Production of dried beets. Before chewing gum (dried beets)

Technological cycle dried beet production similar to technology. Drying line and line preliminary preparation raw materials are almost identical. But in the production of dried beets, some additional pieces of equipment are used. Also, to preserve the natural color of the product, its structure and density, specialists Dry Food Company implement their technological know-how into the designed production.

When entering the production line, beets are washed in drum or brush washers. Next, the beets are inspected and specimens that are unsuitable for further processing are removed. For maximum effect yield, it makes sense to calibrate the beets before, preferably into three size types.

After sorting, special processing of beets is carried out. This procedure allows you to obtain a product with a stable color, quickly restored in water (10-15 minutes), and having a structure that allows you to subsequently produce high-quality beet powder. The processing procedure also preserves sugar in the beets and increases the overall productivity of the drying line.

Having gone through the preparation procedures, the beets enter the final inspection conveyor, where raw materials unsuitable for drying are once again rejected. Next, the beets are cut on vegetable cutters into a certain fraction in the form of plates, cubes and columns.

Directly used for drying beets automatic belt-type drying equipment, or for small production facilities box drying chambers are used. Dry Food Company designs and supplies drying lines where the necessary parameters and drying modes have already been calculated. This allows you to prevent the product from sticking to the tape, changing the color and taste characteristics of the beets, and eliminating the problem of uneven drying. Our experienced technologists have already developed all possible technological maps for this production.

Dried beets.

Products manufactured using Dry Food technologies, can be produced both according to GOST 52622-2006 and GOST 13011-67, and according to technical specifications, which meet the requirements of major players in the food ingredients market. For different purposes and customers, dried beets can be produced in the highest, first or second grade. The grade is determined by the final values ​​of the product parameters.

There are three types of cutting. These are columns, plates, cubes.

  • Dried beets cubes– sides 5-10mm in the original state.
  • Dried beet slices– thickness up to 4mm, length and width up to 15mm in the original state.
  • Dried beets– thickness up to 3mm, width up to 5mm, length from 5 to 50mm in the original state.

At production of dried beets using equipment from the Dry Food company, the product is obtained with a saturated burgundy color, has a rigid structure. The final moisture content of the product can be selected from 6 to 14%, depending on customer requirements. Recovery duration is 10-15 minutes with a coefficient of 6-8 times.

For package dried beets You can use bags, boxes, as well as consumer packaging. The shelf life, if our technological solutions are followed, is 3-5 years.

For consultations on project development, implementation of technological solutions, please contact us by phone +7 495 943 90 06.

Dried beets harvested from the summer will reduce the time required to prepare some dishes that include boiled or stewed beets. Before use, it can be soaked in cold water in advance. This preparation is convenient to use for main courses and salads. In addition, dried beets make a natural food coloring - just grind the amount of product you need in a blender or coffee grinder.

During the drying process, the weight of beets decreases by 7 times, that is, it is easier to store such a preparation at home than fresh vegetables. But just in case, I will leave a link about storing beet roots. At the same time, all the beneficial substances are retained in the root vegetables. The best varieties for harvesting are Bordeaux and Incomparable.

Also, this method will be useful for summer residents who do not have own car. Part of the beet harvest can be dried at the dacha. Lightened and reduced in size vegetables can be easily and without problems brought home by public transport.

Recipe information

Cooking method: cooking, drying.

Total cooking time: 7 days h

Number of servings: 1 .


  • beets – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

Note to the owner:

  • In addition to the usual dishes - borscht, side dishes, etc. - dried beets can also be used to prepare excellent vitamin drink. It's easy to do - add 1-2 tbsp. dried root vegetable into a teapot with tea, the familiar taste will acquire new original notes, and the color will acquire bright and rich burgundy shades.

