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Do you often hear rejections when meeting a girl? Don't know what to say to get her interested? In this article, we have collected the most successful phrases for meeting girls in different situations. We will tell you how to choose the right place to meet, how to behave and what to talk about in a couple of minutes to get her phone number and consent to go on a date.

Where and how to approach a girl to get acquainted

To the question "how to speak with unknown girl? the answer is simple: take it and come up and say something. You can start a conversation with almost any word. Important to feel yourself confident(but do not lead self-confidently), as well as make it clear to the girl why you chose her.

In this case, places where you become members of a temporary group are ideal. For example:

  • You shop in the store and, having spotted a pretty woman, go up to her and ask for help with choosing a jumper or shirt (they say, you can see it from the side).
  • You were alone in line to see the doctor. For example, a dentist, therapist or even an optometrist will do. You can ask her if she has already seen this doctor before, in the case of a dentist, ask what helps her not to be afraid, etc. The conversation will flow in the right direction by itself, and before calling into the office, you should simply ask her for a phone number.
  • At the bookstore You noticed in the hands of a girl a book that you have already read or are just about to read. You can ask if she likes this series, if she will advise something similar, or if you yourself advise her something more interesting / useful.

If there is no temporary group, then when referring to the young lady, you must first say hello, then say something about her herself, that is, why did you pay attention to her (for example, that she is sad, or that, on the contrary, she smiles, is she carrying a heavy package or she has a sweater with a funny pattern, which attracted your attention). If the girl is positive, she will definitely smile and thank you for the original compliment, after which you can invite the young lady to drink coffee or take a walk.

What are the best places to meet?

It is not recommended to start a conversation in closed space with strangers. This includes small shops public transport, queues in government agencies, etc. In such places, everyone around will hear your dialogue, and the girl will be put in an awkward position. Most likely, she will refuse to talk to you.

The second bad option to start a conversation is to approach late at night in a deserted place. If you are walking along an alley lit by lanterns, where other people are walking, then you are unlikely to scare the girl. And if this is an unlit path going through the trees, then the girl may take you for a maniac.

What to say when meeting a girl: examples of successful first phrases

Example 1. A girl walks down the street and smiles or is sad

Hello girl! You smile so sweetly that I really wanted to talk to you. I didn’t have the best day today, but I hope that all is not lost and you will bring some positive emotions into it ...

Hello girl! Are you alright? You are so sad. Maybe something to help you? Do you want me to treat you to chocolate? Just smile please!

Example 2. Nightclub, anti-cafe or festival

If the girl is left alone in the place where it is supposed to be with the company, then feel free to try to get acquainted. Just watch the young lady in advance to make sure that she did not come here with her boyfriend.

Hello! Why are you here alone? Have you also run away from your friends like me?

Hello girl! We were playing with friends cool game and they told me not to come back until I cheer up the lonely pretty girl in this corner... How come you miss being alone?

Example 3: Queuing somewhere

Hello girl! I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm just tired of looking at my mobile, and I would rather pass the time talking to a live person. How about chatting?

Hello girl! Tell me, have you been to this doctor before? I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was very afraid of dentists as a child, and now I'm trying to calm myself down. And you are doing so well! What is your secret?

Example 4: Anywhere you don't know where to start

If you cannot express your thoughts and correctly formulate the reason for which you approached, then it is better to tell the truth in your first phrase. This is a very nice move. The girl will feel that you are saying what you think, and will find it very cute, even if you do not feel a lot of self-confidence from you.

Hello girl! I don’t know why, but I really wanted to come up to you and talk. My name is Grisha, and you?

Hello girl! I really wanted to talk to you. Only I don’t know at all what they say in such cases ... My name is Sasha, and you?

Detailed step-by-step instruction as guaranteed here.

What phrases should be avoided

Avoid all clichés, platitudes and clichés which are only known. The typical “Hi! How are you?".

The most common mistake- start acquaintance with the phrase: “Hello, girl. Can I get to know you?" To this, in 99 cases out of 100 you will receive the answer: “I don’t get acquainted in transport / on the street / in a cafe” (underline as necessary). Why is this happening? It's simple - in the mind of any girl the phrase: "Can I meet you?" - this is a hackneyed stamp, a synonym for mediocrity, stupidity and lack of imagination.

Solution Just don't say that phrase ever. Start chatting with the girl, watch her reaction. At that moment, when you realize that you are interested in her, you can say: “Yes, I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name is Dmitry/Aleksey/Andrey.”

