What is the best water to drink? Properties of boiled water, its harm and benefits to the body.

Today, there are practically no people who drink "raw" tap water. The state of urban water pipelines and the ecological situation in the country leave much to be desired. To be safe, people buy bottled water, use filters to purify it, or simply boil it. In this article, we will analyze what happens to water after heat treatment, and also answer the question, is boiled water good or bad?

From this article you will learn:

    What is boiled water: benefit or harm

    Twice boiled water - benefit or harm

    What do experts think about boiled water?

    How to make boiled water healthier

Boiled water - benefit and harm?

Before proceeding to the description of the beneficial and harmful properties of boiled water, let's say a few words about its processing. Most often, water is exposed to thermal effects in a kettle or pan. Boiling of water is possible only at a temperature of +100 °C. Signs of boiling are bubbles and a seething consistency on the surface of the water.

Even from a school course in physics, it is known that boiling is defined as a change in the phase state of a liquid, its transformation into a vapor state when a certain temperature is reached. The usual H 2 O (water) passes into this state at a temperature of +100 °C.

Each of us at least once watched the process of boiling water. First, the walls and bottom of the container in which boiling takes place are covered with small bubbles. Over time, the number of small bubbles increases, the water begins to become cloudy, then turn white, and, finally, large bubbles form, strongly bubbling and splashing the liquid.

Any person, when answering the question about the need to boil water, is likely to give three main arguments:


    getting rid of impurities;

    softening of "hard" water.

A temperature of +100 °C is able to kill most pathogenic bacteria and purify water. But few people take into account the fact that the boiling process should take some time. As a rule, to achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to boil water for 10-15 minutes. But, frankly, we very rarely leave the kettle for such a long time.

The process of getting rid of impurities is used more frequently. The scale that forms on the walls of kettles and pots is chlorine and mineral salts previously dissolved in water. But we rarely remember that it takes a long time to settle all the crystallized deposits. Along with boiling water poured into a cup of tea or coffee, we also add a significant proportion of chemicals (sediment) to it. Such an "additive" with one hundred percent probability will settle in the kidneys and after a while turn into stones.

Crystallization of calcium and magnesium salts can soften hard water. But this process has its pros and cons. The most useful for humans is water of medium hardness, the composition of which is balanced.

Boiled water - benefits and harms according to research

Opponents of boiling emotionally describe the process of bringing water to +100 °C. They claim that some of it is converted into heavy water. In the chemical formula of such a substance, hydrogen (H) is replaced by its isotope, deuterium (D). A large amount of D 2 O in the body is fraught with terrible consequences. However, the Soviet academician Petryanov-Sokolov in his research showed that in order to obtain one liter of water containing a high percentage of D 2 O equal to at least 0.15 (ten times higher than that obtained in a kettle under normal conditions), it will be necessary to boil a volume of water three hundred million times greater than the mass of the planet Earth.

Harm of boiled water

The benefits and harms of boiled water for the body depend on the duration of the temperature exposure. Not all microorganisms are killed at temperatures below +100 °C or by boiling for a short time. The harm of water containing pathogenic microbes is obvious.

In the process of boiling water loses the oxygen necessary for the human body. The molecules of this gas are able to attach other substances to themselves and deliver them to the blood and cells of the whole body. Water without free oxygen does no harm, but there is no benefit after such boiling.

Doctors speak differently about the benefits and harms of boiled water. For example, pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky highlights the fact that boiled water is unnatural for living organisms. Among the variety of species on our planet, not one drinks such water. This once again confirms that boiled water is not necessary for life.

Harm to health carries scale on the walls and bottom of the kettle. But even if all the conditions of boiling (duration and temperature conditions) are observed, as well as thorough filtration from scale particles, frequent use is harmful to human health. Boiled water washes out mineral salts from bones and other tissues and does not nourish them with any other trace elements. This situation can be corrected only by the constant intake of trace elements and vitamins in the form of food supplements.

Benefits of boiled water

This is not to say that boiled water does not benefit the body. Thermally processed liquid, like any other product, has its pros and cons.

All of the above contribute to weight loss. These methods, together with exercise and proper nutrition, bring a greater effect.

Warm boiled water helps relieve sore throats and get rid of nasal congestion. In the case of a neutral composition of the liquid subjected to boiling, improvement is not possible.

