Groups of toothpastes. What is toothpaste made of?

Toothpastes are classified according to many criteria:

By pH value:



Weakly alkaline.

By foam number:


Weak - foaming;

Strongly foamy.

By appointment:



Therapeutic and hygienic.

By gender:




In composition:


Depending on special additives:


Therapeutic and prophylactic;



Hygienic toothpastes - without therapeutic and prophylactic additives. They refresh the oral cavity, clean the teeth well, give them shine and whiteness. These pastes include: Mint, Orange.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes contain various biological additives intended for daily care of the oral cavity, as well as for the prevention of caries, diseases of the oral mucosa, and periodontal disease. All therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes are divided, depending on the biologically active substances included in their formulation, into several groups:

Salt toothpastes containing various salts and mineral components that improve blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes in the periodontal and oral mucosa, cause an increased outflow of tissue fluid from the inflamed gums, and have some analgesic effect. Salts contribute to the dissolution of mucus, prevent the formation of soft plaque, promote the detachment of microorganisms from the surface of tooth enamel.

Anti-caries toothpastes that help strengthen the mineral tissue of the tooth and prevent the formation of plaque. This is achieved by introducing compounds of fluorine, phosphorus and calcium into the composition of toothpastes. Of the fluorine compounds in toothpastes, sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium fluoride, tin fluoride, organic fluorine-containing compounds are used;

Pastes containing enzymes are hygiene products with a high cleansing effect, they dissolve soft plaque, food debris, nicotine plaque, thereby improving the hygienic condition of the oral cavity. It is toothpastes containing enzymes that are recommended for oral hygiene in the treatment of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases in the acute phase.

Professional toothpastes are pastes with an increased abrasiveness index. Used only by dentists for professional teeth cleaning and polishing.

Medical toothpastes are registered as medicines and are used in courses.

Special toothpastes are divided into whitening and smoking pastes.

Whitening toothpastes are produced in limited quantities, since the high concentrations of chlorine and hydropyrite contained in them cause gradual destruction of the enamel. They produce whitening pastes containing juices of rhubarb, sorrel, sour apples.

Special toothpastes for smokers. In France, a toothpaste has been developed that suppresses the desire to smoke. Contains silver nitrate, which remains in the oral cavity when brushing teeth and, when in contact with tobacco smoke, causes the physiological effects of losing the taste of tobacco. Pasta Denta - Klin - special for smokers, removes plaque caused by nicotine.

Toothpastes for children are distinguished by more stringent recipe requirements, pleasant taste, aroma, bright colorful design. Children's toothpastes can be hygienic (Children's, Parsley, Berry, Pinocchio, Nutcracker) and therapeutic and prophylactic (Drakosha, Karimed for children, Children's pearls, Bambi). Therapeutic and prophylactic children's toothpastes in most cases are characterized by a reduced content of fluorides. The reason for the low fluoride content compared to pasta for adults is that, according to research, it is young children who often swallow flavored, “tasty” pasta and sometimes just eat it. The reduced content of fluoride in toothpastes for children is intended, first of all, to prevent an overdose of fluoride in the body, which can cause - although completely safe, but aesthetically unpleasant - a reaction in the form of stains on the enamel of the second (permanent) teeth.

Pastes for the prevention of dental caries.

This type of paste saturates the teeth with useful minerals, prevents the growth of cariogenic bacteria, and also fights the formation of plaque. To strengthen the teeth, fluorine compounds are added to such pastes. Recommended for increased susceptibility to caries, as well as restorative therapy after teeth whitening. Pastes against tooth sensitivityThere are special toothpastes for sensitive teeth. They contain potassium chloride, potassium nitrate or strontium chloride. These substances "clog" the dentinal tubules and reduce hyperesthesia. They also saturate tooth enamel with minerals, the lack of which is most often the cause of increased sensitivity of enamel and dentin. Pastes for sensitive teeth should not contain a drop of chemical bleaches and instead of coarse calcium carbonate, they should contain gentle abrasives with a smaller particle diameter, such as silicon oxide. Recommended for hypersensitive teeth, as well as for use during and / or after teeth whitening procedures. Pastes for strengthening gums Toothpastes aimed at preventing and reducing inflammation of the periodontium, reduce gum bleeding, help strengthen them, have an astringent effect, and also destroy harmful microbes. They most often include antibacterial substances in combination with plant extracts that have an anti-inflammatory effect - nettle, yarrow, mint, chamomile, sage, myrrh, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, cloves, calendula, ginseng root, fir, oak bark and others. Also, some of them contain chlorophyll and vitamin E. All of these substances have a beneficial effect on gum tissue, accelerating the healing process and the formation of new cells. Recommended for diseases of stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis. Pastes against bad breath toothpastes that help fight halitosis are aimed at restoring the normal balance of oral microflora, the violation of which, as a rule, is accompanied by excessive reproduction of anaerobes. These substances emit volatile sulfur-containing products that have a pungent odor. The composition of pastes against bad breath contains components that suppress pathogenic microflora and act on viruses. In addition, such pastes eliminate the "dry mouth" syndrome, which can also be the cause of halitosis. Recommended for bad breath caused by a violation of the microflora and dry mouth.

