Violent cough on inspiration. Cough with deep breath - causes and what to do

Cough may occur different reasons. It is not always associated with some serious disease, so many people treat it rather lightly, waiting for months for it to disappear on its own. Sometimes this happens, but not when deep breath starts coughing. This is already a very alarming symptom, especially if it is accompanied by pain in the chest.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, type more air into the lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Main reasons

An attack of severe coughing during inhalation can cause different reasons. But all of them, one way or another, are associated with diseases of the respiratory system. That's why self-treatment is inappropriate here and the first thing to do is to apply for medical assistance. Most probable causes, which can start coughing on inspiration:

  1. Allergy. A dry, choking cough when inhaled provokes exposure to an allergen, which in this way the body tries to “push” out. A few minutes after the onset of the attack begins copious excretion mucus and swelling of the larynx, which prevents you from taking a deep breath.
  2. Neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia often masquerades as heart attacks and other illnesses. After a deep breath, the ribs expand and pinch the roots inflamed nerves. This causes a reflex dry cough without sputum production, which is often confused with a heart cough.
  3. Broken ribs. It's hard to breathe with broken ribs. Especially if their sharp edges or fragments scratch the lungs. When you inhale, the lungs expand, and a broken rib can irritate them, causing a dry cough. Sometimes a small amount of sputum with traces of blood is coughed up.
  4. ARI and their complications: tracheitis, bronchitis. Inspiratory cough is usually seen in acute period of these diseases: paroxysmal, barking, obsessive, the cause of which is severe irritation larynx.
  5. Bronchial asthma. This is a severe spasm of the bronchi, which makes it impossible to take a normal breath. Panic arises in the brain: “I am suffocating!” The person begins to cough heavily, trying to provide oxygen.
  6. Flu. Coughing with a deep breath occurs due to the fact that the virus enters the lungs and bronchi, to which the mucous membranes react with instant irritation. The body begins to intensively produce mucus, which, when inhaled, clogs the airways, causing a wet cough.
  7. Viral croup. A very dangerous infectious disease that causes severe swelling larynx, blocking breathing. The patient begins to choke and cough strongly, reflexively trying to expand the lumen.

As you can see, each of these reasons is quite serious and requires professional diagnostics and treatment. It is impossible to try to solve the problem on your own, using alternative methods of treatment, since some of them can only worsen the situation. You should immediately go to the doctor if coughing while inhaling causes pain.

cancer symptoms

by the most terrible diagnosis, which can be revealed from the results comprehensive survey, is lung cancer. He has many various forms, some respond quite well to treatment on early stage diseases.

The first symptoms of cancer are:

  • persistent cough, dry or with small selection sputum;
  • traces or streaks of blood, pink sputum;
  • general weakness, dizziness, constant ailments;
  • loss of appetite, frequent nausea, vomit;
  • clearly localized pain in the chest area.

Conventional cough medicines do not work in this case, as well as painkillers, which only bring short-term minor relief.

If you have found yourself similar symptoms, you should not panic ahead of time. Other diseases, such as tuberculosis, also manifest themselves in a similar way.

That is why a comprehensive, professional diagnosis is so important. Only an oncologist after a biopsy (study of tumor tissue) can give a conclusion that a malignant neoplasm.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is up to the doctor to decide what to do in each case. He usually does not prescribe treatment until they have been given. lab tests(blood, urine, sputum) and passed other necessary tests and studies:

  • X-rays of light- allows you to identify pathologies not only in this organ, but also cardiac abnormalities or pre-diagnose bronchitis;
  • bronchoscopy - examination of the inner lining of the bronchi using a miniature camera that displays an image on a monitor, allows you to measure the diameter of the lumen, determine the presence of neoplasms, take tissue or sputum samples for analysis;
  • spirometry - determines the vital important indicators lung function, allows you to diagnose the degree of development of pulmonary diseases;
  • computed tomography - allows you to carefully, layer by layer to examine the condition internal organs, appointed when there are difficulties in establishing accurate diagnosis;
  • an electrocardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart - are needed in order to exclude a heart cough, and sometimes coughing up blood and the inability to take a deep breath speak of a heart attack, which studies will show.

According to the results of the examination, an intensive complex therapy, which includes medications(usually several groups), physiotherapy, breathing exercises, massage.

Only the attending physician should choose drugs and determine their dosage, as he takes into account the peculiarities of the interaction various means. Folk methods are sometimes recommended as auxiliary methods in order to quickly eliminate a dry cough or relieve the bronchial spasm that causes it.

Many people ask what to do if they suffer from a severe cough, but there is no opportunity to immediately consult a doctor. Most safe way stop it - drink warm water or Herb tea. It’s good if there are antihistamines in the medicine cabinet - they relieve swelling and spasms, significantly facilitating breathing.

You can take antitussives on your own only if you are sure that there are no large accumulations of mucus. Otherwise, they can provoke bronchostasis and cause an asthma attack. Expectorant syrups sometimes increase the cough, and if it is accompanied by pain, it will be extremely unpleasant.

A universal way to deal with a dry, painful cough of any nature is warm milk. You can add some honey and ghee to it. A mixture of honey and oil, placed under the tongue during an attack, will also help.

It is better not to use preparations with aloe before making a preliminary diagnosis - they thin the blood and accelerate the growth of cells, including tumors.

That is why self-treatment in this situation can lead to the opposite result. Therefore, if a coughing fit caught you at night, you need to open the window, put a pillow higher, drink warm milk or tea with honey and wait until the morning. And with the onset of the day, actively take care of your health, going first of all for a diagnostic examination.

Inspiratory cough and wheezing almost always indicate illness respiratory tract. However, these symptoms can be observed in people with heart disease and long-term smokers.

An article to familiarize yourself with the problem of coughing that occurs on inhalation and exhalation. For an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm.

