Persimmon when breastfeeding newborns: is it possible or not? Can a nursing mother eat persimmons and which variety is best during breastfeeding?

Persimmon during breastfeeding is a rather controversial product that can both benefit the baby and harm him.

With the birth of a child, the life of his parents changes dramatically. We are talking not only about the need to wash diapers and get up to the baby at night, but also about all other components of life. In general, life before the arrival of the long-awaited first child and after that can be divided into 2 parts. One of the main changes that absolutely all breastfeeding mothers have to face is diet correction. Some products are completely excluded from it, replaced by others, more healthy and nutritious.

Is it possible to eat persimmon while breastfeeding: nutritional management for a nursing mother and the positive properties of the fetus

Can nursing mothers eat persimmon? Literally translated from Latin, the name of this overseas fruit translates as food of the gods. Its color range can vary from bright orange to almost red, and its taste is different from any other fruit known to us and is a tart-sweet, but at the same time extremely delicate mixture of aromas.

As a rule, they appear on the shelves of our stores in late autumn or early winter. No wonder persimmon is a favorite delicacy of many people. However, for a nursing mother, it is most often prohibited, like a fruit grown outside our climate zone. In most cases, such a convention is justified, since it protects the mother and her baby from various kinds of problems associated with eating suspicious food, but regarding this particular fetus, not everything is so simple.

Let’s try together to figure out whether a nursing mother can eat persimmon, and the following list of positive qualities of this fruit will help us do this:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth itself significantly weaken a woman’s immunity, which is why she becomes more susceptible to various kinds of seasonal diseases such as acute respiratory infections and. At the same time, the high concentration of vitamin C contained in persimmon helps strengthen the protective properties of the body of mother and baby.
  2. Persimmon is quite useful during lactation because it is an excellent source of iron. In turn, anemia is diagnosed during pregnancy and after childbirth in 70% of cases, and consuming this fruit makes it possible to restore balance and fully combat the problem.
  3. The beneficial effect of persimmon on the cardiovascular system is a generally accepted fact. This effect on the body of the mother and baby is due to the presence in it of a whole complex of microelements, including potassium and magnesium, as well as large amounts of glucose and sucrose. Moreover, it is the cumulative effect on the woman’s body that helps normalize blood flow and stabilize the functioning of the system as a whole.
  4. Persimmon during breastfeeding helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The high content of pectin and fiber plays a key role in this process, stabilizing the functioning of the stomach and allowing for the improvement of intestinal functions.
  5. The high calcium content is also a significant advantage for the nursing mother and baby. During pregnancy, it is intensively excreted from the mother's body, participating in the formation of the infant's skeleton. Now the weakened female body requires its replenishment.

The above qualities represent the most complete and detailed answer to the question whether a nursing mother can eat persimmon. However, regarding this overseas fruit, not everything is as clear as it might seem at first glance. In addition to positive qualities, it also has some negative aspects that can become a source of problems.

Diet of a nursing mother: persimmon and possible consequences of its consumption

Can persimmons be consumed while breastfeeding? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since in addition to its pronounced benefits, this fruit can also cause some problems. During feeding, every product consumed by a woman passes into breast milk and, accordingly, enters the baby's body. At the same time, most foods consumed by adults can place an increased burden on the child’s immature digestive system.

Over the years, our stomach gets used to various types of food, becoming stronger and more functional. As for the baby, before his birth he was fed milk in utero, where he was protected from any kind of influence. At the time of his birth, he experienced enormous stress, and now he needs to get used to his new living conditions, which can affect the functioning of both the digestive tract and its other systems.

Based on this, in the first month, not only all specific foods should be excluded from the mother’s diet, but the entire principle of nutrition should be significantly revised. Therefore, it is too early for a nursing mother to eat persimmon in the first month of her baby’s life.