Key ingredients in toothpaste

The most important factors that shape the consumer properties of toothpastes are, first of all, the composition and quality of the ingredients used.

Toothpaste is a special dosage form intended for oral hygiene, prevention and treatment of diseases. With the help of toothpaste, effective cleaning of the oral cavity and therapeutic and prophylactic effects are ensured.

To do this, abrasive, antimicrobial, bacteriostatic, stimulating and surfactants are introduced into its composition. Main properties of toothpaste- cleansing, antimicrobial, organoleptic and consumer.

The cleansing action of toothpastes is necessary to eliminate food residues, microbes and plaque from the oral cavity. To this end, they include chalk, dicalcium phosphate, sodium metaphosphate, aluminum hydroxide, silicon dioxide, etc.

Antimicrobial and bactericidal substances are included in the composition of toothpastes both to influence the microflora of the oral cavity and to preserve the properties of toothpastes. To reduce the cariogenic effect of oral microflora, some toothpastes include antiseptics, such as chlorhexidine. Currently, pastes have appeared and are being actively developed, which include enzymes that act on the oral cavity, dissolve soft plaque and food residues. Another effective remedy is gel toothpastes.

To improve the organoleptic and consumer properties in toothpastes, substances that increase plasticity, flavorings, and food colorings are used.

For inflammation of the gums, periodontal diseases, toothpastes containing herbal supplements, biologically active substances, vitamins, and metabolic regulators are used.

Toothpaste should contain fluorine, calcium and phosphorus. It is known that fluoride prevents the development of caries. However, it should be noted that many fluorine compounds are toxic, so their content in toothpaste is strictly limited. Optimal for the prevention of caries and acceptable for home use is 150 mg / 100 g in pastes for adults and 50 mg / 100 g for children.

To facilitate the removal of bacterial plaque, surfactants, tensides, stimulating the formation of foam, are added to the paste composition. Typically, these substances are used at a concentration of 0.5 to 2%. Exceeding this limit can cause gum irritation.

Should not contain sugar, as it is harmful to the teeth. Therefore, xylitol is added to modern toothpastes - a sugar substitute that prevents the development of microorganisms. In addition, xylitol is recognized as a prophylactic against caries. At the same time, to achieve a tangible result, the content of xylitol should approach 10%.

But the presence of triclosan in toothpaste should be feared. This compound really kills most microorganisms, including the natural microflora inherent in the human body. And this threatens with the fact that the place of "their" microbes can be taken by "strangers", the means to combat which, perhaps, have not yet been invented.

For children, be sure to buy a special children's toothpaste that does not contain substances that are toxic if swallowed! Do not forget that children, unlike adults, often swallow about half of the toothpaste.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the substances contained in the pastes.

Fluoride. Pastes containing fluoride or fluoride are now recommended not only for children, but also for adults, as fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces the risk of caries. The percentage of fluoride in the paste in relation to other elements should be from 0.1 to 0.6%. Children under 6 are advised to buy toothpastes with less fluoride.

Pyrophosphates. These substances are used to prevent the occurrence of plaque and tartar. Pastes containing pyrophosphates are good for everyone, not just people suffering from tartar. But do not forget that if you have already formed plaque or tartar, pastes will not save you from it, you should contact a specialist and get your teeth cleaned.

