The invaluable benefits of pears and possible harm to the body. Useful properties of pears for the health of the body

What is the use of pears and what useful substances does it contain? According to an ancient Chinese belief, a person who eats this fruit will never drown in water. To believe, of course, you can be skeptical. However, this fruit ranks second in world popularity after the apple. We are talking about a pear - a sweet, fragrant fruit, rich in a variety of useful substances.

A pear is shaped like a light bulb, its ripe fruits are sweet and soft. The benefits of the fruit were known even in the "traditions of ancient times." The ancients considered the pear a fruit with magical properties. And the Slavs endowed her with good healing power. They tried to plant a pear tree near churches and houses, it served as a talisman against evil spirits.

Today the pear is used as independent product and dessert, and can be added to various dishes, depending on the recipe. And botanists and physicians highlight many useful properties of this fruit.

The composition of the pear

The pear is very rich in vitamins, including A, C, PP, vitamins of group B. It has a very high content folic acid, fiber, tannins. It contains proteins and carbohydrates, pectins, carotene, nitrogen compounds, organic acids (malic, citric, ascorbic), enzymes, flavonoids and phytoncides. Present in the composition and such useful trace element like iodine. As for macronutrients, that's enough a large number of potassium, there are also magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and calcium.

Interestingly, a pear has less sugars (glucose and fructose) than an apple, although it tastes much sweeter. This is due to the fact that it also contains less organic acids than an apple.

One of the unique components of the pear is the natural antibiotic arbutin, which is detrimental to harmful microbes that cause all kinds of inflammation, and is absolutely harmless to humans.

Useful properties of pears

Due to their rich composition, both forest and garden pear are one of the most useful delicacies.

First of all, traditional healers recommend this fruit as tonic, which increases the level of the body's defenses, the ability to resist infections and viruses, and even fight depression. Essential oils and biologically active elements contained in the fruit help in this.

Iron saturation makes the pear useful for dizziness, chronic fatigue, elevated heart rate. It is recommended for those who have reduced appetite, as well as for people using increased physical activity. The use of fruit promotes hematopoietic processes. Pear is good for the treatment and prevention of anemia. It must be consumed by donors in order to increase qualitative composition blood, enrich it with useful substances.

Tannins and pectin compounds have a pronounced antimicrobial action. Organic acids also create unfavorable conditions for pathogenic bacteria. Kills microbes and antibiotic arbutin. Due to this, the microflora of the stomach and intestines improves, digestion normalizes, the risk of inflammatory processes decreases, both in the gastrointestinal tract and in other organs and their systems. The pear is well absorbed by the body, increases appetite, has a “strengthening” effect, therefore it is very useful for intestinal disorders. It treats liver diseases, gastritis and cholecystitis, stomach pain and heartburn.

The pear is saturated with potassium, which restores damaged cells and stimulates tissue growth. Therefore, pear fruits and juice are necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the work of the heart, and lower cholesterol levels. The "restorative" property of the fruit is also useful for muscle tissue. To get rid of muscle pain from physical exertion, you just need to eat a few delicious fruits.

"Pear therapy" is used to treat colds, tracheitis and bronchitis. It uses the ability of the fruit to reduce fever and fever, cough treatment. Boiled and baked fruits have a particularly effective antitussive effect. Pear not only helps to cure current diseases, but also strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

low calorie and at the same time nutritional value and rich vitamin composition allow you to include a pear in various dietary complexes recommended for expectant mothers, people with excess weight patients with diabetes mellitus.

The benefits of pears for the treatment of prostatitis have been known for a very long time. Intensive use of the fruit helps to reduce the symptoms of the disease, and with longer treatment, to completely get rid of it. Even the ancient healers used this technique. And they also recommended to men in adulthood regularly drink pear tea or compote - excellent tool for disease prevention.

Pear fruits are also used for cosmetic procedures. The fruit pulp mask nourishes the skin, relieves fatigue, gives fresh look, helps to bring out dark spots, freckles. Moreover, pear masks are suitable for all skin types.