This categorical approach is due to several factors, including the overseas origin of the fruit. Despite all its beneficial qualities, you should not consume persimmon during lactation, especially when it comes to feeding children in the first months of life. Such restrictions are explained by some health risks for the mother and her baby that can arise when eating persimmons. They look like this:

  1. Persimmon is a source of glucose and sucrose, which can affect the health of a mother suffering from diabetes. Therefore, this fruit should not only be limited, but also completely abandoned.
  2. The possible harm of persimmon is especially evident when it is abused. Overeating this fruit can lead to significant consolidation of the stool, which occurs due to its fibrous structure. At the same time, it will manifest itself both in the mother herself and in her baby.
  3. Eating persimmons during breastfeeding can become a source of severe food allergies. This is due to the fact that the orange pigment contained in this fruit and most citrus fruits serves as an allergen that carries a potential danger. Based on this, even a small piece of persimmon eaten by the mother can become the main cause of the development of an allergic reaction in the baby.

All these potential dangers make the question of whether it is possible to eat persimmons during breastfeeding again relevant. Due to the large number of positive qualities, you should not completely refuse to eat the fruit during lactation. Mommy should introduce it into her diet gradually in small portions. The best time for this is when the baby reaches the age of three months, when his body is already a little stronger and his digestive tract is functioning more perfectly.

The best time to start eating persimmons is when your baby is introduced to his first complementary foods. At the same time, it is better to enjoy persimmon in the morning in the form of a small piece so that you can observe its reaction. In turn, in the absence of an allergic response or other reactions, a nursing woman can try to increase the number of fetuses. However, you should not overeat it to avoid constipation or other problems, and a single serving should not exceed 200-300 g.

First of all, you need to select high-quality persimmons for use during lactation. It should be ripe, soft enough and have an orange-red peel. Because only a good quality product can saturate the body of a mother and her child with all the necessary vitamins without harming it.

Conclusion on the topic

The birth of a child requires the mother to significantly change her diet. At the same time, consuming persimmons in the first months of a baby’s life is not recommended due to the inferiority of its digestive system. In the future, when he reaches three months of age, you can begin to introduce this overseas fruit into your diet, but this should be done extremely carefully. In general, the positive properties of persimmon are much more extensive than the possible negative qualities. Based on this, it is still not worth completely eliminating it from the diet, and only the manifestation of allergic reactions or problems with stool can cause a refusal of this aromatic fruit.

The sunny guest persimmon usually appears on the shelves of Russian stores at the time when the first severe frosts hit. Thanks to this bright yellow fruit, the body additionally receives many vitamins and microelements.

Many are waiting for persimmons to finally go on sale, but if at this long-awaited time a woman is breastfeeding, and she really wants to taste the tart but tasty fruit, she begins to worry about whether the new product will have a negative effect on the infant.

Treatment options

There are a lot of useful things in persimmon, which is why doctors and traditional healers suggest that patients include persimmon in their menu as a diuretic, as well as a laxative, which increases immunity and protects the liver.

The fruit is useful as a preventative way to protect yourself from such ailments as:

  1. Colds. This is mainly possible due to the presence of ascorbic acid in persimmons, which is known for such unique properties as reducing the risk of developing colds, stimulating the immune system, and removing traces of irritation and fatigue. Especially in cold and bad weather, when the number of respiratory infections increases sharply, persimmon, along with honey, will reduce the chances of getting sick. Vitamin C also fights seborrhea, eliminating metabolic disorders.
  2. Problems of the urinary system. Persimmon contains substances that help normalize the tone of the bladder, reduce inflammatory processes in it, softening the inflamed mucous membrane. The diuretic effect of the product is caused by the presence of trace elements calcium and potassium in it. Potassium is known as an active assistant that promotes the removal of fluid from the body. It also ensures the normal functioning of nerve impulses. Calcium is able to remove accumulated salts of heavy metals from the body, and this is the main element of bone tissue - if it is not enough, there is a threat of developing osteoporosis.
  3. High blood pressure. The presence of microelements, such as magnesium, helps relieve the threat of pressure surges. Thanks to potassium, which prevents sodium from accumulating in the body, which causes blood pressure to rise and swelling to occur, blood pressure is regulated. Orange fruit strengthens the walls of blood vessels. For preventive purposes, it is proposed to remove the peel from the fruit and grind the pulp, adding a small amount of milk. The resulting mixture should be eaten in the morning and evening.
  4. Detoxification. Persimmons contain antioxidants, which are not without reason called free radical scavengers. Those who love persimmons protect their body from the active effects of free radicals.
  5. Nervous conditions. During the period of gestation, and then childbirth and during lactation, a woman’s nervous system, along with others, is subject to constant stress. This instability often leads to mood swings, fatigue, and tearfulness. To get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, you need to eat persimmon. Its composition, for example, potassium and sugar, will help you look at the world joyfully.

