The dog was bitten by another dog. What to do? What to do if your dog is bitten by mosquitoes and midges Preventive measures against mosquito bites

Dogs are curious creatures that sniff anything they show interest in. Dogs are often interested in even insects, they explore them, sniff them and, of course, get a quick response! Therefore, many insect bites occur on the nose of dogs.

Insects sting body parts such as eyes, ears and legs. When a dog walks through an anthill or disturbs a wasp's nest or bee hive, a swarm of insects can attack his entire body. But even the bite of single insects such as spiders can be very nasty.

Bee, wasp, hornet, spider and ant stings can be a problem for any curious dog. The venom of these insects causes problems ranging from mild irritation to severe anaphylactic shock. Observant pet owners can minimize reactions by taking prompt action. However, keep in mind that severe cases require immediate medical attention.

What to do if your dog is bitten by an insect?

  1. It is important to quickly determine whether a dog has been bitten or stung. If a dog suddenly begins to scratch its face, chew its legs, or any part of its body begins to swell, then it can be considered that it has been bitten by an insect.
  2. Identify the insect. Look around, there may be a lot of flying or crawling insects around.
  3. For bee stings, look at the sting. Bees are the only insects that leave their stings in their victims. These stingers left behind continue to release venom, so removing them reduces the maximum possible amount of venom the dog can receive. You can remove the sting with a simple credit card by simply running the tip over your pet's fur a few times. Do not use tweezers, as this may cause you to squeeze out more venom. Fortunately, other flying insects (wasps and hornets) do not leave their stings at the site of the bite.
  4. Soothe the bite area. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the bite.
  5. Minimize swelling. Apply ice to the bite site for 10 minutes to reduce swelling. For large bites, a cold, damp towel is best.
  6. Prevent an allergic reaction. Give your dog a small dose of an antihistamine (such as diphenhydramine) to minimize the reaction and reduce itching. Consult your veterinarian about the appropriate dosage for your pet.
  7. Reduce the trauma of scratching. If the dog continues to lick or scratch the bite site, use a special cone collar. Constant scratching will delay healing and increase the chance of infection.
  8. Maintain your dog's water and food intake. Give your dog fresh water. Dogs that have been stung in the mouth often have difficulty eating dry food, so it can be softened with warm water.

When is an insect bite a serious danger?

Like some people, many dogs suffer from allergies (hypersensitivity) to insect bites. The level of reaction depends on the dog's immune system and the type of insect. The allergic reaction usually occurs within 20 minutes of the bite, but can sometimes take several hours to occur, so careful monitoring of the dog is often critical.

Severe reactions (anaphylaxis) can be fatal, so acting quickly is again critical.

Your dog will need emergency veterinary care at the first sign of:

  1. Severe swelling head and neck, which may make breathing difficult. Swelling of these areas can occur even if the bite was elsewhere.
  2. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Some dogs may pant more than usual because the tumor is in the airway. Do not try to find out the cause; take your dog to the vet immediately.
  3. Excessive drooling. If the swelling is in the throat, the dog may have difficulty swallowing saliva and lets it out.
  4. Excessive excitement. Some dogs become restless due to severe itching and difficulty breathing. In addition, insect venom can affect their nervous system.
  5. Vomiting or diarrhea. Even mild vomiting and soft stools can indicate serious problems.
  6. Dizziness or disorientation. If your dog stumbles or exhibits unusual behavior, this could be a sign of an anaphylactic reaction.
  7. Cramps. Don't hesitate and call your doctor.

Drug treatment can save your dog's life and is aimed at reducing the allergic reaction and preventing shock. In addition to antihistamines, your veterinarian may give your dog corticosteroids or epinephrine. The dog may need to be hospitalized and put on an IV, as well as blood and urine tests. The length of your hospital stay depends on your dog's response to therapy, but typically requires at least 1-2 days.

Both in winter and with the beginning of the spring-summer season, trips to the country and into the forest, the issue of emergency care for skin injuries in dogs is very acute. And that's why.

