Not a very pleasant smell of discharge. What diseases are indicated by discharge with an unpleasant odor?

Any woman in her life sooner or later faces such a problem as vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Discharge in women with an unpleasant odor causes constant anxiety, refusal of intimacy with a sexual partner and, as a result, irritability and a feeling of discomfort.

Normally, every woman always has a characteristic odor and discharge from the genitals, since the vagina has its own microflora - a number of bacteria that “permanently reside” there. They prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, thereby protecting the woman’s body from the development of one or another infection.

If you have an unpleasant vaginal odor (rotten fish, sour smell), as well as unusual discharge (more abundant, greenish, grayish-white, foamy, curdled, watery or purulent), this means that the balance of the natural microflora of the vagina has been disturbed . Discharge in women with an unpleasant odor is often accompanied by itching, redness, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of discharge in women with an unpleasant odor

Such disturbances of the natural microflora can be the result of inflammation in the vaginal area. Such inflammations cause various types of infections of the vagina (both around and inside), or its dysbiosis.

The presence of an infection indicates that in addition to beneficial bacteria, pathogens are present in the vagina. It is as a result of their vital activity that an unpleasant odor and vaginal discharge occurs.

It makes no sense to list infections that cause such symptoms, since the disease can only be determined by passing the necessary tests for the presence or absence of certain dangerous microorganisms, as well as an examination by a gynecologist.

The causes of dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis) can be: douching (irrigation inside the vagina), changing sexual partners, using contraceptive suppositories or vaginal pills.

What to do?

First of all, you need to make a visit to the gynecologist. After the examination, he will give you the necessary directions for tests. During the second visit, when all the test results are ready, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for you. After you take the medication, you will need to be tested again to confirm your recovery - this will be your third visit to the gynecologist. During the third visit, you will be given a number of recommendations to avoid relapse or re-infection.

What not to do

Of course, there can be no talk of any self-medication. As mentioned above, only your attending physician can give you an accurate diagnosis and only after passing the necessary tests. Self-medication can only worsen the disease.

It is worth noting that some infections that cause discharge with an unpleasant odor can lead to such serious consequences as inflammation of the cervix, appendages and infertility.

Each specific infection with the symptoms described above requires a specific treatment, which will be effective for it, but completely useless for another infection. That is why it is so important to seek help from professionals in a timely manner.

Every postpartum woman (whether natural childbirth or cesarean section) experiences vaginal discharge that lasts approximately 6-8 weeks. During this period, the discharge may change color, thickness and smell, as it consists of blood cells, plasma and dying uterine epithelium. However, sometimes the discharge has an unpleasant odor, which may indicate a serious danger to the woman’s health.

What is considered normal discharge?

So, over the course of 6-8 weeks, when the female body recovers after childbirth, it returns to its “original” parameters: the pelvic bones fall into place, the configuration of the spine changes, the walls of the vagina narrow, and at the same time the skin and abdominal muscles tighten.

But especially important changes at this time occur in the uterus, which begin immediately after the placenta is separated from its inner surface (regardless of how the child was born - by cesarean section or through the natural birth canal). The uterus begins to contract, shrink to its normal state. The separation of the placenta is accompanied by a kind of trauma to the inner surface of the uterus, so for 2-3 days it is accompanied by quite strong bloody discharge, called lochia.

Over time, lochia, which does not have a distinct odor or smells like normal menstrual discharge, changes its intensity, consistency and color, and this should be paid attention to (even if the discharge is not particularly bothersome). On days 6-7 after birth, lochia becomes less abundant and acquires a brown tint, but it can become a little more intense if a woman is breastfeeding or has physical activity. They may also intensify when coughing or laughing, but this is a normal manifestation of more active contraction of the muscles of the abdominal cavity, and with them the uterus.

As soon as the discharge has stopped (before or after the specified time), women are recommended to undergo a gynecological examination so that the doctor can assess the condition of the uterus, its cervix, vagina and sutures.

Unpleasant smell of discharge after childbirth: what could cause it?