How to eat a pear

You need to choose and eat only ripe and soft fruits. Even our grandmothers considered unripe fruits "poison". The pear retains its beneficial properties even after heat treatment- Boiling or baking. It is not recommended to eat fruit in the morning before a meal, as well as immediately after a meal, especially if it included meat dishes.

Many, to cheer up, "click" on sweets, chocolate, muffins and cakes. So, doctors consider the pear a worthy alternative. confectionery. Do a little experiment. Arrange yourself a one-day pear diet (the whole day - nothing but pears). You will become more energetic, fatigue will pass, there will be a sparkle in your eyes, and of course - they will go away. bad thoughts and your mood will rise.

Pears are fruits known to man from ancient times.

Now no one can say for sure when and where it came from to a person.

Her miraculous nature was sung by Homer in the Odyssey.

IN ancient rome and Egypt, the gods were depicted with this fruit in their hands.

Hindus animated her, and in Europe for a long time she was treated.

Today, more than 5 thousand of its varieties are known. They differ from each other in shape, taste, color, size. Only its valuable and useful properties remain unchanged.

Pears: composition, how to use

Pears are famous not only for their amazing taste and aroma. In its composition, they contain a lot of useful and valuable substances for humans. According to some of their indicators, the pear surpassed even the apple. 100g contains:

Vitamins: PP (0.1mg), A (2.01mg), B1 (0.02mg), B2 (0.03mg), B5 (0.05mg), B6 ​​(0.03mg), B9 (2mcg), C (5mcg ), H (0.1 µg), E (0.4 µg), K (4.5 µg).

Macronutrients: calcium (19mg), sodium (14mg), magnesium (12mg), potassium (155mg), sulfur (6mg), chlorine (1mg), phosphorus (16mg).

Trace elements: zinc (0.19mg), iron (2.3mg), iodine (1mcg), selenium (0.1mcg), copper (120mcg), manganese (0.056mcg), molybdenum (5mcg), fluorine (10mcg), boron (130mcg ), silicon (6mcg), vanadium (5mcg), nickel (17mcg), cobalt (10mcg), rubidium (44mcg).

A balanced combination of all these elements has a beneficial effect on the heart, kidneys, pancreas, nervous system, cell metabolism, cholesterol levels. Their combined effect improves general well-being person. Its essential oils tone, give strength, invigorate, cheer up.

Nutritional value (in 100g present):

0.3 grams of fat;

10.3 grams of carbohydrates;

0.4g of proteins;

2.8g of dietary fiber;

0.5g of organic acids;

0.5 g of starch;

9.8g of mono- and disaccharides;

0.7g of ash;

85g of water.

It has long been noted that the calorie content of any vegetable, fruit depends on the variety and degree of maturity. Pear refers to low-calorie fruits. Depending on the variety, in its 100g is only from 42kcal to 58kcal. The benefits of a pear as a dietary fruit are priceless. Its pulp quickly fills the entire volume of the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.

The pear retains its beneficial properties in any form. That is why it is used in medicine, dietetics, cosmetology, and cooking.

Use in cosmetology. Scrubs, masks, lotions, creams are made from pears. It is present in the composition of anti-aging cosmetics. Its extracts help restore skin elasticity, tighten pores, give it a healthy color, elasticity and smoothness. Masks based on it relieve acne, relieve inflammation and have a lifting effect.

Many women rub their face with a crushed pear. This procedure has a scrub effect. Stony particles, acetic and malic acids perfectly rid the skin surface of old dead cells.

There are many recipes when you can make masks, lotions on your own.

For skin whitening: crushed fruit pulp is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then washed off. If the skin is dry, then milk is added to the pulp.

For oily and normal skin, mix pulp and egg white. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off. This blend quickly refreshes and tones the skin.

For pale and tired skin, you can prepare a mask of lemon juice (1chl), pear pulp (1-2st l) and egg white. The mask applied for 30 minutes will change the color of the skin, give it freshness.

Its juice, when rubbed into the hair, eliminates dandruff. To make this effect more persistent, the juice is applied to the hair roots 30 minutes before washing them.

For the preparation of lotions, masks, it is better to use ripe fruit, since it contains the maximum amount of useful and necessary compounds.

