Whether there can be a temperature from a nervous breakdown. Can there be a temperature from the nerves of stress

Psychogenic fever is a state of the body when the body temperature rises not due to any viral or infectious diseases, but under or a nervous breakdown.

Reasons why a person gets feverish due to stress

Thermoneurosis cannot be ignored, and if a person has a fever without visible disturbances in the functioning of the body, then it is worth considering whether the culprit of such an incident is not.

If the rise in temperature is provoked by exhaustion nervous system, in other words, this indicates that a serious physical problem is brewing inside the body:

  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting state;

Here are some side effects of temperature spikes. And from where certain physical ailments occur, you can begin to look for the cause of the disease. But it is also possible to define and, because any organ of the body reacts to nervous discomfort not only as a physical organ, but also as a messenger of the psycho-emotional background.

In the works of Louise Hay, a whole table is presented, which says that, for example, an unreasonable rise in temperature is the burning of anger within oneself.

Indeed, often a person, due to social or moral principles, does not know how to correctly find a way out of the situation, and irritation, as well as anger and despair from the inability to replay the situation, begin to destroy from within. The temperature rises from stress.

Can the temperature rise from stress? Of course yes. But still, you should not attribute everything to stress - the reason can sometimes lie deeper.

Temperature as a result of depression

Fever after stress is also common. At the physical level, the body reacts to stress as to the presence of a disease, and it is natural that in some cases, after prolonged depressive states, the body temperature rises. But, in some cases, it, on the contrary, decreases, and there are all signs of a weakened state, as after a long physical ailment.

A person who is in a state of depression often comes out of this disease with the help of medications, the potent basis of which has complex side effects. And after that, subfebrile temperature is also acceptable. Stress, even if already experienced, can nest in memories and, with each relapse, return the bearer of negative information to a state of nervousness. Such rocking of the body, of course, will cause physical discomfort, and the brain will try to burn the virus by automatically heating the space of the skin.

Fever due to nervousness in adults

If there is an increase in temperature during stress in an adult, then it is worth providing immediate assistance. Firstly, this may be accompanied by high blood pressure, and secondly, problems with the cardiovascular system. And here the traditional methods of knocking down the heat are completely excluded, such as, for example, a cold shower. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in this matter it is necessary to be extremely delicate.

To gently lower the temperature, it is worth:

  • take aspirin. It will not only help reduce fever, but will also help improve the condition with heart problems;
  • drink warm tea with chamomile and mint - this will calm the person;
  • pleasant conversation or the presence of other positive emotions can also help;
  • use mild herbal sedative preparations - they remove the presence of thermoneurosis;
  • a warm bath with soothing herbs and sea salt is good for stabilizing the nervous system.

Important! Sometimes, with a disease of the respiratory system, a low long-term temperature is also kept. Therefore, it is worthwhile to thoroughly find out the cause before taking any action.

Temperature jumps in children

The psycho-emotional background of children is extremely unstable. Children often actively move from one phase of the state to another, and all this is accompanied by the formation of physical development and hormonal levels. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes children are thrown into a fever. This is especially evident if the child is very nervous. And this is not the only reason:

  • holiday anticipation;
  • unexpected loud sound;
  • change in the environment;
  • fright.

like this wide range experiences can cause a fever from stress in a child. In this case, it is necessary to show maximum attention to a small family member, because the lack of attention from parents also causes stress and causes whims in babies.


The presence of heat in the body is not always a negative thing. This is a completely natural phenomenon, an instant response of the immune system to the action of external aggressors. Sometimes it's worth letting the body get sick and win.

The work of human organs depends on the processes taking place in his mind, unrest, anxiety, joy and other emotional components. It is enough to measure the pressure, sweating, pulse and the level of adrenaline in the blood of a person who is under stress, for example, in an exam, fire or in a falling plane, to make sure of this and nervous fever right here. In falling aircraft, however, such studies were not carried out, but in more accessible cases, repeated measurements were carried out.

A modern person who values ​​his social status cannot constantly show outwardly all his negative emotions, and they can be quite powerful. Meanwhile, the instinct inherent in us by Nature makes us express these emotions by some real action, translating the ideal into the material. Deprived of such an opportunity, a modern person hides all this unrealized potential deep into himself, where he accumulates, constantly compressing a certain biological spring.