If an unpleasant odor appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate an inflammatory process or the onset of certain diseases:

  1. In the first days after birth, lochia is most abundant. They have a characteristic smell of blood and a bright red color. Around the 10th day, the discharge noticeably decreases, its color becomes yellowish or white, but a preli smell may appear, which is not too noticeable if proper hygiene is maintained. Such discharge is considered normal.
  2. A sour or fishy odor may occur when there is a heavy discharge of white or gray color, which usually indicates a disturbance in the vaginal microflora caused by medications or physical intervention. Most often, this type of discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis, especially if stitches were placed after childbirth and treatment with antibiotics was carried out. Such a diagnosis can also be obtained if personal hygiene is violated. A sour odor of white cheesy discharge and itching may be symptoms of thrush. This disease occurs against the background of decreased immunity, which leads to a change in the composition of the vaginal flora and the active growth of candida fungus. Unlike vaginosis, candidiasis requires treatment of both sexual partners to avoid relapse (re-infection) of the disease, even if it occurs on its own.
  3. A pungent smell of rot, and lochia mixed with pus can appear after childbirth, which took place not in the sterile conditions of a delivery room in a hospital, but at home or in emergency conditions (for example, childbirth began in transport - a train, an airplane, etc.) - when there is a high probability of the birth wound becomes infected. Depending on the location of the infection (it can be the vagina, cervix, uterine cavity, peri-uterine abdominal cavity), a number of diseases can occur that have an acute or chronic form:
  • endometritis;
  • parametritis;
  • puerperal colpitis;
  • puerperal ulcer;
  • postpartum peritonitis.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by the rapid development of the inflammatory process on the affected organ, an increase in temperature, accompanied by severe pain and the accumulation of pus (it can leave along with vaginal discharge and give it a sharp putrid odor).

The chronic form is characterized by nagging pain, a slight increase in body temperature (sometimes it can remain unchanged) for a long time, and cycle disruption.

What could be the consequences?

Each of the emerging diseases, the symptom of which is an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge in the postpartum period, can have consequences far from simple aesthetic “inconvenience”. For example:

  1. Vaginosis(rarely occurs without concomitant diseases, ultimately leading to inflammatory processes in the uterus, tubes and ovaries) - irritates the mucous membrane and makes the genitourinary system vulnerable to various infections. All this can later cause infertility or affect pregnancy and cause complications during childbirth.
  2. Uterine bleeding- perhaps the most dangerous complication that occurs in the first 3-7 days after birth, and it can be triggered by even a small remnant of placental tissue in the uterine cavity, attached to its endometrium (the lining layer of the organ).
  3. Endometritis- a disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms that enter the uterus from the vagina. Inflammation of the endometrium can be caused, as in the previous case, by the remnants of the placenta, as well as blood clots that have accumulated in the uterine cavity and are a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic flora. One of the reasons for pathogenic bacteria entering the uterine cavity from the vagina may be non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and/or the onset of sexual relations too early. Endometritis can lead to infertility, and if the disease is advanced, to death.
  4. Copious bleeding can also occur with hypotonic bleeding- as a result of insufficient contraction of the uterus due to a significant weakening of its muscle fibers.
  5. Inflammatory processes of postpartum wounds of the vagina, cervix or in its cavity can be much worse- spreading deep into the body, the infection first affects the organs of the genitourinary system, and then the entire body, resulting in sepsis (it can develop almost at lightning speed - in 1-2 days - from its mild stage to septic shock with a fatal outcome).

What to do?

First of all, you should remember that:

  1. Self-medication is always dangerous, and in the postpartum period it is deadly, since even mild discomfort can be a symptom of a serious postpartum complication.
  2. Maintaining personal hygiene is especially important in the postpartum period - this will reduce the risk of various complications.
  3. In the first 3-4 months, a woman should avoid:
  • visiting the bathhouse, and in particular the steam room;
  • bathing in a bath (use a shower instead of a bath) or in closed reservoirs;
  • excessive physical activity and intense sports.
  • washing (but not douching!) using herbal decoctions (for example, chamomile, string, nettle),
  • using condoms when resuming sexual activity - this will not only avoid unwanted pregnancy, but will also protect against the penetration of “foreign” bacteria into the uterine cavity, which can cause destructive changes;
  • Frequently putting the baby to the breast during breastfeeding - this simulates contraction of the uterus and its “cleansing”;
  • regular bladder emptying;
  • Sleeping or resting in a prone position helps contract the abdominal muscles.