In this case, she will definitely not only tell her name, but she will definitely give you her phone number.

It’s also not worth it to her question: “Why did you come up to me?” answer that when you looked at her, you seemed to be struck by lightning, and you realized that: “This is it!”. Do not overdo it in an attempt to prove to the young lady that she is special. It will look stupid and weird.

Summing up

So, try to choose not crowded places so as not to embarrass the girl. strangers, but avoid situations where she may feel unsafe.

When meeting, do not forget to say hello and emphasize why the choice fell on her.

Try to make the girl smile - a sure sign that she is benevolent, and even if she refuses the offer to talk, she will not accuse you of molesting and trying to "pick up".

Do not use hackneyed phrases. It is better to say the first thing that comes to mind, even if it may seem silly, than to slide into platitudes.

A lot of useful tips, about how to properly set yourself up for an acquaintance and get rid of fear can be found in this video. Here are some examples of real dating on the street, filmed with a hidden camera:

And don't forget that even if you fail, you gain experience. Try to objectively assess the situation and understand what was wrong.

Vkontakte today is not just a social network with music, videos, various publics and other things, but a fairly convenient service for dating. But what if you liked the girl, but there is not enough imagination to start a conversation or you are not sure of your ways of seduction? Let's take a look at how to start a conversation with a VKontakte girl.

As practice shows, it is quite effective to start by simply studying the page of the alleged “victim”. Most profiles are well-filled, girls write their interests, including music, books, sometimes games, write their favorite quotes. Also, reposts on the wall and groups in subscriptions can say a lot about a person.

Having decided on the range of interests, you can begin to act. Common Mistakes

The number of mistakes that even inexperienced mum's pick-up artists make is usually off scale. As a rule, this is either a too impersonal beginning of a conversation, like “hello, how are you”, or something that claims to be of artistic value, but has already been used many times. If you are thinking about how to start a conversation with a girl, it is advisable to use phrases like “you can drown in your eyes”, and other praises of beauty to a minimum. Usually it sounds vulgar and feigned, especially if the gentleman does not look like a gentleman from the century before last. And most importantly - do not lie, the girls reveal the deception twice.

So how to start a conversation with a VK girl?

As you know, “women love with their ears.” If you take this into account, then starting a conversation with a girl is as easy as shelling pears, the main thing is to be sincere and not “shoot” with stereotyped expressions.

In the question of how to start a conversation with a girl, examples are not so important, but the ability to improvise is important. Let's highlight a few points:

  1. Politeness and literacy
  2. Non-trivial compliments
  3. Ability to joke witty
  4. Orientation to interests, finding common themes
  5. Interest in communication

In my opinion, one of best solutions to start a conversation with a girl, he will greet and say that he saw her in one of common groups, while not saying that you are writing with the aim of getting to know each other, but you can answer with the appropriate question that you wrote just to chat. In the future, you can follow the above points.

As a result, it is quite easy to start a conversation with a girl, it is more difficult to make it interesting for interlocutors and not get blacklisted for being annoying. The main thing to remember is that if she said that she was not interested in further communication, then most likely it would not work to convince her.

How to meet a girl? Common and accessible way today is the Internet. There is social media and dating sites where you can chat and get to know several young ladies at once. However, some guys have a question about how to start a conversation, which indicates self-doubt rather than a real problem.

In order to, you do not need to make a lot of effort. If a guy doesn’t know where to start and how to approach, then he most likely thinks that he will lose, he will not succeed. He is already set up for failure and failure, which can happen even to a skilled pickup artist. What is the difference?

How do people, say, from among the poor, the poor and the unfortunate, usually behave when faced with failure? They cry, feel sorry for themselves, wonder “Why me?”, They begin to blame someone for their troubles. Simply put, they were unhappy before the failures, and they remained just as unhappy after them.

But let's look at the behavior (famous, rich, satisfied with their lives, calm, high titles, etc.). How do they behave when they fail? Some just smile, accepting their loss. Others analyze the mistakes made. Still others understand that their luck is still ahead, and one should not lose heart and waste time on tears. In other words, people were as confident as they were after failure. Yes, they lost. But this is just one fight. And how many battles have already been completed and still have to go through?

A successful individual understands that he can lose (after all, one cannot always win only). However, this does not make him a failure. A loser is one who has lost and decided not to fight for his happiness any longer. The lucky one is the one who lost, analyzed his mistakes and continued to go to success.

