What causes blood vessels to burst in the eyes and how to treat it? What to do if you have frequent hemorrhages. Internal reasons

How can you help if a blood vessel in your eye bursts? What to do at home? Most often, a burst vessel in the eye does not cause any discomfort and does not affect visual abilities. However, it attracts attention, which, from an aesthetic point of view, is not very pleasant. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of hemorrhage, since it is not independent disease. But it can be made easier general state and speed up the resorption of the hematoma. The choice of the appropriate method for this directly depends on the cause of the capillary damage.

A capillary burst in the eye: what to do if the reason is external factors? With careful monitoring of the condition of the eyes, already in the first days it becomes clear whether a visit to a doctor is necessary or not. If the vessel bursts and painful sensations and there are no other health complaints, then most likely this phenomenon was not caused by a disease, but third party reasons.

These include:

  • lack of sleep;
  • fatigue and excess physical activity;
  • stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the TV screen or computer.

It is clear that eliminating these factors will not completely solve the problem, but it will help get rid of it faster and prevent its recurrence.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth getting enough sleep and minimizing physical and visual stress (the same measures apply to cases of hematoma appearing the next morning after drinking alcohol).

And if you can’t avoid working in front of a monitor, then you definitely need to take rest breaks.

When there is complete confidence If the hemorrhage is provoked by the above reasons, the following folk remedies can be used at home:

  1. Cool boiled water or tea (black and green) for washing the eye where the capillary has burst, will relieve fatigue, reduce inflammation and, accordingly, redness. You can simply apply cotton pads soaked in black tea or used tea bags to your eyes for 2-3 minutes (up to three times a day).
  2. Apply compresses with cold and hot water. It is recommended to apply a gauze or cotton swab to the eye, moistened alternately in one container or another. Contrasting temperatures have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the eyes a fresh, rested look. But we must remember that contact of the visual organs with cold for too long is dangerous, so its duration should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the reason why the vessel burst is not completely clear, you should not self-medicate.

A vessel in the eye regularly bursts: what to do?

A visit to an ophthalmologist should not be neglected if the hematoma does not go away after two weeks, if its appearance is accompanied by symptoms of some disease, perhaps not an eye disease (hypertension, vitamin deficiency, etc.). The doctor will conduct necessary research, will find out the cause and prescribe treatment depending on it.

If it is not possible to immediately apply for medical care, you can independently measure your temperature and pressure, evaluate your symptoms and, depending on the results obtained, use one of the following recommendations:

  • If a capillary in the eye bursts against the background high blood pressure, it means that chronic illness poorly controlled or ineffective treatments are taken. As emergency measure a stabilizing agent can be used. But you will still have to see a doctor, because next time the vessel may burst not in the eye, but in the brain, causing more serious consequences.

  • If the capillary is damaged, and a person experiences itching and burning in the eye, a painful reaction to bright light, lacrimation and discomfort appears, then most likely we're talking about about conjunctivitis. The fact that a vessel in the eye has burst usually indicates infectious nature disease and talks about it severe course, so a visit to an ophthalmologist is also mandatory. It is advisable to do this in as soon as possible, without waiting for complications and infection of the second eye. And to relieve symptoms, you can use antiseptics and eye drops.
  • Sometimes a capillary bursts due to the effects of an allergy. If you suspect this reason accept antihistamines and remedies that relieve itching and irritation.

All this should be done with caution and only if there is obvious signs one or another accompanying illness.

TO folk methods You should never seek treatment in such cases, as some prescriptions can provoke the spread of infection and the occurrence of serious inflammatory processes.

It is prohibited to use and vasoconstrictors.

What to do if hemorrhage is accompanied by dry mucosa?

The vessel sometimes bursts due to excessive dryness of the eyes. In such situations, in addition to getting rid of the cause of the hemorrhage, it is necessary to take measures to moisturize the mucous membrane.

Preparations that are suitable for this are available in the form of drops.