However, any vessel overflows over time, the spring shoots, the acid burns through the wall, connecting with the second component, which initiates an explosion.

Nervous Diseases

In the body, this analogy is often manifested by the development of "causeless" disease states. The most common nerve diseases are:

  • hypertension,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • angina,

but this list may be to a large extent expanded. A significant part of these diseases is accompanied by fever.

It is noticed that in children before a difficult control or exam, the temperature often rises sharply. This state, by the way, has its own scientific name among physicians - "flight into the disease." Moreover, all these phenomena occur unconsciously, so there is no question of any simulation here, the child is really bad.

Temperature on nerves

Here the temperature is physical, a clear reflection of his fear. And in adults, before making serious decisions, or before important negotiations, their head may ache or blood pressure may rise.

Temperature on nerves- a variety of psychosomatic diseases often do not require a trip to the doctor, since they can help themselves to a greater extent. Of course, you should not discount an experienced psychologist.

How to avoid nervous stress?

Try not to drive your emotions deep into yourself. Of course, it’s indecent and expensive to beat the dishes after each one, but if this exit brings relief, why not use it? After all, you can do it without witnesses, and protect the wall with a beautiful blanket, which, moreover, you can embroider yourself. This is where stress will fade into the background.

On the other hand, you may then begin to be tormented by your conscience that you left the local psychologist, also a good person, with a family, children and a sick grandfather without a job.

Here, as in all types of human activity, it is important to maintain a balance.

Is it true that all diseases are caused by nerves? You will not surprise anyone with the fact that many diseases are directly related to the state of our nervous system, and the more we have to be nervous, the more our body suffers. Even in the works of the ancient Greeks, including Hippocrates, the idea of ​​changing the body under the influence of the soul developed. Modern scientists are well aware of what kind of thoughts and how are involved in the appearance of certain changes in the body.

Can the temperature rise on a nervous basis? In the article you will find the answer to this question.

Relationship between nerves and disease

The leading role in the body is assigned to the nervous system, which has an important effect on the organs. Therefore, as soon as the nervous system fails, functional changes are observed in the body, i.e., symptoms of a particular disease appear.

What are the effects of stress on the human body? Signs of a malfunction of the nervous system can be mild functional disorders, which manifest themselves as incomprehensible and seemingly causeless tingling, discomfort, noticeable changes in the functioning of any organ. At the same time, specialists cannot identify the disease and make a specific diagnosis. Therefore, organ neurosis is often diagnosed in such a condition.

Neurosis is a nervous disease arising from the inability of a person to adapt to a particular situation, to conditions that do not correspond to his ideas. In such cases, there is a headache, weakness, pain in the region of the heart, nausea. This reaction of the nervous system is unconscious and painful. But at the same time, everything is not so harmless, but on the contrary, serious chronic diseases can occur.

In addition to organ neurosis, there is a similar violation manifested in the desire to attract the attention of others to oneself. It is a kind of manipulation tool. Patients have symptoms such as paralysis of the arms and legs, pain in any organ, vomiting, and so on.

The effects of stress on the body, unfortunately, are disappointing. It can also provoke other diseases: bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, headache, dizziness, vegetovascular dystonia.

How do nerves affect the body?

Can it be argued that all diseases are from nerves? You can trace the effect of nerves on the body using a simple example. Suppose a person is depressed by something, he is depressed and rarely smiles. The duration of this state is a week. This will lead to the fact that the psyche will begin to react negatively to this situation. And as a result, there will be a violation of the functioning of the body, it will also be oppressed. Constant tension will lead to muscle block, and subsequently to the onset of the disease.

The cause of the occurrence of chronic diseases, as well as tumors, is a constant state of resentment, not only at someone else, but also at oneself. The so-called state of self-eating is the cause of erosions and ulcers, and those organs that are the most weak and vulnerable are under attack.

The above diseases - this is not a complete list of ailments that occur later stress. Can the temperature rise on a nervous basis? Yes, most diseases can be accompanied

Why does body temperature rise due to nerves?

Can the temperature rise on a nervous basis? Yes, first of all, stressful situations lead to an increase in temperature. These include a change in climate, place of work, daily routine, any exciting events. The body reacts to changes, and symptoms often appear that are often mistaken for a cold or poisoning: increased headache, heart or hypertensive crisis, nausea, indigestion. In fact, these are consequences of overvoltage and a protective reaction of the body.