You don't become bad just because you failed at something. You become losers if you accept failure and choose to live with it. But you can become a winner if you understand your loss (why it happened), maintain confidence in yourself and continue to go towards your goal (if not in the old ways, then in new ones). After all, the main thing is to achieve your happiness, and not to find the guilty (from this your loss will not go anywhere anyway).

Before you meet girls, start thinking about success. Failures will always overtake you, especially at the first attempts to speak. There will always be girls who will not answer and even be rude. Is it worth it to get upset? The men's magazine website advises to remain calm both before sending a message and after.

How not to get rejected?

Even this inspiring introduction may not work for some readers. They will still want all their actions to end in success. Well this is good wish. Is there anything you can do to avoid being rejected in the end? Can. Let's take a look at these steps.

  1. Cool personal page.

If you don’t want to be ignored or, you must have a page on which any lady’s dream man is posted. When you write the first message, most of the interlocutors will first go to your page. Try to objectively assess whether they like what they see in your account.

First, your photo. It must be handsome. Either you have pumped up muscles, or you a slim body or you have stylish clothes. Your image should be attractive to girls. No naked girls, cigarettes in your hands, stupid bottles and other things. You must create an image perfect man who takes care of himself, is successful, knows his worth, etc.

Secondly, personal data about you. You probably filled in some fields of interests, sexual preferences, work, hobbies, etc. If a girl reads all this, she will understand that she will communicate with a cool and successful guy. Being yourself is good. However, at first, people always pretend and pretend not to be who they are. First you need to please, attract, interest yourself, and then show your nature.

In general, carefully review your page. By visiting it, would you have a desire to get to know you? Try to put yourself in the place of the girls: what emotions do they have when viewing your account?

If you need to change something, do it immediately. Let it be possible to say on your page that you are a cool, successful, interesting, fascinating guy.

  1. Girl's mood.

In order not to be refused, you should get on a girl who will be in the appropriate mood. Remember that you were advised to always stay calm and not dwell on failures? So, rejections and ignorance often occur when a guy turns his attention to the wrong girl.

There are girls who already have boyfriends, families, children. There are girls who have just been dumped. There are young ladies offended by guys who spew aggression on absolutely everyone. There are ladies who are just shy or very reserved.

As you can see, a girl’s refusal or ignorance is not the guy’s unfortunateness, but the presence of problems or the young lady’s well-being when she is simply not ready to meet. If she did not answer or wrote something inadequate, this is her problem, not yours.

How not to get on a girl who is not ready to meet? Just check out her page.

  1. What does she write in social status?
  2. What does she write about herself?
  3. What are you interested in?
  4. What pictures in Lately does she exhibit?

In fact, you can easily understand what a girl is up to if you pay a little attention to what is happening on her page. Girls cannot hide their emotions and goals, which is clearly expressed in those aspects where they must express themselves, show a creative streak.

If a girl is waiting for an acquaintance, she will surely note that she is in an “active search”, she will post pictures from wedding dresses, flowers or couples, she will write about happiness, love, etc. If there is no boyfriend or children in her photo, then most likely she is free - you can get acquainted.

How to start a conversation with a girl?

You have chosen a girl, you like her. It remains only to invent. You can write banal phrases, such as: "Hello", "Do you mind meeting?", "What are you doing?", "How are you?" etc. However, do not be surprised if you do not receive a response to such messages. Some girls take a position not to answer banal phrases.

Here are some options that might work better:

  • Intrigue. “Today I visited your page, and now I am tormented by the question?”. If she asks which one, then you can answer: “How often do guys call you to the registry office?”. This will cheer up the girl, and she will continue to communicate.
  • Humor. “I want to send you a message, but I can’t think of what to write. I don’t have enough words yet, so I just write “hello”.
  • . "I looked at your photos and saw a sweetheart, beautiful girl. How often do such a lady make an offer to meet?
  • Justification. You need to write her something that she wants to justify herself for. Only it is recommended not to write anything offensive. For example, “From the photo I can say that such a girl cannot have such ugly friends. What are they doing next to you? You complimented her and made her think about her friends.

It seems that talking to a girl is very difficult. However, the main difficulty lies in the guy himself. Some write banal phrases, while they are answered. Others write whole poems and compose poems, and they are ignored. What is the reason? First, in the image that can be seen in the photo. Secondly, in the approach that the guy takes.

How to become self-confident?

