What should be understood by healthy lifestyle? What is strength? What is meant by physical activity?

In various sources, one can note the fact that some people do not quite understand the meaning of the concept “Healthy lifestyle”, and even more so do not have information about what a healthy lifestyle is. At the same time, this abbreviation arose a very long time ago - the first mentions in printed form date back to those times when there was very little information in the public domain, and the main way of disseminating it was samizdat. Around the same period, people had the opportunity to subscribe to the newspaper “Soviet Sport” and receive it along with the “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” application. It published various exercises, articles about health, yoga. This is how this phrase came into use.

What is healthy lifestyle? This is, first of all, a person who is aimed at

Health promotion and disease prevention. This concept is also explained medical specialists working in the field physical culture: this is a scientifically based implementation of a single complex of socio-psychological, medical and biological structure preventive actions. Great importance it involves a combination of rest and work, and the development of individual resilience. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is still relevant in childhood when there is a change in the nature of the loads on human body, in general.

Everyone knows what affects psycho-emotional state. It, in turn, is in direct connection with mental attitudes. Therefore, a number of authors highlight the basics of a healthy lifestyle:

Emotional well-being, which includes mental hygiene and the ability to cope with emotions.

Intellectual well-being, namely the individual's ability to optimally use new information in a new situation.

Spiritual well-being, which finds itself in the ability to set truly meaningful goals and strive for them.

Social well-being, which consists of the ability to interact with other individuals.

To fully understand what a healthy lifestyle is, you should study those factors that interfere with its correct formation.

Factors influencing lifestyle

Stress. They surround each of us everywhere: work (conditions, intensity, salary...), home (children, husband, cleaning...). lives in constant fears lose their job, housing, savings, fear for the health of their loved ones.

Nutrition. Less and less on our tables natural products and more and more preservatives, flavor enhancers, sweeteners and GMOs.

Comfort: transport, work with constantly switched on air conditioning, computer and other equipment. Decreasing physical activity, which very often comes down to the route home-transport-work-transport-home.

In addition to these factors, subjective factors also influence, which are expressed in pessimism, laziness, and bad habits. For example, smoking. It negatively affects the functioning of all organs and interferes with the normal absorption of vitamins and other microelements.

Thus, answering the question of what a healthy lifestyle is, we can say that it is:

  • healthy eating, in which the menu contains a large number of fiber, natural vitamins;
  • sufficient physical activity: morning exercises, walking, cycling;
  • complete refusal bad habits.

If you switch to a healthy lifestyle, you will preserve your youth, beauty and health.

IN Lately We are increasingly witnessing various conversations about a healthy lifestyle.

They become not only a health concern, but a real obsession!

Learn to listen to your body.

Live in harmony with yourself!

Of all this verbal balancing act, only one thing is interesting: almost no one actually understands what it is!

People spend a lot of time in gyms, they buy expensive healthy and low-calorie foods in stores, replace normal foods with protein shakes, and completely refuse to eat meat, thinking that all this will actually have a positive effect on their health.

But is this really so?


When it comes to food, don't trust everything on the label.

Experts and popular television shows convince us that replacing sugar allows us to maintain our figure without depriving ourselves of the pleasure of eating sweets.

But few people understand that many chemical sweeteners harmful to health. Their use can negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

But natural ones are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance. For example, fructose is known to be much sweeter than regular sugar and lower in calories.

But it has one more property - to cause increased appetite. As a result, the benefits of such a sugar substitute are questionable.

So if you don't have diabetes mellitus and sweeteners are not prescribed to you by doctors, it is advisable simply not to use them.

When it comes to food, don't trust everything on the label. Almost everyone knows this today.

Most often, manufacturers, in order to increase demand for their products, place slogans like Healthy eating, No dyes, No preservatives. Don’t be lazy, read the ingredients on the product label, usually in small print, and you may be very surprised by the range of components that are included in this natural product.

If you really want to eat healthy food, then cook it at home yourself! And recipes for preparing delicious and healthy food today there is plenty.

Now regarding yoghurts, various simpletons, milk and so on. Pay attention to what is the shelf life of yogurt?

Month? Two? Three?

According to accepted rules, yoghurts can be stored for no more than a week.

At the same time, their transportation must be carried out in special refrigerators; in the store, storage must be carried out at low temperatures. Only if all these conditions are met will the bacteria survive and benefit your body.

Nutritionists and various nutrition specialists assure us that eating at night is very harmful: for those who want to lose weight, the final meal should take place no later than 18 hours. But is it?

It is well known that eating food just before bed is harmful to both the body and healthy sleep.

But, if you go to bed late or, due to your work schedule, go to bed in the morning and wake up after lunch, then for you these 18 hours shift by more late time. The main rule that must be followed is that your final meal should be no later than 2 hours before rest, otherwise the food will not have time to digest.