Application in cooking. Usually, desserts, jams, juices, compotes, jams, salads, and snacks are prepared from pears. In many world cuisines, it is added to meat and fish. It can be baked, dried, canned, boiled, used raw, but its benefits to the body will not change.

Application in dietetics. Significant amount dietary fiber and low energy value make it possible to use the pear as a component in many diets. It creates a feeling of satiety, helps to remove toxins, toxins and cholesterol. Low calorie content allows you to use it when losing weight. During weight loss, when a person lacks minerals and vitamins, the fruit easily makes up for this deficiency.

Use in medicine. The ability to counteract many chronic, infectious, inflammatory diseases rid the body of toxins, toxins and heavy metals, increasing immune protection, make it possible to use the pear as a medicine.

It affects the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, pancreas. Helps to quickly cope with colds, diabetes, dermatitis, prostatitis, stress, fatigue and depression. It is recommended to include it in the diet during heavy physical exertion, loss of appetite, hypersensitivity to cold, poor wound healing.

In many ways traditional medicine pear is the main ingredient. All useful features and healing action show only well-ripened, juicy and fragrant fruits. Even a dried pear does not lose its properties, it can be treated all year round.

Pears: what are the benefits for the body

There are many ways to improve health without taking medicines. Pear has great health benefits. Since ancient times, it has been considered not only as a tasty fruit, but also as healing agent. Her healing abilities were sung in the odes and poems of poets from different countries even in ancient times.

A pear is useful for any use: raw, baked, dried. Its beneficial properties are used for:

Strengthening immunity;

Counteracting any inflammatory processes;

Human protection from negative impact various toxins, poisons;

Improving the work of the heart and blood vessels;

Stabilization of the stomach, pancreas and intestines;

Lowering body temperature;

Cleansing the body of toxins, heavy metals and toxins;

Replenishment of deficiency of vitamins and minerals;

Performance Improvements thyroid gland;

Fight against colds and viral diseases.

The pear is natural and fast way replenish the energy of the body. Its pulp is well and quickly digested. In the stomach and intestines, it helps to form an environment that destroys pathogens.

Tannin and pectin compounds strengthen the walls internal organs. Iron and folic acid take part in the processes of hematopoiesis, regeneration, strengthen and cleanse blood vessels.

The fruit is safe to use for diabetics and those who are overweight. This is explained by the fact that it contains a lot of fructose, and the stomach and intestines do not need insulin for its digestion and absorption.

Pear has long been used as a wound healing agent. Its juice and decoction have antibacterial action because they contain arbutin - an antibiotic natural origin.

All known ways pear use as medicinal product effective because it has the following properties:








General strengthening;



It fully shows all its properties only after full ripening, when the fruits become juicy, fragrant, melting in the mouth.

Pears: what is the harm to health

The presence of fruit in the diet is not only beneficial for the body. There are several precautionary rules, the observance of which will prevent the pear from causing harm to health:

It should not be consumed before meals on an empty stomach;

Do not combine with raw and sparkling water, fresh milk, heavy and fatty foods;

Do not eat unripe fruit.

Alimentary fiber, tannins and lignified cellulose have negative impact on the body during periods of development and exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the digestive system. They irritate the mucous membranes of organs and increase intestinal peristalsis. Their presence in the composition is a reason to refuse to use it when:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract: colitis, ulcer, gastritis;

chronic form constipation

Weakened immunity;

Tart and sour varieties are contraindicated in diseases nervous system and paralysis.

To reduce its harm, it is important to choose the right pear:

It should be ripe, soft in moderation, without rot;

Well washed.

These elementary rules allows everyone to enjoy its taste without harm to health.

Pears for children: useful or harmful

A tasty, fragrant, juicy pear is necessary not only for an adult, but also for a child. Its rich in vitamins and minerals composition helps to grow and shape properly. children's body, raises immune defense, positively affects the functioning of organs.

Pear contains no allergens. This fact allows you to include it in the diet of even the smallest children. For babies up to a year, it is in the composition of mashed potatoes, juices. If the baby has a tendency to allergies, then pediatricians advise giving a baked pear. This method of processing it removes from the pulp and reduces the effect of allergenic components on the child.