Causes and varieties

The most common reason this phenomenon is a disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract. In this case, the larynx swells, and the glottis narrows. This limits the full access of air, which causes a reflex reaction in the form of coughing.

Often, coughing during inhalation can develop against the background of complications after suffering acute respiratory infections. This usually happens when self-medicating or refusing to take full course prescribed drugs. Activity during illness and non-compliance with recommendations can also cause complications in the form of residual wheezing.

It may also occur for other reasons. Smokers are prone to this phenomenon due to constant irritation of the respiratory tract and accumulation of phlegm in the lungs. Some diseases of cardio-vascular system can also be manifested by coughing on inspiration. Difficulty breathing in the absence of signs of a cold is a reason to contact a cardiologist.

The most dangerous reason wheezing and shortness of breath - oncopathology of the respiratory system. TO serious consequences can lead to asthma and allergic phenomena.

Important! Only an examination by a doctor and the implementation of his recommendations will accurately determine the cause of the cough and avoid undesirable consequences.

Cough, on your own characteristic features divided into:

  1. Coughing. It occurs as a symptom of laryngeal edema with laryngitis, tracheitis. With proper treatment, it disappears without a trace after the cause is eliminated. A cough that does not go away for a long time can be a sign of tuberculosis. It is necessary to undergo a fluorographic examination.
  2. Cough jerks. It is expressed in a long incessant jerky cough. Characteristic of bronchitis and pneumonia.
  3. Paroxysmal. It can occur when a foreign body enters the larynx or indicates the presence of whooping cough. During asthma, it should be stopped with special drugs

In children, the most dangerous is the "barking" attack. It occurs with laryngitis. The disease is insidious in the development of stenosis of the larynx, which causes a narrowing of its lumen. The child becomes difficult to breathe and requires immediate medical attention.

Coughing with deep inspiration in children can be caused by viral croup. The airways narrow when the virus enters, so when you try to take a full breath, the muscles contract reflexively, which causes an attack.

When is a cough dangerous?

If coughing begins, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause. By itself, coughing is not dangerous and helps the body get rid of mucus or a foreign body.

According to the nature of wheezing, doctors can make a diagnosis.

  1. Wet, indicate the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. Drugs are needed to help cough up and thin the sputum.
  2. Dry, the most dangerous. More often they indicate a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, which causes difficulty in breathing.

In children, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the larynx and trachea, the risk of suffocation is very high. Therefore, if a dry cough occurs, a specialist consultation is required.

A dry cough must be converted into a productive - wet. For this, drugs are recommended that thin the sputum and facilitate its discharge.

It is forbidden to give antitussive drugs without the recommendation of a doctor. Their appointment is justified in true whooping cough, in smokers and some other conditions. These drugs suppress the cough reflex, so if sputum has accumulated in the body, its discharge will be difficult. This situation will lead to significant complications. Cough on inspiration may be various reasons. Only by establishing their origin, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment and prevention of cough symptom

Any treatment begins with identifying the causes and is aimed at eliminating them and making the patient feel better. Dry cough makes recovery difficult, so mucolytics are prescribed.

Some infectious diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and others may require antibiotic treatment. Do not refuse them if the doctor argues for their admission. Cough during inhalation accompanied by wheezing facilitate inhalation. Until the doctor prescribes a specific drug, it can be carried out with the usual physical. solution.

Important! "Barking" cough small child and difficulty breathing is relieved by inhalation with hormonal drugs. Only such treatment will help to avoid stenosis.

Dry cough can occur with cardiac pathologies. In this case, the cardiologist conducts therapy and the symptom disappears. On the recommendation of a doctor, it can be prescribed physiotherapy. Cough during exhalation should not be ignored. Any disease found in early dates, more easily corrected.

You can somewhat alleviate the condition by using "grandmother's" means. Their use is possible after approval by the attending physician. For example:

  1. Breast collection. Herbs coltsfoot, oregano and marshmallow root are mixed in equal parts and brewed. The infusion is taken in a tablespoon up to 6 times a day. Children are offered a teaspoon. The collection helps to cough up and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Milk with goat fat. In the villages, children are offered warm milk with the addition of goat fat for coughing. Such a "medicine" envelops the throat, larynx and relieves seizures. Adults can use this recipe for chronic and persistent cough.
  3. Thermopsis. An infusion of herbs is offered to the patient in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day. It should be noted that thermopsis suppresses the cough reflex. Therefore, tinctures based on it are taken with a prolonged cough of a smoker, whooping cough, or a special recommendation from a doctor.

With any cough, if there is no improvement within three days, you should consult a doctor.

Preventive measures aimed at eliminating the causes that cause coughing when inhaled:

When a cough occurs, do not try to stop it. It is needed by the body to get rid of harmful substances. It is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate not the consequences, but the basis that caused it. Only following the doctor's recommendations will help get rid of this disease and avoid complications.

Coughing when breathing is a common complaint with which patients turn to therapists and pulmonologists. This symptom may indicate that the patient has chronic, advanced and very serious diseases. If you cough while breathing, contact your doctor immediately.

Dry cough when breathing - a symptom of bronchitis and pneumonia

Dry cough with deep inspiration most often indicates diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract. In this case, swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and nasopharynx, as well as their irritation, is often observed. Unproductive coughing when breathing begins due to contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm. This gradually leads to closure of the glottis, due to the fact that the pressure on the respiratory muscles increases. A closed glottis restricts the access of air to the respiratory tract and provokes an attack.

If you have a cough when you breathe in, and before that you had ARVI, acute respiratory infections, flu or even a common cold, then it may indicate the development of complications. Unfortunately, not all people are sensitive to their health and self-medicate or suffer from the above ailments on their feet. These two factors are the most common cause the development of complications.

