What to give your child at the first sign of a cold. What to give your child when the first signs of a cold are detected

Colds often occur in childhood, and especially in early childhood. In the first months of life, many children retain the immunity received from their mother. However, they can also be affected even during the newborn period. Most often, a child develops a cold as a result of the spread of infectious viruses and a decrease in the body's defenses.

Colds in children.

Colds can lead to serious complications, so it is extremely important to carry out correct and timely treatment. Parents need to know how to treat their child at the first signs of a cold. Colds often cause epidemic outbreaks in children's groups. The disease can occur throughout the year, but mainly in the cold months (autumn, winter, spring). The role of colds in childhood is extremely important. Together with the associated bacterial flora, they are the main cause and one of the conditions for the formation of chronic respiratory diseases. They also play an important role in the formation of chronic tonsillitis(angina).

Colds include:

  • ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection).
  • ARI (acute respiratory disease).
  • Parainfluenza (the disease is caused by a parainfluenza virus, which is very similar to the regular flu, but is less variable and does not mutate, so children who have been ill develop a strong immunity to it (but it happens that weakened, sick children can get parainfluenza several times a year).

Causes of colds in children. What to do?

The source of infections is a sick person or a virus carrier. The main method of transmission is airborne, which determines the speed of spread of infection: with adenovirus, enterovirus, infections, in addition, fecal-oral transmission also occurs. As a result of oppositely acquired immunity and the widespread circulation of various viral varieties acute respiratory infections are repeated many times over even a short period of life.

Respiratory viruses are often called epidemic outbreaks in children's groups. Diseases can occur throughout the year, but mainly in the cold months (autumn, winter, spring). The role of colds in the pathology of childhood is extremely large. In association with secondary bacterial flora, they are the main cause and one of the conditions for the formation of chronic respiratory diseases; they aggravate the course of other diseases, contribute to their exacerbation and unfavorable course, and obviously play a known role in the formation of chronic tonsillitis.

Occurring during preventive vaccinations, they (especially in severe and complicated cases) inhibit the formation of immunity and contribute to the development of complications after vaccinations. In a weakened body, they can cause allergic reactions. Respiratory viral infections and pathological processes that develop with their participation occupy an important place among the causes of mortality in young children.

The first signs of a cold in a child, what to do?

  • The incubation period ranges from 1-5 days.

first sign of a cold in a child- nasal congestion, runny nose. With the development of the inflammatory process, mucus begins to be actively produced in the nasopharynx, which disrupts nasal breathing. In this situation, infants who do not yet know how to switch to mouth breathing especially suffer. At the same time, moderate redness of the throat is noted, most often only the palatine arches. A runny nose tends to be protracted and can last up to two weeks.

  • sneezing, sore throat, drowsiness, lethargy, moodiness.
  • The child has a fever when he has a cold. A moderate increase in temperature, lasting in uncomplicated cases for 2-5 days. Occasionally, after 1-2 days of normalization of temperature, a 2nd temperature wave is observed, usually associated with the addition of a bacterial infection. In some sick children, the disease occurs at a temperature of 37.0-37.5 and even at normal body temperature.

    A constant symptom is a persistent cough, which serves as a manifestation of tracheitis or tracheobronchitis; at the beginning it is dry and then becomes wet. Occasionally in young children, bronchitis becomes asthmatic.

    Typical of a cold is laryngitis, manifested by a dry, rough cough and mild to moderate hoarseness.

Complication of a cold.

The most common complication in young children is pneumonia, which is usually focal in nature and sometimes takes a severe course. the first days of illness are normal, less often an increased amount leukocytes, (blood cells, the purpose of these white cells is to provide the body with protection from pathogenic bacteria and foreign proteins. Leukocytes have developed a special sensitivity to them, sometimes slight neutrophyllosis(this is one of the types of leukocytes of white blood cells that are involved in maintaining human immunity, and plays a key role in the fight against bacterial infections)). ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is a blood indicator reflecting a sign of the inflammatory process of the blood, which increases during inflammatory processes. Normal or slightly elevated.

How to treat a child at the first signs of a cold.

