How to quickly cure herpes on the lips? Simple tricks and good advice. Frequent herpes - why it comes back again and again

When kissing; if you use shared napkins or towels; share cutlery; to be promiscuous and in other ways. The first signs of the appearance herpes on are: tension in the lip, redness of the mucous membrane, throbbing pain and itching. Frequency of manifestation herpes impossible to calculate. Many factors influence this. For example, a general weakening of the body, a decrease in immunity, exposure to ultraviolet radiation (frequent sun exposure, use, photoepilation, etc.). The disease is also activated in the climate, a sharp cold snap. One of the causes of the manifestation of the disease is stress, general malaise, exhaustion of the body, and a sharp weakening of the immune system. Sometimes it occurs against the background of menstruation, during a time when the immune system is weakened. During natural infection of the fetus is possible. The baby can also get the virus in utero if the infection occurred during pregnancy is in the active stage and has not yet become chronic. Gently shave so as not to damage the skin. Lubricate chapped lips with hygienic lipstick. It also influences the manifestation of the infection. Follow the “right” diet, avoid fried, salty, fatty foods in the diet. Smoking and frequent coffee consumption also contribute to the appearance herpes. The situation is aggravated by the use of alcoholic beverages. Genital herpes occurs as a result of an indiscriminate change of partners and untreated infections. You should consult a doctor in time, regularly undergo preventive examinations and use a condom.

Surely you have come across in your life with unpleasant pimples on the lips, which after some time become covered with a crust. This ailment is popularly called the "cold". Herpes on the lips causes not only itching and discomfort, but also pain.

Why does the herpes virus occur and how is it transmitted?

In fact, there are more than two hundred different types of herpes, with which almost all life on the planet is infected (with the exception of some types of algae and fungi). But only eight species pose a threat to humanity. The first type of herpes on the face in the form of rashes, mainly on. It all starts with a slight irritation, which quickly turns into painful small vesicles filled with lymphatic fluid. The virus immediately migrates to . This type of herpes is the safest and most common.

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, through direct contact, through personal hygiene items, from mother to fetus. The herpes virus penetrates through the mucous membrane and actively bypasses various protective barriers. Then it settles in the nerve cells, where it multiplies and inserts viral particles into the human genetic code. The body instantly reacts and activates the immune defenses. It all ends with the fact that herpes tends to retreat.

When the protective functions of a person weaken, it begins to reactivate and continues to reproduce. The virus appears in the form of itchy and painful blisters on the surface of the lips. A large number of people have a congenital form of infection.

Treatment and prevention of herpes

Unfortunately, there are no drugs that can completely destroy the herpes virus in the human body. But in pharmacies there is a group of antiviral agents that effectively suppress the reproduction of the virus. Herpes recurrences that affect the nasal mucosa or lips respond well to topical treatment with ointments or creams. In extreme cases, the doctor may prescribe

Almost 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus. In 15% of people, recurrences of herpes on the lips appear very often, sometimes monthly.

The most common form of manifestation of this virus is herpes on the lips. A painful bubble that appears on the lips not only upsets us, but also complicates life.

Herpes - percentage of infection

In advanced cases, long-term prescription antiviral medication may help. It lasts from 6 to 12 months.

It is not yet possible to completely cure herpes, including eliminating its appearance on the lips. However, treatment allows you to get rid of relapses of herpes for a long time, sometimes for several years. You should know that in addition to the risk of infecting people, the patient is in danger of transferring the disease to other parts of the body.

Herpes on the lips: important rules

You can not touch the rashes of herpes on the lips. You should try not to touch your eyes (herpes lesion of the cornea is severe and can lead to serious complications).

  • If touched, wash hands with warm water and soap.
  • You can not give your towel to anyone or take someone else's.
  • You should also use separate dishes.
  • During the period of rashes, it is necessary to refrain from kissing and oral sex - the virus can also affect the genitals.