Strontium chloride and nitric potassium. These elements should be included in the paste if you have sensitive teeth. In many adults over the age of 35, as a result of frequent grinding of the teeth or too much pressure on the gums during daily brushing, the gum line sinks, leaving root areas on the surface. Naturally, then your teeth react very sharply to cold, hot and other irritants. These substances reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. Within a few weeks of using the paste with strontium chloride and potassium nitrogen, the patient will feel relief and can switch to using a regular paste.

soda and peroxide. They are added to the paste one at a time or in combination. They do not have a curative effect. They are used for more comfortable brushing of teeth, as they leave a feeling of freshness and cleanliness in the oral cavity.

Brightening ingredients. Removes plaque caused by coffee, tobacco and some other substances, but cannot lighten your teeth if you have yellow enamel. Most of these substances are abrasive in nature, that is, they simply scrape plaque from your teeth, so the frequent use of toothpastes with brightening components can cause damage to the enamel. You can use the brightening paste once a day and the regular one another time.

Sodium lauryl sulfate. The results of some studies show that this element can increase pain in stomatitis. However, this information has not been fully confirmed and needs further experimental studies. If you have stomatitis, then it is better to look for a paste without this component.

Modern toothpaste is a wonderful tool widely used for preventive and curative dental purposes. With its help, it is easy to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. Also, this cleaning agent helps to take care of the oral cavity, qualitatively eliminates plaque from the surface and the remaining food between the teeth, actively fights against heavy breath and is capable of transporting useful components, thereby preventing the development of caries and gum disease.

But, despite all the above advantages, ingredients that are dangerous to human health are often included in the composition of toothpaste. And people, unfortunately, when choosing one or another option pay little attention to it. Everyone is more concerned about the price category, taste characteristics or brand awareness. But in vain!

In fact, it is very important to understand what the toothpaste that you use regularly is made of. With this information, you can easily protect yourself and your loved ones from using a low-quality, harmful product. And if manufacturers do not care about our health, let's do it ourselves!

Today, dental hygiene products for oral care are presented in a wide variety of options, and choosing the right one for yourself is not so easy.

There are the following types of toothpastes:

  • Hygienic - serve to cleanse and deodorize the oral cavity.
  • Therapeutic and prophylactic - they are most often prescribed by a dentist, they can be produced, for example, with an increased inclusion of calcium and fluorine.
  • Special - designed for the treatment of teeth and gums.

Depending on the purpose, several types of special pastes are distinguished:

  • acting against caries - can be with or without fluorides, in the latter case, calcium, xylitol or enzymes are added to them;
  • desensitizing action - designed for problematic teeth with a high threshold of sensitivity, they contain anesthetic components and heal the enamel;
  • against inflammation - such toothpastes are distinguished by the presence of aluminum lactate and antimicrobial substances in the composition (chlorhexidine, hexetidine, triclosan), they also contain chlorophyll, salts and plant extracts;
  • with a whitening effect - the chemical composition is represented by peroxides, enzymes, abrasives (they are labeled White);
  • organic - contain a large amount of natural ingredients (Fito inscription);
  • sorption - the basis of toothpastes - enterosgel.

Composition of toothpaste

The ingredients of toothpaste that make up the product of a particular brand can vary greatly. Let's look at the most common of them.

Substances of synthetic origin

The main synthesized substances that are included in the composition of modern toothpastes include:

  • Substances with antiseptic action, most often it is chlorhexidine.
  • Substances that contribute to the thickening of the composition, for example, paraffin.
  • Dyes.
  • Vitaminized components.
  • Fragrances (mint, menthol).
  • calcium and fluorine.
  • Foaming agents.

Natural Ingredients

They differ in the presence of such compounds:

  • Abrasives - silicon dioxide or its dioxide, clay, chalk, soda, salt.
  • Sweetening ingredients - sorbitol, xylitol.
  • Thickeners and viscoformers - food glycerin, gum, seaweed.
  • Eliminating plaque from the surface of the teeth and acidity regulators - sodium and zinc citrates.
  • Preservatives - potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate.
  • Herbal supplements - essential oils, herbal infusions.
  • Positively affecting the texture of tissues - sodium silicate, maltodextrin.

Silicon dioxide (silica), as an abrasive, although it is the latest technological development, nevertheless, dentists agree that silicon particles and enamel on the teeth are almost identical in hardness. Accordingly, even this supposedly low-grade composition is capable of scratching the surface of the teeth. Therefore, it is best to buy toothpastes that contain sodium bicarbonate (tooth salt).

