberries.. Garlic strengthens the gums. Cleaned cloves are rubbed on diseased gums daily. Also help sauerkraut. Every day they chew it and rinse their mouth with its juice.

Banana peel is crushed, mixed with three tablespoons of sea salt. Vegetable oil is added to the mixture until a thick mass is formed. The remedy is rubbed into the gums twice a day. Saliva that appears in the mouth should be held for 10 minutes.


Preventive measures should include:

  1. Brushing your teeth twice a day and regular use dental floss.
  2. The use of a special liquid for gums and teeth, which has a cleansing and antimicrobial effect.
  3. Dental consultation every six months.
  4. Quit smoking and alcohol.
  5. Bite correction.
  6. Compliance with the diet, as well as the inclusion in the diet of foods high in vitamin C.

Can periodontitis be permanently cured? modern medicine offers effective methods fight the disease. Surgical intervention- one of the most effective ways cure the disease.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article, we will consider with you such as - periodontitis, as well as its symptoms, causes, types, degrees, diagnosis, prevention and treatment, both traditional and folk remedies at home. So…

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis- an inflammatory disease of the periodontium, which is characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums, loss of teeth and damage to the alveolar process of the jaw, on which the teeth are actually located.

Periodontium is a collection of tissues surrounding the tooth - gums, periodontium, cementum and alveolar process (part of the jaw), which hold the tooth in the alveolus (tooth pocket).

The main reason for the development of periodontitis is, in particular, streptococci, which, by their vital activity in the oral cavity, produce a certain acid, which in turn destroys not only the tooth itself, but also the tissues surrounding the tooth.

Development of periodontitis

The development of periodontitis begins with a lack of oral hygiene, when plaque is constantly present on the teeth. Plaque consists of food debris, which begins to rot over time, and is predominantly bacterial in nature. Remains of food, a humid and warm microclimate in the mouth, is a favorable environment for the accelerated reproduction of infection. Then everything goes on the rolled path. Bacteria, for example, produce acid with their vital activity, which literally “corrodes” the tooth, destroying it, and together with the processes of food decay, they contribute to inflammation of the gums. Thus, inflammatory gum disease develops. The patient begins to worry about bleeding gums.

If the process is not stopped, gingivitis contributes to the appearance of gaps between the teeth and gums (periodontal pockets), which opens the way for infection not only to the upper part of the tooth (crown), but also under the crown, to the roots of the tooth. Of course, at this stage, even with the help of daily brushing, it is already quite difficult to clean the space under the gums, especially on your own. Therefore, this stage of periodontitis is characterized by the development of periodontitis. In addition to bleeding, it is accompanied by sensitivity of the teeth to cold and hot.

Further, the process accelerates, and if the infection affects the root of the tooth, and the root space, that is, when the inflammatory process has engulfed the entire periodontium, the doctor makes a diagnosis - periodontitis. This is where the looseness of the teeth comes into play.

The end result of periodontitis is tooth loosening and loss.

A complication of periodontitis is - periodontal disease - damage to the alveolar process, which is part of the jaw, on which, in turn, the teeth are held.

periodontitis statistics

Periodontitis is one of the most common dental diseases, in terms of the number of cases it only slightly falls short of. In terms of the extent of the disease, World Organization Health (WHO) celebrates 93-95% of the world's population!

Periodontitis - ICD

ICD-10: K05.2, K05.3.

Symptoms of periodontitis

Symptoms of periodontitis largely depend on the form, location and extent of the disease.

The first signs of periodontitis are the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding gums;
  • Staining of the teeth, especially at the bottom of the crown, with a yellowish-brownish tint, which is plaque;

The main symptoms of periodontitis

  • plaque on the teeth;
  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Changing the color of the gums;
  • Formation of periodontal pockets;
  • Shaky teeth;
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth to cold or hot (air, food);
  • Discomfort when chewing;
  • Deformation of the interdental septa;
  • Increasing the distance between the teeth;
  • Interdental papillae and marginal gingiva are cyanotic.
  • Loss of teeth.

Additional symptoms of periodontitis

  • Viscous saliva;
  • and fistulas on the gums;
  • Pulsation in the gums;

Complication of periodontitis

  • Sharp pains in the teeth and gums;
  • General malaise,;
  • Purulent discharge from the alveoli (tooth-gingival pockets);
  • destructive change alveolar processes.

If we talk about the causes of periodontitis, then the main one is pathogenic microorganisms (infection), which, with inadequate care for the teeth and oral cavity, actively multiply and begin to rapidly affect the teeth and gums. The most popular pathological microorganisms are - (Streptococcus mutans), ( Staphylococcus aureus), Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Treponema denticola.

