Congenital anomalies and deformities. Congenital anomalies in children, children born with anomalies

  • Congenital malformations. These are violations in the formation of organs, tissues or limbs, which lead to a violation of their functioning, during the first two or three months of pregnancy.
  • congenital deformity. This is damage to a part of the body associated with mechanical actions on tissues during pregnancy. So, for example, the wrong position of the fetus can lead to deformation thoracic or legs.
  • Congenital genetic diseases . These are diseases associated with the genotype of the fetus. They can show up during the first cell division (trisomy 21, for example) or the child can get a mutated gene from one or both parents.
  • Congenital diseases associated with external factors. They occur under the influence of various maternal diseases on the fetus: infections (rubella, toxoplasmosis), intoxication (alcohol, antiseptic preparations, anticoagulants, anticancer drugs).

If today there are less and less severe congenital malformations that were not detected during intrauterine ultrasound examinations, then at the first pediatric examination or during the stay in the maternity hospital, it is not uncommon to notice minor deviations from the norm.

Positional anomalies

Varus foot is a slight deformation caused by wrong position fetus. It is revealed at birth.

An inward-turned foot is more or less easy to straighten by hand. The orthopedist will regularly perform the necessary manipulations, and in case of a significant curvature, he will impose a splint. All this will make it possible to correct the anomaly in the very first weeks after the birth of the child.

In some cases, a more significant deformation may occur, which is called horse foot and which may require more than difficult treatment(starting from a plaster boot and ending with surgical correction).

congenital curvature of the foot(foot turned outward) caused by mechanical pressure in prenatal period life. In order to correct this minor deformity, it is enough to apply a small splint and conduct several sessions of foot stimulation.

This anomaly appears due to the abnormal position of the fetus during pregnancy and has no consequences for the further development of the child.

Usually, congenital torticollis found in the first days or weeks after birth. It is expressed in the fact that the baby's head is always tilted in an unnatural way in the same direction (for example, to the right), and it is very difficult to turn the newborn's head in the other direction.

This is due to contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck. It will feel hard to the touch, and there may be 2-3 small hardenings (knots) in it. As a rule, the help of a massage therapist is required to restore the muscle.

The newborn's head must be moved carefully. In addition, toys should be hung from the side opposite to that to which the baby's head is tilted, so that the newborn himself gently develops the muscle (from 2-3 months of age).

Skin anomalies

Angioma is a minor tumor affecting the capillaries (small superficial blood vessels skin). Usually it is about benign education which disappears in the first years of life.

Angioma looks like a red spot, sometimes unevenly colored, most often located either on the back of the head, or on the eyelids, or at the base of the nose. There are also relief angiomas, which can be placed on any part of the body. Finally, we can talk about a very extensive flat angioma (it is also called a "port wine stain"), which occupies a significant part of the face. In rare cases, there are also volumetric angiomas, which can compress the area of ​​​​the body on which they are located.

No matter how ugly an angioma looks, as a rule, it turns out to be quite simple. medical supervision. Only in very rare cases, compressive angiomas are an indication for treatment.

Mongolian spot- This is a bluish spot located, as a rule, in the lower back, found in children from the Mediterranean regions (the spot is called Mongolian because it is probably of Asian origin). It disappears within a few years.

Birthmark(nevus) is dark spot, which can be located on any part of the body and have any size. If the nevus is very large, you should think about the possibility of removing it in the future surgically.

Anomalies of the genitourinary system

At the first pediatric examination of a boy, it is very important to make sure that both testicles have descended into the scrotum. It may happen that in a newborn, only one testicle descended into the scrotum, while the other was delayed; in this case they talk about monarchism. If the testicle is palpable in the groin, i.e., at the base of the thigh, then often in the next few days it falls into place.

If during the first year of the baby's life the spontaneous movement of the testicle does not occur, it is possible at the age of about one and a half years or to carry out hormonal treatment to help move the testicle, or to perform surgery.