Recently it became known that the herpes virus is transmitted even by airborne droplets.

How does herpes appear on the lips?

  1. First, the skin on the lip begins to itch and a burning sensation is felt. The reddened place swells, and a bubble forms - one or more. They are usually painful.
  2. Gradually, these bubbles merge into an abscess, from which a clear liquid flows. After a few days, they dry up and begin to heal.
  3. Over time, the wounds are covered with crusts. You can't cut them off. Firstly, these crusts are formed by white blood cells that fight the virus, and under them the sore heals faster. Secondly, this way you can further infect your lips, and the situation will only worsen.

If you have painful blisters with a crust, it means that you have contracted herpes of the lips. Most often, it attacks the lips, but it can also occur near the eyes or nose - in the place where the mucous membrane passes into the skin.

The appearance of herpes on the lips is accompanied by fever and poor health.
Very often, herpes is infected already in childhood, at 2-3 years. However, the Herpes simplex virus may not show up for many years. After entering the body, it enters the nervous system, staying there in a dormant state, and is not detected by the immune system.

When does herpes on the lips occur?

The virus "wakes up" only when favorable conditions are created,- when the body's immunity is weakened. Therefore, herpes often makes itself felt after an illness accompanied by a high temperature, with overwork, stress, lack of sleep, sudden changes in the weather, and also before or during menstruation.

In autumn or winter, the virus can manifest itself as a result of hypothermia of the body, in summer - as a result of overheating.

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection. D The point is that the virus spreads very easily, being transmitted by airborne droplets directly upon contact: through dishes, towels, handrails in transport ...

The most favorable moment for infection is the period when the bubbles burst: the escaping serum contains the largest number of bacteria.

How to prevent the appearance of herpes on the lips?

Once in the body, herpes becomes our faithful, albeit unwanted, companion for life. It may also happen that, despite the infection, we will never get sick and will only be its carrier. In some people, the virus is activated once or twice a year or every few years, while in others it appears almost every month.

With proper nutrition and the intake of all the necessary vitamins, the human immune system produces antibodies that prevent the appearance of herpes on the lips. Therefore, it is very important to maintain your immunity.

To prevent the frequent appearance of herpes on the lips, you must first take care of strengthening the immune system.

  • Avoid overwork and stressful situations, sleep well.
  • Try to include fruits and vegetables in your daily menu. Especially those that are rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, white and Brussels sprouts, spinach, onions). They ensure the proper functioning of the immune system and accelerate the recovery of the mucous membrane.
  • Vitamins of group B, especially B6 and B12, also protect against herpes. During the period when you are most at risk of contracting the herpes virus, eat foods containing zinc (meat, fish, wheat germ, melon and sunflower seeds) and selenium (seafood, eggs, nuts). These elements strengthen the body's resistance to infection, and zinc promotes wound healing.

Prevention of manifestations of herpes on the lips - we increase immunity

What to do if herpes appears on the lips? Pharmacy methods

Despite the fact that a drug or vaccine that would successfully fight herpes on the lips has not yet been found, it is possible to mitigate its manifestations with drugs containing acyclovir or penciclovir.

The faster you apply antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs for herpes on the lips, the less noticeable the course of the disease will be.

It is better to be treated immediately, as soon as you feel a burning sensation on your lip. Topical application of ointments and creams (such as Zovirax or Acyclovir) dries up the blisters and speeds up their healing.

Apply these drugs for herpes on the lips should be several times during the day, best every 2-4 hours. Decontaminating ointments containing zinc are also recommended. Herpes treatment is accelerated by Compeed patches. They hide sores and are almost invisible.

What to do if herpes appears on the lips? home methods

Types of herpes - it happens not only on the lips!

It looks like the herpes virus of the lips Herpes simplex type 1, or HSV-1, at multiple magnification. The same virus, but the second type causes genital herpes.

There are a lot of forms of herpes, and herpes of the eyes is considered the most dangerous - it can have very serious consequences, up to blindness.