You should not postpone your visit to the doctor if:

  1. The discharge ended earlier than a month after birth - this may be the result of the accumulation of bloody clots in the uterus, which will provoke inflammatory processes in its tissues.
  2. Bloody discharge does not decrease - this can lead to anemia.
  3. Lochia has an unpleasant odor, nagging pain in the lower abdomen periodically appears, and an increase in temperature - this may be a sign of the onset of one of the complications of the postpartum period.

When visiting a doctor about discharge with an unpleasant odor, a woman may need to: undergo a gynecological examination and answer questions from the gynecologist (it is better if this is the same doctor who cared for the pregnancy) about the course of labor, complications during childbirth (a pregnancy management chart may be required and childbirth);

  • take a smear for flora, a smear using the PCR method;
  • take blood and urine tests, tests for STDs;
  • undergo an ultrasound.

No matter how busy you are with your baby, the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor in the postpartum period requires urgent consultation with a specialist, because in some cases it can be not only a serious illness, but also life itself.


A healthy woman should not have vaginal discharge that smells bad. Leucorrhoea is considered normal if it does not cause discomfort and is present in moderate quantities. They are needed to protect the reproductive organs from infection.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor in women may appear during any illness. At the same time, their color, consistency and quantity change. Only an experienced specialist can find out the cause and prescribe treatment. Sometimes the reason for a specific aroma lies in something as simple as poor hygiene of the external genitalia.

Causes of discharge with odor

If a woman has an unpleasant smell of discharge, this means that there is an inflammatory process or a disease of a different nature in the pelvic organs. When organs are damaged by pathological microorganisms, foul-smelling discharge appears. This can happen during:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis. In this case, foamy and strong white-yellow discharge with an unpleasant rotten odor is observed. There is also itching and burning of the external genitalia.
  2. Thrush (urogenital candidiasis). The cause is a yeast-like fungus that appears when the immune system is weakened, during nervous stress, during menopause, pregnancy, etc. It appears as a cheesy white discharge with an unpleasant odor, which can be thin and copious. Their smell is sharp, unpleasant, with a sour tint. During sex, emptying the urethra and at night there is severe burning and itching.
  3. Trichomonas colpitis. Discharge in women with an unpleasant odor due to this pathology also has a green tint.
  4. Endometriosis. Appears mainly in women who have hormonal imbalances. In this case, the mucous membrane grows pathologically and is accompanied by yellow or brownish discharge.
  5. Tumor formation. Yellow discharge with an odor in women is present in the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms.
  6. Fistula formation. When pathogenic microflora multiply, secretions and a putrid odor begin to appear.
  7. Sexually transmitted diseases (venereal diseases). In addition to unpleasant-smelling discharge, itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and problems with urination may appear.

In order to understand the cause of the deviations, you need to undergo an examination at a medical institution.

Predisposing factors to the appearance of odor are:

  • insufficient hygiene;
  • lack of a permanent sexual partner;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal changes;
  • dystrophic changes in the mucous membranes;
  • use of certain medications;
  • structural anomalies of the reproductive organs;
  • a spiral that lasts more than 5 years;
  • nervous breakdowns and depression;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorders.

Discharge with a sweetish odor

A sweetish smell appears in women who have previously consumed sweet fruits or drinks. This is not a pathology and goes away after a certain time.

With a strong unpleasant odor

If the discharge smells like rotten meat, then this is a sign that the woman is experiencing an inflammatory process. If it smells like rotten fish (the smell of rot), we are talking about vaginal dysbiosis, colpitis, inflammation of the appendages or venereological diseases.

With metal

If the smell of iron is present in the vaginal mucus, then this is a sign of blood impurity or the presence of a sexually transmitted disease.

Characteristics by color and smell

You should always pay attention to the smell, color, consistency and amount of secretion. The doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis based on the nature of the discharge, and after that further research will be carried out.

White discharge

During white secretion, a woman may experience a sour, pungent odor - this indicates thrush. If it smells like rotten meat, this is a sign of vaginosis.

In some cases, this symptom indicates a decrease in immunity. Intense leucorrhoea may appear after a woman has worn synthetic compressive thongs or has become very nervous. Rare hygiene procedures also cause a specific smell.