  1. "Visine." It is prescribed in cases where a burst capillary forms a small hematoma. Relieves general redness.
  2. "Hyphenlease." Can be used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist even in cases of conjunctivitis and microtrauma. Drops eliminate dryness and irritation in gases, which often happens when a vessel is damaged.
  3. "Taufon". Speeds up recovery processes, helps in those cases. When a capillary bursts due to overwork of the visual organs.
  4. "Emoxipin". Suitable for long-term use.

The listed remedies are among the safest, so they can be used even when a vessel is damaged in a child’s eye and for preventive purposes. They, of course, will not remove the hematoma, but they will relieve redness, burning and discomfort.

But you need to remember that if you have an ophthalmological disease or neoplasm, you can use any drug only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

Even in the absence of chronic diseases, a burst capillary in the eye indicates that you need to pay attention to your health, find out possible reasons the appearance of a hematoma and take care of prevention.

Since it is impossible to get rid of the consequences of hemorrhage in the eyes as soon as possible, it is better to take measures in advance so that the capillary does not burst again:

  • Review your diet. Daily menu must necessarily include dishes enriched with vitamins C, A and P, and containing rutin. These components strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. They are present in sufficient quantities in foods such as bell peppers, broccoli, salad greens, citrus fruits and berries (especially blueberries). They are useful in almost any form (fresh, frozen, boiled, etc.). But from drinking coffee and alcoholic drinks It's better to refuse.
  • If it is not possible to enrich the diet sufficient quantity essential microelements, you can use special vitamin complexes from the pharmacy. The necessary components contain such products as “Optiv”, “Vial”, etc.
  • Establish a daily routine, devoting enough time to sleep and rest; spend less time watching TV and computer, minimize visual load and take frequent breaks while working.
  • Avoid drying out the mucous membrane. To do this, it is recommended to rinse your eyes with cool water. clean water. And if it is not possible to do this regularly, you can use moisturizing drops. In cold and windy weather, it is better to protect your eyes, for example, with sunglasses.

If a vessel in the eye bursts, first of all, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the body and try to find out the cause. At the anatomical level, this is a rupture of a capillary in the circulatory system of the eye, followed by local hemorrhage under the cornea of ​​the eyeball.

Often bursting blood vessels in the eyes indicate abnormalities in the body

Why do blood vessels burst in the eyes?

Vessels burst - what does this mean? The causes of damage can be different: from minor factors to serious health problems.

Internal factors and diseases that provoke vascular hemorrhages:

  1. Hypertension, high blood pressure or intracranial pressure, hypertensive crisis. The walls of the eye vessels are among the thinnest in the human body and therefore the first ones cannot withstand high pressure, especially its sharp jumps. People suffering from hypertensive crisis It is important to monitor your blood pressure (lower it in a timely manner) and protect yourself from excessive stress and stressful situations. Otherwise wait bad consequences: stroke, myocardial infarction or aortic dissection.
  2. If a person has diabetes, the disease is accompanied by systemic angiopathy (vascular pathology) caused by excessive content blood glucose. Not only is it affected vascular network conjunctiva, but also other organs (kidneys, heart).
  3. Avitaminosis. Acute shortage vitamins and microelements, causes negative changes in the walls of blood vessels, making them less elastic.
  4. Diseases associated with blood dysfunction (hemophilia, thrombocytopathy, blood cancer). These pathologies cause excessive bleeding throughout the body, including ocular vessels.
  5. Ophthalmological pathologies. Inflammatory processes, tumor formations, viral infections, occurring on the eyeball or in close proximity to it, can provoke hemorrhage into the eye.
  6. Pathological changes in the walls of blood vessels. Losing elasticity and becoming more brittle, the walls in the capillaries of the eye are not able to withstand normal blood pressure or its slight increase.

As can be seen in the photo, this pathology, in addition to negative physiological consequences, also has a terrifying aesthetic effect.