Sometimes the virus infects the internal organs. The target is the weakest of them.

People are interested in how to treat herpes on the lips and body quickly at home. They read thematic literature and surf the Internet in search of information that will help get rid of the virus and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

It is unfortunate, but there are no medications that will permanently relieve herpes. After entering the human body, the virus remains for life. Therapy is focused on suppressing the reproduction of the virus. As a result, the frequency of relapses decreases, the risk of complications decreases and the external symptoms of the disease are weakened.

As mentioned above, a cold on the lips is caused by two types of virus - herpes virus type 1 and herpes virus type 2. Infection with the herpes virus type 1 mainly occurs in childhood and adolescence. The main routes of infection transmission are contact (for example, through personal items) and airborne droplets (by inhalation of the virus, kisses). However, infection can also occur through oral-genital contact. Herpesvirus type 2 infection occurs through direct sexual contact and is therefore more common in young people and adults. Transmission of pathogens and types 1 and 2 can occur from mother to fetus (transplacental), and in rare cases - through infected blood products (parenteral). It is worth noting that the risk of infection increases significantly if an infected person has herpetic eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes.

Why there is a "cold on the lips"

"Colds" on the lips are itchy, fluid-filled blisters. Their appearance occurs at the moment of activation of the herpes virus, which becomes a permanent resident in the body of almost every person (about 90% of the population are infected). But the symptoms of its presence are not always present, they appear only with a decrease in immunity. Therefore, the appearance of a “cold on the lips” is not just a cosmetic problem, it is a signal from the body that its internal defenses are weakened. Especially often this situation is encountered:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during the off-season;
  • while traveling;
  • with hypothermia;
  • when changing eating habits (transition from one cuisine to another, for example, from European to Thai);
  • with dehydration of cells (which is why herpes often worsens if food is salted too much);
  • during and after various diseases, incl. and acute respiratory infections.

Once entering the body, herpes viruses never disappear from it. They "settle" in the nerve ganglia, where they are in an inactive state. But as soon as the immune system gives up, the virus immediately activates, and signs of a “cold” appear again on the lips. The duration of the interrecurrent period (several days or several years) depends on the state of immunity: the stronger the immunity, the less often herpes appears - and vice versa. Therefore, the frequent appearance of herpetic eruptions on the lips is a particularly alarming sign, this is the SOS signal of the body: “Help urgently!”

Herpes symptoms

As for the symptoms of the disease, few people make mistakes in the diagnosis of this disease. Its signs are very pronounced, characteristic only for this virus, so it is rarely possible to confuse the disease with some other. Particularly unpleasant are, of course, the very bubbles that jump up on the lips. This delivers not only a lot of unpleasant sensations, but also generates complexes. Herpes symptoms include the following:

  1. At the initial stage of the disease, only a slight tingling and a burning sensation are felt on the lips. If you catch yourself on time and start treatment already at this stage, further complications will not affect you. But in order to make sure that the matter here is herpes, you will need to pass additional tests to detect a malicious virus. After all, any external factor can cause tingling of the lips.
  2. After that, unpleasant sensations begin to be localized in a certain place. The lips swell, blush very strongly (up to a blood-burgundy hue), and, finally, these very small, unpleasant bubbles form. One large blister may pop up, but this is rare.
  3. The next stage of herpes - the vesicles that have spilled out burst, an ichor flows out of them, and very painful sores form in their place. It is almost impossible to eat, especially hot, salty and spicy food, because the sores begin to bleed and itch very much. In the absence of professional, medical treatment, this stage can drag on for several weeks and result in serious complications.
  4. With a competent approach, crusts gradually form in place of the sores, which eventually dry out and then fall off.

These are the main symptoms of an activated herpes virus on the lips.

If you notice them in time and start treatment immediately, you can get rid of many problems in the future.

How to treat herpes on the lips?