The fact is that even a harmless mosquito or a short walk under the scorching sun can turn into serious problems with a dog’s skin and cause systemic health problems.

But, let's talk about everything in order.

  1. Insect bites
  2. Sunburn in dogs
  3. Frostbite in dogs
  4. Pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs
Insect bites

Dogs and their owners usually encounter insect bites in the spring and summer: in parks, in the forest, in the country. The culprits are bees, bumblebees, wasps, spiders, mosquitoes, gadflies and other insects.

First of all, dogs that have been forgotten to be treated with special preparations or have completely neglected this procedure fall into the risk zone.

The situation after an insect bite, especially a poisonous one, develops very quickly. If the bite is in the area of ​​the animal’s muzzle, strong, clearly visible swelling, hardness and itching immediately form. The itching may be moderate to severe, the injury site will become red, and the local temperature will rise.

Of course, it is necessary to urgently show the dog to a veterinarian. But, during the summer season, there should always be antihistamines in the first aid kit for dogs. For example, such as Telfast, Zyrtec. "Tavegil", "Suprastin". They will help quickly stop the development of an allergic reaction to insect venom. An injection is more effective, but tablets are also suitable. Also, to reduce swelling and itching, it is worth applying cold to the bite site.

Sunburn in dogs

Discussions about sunburn in dogs are not common. But there is a problem and it is quite insidious.

The fact is that not every animal, after a long winter and cold, is ready for long sunbathing. Dermatitis occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun. They are localized most often on the back of the nose and the tips of the ears. The main symptoms are scales and redness of the skin. If the disease has become chronic, there may be ulcers.

The sad thing is that these ulcers take a long time to heal with the formation of scars. In addition, dermatitis caused by sunburn can lead to the formation of tumors in the affected areas with age.

The only possible prevention is to limit the dog's exposure to the sun. In mild situations, it is enough to cool the dog’s skin and treat it with Panthenol. But the treatment of such burns should, of course, be carried out by a veterinarian.

The dog breeds most prone to such problems are the Chinese Crested and the Mexican Hairless.

Frostbite in dogs

In winter, there is a risk of frostbite in dogs. Moreover, the problem is not so rare. as it may seem. If animals are kept in outdoor enclosures and spend most of their lives outside, they can be classified as a risk group.

Moreover, frostbite can also occur in dogs that are kept in a warm house. For example, in case of accidental contact with a frozen object.

The area injured by cold can vary from the tongue to the tip of the ears. to the tail. Of course, the limbs are often affected.

It is strictly forbidden to suddenly warm up the dog! It is at the moment of sudden warming that frostbitten skin turns red, causing severe pain. Further tissue necrosis, and in the most severe situations, skin rejection occurs.

What to do?

Note! The skin must be warmed gradually with warm water and the temperature must be adjusted.

Unfortunately, in veterinary practice there are cases of surgical intervention. Therefore, it is better to prevent frostbite. For example, build as warm as possible

Burns in dogs are divided into chemical, electrical and thermal.

Practice shows that dog owners often underestimate the severity of a burn because the consequences of the injury appear slowly. Sometimes up to several days.

Partial burns affect only the superficial layers of the skin. In addition, they may not leave traces after recovery.

Deep burns more dangerous, since all layers of the skin are affected. Moreover, thorough tissue scarring occurs, which in turn leads to irreversible skin damage: scars, cicatrices, changes in skin structure, baldness, thickening.

1st degree burns It is possible to cure in 1-2 weeks without further complications. In this case, the skin will remain sensitive, but there may be papules.

2nd degree burns more difficult to treat: the skin darkens, tissue ruptures may occur, sensitivity may be partially or completely absent, scars and ulcers may form. Even systemic complications are possible, such as cardiac dysfunction, shock, pain shock.