What to do at the first sign of a cold in your child:

  • Bed rest must be ensured.
  • Drink plenty of warm drinks (tea, compote, fruit drinks). Viruses and toxins will be washed out along with the liquid.
  • Can't shoot down body temperature, if it has not reached 38.5 (if the child does not have seizures, if so, then we begin to reduce the temperature if it has reached 37.5-38.0). The increase in temperature is due to the fact that the body itself fights bacteria and viruses, producing its own interferon protein, which resists infection. The higher the temperature, the more it is.
    However, if the body temperature has risen to high levels, it needs to be reduced:

  • Paracetamol: tab. children 6 months (up to 7 kg.) -350 mg – daily dose.
    up to a year (up to 10 kg.) - 500 mg. – daily dose.
    Up to 3 years (up to 15 kg) - 750 mg. - daily dose.
    Up to 6 years (up to 22 kg.) - 1 g. - daily dose.
    Up to 9 years (up to 30 kg) - 1.5 g - daily dose.
    In the form of a suspension: children 6-12 years old - 10.0-20.0 (in 5.0-120 mg).
    From 1 year to 6 years - 5 - 10.0;
    From 3 to 12 months -2.5- 5.0;
    The dose from 1 to 3 months is individual.
  • – substitutes: Ibuprofen, Dolgit.
    Dosage – taken after meals, without chewing, with plenty of water, 200 mg per dose, but not more than 4 times a day.
  • Antibacterial therapy is not effective for viral diseases.
  • When a child has nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops are used: Nazivin, Snoop.
  • Before instilling vasoconstrictor drops, you need to perform a nasal toilet (rinsing with saline solutions, Aqualor, Aquamaris, saline solution)
  • Take antiviral drugs: Anaferon, Kagocel, Kitovir.
  • For a dry cough, medications are taken that will thin the sputum: mucaltin, tab. for cough, licorice root, ac. With the help of coughing, the lungs and bronchi are cleared of mucus. Inhalations with saline solution 2-3 times a day are also recommended. For an already wet cough, the following medications are taken:
    The most popular syrups are gedelix, lazolvan, marshmallow syrup, herbion (contraindicated for infants), prospan (allowed in the first year of life).
  • How to treat a child at the first signs of a cold, using folk remedies: The child can be given decoctions of medicinal herbs to drink (mother and stepmother, linden blossom, sage, chamomile).
    Herbal teas are also effective in relieving severe, lingering coughs in children that occur at night.
  • Rubbing children at night if body temperature is normal. Badger fat is used for the procedure. Prolonged coughing attacks do not bother children after rubbing. And fats do not cause allergic reactions. And can be used for one year old children.

Prevention of colds in children.

  • limit contact with sick people. It is advisable to avoid places with large crowds of people.
  • Hands must be washed frequently.
  • after a walk, before and after kindergarten, rinse your nose with saline solution.
  • You can also recommend immunomodulators that reduce the risk of disease even when a child visits kindergarten/kindergarten and crowded places. These include: derinat, IRS 19, etc.
  • for the purpose of prevention and prevention, it is recommended to take multivitamins according to the child’s age: Complivit, Vitamins, etc.
  • hardening.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 05/07/2019

The cold is the most common disease among people of all ages. According to pediatricians, the norm for children from birth to 3 years is up to 9 cases of colds per year. The body is able to cope with an acute respiratory viral infection on its own in 5-7 days. But the disease can lead to complications or severe weakening of the immune system. Parents must help their child cope with the disease, but this requires effective and safe means. Some mothers and fathers, when their infants become ill, begin to panic and buy drugs at the pharmacy previously seen in advertising, or on the advice of a pharmacist, friend, or neighbor. If you treat a child with experimental methods, this can greatly undermine his health.

The difficulty in detecting the onset of a cold in newborns is that they cannot talk about what is bothering them. In addition, many diseases and even physiological changes in the body that are normal have common symptoms. For example, teething can be confused with signs of a cold.

The most important thing is to surround the child with love and care. The warmth and comfort of mother's hands can calm the baby and bring him relief.

The essence and causes of colds in children

All colds are caused by viruses. They have several varieties:
  1. Rhinovirus - integrates into the cells of the nasal mucosa, causing a runny nose.
  2. Adenovirus - leads to the growth of tonsils and tonsils.
  3. Parainfluenza - affects the mucous membrane of the larynx, causing laryngitis.
  4. RS virus causes bronchiolitis. As a rule, it infects children under one year of age.

Regardless of the specific type of virus that affects a person, doctors usually make one general diagnosis - ARVI, which is simply called a cold.

Most often, colds occur with the onset of the cold season. The baby may be blown by a cold, strong north wind, and he may get his feet wet in the snow or puddle. You can also become infected from peers on playgrounds or in children's rooms. But to a greater extent, the cause of colds lies in the malfunction of the immune system. This may happen due to:

  1. General weakness of the immune system.
  2. During or after illness, the consequences of taking antibiotics.
  3. Lack of useful vitamins and microelements.
  4. Poor environmental ecology.
  5. Inactive lifestyle.
  6. Unbalanced diet, overeating.
  7. Stressful situations (for example, frequent quarrels between parents, abrupt weaning).
  8. Unfavorable microclimate in the house (stuffiness, dry and hot air, infrequent wet cleaning and ventilation).
  9. Passive smoking (when someone in the household smokes in front of the baby).

