How to get rid of tearfulness using folk remedies. Causes of tearfulness in women: a review of the most common ones

As you know, tears are an absolutely normal manifestation of our body, this is how it reacts to a variety of external factors– it doesn’t matter whether the event has a positive connotation or a negative one. We become acquainted with the first tears in infancy - according to psychologists, with the help of tears a child who does not yet know how to speak expresses his feelings and emotions. But here’s the problem - there is a huge difference between ordinary crying (for completely objective reasons) and unreasonable tearfulness. Alas, stories about beauties who cry because of a broken nail are only good for jokes, in real life If you get upset over little things to the point of tears, you should seriously think about your health.

The problem also lies in the fact that excessive emotionality, accompanied by constant tears, regardless of whether it is a reprimand from your superiors, a quarrel with your husband, or a sentimental film, does not at all evoke a desire to console, on the contrary, it provokes serious irritation. This is why so often signs nervous breakdown taken for bad character. While tearfulness may indicate not only emotional stress, but also a large number of other unpleasant diseases.


In fact, there may be reasons for this behavior great amount– from failures on the personal front, to the most ordinary chronic fatigue, to which all residents are exposed big city, especially in the cold months - after all, slush and constant darkness outside the window have never evoked positive emotions in anyone. In short, tears are the body’s reaction to shock or emotional outburst. Crying is necessary for mental release and release of negative energy, but if tears flow every day and for no apparent reason, then this is a deviation.

  • One of the reasons for your constant tears may be a strong emotional shock (usually negative), the memories of which haunt you for a long time. Simply put, the resentment passed, but the residue remained. If you are forced to constantly, voluntarily or involuntarily, rewind unpleasant memories in your mind, returning again and again to the root cause of your stress, sooner or later such exercises end increased nervousness, irritability. And as a result - tearfulness.
  • The reason for light tears can also be premenstrual syndrome– it’s true that the unpleasant period lasts only a few days, and your increased sensitivity is caused by the restructuring of hormones in the body, soon everything will change for the better and life will shine for you again with all its colors.
  • The same applies to the period of pregnancy - hormones practically go off scale in the body, which is where uncontrollable tearfulness originates. Remember, crying during this period is considered normal!
  • The most bad reason tearfulness - depression. The problem is that you may not even know about the onset of the disease; in the first stages, you attribute everything to fatigue, lack of sleep and bad weather. However, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. If there are no visible reasons for crying, but any little thing can make you hysterical, it’s time to see a doctor before things take a tragic turn.
  • If tearfulness and frequent change moods are physiological in nature, then, as a rule, this occurs in diseases endocrine system, digestive organs and chronic ailments. By the way, here we are also ahead of men - according to statistics, women suffer from nervousness much more often than men, and this is primarily due to hormonal levels.

What to do

First of all, you need to know that even if you gather all your will into a fist, you cannot get rid of tearfulness, because the reason for such emotionality does not lie at all in capriciousness and poor upbringing.

  • If your eyes are already wet, try to abstract yourself from the surrounding reality, not allowing emotions and impressions to take over your consciousness and mind. Try to do a few energetic ones, but don't deep breaths(this may turn out to be much more difficult than it seems at first glance). But such an exercise is simply necessary in order to calm your nerves without causing dizziness. Likewise, if the tears are yours good friends, always keep a glass or bottle of water handy. Drink water, pay attention: your sips should be small, and count each sip.
  • When. If something has upset you too much and tears are about to flow from your eyes, mentally draw in your imagination any object with big amount small details, and then try to look at every little detail with great attention. Do not stop exercising until your consciousness switches completely and the lump in your throat melts.
  • Methods that involve some physical actions. For example, frequent blinking helps tears stop, and squeezing the nose can block tear ducts. If tears still flow, pinch yourself; the feeling of slight physical pain distracts you from mental torment. And finally, physically remove yourself from the problem, in the truest sense of the word. Let's say your husband broke your favorite mug? Go into another room, open the window, ventilate the room, breathe, and soon you will feel much better.