But not only stressful situations provoke an increase in temperature. Emotions affect the body. The roots of ailments lie in resentment, fear, a feeling of turning on, self-doubt, overwork and aggression. Emotions must not be allowed to accumulate, they must find a way out, otherwise they will lead to self-destruction of the body. When negative emotions begin to disrupt the functioning of all systems, an elevated temperature (37.5) is the first signal that a failure has begun in the body.

Who is most susceptible to neurological diseases?

People are energetic, sociable, mobile, whose reaction is directed outward, often experiencing such negative emotions as aggression, rivalry, jealousy, hostility. Stressful situations in this category cause diseases of the heart and vascular system, angina pectoris, suffocation, migraine, high blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances. They also have a fever due to nerves.

In people who are closed in themselves, the reaction is directed inward. They keep everything in themselves, accumulate negative emotions in the body, not giving them an outlet. Such people are prone to bronchial asthma, digestive disorders, i.e. ulcers, erosions, colitis, indigestion, constipation.

Can nerve disease be prevented?

Of course, the occurrence of diseases caused by a violation of the nervous system can be prevented. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to avoid conflict situations in every possible way. You don't have to create stress for your body.

In cases where the body is under the influence of negative emotions for a long time, an experienced psychologist can help.

Rest and healthy sleep play an important role. A long stay in the fresh air, a change of scenery and, of course, sleep for at least 8 hours will help protect the body from both physical and mental overstrain.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of the nervous system, its strengthening.

Nerve strengthening

If you are sure that your illness is a reaction of the body to stress, then you need to put your nerves in order. There are many techniques to do this. These include yoga and meditation. They allow you to harmonize the nervous system, relieve tension.

No less effective are creative activities that allow you to escape from experiences, bring thoughts and emotions in order. It can be needlework, painting. Listening to soothing music, watching movies, doing what you love has a beneficial effect on the nerves.

Medical Solution

Can the temperature rise on a nervous basis? You already know the answer to this question. With any ailment of the body, you need to fight, you can’t let everything take its course. To combat stressful situations, many medications for depression and stress are used. You can calm the nerves and improve the nervous system with the use of medicinal plants that have a calming effect. These are chamomile flowers, mint, Ivan tea, peony, borage, motherwort.

Take responsibility for your health. Be healthy!

People suffering from temperature fluctuations or a constant increase for no apparent reason are wondering: is there a temperature due to nerves? Indeed, it is not uncommon for a person, experiencing stress, fatigue, strong emotions, etc., to notice changes on the thermometer. Do you want to know why? Read this article.

An increase in temperature on a nervous basis is possible. Moreover, the root cause is both negative and positive. Someone suffers because of the death of a loved one or turmoil at work - and he develops a fever. Someone is in love, even if in return, and hormones go off scale, leading to various negative reactions: tremors, fever, bear disease, dizziness. The author of the article's temperature rose to 39 degrees before the entrance exams to the university. Examinations were held at intervals of 1.5 months. Both times the temperature mysteriously appeared and disappeared immediately after passing the exams.

So yes, the temperature can rise from the nerves, and to any mark. If there are no other signs of illness, then the person has become a victim of his own psyche. But even the presence of flu-like or other symptoms along with a fever does not at all mean that they did not appear on a nervous basis. More on this later.

Why does the temperature rise when you are nervous

There are several reasons for the fact that the temperature rises on a nervous basis. We list the most common.

Decreased immunity

Nervous tension always negatively affects the immune system. If the stress is prolonged, then the person begins to get sick often, especially with colds and viral infections. The reason is the impaired functioning of the immune system, which can no longer effectively resist external influences. Despite the fact that the inflammatory reaction in the fight against pathogens gives an impetus to the fever, in this case it can be stated that the temperature rose indirectly from nervous tension.

Hormonal release

When a person experiences severe stress, fear or a sense of threat, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered. In response to an external threat, the brain switches on the fight-or-flight response. In both cases - to attack the danger or to run away from it - the muscles need energy. The adrenal glands begin to produce cortisol (the stress hormone that the body uses to mobilize energy) and adrenaline, which puts the muscles on high alert. Blood from internal organs rushes to the muscles of the arms, legs and head, while raising the temperature. With the elimination of the threat, the blood returns to the internal organs, the thermometer indicator returns to normal. However, if a person is constantly under stress, then cortisol and adrenaline continue to circulate in his blood. Accordingly, the heat also does not go anywhere.