But persimmon is not only a tasty and healthy product. It is used in cosmetology to delay the aging process. To do this, it is enough to periodically apply a mask to tighten the contour of the face and get rid of fine wrinkles. The most common way is to make a mask by mixing persimmon pulp, pre-beaten yolk and freshly squeezed lemon drops. The paste should be kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes. If you add glycerin and aloe juice to such a mask, you can get rid of oily facial skin.

Traditional healers offer 15 grams as a general preventive remedy for hemorrhoids. leave dried persimmons soaked in a liter of water. After 10 minutes, drink the liquid, but only after eating.

Variety of varieties

There are many types of persimmon, but they are divided into several groups - these are soft varieties and tart ones.

The most famous are:

  1. Chocolate. It has a rich orange skin, closer to red. But in the middle the color is chocolate. Small spots are clearly marked on the top. The taste is very pleasant.
  2. The “Maru” variety, a mixture of coffee and cinnamon, has an unusual taste. The shape of the fruit as a whole seems round, however, it is slightly oblong. Chocolate pulp is hidden under the orange skin.
  3. The “fuyu” variety is distinguished by the same taste qualities that sweet pumpkin has, which allows it to become a salad ingredient. The fruit is small and very rarely contains a seed.
  4. The largest and sweetest persimmon is the “Izu” variety.
  5. “Mabolo” has a velvety skin; when ripe, this persimmon has a bright red color.
  6. Metamorphoses occur with the Khachiya variety. While the fruit is young, it is very sour, but once it ripens, the flesh becomes tender and literally melts in the mouth.
  7. "Yemon" may contain a seed, but fruits are also found without it. Has a flattened appearance. When ripe, the pulp is very sweet and soft.
  8. It is very easy to recognize a sapote, since its skin is green and the flesh is milky in color until it is ripe, but as it ripens it darkens significantly.

  1. Persimmons bring many benefits, and even affect milk production, as they contain almost 80 percent liquid. But it contains a lot of sugar, so after consuming it, your blood sugar level may increase.
  2. A large amount of persimmon eaten can cause constipation, and in the baby too.
  3. Persimmon is also dangerous as a strong allergen, so mothers should include it in their diet after the child reaches 4 months of age. It is during this period that the digestive system begins to work well and better absorb the substances that come with milk. If your baby is bothered by gas and colic, it is better to exclude persimmons from food for now. Children's doctors suggest that mothers eat this fruit only with complementary foods.

There are some rules on how to eat persimmons for health benefits:

  1. If it gets into an empty stomach, it can disrupt digestion due to the high content of tannin and pectin. The result will be food sticking together into clumps, which leads to the appearance of stomach stones. Tannin is mainly found in the skin, so nutritionists advise not to eat it.
  2. You should not combine protein foods with persimmons. This is explained by the fact that tannins can cause protein to stick together, which will negatively affect the digestion process.
  3. It is not recommended to drink dried persimmons with milk to avoid vomiting and diarrhea.

For an infant, the danger lies in the increased content of beta-carotene in persimmon, which can act as a strong allergen. If the mother continues to consume persimmons, the child will suffer more, and as a result, skin irritations and dermatitis may appear. Tannin not only affects the viscosity of the fruit, but it takes a long time to digest, and for a newborn this is a very difficult process. Excessive exercise can lead to stomach upset, vomiting or diarrhea. There is another danger - it is possible that the load on the bladder will increase.