Other reasons include:

  • Various, especially -,;
  • Violation of the bite and position of the teeth;
  • Hypertonicity of chewing muscles;
  • Injury to periodontal tissues filling materials, braces;
  • Injury to the tissues of the tooth and gums with toxic substances - formaldehyde, arsenic;
  • Physical trauma to the teeth during impacts, falls;
  • High attachment of strands and frenulums of the oral mucosa.

Additional factors that contribute to the development of periodontitis can be:

  • Tartar;
  • Smoking;
  • Chronic kidney disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Hormonal disorders.

Types of periodontitis

The classification of periodontitis includes the following types diseases:

With the flow:

Acute periodontitis. characterized by rapid periodontal disease, sharp pains, bleeding gums. May have exacerbations in the form of abscesses of gingival origin - with a fistula and without a fistula.

Chronic periodontitis. It is characterized by a slow but persistent periodontal lesion, at the beginning without special features. If adequate measures are not taken at the onset of the disease, pathological process reaches lower parts periodontal, after which the treatment becomes very laborious and lengthy. It is very important to prevent damage to the alveolar processes, which are part of the jaw, on which the teeth are actually located. Chronic form periodontitis is sometimes accompanied by exacerbations, which are usually caused by a weakening of the immune system against the background of stress or the appearance of secondary (, and others).

Chronic periodontitis is divided into the following types:

  • Localized;
  • Generalized;
  • Chronic pericoronitis;
  • Thickened follicle (papilla hypertrophy).

By localization:

Localized (focal) periodontitis. Usually develops in the background local causes- injury. With the removal of the cause of the disease and adequate treatment, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

Generalized periodontitis. The development of the disease occurs against the background of 2 adverse factors- the presence of infection or trauma to the periodontium, as well as the absence adequate response the human immune system to the first factor, for example, the body does not produce the necessary antibodies or their number to counter infection.

By severity (degree of periodontitis):

Easy degree. Characterized by structural changes in the epithelium and blood vessels(expansion of veins and narrowing of their lumen, sclerosis, hyalinosis) of the gums. The size of periodontal pockets is up to 3.5 mm. Resorption (actually destruction, by resorption) of the bone tissue of the interradicular septum of the tooth - up to 1/3 of the length of the roots.

Average degree. The process is ongoing pathological change structures of the periodontium, pronounced sclerosis of the stroma appears, granulation tissues appear. The size of periodontal pockets is 3.5-6 mm. Bone resorption of the interradicular septum of the tooth is from 1/3 to ½ of the length of the roots. Mobility of teeth of 1-2 degrees is manifested, their displacement is possible. There are swelling, and profuse bleeding of the gums, as well as foci.

Severe degree. There is a sharp and rapid deformation of the interdental septa, their disintegration into separate parts, as well as the disintegration of collagen fibers. The size of periodontal pockets is more than 6 mm. Resorption of the bone tissue of the interradicular septum of the tooth is more than ½ of the length of the roots, where there are processes of abundant infiltration (significant deposits in the periodontal pockets), sometimes with the release of pus. There is tooth mobility of 2-3 degrees.

Important! The consequences of moderate and severe degrees of periodontitis, even after their treatment and recovery, may remain an altered level (recession) of the gums.

Diagnosis of periodontitis

Diagnosis of periodontitis includes following methods examinations:

  • Anamnesis;
  • Visual examination of teeth and gums;
  • Bleeding index;
  • Rheoparodontography;
  • General urine analysis;
  • A periodontal index is applied.

How to treat periodontitis? Treatment of periodontitis is carried out either by an orthodontist, and only on the basis of a diagnosis of the disease. Methods of therapy mainly depend on the form and severity of periodontal lesions, but they are all divided into local and common ways treatment.

Periodontitis treatment usually includes the following therapies:

1. Local treatment:
1.1. Local drug treatment;
1.2. Surgery;
1.3. Orthopedic treatment;
1.4. Physiotherapy.
2. General treatment.

1. Local treatment of periodontitis

Local treatment of periodontitis begins with:

- rehabilitation of the oral cavity;
– professional teeth cleaning;
- removal of tartar, deposits;
- elimination of the cause contributing to periodontal injury.

After carrying out the above procedures, medical treatment of periodontitis is carried out.

1.1. Local drug treatment of periodontitis

The use of drugs is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes. To do this, use the following tools:

Antiseptics. For the sanitation of the oral cavity - to remove pathogens (infections) that contribute to further development diseases, antiseptics are used.