VVD (vegetovascular dystonia, disorder of the autonomic nervous system) is another misfortune that happens to a person on a nervous basis and entails fluctuations in values ​​on the thermometer scale.

The part of the brain that regulates the autonomic system is the part that is also responsible for emotions. If emotions are not in balance (for example, a person has depression, increased anxiety, or even falling in love), then the regulation of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted. The result is thermoneurosis. In this state, the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus does not work correctly - hence the patient's temperature rises or falls for no apparent reason, after a while returning to normal or lingering for several months or even years.

Other symptoms of VSD are:

  • weight disorder;
  • appetite disorder;
  • dysfunction of the organs;
  • change in libido;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • tremor, sweating;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • abnormal periods of arousal;
  • drowsiness or insomnia.

Vegetovascular dystonia is also characterized by other manifestations masquerading as various diseases. Sometimes a person runs for years to cardiologists, infectious disease specialists, gastroenterologists and other specialized doctors, and the vegetative disorder is to blame. So, it was necessary to address to the neurologist and the psychotherapist.

Psychosomatics and flight into illness

An increased or decreased temperature of a psychosomatic nature is closely related to the phenomenon of vegetovascular dystonia. In some cases, doctors call such an anomaly an escape into the disease. What it is?

A typical manifestation - before some important event, a person suddenly falls ill with a fever with all the ensuing consequences. Often the condition is attributed to the flu. As a result, this may end up with the fact that the patient simply does not get to the event. And then the "flu" itself passes - and everything subsides until the next time.

The meaning of the flight into illness is that the body, with the help of fever and other manifestations of malaise, protects itself from what a person does not want to do, or from a possible failure. It eliminates the disturbing factor itself - participation in a responsible event. It is interesting that this does not always work: many, by an effort of will, go where they do not want to, and do what they do not want. But our organism is naive: it thought that sabotage would succeed.

If you actively do not want something, then the body “plays along” with you.

What temperature is on the nerves

On nervous grounds, the temperature is very different. It can decrease, or it can rise to 37-37.5-38, even up to 39-40 degrees.

High temperature due to nerves

Massage and self-massage is another excellent method that helps to strengthen and relax muscles, act on biologically active points on the body, soothes, and has other beneficial effects.


There is no specific prevention of fever on nervous grounds. However, methods have been developed to help reduce risks and improve health.

If a stressful situation is expected or has occurred (interview, exam, wedding, etc.), then start taking mild sedatives, for example, Novopassit or Nottu. They will produce a sedative effect. For help with intellectual loads, Aminalon is suitable.

The autonomic nervous system, which is often to blame for elevated temperatures during stress, is powered by muscle energy when they work. Therefore, moderate exercise in a pleasant sport is an excellent prevention of vegetative disorders. Classes should be daily, and light warm-ups - several times a day.

In addition, you need to strengthen the immune system, observe the regime of work and rest. Chronic fatigue is the result of the inability to finish work on time. Set aside 8-10 hours a day for work, the rest of the time - for yourself, family, sports, walks, entertainment, self-improvement. By adjusting the daily routine, you will see that you have become more productive during working hours. This will eliminate another provoking factor - nerves due to constant haste and dissatisfaction with the fact that you do not have time to do anything.

Zapara at work is a common cause of stress

Do not forget about the psychological aspect. The stress mode is turned on in a person not only with strong emotions (anger, love, fear), which are not always possible to avoid, but also with a sense of one's own unhappiness, a dead end situation, a discrepancy between what is desired and what is real. If it is difficult to work with the first group of states, because some of them are fleeting, but you don’t want to fight with others, then with the second group - please. Spiritual improvement, classes with a psychologist, meditation, yoga, group therapy, and finally, open pronunciation of emotions - all these are effective tools against stress.

Well, always remember that the brain takes memories and fantasies at face value, as if it were happening here and now. Therefore, turn on awareness: if you think something bad, immediately stop the flow of thoughts and get distracted. If you see bad news, don't read it. The neighbor began to tell a terrible story - interrupt it. You will think less about the bad - there will be less stress. There are real negative situations in life that cannot be avoided. Do not load yourself with things that have not happened to you or your loved ones and will never happen.