Yellow secret

The presence of yellow, foul-smelling mucus indicates inflammation.

If this symptom occurs after sexual intercourse, then it may be a sign of an STI. In addition to this yellow tint, discharge appears when:

  • streptococcal or staphylococcal infection;
  • vaginitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the presence of tumors and other neoplasms;
  • hormonal imbalance, etc.

Colorless Secret

Colorless discharge that is not characterized by a bad odor or has a sweet odor does not mean pathology. They should be present in any healthy woman. They intensify during sexual intercourse and with excitement.

If the discharge is colorless, but smells bad, this may indicate a sexually transmitted disease.


Treatment of the pathology depends on the cause of its occurrence. If the smell appears due to poor hygiene, then in order to get rid of the symptoms, a woman will only need to wash herself more often, change her underwear and pads. After delivery, specific odors will disappear in the discharge after 20-30 days (if there is no infection).

If this unpleasant symptom is caused by any disease, then the following is prescribed:

  1. Antibacterial agents. They eliminate pathogenic microflora and promote a speedy recovery. Along with them, you need to take medications that support the intestinal microflora. They prescribe both tablet form and suppositories. The appropriate drug is selected by the gynecologist depending on the diagnosis.
  2. Lactic acid. It is she who restores the vaginal microflora.
  3. Taking hormonal drugs. They correct the disturbed background.
  4. Bacterial preparations. To activate bacteria that the body needs.
  5. Vitamin complexes. To boost the immune system and speed up recovery.
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually in the form of ointment, cream or suppositories.

You definitely need to reconsider your diet. Proper nutrition should include fermented milk products and more vitamins. Garlic has an antifungal and antibacterial effect, so you shouldn’t forget about it either.

Another important nuance is the drinking regime. You need to drink more fluid so that pathogenic waste and toxins leave the body.

For douching and baths, you can also use decoctions of medicinal plants:

  • licorice;
  • geranium;
  • chamomile;
  • birch leaves;
  • sagebrush;
  • pine;
  • mint;
  • oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • nettles, etc.

In order for everything to return to normal, you do not need to self-medicate. Only a qualified specialist is able to prescribe quality treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

Medical help should be sought when vaginal lubrication has changed its color, consistency and smell. Any, even minor changes can indicate a serious pathology. Remember that only timely treatment will give good results.


Unpleasant-smelling genital discharge should not go unnoticed. Most often, this symptom is a sign of illness. To remove it, you need to eliminate the very reason that led to it.

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The female reproductive system is a complex mechanism, the operation of which depends on many factors. You can determine whether it is functioning normally by the nature of your vaginal discharge. If they change their color or smell, then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, since such changes may indicate the development of various pathologies. It should be noted that in gynecological practice, women most often receive complaints about white discharge with an odor from the vagina, which causes them a lot of discomfort. Whether they are a sign of pathology or not, we will consider below.

What do you need to know?

Vaginal secretion is a kind of lubricant that performs several functions at once. It protects the mucous membranes from drying out and injury, and also helps cleanse the vaginal cavity from pathogenic microorganisms, the accumulation of which begins to develop various diseases.

The secretion released from the vagina contains:

  • Mucus produced by the glands of the cervical canal.
  • Dead epithelial cells.
  • Microorganisms that make up the vaginal microflora (there are more than 12 species).

Normally, in women, the vaginal flora consists of lactic bacteria, which help maintain the acid-base balance. It is because of them that women may periodically experience discharge with a sour odor.

The vaginal microflora also contains other microorganisms that are classified as opportunistic (fungi, viruses, bacteria). When the defenses are reduced or other factors influence the body, their growth is activated. And since the mucous secretion secreted from the vagina provides a cleansing function, due to the large number of these microorganisms, its color and smell can change significantly. And if you do not respond to this in a timely manner, various pathologies begin to develop, which lead to serious health problems.

The mucous secretion can change its character not only due to pathological conditions, but also as a result of natural changes in the body. And if in the first case specific therapy is required, then in the second it is not needed.