Being a confident person is the goal of almost any guy. Everyone dreams of finding inner peace, faith in themselves and their strengths, without even understanding how this can be achieved. But in the very definition of self-confidence lie all the clues.

When we are talking O this capacity, a person defines it as faith in oneself, in own forces, inner peace and emancipation. Accordingly, to become confident person, you just need to believe in yourself, see your strength, as a result of which you calm down and allow yourself to do more than was previously allowed.

How to gain self-confidence? Start doing what is required of you. Be calm about the fact that you need to fulfill some obligations. Please understand that any life problems can be solved. And you are all capable of doing it, unless you stop yourself along the way.

Confidence is lost by a person when he begins to shift responsibility for his life onto other people, when he tries to run away from solving some problems, when he doubts himself. The man loses his self-confidence. Nobody can take it away from you. You do this only by not believing in yourself, running away from doing some necessary things and blaming other people for your failures.

It is the courage to commit an act and bear the responsibility for any result of this act that makes a person self-confident. This is not only about responsibilities at work or at school. It also talks about those situations when you can do nothing, for which no one will punish you. For example, you have some goals in life. You may or may not implement them. No one will punish you for this, except yourself. What will you do in this situation: only dream or also do something to realize your desire?

A person becomes self-confident when he sets a goal and commits himself to fulfill it. It will be difficult, somewhere scary, something the guy still doesn’t know or doesn’t know how to do. So what? He will learn everything along the way. He is ready for it. It is this kind of courage to act even when you don’t know and don’t know how to do something that gives confidence, because a person is ready to learn and learn.

How to gain self-confidence? You just need to start taking action. You need to use your knowledge. We need to solve any life issues. It may not be fun, but you do it because you have to. And self-confidence arises when you yourself understand that you can cope with any situations and problems, even if you don’t know something, you don’t know how or you don’t want to. You can rely on yourself - this is self-confidence. Accordingly, only you are responsible for how developed this quality is in you.


Do you still have questions about how to start talking to girls? It means that you have not fully read this article and did not fully understand it. Become self-confident and stop thinking about failures, put your page in order and choose the right girls - in the end it will all be crowned with success.

Some guys can't arrange their personal life properly because of one very significant and common problem - they simply do not know how to properly communicate with girls. Of course, this problem is completely solvable! If a young man has not mastered the art of communicating with the opposite sex, then he should hardly count on the fact that he will be successful with girls or any of his relationships will last happily ever after. Making contact The first step is to establish contact with the person you like. If you do everything right, then after a few minutes of communication, the girl will have the impression that you have known each other for a long time and you can be trusted. Girls are usually quite sensitive and emotional, and in order to capture her attention, it is not enough just to have conversations with her It's important to be able to evoke emotions. What is the easiest way to do this? Of course, with the help of flirting and compliments. When flirting, do not forget to use humor so that communication with you is not suffocating, but easy. When talking with the person who attracted you, let her know that you are really interested in her, and not just as a friend, but as a potential lover. If the sympathy is mutual, then the girl will relax and respond to your efforts. The date should not look like an exchange of information - dilute it with compliments (perhaps with a slight banter), often look into her eyes, smile. Notice the details A lot of guys make the mistake of telling girls as much as they can about themselves to impress them, while paying little attention to the information they're trying to get across to them. Noting for himself the “hooks” voiced by the interlocutor, the guy can easily build a further conversation with her, asking leading questions on a particular topic. This method is also useful because the girl sees the guy’s interest and understands that he is listening to what she tells him. Any representative of the fair sex is pleased with the realization of the fact that she is interesting young man, as a person, and his attention to detail will clearly indicate this to her. The interlocutor understands that your conversations are not superficial. At the same time, you don’t need to immediately ask questions as soon as the girl voices any fact - this is not at all about that. You need to memorize what she says and ask some questions later. Also, an equally important skill is to provide the girl with details about yourself, and not remain silent. start interesting topics which she can then develop. So she will feel more comfortable, realizing that she can also prove herself as an attentive and interested interlocutor.