A glass of boiled water drunk on an empty stomach provides a quick awakening of all body systems and allows you to quickly switch to a working state. Such a morning habit is beneficial for digestion, the nervous and endocrine systems, and is also beneficial for skin and muscle tone.

Based on the above arguments, we can conclude that boiled water is healthy! The maximum benefit is achieved by boiling not tap, but bottled spring or artesian water.

Twice boiled water: benefits and harms

To prepare coffee and tea, on the advice of doctors, one should use only water boiled once, that is, before each meal, it is necessary to empty the kettle and fill it with new water.

But why don't doctors recommend re-boiling? What are the benefits and harms for the body of boiled water that has undergone heat treatment twice? To do this, it will be necessary to consider both the physical and chemical properties of life-giving moisture. Let's see what harm re-boiling can bring.

Why boil water repeatedly? After all, even at the first boil, all bacteria die. No need for re-heat treatment. Is laziness to blame for everything, when you don’t want to fill the kettle once again? We will look into these issues.

  1. Water after boiling becomes tasteless.

When repeatedly boiled, the water becomes completely tasteless. Some will say that raw water has no taste either. But let's do a little experiment.

Try to drink water from the tap, water from the filter, once boiled and repeatedly boiled, at regular intervals. All of these liquids have different tastes. When you drink water that has been boiled several times, an unpleasant aftertaste (metallic taste) remains in your mouth.

  1. Boiling "kills" water.

The more water is boiled, the less useful it is. Oxygen evaporates, violating the usual chemical formula H 2 O. Therefore, such water is called dead.

  1. Boiling does not rid the water of impurities and salts.

What happens to water when it is reheated? Along with oxygen, water also leaves. For this reason, the concentration of salts increases. Such changes are not immediately felt by the body.

Such a drink is low-toxic. But heavy water slows down all reactions. An isotope of hydrogen (deuterium) accumulates in the body, and this can harm it.

  1. Boiling is most often subjected to chlorinated water.

The heating process up to +100 °C promotes the reaction of chlorine with organic substances. The result of this interaction is the formation of carcinogens, and frequent boiling leads to an increase in their concentration. Such substances harm the human body and lead to the development of cancers.

Already at the first boil, water is not very useful, and repeated boiling makes it even more harmful. You should be guided by simple rules:

    each time completely renew the water in the kettle;

    do not allow re-boiling and do not mix boiled water with tap water;

    let the water stand for several hours before boiling;

    when preparing medicinal drinks, close the lid of the thermos only after a while.

How to make boiled water less harmful

If the water is not boiled “properly”, then a white foam forms on top of a glass of tea. Some attribute its appearance to a short boiling time, but in fact it is oxygen that managed to get out of the water. For this reason, fish cannot live in an aquarium filled with boiled water. In such conditions there is no oxygen, nothing to breathe, no food.

In the case of re-boiling chilled boiled water, white foam forms again on top, which is surprising. It turns out that water picks up oxygen, and we expel it again when boiling. To prevent this destructive process from repeating, it is recommended to heat the water to the desired temperature, but not boil it. Today, many manufacturers offer a large selection of kettles, thermoses and coolers that allow heating to the desired temperature.

In order for a carrot seed planted in the ground to begin to grow, it is necessary to water it. Why is this happening? Any cell or organism, be it a carrot or a person, requires water for its development. Water provides the cells of the body with essential trace elements. Carrots are high in manganese and beets are high in copper. Carrot DNA attracts more manganese and for this reason it grows as carrots and not beets. Water helps send a signal to the soil that it needs to grow.

Each vegetable combines the substances that it requires, regardless of where it grows (on the ground or above it). It's the same with us. If we feed the body in the same way, then instead of 250 types of cells, we will have only 150. This is similar to the fact that we sow different vegetables, and one carrot will grow.

Raw water benefits cells in the form of nutrients and this makes it necessary to consume it.

The presence in the body of free, active, not bound by slag water allows food fragments to easily enter the cell. At the same time, the cell is saturated and performs its function, or doubles to remove any waste substance from the body. Freely circulating water is needed to transport an enzyme or hormone created by the cell.

Most problems in the body are solved with water. Our skin is also able to absorb water inside, which means that water procedures also benefit human health. Water supplies can be partially replenished by simply taking a bath with pure water at body temperature for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, if you cannot force yourself to drink a lot of water, then make it a habit of water procedures - a bath and a pool. Plus, these treatments are great for relieving tension and stress, and you can indulge in them as often as you wish.