The benefits of medicinal plants

Useful ingredients that are included in the composition of medicated toothpastes can be extracted from medicinal plants that have many healing properties. Among them:

  • oak bark - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • brine - helps to reduce gum bleeding;
  • mint, myrrh, sage, ratania - promote tissue regeneration, provide analgesic effect;
  • lavender - fights fungal infections and pathogenic bacteria;
  • St. John's wort, yarrow, calendula, ginseng, chamomile, cloves, calamus - are capable of reducing the sensitivity of enamel;
  • chitosan and chitin - are used to eliminate and prevent caries.

Natural pastes with propolis are also very effective. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They reduce bleeding and swelling of the gum tissues, and also very soon heal microtraumas of the oral mucosa.

The most common cleaning products

Trying to find what toothpaste is on the back of the tube, we see a lot of incomprehensible chemical compounds, and only at the end can some plant extracts be indicated with a share of, for example, 0.002%, which is somehow not serious. But this is not the worst. The main threat is:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate , SLS);
  • sodium coco sulfate (Sodiun coco sulphate , SCS);
  • titanium dioxide (E171).

The presence of triclosan in toothpaste, which destroys the entire microflora in the body, and sugar, as well as sulfate, is highly undesirable.

Sodium lauryl sulfate

Sodium lauryl sulfate is found in almost all toothpastes, including the most expensive ones. This substance promotes the formation of foam and removes dirt well. It is very similar to anionic surface active substances (A-surfactants), which are so rich in all washing powders. In addition, none of the other household cleaners can do without it. Sodium lauryl sulfate is nothing more than an affordable chemical detergent made from coconut oil.

But it is worth knowing that A-surfactants are quite harmful. Carefully not rinsed underwear contains dangerous particles, which, getting through the pores of the skin into the bloodstream, are carried to the most remote corners of the body and accumulate in tissues and organs. As a result, immunity falls, and a person begins to suffer from various allergic reactions.

But in toothpaste, we practically eat these toxic chemicals of our own free will. In addition, sodium lauryl sulfate leads to dryness, increases the susceptibility of gum tissue to allergens, and, being a powerful abrasive, it thins the top layer of enamel.

sodium cocosulfate

Sodium cocosulfate is still the same A-surfactant. It's a shame that it is included in toothpaste, which is sold under the brands "organic" or "natural", and uninformed people peck at this bait. This fact can also be explained by the fact that for most, the substance coco sulfate is associated with real coconut, but it is useful. But in fact, this substance is no different from the aforementioned lauryl sulfate.

Although both chemicals are made from natural coconut acids, when they react with other substances, they are already toxic at the exit and pose a serious threat to health.


Fluorine has a notorious reputation. It is indeed able to heal holes on the enamel surface, but at the same time, its excess can cause the opposite result - the growth of kidney stones, joint diseases, bone tissue pathology and enamel erosion. But the most dangerous thing is that fluorine provokes improper brain function, which often leads to the development of dementia.

E171 (titanium dioxide)

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the use of E171 (titanium dioxide) in the food industry. Many foreign gastroenterologists warn their patients about the dangers of chewing gum and toothpastes containing this food coloring.

E 171, having carcinogenic properties, can lead to oncological formations. And this has been proven in numerous experiments with rats.

Substance E 171 is one of the main products of the titanium industry. Among food products, it is most often used for a whitening effect. It is widely used in various biscuits, pastries, cakes, chewing gums. In addition, it is added to many sunscreen skin care products.

What is included in toothpaste for children?

The important point is that, it is necessary to start in infancy. At the first stage, special children's brushes are used, they are used without pastes, and the teeth should also be wiped regularly with a bandage. But upon reaching the age of two, a full cleansing of the oral cavity with a toothbrush and paste is already recommended.

Therefore, if you wish health to your child, before making a purchase, carefully study the composition of children's toothpaste. Unfortunately, today the main goal of manufacturers is the pursuit of money, but not the safety of the consumer.

Toothpaste is the most ordinary thing in our everyday life, familiar and invisible. It does not matter - you make purchases in the supermarket, focusing on the image from the bored advertising, on the price, attractive packaging; or choose carefully this product in a pharmacy or your favorite online catalog.

Of course, the second option is preferable - then the risk of buying a low-quality / fake / expired mixture is almost eliminated.

And what is included in the composition of modern toothpastes?

After all, now they not only freshen breath, polish enamel and take care of gums - according to advertisers. But they also look unusually attractive, and even exotic.