3rd degree burns. They are worth talking about separately. The third degree is dry, charred skin, lost fur, the degree of skin damage approaches 25%, wound healing takes up to 7 months, the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and neuropathy are impaired. Moreover, the question of surgical intervention clearly arises.

The main rule for successfully treating burns in dogs is to provide a clear and correct assessment of the damage.

In mild cases, the owner can get by with regular Panthenol and antibiotics: systemic or local. But in more severe situations, you must urgently contact a veterinary clinic and do not hesitate.

Remember! For 3rd degree burns in dogs, most medications are contraindicated! Therefore, self-medication is out of the question.

But that's not all.

Until complete recovery, the doctor and owner must treat the dog very carefully and attentively, because with deep burns the prognosis of the disease can change for the worse. And all because of previously missed violations.

Pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs

Pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs these are so-called “hot spots”. This disease is often confused with eczema.

Labradors, retrievers, German shepherds, and mountain dogs are most susceptible to it.

Pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs develops quickly. It is characterized by severe itching in the area of ​​the spots. As a rule, the muzzle, limbs, and tail are affected. The spots are wet, round, with clear boundaries and increased local temperature.

The success of treating such dermatitis depends on the correct identification of the causes that could cause it.

Local treatment consists of careful treatment of the affected areas: cutting the hair and treating the wounds with antiseptics. For example, pharmaoxidine or chlorhexedine. Your veterinarian may also prescribe antibiotics and corticosteroids. Therefore, I would like to once again emphasize that self-medication can only lead to a worsening of the dog’s condition.

Be healthy!

Always yours, Balabaki Dogs.

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One of the most common reasons why dog ​​owners turn to veterinarians for help is because their dog has been bitten. A dog may be bitten by another dog, as a result of a struggle, or by some unfamiliar animal.

Why do dogs bite?

Puppies often bite because it is part of their play. Adult dogs usually bite due to specific motives or reasons. Aggressive behavior such as growling, gnashing, barking or biting may be used to communicate or resolve competitive issues, as well as when threatened. Competition can be for food, territory, the owner's attention, position in the pack, or attention to another dog.

How serious are dog bite wounds?

It is estimated that dog bite wounds account for about 10% of all injuries treated by veterinarians.

A dog bite can cause serious injury to the skin and soft tissue. A dog's teeth and jaws are powerful tools, and the bites they deliver can easily tear muscles, penetrate the chest, damage the lungs, or cause serious or fatal damage to internal organs. Even bites that do not break the skin can cause serious and deep soft tissue injuries.

Bite injuries typically occur on the legs, head, or neck. The neck area contains vital blood vessels such as veins and the carotid artery, as well as nerves, the esophagus and the trachea. Facial wounds can cause serious damage to the eyes, ears and mouth, and eye wounds are especially dangerous. Leg bites can cause joint damage.

A dog's mouth contains a lot of bacteria, so any bite can lead to infection and bacterial infection. Therefore, all dog bites are considered contaminated and infected. If left untreated, infection can cause a local tissue abscess that will spread further. In rare cases, penetrating bites can lead to septic arthritis (inflammation of the joint), osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bones), pyothorax (suppuration in the chest cavity) or septic peritonitis (suppuration in the abdominal cavity).

Should you take your dog to the vet after he gets into a fight?

If your dog gets into a fight with another dog, it can sometimes be difficult to determine the extent of the damage, especially if the wounds are in areas covered with hair. Small puncture wounds from dog teeth can close so that you can easily miss them. Therefore, if your dog has been in a fight with another animal, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible to have it examined. If you see obvious bite wounds, you should seek veterinary attention immediately. Wounds that appear minor on the surface can be deceptive and, depending on their location, life-threatening to the animal.

How can you tell if your dog needs immediate help?

There are certain signs that your dog is in need of emergency care. These include bleeding that won't stop, difficulty breathing, weakness, whining, limping, pale or blue gums, or lack of energy.

How are dog bites treated?