It seems hard to believe now, but, after all, quite recently in Russia it was impossible to buy either a cola, or a Big Mac, or chewing gum. All these were the values ​​of developed capitalism, alien to our then society, which seemed (together with many other capitalist values) distant, fair and romantic.
True, instead of cola for the “dispossessed” to the Soviet man excellent kvass was offered everywhere, real juice or soda, and instead of Big Macs - cheap, but wonderful and tasty pies with a variety of fillings.
And the only problem was with chewing gum. Instead, as boys, we often used hot black resin - tar, which stood on city streets in huge tubs heated with coal or even logs where we repaired or re-laid asphalt. This resin was chewable quite well and could serve as a “gum” not certain time. But its oily taste, perhaps, could not be called particularly pleasant. However, an alternative to tar opened up on every trip to the village - to stay with my grandmother. From somewhere on the stove, the grandmother always took out a white canvas bag, in which lay nondescript, dull, almost black, dense, elastic pieces, similar in color to the same resin. In the mouth, such “tar” was chewed very reluctantly at first, but gradually weakened, melted and gave off, gave off, gave off powerful accumulated aromas, sweet, deep, warm. Where are these aromas compared to modern gum “with the taste” of banana or watermelon? Grandma’s “gum” didn’t even have to be spit out; in the end, it was simply eaten. Oh, we loved these “rubber bands”!
Meanwhile, of course, in my grandmother’s house there was no question of any tar: the bags contained dried beets, an old (as far as I understand) delicacy, simple and tasty.
We only need beets and nothing else.

In principle, you can take any variety, but it is clear that the tastier and sweeter the raw materials are, the richer the “chewing gum” will come out of it. The amount of beets can also, of course, be anything. However, it wouldn’t hurt to know that after all the manipulations a kilogram of fresh beets will yield about a hundred grams of dried goodness. And one hundred grams is just two handfuls.
First, the beets must be brought to readiness. To do this, you can boil it or bake it. In any case, peel the beets prematurely to preserve their juice. Therefore, after washing the beets, I wrap them in foil and put them in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. The time it takes for the beets to bake depends on their size and lies within an approximate interval of 40 minutes. – 1.5 hours.

Of course, our grandmothers, who lived in Russian villages, used a Russian oven at all stages of preparing vegetable sweets, which was ideal for baking food and, even more so, for drying or simmering. But we, city dwellers, do not have this opportunity, but we have access to ovens with well-regulated heating.
We take out the finished beets, cool them (to speed up the process, you can place them in cold water)

and then we clean it and cut it into thick pieces. It must be borne in mind that during the drying process, the beets will “lose weight” very actively, so you need to cut them, approximately as a starving person would cut sausage, into pieces two centimeters thick. You can do it in slices, or you can use beautiful cubes, a knife, or using special gadgets.

Place the chopped beets on a baking sheet and put them back in the oven to dry.

Now, if you want, you can solve the issue of additional flavoring of the product. Sometimes the beets are sprinkled with extra sugar, sometimes with pepper and salt. It is not forbidden to use other favorite spices here. True, to me personally all these actions seem unnecessary and on my baking sheet there are just beets.

We reduce the heating of the oven to 100 degrees, and when closing it, be sure to leave a gap for steam to escape. The goal of this step is to remove most of the liquid from the beets. The weight of the dried beets should decrease approximately five to six times relative to the weight of the beets placed on the baking sheet. It took me three hours.
Now take out the beets again and dry them at room temperature. How to determine final readiness? Very simple. The beets that came out of the oven had lost their liquid and shrunk in size, but they were not yet dry and remained soft when removed. During the drying process, the liquid will still be lost and the beets will harden. But in no case should it reach a state of brittleness - this would mean that the product is overdried. Elasticity is the ideal state that is achieved by using drying. Elasticity reminiscent, for example, of the elasticity of vanilla, the commercial stick of which perfectly holds its original shape, but at the same time bends flawlessly if force is applied to it.

When such elasticity is achieved, everything is ready, the beets can be stored in a sealed jar, you can eat, chew them or suck them like candy. And a spoonful of good balsamic will generally turn a simple but dear chosen one into a sophisticated, exciting princess.
Try it!

In Ukraine and neighboring countries. And this is not surprising, because red is rich in vitamins and useful minerals. beets allows you to preserve as much as possible beneficial features product for the whole year.