All major manufacturers of oral care products claim that the content of hazardous components in them is “within the normal range”. But - every day, from year to year, our body absorbs 2-4 mg of toothpaste, but at the same time, as a rule, it does not have time to remove this fairly wide range of harmful substances that make up modern toothpastes. And accumulates them. By the way, on all pastes (namely on tubes, because the packaging is thrown away almost immediately) this composition must be indicated. If not, then the manufacturer probably has something to hide. So.

1. Almost all modern toothpastes contain FLUORIDE. Certain studies suggest that fluoride prevents tooth decay by inhibiting the growth of bacteria that produce certain enzymes. In addition, they indirectly contribute to the remineralization of tooth enamel. But. According to most scientists who have studied the effect of fluoride on hard tissues of teeth, only local exposure to fluoride prevents tooth decay. And further studies of the effects of this substance on the human body (in general and on teeth in particular) showed that fluorides can also cause harm.
In certain amounts, fluoride is a neurotoxin, and when accumulated in the tissues of the body for years, it causes neuro-disorders similar to Alzheimer's syndrome, damages the digestive system and joints, and weakens the immune system (especially in young people). Symptoms of fluorine intoxication are similar to colds - chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, inability to restore strength after rest.

2. Toothpastes usually contain SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATE (SLS). It is a cheap detergent made from coconut oil by chemical synthesis, industrially used for cleaning floors in garages, used as a car wash, etc. Moreover, SLS is unusually active - it quickly penetrates the skin and mucous membranes and accumulates in the internal organs: liver, kidneys, heart, brain. SLS dries out the mucous membrane of the mouth, increases the sensitivity of the gums to food acids, is the strongest abrasive, which leads to thinning of the enamel. Recent studies have shown that sodium lauryl sulfate has a negative effect on reproductive function in men, and also changes the protein composition of eye cells in children. Considering that SLS is also found in shampoos, shower gels, other personal care products and household cleaners, the image of a weapon of mass destruction is emerging.

3. ABRASIVE SUBSTANCES are designed to mechanically remove plaque and polish the enamel surface. Previously, they used for this - chalk, ash, sand, soda. These "environmentally friendly substances", of course, did not provoke chemical poisoning, but they thinned and damaged the enamel. The action of the abrasive material depends on the size of the particles - the smaller they are, the better. There are also non-abrasive pastes - gel ones - but they are for people with too sensitive enamel. To date, silicon dioxide, potassium tetrapyrophosphate or titanium dioxide are added to the composition of good pastes for an abrasive effect. But since pastes based on them are much more expensive, small producers still prefer to use chalk and soda.

4. Most often, triclosan is used as an ANTIBACTERIAL SUPPLEMENT, which kills microorganisms in the oral cavity. Naturally, both harmful bacteria and completely peaceful and beneficial microflora fall under the “hot hand”. Some manufacturers even include antibiotics in the pastes, such as metronidazole and chlorhexine. You do not need to have special knowledge in medicine to understand that it is impossible to underestimate the risk and use such pastes without good reason. These substances are especially dangerous for children, as children often swallow toothpaste!

Why do manufacturers allow such a disgrace? The answer is the following: this is the minimum allowable and (allegedly) not hazardous to health dose, the penny cost of the ingredient, the lack of proper control over production, and, of course, falsification and gray supplies.

We carefully read the composition of the toothpaste on the package (it may not be on the tube):

parabens (usually methylparaben) should not be included in the paste if you are allergic;

fluorides (sodium monofluorophosphate (NaMFP), sodium fluoride (NaF), a combination of NaF and NaMFP, aminofluorides (AmF) and tin fluoride (SnF)) must be contained in a concentration of no more than 2%. The optimal fluoride content is 0.1-0.6% for adults and half as much for children;

abrasiveness is measured according to the RDA standard. It should not exceed RDA 100. The optimal value is 70-80. For sensitive teeth, this figure should be even lower.

Conclusion: when choosing oral care products, we must remember that we choose a MEDICINE for ourselves. This applies, first of all, to toothpaste, the wrong choice of which will not only not solve existing problems, but will also create new ones.

Department of Dentistry



Methodological development for practical classes for students

Faculty of Dentistry


Specialty 040400 - "Dentistry"

Samara 2009

Belousova L.G. Items and means of oral hygiene.