Often, a pediatrician immediately after the birth of a child notices that either the entire scrotum is enlarged, or one side of it is larger than the other. Through the thickness of the liquid, you can feel a completely normal scrotum. This hydrocele, or dropsy of the testicles. In other words, this is an excess amount of fluid that has not been removed from the membranes that make up the scrotum. The volume of the hydrocele is constantly changing, and eventually it will resolve.

A hydrocele may not appear immediately after birth, but in the first months of life or even after several years.

It is very important to monitor the hydrocele. In some cases, if dropsy does not disappear by the end of the child's first year of life, surgery may be required.

hypospadias- this is a fairly rare anomaly in the location of the external opening of the urethra ( urethra) in boys. As a rule, the head of the penis is more or less open, excess skin is formed at its base and there is an opening located on bottom surface(at the base of the head). It is very important to follow how the child urinates, because there may be two holes: one gives urine, the other, as a rule, turns out to be non-through. Depending on how serious the deviation is, at the end of the first year of life, but more often at about one and a half years of age, 1-2 surgical operations.

An anomaly of the head of the penis in no way calls into question the future sexual possibilities of your child. It's about about a purely aesthetic problem.

Renal anomalies

Often, even in the prenatal stage of development, it is possible to detect an expansion of the excretory cavities of one or both kidneys. In this case, it is very important to confirm or not confirm this diagnosis in the first weeks after the birth of a child. If the pelvis is very much dilated, we can talk about the syndrome of the pelvis-ureteral anastomosis, i.e. about narrowing of the urethra preventing the flow of urine.

Slight expansion of the pelvis normal kidney(ultrasound shows this) should not cause concern and does not require anything other than ultrasound observation.

Cardiac anomalies

Coarctation of the aorta systematically determined by probing the femoral pulse (beating of the femoral vessels). The absence of a femoral pulse indicates the need to determine by means of ultrasound heart, whether there is a narrowing of the aorta at the exit from the heart. In fact, if the aorta is narrowed, it cannot provide good blood circulation. In this case blood pressure falls, which explains the absence of a femoral pulse. As a rule, coarctation of the aorta is corrected with surgery.

Immediately after birth or towards the end of the stay in the maternity hospital, a newborn is often found systolic murmur in heart. Sometimes the murmur that was heard at the first pediatric examination disappears in the following days. Those noises that were detected during the child's stay in the maternity hospital often indicate the existence of a heart defect. Most often this is a defect. interventricular septum. At good health child in the near future, this diagnosis should be clarified by ultrasound.

Parents are always worried if a baby has a systolic heart murmur, but with medical point it poses no danger to the eye. And if a child pink skin and he sucks well emergency assistance not required.

Anomalies of the digestive tract

The absence of a stool in an infant or uncontrollable vomiting indicates possible anomalies digestive tract. They are usually detected in the first days after birth. It may be about neonatal obstruction requiring surgical assistance.

Neurological anomalies

Often in newborns in the first days, and sometimes in the first weeks of life, slight shiver(sometimes referred to as trembling of the chin or limbs). This is quite a common occurrence.

After difficult births, some newborns have a lowered tone (their normal tone is restored within 24-48 hours), which does not affect their development in the future. In other newborns, on the contrary, the tone is increased at first, but this also does not matter for normal development child.

Whatever diseases or anomalies are identified or appear shortly after the birth of a child, it is very important that parents are made aware of this and receive the necessary explanations.

Malformations (synonymous with anomalies of development) is a collective term denoting deviations from the normal structure of the body due to a violation of intrauterine or postnatal (less often) development.

The most important of the malformations are congenital malformations, formed in the prenatal period. The term "congenital malformations" should be understood as persistent morphological changes that go beyond the variations in the structure of a normal organism.

The term "malformation" is broader - a developmental disorder not only in utero, but also postnatally (dental defects, open ductus arteriosus).