Among the antiseptics, one can distinguish: chlorhexidine bigluconate ("Drill", "Korsodil", "Lyzoplak", "Parodium", "Sebidin"), "Miramistin", "Mundizal" (gel), solutions of furacilin (1: 5000), iodinol 0 .5-1%, iodine 0.1% or hydrogen peroxide (3%),

Mouthwashes. They serve as additional measures to sanitize the mouth and reduce inflammation: "Phytodent", "Elam".

Hypertension agents. To relieve the inflammatory process and edema are used hypertonic agents: solutions (urea (30%), calcium chloride(10%), salvin (0.2%), glucose (10%), hexomethylenetetramine), ointments (butadiene, heparin, indomethacin), films (Diplen-Dent), Polyminerol.

Adsorbents. To adsorb pathogenic microflora and products of its vital activity, to stop the intoxication of the body, adsorbents are used: AUVM "Dnepr", biological medicinal cryogel "BLK", applications based on "Gelevin", "Polifepan".

Adsorbents are introduced into the periodontal pocket or used as applications. In addition to stopping the infection, it also contributes to the removal of inflammatory processes in the periodontium.

Enzymes. For the splitting of necrotic tissues and the normalization of redox processes, enzymes are used: "Ribonuclease", "Trypsin", "Chimopsin", "Sodium Chloride".

The enzymes are mixed until completely dissolved with an isotonic solution, after which the agent is injected into the periodontal pockets with the help of thin swabs (turunda), for 10-20 minutes, for 7-10 days.

Immunostimulants. To normalize and strengthen local immunity immunostimulating and immunocorrective drugs are used: "Imudon", "Cycloferon".

1.2. Surgical treatment of periodontitis

Surgical treatment of periodontitis is used for severely loosened teeth, i.e. in advanced cases, and is aimed at eliminating the mobility of such a tooth and restoring the periodontium.

For this, under local anesthesia, perform the following manipulations: patchwork operations, splinting of teeth and open curettage.

1.3. Orthopedic treatment of periodontitis

Orthopedic treatment of periodontitis is carried out by an orthodontist. This type treatment is used in the absence of a tooth, and is based on the installation of dentures. This is necessary to prevent malocclusion and the continuation of the development of this disease.

1.4. Physiotherapy

In combination with medical and surgical treatment of periodontitis, the use of physiotherapeutic methods of therapy is shown, which are aimed at normalizing blood and lymph circulation, metabolism, reducing inflammation, strengthening and restoring periodontal tissues.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, one can note: ultrasound, electrophoresis, aerosol therapy, darsonvalization, diathermocoagulation, UHF therapy, massage, balneo- and peloid therapy, phototherapy and others.

2. General treatment of periodontitis

Antibiotics. Antibiotics for periodontitis are used mainly during exacerbation of the disease, for example, with abscesses. These are usually drugs a wide range actions: "Lincomycin", "Rulid", "", "".

Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used to suppress the synthesis of mediators of inflammatory processes: "Butadion", "", "Indomethacin".

Hyposensitizing drugs. Used for cupping allergic reactions, and, accordingly, the removal of additional symptoms that worsen the course of the disease: Calcium Gluconate, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen, Tavegil, Calcium Chloride.

Immunostimulants. They are used for general strengthening and correction of the immune system: Insadol, Sodium nucleinate, Timalin, Timogen. and others), "Trental", as well as hyperbaric oxygenation.

Vitamin complexes can be distinguished: Aevit, Askorutin, Undevit and other multivitamin complexes.

Sedative drugs. Appointed for normalization nervous system, relieve tension, anxiety, irritability: tinctures, .

Important! Before using folk remedies at home, be sure to consult your doctor!

Sea buckthorn and fir oils. Mix sea buckthorn and fir oils in equal parts, then wrap a small piece of gauze around your finger, and, moistening it in the mixture, massage the inflamed gums with your finger for 10 minutes, 2 times a day.

Linden and calendula. Mix in equal proportions linden flowers and, after which 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let the product brew for 25 minutes, then strain and use as a mouth rinse, 3-4 times a day.

Oak. Grind the oak bark as finely as possible, then pour 1 teaspoon of powder into 250 ml of water and put on fire. Bring the product to a boil, then set aside for infusion, for 30 minutes, strain the product and use as a mouthwash, during the day, every 2 hours.

Comfrey. Chopped, dry roots of comfrey, in the amount of 1 tbsp. pour spoons with a glass of water, put on fire, bring to a boil, set aside to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain and use as a rinse, 2 times a day, periodically holding the agent in the inflamed area for 30 seconds.

  • If the child's bite is deviated, visit the dentist, it may be necessary to correct the bite;
  • In the absence of teeth, install dentures for yourself;
  • Visit the dentist for a routine check-up, which will help to identify possible deviations in the health of teeth and gums;
  • Try to move more, temper.
  • Which doctor should I contact with periodontitis?

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