Your veterinarian will determine what treatment your dog will need based on the nature of the injuries, general health, and location of the wounds. The goal of treatment is to reduce the severity of the infection that will develop. This is achieved by cleaning the wound, removing dead or damaged tissue, and suturing the wounds if possible.

Antibiotics should be prescribed for any bites. If there is any doubt about whether there has been any penetration of the skin, your veterinarian will likely prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic to reduce the chance of infection. The sooner antibiotics are used, the faster and more effectively the infection can be stopped. Wounds that are examined within 6 hours of the bite have the best chance of healing without complications.

Most wounds are very painful, so to help ease your animal's pain, you may want to give him some painkillers or sedatives before attempting to assess the extent of the damage. The veterinarian will likely need to shave the fur from the bite areas to be able to clean the wound and remove any debris. In cases of extensive injury or contamination of large wounds, the dog will need to be placed under general anesthesia to safely and thoroughly clean all wounds.

Small bite wounds usually remain open, so any infection can enter there. Lacerations may need to be stitched up, but temporary openings must be left to allow fluid to flow through so that it does not pool in the area of ​​the bite. Also, in many cases, the size of the wounds can be increased in order to be able to examine and clean all the underlying tissue.

Experts recommend that a sample of bacterial cultures be taken and tested for their sensitivity to various antibiotics. This way, the veterinarian can choose the most appropriate medications for treatment. However, tests may take several days, so broad-spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed initially.

What kind of home care may be required?

If your dog's wounds have been stitched, you will need to keep them dry and clean. If the wound has been left open or a drain has been placed to remove fluid, you will need to clean and rinse the wound regularly. You can use a soft cloth or cotton swabs and warm water to remove dirt. In some cases, your veterinarian will prescribe a mild disinfectant to help keep the wound clean. Only use products recommended by your veterinarian, and never use hydrogen peroxide to clean the bite area, as this can stop healing and make the problem worse.

If you have been instructed to clean a wound, pay special attention to the animal as wounds may be painful and the animal may bite out of pain or fear. It is advisable to use a muzzle for your dog, even if it is tamed.

What can you do to prevent dog bites?

Do not allow your dog to roam freely and keep it on a leash when you are outside or in a park. Dogs that are well trained fight much less often, so it is worth paying special attention to obedience training. If you are outside with your dog and see a stray dog, do not approach it. Even if your dog is tame and friendly, you have no way of knowing the personality of another dog.

Dogs can start a fight and bite each other for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, aggressive animals, antisocial or poorly behaved, provoke fights more often than others. Aggression in a dog can be provoked by harsh treatment or improper upbringing, which can enhance the dog’s innate aggressiveness.

Secondly, as a rule, male dogs start fights.

Thirdly, confusion can easily arise when two mature dogs first meet and get to know each other. If the dog is balanced, then the acquaintance is peaceful.

Fourthly, dogs can compete with each other if they live in the same territory.

1. How to separate fighting dogs?

Agree, the first thing owners rush to do is quickly pull the dogs in different directions. But this is not easy to do.

To separate dogs you need to:

Let the dogs off the leash
It is strictly forbidden to hit a dog
It is undesirable to separate dogs by their collars, because an outstretched hand is perceived by the dog as a threat and the owners may be bitten.
If you still have to separate him by the collar, this should be done by two owners at the same time. In this case, the collars should be twisted as tight as possible.
If the dogs are locked in a deadlock, grab them by the collars and prepare a leash. You will have to twist the collars, cutting off the oxygen, and hold the dogs until they begin to choke and open their mouths. The first one to open his mouth is quickly thrown a noose from the leash
If both owners are nearby during a fight, you should try to stretch the dogs by the hind legs and tail.
Alternatively, sticks are used to open the jaws.
You can pour a bucket of water on the heads of those fighting or throw on a jacket

In fact, there is no single recipe, and decisions have to be made while in the thick of things. That is, already in battle.