Some parents, trying to protect their child from hypothermia by all means, dress him inappropriately for the weather, too warmly, wrapping him in numerous layers of clothing. As a result, the child sweats, and when clothes are removed, cooling occurs, and the baby can instantly catch a cold.

The first symptoms of a cold in children

Usually, infants become ill suddenly, and the temperature often rises at night. Obvious manifestations of a cold in newborns are preceded by primary symptoms that may go unnoticed. They demonstrate a deterioration in the general condition of the child. The baby becomes capricious and restless, his appetite spoils, he begins to rub his eyes, gets tired quickly, loses interest in his favorite toys, and has sudden mood swings. This is how the incubation period manifests itself.

2-7 days after the virus enters the body, children begin to experience its first symptoms:

  1. Runny nose, redness and nasal congestion.
  2. Cough, sneezing.
  3. Redness of the tonsils and laryngeal mucosa.
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, back of the head, and armpits.
  5. Temperature increase.
  6. The appearance of acne (herpes rash) in the lip area.
  7. Shortness of breath, heavy breathing.
  8. Change in skin color.

Children under one year of age may have diarrhea and increased gas production due to the virus. Newborns (up to 1 month) usually have no problems with colds: they have passive immunity received from the mother during pregnancy.

What to do at the first symptoms of a cold in children

You shouldn’t immediately grab medications; in general, when applied to infants, they should only be used in truly necessary cases. You can make your child feel better by creating all the conditions necessary for recovery.

A quiet, calm environment is created in the house, without nerves, screams and stressful situations. If the mother starts to get nervous, the baby feels it well and also shows concern.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the air in the baby's room: do wet cleaning every day, install air humidifiers. Some parents, frightened by drafts and hypothermia, do not ventilate the sick person’s room. This is wrong, since it is in a hot and stuffy room that germs and viruses develop much faster. There should be fresh air in the room.

A sick child requires rest and bed rest. If the baby refuses to lie in the crib, then they play quiet and calm games with him: read books, look at pictures in them, collect cubes, etc.

To prevent dehydration, you need to offer plenty of fluids. Depending on the age, the child is often offered breast milk, boiled or specially purified water, juices, teas, fruit drinks, and compotes. If the child does not want to eat, there is no need to force feed him. But if he has an appetite, it is worth giving food with fermented milk products, which help get rid of viruses.

Aromatherapy with essential oils of rose, lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, fir, bergamot, and tea tree will be useful during colds. You can use a special aroma lamp or just containers with water. 1-2 drops of oil are dripped into them, then they are placed around the room.

If a baby has a stuffy nose or snot, it is important to moisturize its mucous membrane and, if possible, clear it of secretions. To do this, you can prepare a saline solution yourself or buy sea water drops at the pharmacy (for example, Aquamaris). Saline solution is also suitable (a couple of drops in each nostril). To clean the nose, purchase an aspirator or use a regular syringe. The main thing is not to insert the tip deeply, so as not to damage anything.

If your baby has difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin), but this is best done only in extreme cases so that the body does not get used to them and the mucous membrane does not dry out.

If you have a runny nose in the crib, place a pillow (folded towel) under the child’s head or under the mattress so that during sleep the head is higher than the rest of the body and the snot does not flow down the throat, but flows out of the nose.

When the baby's immune system begins an active fight against microbes, the overall body temperature begins to rise. If it does not exceed 37.9 degrees, it is not knocked down. If the thermometer shows a temperature above 38 degrees, you need to give an antipyretic, preferably in the form of rectal suppositories. It is worth knowing that a sharp change in temperature increases the load on the heart and blood vessels.

If the child does not have a high temperature, then you should definitely walk with him outside. Clean air is healing for him. It normalizes and deepens breathing. In addition, most newborns quickly fall asleep outside.

To strengthen the immune system in children, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs (Aflubin, Viferon, Grippferon) are sometimes prescribed.

Parents of children who are already 6 months old can treat their cough with syrups (Dr. Theiss, Dr. IOM, Bronchikul). These syrups are mucolytics, that is, they help thin sputum. These drugs should never be combined with cough suppressants: stagnation of mucus may occur, followed by complications.