Red eyes have a negative aesthetic effect

Causes of vascular rupture in healthy person:

  1. Excessive use alcoholic drinks. Sharp drop blood pressure, accompanied by narrowing of blood vessels, can cause damage to the eye capillaries. Basically, this symptom is observed the next day - in the morning, after alcohol abuse.
  2. Critical loads on the body. Physical overexertion (even short-term), high temperatures(for example, in a bathhouse), stressful situations.
  3. Sensitivity to changes in weather. This group includes weather-dependent people.
  4. Overvoltage loads visual apparatus(long, continuous sitting at a computer, tablet, phone, reading books).
  5. Increased body temperature. If hyperthermia is caused inflammatory processes, occurring in the body.
  6. In a baby with strong crying. The eye capillaries in infants are very thin and cannot withstand the high pressure caused by a baby's crying.
  7. Exposure to atmospheric phenomena on the eyes. For example, such as wind (especially cold, with rain or snow). Contact with a foreign body (sand or dust) in the eye.
  8. During the period of bearing a child, as well as during labor and labor. During pregnancy, blood pressure is unstable, and the walls of blood vessels are less elastic, which leads to their ruptures. During childbirth, everything happens identically and is complicated by critical loads and stress.
  9. In a newborn. Circulatory system the baby is exposed to intensive loads, and the walls of the capillaries are not yet strong enough. A burst vessel in a child does not require treatment and goes away on its own within 2-3 days. But perhaps the problem is caused mechanical influences obstetric staff against the background of birth complications.
  10. Mechanical damage. From impact, foreign body, surgical intervention. Any direct contact capable of destroying thin vessels eyeball. Injuries to the skull and head in general, fractures of the cheekbone and upper jaw.

These changes can be pathological character, and be a consequence of short-term critical conditions human body.

What to do if there is a burst blood vessel in the eye?

Usually, the redness goes away in 2-3 days, but if you need to remove it faster, you can resort to pharmacological drugs. Medical supplies are also necessary for deterioration of the condition that occurred over 7-10 days.

Treatment with drugs

How to treat burst blood vessels with drops:

  1. Hyphenation. Also called “artificial tears”. The drug is dripped into the eyes, 1 drop 4 times a day into the conjunctival sac.
  2. Visine. Removes redness, helps strengthen blood vessels, and normalizes blood circulation in the eye. Dosage: 1 drop 3 times a day.
  3. Tufon. Has a healing effect, accelerates the restoration of eye vessels. Use 1 drop 3 times a day.

If the redness does not go away, the person suffers from any eye disease or other complications occur, it should be done.

Hyphenate helps quickly remove redness in the eyes

Other medications:

  1. You can overcome red eyes with Ascorutin tablets. They will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and compensate for the lack of vitamin C and P.
  2. To eliminate eye hemorrhage caused by injuries, Emoxipin is often prescribed. It improves blood circulation and makes blood vessels stronger.

If the phenomenon is not permanent, there is no pain and there are reasons that caused its appearance ( excessive loads, party), you should refrain from active therapeutic measures.

When the problem is purely aesthetic in nature, it is enough to resort to help sunglasses. This is appropriate if there is a bruise under the eye.

Folk remedies

Orthodox medicine is skeptical about folk remedies, but, nevertheless, part of the population is confident in the effectiveness of the latter:

  1. Potato. Raw potatoes, cut in half and apply to eyes closed. The procedure is done at night.
  2. Tea. Now it is appropriate to use a packaged product. Pre-soaked in warm water, and then slightly wrung out.
  3. Treatment with aloe juice. You can buy ready-made juice at the pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. To prepare it, you need to grind the fleshy leaves of the plant and squeeze out the juice. Place 1-2 drops in each eye.
  4. Camomile tea. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed plant and pour boiling water (200 ml). The product is allowed to brew for a couple of hours. Tampons soaked in the infusion are applied to the eyes.
  5. Kalanchoe. Leaves of this indoor plant grind to a paste. Apply the resulting substance to the eyelids and do not wash off for 10 minutes.