Our body is subject to the normal healthy functioning of the central nervous system. Measure the pressure, temperature, pulse of a person who is currently under stress. And you will see that these figures will increase dramatically. It is normal when a person is under stress:

  • sweating;
  • His blood pressure rises;
  • The body temperature rises;
  • The level of adrenaline in the blood increases;
  • Headache;
  • Worried about the state of general weakness.

As a rule, a social person, who is in society every day, cannot always fully show all his emotions. Sometimes - we have to restrain ourselves, get nervous in private and worry. You, probably, have repeatedly heard that all diseases in us are due to nervousness? And this is not at all an ordinary phrase, but a reality and a real diagnosis, confirmed by doctors and neurologists.

Most diseases have a nervous basis. Less nervous - less sick.

Diseases and nerves

Nervous? Can't hold back your emotions? It is not surprising that after a while you will develop diseases such as:

  • High blood pressure - hypertension;
  • Bronchial asthma and other problems with the upper respiratory tract;
  • Dermatological skin lesions;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • heart disease and of cardio-vascular system;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Migraines, headaches.

All these diseases are accompanied by fever and have the root cause - nervous soil.

Moreover, according to doctors, the list of diseases that have arisen on a nervous basis can be expanded and expanded.

Interesting fact!

Have you noticed how before some important, responsible event your body temperature rises, your cheeks and forehead begin to burn, and your general condition leaves much to be desired? A similar feeling may appear before an exam, going to school, for an interview, a date. In medicine, this condition has a scientific justification - flight into the disease. A person, as it were, with the help of an illness, protects himself from a possible failure and a nervous state at the event itself. Therefore, advice - in order not to get sick during the period of important events in your life, try to drink soothing teas (sold in a pharmacy), valerian, Novopasit a few days before.

Visit doctor

Has the temperature risen due to nervousness? Do I need to go to the doctor?

Temperature on a nervous basis has a psychosomatic basis. The more you worry, get nervous, think about some situation in your life, the higher the body temperature will be.

An increase in body temperature on a nervous basis does not require a visit to a doctor. Only if you really feel very bad or do not know how you can help yourself on your own.

Visiting a doctor with a high temperature caused by nervous experiences is not worth it. You can help yourself.


If you are constantly nervous, even because of the little things that are happening in your life, you need to turn not to a therapist (for a prescription for drugs that reduce the temperature), but to a psychologist.

At a temperature on a nervous basis, you need to contact not a therapist, but a psychologist.

We help ourselves

First rule- learn not to take what is happening around you to heart.

After every nervous breakdown, you will not scream at your loved ones, break dishes at home, destroy everything around, drink a ton of pills, leave work / university / school. Therefore, you must control yourself over and over again and nothing else.

Second rule- Do you feel very bad? The temperature rose, pressure increased, sweating increased? In this case, contact a therapist, and secondly, after you feel better, do not spare money for a consultation with a psychologist (at least online, it will cost less).


Does the temperature drop? Do you keep getting nervous? What to do in this case? Should I run to the doctor or is there something I can do to help myself?

Below is a list of effective antipyretics:

  • All drugs based on Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Naproxen and other drugs based on Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesil;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Voltaren;
  • Diklak;
  • Aspirin;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Citramon;
  • Movalis;
  • Metindol;
  • Arcoxia;
  • Butadion;
  • Nise.

At a high temperature provoked by nervous disorders, it is by no means recommended to take antibiotics (used for ARVI).

If you decide not to go to the doctor for an antipyretic medication, then at least read the instructions for the medication.

You can't do without a doctor if:

  • on nervous grounds, your temperature rose to 38.5 degrees;
  • you are not able to drink, eat, talk;
  • you have a fever for 24 hours;
  • hallucinations began;
  • there is a state of increased arousal;
  • severe excruciating headache that cannot be eliminated with medication;
  • impaired breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • prolonged hysteria;
  • can't calm down for a few hours.

By the way, before assuming that you have a fever from stress, pay attention to other symptoms - you may have a runny nose, cough, or you have recently undergone surgery. The temperature can rise against the background of an attached infection, an allergic process, with reduced immunity.

chronic fatigue syndrome

If after a long rest you have a feeling of fatigue, weakness, weakness, then your diagnosis is most likely chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms are similar to the flu. Lack of treatment leads to a decrease in memory, mental abilities.

With chronic fatigue syndrome, the temperature is kept at 38 degrees. This disease requires medical attention.



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