Most often, not timely cured respiratory diseases lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. Do not mistakenly assume that these two ailments are always accompanied by sputum discharge. Dry unproductive cough breathing can also be a symptom of them. It occurs with bronchitis or pneumonia in the event that the discharge of sputum is difficult. At the same time, the patient often has wheezing during breathing, while the cough is hacking and paroxysmal. Patients complain that they cannot sleep at night, since the attack begins when they take a horizontal position.

“I cough when I inhale,” patients often complain at a therapist’s appointment. In this case, the specialist listens to the patient for the presence of wheezing and sputum in the bronchi and lungs. This is done by comparing the breath in calm state and at deep breath. If pneumonia is suspected, the patient is sent to x-ray examination. Inflamed areas of the lungs are clearly visible on x-ray which greatly simplifies the process of diagnosis.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are treated with strong antibiotics and, if necessary, antibacterial agents. Dry cough during breathing, which occurs as a result of these diseases, disappears with integrated approach to treatment. Patients are prescribed expectorant drugs that thin the sputum and remove it from the bronchi and lungs. The symptom at the same time from an unproductive stage passes into a productive one.

Cough when inhaling, causes unrelated to bronchitis and pneumonia

Cough after inhalation is often complained of heavy smokers. The reason for this is spasms of the bronchi and lungs, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as well as chronic accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. Coughing when breathing in smokers can also develop due to circulatory disorders, which often leads to emphysema. In smokers, this symptom cannot be clearly divided into productive and unproductive. In the morning, when sputum accumulates, it is wet, during the day it can be either dry or wet. It occurs when you take a deep breath.

If, as a result of constant smoking, a cough begins during inhalation, then the first health safety measure should be to abandon this addiction. Suffering from nicotine addiction, you should also purify the blood, remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs. And also, move to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition. The last measure is necessary in order to reduce the load on the lungs and heart.

“I inhale and cough” - with such a complaint, people often come to see a cardiologist, while also suffering from pain in the chest. There are several diseases of the cardiovascular system, causing cough when breathing. It's about about coronary disease, heart valve dysfunction, heart failure. In addition to this symptom and chest pain, patients with the above diseases have general fatigue and weakness, pain in the back, and even fainting during physical exertion. A sick person wants to cough when inhaling in this case due to the fact that the pressure on the heart muscle increases, gradually being transferred to the diaphragm, which leads to the closing of the glottis.

Treatment of the above diseases, due to which a cough occurs when breathing, is prescribed by a cardiologist only after a thorough diagnosis. The patient is prescribed medications that normalize the work of the heart, as well as special physical exercise and oxygen therapy. IN rare cases the patient needs surgery.

In this case, coughing with a deep breath does not require separate treatment. It goes away on its own after the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Cough when exhaling causes

Often, patients also have a cough on exhalation, the causes of which also lie in various diseases. Most often, this symptom is observed in people with bronchial asthma. This disease is characterized by narrowing of the bronchi and a failure in their normal functioning. When inhaling, the air easily copes with the barrier created by narrowed organs, so a person with asthma does not experience any discomfort at this moment. When exhaling, everything happens differently, because carbon dioxide that we exhale is heavier than oxygen. It is much more difficult to get out of the narrowed bronchi, causing an asthma attack and painful sensations. If you want to cough when you exhale, then it's time to see a doctor. Remember that the earlier asthma is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat.

Cough during exhalation can be the cause of hilar or croupous pneumonia. It occurs, as a rule, only with bilateral inflammation, when the lungs cannot cope with the volume of air entering them. Such a disease is treated permanently, with antibiotics and antitussive drugs.

Lung cancer is the most dangerous disease, during which a cough begins with a deep breath. A swelling that compresses the lungs leads to the fact that the air does not pass well into the respiratory system, which causes asthma attacks. However, most often in cancer patients, this symptom is expressed by following scheme: inhale - exhale - cough. Naturally, such a disease is accompanied by severe pain. Diagnosis of lung cancer at an early stage allows you to cure it. The main risk group for this disease includes, first of all, smokers, as well as employees of hazardous industries. Prevention of lung cancer includes annual fluorography, as well as maintenance healthy lifestyle life.

Do not forget that being afraid to know that you have a particular disease is stupid. Be sure to see a doctor if you have breathing problems. By the way, one symptom "I breathe in and cough" for the doctor will obviously not be enough. Your task is to describe the problem as accurately as possible. This is necessary in order for the specialist to prescribe the necessary laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures.