Potatoes are good for eliminating red eyes


  1. Complete nutrition that provides the body with everything essential vitamins, micro and macroelements (in case of pathological deficiency of any nutrients in the body, you can use vitamin complexes and food additives).
  2. Healthy lifestyle. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as strong tea and coffee should be limited, or better yet completely eliminated.
  3. You need to soberly evaluate your physical abilities and do not bring the load to a critical level.
  4. A properly organized sleep regime has a positive effect not only on the eye vessels, but also on the condition of the body as a whole.
  5. Limit the time spent on a PC and other similar devices. During work, take regular technical breaks.
  6. Take good care of your eyes. You should not look at bright objects for a long time (sun, welding, etc.). It is necessary to use eye protection from harmful atmospheric influences.

ABOUT pathological changes people are unaware of what is happening inside the body until the moment they feel worse.

But the changes that occur on the outer membranes of the eye or around it become noticeable as soon as you approach the mirror. You can also pay attention to such a phenomenon as a burst vessel on the sclera.

A hyperemic stripe or bruise is immediately noticeable against the background of a light conjunctiva, this state not only leads to aesthetic discomfort, but can also be the cause of certain diseases.

Naturally, a person is looking for ways to eliminate such a nuisance, but before starting treatment, it is necessary to know the specific cause leading to conjunctival hemorrhage.

Causes leading to hemorrhage of the blood vessels of the eye

Small blood vessels, located in the sclera of the eye, differ thin walls, therefore, any unfavorable provoking factor very quickly leads to a disruption of their structure, due to which the wall becomes thinner or tense, and blood pours out under the conjunctiva.

The reasons for this condition great amount, the most basic include:

  1. A sharp increase in blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension for a number of years often notice hemorrhages on the sclera, this happens because the increase in pressure leads to excessive blood supply and small arteries, unable to withstand the pressure, burst. Sometimes burst blood vessels can be the first sign of hypertension, because some people do not feel any signs of the disease.
  2. Physical overexertion - lifting weights, intense training of athletes. In a woman, numerous capillaries on the sclera burst at the time of childbirth - during pushing.
  3. Endocrine disorders, especially diabetes. With this disease, all blood vessels become thinner, which also affects the eyes.
  4. Ophthalmological diseases - conjunctivitis and eye keratitis. With such diseases, hemorrhage on the sclera is accompanied by other symptoms - lacrimation, itching, discomfort.
  5. Injuries can range from blows to the eye or bruises to the head.
  6. Long-term overexertion - redness of the eyes can be noticed after long work with documents, with a computer, reading.
  7. High meteosensitivity – some weather dependent people reddened sclera are noticeable after changes in pressure or temperature.
  8. You can also notice burst blood vessels after a hot bath or taking large doses alcohol.
  9. Vitamin deficiencies - deficiency in the body ascorbic acid and routine.
  10. Flu.
  11. Intraocular formations – benign or malignant tumors lead to overstrain and stretching of all parts of the eye, along with small arteries and capillaries.
  12. In some cases, hemorrhage appears when long-term use blood thinning drugs.

In babies under one year old, blood vessels often burst after crying heavily or with constipation, when the baby cannot go to the toilet and push hard.

A single occurrence of hemorrhages, provoked by tension, should not worry parents, but with repeated occurrences pathological process before our eyes you need to turn not only to eye clinic, but also to the pediatrician. Promotes frequent hemorrhage and myopia.


The main symptom is hemorrhage, noticeable immediately. The bruising may be at the bottom or at the top of the eye, and if several arteries are simultaneously destroyed, the sclera may turn completely red. Some people only notice visual signs, others note discomfort on the lower or upper eyelid, feeling of dryness, slight burning.

If the cause of the disturbance in the structure of the vessel is a jump in blood pressure, then the sick person may complain of headache, deterioration in health, black spots before the eyes.