"Deformity" should be called such a congenital defect that disfigures part or all of the body and is detected during external examination. It is better not to use this term in relation to living people.

Rice. 3. Absence big brain: Rice. 4. Complete absence, limbs

With malformations that are compatible with life, their early diagnosis is important, since some of them can be corrected surgically. Prevention of malformations should be carried out along the lines of protecting a pregnant woman from external influences harmful to the fetus - see Antenatal protection of the fetus.

Malformations (synonym: developmental anomalies, deformities) are violations prenatal development, deviations from the normal structure of the body.

The science that studies deformities is called teratology (from the Greek teras, teratos - freak, deformity). The terms "malformations" and "malformations" are used as synonyms, but sometimes the mildest degrees of malformations are called developmental anomalies, and the most severe (usually accompanied by disfigurement) appearance) - deformities. In the vast majority of cases, malformations are a consequence of embryopathy (see), occasionally fetopathy (see). Modern teaching about the etiology and pathogenesis of malformations arose on the basis of the success of embryology, genetics and experimental teratology.

For every thousand births, there are on average about 10 children with malformations. Among the perinatally dead, according to pathoanatomical data, malformations are recorded in 8.5 - 14% of cases.

Malformations can be manifested by the absence of an organ (agenesis, aplasia), its underdevelopment (hypogenesis, hypoplasia) or overdevelopment (hypergenesis, hyperplasia), closure of a canal or opening (atresia, such as anal atresia), fusion of organs or members (syndactyly; horseshoe kidney ), preservation of embryonic structures (Meckel's diverticulum, open ductus arteriosus, many forms of congenital heart defects), non-closure of embryonic fissures (cleft lip, spine), displacement of organs or tissues, etc. In one
twins may be missing a heart, head, or limbs.

United double deformities occur in identical twins during early gastrulation by bifurcation of the end of the embryo or by the fusion of two embryos. Each malformation can occur only in a certain (so-called critical) period of embryogenesis, when the corresponding organ is formed (Fig. 5). When exposed to any hazards on the embryo, such a period, according to E. Schwalbe, can become a teratogenetic termination period.

The etiology of malformations is various. There are two main groups of etiological factors.

A. Genetic factors(burdened heredity, over-ripening of the germ cells of the parents, disorders of the chromosomal apparatus of the germ cells due to the age of the parents, etc.). At the core hereditary defects development lies mutation (see) germ cells of ancestors; it can be caused by ionizing radiation and chemical influences. Over-ripening of sex marks is a long-term (up to two days) presence of an egg or sperm in the genital tract of a woman, where these cells can be damaged. There are indications that older parents are more likely to have children with malformations; this is determined by violations of the chromosomal apparatus of the germ cells of the parents.

B. Factors directly affecting developing embryo(fetus); physical (radiation, mechanical, thermal), chemical (hypoxia, hormonal discorrelations, malnutrition, teratogenic poisons) and biological (viruses, bacteria, protozoa), as well as mental trauma to the mother, indirectly causing harm to the embryo (fetus).

From physical factors ionizing radiation has the greatest teratogenic value. Even small doses of radiation can sometimes cause a teratogenic effect. Mechanical damage to the embryo (fetus) is most often observed during amniotic adhesions. Thermal effects in the experiment, even short-term, also have a teratogenic effect.

From chemical influences highest value has hypoxia arising from various causes. From hormonal disorders leading to malformations, diabetes is the most studied. Hormonal drugs, received by the mother during pregnancy, malnutrition (lack of vitamins, essential amino acids, trace elements) can also lead to malformations. In the experiment, trypan blue proved to be a constant teratogenic agent. Recently, the same effect of the sedative tolidamide has been established. The teratogenic effect of many other chemical agents, including drugs (in particular, some antibiotics), has also been described.