Drink good water and be healthy. To purify water at home, you can use not only boiling, but also various filters. There are many companies on the Russian market that are developing water treatment systems. It is quite difficult to choose one or another type of water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to mount a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured everything out.

It is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services - specialist advice, analysis of water from a well or well, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides filter service.

our company Biokit offers a wide range of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment capable of restoring tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

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After all, everyone knows that raw water contains dangerous impurities and compounds (bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, oil products, etc.), so it must be subjected to disinfectants (in urban conditions, this is chlorination).

If the water is not purified with filtering agents, then boiling becomes a prerequisite for its consumption.

When water boils, its composition changes accordingly. Hazardous volatile components in the liquid, turning into vapor, evaporate. And then the water after it boils becomes safe to drink. But what is the harm from drinking boiled water?


Boiled water: harm

Some people exclude the harm of boiled water, moreover, they believe that double boiling will destroy all microbes and harmful substances. However, experts have proven that boiling does not disinfect water, but only makes the water softer. And boiling water twice means causing irreparable harm to the body.

Scientists have proven that after heat treatment, water becomes “dead”, as dangerous impurities remain in its composition and oxygen completely evaporates. "Dead" water does not bring any benefit to the body, and there really is harm from such boiled water.

Undeniable facts prove the dangers of boiled water:

  • Herbicides, nitrates, pesticides, phenol, heavy metals and petroleum products are not destroyed during the boiling process.
  • When water reaches a temperature of 100 ° C, chlorine-containing elements are destroyed and precipitate, combine with other substances and form trihalomethanes, dioxins (carcinogens). These substances are much more dangerous than chlorine, they provoke cancer! Even in negligible concentrations, dioxins can cause genetic cellular changes, they have a mutagenic effect on a living organism.
  • The scale formed on the walls of the electric kettle, when boiled again, combines with water and enters the body. Particles of harmful substances accumulate in the body, causing diseases of the blood, joints, kidneys, heart, and even cause heart attacks!
  • To destroy the hepatitis A virus, botulism sticks need at least 15-30 minutes of continuous boiling. In ordinary kettles, an automatic shutdown mode is set when the water temperature reaches 100 degrees.

Dangerous! People who add raw water to boiled water and boil it again are at great risk to their health. The first water contains heavy isotopes of hydrogen, which again react with raw water substances. Deuterium released from hydrogen during boiling tends to accumulate.

The more often the heat treatment occurs, the more harmful such a liquid becomes in the long run. Water after double or multiple heat treatment becomes unfit for drinking, it not only changes its taste in a negative direction (a certain metallic taste), its use slows down the process of tissue regeneration and impairs the activity of vital body systems. From the point of view of chemistry, repeatedly boiled water after evaporation changes its normal formula H2O.

With each reheating of water, oxygen evaporates, and the concentration of impurities of dangerous salts of heavy metals in such water increases (this is clearly shown by the scale formed on the dishes). For this reason, the people called this drink “dead water”. Of course, the toxicity of the resulting drink is very small, unless you use it on a regular basis. After all, salts have the ability to accumulate in the body and not be removed from it for a long time.


Boiled water: benefits

The main benefit of boiled water for humans is its ability to “flush out” toxins from the body. Boiled water once helps the digestive organs cope with the absorption of food, prevents constipation, cleanses the intestines. The benefits and harms of boiled water are not at all exaggerated - our body mainly consists of liquid and we need to be careful about what we drink.

Heat treatment makes tap water softer, and in the case of spring or well water, which can be contaminated with bacteria, boiling remains method 1 for purification. To completely neutralize their effect, water should be boiled for about 10 minutes.

It is useful to drink warm boiled water - it improves metabolism, quenches thirst, helps the body break down lipids and improves blood circulation. The body needs liquid for good brain function, energy, endurance.

However, remember that the benefits of boiled water can only be boiled once.

Boiled water during pregnancy

To make 9 months of pregnancy easy, a woman needs to be attentive not only to her diet, but also to the quality of water. The intake of fluid into the body ensures good blood flow to the fetus, forms a normal volume of amniotic fluid, increases the blood volume of the pregnant woman and improves tissue elasticity.

