Why does a woman dream of a beautiful big cake? Why do you dream about cake according to the dream book?

Many people cannot imagine their life without sweets, especially cakes. Beautifully decorated, delicious baked goods are associated with a carefree life, fun, and pleasure. The fact that you dream of a cake is not surprising in this case. However, in order to correctly interpret the dream, you should take into account the type of baked goods, the presence of additives, the degree of freshness of the product, and the actions performed with the delicious dessert.

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    Most dream books claim that sweets seen in a dream are a symbol of an easy and carefree period on the path of life.

    This time will be filled with pleasant meetings and acquaintances. The person will not experience financial difficulties, and relationships with loved ones will improve.

    Cakes and pastries are a harbinger not only of festive events, but also of good relationships between people. Seeing sweet pastries in a dream that a friend is holding in his hands means improving your relationship with this person. A stranger in a dream promises a quick pleasant acquaintance and communication with an interesting person.

    When interpreting a dream, you should pay attention to the details of the treat.

    Treating your best friend with sweets means traveling abroad, which will leave only pleasant memories.

    Eating a delicacy with a spoon means a new place of work, and eating a delicacy with a fork means receiving a bonus and a salary increase. Licking the spoon after eating the cake means good news from afar; leaving a few crumbs on the plate means a special event with relatives.

    Enjoying the taste of baked goods at a party with friends portends falling in love and bright romantic emotions, at home - to making a purchase to improve your own home.

    Eating a large piece of a sweet treat means discovering an extraordinary type of thinking and creative abilities in yourself.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    If you dreamed that the dreamer was preparing a cake

    If the dreamer saw in a dream the process of preparing a sweet dessert, then such a night vision symbolizes the secret feelings and emotions of a person.

    Chocolate cake speaks of the dreamer’s shyness and low self-esteem, and baking a sweet product with nuts symbolizes getting rid of internal complexes.

    Buying the necessary ingredients for baking in a store indicates that a person is afraid to talk about his warm feelings.

    Baking a lot of large cakes means good news from good friends.

    Who was your assistant when baking the cake?

    The person who helped bake the cake is of great importance:

    1. 1. If the mother acted as an assistant, this foreshadows troubles that a person can easily cope with.
    2. 2. Cooking a delicacy with a friend or sister promises a transition to a new job.
    3. 3. Baking a cake with your best friends means drastic changes in your life’s path.
    4. 4. If a nice man helped in the kitchen, then this promises a romantic acquaintance that will develop into a serious relationship.
    5. 5. Preparing sweets with a child - to fulfill a cherished desire and achieve your goals.

    What does buying dessert promise?

    Buying a large white cake means that the dreamer is on good terms with his colleagues. Buying a chocolate treat means being the center of attention at work. Buying a large number of small cakes means a successful outcome for the event.

    Buying sweets for one of your friends or relatives is a sign of a long journey.

    Seeing a cake on a shelf in a store in a dream means a calm and measured life. Buying a treat quickly and without thinking means the dreamer will enjoy being alone. If a person needed a lot of thought to make a choice of a sweet product, then he will strive to be in the company of good friends and acquaintances.

    Watching another person make a purchase means guests will soon arrive from afar.

    Buying a treat and eating it right in the store portends the jealousy of your best friend.

    Purchasing a spoiled cake with worms promises an unexpected ending to a complicated story.

    If a pregnant woman dreams that she wants to buy a cake, then this indicates that she is enjoying her situation, and in the future she will have an easy birth.

    What do the actions with the cake mean?

    Purchasing a sweet treat promises an increase in salary or the purchase of a necessary item for the home. Getting dirty with cake means unexpected expenses and debt.

    Selling a sweet treat promises a break in relations with a loved one.

    Offering a baked cake to a nice young man to try is a sign of a new romantic acquaintance. Receiving a sweet dessert from the hands of a stranger means that someone is not indifferent to the dreamer.

    Putting a treat on the table is a pleasant surprise.

    Accidentally finding a cake means a stranger will tell the dreamer good news.

    Giving a cake to a man for his birthday is a sign that the dreamer is unhappy with her intimate life.