Various biological agents can also cause malformations. Tperr (N.M. Gregg, 1941) and other authors described deformities associated with maternal diseases in early phases pregnancy with viral infections (rubella, measles, mumps). Bacteria and their toxins, apparently, can cause malformations only indirectly causing changes in the mother's body. The teratogenic effect of protozoa, in particular toxoplasmosis, is debatable.

A mother's mental trauma can cause her hormonal shifts, and this can ultimately lead to malformation. In this case, the pathogenetic “chain” can be as follows: fright (or prolonged negative emotions) → hyperadrenalinemia → embryonic ischemia → malformations.

The same malformations can be caused both genetically and by the influence of the external environment on the embryo (fetus).

Treatment. With some malformations (atresia, stenosis, adhesions, preservation of embryonic structures, etc.), surgical intervention may be effective.

Prevention. Social transformations of society, erasing class, property, racial and religious differences, expand the circle of persons entering into marriage, which helps to reduce the number hereditary diseases, including malformations. Genetic counseling can play a big role in preventing such diseases. A pregnant woman should be protected in every possible way from possible teratogenic effects, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, and provide her with good nutrition. X-ray studies should not be carried out during this period; you need to beware of medications that can damage the fetus, and contact with patients, especially viral infections.

Malformations individual bodies- see articles on these bodies.

As a rule, in most cases, there are healthy babies. But it also happens that a child is born with pathologies, which causes concern and anxiety for parents. We will figure out what are the most common pathologies of newborns.

There are a variety of anomalies in the development of the fetus, which are almost impossible to list. But there are pathologies that are more common than others, and we will talk about them.

Inguinal and umbilical hernia

The incidence of dysplasia in newborns is quite high.

If the baby is born with a congenital dislocation of the hip, then the doctor repositions it, and then, for at least a few months, applies special fixed orthoses - stirrups. If this is not enough, then the child may be shown an operation. Fortunately, in most cases it is possible to cure dysplasia quickly enough without surgery.

hare lip

This congenital defect is manifested by external deformity, problems in the nutrition of the newborn and the development of speech, however, the general psychosomatic development the child usually does not suffer from this.

Fortunately, today cleft lip is not an unrecoverable problem - in the very first few weeks, the crumbs undergo an operation that will remove this defect.

Cleft palate

This congenital deformity, which is the splitting of tissues of solid and soft palate in which there is communication between the oral and nasal cavities. This is a rather rare pathology with which 0.1% of newborns are born in the world.

This defect is also eliminated surgically. If the operation is carried out with high quality, the appearance of the child will not suffer significantly - there will be a few inconspicuous thin scars.


This is a pathology in which an extra finger is present on the arms or legs of a newborn child. The frequency of such an anomaly is very high - about every three hundredth crumbs.

This defect is eliminated very quickly - the simplest surgical operation, which lasts only a few minutes, a short rehabilitation period, and there will be no trace of an extra finger. Although many parents prefer to leave things as they are.

Congenital heart defect

One of the most serious pathologies are congenital heart defects. They can be very different, but all are associated with wrong formation heart partition.

The treatment of such a pathology directly depends on its severity. If the defects are not very significant, the doctor may decide to simply observe the baby, and with age, the baby simply outgrows such a birth defect. But babies with serious defects will have serious surgical operations. But, fortunately, today such operations in most cases are very successful.

It is important to know:

It is possible to predict the birth of a baby with a pathology using ultrasound during pregnancy. But to prevent it, unfortunately, it is impossible. But do not get upset ahead of time, because in most cases, children with the described pathologies live a full life.

Remember that before making any decision regarding the treatment of a child, it is worth listening to the opinions of at least two different specialists. In addition, do not forget about the need to visit the same genetics doctor.

Many diseases occur in a person almost imperceptibly to others, but there are those that lead to such changes in appearance that are hard to miss. Congenital and acquired deformities still cause superstitious horror in people. Let's look at the most terrible anomalies human body.