Parents should be alert if a temperature of 37.1-37.9 lasts for more than three days. This may be a sign of the development of an inflammatory process - sore throat, otitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis. Such symptoms may lead to a situation where you have to take antibiotics.

If the baby suddenly screamed sharply, turned pale, broke into a cold sweat or became lethargic, the temperature dropped, a rash appeared, diarrhea more than 5 times a day, and vomiting. Such symptoms require an immediate call to the ambulance.

To reduce the risk of a cold, it is required to undergo all routine vaccinations, each of which should be done at least 5 days after complete recovery and after a thorough examination by a pediatrician.

How not to treat children

Some parents, having listened to the advice of grandmothers, neighbors and friends, try to treat their child with ineffective and even dangerous methods. This is facilitated by the fact that antibiotics and other heavy drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without prescriptions. In addition, a pharmacist interested in selling expensive goods may recommend the wrong medicine. Not only does the baby’s body have a hard time fighting a cold, but he also has to deal with the consequences of such “treatment.”

The most common parental mistakes include:

  1. Reducing the low temperature, which is evidence of the body's fight against the disease. If it is reduced, the production of interferons - protective proteins - will slow down.
  2. Unreasonable use of antibiotics. This type of medicine copes only with infections; it is powerless against viruses. In addition, its use harms the microflora of the body.
  3. Hot baths at temperature. They only increase the load on the immune system.
  4. Instilling juices of onions, garlic, carrots and other vegetables into the nose. This can lead to allergies or burns to the mucous membrane.

In order not to make unforgivable mistakes in treatment that affect the development of the baby, at the first symptoms of a cold you need to go to the doctor. A properly selected course will help cure the disease at an early stage.

Read further:

Does your child have a cold? Don't worry! Natural remedies based on medicinal herbs will relieve fever, ease breathing and improve overall well-being.

Child's temperature

Fever is one of the first symptoms of a cold. It indicates that the body is trying to overcome the disease. First of all, take your child's temperature. Dry the skin under the armpit well, place a thermometer and press the child’s hand tightly to the body for 3–5 minutes. If the temperature really rises, give your child an antipyretic - herbal or fruit tea.

First aid for a cold in a child

At the first symptoms of a cold in your child, call the doctor.

  1. 1. Drinking plenty of fluids (herbal tea, fruit juice, compote) will help avoid dehydration, especially with vomiting, diarrhea or fever.
  2. 2. Rice and carrot decoction HiPP normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during a cold (from the 4th month). It replaces lost fluid and mineral salts, thereby preventing loss of moisture in the body and poor circulation.
  3. 3. If the child is not allergic to protein, drop interferon into his nose (from the 1st month). This will stimulate his own defense system against infection.
  4. Clean your child's nose regularly using a cotton swab. Young children who cannot breathe through their nose often develop otitis media.
  5. 4. Temperatures above 38.5° C are dangerous because they can provoke convulsions, so don’t hesitate to call an ambulance.

Folk remedies for colds in children

If your child has a fever, cough or runny nose, do not rush to give synthetic drugs. In the first days of a cold, medicinal plants are very effective. But do not forget to consult a pediatrician; treat your child only under his constant supervision.

Raspberries, currants, viburnum, chamomile, linden, mint, lemon balm and nettle have diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is better not to use homemade preparations, for example, raspberries or viburnum, pureed with sugar, for treatment. Dried or frozen fruits are much healthier. Prepare herbal infusions from mint, lemon balm or nettle. One daily serving of antipyretic tea for a child under 5 years old is brewed at the rate of: 1 coffee spoon of berries or herbs per 200 ml of water. Pour water over fruits or herbs, boil, leave for a few minutes, then strain and cool. Let the child drink a little decoction (it should be at room temperature, not hot) throughout the day before and after meals.

For a child aged 1 year, in addition to herbal tea, you can brew jelly

and compotes from fruits rich in vitamin C. If necessary, supplement the effect of natural remedies with antipyretic drugs - special syrups, tablets or suppositories with paracetamol. To help the intestines, which work worse at high temperatures, give your child baked apples. The pectin they contain enhances peristalsis.

How to cure a runny nose in a child

Children under one year of age are not recommended to treat a runny nose with drops. To make breathing easier, rinse your child's nose with chamomile infusion, salted water or saline solution, which is sold at the pharmacy. After a year, use vasodilator drops. Never try to treat a child's runny nose with oil-based drops. They increase nasal congestion, which can subsequently provoke chronic rhinitis. If your baby is breastfed, put some of your milk in your nose. Breast milk is such a valuable product that it even helps get rid of a runny nose.