We are accustomed to the fact that tears are an expression of sadness and sadness. But this is not always the case, for example, children in the first months of life express their emotions in this way, signaling their needs - if they want to eat, they are uncomfortable, hot or cold, then tears will appear. But this does not mean at all that the child is capricious, he just has not yet learned to express his feelings differently. But it happens that adults shed tears for or without reason, why does tearfulness appear? The reasons may be different, and we’ll talk about them.

Why are we crying

Our body responds to any irritant with one reaction or another, and tears also arise when a person experiences a shock or an emotional outburst, and a peculiar facial expression appears. We cry when mental release is needed, because every day a person finds himself in various stressful situations, experiences pain, and resentment. In the end, the body needs an outlet for negative energy, we start crying, and this is completely normal. But a deviation from the norm is excessive tearfulness, its reasons may be different and insignificant. It also happens that a person cries every day, for any reason, thereby bringing a lot of inconvenience to family and friends.

Tearfulness: causes

How to get rid of tearfulness

To get rid of tearfulness, you should first contact a neurologist to identify possible reasons this condition. It is also necessary to consult a psychologist and therapist to find out if everything is okay with physical health patient and understand whether the tearful state is related to hormones. You should not self-medicate by taking various sedatives; only a competent specialist can prescribe them after necessary examination. Otherwise, you can only do harm and worsen your situation. But what you can do yourself is try to understand yourself and your emotions, understand what causes negativity, and look for a way out of the current situation. You should understand that all bad things come to an end sooner or later, you need to move on and enjoy life.

Tears have always been considered the prerogative of women. After all, representatives of the fairer sex are more emotional than men, and they take many things too close to their hearts. But doctors and psychologists do not see anything bad in the tears of men. By giving free rein to tears, any person, be it a man or a woman, can get rid of negativity and gain emotional release. It's another matter if you start to get upset and cry over trifles. Such outbursts of emotions can work against you.

Society, as a rule, does not like whiny people. They are considered childish and emotionally unstable. This is why excessive tearfulness can and should be fought. The main thing is to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Why do people cry

Sometimes unstable emotional condition is a consequence of diseases thyroid gland. In this case, you need to be examined by a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. The main cause of tearfulness in women, for example, is increased content prolactin in the blood. This hormone is responsible for the production breast milk and secretion of tears. Its excess can cause irritability and nervousness. To avoid this, you need to be examined by an endocrinologist.

Some people are emotional by nature, their desire to cry for any reason does not depend on physical illnesses. It's simple individual feature personality. Such people will never be able to change completely, since increased sensitivity is innate property their nervous system.

Another reason for tearfulness is a person’s inability to quickly adapt to sudden changes in his life. It doesn’t matter whether the changes are bad or good - any change in the surrounding reality can cause stress and a desire to cry in such people.

How to stop crying at the wrong time

If your tearfulness is of a psychological rather than physiological nature, it will be much easier to deal with it. You just need to force yourself to switch your attention and take your mind off the object that irritates you.

As soon as you feel tears welling up in your eyes, start breathing quickly. At the same time, try to avoid taking deep breaths so as not to cause an attack of dizziness. Carry out this breathing practice until you remove it nervous tension. If it happens to be nearby drinking water, take a few sips and think about something pleasant.

Before you cry, imagine a cloud and study it carefully. Then imagine how it will rain down on the earth as a blessed rain. This simple training is recommended by many psychologists. Its main task is to stabilize a person’s emotional state.

Sometimes tears are a consequence mental trauma. In this case, there is no need to restrain them. Having splashed out negative emotions outside, you will protect your body from diseases and premature aging.


Modest, quiet and shy people often admire the qualities inherent in strong individuals - the ability to fight back, defend their interests, and protect their loved ones. However, if you wish, you can also learn to behave in this way with offenders.