Pear puree is recommended to be introduced into the diet of babies from 6 months, juices - a little earlier - from 4-5 months. When introducing it into complementary foods for a child, it is important to observe the reaction of his body: problems with the gastrointestinal system may occur. If negative reactions were not observed, then you can safely accustom the baby's body to this fruit. A pear is more easily digested by a child's body than an apple.

Whether a pear will bring health benefits or harm will depend on the amount eaten, and how correctly it was eaten.

Everyone's favorite delicacy - a pear - has been used for many millennia not only as a delicacy, but also as an effective folk remedy from various diseases. For the first time the plant appeared in Europe and Asia, belongs to the Rosaceae family. Today, pears are often added to dishes, desserts and compotes are prepared from them. But to get the real benefits from fruits, it's best to eat them fresh.

The age of pear trees can reach 350 years, of which 100 years they can bear fruit.

Description of pear varieties

An interesting fact is that initially all types of plants were wild shrubs. And in the 16th century, it was believed that eating raw fruits is dangerous, as they are poisonous. Therefore, before use, they were boiled or steamed. A little later, edible pear varieties began to be grown in France, which were no longer thermally processed.

As a result, a large number of plant species have appeared. There are currently over a thousand different varieties pears Consider the most popular.

✔ Moscow bergamot is an autumn variety of yellowish-green color with a slight blush. The fruits are similar to apples. The pulp tastes juicy with sourness. Sometimes they come across with a tart taste. Stored for about 2 weeks, in the refrigerator - 60 days.

✔ Williams is an early variety with a dessert taste. The fruits are large yellow color. The pulp is juicy, tender and aromatic.

✔ Conference - the fruits are characterized by an elongated shape. The peel is green with a yellowish tinge. The pulp is juicy, melts in the mouth.

✔ Mliyevskaya early - the skin is thin, light yellow, with a slight blush. The fruits taste sweet and sour. Stored in the refrigerator for about 2 months.

✔ Severyanka is a small summer variety. It has a golden yellow color with a slight greenish tinge. Keeps for about 15 days.

✔ Elegant Efimova - autumn variety. Medium sized fruits. Pleasant to the taste.

The chemical composition of the pear

The product is considered useful and dietary due to its low calorie content and big amount substances important to the human body.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, K, PP.

Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine.

Trace elements: boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, nickel, rubidium, selenium, fluorine, zinc.

Organic acids: lemon, apple.

1 fruit contains 20% daily rate fiber, 10% vitamin C and 6% potassium

The basis of pear fruit is water - about 85% of total weight. They also contain pectins, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils and a high fructose content, due to which their pulp seems much sweeter than apples, despite the fact that the latter contain more sugar.

pear calories - 47 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and benefits of pears for the body

  • has disinfectant, diuretic properties,
  • activates protective functions organism,
  • lowers the temperature
  • fights fever
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system,
  • stroke prevention,
  • increases hemoglobin,
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol,
  • cancer prevention,
  • accelerates metabolic processes,
  • removes heavy metals and toxins,
  • helps with hypertension
  • stimulates the function of the pancreas,
  • relieves bronchitis and coughs,
  • strengthens the fetus of the unborn baby,
  • eliminates edema,
  • prostatitis prevention,
  • strengthens bones and tooth enamel,
  • improves skin and hair condition, strengthens nails,
  • has a rejuvenating effect
  • increases mental activity
  • increases energy, eliminates lethargy and weakness,
  • fights depression.

Useful properties have not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the leaves of the plant. Folk healers prepare from young leaves medicinal decoctions which have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Crushed dry raw materials are used to eliminate excessive sweating.

For diabetics

Fruits improve the functioning of the pancreas. They contain fructose, for the absorption of which insulin is not needed. Thanks to this, pears are very useful for people suffering from diabetes and overweight body.

Benefits of pear for women. Is it possible for pregnant women

As mentioned above, the plant is low-calorie and contributes to the normalization of metabolism, which has a very positive effect on the figure.