    If you dreamed that you had to stand in a long line for a sweet dessert, but in the end they ran out right in front of the person, then this promises big material losses in business.

    What does the appearance of a sweet treat say?

    A large cake foreshadows the onset of a “white” streak in a person’s life. Good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. The larger the treat, the more joyful moments there will be.

    A cake with candles is one of the most auspicious symbols. The dreamer faces dramatic life changes for the better ahead. The number of candles will indicate the number of days or weeks left until your cherished dream comes true.

    The presence of candles on a sweet treat indicates that the dreamer will play an important role in the life of another person.

    Blowing out the candles means the beginning of a period of calm and regularity. If you had to blow out the candles several times, you should pay more attention to your direct responsibilities at work. The dreamer's efforts will be noted by his superiors, which will be a reason for promotion.

    The esoteric dream book suggests that on the day you dreamed of a cake with candles, you need to make a wish. It must definitely come true soon.

    What to expect from your nightly dreams about different types of sweet pastries?

    A chocolate-covered cake portends a happy family life, prosperity in the home and mutual respect for each other by all family members.

    If you see a beautiful cake with cream, this promises dramatic changes in the dreamer’s life path. The dream interpreter says that it is very important to look at the color of the cream. White symbolizes a person’s optimistic attitude, which will help him forget about past failures and start life on a new page. Pink cream promises a pleasant surprise from the other half.

    According to Freud, a dream about Napoleon cake suggests that the dreamer is a rather selfish person. He is able to satisfy only his sexual needs, without thinking about the feelings and desires of other people.

    A honey-based cake symbolizes victory over enemies and competitors; with nuts, it foreshadows some unforeseen circumstances that will prevent the plan from being realized. A delicacy with prunes warns that soon the dreamer will have to do boring, but quite profitable work.

    A dessert decorated with mastic promises problems with excess weight. You should limit yourself in consuming flour products.

    A cake with red berries promises bright erotic adventures to a sleeping person. Trouble is foreshadowed by black or green berries.

    A delicacy with fruit promises a quick successful marriage and a new addition to the family. Fruits of different colors promise a variety of emotions and impressions.

    What should you be prepared for if you happen to taste a wedding cake?

    Despite all the positive meaning, for a girl, a wedding cake foreshadows the beginning of a period of serious problems. Eating this sweet dessert means trouble in all areas of life.

    A creamy white wedding cake portends melancholy, sadness and hopelessness.

    For a woman, a dream in which she was treated to a wedding delicacy foreshadows scandals and misunderstandings with her future husband. This marriage will be unhappy and will not last long.

    For an entrepreneur, such a dream promises the successful signing of a profitable contract. The efforts made will be rewarded with significant income from the planned event.

    What does eating a sweet treat promise?

    If the dreamer eats a fresh cake in a dream, then this promises her an acquaintance with a kind young man who will be unusually courteous and caring. This dream also foreshadows an interesting pastime with good friends, a cheerful feast and pleasant communication.

    A large multi-tiered cake promises the speedy fulfillment of a cherished dream.

    A delicious cake is a symbol of family happiness and an imminent addition to the family. If a girl has such a dream, then this promises recognition of the man she likes in his tender feelings.

    A stale and tasteless cake warns a person that they should not abuse alcohol, smoking and other bad habits. This will have a detrimental effect on your health.

    Drinking tea with cake means receiving good news from a loved one. He will confess his feelings or propose to the dreamer. Another interpretation of the dream is attending a large family celebration.

    Each person must decide for himself whether to believe dream interpreters. However, sometimes you should listen to them.

In almost every dream book, cake is a symbol of a good life and inspiration. But is this really so? To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember all its important details. This article will talk in detail about why you dream about cake.

In almost every dream book, cake is a symbol of a good life and inspiration.

In most cases, the dream book interprets this image as something positive.