How to approach a girl you like

For many guys, approaching a girl is even scarier than starting a conversation with her, which is why there are not many great acquaintances in the world. Leave this fear behind so you don't miss your chance. Keep yourself simple and natural. Some girls are afraid of dating on the street, not wanting to become a victim of a pick-up artist, so the more pretentiously you try to attract her, the more likely that she will start to pull away. Try to approach and just say: "I'm very afraid that you will refuse, but still I hope that you will tell me your phone number." In the first second, the girl may be confused, then you sincerely add: “I really liked you, let's try to chat!”. If you attracted a girl even a little, then she will probably give you a phone number. Some girls are embarrassed to dictate their number - in this case, hand her your phone and ask her to dial yourself, or give her a pen and diary where she can enter the number. Perhaps this method seems too simple to you and fantasy offers you many other options. In this case, try to do as your intuition tells you.

What topic to talk about

First of all, find out the girl's name, then say her name more often. Also, don't forget to introduce yourself. The item with the pronunciation of her name is very important - many girls like it when a young man calls them by name, this immediately disposes them. Note that you really like the way her name sounds. Find out what it means. If the girl does not know the answer, suggest your own version, which she will probably be flattered to hear. Of course, the first conversation should not include any intimate hints and vulgar topics - this can confuse the interlocutor. Also, there is no need to tell the girl about problems with relatives or difficulties of any other nature - your communication should be easy. Of course, if the girl herself is prone to revelations, and you like it, then in this case you can decide on reciprocity. And yet, do not start such topics first - for many interlocutors, such conversations will seem offensive.

How to behave in order to interest a girl

A girl will be interested in a guy who knows how to carry on a conversation - this applies to both live communication and dialogues on the Internet. If you feel that you have problems with this, then develop all the skills of a good storyteller, taking an example from a more sociable friend or studying online lessons on this subject. You should have a few compelling stories to fill in the awkward pauses in the conversation. Topics can be very diverse - your first culinary experience, impressions from some kind of trip and much more. If you understand that you have absolutely nothing to tell, then you are unlikely to interest a girl - make your life richer and more diverse, and then new stories will not keep you waiting. It is important not only to be a wonderful storyteller, but also to remember the other participant in the conversation. This means that you should not reduce all your speeches to yourself - do not forget to give the girl appropriate and preferably not hackneyed compliments, listen with interest to what she says to you.

How to talk a girl if she is silent

If you try with all your might to talk silently in the very first minutes of your acquaintance, then this will only push her away from you. Probably, this girl is shy, and in order to begin to open up to the interlocutor, she may need more than one meeting. It is important to understand this, and not to focus on it. If you like a girl, do not tell her: “You are constantly silent, I don’t know what to talk about with you.” She may become more withdrawn. Show that you are in any case pleased and comfortable in her company, play “staring” with her, first ask questions that do not require a detailed answer, then “increase the pace” and touch on more extensive topics. Main advice in this situation: only an open and talkative person. If you feel that you can not cope, then leave this venture. If the girl is interesting to you, then your work will not be in vain - such silent women, as a rule, are embarrassed only in the company of unfamiliar people, and with relatives they turn out to be quite interesting and deep interlocutors.

We build the right dialogue with the girl

There are two participants in the construction of the dialogue, and it is important to remember this. Of course, if a girl is silent and is still shy to open up, then it will be right if you mainly lead the conversation. But even in this case, at least occasionally you need to ask her questions. If the girl is not distinguished by increased shyness, then you should not “pull the blanket over yourself”, trying to impress the person you like. Some guys forget and start a continuous dialogue about their person, forcing the girl to miss. It often happens that a girl, it seems, wants to tell something about herself, but firstly, the guy does not let her insert a word or immediately interrupts, again transferring the conversation vector to herself. It is important to learn to be an attentive conversationalist, and not just a great storyteller.

Difficulties in communicating with a girl you like and how to deal with them

Of course, it all depends on what kind of complexities are meant. Let's consider some of them. The girl ignores. Despite the fact that you often call her, invite her on dates, arrange surprises, the girl not only does not show much interest in communicating with you, but sometimes even ignores you. In this case, it is inappropriate to show even more initiative. Probably, the girl either does not like you, or she is interested in something else, or she is now having problems of a different kind and she is not up to your courtship. In this case, take a break for a couple of weeks, and try to get in touch again. If the girl again does not show interest in you, then the pause will have to be increased. The girl agrees to dates, but not to sex. Try to identify the reasons for this behavior. If there is romance in your relationship, dates, kisses, but the girl is not ready to take the next step, carefully ask her what it is connected with. You can directly say: “I feel very good with you, I like spending time with you, but every day I understand that this is not enough for me, and I would like us to become closer. Don't you want the same?" Already on her answer you will draw conclusions. It may be that the girl is simply bored, and in your society she periodically kills a cookie or somehow takes advantage of you. But this is the most worst case. It is possible that she is a virgin, she has different ideas about the speed of rapprochement of couples, something confuses her in your behavior, she is not sure of the seriousness of your intentions and the like. A frank conversation will give you more understanding of the situation. The girl shows no initiative. She enthusiastically responds to dating offers, always answers calls and messages, but never takes the first steps herself. Perhaps the girl was brought up with the understanding that a man should always take the initiative, and a woman should always accept her, and any other model of relationships seems wrong to her. In this situation, ignoring for a few days can help. If the girl herself does not call, then you call and find out why she did not call. She may begin to make excuses that she was waiting for a call from you. Then invite her to meet and "talk seriously." On a date, explain to the girl that both people build relationships, and if she remains the same without initiative, then you will have a hard time.