Progeria or Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, but in a simple way premature aging is a congenital disease caused genetic mutation. As a result of this mutation, aging processes begin in the patient's body almost from birth. Average duration The life of patients with progeria is only 13 years. Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome is quite rare and occurs once in eight million people. Now in the world only 80 people affected by this disease are officially registered.

Yuner Tan syndrome

This strange disease named after its discoverer. Owners this syndrome walk on all fours, speak poorly and are generally weak-minded. In 2006, an entire family was discovered in Turkey affected by this disease. Immediately five of its members walked on all fours. The study showed that they all have the same genetic defect leading to underdevelopment of the cerebellum.


This disease manifests itself in the growth of hair where they usually do not exist or are much less. Hypertrichosis can be congenital or acquired. You can get sick with hypertrichosis due to failures in the hormonal system, nervous disorders, infectious diseases and metabolic disorders. Most often this disease affects women.

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

The causative agent of the disease with such complicated name is a widespread human papillomavirus. But if u ordinary people because of it warts grow, then in owners of verruciform epidermodysplasia, warts grow to monstrous sizes. Almost the entire body may be covered with ugly growths that look like wood. Surgical removal growths with new skin grafting can only temporarily solve the problem.

Severe combined immunodeficiency

One child out of a hundred thousand from birth does not work the immune system. This means that the body of such a child is completely defenseless against any infection. Of course, it is almost impossible to provide absolutely sterile conditions. Fortunately, modern medicine able to successfully deal with this disease. The transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells in the first three months of life helps here. Eat successful results for intrauterine stem cell transplantation.

Lesch-Nychen syndrome

This congenital syndrome which causes excess uric acid to be produced in the body. This leads to the formation of kidney stones and gouty arthritis. The syndrome includes psychical deviations. Patients bite and gnaw on hands, forearms, lips and inner surface cheeks, causing unbearable pain to themselves. Lesch-Nychen syndrome occurs only in men.


Due to a failure in the seventh chromosome, patients with ectrodactyly lack one or even several fingers or toes. In addition to this, often the patient is deaf. Now the lack of fingers is treated with plastic surgery.

Proteus Syndrome

The AKT1 gene is responsible for the proper growth of human cells. Failure in it leads to the fact that some of the cells grow correctly, and some incorrectly. This causes disproportionate growth of different parts of the body. One of them may be normal size, and others are abnormally inflated. Currently, 120 patients with Proteus syndrome are known in the world.

Sirenomelia (mermaid syndrome)

One in a hundred thousand babies are born with undivided legs. Often they do not have external genitalia along with the excretory system. With this disease, newborns often die in the first two days after birth. Although there are cases when patients with sirenomelia lived for several years.


The nature of this anomaly is still unclear. For some reason, a person grows extra teeth. Most often they grow upper teeth, but may also appear in mandible.

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The human body grows and develops in accordance with the genetic program that is embedded in DNA. This molecule is made up of genes through which protein is produced. It serves as a building material for all life on Earth. Each gene, to put it simply, is responsible for a particular organ. These are the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, and skeleton. etc. All of them begin to grow and develop even in the womb of the mother's body. At the same time, the process of their development follows a well-established scheme.

Genes scrupulously adhere to a certain program, direct cell division, and, in the end, a small man. He has a head, arms, legs, eyes and other necessary for normal life organs. Very often children grow up handsome men and women with ideal body proportions. Such bodies are pleasing to the eye and cause a feeling of admiration. Humanity owes all of this to DNA.

It would seem that a monument to this molecule, which gives people the joys of life, should be erected. But do not overpraise the complex biological design. She's not as perfect as she seems. Sometimes a system failure occurs in a molecule, and the development individual sections the body deviates from the given programs. In this case, creatures appear in the light of God, absolutely not similar to the surrounding people. Freak people - that's what they've been called since time immemorial. Physical deviations bring incalculable suffering to freak people, but it is impossible to help them. Science still has very little knowledge to on their own adjust the work of genes.