Inhalations for colds in children

Inhalations are an excellent remedy for fighting colds, but they are only suitable for children over one year old. Get a steam inhaler; do not force your child to breathe over a pan of hot liquid. Firstly, he may get scalded. And secondly, it is not effective. Pour an alcohol tincture of eucalyptus or calendula diluted with water into the inhaler. Let the baby inhale vapors saturated with essential oils for 5-10 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Inhalation relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and also makes breathing easier.

Child's cough

Treat a dry cough in a child in the first days of a cold with steam inhalations and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an antispasmodic effect (chamomile, mint, lemon balm). In addition, maintain optimal air humidity in the apartment. Indeed, in winter, in rooms with central heating, the humidity does not exceed 25%, and 60% is considered the norm. Water containers placed around the apartment or a special spray bottle will humidify the air. If you have a sore throat, gargling with herbal infusions will help. You can also use sea salt (boil and cool the saline solution before use). Typically, after a couple of days the cough becomes wet and the airways are cleared of excess mucus. Give your child expectorants: licorice root syrup, pharmaceutical breast milk, or tea containing thyme, mint, and anise. The baby will feel much better and will recover quickly.

Effective remedies for colds in children

Cough tea Hipp, 200 g. From the 1st week

Extracts of thyme, mint and anise, which are part of the drink, relieve irritation that occurs when coughing, thin mucus and normalize temperature.

Chamomile flowers, 50 g. From 1st month

Chamomile flowers have a wide spectrum of action. Chamomile tea helps reduce high fever, a gargle infusion relieves inflammation of the larynx, and rinsing the nose with a decoction of this plant makes breathing easier.

Nettle leaves, 50 g. From 1 month

If your child is prone to allergies, replace raspberry or chamomile tea with nettle infusion. Herbal decoction normalizes temperature, doing an excellent job

with fervor. Give your baby a warm drink, 1 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

Linden flowers, 20 filter bags. From 1st month

Linden tea is an excellent diaphoretic. Let the child drink it after meals. The tea can also be used to rinse the mouth, throat and nose.

Echinacea compositum C, 5 ampoules of 2.2 ml. From 2nd month

Homeopathic remedy increases the body's defenses. Use at the first sign of a cold.

Raspberry and rosehip tea Hipp, 200 g. From the 6th month

An instant drink made from berries and medicinal herbs has a general strengthening, antipyretic effect and increases the body's resistance to infections.

Licorice root syrup, 100 g. From 1 year

Dilutes mucus, relieves inflammation and spasms. Has an expectorant effect. For a child under 2 years old, give 1 drop of syrup several times a day. Sweet syrup can be added to water or tea. From 2 years old, give half a teaspoon dissolved in a quarter glass of boiled water.

Eucalyptus tincture, 40 ml. From 2 years old.

Antiseptic and disinfectant used for steam inhalation. Has a calming effect. In combination with other natural medicines, it helps cure colds. For rinsing, dilute 10 drops of tincture in a glass of water at room temperature.

Tincture of calendula, 40 ml. From 2 years

The anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and bactericidal properties of calendula are useful for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Peppermint leaves, 50 g. From 3 years

The decoction is used as an anti-inflammatory and sedative. Warm mint tea should be drunk 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

The common cold is a common illness that affects adults and children. In children, it can appear several times a year, while it has a severe course, and if it is not treated, dangerous complications can arise. But during it, children develop immunity and the body’s protective properties increase.

The main thing is that parents should know what to give their child at the first sign of a cold, this will help prevent complications and unpleasant consequences. But first it is recommended to study the peculiarities of the course of colds, their signs and causes.


Colds often occur with the onset of the cold season. A child may experience hypothermia if he stays outside for a long time, a cold wind may blow through him, or he may get his feet wet in a puddle or snow. He can become infected from peers in kindergarten and on playgrounds.

But the most important reason for contracting a cold is the constant failure of the immune system. This may occur due to the following factors:

  • decreased immune system;
  • the development of certain diseases and the period after them;
  • consequences of taking antibiotic drugs;
  • low level of vitamins, microelements;
  • poor ecology of the environment;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • unbalanced diet, overeating;
  • various stressful situations - for example, frequent quarrels between parents, abrupt weaning;
  • unfavorable microclimate in the house - increased dryness, stuffiness, heat, infrequent cleaning, lack of ventilation;
  • passive smoking - when someone smokes in front of a child.

Signs of a cold

To understand how to treat a child at the first signs of a cold, it is worth finding out how this disease manifests itself. Usually there are no problems identifying it. It begins abruptly, at first the baby begins to have a severe runny nose, sneezing attacks, and develops a fever. He becomes irritable and complains of headaches. Over time, he develops a cough, and mucus with a denser and darker structure appears from the nasal area.