You can not stretch the dogs holding the grip on each other. Deep lacerations are guaranteed. If the dogs are fighting with the interceptions, wait for the moment when they come loose and pull them to the sides

Once you have managed to separate the fighters, ask the owner of the other dog for the exact address, telephone number and whether the animal is vaccinated against rabies. In turn, also provide all the information about the health of your dog. It is better if you show each other passports with vaccination marks.

Then hurry home and carefully examine your dog for damage, centimeter by centimeter.

2. Bite wounds in a dog: first aid

If the dog was bitten by another dog, then there will be wounds in the form of holes on the skin. These are teeth marks. You can't call them harmless. Fractures are rare, but it is better to carefully feel the places where there are bites.

First aid:

In severe pain, inject an intramuscular analgesic baralgin (dog weighing 30 kg and above – 1.5 ml) or analgin With diphenhydramine (1 ml: 1 ml)
Carefully trim the hair around the wounds with scissors. Pre-treat scissors with antiseptic
Treat all bite wounds 5% chlorhexidine or miramistin , and inject into deep wounds with a syringe

Note. There is no need to tie small wounds. Moreover, do not stop your dog from licking them. The fact is that these bite marks can quickly heal, and an abscess forms inside. Therefore, sometimes, the longer the wound does not heal, the better. Of course, these wounds are not sutured.

No matter how you assess the severity of the injuries, take your dog to the vet immediately. Only a specialist can correctly assess the condition of the wounds and prescribe an effective course of treatment.
As a last resort, call your doctor for recommendations regarding antibiotics and medications to treat bites.

3. Lacerations in a dog: first aid

Lacerations in dogs are loose, torn skin. If the skin hangs 2 or more centimeters, then this is a 100% laceration.

Often the cause of such serious injuries is the incorrect behavior of owners who try their best to pull away dogs that are clinging to each other.

If you are faced with such a disaster, your first task is to rush home and call a doctor. After all, lacerated wounds bleed heavily and are often accompanied by painful shock. In addition, such wounds often require stitching.

Moreover, the dog may tremble, not respond to external stimuli, have a pale tint to the oral mucosa and a decreasing temperature below 37 degrees.

The most dangerous are lacerations in the groin, abdomen, anus, and head.

First aid:

Give your dog painkillers immediately. It could be baralgin intramuscularly (dog weighing 30 kg and above - 1.5 ml) or analgin With diphenhydramine intramuscularly (1 ml: 1 ml)
You can give analgin in tablets if you do not know how to give injections
For severe bleeding, intramuscular dicinone (for a dog weighing 30 kg and above the entire ampoule)
Moisten a cloth with warm solution furatsilina and apply to the wound before the veterinarian arrives
If you notice that your dog has damaged blood vessels and muscles, wash the wound with a solution furatsilina from the teapot, pour into the wound gelatin and make a tight bandage. This will help stop the bleeding and hold out until the doctor arrives.
If your animal is salivating excessively, short of breath, and trembling, give an injection sulfacamphocaine (for dogs 30 kg and above – the entire ampoule IM)

Most likely, after examination, the dog will be prescribed a course of antibiotics. If there are local purulent inflammations (abscesses), the doctor will treat the wounds, install drainage and teach you how to treat such a wound.

And further.

Observe the dog's condition for the first 6 hours after the bites. Every hour, feel the bite areas - head, paws, withers. This way you can feel painful swellings and see barely noticeable wounds on them. In this case, you may need to open them, wash them and install drainage.

It is also possible that when you feel the bite sites, you will feel rolling air bubbles or a kind of squelching under your fingers. This is a fibroma. And she requires immediate consultation with a veterinarian.

We wish your dog to meet only friendly and well-mannered fellow tribesmen on its way.

Be healthy!

Always yours, Balabaki Dogs.

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There are so many signs associated with dogs that no folklore expert would be able to list them all. Our four-legged pets don’t even realize what a burden of responsibility lies on them! After all, according to signs, the most insignificant action of a dog can be interpreted for good or bad. Of course, the situation is far from being so clear. And yet, signs exist and remain very persistent in the popular consciousness. Maybe there is something behind them?