Drinking boiled tap water is not recommended for pregnant women. It contains heavy impurities, salts and organic compounds that can harm the baby. The best option for maintaining the drinking regimen of a pregnant woman is bottled water of the highest category and oxygenated (enriched with oxygen). These types of water are perfectly absorbed by the body, contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Boiled water for weight loss

In order to start the metabolism and supply the body with energy, in the morning you need to drink a glass of warm boiled water. The liquid cleanses the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, starts the activity of the genitourinary system and fills the stomach.

What are the benefits of boiled water for weight loss? To lose a few extra pounds, you need to add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Boiled water has a specific taste, and even a small slice of lemon completely neutralizes it.

You need to drink boiled water for weight loss before meals with an interval of half an hour and two hours after eating. During the day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid. In combination with a proper balanced diet and exercise, a sufficient amount of water (at least 2 liters per day) will really help to lose weight and energize the body.

How to boil water

Simple rules for boiling water:

  1. Pour only fresh water into the kettle for boiling.
  2. Do not allow the liquid to boil a second time and do not add raw water to the remaining boiling water.
  3. It is best to boil filtered or “settled” water from which dangerous compounds have come out (without allowing the sediment to drain).

Today it is extremely rare to see people drinking tap water. Except when taps are equipped with cleaning systems. Everyone is well aware of the ecological situation in the country and the state of urban water supply, so many prefer bottled water, use special filters, or boil the tap liquid.

In physics, the concept of boiling implies the transition of a substance from one state of aggregation to another, in this case from liquid to vapor accompanied by the formation of bubbles at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. Conventionally, the whole process is divided into the following stages:

  1. At the bottom of the container, small bubbles begin to form, which gradually rise to the surface of the liquid, mainly grouping at the walls of the container;
  2. Lots of bubbles form. It is they who cause turbidity, and then whitening of the liquid. This stage is called the "white key", because the process resembles the running of spring water. Coffee and tea lovers tend to remove the kettle from the stove at this stage, making it impossible for the liquid to boil;
  3. The last stage is intense seething, copious release of steam and bursting of bubbles.

The benefits and harms of boiled water still raise many doubts. By subjecting tap liquid to boiling, we solve the following problems:

  • The chlorine content is reduced;
  • The liquid becomes softer;
  • Pathogenic / harmful microorganisms die.

This is the whole benefit of boiled water. Most of the bacteria die, and hard salts precipitate, which can be seen at the bottom of the container. Boiling is especially important in hot weather, when the amount pathogens increases significantly, regardless of chlorination.

However, the disadvantage is that boiling is unable to destroy the botulism bacillus and the hepatitis A virus. In addition, if the liquid is left for a long time, then the bacteria can get into it again, so it is not advisable to store it for more than two days. Due to the evaporation of the liquid, the concentration of certain salts in the container becomes higher.

Whether it is useful to drink boiled water will depend on its quality. Boiling liquid from a spring / well, devoid of heavy salts and chlorine, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. To preserve the taste, it is recommended to boil no more than one minute, and even 10 minutes is not enough to kill bacteria.

Harm and danger

Many people are convinced that boiled liquid cannot be harmful, moreover, they believe that repeated heat treatment will destroy absolutely all harmful substances and microbes. Experts in the course of research have found that heat treatment is unable to completely disinfect the liquid, it only makes it softer. And constantly “boiling boiling water” means causing irreparable damage to your health.

Scientists have proven that the unboiled liquid differs from the boiled one in that after processing it becomes “dead”, since oxygen also escapes from it along with harmful impurities. Dead liquid does not bring absolutely no benefit to the human body, on the contrary, only harm.

Drinking boiled liquid is harmful, and the following facts testify to this:

  • To destroy botulism bacillus and hepatitis A, at least 15-30 minutes of continuous heat treatment is required. Electric kettles are set to automatically turn off when the temperature reaches 100 degrees.
  • The scale that settles on the walls of the container, when boiled again, dissolves in water and enters the human body along with the liquid. Harmful substances accumulate, contributing to the development of diseases of the heart, kidneys, joints, and also cause heart attacks.
  • Upon reaching a temperature of 100 degrees in water, chlorine-containing substances are destroyed and precipitate, combine with other substances, forming carcinogens - dioxins, trihalomethanes. These segments are much more dangerous than chlorine, since they are the cause of the development of cancer. Dioxins, even in low concentrations, cause mutagenic transformations of cells.
  • Petroleum products, heavy metals, phenol, pesticides, nitrates and herbicides are not destroyed during the boiling process.