Approximately 2-7 days after the virus enters the child’s body, in addition to the above signs, the following symptoms may occur:

  • increased body temperature;
  • feeling of weakness, malaise;
  • sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • irritability;
  • urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • significant deterioration in appetite, it may be completely absent;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • fast fatiguability.

Usually, when a child has a cold, the temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher, which can last for three days. And after it decreases, various unpleasant symptoms may appear - swelling of the nose, vomiting, headaches.

What to do at the first signs of a cold in children

How to treat a child at the first signs of a cold? Many parents often make a big mistake; they immediately begin to give various medications that may be contraindicated for infants. In pharmacies you can find drugs specifically for infants, but they should be used only in emergency cases.

At the first signs of a cold in a child, it is worth creating the necessary conditions that will help greatly alleviate the baby’s condition, namely:

  • It is necessary to create a quiet and calm place in the house; there should be no stress, quarrels, or screams. If a mother is worried about something and is constantly nervous, then this is easily transmitted to the child, which negatively affects his condition;
  • It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the air in the infant's room. It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning daily, and it is also necessary to install an air humidifier in the room;
  • It is important to ventilate the child’s room. Some parents think that drafts can cause the baby to become hypothermic, which can ultimately lead to a cold. But this is not so, on the contrary, in a room that is too stuffy and hot, germs, viruses, and pathogenic bacteria accumulate. For this reason, the room should always have clean and fresh air;
  • With a cold, especially if it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, dehydration can occur. To prevent this condition, the child must be given as much fluid as possible. So what should you give your child at the first symptoms of a cold? Depending on age, he can drink breast milk, boiled water, fruit drinks, compotes, teas;
  • If the baby has no appetite, then there is no need to force feed him. If he wants to eat, then he can be given fermented milk products, they contribute to the active elimination of viral organisms;
  • Aromatherapy using certain types of essential oils - rose, lavender, fir, chamomile, eucalyptus, bergamot, tea tree - has a positive effect. It’s good if you have a special aroma lamp, but if you don’t have this product, you can pour water into small containers and drop a few drops of essential oils into them. They are then placed indoors;
  • The child has a cold with a runny nose; your child’s doctor can tell you what to do. Usually in these cases, drugs containing sea water are prescribed, for example, Aqua Maris. You can also prepare your own saline solution and use a pipette to pour a few drops into each nostril;
  • Treatment of a child at the first signs of a cold, especially if he has a severe runny nose that interferes with breathing, may be accompanied by the use of drops with a vasodilating effect - Nazivin drops. But they should be used only in extreme cases, after consulting a doctor;
  • during a runny nose in the crib, an additional pillow can be placed under the baby’s head, and a folded towel can also be placed under the mattress. This will prevent snot from flowing into the throat; it will come out of the nose;
  • When the immune system actively fights germs and viruses, the baby’s temperature rises. If it leaves no higher than 37.9 degrees, then it is not knocked down. But if it increases to 38.5 or more, then the child can be given an antipyretic, preferably in the form of rectal suppositories.

Treatment with drugs

Many parents sometimes panic at the first signs of a cold; they simply don’t know what to take their child, what medications he can give and which ones he can’t. Of course, it is better to consult with a pediatrician; a specialist will be able to prescribe the most appropriate medications that will not have a harmful effect on the child’s body.

If the first signs of a cold appear in a child with a severe runny nose, then you can find out how to treat it from your doctor, but you can safely use preparations based on sea salt. They are intended for rinsing the nasal cavity. Their use will have a softening effect on snot crusts and can be easily removed with a cotton swab.

So give it to your child at the first sign of a cold with a severe runny nose. The following remedies are considered the most effective:

  • Morenasal;
  • Aquamaris;
  • No-salt;
  • saline sodium chloride solution;
  • Fluimarin.

If, in addition to a runny nose, other unpleasant symptoms appear, then stronger drugs may be additionally prescribed. They should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the age of the child, his condition, and the course of the disease.