But you can create a nutrition schedule yourself. The main thing is to know individual characteristics of your body.


Regarding morning jogging, you can and should run. But not along the roads.

A little about sport, which is also integral part healthy lifestyle.

Some people spend 4-5 hours training on simulators, being sure that this good workout body and significant loss of calories.

This is partly true. But this very training can have a very negative impact on your health.

Strong and prolonged loads can cause damage to ligaments, heart problems and other disorders of internal organs.

Grueling training is necessary for professional athletes, and not just those who want to keep themselves in good physical shape. Regarding morning runs.

You can and should run. But not along roads, bridges and between houses.

Remember, even if you constantly follow the rules, eat right, get up early and go to bed early, exercise and support your body in every possible way various vitamins or their varieties, this does not at all guarantee that you will live to be a hundred years old! Most of our health and longevity depends on the biology and genetic predisposition of the body laid down in us by our ancestors, the characteristics of the immune system, the body’s ability to respond to stress and many other factors that are practically impossible to calculate.

Do not exhaust yourself with diets, excessive physical activity, various theories about a healthy lifestyle that are incomprehensible and unknown to anyone.

Good afternoon friends! Today we will pay attention to such a global issue as the concept of a healthy lifestyle. Surely, many of you are sure that you know a lot about this topic, because now it is fashionable to be sporty, active and eat right. But did you know that a healthy lifestyle is not limited to just paying attention to your body?

In fact, it includes many aspects on which doctors and scientists still argue. Today we will try to understand what is included in the concept of a healthy lifestyle - this information will give you a lot of food for thought.

What is it

Each person will answer this question differently - it all depends on what exactly he means by this concept. So, someone will say that this is giving up bad habits, for some it is sports and proper nutrition, for others the concept means the health of the body and the absence of diseases.

To put it briefly and from a position medical ethics, then a healthy lifestyle is a set of life habits that are aimed at maintaining health and preventing the development of diseases.

And this includes not only proper nutrition and exercise, but also taking care of your mental state. After all, even the most quality products and playing sports will not bring benefits if you live in a state of stress, you are tormented by complexes or relationships with others do not work out.

So, a healthy lifestyle and its components are:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regular physical activity;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • psychological hygiene;
  • absence of bad addictions and habits.

Proper nutrition

What we eat affects not only our immediate well-being, but also how healthy we will feel in the future. That is, this is a contribution to health.

The basic principles of a healthy diet are:

  • absence of fast food, semi-finished products, products with big amount sugar and high glycemic index;
  • a balanced diet, which should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • the main part is slow carbohydrates;
  • compliance drinking regime– you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • eating vegetables and fiber foods;
  • exclusion from the diet of an abundance of fatty and fried foods;
  • no alcohol;
  • Do not overuse strong coffee and tea.

It would be a good idea to contact a nutritionist who will help you create a diet depending on the characteristics of your body.

Nowadays sports are being actively promoted, and basically everyone is interested in the gym and fitness. You can engage in any type of physical activity that not only makes you move, but also enjoys it.

This could be yoga, horse riding, cycling. And if you don’t have time to go to a sports club, you can work out at home or just go regularly for a walk or jog in the nearest recreation area.

Children also need early age get used to sports. You can send your child to so-called children's health groups, or take him to the section that he likes. This will not only be a preventive measure sedentary image life in the future, but can also help the child find himself in a future profession.

Daily regime

This is probably the most controversial point in the topic of a healthy lifestyle. According to experts, it is recommended to go to bed before midnight (ideally at 22.00), and wake up around 6-7 am. This is explained by the fact that greatest benefit The body can only get sleep in the period from 10 pm to 00-01 am.

However, in reality, we rarely go to bed at ten in the evening. And many even prefer to go to bed well after midnight. The so-called “night owls” categorically disagree with the idea that you need to get up at 6 a.m., especially if their peak activity occurs after 9 p.m.

At the same time, people with this daily routine feel good, but on days when they need to wake up early, feeling good they can no longer boast.

But, regardless of whether you are a night owl or a lark, your sleep should be complete - at least 7-8 hours.

Quitting bad habits and mental hygiene

This point includes not only giving up alcohol, smoking or psychotropic substances. Essentially, it is also the absence of psychological bad habits.

In psychology you can find such a concept as psychosomatics, which means a close connection between mental state and health.

In order to better reveal the meaning of this definition, I’ll give an example - you’ve probably noticed that a timid and shy person usually slouches slightly? And such stooping over time can develop into problems with the spine, which can only be corrected by consulting a doctor.

That is, any problems in our psyche can affect our health. Doctors have proven that frequent stress and nervousness can affect physiological processes in the body, which can lead to negative changes at the cellular level.