Remember that boiled liquid should not be reprocessed, as boiling makes it even more harmful. The liquid after repeated heat treatment becomes unsuitable for consumption, it not only changes its taste, but also worsens the functioning of vital organs and systems, suspends tissue regeneration processes. Chemists claim that repeated evaporation leads to a change in the normal formula of water.

When heated again, oxygen escapes, and the concentration of hazardous salts increases. The toxicity of such a drink is negligible, but it has a cumulative effect.

Benefits of boiled water

It is generally accepted that a liquid that has been boiled once improves physical and mental activity, promotes improve blood circulation and removes toxins / heavy metal compounds from the body.

Traditional healers claim that warm boiled water should be regularly consumed on an empty stomach, arguing that it can accelerate fat breakdown and improve metabolism. In fact, any warm, clean liquid has such properties, so the "magic" is not in boiling.

Which water is healthier: boiled or raw? The boiling process makes it better by removing hardness and bacteria, but at the same time does not make it completely safe and healthy. It should be used only if other options for water purification are not currently available. In this case, it will minimize the claims of poisoning and other undesirable phenomena. But the liquid should be boiled for at least 10-15 minutes, and our electric kettles are not designed for this.

Remember that boiled water should not be stored where it has been heated. It is recommended to pour it into a glass container. As for the kettle, it is necessary to remove the remaining scale every time.

What water is better to drink

If you want to bring maximum benefit to your body, then give preference only to purified water. To do this, you can use special filters that can be purchased without problems. They allow raw water to be “correctly” cleaned of harmful components, bacteria, chlorine, heavy metals. There are several types of filters: some are in the shape of a jug, while others are installed on a water tap, and purified water immediately flows from it. The alternative is bottled water. It is guaranteed not to harm the human body and goes through all the necessary stages of purification.

If you are still deprived of such an opportunity, then give preference not to raw, but to boiled liquid.

The use of boiled liquid during pregnancy

To make pregnancy easy, a woman should pay special attention not only to her diet, but also to the quality of the water she uses. The intake of the required amount of fluid ensures proper blood flow to the fetus, improves tissue elasticity, increases the blood volume of the expectant mother and forms a normal volume of amniotic fluid.

Do not drink boiled tap water during pregnancy. It contains organic compounds, salts and heavy impurities, which adversely affect the physical condition of a woman and the child developing in her womb. The required volume of liquid will be provided by bottled water of the highest category, which is enriched with oxygen. It is perfectly perceived by the human body, contributing not only to the normal course of pregnancy, but also to the full development of the fetus.

In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to consume one glass of warm purified liquid to start the metabolism and provide the body with energy. The optimal level of water balance allows you to cleanse the mucous membranes of the internal organs, as well as fill the stomach and start the activity of the genitourinary system.

In the hope of getting rid of extra pounds, a woman must definitely add lemon juice to a glass. Boiled liquid has a specific taste that can be neutralized thanks to citrus fruit.

Of course, it is better to use purified or bottled water, but if this is not possible, then the heat-treated liquid should be drunk half an hour before meals, and also 2 hours after. During the day you need to drink at least 8 glasses. In combination with physical exercises and a balanced diet, an optimal water balance will help get rid of extra centimeters at the waist and energize.

Attention, only TODAY!

People who care about their health often ask themselves the question: what kind of water is better to use - raw or boiled? The human body consists of approximately 70-80% of water, and life is impossible without constant replenishment of the fluid balance, so the choice of healthy water is very relevant.

What is more useful to drink - raw or boiled water?

The opinions of doctors and nutritionists on this issue are similar: researchers believe that raw water will definitely bring more health benefits. Drinking water that has not been boiled contains salts and trace elements that are beneficial to the human body - copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, as well as soluble gases in the form of oxygen and nitrogen. Raw water not only quenches thirst, but nourishes the body, delivering nutrients and oxygen to it. Scientific studies have proven that natural pure water has a special structure of molecules and, when it enters the body, has a positive effect on internal systems and organs, triggers the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation.

When boiling, most of the useful salts precipitate, which not only negatively affects the taste of water, but is also deposited in the form of scale in the kettle. Boiled water is devoid of most trace elements and oxygen, so it cannot have a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body, but, on the contrary, causes swelling and contributes to the accumulation of harmful salts. Thus, the analysis of water before and after boiling showed that this process disinfects water, but deprives it of its taste and beneficial properties for the body.