Here are its most common meanings:

  1. If in a dream a person has to look at a large, beautiful and bright cake, then a successful life awaits him in the near future. All wishes will come true.
  2. A dream in which the central element is a cake foretells a great mood and pleasure.
  3. Eating a pie means pleasure and prosperity. The more pleasure a person experiences in a dream while enjoying a pie, the more pleasure he will have in real life.
  4. Seeing a huge beautiful cake in a dream means attending a special event. The more luxurious the baked goods, the grander the festive event will be. Perhaps the dreamer will receive an invitation to a wedding, which will take place in some romantic city, for example, Paris.
  5. If the dreamer wants to eat baked goods in his dream, this means that in reality he is missing something important. For example, if he is on a diet, then this image is a reflection of his longing for “sweets.”
  6. Seeing a chocolate cake in a dream means wealth and well-being. The more chocolate there is, the more wealth you can expect.
  7. Watching a wedding cake being baked is a sign of changes in life. Changes will be for the better.
  8. If in a dream a large family eats a beautiful pie, a happy time will come in the dreamer’s life.

According to Sigmund Freud, if you dream of various types of baked goods, this is a sign of a careless attitude towards life. The man lives carefree.

Why do you dream about cake (video)

Seeing a lot of cakes in a dream

Cakes are a wonderful symbol that “walks” through people’s dreams. Since in itself it already foreshadows many good events and emotions, it is logical to assume that a large amount of baking increases this significantly. This is true. It is believed that the more baked goods a person had to eat, the happier he would be.

If on the eve of this dream there were some unfinished matters in the dreamer’s life, then he will finish them quite quickly, and the result will be very good.

Baking a cake in a dream

Bake pies - to make your wishes come true

There are several meanings for such a dream:

  • You don’t have to work with baked goods (knead dough by hand, cut cakes, prepare cream, etc.) in a dream so often. The fact is that this can only be a dream on the eve of some significant event in a person’s life. He will be required to show responsibility and focus. If in a dream you managed to bake a good, tasty cake, the dreamer will be able to show his best qualities.
  • Baking pies means your wishes will come true.
  • A Napoleon cake is being baked - the dreamer may receive an invitation to a holiday in the near future.

It is also believed that if, after waking up, you immediately make a wish, imagining an image of baking, then it will certainly come true.

What does it mean to see a very beautiful and delicious cake in a dream?

Looking at a piece of a beautiful, big, colorful pie means significant life changes. The larger the pie, the happier the new stage of life will be.

In such a dream, it is important to pay attention to the color of the baked goods. If it is white, this indicates that the dreamer is prone to empathy. Most likely, shortly before sleep, he was greatly shocked by the misfortune or failure of another person and tried to help him. In this case, the white color represents the dreamer’s pure thoughts. But if the color of the baked goods is not white, but bright and colorful, he will not have to sympathize with anyone and solve other people’s problems.

If a young woman dreams of a beautiful pie, then in the near future she will meet true love. Eating the entire cake means a happy life with this person.

Why do you dream about chocolate cake?

Chocolate usually dreams of something good

Chocolate usually dreams of something good, and if a person sees a chocolate cake, then this is a wonderful sign.

  • Watching the top of the pie being poured with chocolate is a sign of great love.
  • Cutting a chocolate cake means recognition and admiration.
  • Eating chocolate pie is a sign of great pleasures in life.
  • Watching someone eat a chocolate pie is a sign of rejoicing at someone else’s achievements.
  • Sharing such a pie with friends means achieving your goal together. Overcoming obstacles with friends will not only be useful, but also interesting.

The general meaning of this symbol in the dream book is as follows: the dreamer will be the center of attention of many people. This will flatter his pride and give him confidence in himself and his abilities. We can also say that a cake, black with chocolate, which a person saw in a dream, indicates the beginning of a new life period, full of happiness and joy. If the dreamer encountered some adversity the day before, they will quickly be forgotten.

Why do you dream about a cake with cream?

Baking with cream usually dreams of welcome guests

Baking with cream usually dreams of welcome guests.

  • If in her dream a young girl is cutting a cake and there is a lot of cream left on the knife, then in the near future she will be invited to a romantic date.
  • A man dreams of cream pie - he can look forward to meeting his beloved girl.
  • If the dreamer places a cream cake in the center of the table, and other guests look at it with interest, then an invitation to a party will soon be received. At this holiday, the dreamer will taste many different dishes and will be satisfied.