When choosing persimmons, you need to buy ripe and soft ones so that the skin is a uniform color. Dark spots and dots warn that the fruit is beginning to deteriorate or has been too frozen.

Video: what fruits can a nursing mother eat?

Sometimes during the period of breastfeeding you want something exotic - persimmon, for example. However, its rich orange color is alarming to women who have recently experienced childbirth. Let's figure out whether a nursing mother can eat persimmons and whether eating them will cause allergies or colic in the newborn.

What are the benefits of persimmon during lactation?

  1. This fruit contains a large amount of iron. The birth and development of a new life inside a woman’s body, the loss of blood during childbirth depletes the reserves of this element. The persimmon pulp is filled to capacity with it. A sufficient intake of iron into the body will improve the condition of hair and nails and increase the intensity of neutralization of harmful substances in the liver. All body tissues will have an unhindered opportunity to renew themselves, rejuvenating the body.
  2. Chemical elements such as calcium and phosphorus will have a beneficial effect on the strength of the skeleton and the functioning of the mother’s muscles. The tissue that makes up bones often needs to be repaired after a surge in hormonal levels. In addition, by eating persimmon while breastfeeding, the mother transfers the minerals necessary for bone development to the baby. This will protect the baby from developing rickets.
  3. Potassium and magnesium will ensure uniform contraction of the heart and strengthen the walls of blood vessels of the mother and child. Working in pairs, these microelements can protect against muscle cramps and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  4. Persimmon will be a godsend for nursing sweet tooths! Its sweetness is comparable to the taste of sweets and cakes. But at the same time, it does not contain preservatives, dyes and other “chemicals”, which are strictly guarded against during breastfeeding.
  5. Breastfeeding mothers suffering from kidney problems will receive an additional bonus. Persimmon has the ability to dissolve kidney stones and has a mild diuretic effect. In addition, its bactericidal properties allow it to suppress the proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus. It is he who is a common cause of glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis and mastitis.
  6. Vitamins C and E in combination are a powerful activator of the body's defenses. If you eat persimmons in the cold months, then the immunity of mother and child will be able to more actively fight viruses. The antioxidant properties of the fruit will prevent the development of cancer.
  7. Vitamin A will help improve vision, especially at dusk. It is also an antioxidant and can improve metabolic processes in the body.
  8. Vitamins PP and group B will protect the skin from peeling and dermatitis, and hair from loss during lactation.
  9. Persimmon contains iodine, which can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  10. There is evidence that the combination of beneficial substances contained in persimmons speeds up metabolism. This is good news for nursing mothers who have gained weight during the long months of pregnancy.

How can persimmons be dangerous when breastfeeding?

  1. The orange and bright color indicates that persimmon is not the best choice for allergy sufferers, especially during breastfeeding. If before the lactation period the mother calmly ate this berry, then most likely there is no concern - although even in this case it is advisable to avoid it during the first three months of feeding.
  2. Another difficulty for the gastrointestinal tract of both baby and mother is tannins. This is the name given to the substances that impart an astringent taste. They are poorly processed by the enzymes of the digestive tube. This leads to the formation of a tight lump of food eaten and contributes to constipation. At the same time, eating persimmons can help relieve indigestion. There is a way to neutralize the effects of tannins. To do this, you need to send the persimmons for freezing. After heating in the microwave, you will get a paste that does not have an astringent taste or binding properties.
  3. The enormous sweetness contained in persimmons makes it a forbidden fruit for diabetics.

Which variety should mom choose?

There are many varieties that have almost no knitting - these are the ones that are recommended for the mother to eat during breastfeeding.