Advantages of the harvesting method

Since ancient times, people have noticed that if fresh or well dried, it will preserve maximum amount.

  • and contain a lot of potassium, which improves work of cardio-vascular system. In addition, it is a storehouse of organic acids and carbohydrates.
  • Eating fruits significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, renal failure and many other chronic diseases.
  • This preparation method allows you to simplify the preparation of dishes and also save time.
  • Drying vegetables does not require additional ingredients or complex manipulations.

Did you know? In dried products the concentration useful substances twice as high as fresh.

The benefits and harms of dried beets

All the benefits of dried beets cannot be described in a few words. Its use helps eliminate toxins, improves mood and increases appetite.

The red color of the root vegetable is due to the flavonoid contained in the substance, which helps relieve spasms from blood vessels, reduce high blood pressure, improve the strength of capillaries, cleanse the blood of carcinogens and radiation.
IN dried fruits contains a unique betanin, the alkaloid compounds of which accelerate the absorption of food and improve the functioning of the liver, increasing the viability of its cells. In addition, they help reduce cholesterol and body fat.

This vegetable cannot cause serious harm to the body, but it still needs to be consumed in reasonable quantities. It has been proven that the substances in the composition impair the absorption of calcium in the body. Too much frequent use in food may be harmful to people suffering from bone diseases or bone injuries.

Thus, the benefits of dried beets are obvious, and they can cause harm only in exceptional cases.

Which beets are best to choose for drying?

If you decide to dry a red root vegetable, keep in mind that not every variety will work. Try to choose a rich dark purple color, without rings.

The shape of the fruit should be round, flat-rounded or flat, with sweet flesh and without coarse fibers. Make sure that there is no damage from agricultural machinery; the length of the petiole is no more than two centimeters.

The varieties “Incomparable” and “Bordeaux” are considered the most suitable for drying.

How to prepare a root vegetable

Before drying, vegetables must be prepared.

  • First of all, wash the vegetables with a soft sponge under the tap and pour cold water for a couple of hours.
  • After this, drain the liquid and fill it with new one, put it on the fire so that the root vegetable is properly cooked.
  • After 20 minutes, the vegetable is placed in cold water; this “shock” therapy will allow it to cook faster.

Important!Check the readiness of the beets with a toothpick. IN ready-made vegetable it goes in very easily.

  • When the beets have cooled completely, they should be peeled, root and head removed.
  • Cut the root vegetable into any in a convenient way(slices, straws, cubes no thicker than 0.5 cm), depending on how you plan to use it.
  • Now the root vegetable needs to be placed on a baking sheet or sieve in one layer and sent to the drying place.

Popular drying methods

Exists three main ways to dry vegetables. Let's figure out which one is the most optimal and how to properly dry beets at home.

Air-solar drying

Our ancestors came up with the idea of ​​drying vegetables and fruits in the sun. This is the oldest and natural way when food is laid out in attics, sheds, and sheds. For this type you need minimum set equipment, just racks and sieves.
However, the cumbersomeness should be taken into account preliminary work, for which you will need baskets and sieves for blanching, cauldrons for boiling vegetables, tubs for water, knives for peeling and cutting, scales, containers, packaging paper, etc.

In order for the food to be better blown by the wind, it is tedious to raise the racks from the ground and tilt the baking sheets to the south. Beets need to be dried in the sun until four days. The readiness of the fetus is indicated by fragility and slight elasticity.

In an electric dryer

Drying beets is considered the most modern and convenient way to prepare dried fruits and vegetables. The electric device will become a lifesaver for those who have their own and a lot of harvest for processing. It will help you save time and effort by obtaining environmentally friendly preparations without preservatives, sulfur dioxide, monosodium glutamate and other harmful chemical additives, as well as incredible amounts of salt, sugar and vinegar.

One of the main advantages of this method compared to sun drying is that you will not be subject to the vagaries of the weather. Usually it is this factor that prevents the fruits from drying within required deadline and good quality.

In the oven

Drying food in the oven is considered the most popular method for people living in apartments. There is no place to dry it in the sun, and there is no point in buying vegetables for a small amount.