Methodological development for practical classes for students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Textbook for students of dental faculties of higher medical institutions. NOU HPE "Samara Medical Institute" REAVIZ ", Samara, 2009.

The manual presents a theoretical block of information, which sets out the material on subjects and means of oral hygiene; the methods of their application and the criteria for prescribing them to patients are given. There are also test tasks with reference answers to them.

The manual is intended for students of medical universities, may be useful to interns and practicing dentists.


N.I. Tanaeva - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Morphology and Pathology of the Samara Medical Institute "REAVIZ"

E.V. Yurchenko – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Samara Military Medical Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Anti-caries toothpastes
Anti-inflammatory toothpastes
Antimicrobial toothpastes
Anti-tartar toothpastes
Desensitizing toothpastes
Antifungal toothpastes
Whitening toothpastes
Children's toothpastes
Homeopathic toothpastes
dental floss
Tongue cleaners
Liquid oral hygiene products
Chewing gums
Electric oral hygiene products
Test tasks
Answers to test tasks

Classification of oral hygiene products (E.B. Sakharova)

1. Toothpastes, gels.

2. Toothbrushes, flosses, floss holders, irrigators, oral stimulants, brushes.

3. Dental powders, powders for the treatment of dentures.

4. Chewing gums, mouth deodorizing candies.

5. Tablets for the treatment of dentures, staining tablets for the detection of plaque.

6. Hygienic lipstick.

7. Tooth elixirs, rinses, deodorants for the oral cavity, means for treating the bristles of toothbrushes.

8. Teeth whiteners.


The use of toothpastes is the main mass method for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease.

Toothpastes are divided into hygienic and treatment-and-prophylactic. Hygienic toothpastes are used to clean teeth from plaque and to deodorize the mouth, the latter property being weakly expressed. Hygiene pastes include: Orange, Mint, Family, Moscow, Children's, Sanino 2 in 1, MintFloral, MegaDent fresh breath, Aquamarine regular.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes contain active substances that give the pastes anti-caries, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and other properties.

Toothpaste is a complex system, in the formation of which abrasive, moisturizing, binders, foaming, surfactant components, preservatives, flavoring agents, water and therapeutic and prophylactic elements participate; the ratio of these components determines the properties, purpose, mechanism of action and effectiveness of pastes (Ulitovsky S.B., 2001).

The main components of toothpastes

The effectiveness of brushing your teeth depends on abrasives, which provide a cleansing and polishing effect and make up 20-40% of the total composition of the paste. Abrasives used in toothpastes are divided into primary and secondary.

Main abrasive fillers:

calcium carbonate (chalk);

· bicarbonate of soda;

sodium chloride (salt);

silicon compounds - silicon oxide (sand), hydrated silicon dioxide;

calcium phosphate compounds - dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, dicalcium phosphate monohydrate, anhydrous dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate;

aluminum compounds - aluminum hydroxide, aluminum oxide.

Additional abrasive fillers:

sodium metaphosphate;

· pyrophosphates;

clays - aluminosilicates, bentonites (sodium form);

zirconium silicate;

polymeric compounds of methacrylate.

An ideal abrasive-polishing component must meet three basic requirements:

1. Possess high cleaning power.

2. Have a controlled degree of abrasiveness, safe for tooth enamel.

3. Be indifferent to other components of the toothpaste.

More often, not one abrasive substance is used, but a mixture of several components.

Each abrasive compound has a certain degree of dispersion, hardness, pH value, on which the abrasive ability and alkalinity of the pastes obtained on their basis depend.

The degree of abrasiveness depends on the size of the particles, the larger they are, the more aggressive the properties of the paste will be, the smaller they are, the softer these properties will be. In children's pastes, a mild abrasive is used, since the enamel is in the maturation stage, so children are not recommended to use toothpastes for adults.

Abrasive fillers containing calcium inactivate fluorine ions. Aluminum compounds are also able to interact with fluorine ions. The problem of compatibility is solved by using in combination with calcium abrasives sodium monofluorophosphate, which does not release until it is hydrolyzed, and silicon compounds with sodium fluoride.

Silicon compounds have recently become the most common abrasives because they are easier to incorporate into toothpastes, are easier to process, and are themselves neutral with respect to other constituents of toothpastes. Silicon has high polishing properties and low abrasive action, which depend on the size of the particles; as they decrease, these properties also decrease, but not in an arithmetic, but in a geometric progression, up to a complete absence in fine-grained forms used in pastes for sensitive teeth.