Therefore, if there is any problem that has been bothering you for a long time, you should not be shy about contacting a psychologist. Essentially, this is the same doctor, but he heals the soul.

See you soon! Bye!

Thus, under in a healthy way life should be understood typical forms and methods of daily human activity that strengthen and improve the body’s reserve capabilities, thereby ensuring the successful performance of one’s social and professional functions regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations. And it expresses the orientation of the individual’s activities towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

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Formation of a healthy lifestyle

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There are a total of 27 presentations in the topic

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is an individual form of human behavior that corresponds to the age, gender, hereditary characteristics of the human body, the conditions of its existence, and is focused on maintaining, strengthening and restoring the health necessary for a person to fulfill his biological and social functions.

A healthy lifestyle is Active participation in labor, social, family, everyday, leisure forms of human life.

In a narrow biological sense we're talking about about the physiological adaptive capabilities of humans to impacts external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment.

  • education with early childhood healthy habits and skills;
  • environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;
  • giving up bad habits: smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption.
  • nutrition: moderate, appropriate physiological characteristics a specific person, awareness of the quality of the products consumed;
  • movements: physically active life, including special physical exercise, taking into account age and physiological characteristics;
  • body hygiene: adherence to the rules of personal and public hygiene, first aid skills;
  • hardening;

On physiological state person big influence influences his psycho-emotional state, which in turn depends on his mental attitudes.

  1. Emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one’s own emotions;
  2. Intellectual well-being: a person's ability to learn and use new information to perform optimally in new circumstances;
  3. Spiritual well-being: the ability to establish truly meaningful, constructive life goals and strive for them, optimism.

A healthy lifestyle creates best conditions for the normal course of physiological and mental processes, reduces the likelihood various diseases and increases human life expectancy.

With a risky lifestyle, when a person’s behavior damages his health, normal course physiological processes are difficult, vitality the body is spent on compensation harmful influences. At the same time, the likelihood of diseases increases, accelerated wear and tear of the body occurs, and life expectancy is reduced.

Each person is individual and unique. A person is individual according to his hereditary qualities, according to his aspirations and capabilities. To a certain extent, the environment surrounding a person, wears individual character(home, family, etc.). This means that the system of his life attitudes and the implementation of plans is individual in nature. Everyone may not smoke, but many do. Everyone can play sports, but relatively few do it. Everyone can follow a balanced diet, but only a few do it.

Thus, in order to preserve and strengthen their health, each person creates his own lifestyle, his own individual system of behavior, which the best way ensures that he achieves physical, spiritual and social well-being.

Lifestyle is a system of human behavior in the process of life, based on personal experience, traditions, accepted standards behavior, knowledge of the laws of life and motives for self-realization.

In order to create your own healthy lifestyle system, you need to know factors that positively affect human health. These include:

Maintaining a daily routine;

Good relationships with people around you. It is also necessary to take into account factors that negatively affect health:


Use of alcohol, drugs;

Emotional and mental tension when communicating with others;

Dysfunctional ecological situation in places of residence.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is an integral, logically interconnected, thoughtful and planned system of human behavior, which is followed not under duress, but with pleasure and confidence that it will give positive results in maintaining and strengthening his health.

Note that a healthy lifestyle is dynamic system human behavior, based on deep knowledge of various factors that influence human health, and the choice of a style of behavior that maximizes the preservation and strengthening of health, constant adjustment of one’s behavior taking into account acquired experience and age characteristics. The essence of this behavior is by no means fanatical adherence to some guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. Naturally, restructuring your behavior always requires extra effort, but everything should be done on the verge of pleasure. There should be so much pleasure from the effort expended that the effort does not seem in vain. In order for the healthy lifestyle system you create to be attractive, you must constantly see well final goal effort. This is the achievement of complete spiritual, physical and social well-being for ourselves, for our society and state.

Choosing a way to create your own individual system healthy lifestyle each person must do it himself. For this purpose, there are a number of the most significant life guidelines that will contribute to its formation. These include:

A clearly formulated goal of life and the possession of psychological stability in various life situations;

Knowledge of forms of behavior that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health;

The desire to be the master of your life, to believe that correct image life will give positive results;

Develop at home right attitude to life, to perceive every day as a small life, to receive at least small joys from life every day;

Develop a sense of self-respect, the awareness that you are not living in vain, that you are able to solve all the tasks facing you and know how to do it;

constantly follow the regime motor activity(man’s lot is to move forever; there are no means that can replace movement);

Maintain hygiene and nutritional rules; observe the work and rest regime;

Be an optimist, moving along the path of improving health;

Set achievable goals for yourself, do not dramatize failures, remember that perfection is, in principle, an unattainable thing;

rejoice in success, because in all human endeavors success begets success.



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