Thus, the cream is a symbol of pleasant communication with other people.

If you had to eat cake in a dream: what does it mean?

Eating birthday cake at a party means falling in love

If you turn to several dream books for interpretation, you can get the following meanings:

  1. Medea's dream book gives the meaning of a dream in which someone had to eat a wedding cake as follows: the wedding will be unsuccessful, and the spouses will not live together for long. The reason for the breakup may be some banality.
  2. Eating a birthday cake at a party means falling in love. Perhaps very soon the dreamer will meet a person who will completely change his life. But this hobby is unlikely to develop into true love.
  3. Did you have to eat a big piece of pie in a dream? You can wait for the discovery of a new talent. Most likely, the person himself did not suspect that he had the makings of developing this talent.
  4. If you had to eat Napoleon, you should expect a gift in the near future.
  5. Enjoying the taste of baked goods in some crowded place, for example, in a cafe, means a long journey. Perhaps the dreamer will go on a trip.

Buying a cake in a dream

It is believed that if in a dream a person purchases ingredients for baking a cake, he is afraid of a declaration of love. But as for buying the baked goods itself in a dream, the interpretation here is a little different.

  1. Buying a cake means going on a long trip. The dreamer will go on a journey and will be pleased with the road.
  2. Watching someone pay for a purchased pie in a store is a worry for relatives.
  3. Such a dream brings about a life without worries.
  4. Receiving a purchased cake as a gift means winning a large sum of money.
  5. Buying and eating baked goods means you will be in a good, upbeat mood.
  6. Shopping and discovering a pie means prosperity and happiness await the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation: cake (video)

Thus, a dream about a cake promises a lot of good things. The dreamer can only rejoice at his successful fate and expect positive changes in life.

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Cake is a symbol of joy and fun of any holiday. Few people will refuse traditional and beautiful pastries at the holiday table. People with a sweet tooth allow themselves to eat a piece of cake even in the middle of the work week, and athletes only on special days, but there are practically no people on our planet who are indifferent to delicious sweets. Cake is a beautiful memory from childhood, when any celebration ends with a special dessert. What does cake mean in a dream?

Food can very often be dreamed of in various interpretations. The cake is no exception to the rule. Many people are perplexed and ask the question: why do we dream about cakes? According to the dream book, all sweets carry a positive meaning. In general, any baked goods that appear in a dream indicate the right choice of a partner or environment in your real life. Almost always, the main dish of a festive evening indicates joyful events.

However, for a correct interpretation from the dream book, it is important to understand the small details of the dream. When you dream about a cake, pay attention to its appearance:

  • Is it fresh?
  • How nice does it look?
  • Is it clear from the dream where the cake came from? The dream book contains an interpretation of cases when you bake a sweet dessert yourself.

Why do you dream about cakes?

Dream books agree that the presence of sweets in a dream means a positive development of events in your real life. Cake is no exception. As always, it's important to separate dreams that have meaning from dreams where your brain is simply processing information from the day. You do not need to look for the hidden message of a dream in dream books in this case if you:

  • work in the sweets industry;
  • on the eve of sleep they celebrated a holiday;
  • eat sweets often;
  • you are overweight and constantly think about dieting, not allowing yourself to eat sweets.

In the above cases, the meaning of the dream does not have a deep meaning. You are unlikely to be able to get the correct interpretation in the dream book, given that you may be dreaming about cake simply because of constant thoughts about sweets in your life.

The basic meaning according to the dream book marks pleasant troubles and surprises. Get ready to hear good news. Perhaps a new addition to your family awaits you. You can also dream about something like this, foreshadowing big wins. Perhaps now is too good a time for you to buy a lottery ticket or play a game of chance. Luck is on your side. In general, it's time for risky business. If they offer you a profitable but not obvious business deal, then it is better to agree. Dream books favor you. - a pleasant sign promising quick wealth.

If you do it manually bake some sweets, then the deeper meaning of the dream is already hidden here. Sweets here act as a big deal in your life. Perhaps in the near future you will have a chance to start your own business and you should not miss it. Take a risk and ask your boss for a promotion. Now is the best time for your own progress.