The presence of calcium and folic acid in the product makes it very useful during pregnancy. These substances have a positive effect on the healthy development of the fetus. Pears also help to cope with edema and increase hemoglobin levels.

Contraindications and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • chronic constipation,
  • ulcer and gastritis.

On the shelves of stores, you can most often see imported pears. Most of them are chemically processed. Therefore, it is recommended to peel the fruit before use. In the summer season, try to buy garden varieties from grandmothers - they are much tastier and healthier.

Pears are among those foods that should not be eaten on an empty stomach, as they contain coarse fiber And natural acids. They injure the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and can cause serious problems with stomach.

In addition, it can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system. sharing fruits with other products. This is especially true for drinks and meat. In order not to earn yourself heartburn and indigestion, eat them 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after.

Medicinal properties. Folk recipes

Adenoma. Cut 1 fruit into small pieces and brew them in a thermos overnight. Infusion take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

Anemia. Using a blender or food processor, grind the pulp of two fruits into a puree mass. Add 2 tsp. and mix thoroughly.

Bronchitis. Prepare freshly squeezed pear juice. For more therapeutic effect add 1 tbsp to it. rosehip decoction.

Organ inflammation genitourinary system . It is necessary to prepare a decoction of the leaves of the plant and wash it 2 times a day. This tool copes well with inflammatory processes and destroy harmful microorganisms.

Diarrhea. Pour 100 g dried fruits 1 liter of water and boil. Then leave for 2 hours so that the broth is well infused.

Take it 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

Sand in the kidneys. In addition to plain water, drink tea from pear leaves instead of the usual drinks.

Rheumatism. 2 tsp crushed dry leaves of the plant pour 250 ml hot water. Leave to infuse for 2 hours, then strain.

How to choose and store pears

The easiest way to buy quality product- focus on aroma. Good and tasty pears have a pronounced nice smell. If it is absent, then the fruits were plucked a long time ago, and a special air-gas medium was used for their storage.

Since the shelves of our stores come mainly Chinese products, then pay attention to the (sticker on the fruit). It will tell you under what conditions the plant was grown and whether any chemical substances. But it's best to wait for the summer and stock up on local useful varieties for several months.

It is better to buy unripe fruits, as they ripen quickly and begin to spoil. Knowledgeable people know that pears can be stored for up to 12 months, if you follow the necessary conditions: Place whole, unspoiled fruit in a single layer in a wooden crate. Put it in a dark and ventilated room, there should be no drafts. Ideal Temperature storage 0°C.

Include pears in your diet. They will feed you valuable elements and protect against many diseases. Always give preference to horticultural and wild varieties in order to receive only benefits for your body.

A pear is a garden tree familiar to everyone, similar to an apple or plum tree. In the spring, when flowering, its inflorescences give a unique delicate aroma, and in the fall - delicious, large and juicy fruits, which contain the necessary for healthy eating substances and trace elements.

Pear and its history

pear photo

There is an opinion that the pear is more ancient plant than is commonly believed. Archaeologists in one of their finds in the Tertiary Miocene deposits of earth rocks in the territory Western Europe and Caucasus found pear leaves. It turns out that they are more than 5 million years old! There is additional historical evidence indicating that the pear plant deserves more attention. So in the famous "Odyssey" by Homer there are lines telling about pears in the garden of Alcinous. The palaces in Pompeii and Herculaneum are decorated with frescoes depicting these fruits. The ancient island of Peloponnese Greek name"Pearland" In Rus', in the ancient cities of the XI century, in the monastery gardens, the pear occupied a place of honor along with apple trees and plum trees.

Pear varieties

there are about 400 varieties of pears in the world

Pear - a fruit tree, often found in gardens and plots, its homeland is considered Ancient Greece. Pear blossoms in early spring. Her whites delicate flowers similar to roses, so the pear belongs to the "pink" family. At favorable conditions the pear grows up to 20-25 meters in height, and the size of its crown in width reaches about 4 meters. By cold weather, the pear sheds its leaves and so survives the winter. Often, not enduring severe frosts, the tree dies, so frost-resistant pear varieties are cultivated. Juicy, ripe and fragrant pear fruits have a color from light yellow to dark yellow and brown. Usually the fruits have an elongated shape with a thickening towards the bottom, but there are also spherical (cultivated varieties). Most pear varieties are bred in China and the eastern part of Eurasia (Asia Minor, Europe, North Africa). Connoisseurs distinguish four main biological varieties of pears:

  • Dried pears with small fruits (wilding);
  • Pascia pears are small in size with a slightly astringent taste;
  • Silver-fruited pears have large fruits;
  • Pears real (ordinary).