Persimmon Korolek is a berry that developed from a male flower. Its color is characterized by a chocolate palette of shades. Having ripened under the warm sun, such persimmons contain practically no tannins. Its flesh can be called creamy or mealy rather than viscous and enveloping. The pectins it contains will stimulate gastric motility. Thus, “chocolate” persimmon Korolek is safe for the functioning of the stomach. This feature significantly distinguishes it from its bright orange companion, which is not always safe to eat during lactation. A large range of vital substances is evidenced by the fact that Korolek persimmon juice is recommended to be consumed for vitamin deficiencies. In addition, most people consider this variety to be the most delicious.

Variety Korolek

“Tangerine” persimmon is similar in shape and color to the citrus fruit of the same name. It is characterized by a sickly sweet taste. The pulp of a ripe fruit has the consistency of jelly, which indicates a high tannin content. It is not recommended to eat this variety during lactation.

"Bull's Heart" is shaped like a tomato variety with the same name. It has a less cloying taste and unusual size.

The sweetness of most varieties of persimmon poses a threat to the contours of the figure of a nursing mother. But the “Chinese” variety contains less sugar. Thus, if the only reason not to eat persimmon is its calorie content, it will be an excellent choice.

The Sharon persimmon variety was developed through crossing with an apple. It's firm and sweet. The absence of tannins, or tannins, is a good sign for the mother, who will be able to eat “Sharon” without fear of disrupting her baby’s intestinal motility.

Variety Sharon

Individual reaction

The question of whether persimmon is acceptable during breastfeeding should be decided by the mother herself. The reaction of a newborn should be studied by introducing one new element of nutrition every few days and noting the baby’s well-being. This is the only way to find out what is acceptable to eat and what foods are contraindicated in a given situation.

Although persimmons are a storehouse of useful substances and even help in weight loss, not all breastfeeding mothers can eat them. Some children experience a reaction in the form of rashes, redness and irritation, and sometimes there are bowel movements. Without a doubt, all useful elements can be found in more familiar products.

However, it is worth noting that persimmons appear on sale just at a time of shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits grown in greenhouses with the addition of growth stimulants, pesticides and chemical fertilizers cannot be considered a worthy choice for a nursing mother. If there are no objective reasons not to eat this fruit, you should not torment yourself with doubts. It is imperative to include this storehouse of health and the key to good functioning of the body in your diet.

The golden fruit attracts attention on store shelves, prompting the desire to eat it. But some nursing mothers refuse persimmons, fearing for the baby’s reaction to this delicacy. In this article we will look at whether these fears have any basis or whether it is still possible to enjoy the sweet fruit without harm to the baby’s health.

Nursing mothers are not prohibited from eating the sunny fruit, but there are a number of conditions.

Persimmon is an allergenic product, so it is worth introducing it into the diet gradually, starting with a small piece.

Did you know? The word “persimmon” came into Russian from the Persian language, khormâlu - date plum, since dried persimmon tastes like dates.

During the winter months, it can be quite difficult to find healthy vitamin products. Persimmon is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which the mother passes on to the baby with milk.

The benefits of yellow fruit for mother and child are as follows:

  • vitamin A is not replaceable for maintaining visual acuity;
  • vitamins of group B1, 2, 3 are responsible for healthy skin and beautiful hair;
  • vitamin C - has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system;
  • potassium and magnesium - working in pairs, these macroelements strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls;
  • calcium and phosphorus - strengthen bones and protect the child from developing rickets;
  • iron - helps the body cope with stress and gives strength;
  • Iodine is an essential element for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Thanks to its sweetness, this fruit can be a healthy alternative to unhealthy treats.

Important! Persimmon, having diuretic properties, helps lower blood pressure.

Is there any harm?

Despite all the above benefits, the yellow fruit is not as harmless as it seems.

There are some factors to consider before using it while breastfeeding:

  • may cause an allergic reaction in the child. Possible rashes and irritations on the skin;
  • the presence of tannins, which give that tart taste, produce an astringent effect. Excessive consumption may cause constipation in both mother and baby;
  • but eating the sunny fruit on an empty stomach can cause a completely opposite laxative reaction.

A contraindication to consuming persimmons is a tendency to allergies. Also, due to the large amount of sugar, those who have diabetes or are at risk of developing it should be extremely careful.