For a woman, such a symbol often symbolizes good luck in a relationship. Many obstacles in my personal life are left behind. It is worth taking a closer look at your current chosen one, since, most likely, he will become your regular partner for a long time. In addition, for a woman, dreams of this kind speak of financial well-being - many dream books agree on this. Cake presented as a symbol of family happiness. If you choose your current partner for a long married life, you definitely won’t go wrong.

Please note availability cream. When you dream about such baked goods, expect an invitation to an important social event. Perhaps the most unusual thing in your life. You urgently need to update your wardrobe to match the level of the event.

The only time you should worry about sweets in a dream is with young girls. To a young woman cake on the wedding table promises problems in relationships and possible separation from the chosen one.

Why do you dream about eating cake?

In dream books, cakes have several different interpretations. According to the dream book, there is a cake and just an image of something sweet - two different meanings that differ in interpretation. Accordingly, this needs to be understood in order to decipher what cakes mean in dreams.

Eating a sweet dish often dreams of pleasure in relationships, enjoyment of a partner. The meaning should be described as complete harmony in interactions with your partner. Dream books claim that for women this is more relevant and promises success in long-term relationships. Perhaps choosing a partner for life. Men, on the other hand, have success in short interactions with the opposite sex.

Besides, eating sweets in a dream symbolizes falling in love. It's more about starting a relationship with the right partner. pay attention to crumbs. They also do not carry a negative connotation. On the contrary, it means pleasant news from close relatives.

Tasting a sweet treat Travelers will dream about the cafe. If you have dessert in a group, then it is better for you to choose a long route for your trip, but if you are alone, then go to a well-explored place.

Why do you dream about a lot of cakes?

Lots of sweets will dream of unlimited entertainment. A lush and beautiful party with a large number of guests awaits you ahead. No need to worry about your own holiday. It should turn out perfect. Eating a lot of sweets and seeing them in a dream rather symbolizes the number of guests at the event.

Another value tells you about the right choice of company. Your friends won't let you down anytime soon and know that you made the right choice by trusting them with your experiences. Now you should greatly value the close people in your social circle, as they will always be ready to come to your aid.

For those who want to know why they dream of eating a cake or just admiring it, experienced interpreters have prepared their descriptions. Interpretations of dreams date back to ancient times, and sweet dough with cream has always had a special sign.

Autumn dream book

Seeing a cake in a dream means great fun awaits you, meeting friends, making new acquaintances.

Spring dream book

A dream in which you see a cake means that guests will come to you, and you will treat them to various dishes and show hospitality.

Summer dream book

A cake in a dream symbolizes an improvement in well-being, a change in personal life, in business for the better.

Women's dream book

A dream in which a woman saw a cake means trouble. Most likely, her chosen one will not live up to expectations, and family life will be difficult. Baking a cake - you often become depressed and are too demanding of others and your life.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a cake in a dream means be careful with a woman; if you eat it, you will be treating guests.

Dream book of the 21st century

Cake dreams of pleasant worries and festive chores. Buying a cake in a store means expecting a surprise, a gift. They give you a cake - expect good news and surprises. Baking a cake - you will be offered a task that is better to refuse; most likely, this is a gamble. Eating a cake in a dream means your love will be mutual, and you can also make a profit. For a young girl about to get married, a wedding cake dreams of a rift with her lover and the cancellation of the celebration.

Love dream book

Seeing a cake in a dream means do not doubt your lover. He truly loves you and will remain faithful to the end. Together with him you will live a long, happy family life, prosperity and harmony. If your friend told you that she ate cake in a dream, rejoice, she will soon have a lot of reasons to be in a good mood.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

Eating cake in a dream means you are paying too much attention to your appearance, when you should engage in spiritual self-education. There are more important things to pay attention to. Because of your frivolity, you may find yourself in a difficult situation; your relatives, friends, and work colleagues will not understand you. Prepare and bake a cake - get ready for serious work. If you do everything as expected, complete the task perfectly, then your future will be secure and promising.