In total, there are more than 400 varieties of pears in the world. The most popular of them: bergamot, duchesse, Siberian, the same age, rogneda. Usually pears are sweeter than apples of many varieties, but they have less sucrose and glucose.

Pear and its composition

even when cooked, the pear does not lose its beneficial properties

Pear fruits contain a large amount useful substances: monosaccharides, essential oils, carbohydrates, arbutin, folic and chlorogenic acids, tannins and pectins, trace elements (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, magnesium, fluorine, boron, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, iodine) and vitamins (A, B (1-12), C, E, K, P). The pear has almost no calories, it has absolutely no fat. The energy value in 100 grams of fresh pear is 40-60 kcal. How many calories exactly in a pear can be determined only depending on the variety. This fruit has its own peculiarity - the pear does not lose its beneficial properties even when cutting, boiling and drying.

Useful properties of pears

pear pulp is used in cosmetology for skin whitening

How useful is a pear? Almost everyone. Fruits and leaves are used in the economy, industry and medicine. Fabric is dyed with a decoction of pear bark, and strong and durable carpentry parts are made from solid wood. furniture fittings.
The benefits of pears as a food product are enormous. Moreover, not only ripe fruits are useful, but also pear juice, decoction and compote from fruits, including dried ones. Boiled fruits are used for tuberculosis, fever and suffocation. The seeds are used as antihelminthics. A decoction of fresh or dried pear slices is drunk for inflammation urinary tract, urolithiasis. With diarrhea, pear jelly will help. Pear is an excellent diuretic, antipyretic and disinfectant. Sweet fruits can be used to improve well-being and appetite, with dizziness and fatigue. Pear also stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Men should pay attention to the pear as an excellent remedy in the treatment of prostatitis. Foot sweating can be reduced by rubbing a powder of dried leaves. Pregnant women especially benefit from drinking pear juice several times a week.
Pear fruits can be used for diabetes and obesity. Pear diet cleanses the body and improves well-being. Despite the richness of pear nutrients, benefits and harms can be combined in dosage. people old age you can eat fruit only after eating, and those suffering from diseases of the digestive system should limit the use of this fruit because of the large amount of fiber, which will increase intestinal motility and irritate its mucous membrane. You should not drink the eaten pears with water or eat these fruits on an empty stomach.
A decoction of green pear leaves is used for various inflammations, fungal diseases, dermatitis. The fact is that the leaves contain a large amount of antifungal substance, which actively affects the area of ​​​​inflammation. Pear enhances immunity, protects against infectious diseases, normalizes the functioning of the heart and muscles, and even helps fight against bad mood.
IN home cosmetology the pulp (slurry) of the pear takes pride of place. It helps to whiten the skin, get rid of freckles, bumps and blackouts under the eyes. Pear-based masks and lotions rejuvenate the skin and promote the healing of microcracks.

Pear in cooking

fruit salad with pear is relevant for weight loss

Ripe, juicy pear fruits have the most vitamins. It is better to use fruits with peel. It contains special substances - phytonutrients that improve metabolic processes and boost immunity. Cooks use fresh fruits pears in fruit cuts and salads, there are a huge number of recipes for baking, canning, boiling and even pickling pears. Most simple recipes drinks and pear dishes (juices, compotes, fruit salads, jelly, etc.) will be prepared by any inexperienced housewife. But she will also be able to please her family with a delicious pear pie. Salad with pears, apples and other fruits is an excellent diet dish during weight loss. The more ingredients, the brighter and tastier the result. Salad can be dressed with whipped cream, sour cream, honey or syrup. One bowl of fruit salad contains daily allowance vitamins C, B, A, E and other important trace elements.