Physiological reasons

As mentioned above, the work of the female reproductive system is very complex and depends on many factors, and therefore smell is not always a sign of the development of pathological conditions. Normally, vaginal secretion must meet the following requirements:

  • Be watery or have a slimy consistency.
  • Excreted in an amount of no more than 4–6 ml per day (in the absence of pathological processes, they are practically invisible and do not require the use of panty liners).
  • Be transparent or white (in the latter case they are simply called leucorrhoea).
  • To be odorless or to give off a sour aroma.
  • Do not provoke irritation in the perineum.

If you notice white discharge with an odor, you need to conduct a small analysis of your recent actions. An unpleasant aroma from the intimate area may appear for the following reasons:

  • Douching (they negatively affect the acid-base flora).
  • Frequent stress.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Having unprotected sexual intercourse (a sour smell may appear due to male sperm entering the vagina).
  • Poor nutrition (diet and lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet causes a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, which also adversely affects the functioning of the reproductive organs and the secretions they secrete).
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.

Moreover, doctors often attribute unpleasant odor to the presence of hormonal disorders. They can occur during pregnancy (when pregnancy occurs, the level of progesterone significantly exceeds the level of estrogen) and long-term use of hormone-containing drugs.

Important! It is necessary to understand that if discharge appears against the background of physiological changes in the body, then it does not have a strong aroma. They emit a sourish or sweetish odor. At the same time, there are no other signs of infectious processes or inflammatory diseases (hyperemia, burning sensation, etc.). If a woman observes strong white discharge and a specific odor emanating from it, then she should immediately go to a specialist, even if there are no external symptoms, since they are not typical for all diseases.

Pathological causes

Vaginal discharge with a specific odor in women is not considered normal, especially if it causes discomfort in the vagina. The main signs of the development of pathologies of an infectious or inflammatory nature are:

  • Swelling of the labia minora.
  • The appearance of rashes and pustules.
  • Itching and burning.
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Naturally, each disease has its own clinical manifestations, so it is not at all necessary that when pathological processes occur in women, all these symptoms are observed at once. In some cases, apart from the abundant discharge of white vaginal secretion, there are no other clinical manifestations at all. An example is a disease such as cervicitis.

This pathology is characterized by inflammation of the cervical canal and in the initial stages of its development does not manifest itself at all. The only thing a woman can observe with cervicitis is liquid discharge, which has a slightly sour odor. Other symptoms appear when the disease is fully “acted out”. In this case, patients often receive complaints about:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Painful menstruation.
  • The presence of blood streaks in the leucorrhoea.
  • Brown discharge that occurs outside of menstruation.

As a rule, the main impetus for the development of cervicitis are factors such as:

  • Mechanical damage to the cervical canal (childbirth, abortion, surgery, rough sexual intercourse, etc.).
  • Inflammatory processes in the vagina.
  • Cervical erosion.

But besides cervicitis, there are many other diseases that cause foul-smelling vaginal discharge.


More often, unpleasant-smelling discharge in women occurs due to the development of thrush, which is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida. They are part of the opportunistic vaginal microflora and are activated under the influence of various factors:

  • Stress.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics (more than 10 days).
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Decreased immunity, etc.

The following symptomatic picture is characteristic of candidiasis:

  • The appearance of copious discharge, reminiscent in its structure of granular cottage cheese.
  • Feeling of wetness in the perineum (daily pads help to cope with this symptom).
  • Itching and burning in the intimate area.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Presence of a sharp sour odor.

With the development of candidiasis, the secretion released from the vagina may have a yellowish tint and resemble kefir or flakes in its structure. But the clinical manifestations of the disease are the same in all cases.


Another pathology that develops against the background of the proliferation of microorganisms that are part of the opportunistic microflora is gardnerella. When their growth is activated, the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed, which leads to the appearance of copious white or greenish discharge.

The waste products of these microorganisms accumulate in the vagina, as a result of which the mucous secretion begins to smell like a rotten egg or fish. The development of gardnerellosis is also characterized by the appearance of other unpleasant symptoms, for example, hyperemia of the labia, itching and burning.

STDs (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.) also manifest as an unpleasant odor from the intimate area and copious discharge. Their shades can be different - white, yellow-green, green, etc. The vaginal secretion itself emits a strong smell of rotten meat, and provokes irritation of the labia. For example, syphilis, which is also transmitted directly through sexual contact, manifests itself as a small rash in the intimate area, which is very itchy and causes a lot of discomfort.