People's dream book

Seeing a big and beautiful cake in a dream means you are expecting great success and recognition. Looking at the cake and not feeling hungry means your achievements will be the result of painstaking and diligent work. Burning candles on the cake mean the fulfillment of a cherished desire. To receive a cake as a gift in a dream means positive impressions from the successful completion of affairs. Eat - perhaps you should pay attention to your weight and limit your intake of high-calorie foods. Give a cake to a person of the opposite sex - dissatisfaction in intimacy.

Why did you dream about Cake (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Why do you dream about eating cake? A dream about a cake signifies good luck in life, enjoyment of relationships, your partner.
  • The more luxurious the cake, the more important the event you attend.
  • If you are on a diet and dream of a cake, the dream only reflects your longing for something sweet.
  • Seeing a cake in a dream, according to the dream book, means pleasant troubles.
  • Buying a cake means debt.
  • Receiving a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.
  • Baking a cake yourself is the start of a task that you are better off abandoning.
  • Treating yourself to a cake and enjoying a delicious cake yourself means profit, success, mutual love.
  • If a girl with a groom dreams of a cake on the wedding table, her marriage will suddenly be upset.

The meaning of a dream about a pie (Love dream book)

  • Why do you dream of a cake, according to the dream book - If you dreamed of a cake, then you should not doubt your chosen one at all. You should formalize your relationship, and in the future you will have a happy family life, which will delight you with financial stability.
  • Eating a cake - a dream you had on Monday night - means money. A cake on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means stopping a boring and troublesome task; cake on Saturday or Sunday night - for guests.

Why see a Cake in a dream (according to the English dream book)

What Cakes and Pastries Mean in a Dream – These foods come in many shapes and sizes. The meaning of a cake depends largely on what it means to you in reality. If you usually avoid sweets and cakes, but in a dream you ate a cake, then you need to allow yourself sweet encouragement.

Have you enjoyed eating a birthday cake, with candles and accompanying gifts, or a hearty fruit pie (fruit cake), which is especially delicious in winter when it snows outside? Is apple cake with cream a symbol of home comfort? Or was it a cheese cake - a delicious treat? Have you tried to eat stone cake, which can break your teeth, or meringue, light and sweet, but completely insatiable? Have you looked out the window at the cakes displayed in the window, but couldn’t get to them? Maybe you feel like life is depriving you of sweets.

If the dreamer dreamed of a Cake (interpretation by the magician Yuri Longo)

  • Why dream of a cake - Eating a cake in a dream means that in reality you attach increased importance to appearance, but pay little attention to the true essence of things and often do not notice them at all. This often causes you to misunderstand the situation and create difficulties.
  • Baking a cake in a dream, according to the dream book, means that soon you will have to engage in a complex and very responsible task that will reveal all your abilities. Your future business life will depend on how skillfully you handle the assigned task.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

  • Receiving a cake in a dream means joy, profit, winning.
  • If you dream of eating cake, you will be at a reception.
  • Offering cakes to a friend means achieving love.
  • I dreamed of baking a cake - an invitation to a big celebration.
  • Decorating a cake in a dream - make a specific wish, it will come true.
  • Dreaming of buying a cake in a store means sweet life and prosperity.

Why do you dream about Cake (dream book of Catherine the Great)

  • According to the dream book, seeing a cake in a store means you were striving for an easy and beautiful life, you will have it.
  • If you dream of baking a cake, a newly started business will bring misfortune.
  • If you dreamed of eating a cake, you are about to meet love.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a Cake (Phoebe’s Great Dream Book)

Cake - you will be the center of attention at a friendly party. Imagine a large, elegantly served dinner table, in the center of which there is a huge, very beautiful cake. Imagine what the cake looks like, how the cake is decorated, what color cream roses or other decorations are on the cake. You invite friends, sit down at the table, cut the cake into pieces and put a large piece of cake on each person’s plate. All together you drink tea with cake, which turns out to be very tasty.

What does it mean to dream with cake (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do you dream of a cake? A gorgeous party is coming up.
  • In the summer, why did you dream about the cake - To change your life for the better.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of a cake - To treat guests, in the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is meant.
  • Why do you dream about cake in winter - The dream predicts good luck and pleasure for you.


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