How to cure a cough when inhaling



Treatment If a person coughs painfully, dryly, feeling "scratching" in the chest and throat, then in this case it is advisable to take cough medicines that suppress the cough reflex and normalize sputum production. It is recommended to take lollipops and lozenges with sage, Libeksin or Bronholitin preparations. If a person coughs with sputum production, and it is difficult to separate, has a viscous consistency, then it is necessary to use sputum thinning drugs, such as: Lazolvan, Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine. These drugs have a protective and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, relieve spasm (narrowing) of the bronchi. For acute respiratory diseases(ORZ), the doctor will prescribe antitussive drugs, and will not conduct antibiotic therapy. And if a patient is diagnosed with bronchitis or pneumonia, then antibiotic treatment will be carried out in the first place, since the suppression of microbial activity is a priority treatment task. That's why it's important to get checked out by a doctor. Mistaking a severe bronchial disease for a cold, the patient will try to stop only one symptom - a cough, unaware that he worsens his condition with ineffective self-medication. It is necessary to take expectorant and antitussive drugs if dry, hacking, frequent coughing interferes normal sleep. Drugs that suppress the cough center - Stoptussin-Fito, Glaucin, Libexin, Tusuprex, Sinekod. Expectorants and mucus thinners are called mucolytics. These drugs help clear mucus from the lung and bring it out. Widely used mucolytic drugs: Mukaltin, Bromhexine, Halixol, Mukopront, Mucodin, Fluimucil. If the cough does not go away for several weeks and is accompanied by a sharp pain in the chest; if bloody sputum or yellow-green sputum appears in the cough, contact your local doctor as soon as possible.
Treatment folk remedies 1. Mogul-mogul. getting ready in the following way: Grind egg yolks with sugar until white. Drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach. 2. Wine with pepper roots. Boil 50 grams of pepper roots in 250 ml of wine (white). Then you need to strain the mixture and drink hot at least three times a day. 3. Bow and goose fat. Grate the onion on a grater, mix it with fat. Rub this mixture into the chest, into the neck area. After rubbing, the chest and neck should be wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf. 4. Onions and milk. Finely chop a large onion or two small ones, boil in 250 ml of milk. Infuse for at least 4 hours, then strain. Take 20 grams every three hours (about one tablespoon). 5. Onion and sugar. Pour the crushed large onion with sugar in the amount of two tablespoons. After 8 - 10 hours the mixture will be ready. For treatment, it is necessary to use not only sweet onions, but also the resulting juice. 6. Onions and honey. 500 grams of onion cut, add 400 grams of sugar, pour 1 liter. water. Cook for 3.5 hours. After the mixture has cooled, add 50 grams of honey. It is necessary to take onions with honey after meals, a few tablespoons each. 7. Bananas. Grind bananas into gruel, pour hot water(two bananas - 1 cup of water). Add sugar. Warm on slow fire. 8. Butter with egg yolk. Prepared in this way: 20 grams of butter, 30 grams of flour, 30 grams of honey, two egg yolks. Mix thoroughly. Take before meals. 9. Cream, milk. These products coat the irritated throat and reduce the unpleasant scratching sensation during coughing. Can be consumed hot tea co butter. 10. Milk and oats. Pour the oats into a small saucepan, two-thirds. Add one third of the milk. Simmer in the oven over low heat. As the milk boils, top up. Cook until the oats are cooked through. Drink a mixture of 3 tablespoons, morning, afternoon and evening. 11. Wormwood tincture. 20 grams of dried wormwood is poured with vodka (500 ml). Insist for at least a day. Drink the resulting remedy in a tablespoon several times a day. This remedy is not given to children because of the alcohol content.


physical manifestations

cough is reflex action, an attempt to clear the airways of mucus or foreign objects that irritate them. The description below refers to a cough that occurs without apparent reason, but not to cough caused by asthma, flu, laryngitis, etc.

Emotional reasons

More or less frequent cough for no apparent reason can occur in a person who is easily irritated. Such a person is too developed inner critic. He should be more tolerant, especially towards himself. Even if the cause of irritation is some external situation or another person, the internal critic still falls on him. If sneezing is related to what is happening in the outside world, then coughing is related to what is happening inside a person.

mental reasons

Every time you cough for no apparent reason, try to stop and analyze what's going on in your head. Your thoughts follow each other automatically and so quickly that you don’t even have time to notice how you criticize yourself every now and then. This criticism prevents you from living full life, the way you want. YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU TELL YOURSELF IS. YOU ARE MUCH BETTER. Realizing inner irritation, become more tolerant towards yourself. Treat yourself the way you would like others to treat you.

Spiritual causes and elimination

In order to understand the spiritual reasons that prevent the satisfaction of an important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions given in the Monadotherapy section. The answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine true reason your physical problem, but also fix it.

Artur Davtyan

Don't listen to all these stories. Just clear your throat well, get all the snot and drool out of there, and drink hot tea with lemon 2.3 times a day. It’s happening to me too now, I’m puffing with hexoral, I also drink tea. In 7 or 8 days this should help

When coughing, pain in the lungs and fever: causes and treatment

Cough and pain in the lungs can be described as a broad concept, since these symptoms are characteristic of more than 20 different diseases.

Pain can occur due to lung disease, as well as a violation of the respiratory system.

In addition, pain may have a cause that is not related to the respiratory system. So, pain in the lungs is sometimes a sign of:

  • digestive diseases,
  • bone disease,
  • failures in the nervous system.

There are several reasons leading to the appearance of pain when coughing. The most common is the tension of the intercostal muscles. When there is a frequent cough, the muscles are overstrained, and the lactic acid that accumulates in them causes increasing pain.

In addition, pain when coughing appears due to inflammation of the tissue of the pleura, lungs and infections. In these cases, one-sided pain is felt, which manifests itself along with a dry and severe cough. At the same time, sputum is poorly separated.

When the lungs hurt when coughing, this may indicate the separation of pieces of the mucous membrane, which is typical for bronchitis and tracheitis.



  1. chest pain,
  2. dry cough,
  3. minimum of sputum
  4. bad feeling,
  5. temperature rise to 39 degrees,

In the process of listening to the lungs, the doctor notices dry rales. Therapists effectively treat bronchitis.

Croupous pneumonia - serious disease with acute onset and sudden malaise. After some time, the patient feels chills, sweat comes out, the head hurts badly and the area near the nose and mouth is paler.

An increase in temperature - up to 40 degrees, sometimes there is an ambiguity of consciousness. The temperature does not subside for about a day, when it decreases - a person feels severe weakness.

Featured features:

  • cough,
  • pain on the side of the lesion during breathing.

The sputum has a rusty appearance, breathing is heavy, the patient's wheezing can be heard at a distance. With x-rays and blood tests, doctors reveal strong changes. Pneumonia is treated by pulmonologists and general practitioners. In severe cases, hospitalization is required.

An abscess is similar to pneumonia in general symptoms. Available:

  1. temperature increase,
  2. coughing up blood
  3. general weakness,
  4. chest pain when breathing
  5. dyspnea,
  6. toxicosis.

This gives rise to wet cough, the temperature drops, and the person's condition becomes better. If symptoms are found, an ambulance should be called immediately.

This is a spontaneous condition characterized by shortness of breath, chest discomfort, irregular heartbeat, and bluish discoloration of the extremity and the area around the mouth.