Unfortunately, an effective treatment for herpes on the lips, which would allow to get rid of it once and for all, has not yet been developed. But there are a number of antiviral drugs, including local ones, that can inhibit the reproduction of the virus and significantly reduce the severity of a cold on the lips.

If there is a herpes virus on the lips, treatment should be started from the moment the first signs and sensations appear, preceding the appearance of rashes - burning and itching. Usually, in people with recurrent colds on the lips, an antiherpetic cream is always at hand, if not, you can buy it at any pharmacy (acyclovir, zovirax, atsik, priora, etc.)

At the stage of itching and burning, the ointment should be applied at least 3-5 times a day. If the disease has developed to the stage of rashes, the ointment should be applied with a cotton swab every 3-4 hours. Such application will protect against the spread of infection to other parts of the mucosa.

When there is herpes in a child on the lips, the treatment, in addition to applying the ointment, should also include dietary restrictions. Citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, ham, smoked sausages should be excluded from the diet these days.

Herpes on the lips - Treatment of folk remedies

How to quickly get rid of herpes using folk methods? Many plants have antimicrobial and immunostimulatory effects. On their basis, independently prepare means to combat the awakened virus.

How to treat herpes at home:

  • Apply lemon juice to the blisters and the skin around them, or apply a piece of fruit to the affected area. In an acidic environment, many microbes die.
  • Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of sage and leave for 30 minutes. Moisten a cotton pad and apply a compress to the blisters or sores of herpes for 20 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  • Soothing drops containing mint are suitable for symptom relief. Colds on the lips do not like menthol and alcohol, which are present in the solution.
  • Make an ointment from a grated apple and 2 garlic cloves crushed in a mortar. Apply it 4 times a day until the bubbles disappear.
  • Do not throw away tea bags after brewing: they are also useful for treating herpes. Hold the sachet on your lip for 20 minutes three times a day.
  • Increase immunity with freshly squeezed juices of carrots, beets, parsley, apples. Taking half a glass of each fresh juice a day, speed up the healing of herpes.
  • Apply toothpaste or mouthwash: they relieve inflammation, inhibit germs.
  • Aloe, onion, Kalanchoe juices stop the spread of bubbles. The first way is to apply a cut of leaves or bulbs to the affected area. The second - moisten a cotton pad with the juice of one of the medicinal plants and make compresses.
  • Prepare an ointment from calendula juice and petroleum jelly in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply to lips 4-5 times daily. The ointment can be used as a moisturizer. Calendula is known for its bactericidal action, it also relieves inflammation and heals wounds.

How not to get infected?

There are now a lot of over-the-counter products for topical treatment of colds on the lips without a prescription, and patients actively use them. In this regard, I am often asked the question: are there any threshold factors at which herpes can be treated with such remedies on their own, without going to a doctor? If a fever occurs once every 3-4 years, then, in fact, this can not be considered a disease and can be treated with local remedies. In principle, this can be done if exacerbations occur no more than 4 times a year, but provided that they proceed easily, without severe symptoms and rashes, they pass in 3-4 days.

Is it possible to get herpes if the infected person does not have a rash? In some cases this happens. For example, it has been found that approximately 30% of those infected may have the virus in their saliva during SARS. This happens after dental operations. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of hygiene so as not to infect loved ones. It is extremely important to follow these rules in relation to babies older than 8-9 months. Until this age, they usually retain antibodies against HSV, which they receive from their mother during pregnancy. But then they disappear. Parents should remember this and, if possible, avoid kissing so as not to transmit viruses to the child.

Complications of herpes on the lips

The most terrible complication is the spread of the herpes virus from the lips to the eyes. Herpetic eye damage usually occurs due to the fact that a sick person first rubbed his lip with herpes or drooled (spit) on his fingers, and then reached into his eyes with the same hand. Also, the spread of infection is possible during wiping with a towel. Young children are especially susceptible to this problem. Untimely eye treatment can lead to blindness.