So perfect human bodies are born thanks to the precise work of DNA

From this we can conclude that the Higher Mind, which invented DNA at one time, was by no means distinguished by conscientiousness and responsibility. These guys obviously cheated and did such a responsible job in bad faith. A person can only state the facts of ugliness and meekly demolish the marriage of hacks.

Calms only the thought that it is for the time being. Genetics will soon go far ahead, and people will eventually learn to correct the flaws of others. Our descendants may even get to the Higher Mind. They'll kick these guys' ears or take off their belts and unfasten them in a fatherly way in soft places. But this is a matter for the future, but we will turn to the past and talk about the clearly expressed ugliness, which has always aroused in people a feeling of great curiosity mixed with compassion.

hairy people

Doctors call increased hairline on the body "hypertrichosis". This is when a person is covered from head to toe with hair. They do not grow only on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. It is especially unpleasant when lush vegetation covers the face. by the most famous person with such ugliness was Jo-Jo. He was born in St. Petersburg in 1868. His name was Fedor Evtishchev.

Jo-Jo or Fedor Evtishchev

Due to hairiness, the boy from an early age performed first in Russian, then in French circuses. In 1884, the famous American showman Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891) drew attention to him. The young man went to America and received the pseudonym Jo-Jo. He traveled all over the states, acting as a humanoid dog. The cunning showman told everyone that he was born by a woman who became pregnant from german shepherd. Fedor died in 1904 from pneumonia while on tour in Europe.

Freak people are not only among men. A terrible and terrible burden falls on the fragile female shoulders. An example of this is the Puerto Rican Priscilla Loter. The Loters themselves lived in the United States. They adopted the girl in 1911, paying decent money to her parents. The entire body of the child was covered with long black hair. On the face, only the nose, cheeks and forehead were devoid of vegetation. For the Loters, who worked in the field of circus attractions, the ugly girl was a real find.

Priscilla with her adoptive father Karl Lauter

In addition to hairiness, Priscilla had two rows of teeth growing in her mouth. However, that didn't bother her at all. The ugliness did not affect the intellect either. The child was exceptionally smart. He was a wild success with the audience. Respected in all respects, Karl Loter, before Priscilla's performance, sincerely assured the audience that she was born by a woman who entered into intimate relationship with a big monkey. Of course, the master was a little cunning, but it was necessary to somehow stir up the interest of the satiated public. In confirmation of the invented “legend”, Priscilla performed on the circus stage only with monkeys.

One very rich and eccentric American woman wanted to adopt a girl. She cherished the dream of crossing her with a monkey. But the Loters were not tempted by a large amount of money and refused the lover of exotic experiments. Priscilla married a circus performer who also had a deformity. The young man's skin on his body was covered with large scabs, and he portrayed an alligator in front of the audience. God did not give this couple children, but they lived a long and happy life together.

Giants and dwarfs

History knows quite a few people with very small and large stature. These are also freak people, since they turned out like this as a result of a genetic failure. In the old days, all monarchs kept dwarfs in their courts. It was believed that shorties and midgets bring good luck. For more than a thousand years, this public has enjoyed a favorable situation. Near the royal table they lived quite well. If they still knew how to make laugh, then they became favorites of the reigning persons. The most famous of all dwarfs is Geoffrey Hudson.

The shorty was eaten at the court of the English king Charles I (1600-1649). He was only 75 cm tall. adulthood. As a child, he was less than 15 centimeters, so he was often put in a big cake and brought to the table. The guests surrounded the confectionery miracle, and then a tiny man jumped out of it, like a devil from a snuffbox. For those who didn't know, it had a tremendous effect.

Little people in a big world

Geoffrey was very fond of the Queen. Naturally, the kid enjoyed it. He behaved boldly and defiantly with the courtiers. One day, the dwarf considered himself offended by the marquis and challenged him to a duel. The kid had his own sword. It was made to him by order of the queen. With this miniature weapon, Geoffrey managed to wound the Marquis several times in the thigh, before the soldiers arrived in time to separate the brawlers.