Hemorrhage often occurs in only one eye; both eyes are affected much less frequently; according to localization, several forms are distinguished:

  1. Retinal hemorrhage– blurring of visible objects occurs, vision decreases, and spots may appear before the eyes. Frequent occurrence such symptoms lead to the appearance of spots on the retina and to sharp deterioration vision. If the symptoms are minor, the condition of the eye returns to normal after rest and taking hemostatic drugs.
  2. Hemorrhage into the orbit occur with injuries to the eye and skull, less often with blood diseases. The appearance of bulging eyes is noticeable - a sharp displacement of the eyeball forward; the sick person complains of a decrease in eye mobility. Split objects, pain, loss of vision. Hemorrhagic spots can be seen on the apples of the eyelids and on the conjunctiva.
  3. Hemorrhage in vitreous is considered a serious pathology and requires emergency care. In addition to the dark tubercle on the sclera, flashes of light occur in front of the eyes, moving spots are detected, and vision deteriorates sharply. Lack of treatment leads to retinal detachment.
  4. Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye are designated medical term– hyphema. The formation on the eye is red, homogeneous, with vertical position body falls into lower sections eyes, when horizontal it can occupy a significant part of the sclera. Hyphemas usually resolve within a few days. If their resorption is not observed for more than 10 days, then you need to visit an ophthalmologist - similar condition eyes occurs with intraocular pressure.

How to quickly restore transparency to your eyes

The main thing that worries a person with a hemorrhage in the eye is the aesthetic side, so everyone is looking for ways to quickly get rid of the disease.

Eye care should be withheld depending on the influence of the provoking factor.

You can take the following steps on your own, before visiting an ophthalmologist:

  1. Giving your eyes a rest is best if it is a long sleep. Compliance with this condition is necessary in case of overwork, stressful situations, long hours of work at the computer.
  2. If you have hypertension, you must take an antihypertensive drug prescribed by your doctor.
  3. A contrasting eye bath will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In one container you need to pour cold water, into another warm one. Necessary sore eye Immerse in one cup or another of water for a few minutes.

If hemorrhage in the eyes appears frequently, then it is necessary to minimum terms consult a doctor. Maybe, similar pathology caused by ophthalmological diseases, somatic diseases or lack of vitamins.


The regular appearance of red spots on the eyes requires the most careful attitude to your health. After the examination, the therapist or ophthalmologist will prescribe a course of therapy aimed at treating the identified cause.

In addition, a person suffering from hemorrhages on the sclera can take some steps to prevent the recurrence of the problem.

  1. It is necessary to enrich your usual diet with food containing the maximum amount of vitamin C and rutin. They are found in citrus fruits, bell pepper, vegetables and fruits of a rich dark green color - spinach, broccoli, lettuce.
  2. Need to reduce physical work and lifting weights.
  3. When reading books or working with office equipment, you need to rest your eyes for a few minutes every hour.
  4. Heat and high humidity can provoke hemorrhage, so visits to steam rooms should be kept to a minimum.
  5. At colds and flu you need to take antivirals and vitamin C, this will prevent the destruction of small capillaries.
  6. On windy days and when the air is extremely dry, you need to wear glasses and wash your eyes after going outside.
  7. Endocrine diseases and hypertension require regular use of medications prescribed by a doctor. Compliance with this condition will not allow the development secondary symptoms diseases, including preventing hemorrhages.
  8. When using air conditioning at home, you need to install air humidifiers, since excessive dryness also worsens the condition of the eyes.
  9. You should always get enough sleep.

In case of eye injuries, you must immediately consult a doctor; some conditions require assistance within the first hours; compliance with this condition will allow you to completely preserve your vision.

Hemorrhages that occur with bacterial conjunctivitis require prescription specific treatment– anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops. Emergency assistance It also requires hemorrhage, which occurs with swelling and discharge of pus.


If you are sure that hemorrhage on the sclera occurred after overwork, during the flu or during sharp increase blood pressure, then eye drops can be used to narrow blood vessels.

  1. Visine is designed to reduce eye discomfort and relieve dryness. Instillation of drops and partially relieves redness in minor hemorrhages. The effect lasts for 12 hours when instilling 1-2 drops.
  2. Hyphenosis - relieves dryness, irritation, can be used for microtraumas. Renders positive influence on the sclera with keratitis and conjunctivitis.
  3. Taufon increases regenerative processes in the eye. The composition of the drug allows it to be used for eye fatigue.
  4. Emoxipine is intended for the treatment of intraocular hemorrhages. Instill 1-2 drops up to three times a day, the course of treatment can last up to a month.