Clever words for communication that hurt girls

If you want to impress a girl, "hurt her soul," burn into her memory, then it will not hurt you to turn to the work of the classics. Perhaps, from this side, the interlocutor does not expect to know you at all. Take on board a few quotes that can be skillfully used in a conversation. Just do not need to quote statuses, which are in abundance in various groups in VK - if they caught your eye, then, most likely, the girl has already read them. Search the internet for "love quotes", "relationship quotes", "friendship quotes" and so on. Think about what you will probably talk about with a girl, and make the appropriate preparations. In order not to get confused yourself, choose small sayings, but effective ones. How could it look like? For example: “You know, even though Brodsky said that the house is a place where you are not asked unnecessary questions,” but everything is often completely different with us. This can be said with a smile and some story on this subject will follow. In general, think over in advance, the phrases with which you can effectively “shine”.

Show care. Girls often fall in love with guys who take care of them and pay attention to them. Nowadays, girls are increasingly complaining about narcissistic men, so a caring and attentive male representative will undoubtedly stand out against the background of these "daffodils". care can be manifested in small things - throw your jacket over her shoulders in a jacket cold weather or offer to warm up in cozy place(for example, in an interesting coffee shop or restaurant). If the girl is sick, send her a bouquet of flowers with a note expressing hope for her speedy recovery. Traditional grooming. Many men now fundamentally do not want to pay for a girl in cafes and other establishments, believing that since both of their participants are interested in a relationship, they should invest equally. By the way, many women have long come to terms with this trend, and they themselves offer to pay for themselves, so as not to be in a stupid position. And yet such a relationship cannot be called correct. If a girl manages to meet a man who is familiar with traditional courtship (paying for her at the cinema, in a cafe), then she will probably choose him, sincerely admiring this “knightly” behavior. It would not occur to a sane man to call a woman mercantile for this - he himself is humiliated by the situation when he cannot pay for coffee to his lady. Even if your girlfriend, easily and without question, pays for everything on an equal footing with you, then be sure that this situation is subconsciously unpleasant for her. In response to the traditional courtship of a man, a girl usually gives no less (and in a monetary sense too!) In the form of surprises, gifts, romantic dinners- for a man who is afraid to spend an extra ruble on her, she herself will try with less enthusiasm. Compliments. Some of the fair sex periodically complain to their friends about the inattention of their partner - this leads to a cooling of feelings. When a guy is attentive, it works in the opposite direction. If a girl bought a new dress, then she certainly wants to hear that it really suits her, and she looks gorgeous in it. If she has been to a hairdresser, then tell her that her hair is very soft and shiny. A girl who works out several hours a week in the gym will be glad to hear that she has an amazing figure. Notice any changes in the appearance of the chosen one, and note them. There is an opinion that the more attention we pay to someone, the more active the interest on the part of this person. You can test it in practice!

Pickup training. Many people believe that in such trainings, first of all, they teach how to "divorce a girl for sex." In fact, this is not at all paramount. no intimacy you will not achieve if you do not learn how to communicate with the opposite sex. That is why it is more correct to say that in the first place at such trainings they teach the art of communicating with girls. Of course, then you use the skills you have already acquired as you please. If you do not have the opportunity to personally attend such trainings, then you may be interested in online courses - you can most likely easily find the necessary one on the Internet, guided by the reviews you like. You can also check out for free some of the recommendations that pickup gurus share in various videos. It is possible that you have a friend who can easily start a conversation with almost any girl and interest her. Watch him from the side, draw conclusions for yourself. If we are talking about a close friend, then frankly ask him to point out your mistakes and give some recommendations.