No less popular are freak people of enormous stature. Ancient historians call startling figures. For example, the same Goliath had a height of 2 meters 90 centimeters. Many researchers who adhere to the alien version of the development of human civilization believe that Goliath was not a Philistine, but a representative of an alien race. So be it, but besides Goliath, there are enough other giants who are in no way inferior to him in size.

You can call Orestes, whose growth reached 3 meters. This is the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra - the sister of Helen the Beautiful, because of which the Trojan War broke out. Here the alien version will no longer crawl through, since sister The giant was Iphigenia. The same beautiful girl who wanted to be slaughtered to appease Artemis. The growth of the young creature did not stand out among other girls. Thus, if Orestes is an alien, then why is Iphigenia so small?

Let's leave ancient Greek mythology on the conscience of historians and turn to the ancient Romans. They, too, could boast of huge freak people. Judging by the memoirs of Josephus Flavius ​​(37-100), who wrote the famous work "Jewish War", very tall slaves lived in Rome. Among them, one named Eleazar stood out in particular. His height reached 3 meters 30 centimeters. But this giant was no different physical force. He was long and thin. But I ate for three. In the competitions of inveterate eaters, Eleazar always won everyone.

It is believed that high growth directly depends on the bones of the legs. The longer the legs, the taller the person. At the same time, the length of his body is not much different from standard sizes. Giants rarely have great physical strength. The real athlete was a giant named Angus MacAskill. He was born in Scotland in 1825. Until the age of 13 it was ordinary child. Then he began to grow rapidly. At the age of 21, his height was 235 cm with a weight of 180 kg. It was a mountain of muscle without a single ounce of fat.

Naturally, a huge strong man performed in the circus, while earning good money. He lifted weights, striking the audience with incredible strength. But there is a hole in the old woman too. MacAskill once made a $1,000 bet that he would raise sea ​​water ship anchor. He weighed almost 900 kg, but the money was very good, and the mighty giant got down to business. The giant lifted the anchor, but at the same time injured his spine. I had to quit the circus. Already an invalid, Mac-Askill went to his homeland, where he died in 1863.

Robert Wadlow with his older brother

by the most tall man on the planet in the entire history of civilization is officially considered Robert Wadlow. This is an American who lived in Mississippi. He died at the age of 22 in 1940. The young man weighed 220 kg with a height of 267 cm. The cause of death was not high growth at all, but a banal blood poisoning. The guy cut his leg, which led to an untimely death.

Fat people are freaks

Fat men also belong to freak people. But not ordinary fat people, but immensely fat personalities. For them, elementary physical actions appear to be a problem. Even to walk around the room, fat people need to make a lot of effort. The American Robert Earl Hughes belongs to this company. He lived in Indiana, and left the mortal world in 1958. His weight was 468 kg with a height of 178 cm.

This man could not move. In order to sit, a special chair was made for him. He slept on a special bed. Its frame was welded from steel corners. The mattress was placed on a steel sheet welded to the corners. When Robert was taken to the hospital, they had to order a crane and a loader. The cause of his death was overweight, which is not at all surprising.

Fat freak people were not uncommon in other states of America. A similar situation was observed in Johnny Ali, who lived in North Carolina. He was born in 1853 and at first was no different from other children. When the boy was 11 years old, he just had a wolfish appetite. The child began to rapidly gain weight. By the age of 15, he could no longer pass through the doorway to leave the house on the street. At the age of 16, the young man switched to a reclining lifestyle.

All the time he spent at home, sitting in a special chair. He slept in it, because he simply could not get over to the bed, and the family were not able to drag the huge body back and forth. Weight young man reached 509 kg. This data was obtained after Johnny died. During his lifetime, no one weighed him, so as not to create unnecessary problems for himself.