If the onset of a cold in a child is accompanied by a worsening of the condition, then how to treat it can be found out from the following list of drugs:

  • Genferon. This is an antiviral agent. Shows high efficiency at the initial stage of the disease;
  • Pinosol. These are nasal drops that should be used for purulent discharge. They have an antimicrobial effect. Do not use for more than 7 days;
  • various cough syrups - Hexoral, Doctor Mom, Gerbion. It should be used in small doses. These drugs have mucolytic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • If you don’t know what to do at the first sign of a cold with a wet cough in a child, you can use special syrups and powders - Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol. They do not suppress the cough reflex and are highly effective due to the dilution of sputum;
  • To reduce temperature, it is recommended to use Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Panadol. It is worth lowering the temperature when the mark on the thermometer reaches 38 or more;
  • Anaferon, Viferon can be used to strengthen the immune system. These products should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

What to do at the first sign of a cold in a child? Folk remedies have a good effect. They allow you to quickly suppress bacterial activity and speed up the recovery process.

The most effective folk remedies include:

  • inhalation. To do this, pour hot water into a glass and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda or salt. The child should breathe the solution for several minutes. It can also be used to gargle and rinse the nose;
  • foot baths with mustard. They last 10-15 minutes, the temperature should gradually increase to 40 degrees;
  • Tea with raspberries, honey, and linden blossom decoction have a good effect.

Of course, only a doctor can accurately answer the question of what to do at the first signs of a cold in a child. He will examine the baby, identify the cause and select the most effective and appropriate treatments. But if you follow all the recommendations and rules at home, you can quickly eliminate all the unpleasant signs that often lead to complications.

A cold in a child is the most common illness. They talk about it if the baby becomes infected with an acute respiratory disease. Children get colds equally often at 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of age. Only closer to the time they enter school - at 6-7 years old - does their immune system become more resistant to viral agents.

Children get colds more often than others

Parents should not perceive every illness of their child as a tragedy. Only by suffering from ARVI does the baby’s body learn to recognize viruses and fight them off.

Understanding the nature of the disease

Conventionally, pediatricians classify infections that affect the body of a child aged 2-7 years into three groups:

  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial.

The first ones are the most common. When they develop, the diagnosis “ARVI” is entered into the patient’s chart. If viral diseases in children are not treated correctly, serious complications may arise that are associated with bacterial damage to the body. It is also possible that a fungal infection may be associated with a childhood cold.

Realizing this, responsible parents should take their sick child to a qualified doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. If the pediatrician tells you to get tested, nasal or throat swabs, then that’s what you need to do.

Signs of a cold in children

The medicine for a cold in a child is selected taking into account the symptoms. Most often the disease manifests itself:

  • elevated body temperature (but it may not exist);
  • cough (dry or wet);
  • runny nose

If a 2 or 3 year old child gets sick, it is difficult for parents to find out what exactly is bothering him. Therefore, before contacting a pediatrician, it is advisable not to give him any medications. You can only bring down the temperature if it is raised to 38.5 degrees.

Children aged 4 to 6-7 years can already tell and show their mother what and where it hurts. In this regard, it is much easier to provide them with first aid before receiving medical advice.

Treatment of colds in children

If the child’s immunity is strong, then the cold may go away on its own. To do this, it is necessary to give the patient only a lot of warm drinks and provide him with bed rest. If the symptoms of a cold are severe, the baby is lethargic, and there remains a high risk of bacterial complications, emergency measures must be taken.

When you have a cold, your body temperature may rise

High temperature with a cold - should I give an antipyretic?

If the child tolerates the temperature well, that is, does not lie pale all day, but plays, eats, drinks, does not have convulsions, and does not have pronounced symptoms of intoxication, then an antipyretic may not be given. In general, pediatricians recommend refusing to use it if the thermometer shows below 38.5 degrees.

It is important to realize that high temperature is a protective reaction of the body. He specifically increases it to the level at which viral agents begin to die and cannot reproduce. If young parents, out of inexperience, give the baby an antipyretic as soon as the thermometer shows 37-37.2 degrees, you can’t count on a quick recovery - the viruses will actively spread.

If a child has disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, he is prone to seizures, then he is given fever medicine at a temperature of 37.5-37.7 degrees.

Paracetamol and drugs based on it (Cefekon, Panadol) have the most gentle effect on the children's body. Ibuprofen is very good at reducing fever. If the temperature is very bad, parents can ask the pediatrician to write a prescription for Ibuklin. This is a combination drug containing both ibuprofen and paracetamol. It can be taken for colds by children over 3 years of age.

It would also be useful for mothers to know about one little trick: if Ibuklin is not at home, and the temperature persists, you can simultaneously give half a dose of Ibuprofen and half a dose of Paracetamol. If the arms and legs of the baby are icy (blood circulation is impaired), you should add to this antipyretic “mixture” a No-shpa tablet and an antihistamine, which is approved for use by age (for example, Suprastin).