A less terrible complication is the spread of the herpes virus to the oral mucosa. Usually seen in children, but often seen in adults. The disease is called herpetic gingivostomatitis. It is manifested by the formation of bubbles first, and then erosion - on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In parallel, there may be a sharp reddening of the gums.

The result of herpes in the corner of the mouth may be the appearance of a crack in the corner of the mouth. In this case, the crack should be treated with antifungal creams.

And of course you shouldn't have oral sex. The result can be severe genital herpes in your partner.

Prevention of herpes on the lips

In order to protect yourself from the appearance of herpes on the lips, you need to know the rules of prevention. Doctors recommend the following as preventive measures:

  • to prevent temperature stresses of the body - therefore it is very important to ensure that there are no severe overheating and hypothermia;
  • prevent the use of common personal hygiene items and unwashed dishes by different people;
  • observe proper nutrition - this will ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • take a course of vitamins in spring and autumn;
  • refuse to use low-quality cosmetics;
  • do not use someone else's cosmetics;
  • fully treat viral infections;
  • provide the body with timely rest.

The herpes virus is dangerous to humans only if there are factors that provoke its development. Because of this, preventive measures are aimed solely at preventing the activation of the virus. In children's groups, outbreaks of the disease are not uncommon, and in most cases the reason for them is non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. Given this, it is necessary to accustom children to them from an early age.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 90% of the population of developed countries is infected. In the people, rashes on the mucous membrane of the lips are often called "colds". In most people, the disease does not cause concern, the course is mild, recovery occurs within 5-7 days. However, frequent herpes on the lips indicates deep disorders in the body. Doctors say that the appearance of the disease more than 1-2 times a year indicates a weakening of the immune system. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination.

The herpes simplex virus is called strains HSV-1 and HSV-2. The labial form in 95% of cases is caused by the herpevirus HSV-1 - a rash of painful blisters on the mucous membrane of the lips. The HSV-2 strain leads to infection, in which a rash forms on the genitals. But in rare cases, when the pathogen penetrates through the upper respiratory tract, the virus causes the same clinical picture as in the labial form of the disease.

Infection with the virus leads to damage to the epithelial cells of the upper and lower lips. The pathogen penetrates into the genetic material of the cell (nucleus), rearranges its DNA, and multiplies. The appearance of new virions causes the death of the epithelium and the release of the virus from the host cells. Active reproduction of the virus contributes to the penetration of infection into the blood. Pathogens with blood flow are brought into the nerve cells of the spinal ganglia, where they remain throughout a person's life.

The immune system, upon first contact with the virus, produces specific antibodies aimed at destroying the infectious agent. Immunity against herpes develops, which restrains the exacerbation of the disease and prevents the occurrence of complications. The infection takes a latent (hidden) course. With a decrease in the body's defenses, a relapse of the disease occurs.

First contact with an infectious agent

More than 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes simplex virus. and depends on the social activity of the child. If the baby attends a preschool institution, then a rash on the lip may appear at 3-4 years. In other children, the primary infection occurs after registration in school. Up to 2 years of age, infection rarely manifests itself, which is associated with the innate immunity of the child received from the mother.

The first contact with the pathogen occurs in early childhood

Infection occurs from a sick person in the stage of exacerbation of the disease or a carrier of infection:

  • by contact through dirty hands, dishes, toys;
  • airborne - through saliva when kissing, sneezing, coughing;
  • when breastfeeding a baby.

After the initial penetration of the infection into the body, an acute period of the disease develops, which is accompanied by general malaise, fever, vesicular. Within 7-10 days, the bubbles open, a crust forms in their place. After rejection of the crust, there is usually no trace left on the lips. With mild and moderate severity of the course of the disease, treatment is not required.

In 3% of people, the initial contact with the virus does not cause clinical signs of the disease, and subsequently there is never an exacerbation of the disease. This is due to the individual characteristics of the immune system. In the vast majority, the risk of exacerbation of the disease depends on the adverse effects of external and internal environmental factors that reduce immunity. "Cold" pops up on the lips of people with chronic diseases and weak immunity.