A young man died in 1887 at the age of 33. The reason for this was elementary human stubbornness. Johnny tried to get up from time to time so as not to feel completely flawed. So this time, he managed to lift his huge carcass from the chair and went to the window of the room to admire the world around him. The floorboards could not withstand the enormous weight. The floorboards broke and the poor man fell down. There was a cellar under the room, but Johnny didn't fall into it. He was stuck in the hole, legs dangling helplessly.

Relatives and neighbors hastily began to build a wooden platform so that the fat man could lean on him with his feet. But while people were working, the young man could not stand all the upheavals and died. A huge body was pulled out of the basement with the help of horses. At the funeral, artiodactyls and special blocks were also used to lower the coffin with the deceased into the grave.

Freak people with two heads

Similar people-freaks also occasionally appear in the world, introducing eyewitnesses this phenomenon into a state of superstitious terror. In 1953, a two-headed baby was born in Indiana. He lived for several weeks. One of the heads was completely normal. The other had a mouth, eyes, ears, but there were no glimmers of intelligence on her face. The heads grew from one body, but each moved, slept and ate independently of the other.

Much earlier, in 1889, also in the state of Indiana, a creature was born, which in official medicine is called the "Jones twins." They had a common body, but their heads were directed in opposite directions. The "twins" had 4 legs, and each two fused with each other. The body had two arms. It gave the impression that right hand obeys the orders of one brain, and the left - the other. The Jones twins died in 1891.

Baby with two heads

In 1829, a freak with two heads was born on the island of Sardinia. Each head "sat" on a long neck. The body was common with two arms and legs. Parents gave the child the name Rita-Christina. The family lived very poorly, so the father and mother took the two-headed creature with them to Paris and began to show it to the curious public for money.

It all ended with the fact that the authorities banned such an immoral event. Parents left Rita-Christina in the winter in an unheated room and went home. The child very soon died of hunger and cold. Doctors opened a small body and made sure that, apart from two heads, there were no more paired organs in it. The skeleton of the unfortunate child is still kept in Paris today.

History knows a man with one head but two faces. This is Edward Mordrake. He lived in the 19th century and was a representative of an aristocratic English family. His second face was located at the back of his head. It had muscles, so it could smile, frown, and even laugh. But most of the time, the face bore the stamp of gloomy doom. The owner of two persons could not bear such a burden that weighed on his psyche. He went insane and ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

Freak people with one eye

The first one-eyed people are the Cyclopes. Their only eye was located on their forehead. We know about this from ancient Greek mythology. Whether these freak people actually lived on earth or not is unknown. But medicine is well known to a Negro named Nikolos. He lived in the first half of the 20th century in Mississippi. In the center of his forehead was the usual size human eye. There were no eye sockets, as such. These places were absolutely flat, covered with leather. Eyebrows grew, like all normal people.

Representatives of the circus business promised this man fabulous money. But he never entered the circus arena. Nikolos ran a farm and tried to avoid people. He felt comfortable only among animals. Nikolos was very fond of dogs, which were up to the lantern that their owner had one eye. The one-eyed American did not start a family and died quietly alone in the 60s of the past century.


Thus, it is clear that the DNA molecule from time to time "gives out on the mountain" amazing biological masterpieces. Freak people amaze humanity with their appearance while experiencing unspeakable mental anguish. Even if they earn a lot of money performing in the circus, this is hardly a moral consolation for them. Many of them would agree to live in poverty, but have a normal human appearance.

Nowadays, when the environment leaves much to be desired, abnormal deviations in people are becoming more common. These are no longer flaws in the work of the Higher Mind, but irresponsible activity. individual representatives kind of human. So it remains to be seen who needs to be "given a belt" - the mysterious humanoids who invented DNA, or the owners of huge corporations that are gradually and steadily turning the human race into terrible mutants.

The article was written by Alexey Zibrov



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