Learn to be patient and detached. Quite a common mistake weak people is that in stressful situation they act based on emotion rather than reason. They may panic, cry, or respond to the offender with thoughtless aggression and ultimately suffer defeat. Learn not to react so sharply to unpleasant events. A raised eyebrow, a puzzled look and eloquent silence in response to an insult from the interlocutor looks better than tears or statements in the spirit of “that’s how I am.”

Knowledge is power. The broader your horizons, the greater the chances that you will be able to find the correct and reasonable answer to the claims against you. You will never know in advance what may be useful to you during an argument with your opponent. This could be either technical documentation for your computer or information about the mating rituals of baboons that you gleaned from a popular science film.

Learn to say no. Many children (especially this applies) were taught to be polite, sweet, kind and trouble-free. Indeed, at home and at school with such a child, where less problems. However, as an adult, those around you may begin to shamelessly use these qualities, and out of habit you will fulfill their demands, trying to please everyone. But if you're not eager to pick up a colleague's son at the airport or do chores for your niece, you have the right to say no without giving a reason. And the more often you use your right, the better you will get at it.

Make sure your opinion is listened to. To begin with, you should start expressing it if you have not done so before, otherwise how will others understand that you are dissatisfied with something, or that something does not suit you. Get rid of the habit of adapting to everyone. If you are uncomfortable meeting at a bar where your friends are inviting you to meet, say so. If this has no impact on the situation, refuse the meeting. Next time your interests will be taken into account more carefully.

Video on the topic

Tears are defense mechanism. They help relieve psychological stress. But frequent tears are a sign of depression or stress that is taking over you. And in this case, they do not benefit, but only aggravate the current state of affairs.

Why do women cry?

Uncontrollable female tears are caused by the physiology of the body. Women's blood contains a high concentration of plolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of tears. In men, on the contrary, testosterone predominates in the body, which helps suppress their formation, so tears seem to them something unnatural.

Under any circumstances, the first thing you need to do is contact a psychologist who will help you get to the bottom of the problem and give good advice for its solution and further elimination.

Don't be afraid to turn to specialists. If there is a problem, then it needs to be dealt with. Do not miss any little things in a conversation with a psychologist, even if they seem funny and insignificant to you.

In everyday life, if you feel that the atmosphere is tense to the limit, a lump forms in your throat, and tears come to your eyes, try to abstract yourself from everything. Shift your attention to some imaginary object that gives you pleasure and makes you smile. Slowly, deeply inhale and exhale. This will calm your nerves. If you have a glass of water at hand, drink it slowly and in small sips.

It would be a good idea to drink a few drops of motherwort or valerian tincture in the morning during breakfast to avoid nervous situations and not shed tears.

How quickly you stop crying over trifles depends only on your willpower. If you set yourself the goal of not looking like a crybaby in public, you will quickly learn to control yourself.


  • how to stop crying

Nervousness haunts people different situations. Some people do, and when they talk to certain people, others are strained by agonizing anticipation, while others find it difficult to cope with critical situations. This behavior occurs due to both psychological and physiological reasons. Dealing with him is not so easy.


Try not to dramatize the situation. Nervous people often think about possible consequences of your unsuccessful actions. For example, when going through an interview, a person is afraid that he may not be hired, this makes him nervous. If you find yourself feeling nervous in such situations, try to calm down and act calmly. Most of the problems that worry you greatly are not really critical. The more importance you attach to certain things, the more nervous you become about them.

One of the most effective ways calm down and stop being nervous is breathing exercise. Nervousness causes a person to breathe very quickly and intermittently. Try diaphragmatic breathing, which does most of the work from your belly. To do this, sit in comfortable position and take even, slow inhalations and exhalations. You can also hold your breath after inhaling for a couple of seconds. It is important that while breathing, maximum movement occurs in your stomach, while your chest remains motionless. For self-control, you can place your hands on your stomach and watch how it rises and falls. Do this exercise for 5 – 10 minutes or longer.