Video: Pear Salad

Pear pie does not require additional costs and is prepared like a simple charlotte. Only instead of slices of apples there are slices of pears. You can combine fruits using pears, apples, orange slices, grapefruit, banana and garden or wild berries. To prepare the dough, beat 3 eggs, a glass of sugar and a glass of flour. Add a pack of vanilla sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder and mix everything thoroughly. Pears or other fruits can be cut into cubes, slices or large pieces. It is better to remove the skin first so that the cake is tender and uniform. Baked goods may contain nuts, cottage cheese, fresh berries, lemon, cinnamon, or other spices. Dark rum, liqueur or amaretto can be added to the dough for a piquant flavor. Pear pie is not just sweet, but also a great food during a diet or a special diet.

In ancient China, the pear was a symbol of longevity, as pear trees live for a very long time. The fruit of the pear tree is one of the the healthiest delicacies.

They are rich in bioactive substances. Pear fruits contain sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, PP, C, carotene, folic acid, catechins, nitrogenous substances, pectins, mineral salts iron, manganese, iodine, cobalt, copper, potassium, molybdenum, calcium, tannins, fiber.

Since there is more fructose in the pear than glucose (and as you know, fructose does not require insulin for its absorption in the body), this fruit is useful in case of pancreatic dysfunction. Therefore, fresh and dried pears, as well as drinks from them, are included in diets for obesity and diabetes.

The main value of a pear is in the content of nutritional fibers (2.3 g/100 g). The content of vitamin C in it is not high. In terms of folic acid content, pear surpasses even blackcurrant.

Both folk and official medicine it is recommended to use a pear in huge number cases. But first of all, we note that the fruits of pears must be used correctly: do not eat them on empty stomach and do not drink water. Also, they should not be eaten with meat and regaled on them earlier than half an hour after the end of the meal. Do not forget that medicinal properties only ripened, fragrant, juicy, delicate fruits have.

Pear helps to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body.

Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that are capable of increasing defensive forces body to resist infectious diseases, have an anti-inflammatory effect and even fight depression.

Pear juice is extremely useful in the treatment of certain gastric diseases. Pear pulp is more easily tolerated by the body than apple pulp. Sour and very tart varieties of pears strengthen the stomach and liver, stimulate appetite, but they are more difficult for the body to digest. With liver diseases, cholecystitis, gastritis, two pears eaten in the morning will relieve you of pain and heartburn, eliminate discomfort in the intestines.

Decoctions, compotes from dried pears are rich in tannins, which have an astringent effect, which is useful for intestinal disorders. Fresh pears contain quite coarse alimentary fiber, which enhances intestinal peristalsis, therefore, in case of disorders, they should not be eaten. But with constipation, pears from compote must be eaten.

There are many macro- and microelements in the pear: for example, iron, which is necessary for the synthesis of healthy blood cells. Therefore, it is recommended to use pears for fatigue, dizziness, palpitations that occur with increased physical activity, as well as with loss of appetite, with the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth, poor healing tissues and even with sensitivity to cold - all these are symptoms of iron deficiency in the body.

It is believed that pear jam and baked fruits will relieve coughs. In ancient Arabic works on medicine, it was indicated that pears help treat lung diseases. Pear juice and fruit decoctions have antibacterial activity thanks to the content of the antibiotic arbutin. They are also used as a means to strengthen the walls. blood vessels.

Pear pulp contains a lot of potassium ions, without enough which cannot be imagined normal functioning heart and muscles, because potassium ions are responsible in the body for cell regeneration. So a few pears eaten can quite realistically relieve pain in strained muscles. Pear is very useful for the heart in general and for violations. heart rate in particular. In addition, with a lack of potassium, tissue growth slows down, nervousness, insomnia appear, heart palpitations are observed due to a weakening of cardiac activity, and the level of cholesterol in the blood rises. At similar symptoms pear treatment can do a good job. By the way, the better stronger smell pears, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart.

If you want to lose weight, do not forget that pears have a very low energy value. That is why it is recommended in various diets.



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