How to choose the best persimmon variety for a nursing mother

Varieties of the yellow delicacy differ not only in size, but also in the amount of tannins and sugars in the composition. This should be taken into account by women who are breastfeeding. Let's look at the most popular and common types on our shelves.

A distinctive feature of the Korolek variety is its brownish flesh. These fruits contain very few tannins, but a sufficient amount of pectin, which is very useful and safe for the gastrointestinal tract.

The “Mandarinnaya” variety is not advisable to use during lactation. Its jelly-like pulp is high in tannins, which can lead to intestinal problems.

The “Bull's Heart” variety is distinguished by its large size and increased sweetness. It is better for nursing mothers to avoid consuming it due to the large amount of sugars in the composition.

This can have a detrimental effect on your figure, and in case of health problems, it can increase the risk of developing diabetes.


Many mothers worry about their figure after childbirth, but at the same time they want something tasty. The “Chinese” variety is perfect for persimmon lovers who are watching their figure. This variety contains a small amount of sugars and low calorie content. It can replace unhealthy sweets without harming your figure.

“Sharon” is the optimal variety for mothers during lactation. It was developed by crossing persimmon and apple. Its advantage is the complete absence of tannins. You can eat this variety without fear for the condition of the gastrointestinal tract of mother and child.

Did you know? Persimmon first came to European tables in the 19th century from China. And from Europe it came to us.

How to properly introduce persimmon into your diet

In order to easily and correctly introduce persimmon into the diet of a nursing woman, you should pay attention to some important points. Next, we will look at at what age can a mother eat sunny fruit, how it can be prepared and what it can be combined with.


If, while still pregnant, a woman ate persimmon and there were no negative reactions, then you can resume its use already in the third month of the baby’s life. If mommy has not eaten this fruit, then you should not eat persimmon for the first three months from the beginning of lactation..

At this time, the baby’s digestive system is not yet strong. It is safest if the consumption of persimmon coincides with the start of complementary feeding.

You should start eating the fruit with a small piece in the morning. Then observe for 48 hours to see if the baby has an allergic reaction.
If everything is normal, then feel free to introduce persimmons into your diet. However, you should not get carried away; the daily norm should not exceed 200-300 grams.

The golden delicacy can be consumed in different forms. You can simply have a snack between meals. Can be added to fruit salads.

If persimmon has a tart, astringent taste, then it is better not to eat it to avoid possible stomach problems. The freezer will cope perfectly with this unpleasant feature. After defrosting in the microwave, the fruit will become sweet and the tartness will disappear.

Another option for consuming sunny fruit is candied fruit.. To prepare them, persimmons should be peeled and cut into slices.
Place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 90°C for 2-3 hours. You can take these candied fruits with you as a healthy snack while walking with your baby.

Important! You can dry persimmons in the microwave. To do this, place it in slices in one layer and turn on low power for 20 minutes. Then open the door for 10 minutes to evaporate excess moisture. Repeat the cycle 2-3 times, checking the degree of readiness each time..

The right combination

There are some other peculiarities when consuming persimmons.

  • Do not eat on an empty stomach - this can lead to diarrhea in the mother;
  • Do not drink it with milk - these products are incompatible and may cause stomach problems.
However, it goes well with fermented milk products such as yogurt and cottage cheese.

  • You should eat in small doses, carefully observing the baby’s reaction so as not to cause an allergic reaction;
  • consume fruit only in season (from October to December), in order to avoid getting pesticides and chemicals into the body;
  • do not give persimmon to infants as complementary foods;
  • all the foods that the mother ate during breastfeeding will be well received by the baby in the future.

Persimmon is a very tasty and vitamin-rich fruit, which comes in handy in the winter. If mommy wants to enjoy them, then, following the recommendations described in this article, she will be able to do this to the delight of herself and the baby.

After childbirth, a woman’s body requires restoration due to the fact that the entire period of pregnancy it worked for two. In the first weeks of recovery, a woman needs not only rest and positive emotions, but also a balanced diet rich in vitamins and beneficial nutrients.