Try to watch your speech and behavior. Fast speech, active gestures and a tense face - obvious signs nervousness. Try to look at yourself from the outside. If you observe yourself similar signs, sit down and relax your back, be silent for a while, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Your task is to relieve tension from your body. Remember that external tension always affects emotional level, so try to keep your body calm in any situation.

A common cause of nervousness is rushing. An attempt to quickly solve problems without necessary preparation rarely leads to positive results. In addition, haste in business increases the distraction of attention, a person begins to lose sight of important details and as a result makes mistakes that cause him to break down and show nervousness. Whatever your situation, remember that rushing will not solve problems. Approach any task calmly and measuredly.

Many people themselves create situations that make them nervous. For example, if you constantly put off things that you will have to account for sooner or later, you will not be ready when the time comes. Try to complete your work on time, prepare for events in advance, and always have a plan of action.

The problem of increased tearfulness is most acute in women, because men must be strong and cannot cry. This, at least, is what their close people teach them from childhood.

Everyone knows that crying is a certain reaction of the body to various kinds irritation, which is accompanied by lacrimation. Crying is most often characterized by a discharge of the body, nervous tension subsides, and is replaced by relief. There are plenty of reasons for tears - physical pain, resentment, feeling of hopelessness. This is considered completely normal until the desire to cry becomes a constant occurrence.

With increased tearfulness, tears become a woman’s constant companions, and the reasons for them are trivial. It’s not scary if tears may appear when watching a touching melodrama or when reading a book with a sad ending. You need to start worrying when a woman cries at the slightest remark in her direction, the inability to fulfill the right job or lack of calls from close friends. The most unpleasant thing is that the desire to cry appears more and more often, and the woman can no longer restrain herself either at work, or at home, or in in public places. Increased tearfulness in women is real and serious problem, which can poison the life of both the crybaby herself and her loved ones. After some time, your loved ones and relatives, who previously felt sorry for you and calmed you down, begin to show their irritation.

What to do in such a difficult situation? The first step towards peace of mind there will be a visit to qualified specialists. Often, the causes of increased tearfulness in women can be disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system or hormonal imbalances. To understand the origins of the problem, you should visit an endocrinologist to examine the thyroid gland and a neurologist, or better yet, a psychotherapist.

There can be many reasons for excessive tearfulness. Here's just a small list:

– depression, frequent stress, head injuries varying degrees heaviness;

– pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, menopause;

– physical or mental exhaustion.

Not all of the above disorders may be treatable, but they can all be controlled.

If all indicators of the endocrine system are normal, and your nerves are stronger than steel cables, then the only reason for frequent tears is you and only you. Unfortunately, you are unable to control your emotions. And this is extremely necessary, because constant crying is not the best best condition, in which a woman can reside. Of course, there is no need to become an iron lady, because crying from time to time is useful, but remaining “roaring” is also not an option.

How to learn to hold back attacks of tears?

If you feel a lump slowly forming in your throat, and everything begins to blur in your eyes, think that this is pure physiology, and in order to suppress the “tearful riot”, it is enough to try to change your physical state:

1. Deep breathing. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

2. Eyes should be open wide, try not to blink for a while, look at something moving or a bright-colored object;

3. If possible, go to the toilet or the hall;

4. Change your emotional state:

- try to get angry. Where there is anger, there is no place for tears;

– remember some funny moments, try to smile;

– imagine the image of the person who evokes in you positive emotions;

– take advantage chewing gum or candy - while your mouth is busy, crying is uncomfortable.

In general, if you really want to cry, set aside a special time for this activity. For example, in the evening after work, when you don’t have to go anywhere and you can calmly lie on the couch with a swollen face and red eyes.

Learn to live in harmony with your inner world and treat everything as simply as possible. Smile more often, be happy!