The main mistakes when communicating with girls

1. Excessive flattery After reading the advice that girls love compliments, you can start “filling up” the girl with admiring speeches, which in the end can only push her away. Compliments should be used sparingly, especially if you are not yet in a close relationship. Otherwise, the girl will feel insincerity and decide that you apparently behave this way with everyone. 2. Self-doubt It just so happened that confident men get used to girls more - very few people like shy or reserved young people more. If you have a goal to please some girl, then try to gain confidence in yourself. 3. Monotony and lack of initiative Your meetings are of the same type, you walk the same routes. If there are any changes in the usual routine, then usually the girl initiates them. Many people can gradually get bored with such monotony to such an extent that she begins to avoid meetings. 4. Memories of ex-girlfriends If, in the company of a current or potential girlfriend, you periodically recall a former sweetheart, without leading questions from the interlocutor, then in the end this can push her away from you. She will think that you are just stuck in the past. 5. Bragging Some young people like to embellish, or even come up with their achievements, colorfully painting them in front of their interlocutor. Most often, it is immediately obvious to a girl that the guy is either very narcissistic or likes to embellish information about himself - neither the first nor the second option delights the girls. It becomes especially unpleasant when the guy himself is pierced on his own lies or the truth comes up by accident. 6. Tactlessness and obscene words Showing your rudeness or regularly using foul language, you may think that you look cool in the eyes of girls, but the vast majority of them do not like it at all. Moreover, if a girl knows that in life you often allow yourself to mate, but with her you restrain yourself, then most likely this will be a big plus for you on her part. 7. Negative In conversations, it somehow turns out that very often you are dissatisfied with someone, you are angry with someone, you see injustice in something. The more negativity comes from you, the more the girl will have a desire to move away from this. 8. Distraction Many of her words you do not remember, and in your subsequent conversations this becomes obvious. During a conversation, you are often distracted by phone calls, text someone, check social networks. Perhaps in this way you are trying to show her your relevance. All the described manipulations clearly indicate to the girl that you are not too interested in communicating with her, and at the moment there are things that seem more important to you. This will not add points to you in her eyes.

We brush our teeth at least 2 times a day, so any of us should try to find out the truth about the composition of the product we use.

Beware Fluor!

Today there are a number of authoritative opinions, according to which the use of oral care products with high content fluoride not only does not improve dental health, but on the contrary, causes irreparable harm to human health.

Toothpaste manufacturers must place warning labels on packages about the risk associated with ingestion higher dose fluoride. Today on the packages next to the stamp approving this product, you can find an inscription containing something like the following:
"Do not swallow. For children under 6 years old, place a pea-sized portion on the brush." Of course, you will not find the word "poison" in such inscriptions. Still, the tanks with fluoride entering production show a skull and crossbones.

In 1977, scientists proved that fluoride is carcinogenic, that is, it is a substance cancer causing. Research has come to the same conclusion.

In addition, an excess of fluorine is the cause of arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and allergic reactions. If the teeth become discolored and gradually become stained, this is a sign of a disease called fluorosis. Dental fluorosis - a manifestation of fluoride poisoning - is characterized by staining and softening of tooth enamel.

After all, fluoride is a calcium antagonist and increases bone fragility.

most great danger represent fluorine compounds for small children. According to numerous studies, children from 4 to 6 years old do not yet know how to control swallowing reflex. Therefore, when brushing your teeth, often swallow the paste. Even kids like to put a lot of toothpaste on the brush, especially children's flavored ones.


Preservatives are essential to any beauty product, especially one that will be stored in a hot and humid bathroom and can be a haven for bacteria. Unfortunately, not the most “advanced” ingredients are most often added to ordinary toothpastes. Some of the relatively inexpensive preservatives are:

  • 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane
  • 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (bronopol)
  • imidazolidinyl urea
  • diazolidinyl urea
  • methenamine
  • Quaternium-15
  • DMDM hydantoin

All of these preservatives can release formalin in the finished product and make it toxic to the skin. Adding them to formulations is highly undesirable, even if it is “just” a product that is washed off the skin. Constant use of products with one of these preservatives can make the skin irritated and sensitive.

Parabens are another group of preservatives used in most cosmetics. A number of articles based on a 2004 study have linked methylparaben to breast cancer. Scientists noted that parabens are similar in action to female sex hormones and therefore, in principle, can accelerate the growth of tumors.