How to choose raw water?

The researchers came to the unequivocal conclusion that the properties of raw water are more beneficial than those of boiled water. However, environmental conditions and the state of public utilities can adversely affect the quality of raw water. In modern times, there are several ways to choose raw and at the same time clean and safe water.

Spring water is naturally purified through the layers of soil. showed that springs located within the city or near industrial production can be contaminated with harmful chemical and biological substances. Spring water is recommended to be consumed only after careful use.

How to purify raw water?

Almost everyone understands that only pure water is safe to drink. Since raw water is healthier than boiled water, it becomes necessary to purify it. To do this, you can apply the method of settling water for two to three hours or get melted water by freezing and then thawing, you can also use flow or jug ​​filters. When choosing a method for purifying raw water, it should be carried out.

Natural methods in the form of settling and freezing are suitable for areas with good ecology; if an increased content of iron or heavy salts is found in the water, filtration should be resorted to. Analysis of water before and after filtration shows that the use of a filter retains in the water substances necessary for health and replenishment of the balance of microelements in the body, while filtering components retain harmful salts. The result is "live" pure water, pleasant to the taste and beneficial to the body.

Our body is 70-80% water. Its amount depends on various factors, including the age of the person. So, for example, the body of a newborn child contains 80-85% of water, and in the body of an old man it is about 55%.

Which water is healthier - raw or boiled? Scholars are divided on this issue. We will help you figure out what kind of water to drink.

Water is the main substance that ensures the vital activity of people, animals, plants. This is an organic solvent, without which the biochemical processes occurring in our body are impossible.

But not all water can be consumed. It is necessary to use only that which is pure and free from harmful impurities. It should include many useful micro and macro elements and at the same time not contain too many minerals. The best water is the one that comes from underground sources.

In Russia, the quality of tap water is of great importance, the parameters of its purification are quite high. But, unfortunately, pipelines fail. They are often old, this leads to an increased content of iron in the water.

Tap water also contains chlorine. Its presence is understandable, because tap water needs to be disinfected. But even with the help of chlorine, not all bacteria can be eliminated, a certain amount still remains in the water.

As mentioned above, the best water is extracted from underground sources. But in big cities, water has to be taken from rivers or reservoirs. And although it goes through multi-stage purification, its quality is still not ideal, so you should not drink it raw.

raw water

Raw water is any water that has not been boiled. According to some researchers, it is much healthier than boiled, as it contains the necessary salts and trace elements. But the main thing is that it has a certain structure - the arrangement of molecules in a special order. This natural structure plays an important role in the regeneration and renewal of body cells.

However, for all its merits, raw water can contain harmful microorganisms and bacteria. Some of them can cause illness.


Pay attention to where the water comes from. There are areas with unfavorable environmental conditions that adversely affect the quality of water and even make it toxic, unsuitable for consumption.

Boiled water

If we compare the chemical composition of raw and boiled water, then the latter is "dead". In the process of boiling, minerals precipitate into an insoluble precipitate, and oxygen also leaves the water. And chlorine, on the contrary, remains and forms harmful compounds. In addition, water changes its molecular structure and becomes an environment favorable for the development of bacteria.


Before boiling water, let it stand for 2-3 hours and only then boil it. As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the heat, then the necessary trace elements will remain in it.

Safe Water: Top 6 Options

Such water is purified on its own, passing through the layers of soil. During the passage, it is enriched with useful minerals.

If you want to drink spring water, choose a spring that is as far away from big cities as possible. Some springs are protected by the state and have special passports. Water is bottled, then it can be bought in stores, and the location of the spring is necessarily written on the label.


It is also one of the best types of natural water. It is mined in artesian wells, then disinfected with ultraviolet light, then bottled and sold (most often in supermarkets). This water is ready to drink, you do not need to boil it.


To obtain it, ordinary water is purified industrially. High-quality cleaning makes it safe, after which it is ready for use. It is then bottled for coolers and sold.

Mineral water

Mineral water, like spring water, passes through the soil layers. There it is purified and acquires useful properties.

For drinking, doctors advise drinking table water. It is not recommended to constantly drink medicinal mineral waters, as they contain various salts. They can be used only as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise you can harm your health.



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