Harmless signs of attention

There is nothing surprising in the fact that your beloved pet greets you with a passionate “kiss”, trying to lick your palm or face: he is glad to see you and expresses this in all available ways. But what if someone else’s dog at a party or the yard dog on the street begins to show tender feelings? An unexpected sign of attention can confuse anyone, even if you are an experienced dog lover. This is where signs come in handy.

If you licked

  • If you have a long journey ahead of you, and a dog (yours or someone else’s) suddenly starts licking your feet, don’t expect an easy path. If you miss the train, your wallet will be stolen, and instead of Bogoroditsk you will sail to Blagoveshchensk. If possible, the trip should be postponed or prepared in advance for possible difficulties.
  • Many dream books indicate: if an animal licks your hands in a dream, you will soon climb the career ladder thanks to the help of friends. The same interpretation can be applied to an event that happened in reality. With a small clarification - don’t expect easy victories, your hands will have to work hard.
  • If a dog has chosen a face to express its feelings, this fact has nothing to do with future events. Either the animal in this way really expresses delight at the meeting, or you just ate something tasty and the smell has not yet dissipated. Or the dog follows the instinct that lives in the blood - to lick the face of the leader of the pack in order to show him his submission. At least the question “who’s boss” won’t arise in your mind.

Lay down at my feet

If a dog prefers your bed to his bed, cold weather is coming

  • When your pet dog clings to your feet, expect changes in the weather and severe cold.
  • The same dream books believe that a dog lying at her feet foretells a woman spending a long period of time at home with her children. If your pet in reality performs such a trick for several days in a row, although he had no such habit before, this can be interpreted as a warning about a series of everyday problems - you will literally have no time to leave the house. And for both men and women.
  • But it may also be that the dog just found a more comfortable bed than his usual sleeping place. It all depends on your view of the presence of an animal in the bed. Has your pet been treated for fleas and worms? Do you wash your paws after a walk and fall asleep comfortably to the peaceful snoring of your side? Make the habit permanent; neither the omens nor the dog handlers object. If you do not intend to share a sleeping place, you will have to start raising your four-legged friend, or it will be much more difficult to force him to give up his established habit.

One more note: signs advise under no circumstances to kick a dog, either intentionally or accidentally (for example, in a dream), otherwise you will pay for it with leg diseases. It is likely that the law of karma will have nothing to do with it! Just one day an angry animal will properly tug at your offending limb.

Aggressive actions

Since we're talking about bites, let's see what superstitions say about dog aggression. For example, a dog...

Catching up

  • A dog that chased you barking, but fell behind before reaching you, portends troubles and minor bad luck. Nothing life-threatening threatens you, but you will have to spend your nerves (and possibly money).
  • It's a completely different matter if you come across a bitch protecting puppies, or for some reason the dog considers you a dangerous enemy. From the animal’s point of view, it had a reason to attack you, and such behavior does not promise you any negative events.


Unreasonable dog aggression is a bad sign

  • If the dog attacks aggressively, spins around and doesn’t lag behind for a long time, this sign is more serious. There is a good chance that you will soon have a meeting with robbers or an aggressive company. Don’t get into conflicts with strangers, stop walking in remote places, and try to return home long before dark. And the money will remain with you, and you will save your health.
  • Sometimes a dog attack is explained as a warning of danger for a person you care about, or as a sign of failure in a planned business. Ask your loved ones to be careful, and carefully weigh all the risks before making decisions.
  • Remember that dogs react very strongly to the smell of fear. They will not let go of a person who walks by with his knees buckling from horror without barking. Isn't it time for you to take courage?


Do you think that after everything that has been written, a dog bite is a completely black omen? But no!