This disease occurs quite often in girls and women. It is characterized by pathological growth of the epithelial layer of the uterus beyond its boundaries. This is manifested not only by the appearance of copious discharge with an unpleasant odor, but also by such symptoms as:

  • Painful sensations in the abdomen that get worse during sex.
  • Cycle disruption (menstruation may occur more often and longer than usual or be absent for a long time).
  • The appearance of brown spotting outside of menstruation.

Endometriosis is dangerous because it can easily provoke the development of uterine cancer. When such a complication occurs, women experience dark brown (almost black) discharge that has a putrid odor. At the same time, the pain syndrome constantly increases, and over time, even strong painkillers do not help get rid of it. Endometriosis can only be treated surgically.

Discharge depending on the menstrual cycle

If a woman has passed all the necessary tests and no pathological processes have been identified, the question of why leucorrhoea appears with an unpleasant aroma arises in itself. There's really nothing wrong with them. As a rule, in the absence of gynecological diseases, such vaginal secretion often occurs only in certain phases of the menstrual cycle, and is observed for no more than two days.

Often women notice an increase in leucorrhoea during the period of ovulation, which is caused by the active production of sex hormones responsible for the release of the egg from the follicle and its transportation to the uterine cavity. The appearance of an unpleasant odor in this case is caused by an increased level of estrogen in the body during this period.

Also, many women notice this kind of discharge 2-4 days before the start of their period. In this case, their appearance has the following reasons: the cervix prepares for the upcoming menstruation and actively cleanses the vagina of pathogenic bacteria (when menstruation occurs, the cervix opens slightly and becomes vulnerable to various infections), secreting several times more mucous secretion than usual. After a couple of days, such vaginal secretion smoothly flows into menstruation.

What to do?

Every woman should understand that her health depends only on her. If a woman notices an increase in vaginal mucous secretions and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the intimate area, she needs to immediately go to the doctor. For what? Because there are many diseases that can manifest similar symptoms and they all have different treatments.

Only after an individual examination and receipt of analysis results, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and decide how to treat the disease. Sometimes surgery will be required, and in some cases it will be possible to do without it by undergoing a course of drug therapy, for example, antifungal or antibacterial drugs.

Remember! In no case should you douche or take any medications without a doctor’s prescription if an unpleasant odor or increased leucorrhoea appears. This can only aggravate the situation and provoke serious complications.

We note right away that vaginal discharge can be either odorless or odorless. Their color can vary from red-bloody to yellowish. Discharge with an unpleasant odor. The unpleasant smell of vaginal discharge is a smell that irritates any normal, clean woman. If you try to mask sour-smelling discharge with intimate deodorants, this may only make the problem worse.


A healthy woman should have sexual discharge. Sexual discharge should be moderate and mucous in nature. Genital secretions should not have an unpleasant odor. In the second phase of the cycle (approximately 2 weeks before menstruation), the discharge should intensify and the woman may experience, outside of a state of sexual arousal, a feeling of slight moisture in the external genital area.

Normal discharge does not have an unpleasant odor, does not cause discomfort, and does not cause itching, burning or irritation of the genitals. Usually this is a natural smell, not the result of neglect of personal hygiene, and it is not the least important in awakening healthy sensuality. Vaginal discharge consists of peeled cells of the vaginal skin and mucus that permeates its walls. The natural discharge of a healthy vagina has the consistency of milk and the smell of curdled milk.

Causes of unpleasant vaginal odor

Normally, the female genital organs have a slight specific vaginal odor, but if hygiene is observed, it is completely unnoticeable. Its change occurs when the vagina becomes inflamed, which is often a consequence of infection. The mechanism is simple: in the process of their life, pathogenic microorganisms decompose nutritional components and release gases with a very bad odor.

There are two main pathological odors

1. Acidic discharge. With dysbiosis or thrush, the acidity of the microflora changes. The sour, unpleasant odor of discharge in women is precisely indicative of this problem. In addition to this symptom, you are also worried about copious discharge in the form of flakes, similar to curdled milk. The vaginal mucosa is irritated and inflamed, a burning sensation is felt inside it and in the labia area. For treatment to be successful, smear microscopy and microflora analysis are necessary.