An unbalanced emotional state often causes tearfulness. There are many reasons why tears appear. A child expresses his emotions through the tear reflex, and at an older age they help reduce heartache. However, excessive tearfulness not only interferes with the person himself, but also brings some irritation to the people around him. Therefore, if you notice such symptoms, you need to identify the cause and eliminate it. Today we will figure out what causes tearfulness, what are its signs and how to deal with it.

Symptom of tearfulness

People who regularly notice the following are susceptible to increased tearfulness:

  • excessive irritability;
  • constant fatigue;
  • nervous state;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • lack of sleep;
  • touchiness.

The unpleasant condition is accompanied by redness of the face, increased sweating, increased heart rate. Some, as a consequence of tearfulness, experience headaches and increased body temperature. One of the main symptoms that causes tearfulness is hormonal disbalance in the body or problems with the thyroid gland. Therefore, often the consequence of this condition is panic attacks and neurological diseases. In a woman, the cause of excessive tearfulness may even be excess weight, acquired through hormonal disorders.

But even absolutely healthy people you can see tears when bad mood, stress or overwork. Some people experience tearfulness from childhood and persist throughout their lives. This is an individual personality trait.

Causes of tearfulness

Tears help you quickly get emotional release. If this does not happen too often, then this is quite normal, but if you notice their appearance every day for no reason, pay attention to it. Among the factors causing tears, highlight the main ones:

  • negative memories, the appearance of emotional shock, stressful conditions;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • hormonal disorders cause tearfulness during menopause; during this period, a woman is characterized by touchiness and mood swings;
  • – another reason for tearfulness;
  • depressive states are often the cause of tears - misunderstandings on the part of others, depressed mood and bad feeling leads to tearfulness.

As you can see, the main cause of tears is hormones. Hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body throughout her life lead to increased tearfulness.

If the cause of tearfulness is a disease of the thyroid gland, then in addition to tearfulness, the person notices sleep disturbance, decreased performance, excessive nervousness and increased sweating.

Tearfulness syndrome can plague not only the fairer sex, but also men. This condition leads to disruption metabolic processes in the body and has a negative impact on nervous system. To the reasons causing this symptom, include stress, depression, fatigue, hormonal disorders, neurological diseases, aggressive conditions or apathy.

Tearfulness during pregnancy

The cause of tearfulness during pregnancy is hormonal changes, this condition is considered normal for expectant mother. Woman in interesting position often experiences irritability and tearfulness. Progesterone produced by the body early stages Pregnancy aggravates this situation.

There is even folk sign, which suggests that excessive tearfulness occurs in a woman in the early stages.

Basically, tearfulness goes away after childbirth, but if it bothers you expectant mother, then you need to contact a specialist. Remember that it is during pregnancy that the character and physiology of the unborn child is formed. Therefore, a pregnant woman should experience only positive emotions.

Before childbirth, the amount of hormones produced changes, which explains increased tearfulness during pregnancy. later pregnancy.

Treatment of tearfulness

Treatment for tearfulness begins with determining the cause. Medications the specialist prescribes only after all necessary research. Sometimes good result show hormonal drugs which help reduce nervousness and irritability. In parallel with medications, attention should be paid to proper nutrition, sleep and rest. In this case, you should not self-medicate, and take medications strictly as prescribed by the doctor, because many of them have many side effects. Among the most popular medications used in the treatment of tearfulness are:

  • Lorafen (belongs to the group of tranquilizers);
  • Persen (herbal preparation);
  • Notta (homeopathic remedy);
  • Sympatil (sedative).

If your body is prone to tearfulness, consider preventive measures that will help you avoid unpleasant situations. Over time, many begin to regulate their condition themselves. For example, if you feel tears approaching, inhale and exhale deeply, focus your gaze on an object, and hold for a few seconds without blinking. Try to control your emotional state, bring more positive things into life.

And also, if you still want to shed a few tears, retire to some room and give them free rein. Sometimes this release of negative energy is very useful.



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