  • If a girl of marriageable age is bitten by a neighbor’s dog, it’s time for her to prepare to welcome the groom. Moreover, the betrothed will be the envy of all his friends - it’s not scary to suffer a little for this.
  • If a man or woman is bitten by their dog, someone close to them will soon let them down and thus cause a lot of grief.
  • If the dog is a stranger or a stray, the person who was bitten will face trouble at work. And if you are too lazy to show the bite to the doctor, then you will have health problems. And this is no longer a sign, but a reality.

By the way, here are a couple more pieces of folk wisdom on this topic:

  • In order for the bite to heal without consequences, it should not be shown to strangers.
  • For better healing, Japanese alternative medicine suggests sprinkling the bite site with ashes from a burnt tuft of dog hair, while Russian medicine suggests swallowing the hair and applying fresh herring to the wound. However, we would not advise you to try extravagant treatment methods on yourself. It’s easier and safer to limit yourself to official medicine.

Blocked or crossed the road

A white dog portends good luck

  • If a dog crosses the road, do not expect any good or bad. The path will be smooth, and the matter will be resolved satisfactorily, although without much success.
  • It's a different matter if the dog is white, white with black spots, or has a light mark on its head. Here you are guaranteed success.
  • A black dog is a twofold sign. If she crossed the road, it is better to take a different path or you will not avoid failure. And if he follows you or, better yet, caresses your feet, good luck and happiness are just around the corner.


“Oh, so-and-so Bug, she peed on my leg!” Did it happen that your dog raised its paw at you? Don't worry. Apart from hygiene and, in every sense, tarnished self-esteem, no one was harmed. Even more! Urine has long been considered an effective means of protection against evil spirits, so consider the behavior of a dog (and often puppies) as an attempt to protect you from dangers not only in this world, but also in the other world.

Just don’t immediately think that dark forces have encroached on you! From the point of view of cynologists, a dog can write to a person if he is nervous, wants to designate you as “his” or tries to dominate. In both cases, and in the third case, subtle matters have nothing to do with it. Understand the state of mind of your pet or simply take care of his upbringing.

Digs a hole

One of the worst signs is considered if the dog suddenly begins to rummage in the ground, knock over floor flower pots or dig holes near the house. Those who are inclined to trust signs see this event as an indication of a serious illness, and in some cases even the death of the owner of the animal or one of the household members. To take away the sign, the dog should be strictly reined in, and then try to distract with a treat or a favorite game so that it does not occur to her to return to the interrupted lesson. And at the end of the walk, wash your paws so as not to introduce dirt and germs into the house.

Exploring, digging holes and hiding bones is a normal dog desire.

Obviously, this sign was not invented by a dog lover. If at least once you spent the summer with your pet in the country, then you know with what rapture these animals sometimes dig in the ground. And in the fall everyone returns to city apartments alive and healthy! Therefore, it is possible and necessary to distract your pet from the activity that frightens you, but you can’t worry about this.

Rolling on the ground

  • If a dog rolls on the ground, wind and rain will come. In which direction she is looking at this time, expect bad weather from there.
  • If it lies in the snow, there will be a thaw. And if after that the dogs start playing and chasing each other, a snowstorm will come in the evening.
  • If a dog falls on its back and rubs it against the crust, frost will begin.

Other signs

  • Expect cold weather if the dog hides his nose in his fur.
  • Eating snow means bad weather.
  • Chews grass or climbs into the water - there will be rain.
  • If the dog is stretched out on its stomach, warm weather is coming, if it curls up in a ball, cold weather will begin. And this is not a simple observation, but a scientific fact. Animals are very sensitive to the temperature of the earth, which is why they can make accurate predictions.
  • Animals tend to be sleepy before long periods of bad weather.

Of course, not all signs have retained their significance in our time. Some seem hopelessly outdated. Others are frankly ridiculous, if not stupid. And yet, among a dozen beliefs, no, no, and there will be one or two that hit “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.” So it’s definitely too early to discount the age-old observations of folk wisdom.



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