The pressure can be so strong that the sick person will lose consciousness. Also, the temperature often rises and a cough with blood secretions appears. Breathing becomes weaker as the lungs fill with blood. To save a life of a person, an urgent hospitalization should be carried out.


A disease characterized by:

  1. sluggish flow,
  2. weight loss,
  3. malaise,
  4. subfebrile temperature,
  5. enlargement of the lymph nodes.

The cough lasts for several months, causing chest pains. There is also difficulty in breathing and hemoptysis. The disease is treated by a phthisiatrician.


With spontaneous pneumothorax, a strong stabbing pain on the side of the lesion, it gives behind the sternum, in the neck and arm. Discomfort is higher with:

  • cough,
  • breathing and locomotion.

Appears intense fear, shortness of breath, blueness or pallor, and respiratory failure. Often there is a dry cough. Requires operative hospitalization in the surgical department.

Characterized by the appearance of a sharp pain in the process of breathing, which is localized in the affected area. Usually, this zone is the region of the lower ribs.

The pain may increase during a deep tilt, performed in the opposite area of ​​the lesion, the side. There is weakness and violation general well-being, slight increase in temperature.

Breathing in a person becomes superficial, the affected area of ​​​​the sternum takes less part in breathing. All patients, as a rule, lie on their right side.

To cure pleurisy, a person is placed in a hospital in the department of therapy or pulmonology.

Pain in the lungs when inhaling

In most cases, pain in the lungs when inhaling is associated with lung diseases. The main cause of discomfort is dry pleurisy. As a rule, pains are felt in any particular area of ​​the chest and are expressed:

  1. sudden loss of strength
  2. chills
  3. night afterwards.

The pains are stabbing in nature, because as a result of it, the interpleural ligaments become shorter.

Pain that increases with inhalation is a symptom of the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis,
  • flu,
  • pericarditis,
  • inflammation of the pericardial sac,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • rheumatism.

Just as a cough with the flu is indicative, it can also be a symptom characteristic of oncological diseases and osteochondrosis.

Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by increased pain on inspiration, which feels like a needle prick. During breathing, the symptom also appears due to chest injuries or rib fractures.

Pain in the left or right lung

Symptoms speak of pleurisy: dry or adhesive. In this case, the lesion is localized in one side of the chest. Discomfort increases with deep inspiration, turning the body, sudden movements and coughing.

Often the pain is felt in the lower ribs. When a person in a prone position turns over to the area of ​​pain, they subside. With pleurisy, patients lie on the affected side, trying to move less. Another cause of pain in one of the lungs is exudative pleurisy.

At the beginning of the disease, while there is little fluid in the lungs, the pain is localized on the side of the lesion. Breathing is gradually difficult, bouts of dry cough appear.

In the affected area, the doctor hears a specific noise. The pain subsides as fluid collects in the pleura. Heaviness appears, the gaps between the ribs bulge or smooth out.

Spontaneous pneumothorax, caused by air entering the pleura, is another cause of pain. Air can enter the pleura from the outside, for example, in case of hip fractures, trauma or injury.

Pneumothorax can also be caused by:

  1. tumors,
  2. cyst rupture,
  3. foreign bodies in the bronchi and lungs,
  4. tuberculosis,
  5. abscesses.

Most often, young women suffer from pathology. There is pain in the lung, it increases with frequent breathing and physical stress. Yet the pain continues long time and the condition is rapidly deteriorating:

  • the face and fingers of the extremities turn blue,
  • body turns pale
  • cold sweat appears
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • shallow breathing occurs.

The area of ​​the chest where air accumulates is not involved in breathing. The person needs immediate medical attention.

Temperature increase with pain in the lungs

An increase in the general temperature appears in diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature, such as:

  1. pneumonia,
  2. often fever with bronchitis,
  3. exudative and dry pleurisy.

As a rule, a person feels severe manifestations of a disease such as pneumonia. The severity of symptoms depends on how large the affected area is and whether the pleura is inflamed (in this case, pleuropneumonia appears).

The main symptoms of pneumonia are:

  1. severe sweat and chills,
  2. temperature increase,
  3. toxicosis,
  4. cough and wheezing in the lungs.

In many cases, a person's lips turn blue, breathing becomes difficult and consciousness is clouded. For a better understanding of the problem of cough and chest pain, we recommend watching the video in this article.

Throat tickles when coughing

“It tickles my throat and makes me cough,” patients very often turn to the therapist with such a complaint. However, some of them prefer to stay at home, self-medicate and write off this troubling unpleasant symptom for the common cold. In order to understand that a tickling in the throat, a cough in which occurs suddenly and lasts a long time, is often danger sign, you should know what diseases it accompanies.

Cough, tickling in the throat with colds and SARS

A common cold or seasonal respiratory infection can indeed cause such a symptom to appear. The patient has a tickling throat and wants to cough in this case for two reasons. The first lies in the ingestion of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. They cause its inflammation and swelling, from which there is a sensation of scratching. The second reason is due to the fact that the patient also has a runny nose with a cold or SARS. It provokes the flow of mucus secreted from the nose, along back wall larynx, as a result of which it is irritated, and the patient has unpleasant sensations.

If you have a cough, a tickle in your throat, and you suspect a cold or SARS, a visit to the doctor is not mandatory, but it will obviously not be superfluous. After all, these symptoms can cause more serious diseases.

Tickling in the throat and cough with allergic reactions

Very often, people who encounter allergies for the first time confuse it with colds. There is nothing surprising in this, because their symptoms are really similar. In the patient, upon occurrence allergic reaction there is also cough, tickling in the throat, nasal congestion, drowsiness and weakness with general fatigue of the body. Often this disease occurs with skin itching And constant sneezing. In order to identify the cause of the allergy, you need to contact a specialist in this field. The possible causative agent of the reaction is determined using laboratory research. Tickling in the throat and cough in this case are only symptoms and do not require separate treatment. A patient with an allergic reaction that can be caused by food, medicine, dust, flowering plants, pet hair and so on, prescribe a course of antihistamines. Contact of the body with the allergen for the success of treatment must also be excluded.

It is worth noting that a person can also tickle in the larynx if dust or dust enters the respiratory tract. foreign bodies, as well as when they inhale sharp and unpleasant odors. However, these causes are not always related to allergic reactions.

Cough from tickling in the throat can be caused by a neurosis of the pharynx

Tickling in the larynx can be caused by a violation of the nervous apparatus of the pharynx. This disease refers to damage to the central nervous system. Tickling in the throat, coughing and feeling of a persistent coma in the airways are not the only symptoms. Neurosis of the pharynx is accompanied by sensations of numbness and tingling, as well as a feeling of inability to swallow saliva or swallow food.

Inhalation tickles in the throat and cough in gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophagitis is a disease in which the esophagus becomes inflamed. Because of this, its contents are thrown into the larynx, which causes pain when inhaling. Reflux disease is also accompanied by belching, perspiration and pain in the stomach.

Why does it tickle in the throat and cough with gastroesophageal reflux disease? The fact is that in this disease, the contents of the esophagus enter the larynx with hyperacidity. It is because of him that unpleasant feeling tickling. Attacks of a dry unproductive symptom in this case appear due to the narrowing of the glottis.

Tickling in the throat causes coughing for a number of other reasons

There are other reasons that can cause tickling in the throat and cough:

Pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis are two more diseases that are accompanied by this symptom.

Pain in the lungs



Pain in the lungs with a deep breath, sneezing or coughing can appear not only as a result of pathologies respiratory organs or disorders in the pericardial zone, but also as a result of diseases and injuries of the spine, rib cage, with neuralgia. Pain in this case is mainly localized on the right or left side of the chest, can manifest itself with different frequency, be blunt or sharp. In this article, we will look at the main reasons pain when inhaling, however, to accurately identify their origin and determine effective methods treatment needs to be medical examination. What causes lung pain when taking a deep breath?
Consider varieties pain manifestations in the area of ​​the lungs with a deep breath.
Acute, penetrating, almost "dagger" attacks of pain in the chest area, especially at the height of inspiration, accompanied by subfebrile temperature.
A possible cause of such pain may be pleurisy.
Pleurisy is a disease of the respiratory organs, or rather, inflammation of the pleura. In the pleura, due to fibrinous plaque on its surface, there is a violation of the composition of the lubricating secret between its petals, due to this, friction of the petals occurs, which causes pain.
Pleurisy is a consequence of the complication of various diseases of the internal organs, the result of surgical interventions and injuries of the chest. As a rule, pleurisy is secondary, however, in the clinical picture, due to acute pain symptoms, often comes to the fore, hiding the primary disease.
Treatment for pleurisy should be prescribed by a specialist. The doctor determines the medications only after diagnosing and identifying the exact cause of the disease and, depending on it, prescribes the treatment. He can prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain medications, ensure the drainage of fluid from pleural cavity(drainage is resorted to in case of effusion).
Because of the pain in the chest area, the sick person has to breathe shallowly. He complains about the presence of a feeling of lack of air. Painful cough. Pain in the lungs with a deep breath accompanies chills and high fever (above 38 ° C).
These symptoms may indicate pneumonia.
Pneumonia is an infectious inflammation of the lungs. Infection in the lungs, while penetrating through the respiratory tract from environment or through the blood due to infectious diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis.
Pneumonia is being treated antibiotic therapy. Treatment is preferably carried out on an outpatient basis.
Pain in the lungs that manifests itself acute attack when taking a deep breath, but always present. The pain is localized in the central part of the chest.
It is expressed in the form of tingling. Sometimes accompanied by more rapid breathing, shortness of breath, swelling of the cervical (jugular) vein, hemoptysis.
Such pain may indicate pericarditis.
Pericarditis is an inflammation of the serous membrane that covers the heart.
This disease is manifested by an increase in the volume of pericardial fluid in the pericardial cavity, thereby increasing pressure in it and squeezing the heart from the outside and making it difficult to work. "Dry" pericarditis is characterized by a slight increase in fluid in the pericardial cavity, forms adhesions that prevent normal movement hearts.
Secondary. It occurs as a complication of other (infectious, autoimmune, tumor) diseases.
It is neutralized by curing the underlying disease. For churn excess fluid from the pericardial cavity, I prescribe diuretics.
Acute stabbing, burning, "shooting" pain in the lungs with a deep breath, manifested along the ribs and accompanied by increased sensitivity of the skin.
The described symptoms usually characterize the process of intercostal neuralgia or myalgia.
Intercostal neuralgia is called an inflammatory process, infringement or other irritation of nerve endings.

Coughing can occur for a variety of reasons. It is not always associated with some serious disease, so many people treat it rather lightly, waiting for months for it to disappear on its own. Sometimes this happens, but not in the case when a cough begins with a deep breath. This is already a very alarming symptom, especially if it is accompanied by pain in the chest.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly “out of breath” and get tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Main reasons

An attack of severe coughing during inhalation can cause different reasons. But all of them, one way or another, are associated with diseases of the respiratory system. Therefore, self-treatment is inappropriate here and the first thing to do is to seek medical help. The most likely reasons why an inspiratory cough may begin are:

  1. Allergy. A dry, choking cough when inhaled provokes exposure to an allergen, which in this way the body tries to “push” out. A few minutes after the onset of the attack, copious secretion of mucus and swelling of the larynx begin, which prevents you from taking a deep breath.
  2. Neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia often masquerades as heart attacks and other illnesses. After a deep breath, the ribs expand and pinch the roots of the inflamed nerves. This causes a reflex dry cough without sputum production, which is often confused with a heart cough.
  3. Broken ribs. It's hard to breathe with broken ribs. Especially if their sharp edges or fragments scratch the lungs. When you inhale, the lungs expand, and a broken rib can irritate them, causing a dry cough. Sometimes a small amount of sputum with traces of blood is coughed up.
  4. ARI and their complications: tracheitis, bronchitis. Cough during inspiration is usually observed in the acute period of these diseases: paroxysmal, barking, obsessive, the cause of which is severe irritation of the larynx.
  5. Bronchial asthma. This is a severe spasm of the bronchi, which makes it impossible to take a normal breath. Panic arises in the brain: “I am suffocating!” The person begins to cough heavily, trying to provide oxygen.
  6. Flu. Coughing with a deep breath occurs due to the fact that the virus enters the lungs and bronchi, to which the mucous membranes react with instant irritation. The body begins to intensively produce mucus, which, when inhaled, clogs the airways, causing a wet cough.
  7. Viral croup. A very dangerous infectious disease in which severe swelling of the larynx occurs, blocking breathing. The patient begins to choke and cough strongly, reflexively trying to expand the lumen.

As you can see, each of these causes is quite serious and requires professional diagnosis and treatment. It is impossible to try to solve the problem on your own, using alternative methods of treatment, since some of them can only worsen the situation. You should immediately go to the doctor if coughing while inhaling causes pain.

cancer symptoms

The most terrible diagnosis that can be revealed by the results of a comprehensive examination is lung cancer. It has many different forms, some of which respond quite well to treatment in the early stages of the disease.

The first symptoms of cancer are:

  • persistent cough, dry or with little sputum;
  • traces or streaks of blood, pink sputum;
  • general weakness, dizziness, constant ailments;
  • loss of appetite, frequent nausea, vomiting;
  • clearly localized pain in the chest area.

Conventional cough medicines do not work in this case, as well as painkillers, which only bring short-term minor relief.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms, you should not panic ahead of time. Other diseases, such as tuberculosis, also manifest themselves in a similar way.

That is why a comprehensive, professional diagnosis is so important. Only an oncologist after a biopsy (study of tumor tissue) can give a conclusion that a malignant neoplasm.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is up to the doctor to decide what to do in each case. He usually does not prescribe treatment until laboratory tests (blood, urine, sputum) and other necessary tests and studies have been passed:

  • x-ray of the lungs - allows you to identify pathologies not only in this organ, but also cardiac abnormalities or pre-diagnose bronchitis;
  • bronchoscopy - examination of the inner lining of the bronchi using a miniature camera that displays an image on a monitor, allows you to measure the diameter of the lumen, determine the presence of neoplasms, take tissue or sputum samples for analysis;
  • spirometry - determines vital signs of lung function, allows you to diagnose the degree of development of pulmonary diseases;
  • computed tomography - allows you to carefully, layer by layer to examine the state of internal organs, is prescribed when there are difficulties in establishing an accurate diagnosis;
  • an electrocardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart - are needed in order to exclude, and sometimes the inability to take a deep breath, speak of a heart attack, which studies will show.

Based on the results of the examination, intensive complex therapy is prescribed, which includes drugs (usually several groups), physiotherapy, breathing exercises, and massage.

Only the attending physician should choose drugs and determine their dosage, since he takes into account the peculiarities of the interaction of various drugs. Folk methods are sometimes recommended as auxiliary methods in order to quickly eliminate a dry cough or relieve the bronchial spasm that causes it.

Many people ask what to do if, but there is no opportunity to immediately consult a doctor. The safest way to stop it is to drink warm water or herbal tea. It’s good if there are antihistamines in the medicine cabinet - they relieve swelling and spasms, significantly facilitating breathing.

You can take antitussives on your own only if you are sure that there are no large accumulations of mucus. Otherwise, they can provoke bronchostasis and cause an asthma attack. Expectorant syrups sometimes increase the cough, and if it is accompanied by pain, it will be extremely unpleasant.

A universal way to deal with a dry, painful cough of any nature is warm milk. You can add some honey and ghee to it. A mixture of honey and oil, placed under the tongue during an attack, will also help.

It is better not to use preparations with aloe before making a preliminary diagnosis - they thin the blood and accelerate the growth of cells, including tumors.

That is why self-treatment in this situation can lead to the opposite result. Therefore, if a coughing fit caught you at night, you need to open the window, put a pillow higher, drink warm milk or tea with honey and be patient until the morning. And with the onset of the day, actively take care of your health, going first of all for a diagnostic examination.

The reflex process in the throat is called a cough. The reasons for its formation lie in infectious or catarrhal inflammations, but, in addition, a cough can occur due to viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. Coughing should be treated in accordance with the factors of its formation, and for this the patient should be diagnosed by a qualified doctor.

If the cough is formed when inhaling or exhaling, you should immediately go to the doctor. The formation of a dry cough during inhalation indicates a dangerous process that takes place in the upper respiratory system. The reason for this symptom may lie in a serious viral inflammation, development bronchial asthma or appear as a result of complications of bronchitis or tracheitis.

Cough is not an independent symptom, but only a sign of some kind of inflammation. Most often it occurs on the background of a cold or flu. Treatment for this process involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, it will not be superfluous to strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamins and active supplements.

Cough is not always formed as a result of a cold. In some cases, the cause of the cough lies in viral infection organism. You can get rid of the disease with this character only with the help of antiviral medicines, as well as observing bed rest.

Any colds occurs as a result of weak immune system patient.

In more dangerous situations throat irritation develops against the backdrop of bacterial overgrowth. As a rule, this form of the disease is formed due to the development of bronchitis, tracheitis or laryngitis.

Bacterial cough is accompanied high temperature body, pain in the sternum, and severe violation mucosal functions. You can eliminate such symptoms with the help of complex treatment. For more information on how to cure a cough in this case, see here.