2. Rotten discharge. An unpleasant smell of discharge, reminiscent of stale and rotten fish, occurs with bacterial vaginosis. The disease has a second name - gardnerellosis. It manifests itself as a consequence of dysbacteriosis, and the smell can be so intense that even those around you can feel it. Bacterial vaginosis is fraught with serious complications: endometriosis, abscesses, bartholinitis, sepsis. To avoid complications, timely consultation with a doctor and treatment with antibiotics is required.

Healthy female vaginal discharge has the following parameters:

  • Quantity - approximately 1 - 4 ml per day (the diameter of the spot on a panty liner is from 1 to 5 cm)
  • Consistency - thick (both slightly and very thick)
  • Color - from transparent or whitish to yellowish (both light and dark yellow)
  • Structure - homogeneous (like not very thick sour cream) and/or lumps 2-4 mm
  • Odor - from complete absence to sour (normally, vaginal discharge has an acidic pH of 4.0 to 4.5)
  • There is no itching.

Normal vaginal discharge consists of: mucous secretion of the glands located in the cervix, exfoliated epithelial cells from the walls of the vagina, the cervical canal and a large number of bacteria that normally live in the vagina and the lower half of the cervical canal.

The presence of lactic acid sticks and the acidic environment they create is a condition for the natural cleansing and disinfection of the vagina. The traditional advice of our grandmothers to wash the vagina for hygienic purposes does not stand up to criticism, because this destroys its own bacterial and lactic flora and creates ideal conditions for various infections. A healthy woman should never rinse (dry) her vagina, as this is an unhygienic and unsafe procedure.

In addition to milky discharge with the smell of curdled milk, a healthy vagina from time to time appears in significant quantities of clear mucus. It is abundantly secreted from the cervix during the period of ovulation, as well as during moments of intense sexual arousal.

In the area of ​​the foreskin of the clitoris, as well as in the immediate vicinity of it, at the base of the labia minora, there are small sebaceous glands that produce fatty substances that are released abundantly during sexual arousal. The intense odor of these genital secretions is usually associated with the sexual activity of the partner and has a stimulating effect on the man.

If a woman does not wash her labia with warm water and soap, then redness and irritation of the skin may occur as a result of fermentation of the mixture, formed from fatty secretions of the sebaceous glands, vaginal discharge and mucus coming from the cervix. It is clear, without further explanation, what an unpleasant smell of discharge spreads in this case. We must remember that sexual odors cause a completely opposite reaction from a partner if a woman neglects personal hygiene.

Speaking about the specific smells of genital secretions, one cannot fail to mention the smell of menstruation. The menstrual period requires a woman to double her energy in maintaining personal hygiene. If there is heavy bleeding, it is necessary to change pads more often and wash thoroughly so that no blood that has an unpleasant odor remains on the genitals.

However, if for one reason or another, the number of beneficial bacteria in a woman’s vagina decreases, then harmful bacteria take over. This is when certain diseases develop. Often, they are asymptomatic and their only sign is discharge, itching, and an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge. For example, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor can occur with gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis).

If the genital discharge is yellowish or greenish in color, thick and greyish, the genital discharge has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by burning and itching, redness and pain - most likely this is an infection with a sexually transmitted infection. Such infectious diseases can lead to very unpleasant consequences for the health and reproductive function of the female body.

Bacterial vaginosis- copious gray-white or yellow-green sticky discharge, with the smell of rotten fish.

Vaginal discharge with an odor, discharge with the odor of fish, rot. - a signal indicating that you should urgently visit a doctor and get tested, a smear on the vaginal microflora.

Therefore, if you observe discharge, itching, or odor from the genitals, do not put off visiting a gynecologist!

If white discharge is caused by bacterial vaginosis, doctors recommend, in addition to medications, products that normalize the composition of the vaginal microflora. For example, Multi-Gyn ActiGel: its active part is a complex of bioactive polysaccharides obtained from a gel-like extract of aloe leaves. It blocks the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the vaginal mucosa and, thus, neutralizes them, helping to restore the healthy microflora of the woman’s reproductive system.



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