Currently, the Office for Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and Drug Administration (FDA) believes that consumers have no reason to worry about the use of cosmetics containing parabens. So far, studies have not found a clear link between parabens and health problems, including breast cancer.

However, Denmark has already introduced a law banning the use of these preservatives in children's cosmetics. Certified natural and organic cosmetics also do not use parabens in their formulations.


Many toothpastes contain triclosan, a broad-spectrum antibacterial ingredient. It has anti-inflammatory properties, affects gram-positive and gram-negative flora, and has recently become a popular ingredient in many toothpastes. Consumers think that any bacteria is bad and should be destroyed.

But lately, scholars medical workers have become concerned about the widespread use of triclosan in personal care products such as soaps, household detergents and toothpastes. The fact is that triclosan destroys both harmful and beneficial bacteria and thus the body remains completely defenseless.

Scientists have proven that triclosan is able to cause a mutation of microorganisms, which means that the use disinfectants containing triclosan promotes the development of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria. As a result, the "old" antibiotics become ineffective, and more and more new therapeutic agents have to be developed.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)

Another ingredient in toothpaste is sodium lauryl sulfate. What is this substance and what happens to the oral mucosa from its impact? Scientists claim that sodium lauryl sulfate dries out the oral mucosa, increases the sensitivity of the gums to allergens and irritants such as food acids. It is also the strongest abrasive and the whitening effect of pastes containing it is achieved by grinding the enamel of the teeth, which leads to its thinning.

For the past 10 years, toothpaste manufacturers have made heavy use of this cheap chemical ingredient. It is unusually active, quickly penetrates the skin and mucous membranes. Accumulates in the bloodstream internal organs: liver, kidneys, heart, brain, causes cataracts of the eyes, and in children - underdevelopment of the eyes. Sodium lauryl sulfate has an effect on childbearing function in men. This substance is especially dangerous for children, as children often swallow toothpaste than cause, among other things, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Remember! Sodium lauryl sulfate is the most dangerous ingredient in skin, hair and oral care products.

Organic cosmetics on guard of health

The main difference between natural toothpastes and conventional ones is the absence of controversial synthetic components that can be harmful to health. Product safety is especially important for children, as they often swallow toothpaste when they are learning to brush their teeth. With natural toothpastes, you don't have to worry even if your child swallows it.

The main cleansing ingredients in natural toothpastes (and powders) are sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, sea ​​salt, zeolites and kaolin.

Baking soda has an acid-neutralizing effect, effectively removes plaque. Kaolin has strong anti-inflammatory properties; zeolites, clean and deodorize oral cavity; sea ​​salt dissolves mucus, reduces the formation of tartar, has an analgesic and whitening effect.

In addition to cleansing components, the compositions include natural herbal extracts and essential oils traditionally used in folk medicine for oral hygiene:

  • Ginger - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect
  • Laurel, neem - has an astringent property, provides a tonic and hemostatic effect
  • Cinnamon - has a healing, antioxidant effect
  • Cardamom - eliminates pathogenic microflora, prevents the formation of plaque and prevents the development of caries
  • Ratania root - has pronounced tannic properties, is used for inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • Silicic acid - cleans, removes plaque on the teeth.
  • Myrrh - helps with stomatitis, inflammation and bleeding of the gums, periodontal disease.
  • Curly mint - for flavoring, gives a mild taste to the product.
  • Peppermint - refreshes the mouth, gives a feeling of "chill" in the mouth, has a bacteriological property.
  • Propolis - inhibits activity and destroys wide range microorganisms and, importantly, destroys and removes foreign cells, leaving the native microflora of the body intact and intact.
  • Chamomile - reduces inflammation of the gums, softens the skin and heals wounds and sores.
  • Calendula - eliminates inflammatory processes and significantly accelerates tissue regeneration and wound healing.
  • Fennel - refreshes the mouth.
  • Blackthorn fruit juice - used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Sage - effective against staphylococci, streptococci and other gram-positive microbial flora. He renders positive action in the treatment of ulcers and inflammation of the skin.
  • Esculin - obtained from the bark horse chestnut, has disinfectant and bactericidal properties.

    One of key features natural pastes is the quality of the raw materials: all components are obtained from plants grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or other chemical fertilizers, which is a safe choice for children. Plants grown on organic agriculture or at controlled gathering sites in the wild. Plants are processed in a gentle way to preserve all useful vitamins and micronutrients.



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