Important!Unlike other vegetables, drying beets requires more high temperature and more time.

To prepare the beets, prepare them and place them on a rack. Make sure that the pieces do not lie too close to each other, this will allow warm air to circulate better throughout the oven. The red fruit should be dried at a temperature of 85–90 degrees. Stir several times during the process. Additionally, leave a gap of 2–3 cm in the electric oven, and 20 cm in the gas oven. Leave the vegetable for 6–7 hours until cooked.

Try not to overcook, otherwise the root crop will crack.

How to determine readiness

After a certain time, depending on the chosen cooking method, the product must be checked for readiness. A sufficiently dried vegetable will be dark burgundy. It will feel fragile to the touch, but at the same time flexible and elastic.

How and where to store dried beets

Dried vegetables should be stored in a dark place. cool room. Place the finished product in a glass or tin jar with a tight-fitting lid. The product will also be stored well in plastic bags.

Beets have been consumed by many peoples since ancient times. The ancient Greeks used it not only as food, but also as a medicine, which Paracelsus and Hippocrates wrote about in their treatises. But the Persians considered beets a symbol of discord, so they threw a large root crop into the house of the person they disliked. In Rus', the first mention of this wonderful root crop appeared around the 10th-11th centuries. Wide Application beets received in the 14th century. It was baked, boiled, and served with tea as a dessert. According to legend, the epic Russian heroes loved to eat the epic Russian heroes; it was believed that this root vegetable gave them unprecedented strength. And Russian beauties consumed beets not only as food, but also for for cosmetic purposes, rosy cheeks.

The benefits of burgundy root vegetables

Beetroot dishes have long been considered healthy and nutritious. Dried beets It is recommended to use it to stimulate appetite and improve mood. It helps remove waste and toxins from the body.
The calorie content of dried beets is 254 kcal per 100 grams. product. It is rich in amino acids, carotenoids, iodine, phosphorus, cobalt, magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium salts. Vitamins PP, C, B2 (riboflavin), B1 (thiamine), A. Beetroot contains citric, lactic, malic organic acids, fiber, nitrogenous substances that normalize digestion.

Flavonoids from beets increase the strength of capillaries, relieve vascular spasms, and reduce arterial pressure. Beets contain betanin and betaine. These are compounds that promote the breakdown and absorption of food and improve liver function. Beets reduce blood cholesterol levels and improve fat metabolism. Beetroot is useful for loss of strength, weakness, for the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis, for the treatment of hemorrhoids. General strengthening property beets have also been known for a long time. During illness, it has an antipyretic and diuretic effect. The cobalt contained in the root vegetable is useful for the synthesis of vitamin B12 in the body. Magnesium is good for the heart muscle. Beets have more pectin than apples and carrots.

How we dried beets in an Isidri electric dryer

1. For drying, we took 5 kg of beets. All root vegetables were thoroughly cleaned. As a result, 4.5 kg of purified product was obtained.
2. The beets were first cut into slices and then passed through a meat grinder, resulting in shavings.
3. The resulting beet “noodles” were distributed onto the trays of an electric dryer. Approximately 350 grams for each. A total of 13 trays were filled.
4. Turned on the dryer and set the temperature to +55 degrees. The temperature in the room where the Ezidri vegetable dryer was working was +12 degrees.

5. The beets were dried on 13 trays and nets for 9 hours.
6. As a result, from 5 kg of fresh beets, 620 grams of dried beets were obtained.
7. The resulting product was placed in a glass jar. Closed with a vacuum lid.
8. As you can see from the video, if you pour boiling water over dried beets, the water instantly acquires a rich burgundy color. That is, the result was high-quality, quick-cooking beets.

Which beets to choose for drying?

The most the best varieties Table varieties of beets are considered for drying. It should be a rich dark red color with a purple tint, without light rings on the cut, without white veins. Such varieties are, for example, Bordeaux, Incomparable, Canning, Egyptian. It is better not to take sugar and fodder beets, as well as varieties that are close to them in the properties and structure of root crops, for drying. They can be dried, but the final product will be of poor quality. The beets are boiled a little before drying, but you don’t have to do this. If blanching is carried out, then it is worth knowing that an overcooked root vegetable produces a lot of waste during cleaning, and undercooked beets after drying do not swell well and take a long time to boil. This rule works if drying is done in slices.