Titanium dioxide is used as a polishing agent in many pastes.

In the mid-70s of the XX century, a method for determining their abrasiveness was developed for the certification of toothpastes in European countries and the USA, which is still used today. This method allows you to determine the degree of abrasiveness of the paste using radioactive processing of dentin (Radioactive dentine abrasion - RDA). This method is as follows: a section of dentin is isolated from the extracted tooth and radioactively marked. The piece to be tested is cleaned with foam paste. The effectiveness and safety of cleaning is measured by the amount of radioactive dentin cleaned off. It is widely recognized that there is a direct relationship between the RDA of a toothpaste and its cleansing power.

In modern toothpastes for adults, RDA is from 70 to 100, the RDA of 75 is optimal, and in children - RDA of about 50.

Moisturizers used in the composition of toothpastes to obtain a plastic homogeneous mass, which is easily squeezed out of the tube. Humidifiers account for 20 to 70% of the volume of the paste. They contribute to the preservation of moisture in the paste during storage, increase the freezing point, increase the stability of the foam formed during brushing, and improve taste. As moisturizers, polyhydric alcohols are used - glycerin, sorbitol, polyethylene glycol (PEG).

Binders provide viscosity, plasticity, thixotropy of the paste and make up 1-5% of the content. For these purposes, natural and synthetic hydrocolloids are used. Natural include hydrocolloids obtained from algae: sodium alginate and sodium carrageenate. Less often, gum tragacanate and pectin obtained from fruit juices are used. As a result of the enzymatic breakdown of sugar, dextran is obtained.

Synthetic hydrocolloids include: sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC), hydroxyethylcellulose, cellulose methyl ether.

Foaming surfactants ( detergents, tensides) make up 1-2%. They contribute to the formation of foam and reduce the surface tension of the solution, which facilitates the process of brushing the teeth. These are alizarin oil, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sarcosinate, sodium salt of fatty acid tauride.

preservatives prevent the development of microflora in the paste during storage and transportation. Such purity of the product is provided by alcohol, benzoates, formaldehyde.

Flavoring fillers and fragrances, are used to mask the unpleasant taste of individual components. These are menthol, peppermint, spearmint, vanillin, anise, eucalyptus, and artificial non-cariogenic sweeteners such as saccharin and glycerin.

Water is one of the main components that binds all other ingredients together. It is 20-30%. For pastes, distilled, ionized, deionized water, water after several types of purification are used.

Therapeutic and prophylactic additives are substances that make hygienic paste therapeutic and prophylactic.

S. B. Ulitovsky (1999) divides therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes into two subgroups: simple and compound. Simple - have any one effect, which is due to the presence in their composition of one therapeutic and prophylactic component. Compound therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes are divided into combined and complex.

The composition of the combined toothpastes includes two or more therapeutic and prophylactic components aimed at the treatment and prevention of the same type of pathology. The composition of complex toothpastes includes one or more therapeutic and prophylactic components, but acting on various types of pathology.

According to the direction of action, S.B. Ulitovsky (2001) divides therapeutic and prophylactic pastes into the following groups:

1. anti-caries;

2. anti-inflammatory;

3. antimicrobial and antiplaque;

4. anti-tartar;

5. desensitized;

6. antifungal;

7. Whitening and super abrasive.

The most common ingredients of toothpastes, which determine the direction of their action:

anticarious - tin fluoride, aminofluoride, sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, calcium glycerophosphate, remodent;

anti-inflammatory - tin fluoride, mint oil, eucalyptus oil, extracts of chamomile, plantain, nettle, calendula, myrrh; chlorophyll, pine paste chlorophyllocarotene; mineral concentrate kelp, vitamins A, B5, C; minerals, sea salts; chlorhexidine bigluconate, triclosan, bisabolol;

Antimicrobial and antiplaque (anti-plaque) - tin fluoride, aminofluoride, chlorhexidine bigluconate, triclosan, cetylpyridium chloride, metronidazole, enzymes;

antitartar (against the formation of tartar) - pyrophosphates, zinc citrate;

Desensitizing - potassium nitrate, potassium chloride hydroxyapatite, strontium fluoride, tricalcium phosphate;

antifungal - propolis, boroglycerin, choline salicylate, eugenol;

whitening due to careful removal of plaque and enamel polishing - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda);

True whitening - hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide.



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs