Is there a cough from worms in children. Among the most famous and well-established drugs are

What is the relationship between cough and worms?

Helminths, causing cough in children cause mental and physical development. It is very important to seek medical help in time. Not all worms can provoke a cough.

These include:

  • roundworm;
  • lamblia;
  • toxocara (dog roundworm);
  • lung fluke (lung fluke).

Ascaris and Giardia

The most common disease in childhood is ascariasis (infection with ascaris).

  • pallor skin;
  • blueness of the lips.

Toxocara and the lung fluke

Infection with toxocara (toxocariasis) is especially dangerous for children under the age of one year. The larvae enter lung tissue and cause severe allergic reactions.

Cough with worms in children - very serious symptom which should never be ignored. Urgent need to apply for medical care which will avoid the development of complications and the occurrence of serious diseases.


Treatment of cough caused by helminths

Only a doctor can deliver correct diagnosis, assign effective treatment taking into account all factors. There is no place for self-medication here.

Possible Complications

Against the background of a cough not cured in time, complex allergic reactions may appear, inguinal hernia, visual impairment, asphyxia, hypoxia, general intoxication of the body.

Preventive measures

Why does a cough appear with worms?

Almost all parents know that the main symptoms of the presence of worms in the child's body are itching. anus, restless sleep baby and sudden weight loss. Why does a cough occur with worms? Everything is quite simple: the larvae of the worms, which are located in the area of ​​​​the bronchi, block the air flow - this is the reason for the appearance of a cough. Moreover, in the process of coughing, just an incredible number of larvae and eggs of worms come out of the body. As the underlying disease develops, dry cough is added inflammatory process, which is localized in vascular tissues.

Giardia and Ascaris

Toxocara and lung fluke

As soon as the worms have entered the child's lungs, a dry cough appears. If none curative measures during this period will not be undertaken, then the progression of the inflammatory process begins, which will be characterized by the development a large number mucus. Sputum will come out when coughing, it may contain small inclusions of blood - this factor, by the way, should alert parents and become a reason for contacting an infectious disease specialist.

Diseases caused by worms in a child

Children are much more likely than adults to be exposed to helminthic invasions. Therefore, when a dry cough appears on the background general health you need to immediately seek qualified medical help - this will avoid the development of complications.


It is noted that in childhood, ascariasis is most often detected. Infection with roundworms can occur through contact with animals (street or domestic), getting into oral cavity land, eating unwashed vegetables / fruits. Doctors say that the spread of ascariasis between children younger age associated with poor personal hygiene and a weak immune system.

If the intestines are affected by worms, then:

  • all are violated metabolic processes in the child's body;
  • immunity is significantly reduced;
  • toxic poisoning occurs;
  • there is a depression of the nervous system;
  • larvae of worms move to the lungs;
  • an inflammatory process is formed.

With ascariasis, not only a dry cough is present, but if there is no treatment for helminthic invasion, then the vessels will begin to be damaged, problems will appear respiratory system.


Fluke infection occurs through contact with crayfish and crabs. Most often, the worm first enters the body of a domestic or street animal that bathed in a pond, then the worms are transmitted to humans.

Note: if the fluke worm is present in the body, then in children coughing fits will necessarily be accompanied by the release of blood and pus.


Toxocara, which are in the dog, will certainly cause the appearance of worms in the lungs of the child. This disease is especially dangerous for children under the age of one year. Worm larvae are found in the lung tissues, which leads to the development of a severe, aggressive allergic reaction. If there is no treatment at the same time (meaning the treatment of helminthic invasion), then soon a sick child may develop bronchial asthma.

TO additional symptoms toxocariasis include disturbances in the functioning of the organs of vision, the appearance of fever and pronounced wheezing.

What measures need to be taken

If the treatment of helminthic invasion was prescribed and carried out correctly, then the symptoms, including dry cough, will disappear on their own.

Cough is not always a sign of the development of a cold. In many cases, this is the first symptom of a helminthic lesion of the body, so only a full examination of the child will guarantee full recovery.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

What worms cause coughing:

  1. Toksokara.
  2. Lung fluke.
  3. Echinococcus (larvae).

Ascariasis in children

  1. General weakness.
  2. Nausea, vomiting.
  3. Weight loss.
  4. Increase in body temperature.
  5. Pain of different localization.
  6. Paleness of the skin, cyanosis of the lips.

Paragonimiasis in children

Lancet fluke under a microscope

Toxocariasis in children

Toxocara worm is transmitted to humans through food contaminated with water through contact with sick dogs. Toxocariasis most often affects children under the age of four. One female toxocara lays 200,000 eggs per day, they are quickly carried by the bloodstream throughout the body. Symptoms caused by helminthiasis:

  • fever;
  • cough;
  • wheezing wheezing;
  • visual impairment.

Echinococcosis in children

  • chest pain;
  • pneumonia.

If a child has worms

Cough from worms: characteristic symptoms

When a cough from worms is fixed, the symptoms indicate problems in the respiratory system. Only at first glance it seems that helminthiases and cough reflex are completely incompatible concepts.

In fact, there are a number of helminths that can provoke a cough, and there is a completely objective explanation for this. A cough caused by worms is more often found in children, but this problem does not bypass adults either.

The connection between cough and worms

What can connect such incompatible concepts as helminthiasis and violation respiratory functions? Experts have determined: when a cough from worms appears, the symptoms are due to the development of 2 processes:

  • accumulation of helminths in lung tissues;
  • penetration of larvae into the upper respiratory tract.

These phenomena are accompanied by the appearance of obstacles to breathing, which provokes a cough reflex.

Severe consequences are possible when helminth larvae occupy the lung tissue.

Dry cough in such cases is typical only for initial stage. progressive pulmonary form characterized by a cough with sputum, and with blood impurities, indicating tissue destruction.

Worms can not only cause an intense dry-type cough, but also lead to serious disorders in the respiratory system. When a cough from worms appears, the symptoms indicate the appearance of a complicated clinical picture and require urgent treatment.

When there is a cough from worms, the symptoms in young children are most often provoked by roundworms. This type of helminth belongs to the category roundworms(nematodes) and reaches a length cm.

Infection occurs through contact with soil, pets or eating unwashed vegetables. A significant spread of ascariasis among children is caused by hygiene violations and underdevelopment immune system. The focus of the disease is located in the intestines, where larvae appear from eggs that can penetrate the walls of blood vessels and travel through the body with blood. During this period, they consume red blood cells, and in search of food penetrate into the lung tissue. After their fixation, as a result of vital activity, inflammation develops.

Further progression of the lesion leads to an inflammatory process with tissue damage and small vessels, which causes the appearance of blood impurities in the sputum. In young children, this process can provoke respiratory failure. TO external symptoms ascariasis can be attributed to pallor of the skin and blue lips. Often the pulmonary form of the disease causes allergic symptoms, in particular, skin rash with itching. With the active development of the process, an increase in body temperature is possible.

If ascariasis is typical for babies, then such a kind of worms as dog roundworms or toxocara can also affect an adult. This type can reach sizes cm, and its larvae are able to concentrate in the lungs, trachea and bronchi. When there is a cough from worms, the symptoms in adults are associated with allergic reactions, they manifest themselves in the form of fever, impaired visual perception, wheezing. Cough in adults and children can be severe, paroxysmal.

Development of giardiasis

Attention! If you do not take measures to treat the disease, then chronic forms of pathology, in particular, bronchial asthma, may develop.

Symptoms of advanced giardiasis often manifest as pronounced signs general intoxication of the body.

Features of paragonimiasis

Symptoms different types helminthiases have their own specifics, but in general clinical picture has much in common and resembles the manifestation of pneumonia or bronchitis. The most characteristic cough is dry, unproductive type of varying intensity. With the progression of the disease, it transforms into a cough with sputum. General intoxication of the body is also characteristic, expressed by general weakness, fatigue, slight dizziness. In a number of cases, when severe course disease marked fever, shortness of breath, asthma attacks.

When a cough with sputum appears, a person becomes a source of infection, because. helminth larvae are excreted from the body with secretions. Often there are symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

On a note! If the pulmonary form of the lesion develops, then headaches, visual disturbances, pain syndrome in the chest area of ​​the stabbing type are recorded. When listening, rales in the lungs are clearly distinguishable.

Worms, when activated, consume a significant proportion nutrients and the body does not receive them. Helminths can cause a drop in blood sugar, resulting in a feeling of constant hunger. At the same time, there may be a decrease in appetite associated with nausea and pain syndromes in the abdomen.

Despite the seriousness of such a symptom as a cough from worms, it should be dealt with with great care. Cough is only a symptom, and the problem must be dealt with, i.e. worms. Therapy is carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

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With helminthiases in the body, including in the lung tissue, in adults and children in the general blood test, the level of hemoglobin will be reduced and at the same time the number of ESR and eosinophils will be increased. Such abnormalities in blood tests should be analyzed by a specialist to determine the subsequent tactics of diagnosis and treatment.

Cough treatment

Only after cleansing the intestines, lungs and other systems and organs from helminths, it is possible to achieve complete recovery and exclude relapses of the disease, subject to preventive measures.

To relieve attacks of cough syndrome and alleviate the patient's condition, antitussives and drugs are prescribed that reduce inflammation and irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Additionally, drugs Enterosgel and Allahol are prescribed, which contribute to the removal of accumulated toxins from the body.


  • chronic lung diseases;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • visual disturbances;
  • development of bronchial asthma;
  • allergic diseases;
  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • hypoxia and asphyxia of the respiratory tract.

A dangerous complication is the formation diffuse pneumosclerosis with a serious violation of all respiratory functions up to damage or rupture of lung tissue with the occurrence internal hemorrhage. This condition is life threatening.


To treat a cough in a person resulting from helminthic invasions should be under the mandatory supervision of a specialist. This will help to avoid the development of health complications and completely cure the disease. Modern medicines and equipment help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms pathology without compromising health.

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Source: Is coughing with worms in children?

Causes of cough with worms

What worms cause coughing:

  1. Roundworms (migratory larvae, adult roundworms do not provoke coughing).
  2. Giardia (migratory larvae).
  3. Toksokara.
  4. Lung fluke.
  5. Echinococcus (larvae).

Life cycle of human roundworm

Toxocara roundworms, their larvae, migrate along blood vessels. They cause damage to organs and tissues, severe allergic reactions. Allergy is manifested by coughing, suffocation and redness of the skin.

Ascariasis in children

Larvae need oxygen to develop into an adult, first they feed on blood serum, then migrate to the respiratory organs. Adult roundworms live in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, lungs, heart and brain.

General symptoms of helminthic invasion:

  1. General weakness.
  2. Reduced or vice versa brutal appetite.
  3. Nausea, vomiting.
  4. Weight loss.
  5. Increase in body temperature.
  6. Pain of different localization.
  7. Paleness of the skin, cyanosis of the lips.

Cough - transient symptom ascariasis. It appears during the migration of larvae and has a paroxysmal character. If the child has a chronic cough, this may indicate pulmonary ascariasis. According to the signs, the disease is easily confused with SARS, influenza, tuberculosis. Pulmonary ascariasis rapidly progresses to chronic form with seasonal relapses.

Paragonimiasis in children

Paragonimiasis is caused by pulmonary flukes. Incubation period diseases for 2-3 weeks. During the migration of the larvae, allergies may appear (rash and pruritus), inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. Flukes cause severe pneumonia. Chest pain, fever, shortness of breath, wet cough. Sputum contains impurities of blood and pus.

To diagnose paragonimiasis, a sputum sample is taken. It is examined for the presence of helminth eggs. The content of eosinophils is steadily increased in the blood.

Toxocariasis in children

Toxocara worm is transmitted to humans through food contaminated with water through contact with sick dogs. Toxocariasis most often affects children under the age of four. One female toxocara lays eggs per day, they are quickly carried by the bloodstream throughout the body. Symptoms caused by helminthiasis:

  • fever;
  • cough;
  • wheezing wheezing;
  • visual impairment.

To diagnose toxocariasis, a blood test for antibodies is performed. Feces are checked for the presence of helminth eggs. In the general blood test elevated level eosinophils and globulins.

Echinococcosis in children

Echinococcus larvae enter the child's body through contact with sick dogs, through contaminated water. Echinococcosis can develop in any organ - in the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, lungs, etc.

Cough from worms appears when the lungs are affected. The invasion of echinococci into the respiratory organs leads to the formation of cysts. Cyst growth provokes the following symptoms:

  • chest pain;
  • first dry and then wet cough;
  • deformation chest(with a strong growth of the cyst);
  • pneumonia.

For the diagnosis of echinococcosis, blood is taken for analysis (analysis for antibodies), sputum, tomography and x-rays are done.

If a child has worms

If the child began to cough, his sleep was disturbed, intestinal disorders appeared, it is better to take him to the doctor right away in order to find out the cause in time. Whether worms and coughing are related to each other will help determine blood and stool tests.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The children are coughing different reasons, one of the most dangerous are worms. Helminthiasis in a child is important to detect on early stage to avoid serious consequences.

Source: Do worms cause a child to cough: causes and treatment

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing in common between cough and worms. Worms live in the intestines and it is not entirely clear what the lungs have to do with it.

But, directly in the intestines, they only develop, and eventually migrate throughout the body. The lungs are no exception.

Cough is one of the signs of the presence of helminths in the human body.

What is the relationship between cough and worms?

Often, parents who develop a cough in children are regarded as a sign of a cold and proceed to active treatment. Is it a cold and can worms cause a cough? The answer is unambiguous - they can.

The cough is regarded as dry, but in fact a lot of larvae come out. Later, the cough becomes wet (wet). Pathological process with the release of sputum is manifested against the background of the inflammatory process.

Helminths that cause cough in children cause mental and physical development disorders. It is very important to seek medical help in time. Not all worms can provoke a cough.

So, what worms cause coughing?

These include:

What unites these worms is that they can stick to the shell internal organs, rapidly develop and multiply, causing serious complications and diseases.

A description of the features of helminths and the diseases they cause is presented below.

Ascaris and Giardia

Ascaris and Giardia look very different, but they are united similar symptoms and ongoing therapy.

The most common disease in childhood is ascariasis (ascaris infection).

Roundworm enters the body through the mouth, and is excreted through anus along with feces.

Females are very fruitful - they can lay 250 thousand eggs per day. Adults migrate throughout the body through the circulatory system.

Infection occurs through contact with soil, water, grass where ascaris larvae live or after contact with an infected person, animals, as a result of non-compliance with hand hygiene.

The main symptoms of ascariasis are:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • dry paroxysmal cough;
  • blueness of the lips.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this is fraught with vascular damage, which will lead to pulmonary insufficiency.

You can become infected by drinking contaminated water, playing in a dirty sandbox, or eating unwashed fruits and vegetables.

A sign of the presence in the body of these worms - prolonged diarrhea With increased gas formation, general weakness and nausea.

Toxocara and the lung fluke

Both species belong to flatworms, are very dangerous to health - they affect the respiratory tract.

Toxocara (dog roundworm) is a worm that is spread by canine representatives (dogs, wolves). There is another subspecies that carries the cat family. They enter the human body by mistake and do not live long, but cause a serious illness.

Infection with toxocara (toxocariasis) is especially dangerous for children under the age of one year. The larvae penetrate the lung tissue and cause a severe allergic reaction.

The main symptoms are blurred vision, wheezing when breathing, fever. Cough from worms is painful and paroxysmal. If the treatment of helminthic invasion is not started in time, the disease can develop into bronchial asthma lead to blindness.

The pulmonary fluke is a very common worm from the trematode class, which is the causative agent of paragonimiasis.

Carriers are crabs and crayfish that live in water bodies. Animals are infected through water, after which it is transmitted to humans. The main symptom is wet blood and purulent cough The child has.

Cough with worms in children is a very serious symptom that should never be ignored. It is necessary to urgently seek medical help, which will avoid the development of complications and the occurrence of serious diseases.


The attending physician collects an anamnesis, analyzes the symptoms and prescribes necessary tests. Most often, fecal analysis is prescribed, general analysis blood, sputum examination.

With worm infestation in the blood, there is a decrease in hemoglobin, an increase in the amount of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and eosinophils, which indicates the presence of an allergic reaction.

Treatment of cough caused by helminths

pledge successful treatment cough in children, which is caused by worms, is a timely visit to the doctor.

Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, prescribe an effective treatment, taking into account absolutely all factors. There is no place for self-medication here.

The most effective and popular drugs are Pirantel, Pramoxin, Vermox, Zinc Oxide.

The drugs are quite toxic and it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out treatment with two drugs at the same time.

Antitussive drugs are prescribed to relieve inflammation of the respiratory tract. To remove toxins - drugs Enterosgel and Allahol. From allergies - antihistamines such as Zodak, Suprastin.

If the treatment of helminthic invasion is carried out correctly and on time, then the cough will go away on its own.

Possible Complications

Against the background of a cough not cured in time, complex allergic reactions, inguinal hernia, visual impairment, asphyxia, hypoxia, and general intoxication of the body may appear.

To avoid possible complications it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and carry out appropriate treatment.

Preventive measures

Parents almost from the cradle should teach their children to observe personal hygiene. It is very important to wash your hands before and after eating, after the street and close contact with animals. Toddlers should know that vegetables and fruits can only be eaten after they have been thoroughly washed.

It is advisable that children do not come into contact with street animals and in without fail carry out the prevention of helminthiasis in domestic animals. Also, children should not swim in open water.

If the child eats meat and fish dishes, then the products must undergo a full heat treatment.

In addition, the local pediatrician or family doctor may prescribe medications for children to take as a preventive measure.

Remember that the health of our children is in our hands and coughing does not always indicate colds. If a symptom torments a child throughout the day, this is an occasion to urgently seek medical help.

Complete examination of the child and effective therapy are a guarantee of complete recovery without harm to health.

  • Sleep disturbance;
  • diarrhea;
  • The presence of seizures;
  • Irritability and aggression;
  • Nervous disorders;
  • Rash on cheeks;
  • pale skin;
  • Prolonged cough.

Reference! Worms that provoke coughing often cause a delay in children's physical and mental development.

What types of worms cause coughing?

The abundance of cilia, located on the mucous membrane of the trachea, during movement raise the roundworm larva upward. When the receptors are irritated, a cough reflex appears, which helps the eggs enter the oral cavity. After that, the next natural stage begins in the larvae. During the swallowing of saliva, they enter, together with the coughed up secret, into the stomach, and then into the intestines, where they occur. further development in adult roundworms.

Toxocara is a type of worm that contributes to the development of toxacariasis. Canine roundworm develop quite actively, being localized, as a rule, in the respiratory organs. The disease is characterized not only by the presence of a cough, but also by the accompanying symptoms:

  • Hacking cough, which often ends in vomiting;
  • Allergic reactions - rash, runny nose;
  • Heat;
  • Blurred eyes;
  • Breathing with characteristic wheezing.

During their migration through the body, toxocara larvae provoke hemorrhages and contribute to the appearance of foci of necrosis. Children's immune system reacts quite actively to foreign bodies(antigens), while increasing the synthesis of antibodies that are responsible for the recognition of antigens and their binding.

In turn, antibodies activate immune cells neutrophils, basophils, and mast cells leading to the release of prostaglandins, histamines and leukotrienes, which contribute to the development of dry cough and suffocation.

Toxacariasis can be contracted not only from a street dog, but also from pet. Especially often infection occurs among children who are not accustomed to the rules of elementary personal hygiene. It is not recommended to fight the disease on your own, at home, therefore, if you have obvious symptoms the child needs hospitalization.




If a dry (sometimes wet) cough in a child goes away without other symptoms of a cold and SARS, a doctor's consultation is necessary. In addition to the standard examination, the doctor must give a referral for a stool test and a complete blood count.

For each child, based on the type and degree of infection, is assigned individual treatment. This takes into account the patient's age, general indicators health and immune system. Appointing antihelminthic drugs, the doctor must necessarily start from blood counts (in particular hemoglobin), the presence or absence of allergic reactions to various stimuli in history, the condition of the patient's liver and take into account violations of the intestinal microflora.

Of the most effective drugs new generation can be distinguished:

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some helminths are highly resistant to specific medicines. Therefore, quite often the treatment of helminthic invasions occurs when taking two drugs at the same time.


  • Liver.
  • Gallbladder.
  • Heart.
  • Lungs.
  • Brain.
  • Eyes.
  • Muscles.

Cough caused by worms is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Slight increase in temperature (37-37.5).
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Constipation/diarrhea.
  • Capriciousness / lethargy.
  • Bluish circles under the eyes.
  • Pale skin.
  • Headache.

Defeat by worms lowers the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood, increases the number of leukocytes. The child develops anemia/avitaminosis, he often gets sick.

outside human body ascaris cannot develop/reproduce. The method of infection is the use of unwashed products. In the soil, worm larvae for long period(up to 10 years) remain viable. Under the action of stomach enzymes, the protective shell dissolves. A small larva penetrates the walls of the intestine and enters the lungs with the blood stream.

The mucous membrane of the trachea is densely covered with small cilia, their movement provokes a spasm. This contributes to the "ejection" of larvae from the respiratory tract into the oral cavity. A child with ascariasis can cough for 8-15 days. Some of the worms are spit out with phlegm, the rest are swallowed and re-enter the stomach, and then into the intestines. Here the worm develops into a sexually mature individual, the stage of reproduction begins. Some of the eggs come out stool, the rest develop to larvae and again begin to migrate to the lungs.

Ascariasis is a helminthic invasion that can last for years. This is due to self-infection and the circulation of larvae throughout the body.


Locations favorable for toxocara:

  • Eyes.
  • Lungs.
  • Bronchi.
  • Trachea.

A characteristic sign of Toxocara damage is a cough in children with wheezing.

It is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Attacks of fever in the afternoon/evening (37.5-38).
  • Bronchitis.
  • Bronchopneumonia.
  • Enlargement / hardening of the liver.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.


  • Contact with an infected person/animal.
  • Eating foods that are deficient heat treatment- meat of freshwater species of fish, crayfish, crabs, molluscs and other animals.

The incubation period of the disease can range from 3-4 days to several weeks. During the early stages of larval migration to abdominal cavity helminthiasis caused by a fluke resembles enteritis, peritonitis, acute hepatitis. The stage of introduction of the fluke into the lung tissue is accompanied by symptoms resembling pleurisy, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia. Body temperature can rise up to 40.

Signs of paragonimiasis:

  • Cough from worms is excreted with sputum, in which there is an admixture of blood.
  • Pulmonary bleeding.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Rapid fatigue/irritability.

Diagnosis of helminthiases

To say exactly what can cause a child to cough, you need to take stool tests at least 3 times. Without a correct diagnosis little patient can be long and unsuccessfully treated for various diseases. If in this case you do not remove the worms, achieve positive results recovery will be difficult.

In children (Dr. Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on this), worms should be treated after the fact, i.e. after the result of the analysis revealed certain kind worms.

The larvae in the bronchi obstruct the air flow, so a dry cough appears. Although dry it only seems at first glance. In fact, in the process comes out great multitude larvae and eggs. Cough with obvious sputum appears when the inflammatory process touches the tissues of the vessels and is caused by small individuals.

What types of helminthic invasions provoke a cough


  • dry paroxysmal cough;
  • pale skin;
  • bluish tint of lips.

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, this will lead to damage to the vessels. Because children's body weak, such a process may be fraught with respiratory failure.

The main symptoms are a wet cough in the form of seizures with blood and purulent secretions.



  • fever;
  • wheezing;
  • disturbance in the organs of vision.


Eliminating cough in children when infected with worms will not bring any effect. Treatment in this case should be the use medications antiparasitic group. The goal of therapy is the destruction and removal of worms from the body.

Cough with worms in children indicates the active stage of invasion. The cause of the phenomenon is associated with the vital activity of pathogens in the body of the baby. Often a dry cough occurs at night and has an unpleasant effect. The child sleeps restlessly, often wakes up. It is important at the initial stage of the pathology not to confuse this feature With viral infection or a cold. It is worth paying attention to the child's cough, its symptoms, in order to contact a specialist in time.

Why does a cough occur with helminthic invasion?

Call the child this symptomatology able:

  • roundworms and lamblia;
  • lung fluke and toxocara.

Not only worms can contribute to the development of cough, but also flatworm. He is the most dangerous pathogen, because it leads to serious violations respiratory functions. These individuals include toxocara and pulmonary fluke, leading to such pathologies as the destruction of the organs of the respiratory system, their inflammatory process.

Often parents are concerned about the question of what kind of cough should be, can it be with sputum production? Statistics show that often a child begins to cough when pathogens enter the system. respiratory organs, while the cough is dry and paroxysmal. The phenomenon occurs mainly at night, when children are fast asleep.

  • the child is often tired, naughty a lot;
  • nausea appears, which sometimes occurs during a coughing fit;
  • appetite worsens;
  • a specific rash may appear on the cheek area;
  • circles appear under the eyes;
  • the intestines are irritated, resulting in diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • dizziness may appear;
  • baby is losing weight
  • frequent restless sleep.

If a child has any of the symptoms listed above, as soon as possible consult a pediatrician. He will send the baby for an examination that will show the presence of an infection, or refute it.

It is possible to get rid of a cough due to worms on your own with the help of traditional medicine. Popular recipes based on herbs and available products such as garlic or pumpkin seeds.

Collecting herbs helps to remove worms in a few weeks or days. The effectiveness and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology. For a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to prepare a special infusion.

It consists of the following components:

  • tansy, mint - 1 tablespoon each,
  • dandelion root, thyme - 2 tablespoons each;
  • wormwood and cloves - 3 tablespoons each.

All ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for 40 minutes. It is recommended to use the infusion 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

The recipe is easy to make:

  • the main component must be cleaned and rubbed on a coarse grater (2 heads);
  • bring fresh milk to a boil on the stove, add garlic;
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a thermos and leave overnight.

Worms that cause coughing will leave the child's body if you drink 50 ml of infusion every morning. You need to be careful with recipes based on the use of garlic, as this product it is undesirable to use for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Pumpkin seeds are a safe and proven method of getting rid of worms at home. In addition, the product can be used usual form. This facilitates therapy that concerns children, because they do not like bitter medicines.

There is also a recipe for a decoction based on seeds, its preparation comes down to the following steps:

  • boil milk;
  • add crushed seeds, tansy (0.5 tsp), garlic, pressed through a garlic press;
  • boil the broth for no more than 5 minutes and leave to cool;
  • apply for children 50 ml. 3 times a day.

If the cough is caused helminthic invasion need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Folk methods Therapies are only good when treated under medical supervision. Therefore, do not rely on self-treatment at home. The child needs to pass a series of tests to understand what type of pathogen caused the cough. Only then can the pediatrician prescribe effective remedy and therapy will have a positive effect.



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