Why does an exacerbation of a herpes infection occur?

Some people note that the "cold" on the lips pops up very often. This causes discomfort, primarily of an aesthetic nature. Eruption of bubbles leads to swelling and redness of the lips, and after the opening of the vesicles, crusts form. In most cases, recurrence of the infection is accompanied by unbearable itching and pain in the area of ​​the rash. Sometimes an exacerbation of the disease causes a deterioration in the general condition - an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees, chills, body aches, weakness, decreased performance. All this disrupts the usual way of life.

Chronic stress is one of the causes of herpes

Causes of frequent herpes on the lips:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheating (insolation);
  • cyclical bleeding in women (menstruation);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infections, including seasonal ones (flu, colds);
  • violation of the regime of the day (insufficient sleep, physical and mental overwork);
  • severe injuries (fractures, sprains, concussion);
  • irrational nutrition, beriberi, adherence to strict diets, starvation;
  • the period of bearing a child, breastfeeding;
  • uncontrolled intake of antibiotics;
  • chemotherapy, radiation therapy in the treatment of oncology;
  • alcohol, drug, nicotine addiction;
  • congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies, including HIV/AIDS;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic stress.

The constant exposure to risk factors on the human body always increases the likelihood of recurrence of herpes labialis. A decrease in the defenses of the immune system weakens the control over the reproduction of virions in the nerve cells of the spinal ganglia. Viruses enter the bloodstream, settle in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the lips, causing the development of clinical manifestations of the disease. Often, the recurrence of the disease is milder than the primary infection.

Frequent herpes - a marker of the state of immunity

When asked why herpes often appears on the lips, doctors give an unequivocal answer. The reason for the recurrence of the disease is the inability of the immune system to deactivate the reproduction of virions in the cells of the nervous tissue, blood, and lymphocytes. The immunity of a healthy person restrains the vital activity of the pathogen at the stage of latent existence.

Rare exacerbations of the disease do not cause health risks. The appearance of labial herpes more than 2 times a year increases the risk of generalization of the infection. In such cases, it is necessary to pay more attention to preventive measures, treat chronic diseases, consult a doctor about the correction of immunity.

The frequency of relapses of labial herpes can indirectly judge the state of the immune system:

  • long periods of remission (more than 5 years) - testifies in favor of strong immunity;
  • exacerbation 1-2 times a year - considered a variant of the norm;
  • exacerbation 3-6 times a year - associated with the development of moderate immunodeficiency;
  • exacerbation more than 6 times a year - indicates severe immunosuppression.

Often appearing herpes is an indicator of immunodeficiency. To confirm the pathology, you must contact a specialist. The doctor will prescribe laboratory tests and therapy based on the results of the diagnosis.

Prevention of exacerbation of herpes

Now you know what causes a relapse of a herpes infection. Each exacerbation is associated with a decrease in the functioning of the immune system, and this adversely affects the functioning of the whole organism. To maintain health and longevity, it is important to know and follow preventive measures aimed at preventing the recurrence of pathology. What to do if the virus is constantly in the body and is ready to “crawl out”?

Prevention of primary infection in practice is not feasible. The source of infection can be a carrier of infection without clinical manifestations of the disease. Moreover, the first contact with the virus can be considered as a vaccination against subsequent infection. The immune system produces antibodies that control the spread of infection in the body and prevent the development of complications.

Secondary prevention of exacerbation of the disease is simple and accessible to everyone. General health measures will not only eliminate permanent herpes on the lips, but also reduce the likelihood of other diseases.

Regardless of the season, fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, and berries must be included in the daily diet. These products contain the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, which strengthen the body's defenses. Dairy products, cheese, yoghurts normalize the intestinal microflora and improve local immunity.