Together with mother's milk, all the substances necessary for formation and growth enter the baby's body.

If the birth process falls in winter, then the oriental berry called persimmon, which translated from Latin means “date plum,” is ideal for replenishing the body of both mother and child with the necessary amount of vitamins, fats, acids, protein and microelements. Persimmons are especially necessary for nursing mothers. It is not for nothing that the Greeks call this berry the food of the gods.

Benefits of Persimmon for nursing mothers

In the first days after childbirth, a woman feels loss of strength and fatigue. This is due not only to the birth process, but also to the entire period of bearing a child. This also includes the number of worries that fall on the shoulders of a young mother. Taking care of a baby takes a lot of energy, so a fruit like persimmon, being a high-calorie product rich in vitamins and glucose, included in the daily menu, will help replenish lost strength in a short time.

Women who pay great attention to their health and the health of their baby adhere to a lactation diet, which can also include persimmon, provided that the nursing mother does not have certain diseases or contraindications for its use.

During the lactation period, a woman who consumes persimmon will be able to obtain sufficient amounts of vitamin A, C, P, PP, B, iron, magnesium, calcium, iodine, a sufficient amount of fats and amino acids. Since this sunny berry consists of 81% water, it has excellent tonic and refreshing properties.

This characteristic of persimmon is ideal for cosmetic purposes. During the process of carrying a baby, some women face problems such as dry skin, rashes and irritation. Persimmon juice, diluted in equal proportions with water, and masks based on it will help restore the original appearance of the skin. Tonics made from persimmon leaves and pulp are an excellent cleanser.

There are several reasons why nursing mothers should include an exotic berry, persimmon, in their daily winter menu:

  • Rich in vitamin composition, this berry can help a nursing mother strengthen the body's immune system, increase its resistance and enhance its protective properties, thanks to its constituent vitamins A and C, amino acids and microelements. Eating persimmon fruits increases the body's resistance to colds - influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Well-ripened berries are rich in iodine, which has a beneficial effect on thyroid function and helps in the prevention of rickets in the baby. One or two fruits can completely fill the baby’s body’s need for a daily dose of iodine.
  • The presence of potassium and magnesium in this product perfectly stimulates kidney function, the genitourinary system of the body, helps well in mental, physical and mental development.
  • The sufficiently high content of calcium transmitted through mother's milk helps in bone tissue formation baby, has a positive effect on his musculoskeletal system.
  • The presence of fiber and tannins in persimmons has a beneficial effect on intestines. By eating at least one berry a day, a nursing mother will protect herself from constipation.
  • Persimmon is rich in antioxidants, which helps a nursing mother maintain youth and beauty. Beta-carotene, ascorbic and retinoic acids prevent not only premature aging of the body, but are also an excellent preventive measure for cancer and many dangerous diseases.
  • Kakhetin, contained in the orange fruit, is an excellent antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. The bactericidal properties of persimmon are used during wound healing— it is enough to apply the cut fruit several times to the sore spot and the result can be seen within a few days.
  • Iron is the most effective trace element in persimmons, which helps prevent anemia, has excellent hematopoietic properties. Eating 1-2 fruits per day is the norm for a nursing mother.
  • Persimmon is an excellent remedy against high blood pressure, this is an excellent preventive remedy for diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis. The great merit of this is sodium, which is part of persimmon - the “heart berry”.
  • Magnesium and potassium regulate the body's water balance. Their diuretic properties have a beneficial effect on urinary function, help remove unwanted toxins from the body through urine.

How harmful are persimmons for nursing mothers?

Every exotic product has a hidden danger if eaten in unlimited quantities. There are dangers that such a seemingly healthy fruit as persimmon can pose to nursing mothers.

Mothers who care about the health of their baby should strictly adhere to the basic recommendations for eating exotic fruits, which include the oriental beauty - persimmon, and then nothing will overshadow the joy of motherhood.



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