Ibuklin is an effective antipyretic

It is necessary to observe intervals between doses of antipyretics. Medicines do not work immediately - it takes 1-2 hours. Therefore, it is unacceptable to give another dose every hour. This can lead to a critical drop in body temperature, requiring immediate medical attention.

Fighting a runny nose when a child has a cold

A runny nose is one of the most common cold symptoms in children 2-7 years old. At first, nasal discharge has a liquid consistency and is transparent. Gradually, the mucous membrane swells, breathing becomes difficult, and the mucus thickens. Here the problem arises of the inability to sleep at night due to lack of oxygen.

Some children cope with it easily - they simply begin to inhale air through their mouths. Others are capricious and cannot sleep for a long time. Then parents have to think about how to treat the nose so that the baby’s breathing is restored at least temporarily.

Firstly, for a runny nose, you need to use saline solutions, prepared yourself or purchased at a pharmacy (Aqua Maris, Salin). They need to be instilled into the nose, and then the soaked mucus should be sucked out using a special nasal aspirator. The procedure is painless, but unpleasant, so children always perceive it negatively. But by regularly rinsing the nasal passages, mothers protect their babies from developing sinusitis.

Also, if you have a runny nose during a cold, the nasal mucosa should be treated with antiviral compounds - Grippferon or Genferon. Derinat has also proven himself well.

Isofra - first aid for advanced rhinitis

In advanced cases, otolaryngologists prescribe Polydex and Isofra for children. These drugs are strong, so parents should not purchase them on their own to treat their child.

How to treat pain in grief when a child has a cold

Since the cold affects the respiratory system, it is rarely possible to avoid a sore throat when swallowing. The list of drugs aimed at relieving the inflammatory process that children 2-3 years old can take is very limited. Most often, the pediatrician prescribes Ingalipt spray and treatment of the tonsils with Iodinol.

Older children can use Orasept, Lugol, lozenges for treatment, and gargle with solutions of Chlorophyllipt and Miramistin.

You can make warm compresses on a sore throat with honey, cottage cheese, or boiled potatoes. Inhalations performed using a nebulizer have also proven themselves to be effective. Rotokan solution should be used as a medicinal composition. True, this method is only suitable for children who are already 4-5 years old.

Antiviral drugs for childhood colds

Today, antiviral drugs are actively used in pediatric practice. They are prescribed to prevent flu and colds, as well as to increase the immunity of a sick child.

The most popular in Russia are:

  • Viferon;
  • Anaferon;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Kipferon.

Even the youngest patients can use them. Also proven to be good:

  • Groprinosin;
  • Aflubin;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Cytovir;
  • Isoprinosine.

Parents should not treat antiviral tablets and suppositories as safe vitamins. Drugs in this group have a strong effect on the functioning of the immune system, and it is not recommended to interfere with it unless absolutely necessary.

A pediatrician should select medications for a child.

When are antibiotics used to treat a cold in a child?

A cold is a viral disease. Antibiotics are aimed at treating bacterial infections. Therefore, it is unacceptable to replace antiviral drugs with them.

Nevertheless, there are situations when a pediatrician prescribes an antibiotic to a child with a cold. This measure is necessary when a secondary infection occurs:

  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Also, the need to use antibacterial agents may appear if a high temperature persists for five days or more, a blood test shows a strong increase in ESR.

What antibiotics are prescribed for colds?

Methods for treating colds in a child 2-7 years old using traditional medicine recipes

At the first sign of a cold, you can use folk recipes. So, you can reduce high body temperature by wiping the body with a solution of vinegar or vodka. You can also give your child sauerkraut and cranberry juice.

Throughout the illness, the patient should be offered natural antibiotics - onions, garlic, lemon juice - they greatly stimulate the immune system.

If the temperature is normal, you can apply mustard plasters for coughs and steam your legs and arms. Inhalation over boiled potatoes accelerates the discharge of sputum. However, if the child is not yet 5 years old, it is unsafe to do them - a fidgety person can tip the dishes with hot contents onto themselves.

If you have a sore throat, drink plenty of warm fluids

If the baby is 2-3 years old and does not yet know how to gargle, he can be given a decoction of chamomile and sage to drink. But first you need to make sure that you are not allergic to these herbal remedies.

Before going to bed, the child should prepare warm milk with honey and butter, but, again, only if there is no allergic reaction to bee products.

How to avoid complications with a cold in a small child

To prevent a cold from becoming the cause of the development of a chronic disease, you need to:

  • follow medical recommendations;
  • adjust the child’s diet (include easily digestible dishes - soups, broths, boiled meat);
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located and humidify the air.

A child with a cold should not spend a lot of time on his feet. You need to offer him games that do not require active movement.



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