Physical activity

Feasible physical activity - walking in the fresh air, morning exercises, physical education and sports, jogging will strengthen the immune system and will not allow the “cold” to pop out on the lips.

Respect for health

It is important to avoid situations of hypothermia or overheating. Dress according to the weather, do not get carried away with sunburn, wear a hat in cold and sunny weather.

The correct hardening technique (rubbing, dousing, winter swimming) gradually strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of herpes recurrence even under adverse environmental conditions.

Hardening as a prevention of herpes

Timely treatment of chronic diseases

Prevention and adequate treatment of chronic diseases does not allow the protective reserves of the body to be depleted.

If you adhere to the prevention of the disease, then the likelihood of herpes popping up on the lips will be minimized. The means of specific prevention include the vaccine against herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 "Vitagerpavak". It is advisable to be vaccinated with frequent exacerbation of the disease during remission against the background of a course of therapy with cycloferon. The vaccine does not exclude the development of infection, but facilitates the course of the disease and prevents the occurrence of complications.

Medical tactics

In the event of a relapse of the disease, in most cases, local treatment is prescribed - lubrication of the site of the rash with antiviral ointments or gels. Medicines are most effective at the beginning of an infection before blisters appear. Lubrication of the lips in the area of ​​burning and itching can prevent the appearance of a rash and significantly speed up recovery. The use of antiviral ointments after the appearance of vesicles accelerates the healing period, has an analgesic effect, and prevents scarring.

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Panavir gel.

To increase the protective forces of the immune system, injections of specific immunoglobulin and interferon preparations are recommended. In severe cases of the disease with the development of complications from the internal organs (pneumonia, encephalitis, myocarditis), the treatment of the disease is carried out after hospitalization.

The appearance of primary herpes is inevitable, but exacerbation of the infection can be avoided. To maintain the normal functioning of the immune system, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, consult a doctor in a timely manner when the first symptoms of the disease occur.

More on this topic:

Herpes jumped out on the lip: what to do, what measures can be taken? This question is asked from time to time by every person infected with herpesvirus type 1. Let's try to figure out why herpetic eruptions appear in the lips, what factors contribute to the aggravation of this pathology and how to properly deal with its manifestations.

Reasons for the appearance

Labial herpes, or the so-called cold on the lips, is a viral disease that develops against the background of infection of the body with herpesvirus type 1 (HSV-1). A herpetic infection is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne dust, contact (when interacting with biological fluids, skin or mucous membranes of the carrier, with things that he used) or airborne droplets. In this case, the epithelium of the respiratory tract becomes the entrance gate for viral agents.

A virus that enters the human body remains there forever.. Infectious agents penetrate into clusters of nerve cells (ganglia) and remain in them for a long time without manifesting themselves in any way. The infection is activated and provokes the development of the disease only when conditions favorable for this occur.

Factors under the influence of which sores on the lips may appear are:

  • prolonged and close contact with people who have already got a herpetic cold on their lips;
  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity against the background of frequent colds, severe systemic diseases;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • long-term use of steroid hormones;
  • conducting chemotherapy;
  • lack of beneficial nutrients;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • damage to the skin and mucous membranes in the lips;
  • severe stress;
  • adherence to too strict diets;
  • psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • mistakes made during cosmetic procedures;
  • poor quality dental treatment;
  • oral-genital contacts with dubious sexual partners;
  • non-compliance with hygiene requirements.

In women, labial herpes can get out almost for no reason during the period of menstruation.

Symptoms of the disease

The first sign of a cold on the lip is tingling, itching and redness in the affected area. In the future, the clinical picture of the disease undergoes the following changes:

Patients who have herpes popped up on their lip may complain of chills, fever, swollen lymph nodes, general malaise and headaches.

First aid for colds on the lips

Modern medicine does not own methods to destroy HSV-1 in the human body and completely cure labial herpes. Local and systemic drugs used to treat this disease can only reduce the duration and frequency of relapses, eliminate burning, itching and pain in the affected area. Below is a description of the most accessible and effective of these tools.