Sometimes dryness and irritation of the throat occurs after contact with pets or due to contact with other allergens. allergic cough not accompanied by fever or sputum outflow. However, its treatment can take a long time. How to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation as quickly as possible written

Why cough occurs when inhaling

Throat irritation is not always formed against the background of a serious inflammatory process. In some cases, dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat is formed after a long walk in a dry area. Dust particles cause reflex process body when the mucosa tries to eliminate foreign objects by coughing up. Therefore, a dry cough when inhaling is characteristic of an allergic reaction of the body.

If the cough develops when you take a deep breath, should be determined exact reasons such a process. An anxiety symptom may be accompanied by pain in the sternum and head, high body temperature, weakness, lethargy and severe exhaustion.

Cough is a sign of an inflammatory process that requires drug treatment. Hoping that the disease will go away on its own is stupid.

To determine why you want to cough when you inhale should be at the very beginning of treatment. Apply for urgent medical care necessary in the cases described below.


Cough on exhalation becomes common symptom with neuralgia. The symptoms of this disease are known to many. The first sign of the formation of the disease is chest pain. It can be paroxysmal, but at the same time quite strong. P In addition to pain, patients note the formation of coughing fits when inhaling or exhaling.

Exhausting dryness in the mucous membrane of the throat disturbs sleep, since irritation of the throat is predominantly formed in the evening or at night.

How to cure a cough that appears at night can be found

Neuralgia is one of the most common forms of diseases that cause frequent coughing.

In some cases neuralgia is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and face, swelling, impaired sensitivity of the skin.

The reason for the formation of such a process lies in the banal hypothermia. In addition, neuralgia occurs due to physical overstrain or as a result of trauma. Nerve endings may lose their functions due to infectious inflammation, due to too frequent use alcoholic beverages as well as prolonged contact with chemicals.

Often causes neuralgia osteochondrosis, as well as other diseases in the field of the motor system.

Cough with such an ailment acts under the guise of a reflex process. Usually, patients do not notice mucus secretions, so some patients confuse this form of cough with an unproductive form of inflammation.

Anatomy disorders

Cough on inspiration may be due to violations anatomical structure organism. Especially often this symptom occurs in children, as well as lovers contact type sports. Typically, with this form, the patient complains of severe pain, respiratory failure and other symptoms.

Often, patients report bouts of coughing with bleeding. Treatment in this process is aimed at restoring lung function., as well as the healing of affected tissues and bones.

Complications of acute respiratory diseases

Cough when breathing occurs as a complication after acute respiratory infections. If the patient has not cured a cold or flu, there is a risk of pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis and other infectious inflammations.

Barking and dry cough often occurs against the background of the development of bronchitis or tracheitis.

Ordinarily, irritation of the throat during inhalation or exhalation occurs on acute stage the development of the disease, when, in addition to dryness and irritation, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • a sore throat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • respiratory failure;
  • dry cough;
  • lack of sputum secretions;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Cough in such forms of diseases acts as obsessive and barking. Treatment involves the use of not only anti-inflammatory drugs, but also drugs a wide range actions.

Bronchial asthma

Wheezing in the bronchi without coughing may appear in the acute stage of asthma. Such an ailment is accompanied by severe symptoms that cause extreme discomfort to the patient.

Breathlessness or asthma is serious illness, which has chronic form . With the development of such a process, the patient develops severe attacks, which are accompanied by extraneous sounds in the bronchi.

Asthma treatment should be individualized as it is important to know all clinical picture diseases.


If the patient, when inhaling coughing, but before the formation of this symptom, the patient was not exposed to colds or infectious diseases, the condition of the bronchi and respiratory tract should be checked.

Cancer cells can be eliminated without surgery at a very early stage in the development of the disease.

The most terrible diagnosis in this case may be the formation of a benign or malignant tumor. The first symptoms of tumor formation are as follows:

  • a sore throat;
  • feeling of having a foreign object;
  • an abundance of mucous secretions;
  • severe respiratory failure;
  • puffiness;
  • wheezing cough;
  • blood secretions.

cure oncological disease possible with the help standard treatment without dangerous consequences possible at an early stage of the disease. Therefore, these symptoms should not be ignored.

In any case, state the reasons further treatment cough on exhalation and inhalation should be assisted by a qualified physician. Do not try to eliminate the disease with folk methods or following the advice of friends and relatives.

How is the treatment

In order to determine the cause of coughing while breathing, the patient should undergo X-rays of light, and then to identify the presence of deviations using bronchoscopy. Such a procedure will determine the presence of neoplasms, as well as determine the quality of the functions of the respiratory tract.

If necessary, the patient will be given spirometry And tomography. Only after a thorough diagnosis, the patient will be able to prescribe medical or surgical therapy.

Conservative treatment is as follows:

  1. For dry cough of an infectious nature, the patient is prescribed antitussives - Libeksin, Butamirat, Glaucin, Oxeladin, Prenoxindiosin.
  2. To alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate sputum, you should undergo a course of treatment with syrups and tablets - ACC, Ambroxol, Mukaltin, Solutan
  3. It is important to reduce swelling in the mucosa. To do this, use antihistamines- Zirtek, Zodak, Suprastin, Tsetrin, Ketotifen, Ketoprofen, Tavegin, Diazolin, Claritin.
  4. In bacterial form the patient needs powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics - Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Amoxiclav.
  5. To translate a dry cough into productive form mucolytics should be used - ACC, Ascoril, Libexin, Bromhexin.
  6. In the presence of shortness of breath when coughing, take "Eufillin".
  7. Irritation of the throat due to bronchitis can be eliminated with the help of hormonal medications- "Salbutamon", "Berodual".

In addition, the course of full therapy includes the use of folk methods. However, you should not use decoctions and drink teas without a doctor's prescription. Read more about the methods of alternative therapy written.


Self-medication when coughing can be dangerous to human health and lead to the exact opposite result. Also, do not hope that the attacks will go away on their own. This attitude towards one's own health can lead to the development dangerous disease such as pneumonia or tuberculosis.



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