If dried in strips, then the beets do not need to be cooked. A well-dried root vegetable should have a beautiful burgundy color with a purple or pinkish tint. After drying, the beets do not lose their nutritional quality, it retains all the beneficial substances.

For home drying of beets, they use ovens, ovens, and some people dry vegetables in microwaves. However the best option will be, which is specially designed for high-quality drying of products.

It is worth knowing that it is not recommended to dry vegetables outdoors. In addition to the fact that the process will take several days, the quality of the products will also deteriorate significantly. With the Isidri electric dryer, such problems will not arise. Drying will take several hours, but the result will be high-quality and delicious product. Dried beets must be stored either in paper bags or cloth bags, in glass jars. We recommend sealing jars with vacuum seals. This way, dried beets will not become moldy and will fully retain all their beneficial properties.

Use of dried beets Dried beets retain their properties for the winter taste qualities, therefore it is used in the same dishes as fresh. Of course, it is indispensable for borscht, beetroot soup, vinaigrettes, and salads. It is brewed as tea or made into kvass.
You can try making others original dishes, delicious recipes from beets are presented below. And this is only a small part of them.

. Candied beetroot.

Heat the jam syrup. Pour hot syrup over the dried beetroot, boil a little and leave to soak. When the syrup has cooled, you can try the “yummy”. Or you can take out the beets, let the syrup drain and place them in the dryer on marshmallow sheets. Dry on medium temperature conditions. This dessert can surprise children and adults, and no one will guess what it is made of. It is better to use syrup from cherry, strawberry, raspberry jam. In addition to dried beets, dried carrots are also used for candied fruits.

. Spicy beets.

Beetroot chips are soaked in salted water. While it is soaking, finely grate the garlic. Mix beets, garlic, any greens, season with mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Salad ready.

. Beetroot caviar.

This is an excellent homemade snack. Dried beets need to be steamed for a few minutes, add finely grated horseradish to your taste, add salt and a little vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly and can be served. The amount of salt, horseradish, vinegar must be selected independently, gradually adding ingredients. It all depends on personal taste and the sweetness of the beets. This spicy caviar will serve as an excellent side dish for potatoes, meat, even pasta instead of ketchup.

. Hearty salad

The dried beets are steamed for a few minutes. Hard boil 2 eggs. You will also need any boiled meat (boiled meat is best chicken breast, lean pork or beef). The meat is cut into cubes or separated into fibers. Eggs are cut into strips. Chop a few cloves of garlic. Place beets, meat, eggs, garlic in a salad bowl, add sour cream, salt, black and red ground pepper. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator to infuse for 10 minutes. After this, decorate with strips of eggs, parsley or dill.

Dried beets - a practical product for tourists

For hikers, beets are a must, as people experience constant heavy physical exercise and need complete varied diet, food on a hike should be varied. Of course, admire the sunset, beautiful nature, starry night, singing with a guitar is the romance of hiking, for which people are ready to get up with the first rays of the sun and walk thousands of kilometers. But in order to enjoy all the beautiful scenery, tourists need to eat healthy, high-quality and satisfying food.

Wonderfully delicious in nature with the aroma of a campfire to quickly saturate the body. Dried beets are very convenient to take with you on a hike, like other dried vegetables. It takes up little space and weighs little, but your diet on a hike will be as varied as possible. You can't imagine borscht without beets. And on a trip to fresh air aromatic borscht will not only satiate and warm you, but will also lift your spirits. You can also add beets to various cereals, vegetable side dishes, she will make them more beautiful and useful. It goes well with dried tomatoes, garlic and herbs.

Thus, this root vegetable is simply necessary to always have on hand. A bag of dried beets will come in handy when you need to pack food for a hike, or will help out if you have unexpected guests. After all, a huge number of dishes can be prepared from it.



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