Ointments and creams

If labial herpes proceeds in an uncomplicated form, then local preparations are used to provide first aid. The most effective of them are:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Priora;
  • Zinc ointment.

Acyclovir is an antiherpetic ointment that prevents the appearance of blisters on the lips. For people who have already jumped out herpetic cold, the drug helps to speed up the formation of crusts. Lips are treated with acyclovir every 4 hours for a week. The main advantage of the ointment is the absence of an age limit for its use, and the disadvantage is a limited spectrum of action. About half of HSV-1 strains show resistance to the drug.

Priora is an antiviral cream based on docosanol, which can be used to treat herpes on the lips in the initial stages of the development of the pathological process. The drug prevents the introduction of HSV-1 into the cell membrane and prevents the appearance of clinical symptoms of the disease. Priora lubricates the lip in the place where it is swollen and reddened, up to 5 times a day. The only drawback of the drug is the ban on its use in pediatrics.

Fenistil Pencivir is a penciclovir-based cream that allows adults and children over 12 years of age to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a herpetic cold. The drug facilitates the course of the disease, promotes accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues, relieves pain in the affected area, masks unaesthetic bubbles on the patient's lips. The cream is applied to the rash up to 8 times a day with a cotton pad or a special applicator.

Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory drug based on zinc oxide. The drug is distributed in a thin layer over the sores up to 6 times a day. Unlike most antiviral drugs, Zinc ointment has no contraindications for use in childhood. The remedy relieves inflammation and irritation in the affected area, dries up the rash and ulcers, and significantly speeds up the patient's recovery process.

Systemic drugs

It is advisable to take systemic antiviral agents for herpes on the lip, which occurs in a complicated form. According to the reviews of doctors and patients, drugs such as Famciclovir-Teva and Valaciclovir can achieve the best results.

Famciclovir-Teva is a tablet drug that prevents the replication (reproduction) of viral agents in the patient's body. The drug can only be taken by adults - men and women over the age of 18 years. In the initial episode of the disease, Famciclovir-Teva is drunk three times a day, 250 mg, treatment is continued for 5 days. With the recurrence of herpes in the area of ​​​​the lips, twice a day, take 750 mg of the drug.

Valaciclovir is a drug that can slow down the reproduction of herpesvirus in the human body.. The drug is intended for the treatment of labial herpes in children from 12 years of age and adults. Therapy begins when the first signs of the disease appear - tingling, burning and itching. According to the instructions, the drug must be drunk twice with an interval of 12 hours. A single dose of funds - 2 grams.

Alternative treatment

In cases where there are no suitable pharmaceutical preparations at home, alternative medicine can also be used to treat herpes labialis. So, traditional healers recommend every 2 hours to treat a rash that has already popped up with one of the following compositions:

At the first signs of the disease, you can treat the lips with Valocordin or Corvalol. In some cases, this helps prevent the appearance of a rash and significantly alleviate the symptoms of the pathological process.

Prevention of labial herpes

In most cases, the appearance of herpetic rash on the lips can be prevented. Among the measures aimed at preventing exacerbations of labial herpes include:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • compliance with hygiene requirements;
  • minimizing contact with persons who have signs of a recurrence of a cold on the lips, refusing to use their belongings;
  • strengthening the immune forces of the body;
  • a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients;
  • responsible approach to the choice of sexual partners;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • use of personal protective equipment when engaging in traumatic activities;
  • strict adherence to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor when taking steroid and other medications;
  • avoidance of hypothermia, psycho-emotional overload, stress;
  • refusal of high physical exertion;
  • regular and proper rest;
  • reducing the time spent in direct sunlight.

The risk of recurrence of herpes labialis can be reduced by regularly taking systemic antiviral drugs as a preventive measure. In this case, the dosage of the drug, the scheme and duration of its administration should be determined by the therapist or infectious disease specialist.



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