At ophthalmological diseases or neoplasms, eye drops should be prescribed by a doctor. A properly designed treatment plan prevents the occurrence of serious problems with the organ of vision in the future.

A burst vessel on the sclera of the eye may be the result of quickly passing fatigue or a symptom dangerous pathologies, so you shouldn’t put off visiting a doctor.

  1. If possible, find out the cause - measure blood pressure and temperature. If your blood pressure is high, you need to take medication. If you are using herbs, you should definitely see a doctor.
  2. Eye fatigue requires a long rest for two to three days. If this cannot be done, then you need to get a good rest at night.
  3. Regularly recurring hemorrhages require a comprehensive examination of the body.

Without a normally functioning organ of vision - the eye, a person's life does not change in better side. In many cases, it is possible to prevent serious visual impairment by regularly visiting a doctor, this is especially necessary for people over 40 years of age.

Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases. | Chief editor of the site

Practices emergency, outpatient and routine ophthalmology. Conducts diagnostics and conservative treatment farsightedness, allergic diseases eyelids, myopia. Performs probing, removal foreign bodies, fundus examination with a three-mirror lens, rinsing the nasolacrimal ducts.

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A burst blood vessel in the eye is a fairly common occurrence.

As a rule, it occurs due to heavy physical exertion or general fatigue.

However, in some situations this is a very alarming sign that can warn of a serious illness.

In our article you will learn what to do if a vessel in the eye bursts.

Reasons for violation

There are many reasons why a vessel in the eye can burst. Let's look at them in more detail.

Once you know why blood vessels in the eyes burst, it is important to treat the underlying condition.

How to quickly remove eye redness

Often minor hemorrhage do not require any intervention unless their appearance is caused by serious diseases.

Recovery occurs gradually over one week. During this period it is necessary to comply correct mode sleep and wakefulness and avoid eye strain.

If circumstances require you to immediately get rid of redness in the eyes, you can use special drops: similar in composition to human tears - Visine, artificial tears and others.

However, using them without consulting a doctor is highly recommended.

Folk remedies

The most common eye compresses are based on brewed chamomile and tea. You need to soak two swabs or cotton pads in the tea leaves and place them on your eyes for a few minutes.

Also contrast compresses can be used– alternately apply bandages soaked in warm and cool water to the eyes.

The described methods are only suitable if you are completely sure that capillary fragility is not caused by any organic pathology.

When to see a doctor

  • Vessels in the eyes burst often and for no apparent reason;
  • Bruising increases over time;
  • Swelling, itching or pain appears;
  • Visual acuity began to decrease;
  • Developing;
  • Excessive lacrimation or pus appears.

These symptoms may be a sign of serious ocular pathology, so do not neglect them under any circumstances.

Treatment of burst eye vessels

Treatment of burst vessels should be pathogenetic. Before treating a burst vessel in the eye, it is necessary to establish the root cause and neutralize it.

For example, if capillary fragility is caused by or bacterial disease, experienced ophthalmologist in mandatory prescribes antiviral or antibacterial drugs medicines. If the fragility of blood vessels is caused by overwork, then it is enough to use vasoconstrictor drops and means of prevention.

Below are the main drugs that are used by ophthalmologists to treat ruptured blood vessels. Eye drops in the eyes with a burst vessel:

: activates the restoration processes of the eye, accelerates the healing of microtraumas. It also has the property of reducing intraocular pressure, which is especially important for patients suffering from glaucoma.

: an excellent remedy for constricting blood vessels and reducing the severity of conjunctival edema. The drug eliminates discomfort and a feeling of dryness in the eyes. After instillation, the effect occurs almost instantly and lasts for 8-12 hours.

: These drops are an analogue of human tears. They protect the cornea from unfavorable factors and act as a kind of lubricant for the corneal epithelium. Artificial tears restore and stabilize all the properties of the tear film. A decrease in inflammation occurs already on the second or third day after use.

: This combination drug, which contains hormones. It reduces inflammatory reactions, and also eliminates itching, photophobia, lacrimation and other manifestations of an allergic reaction.

What to do if a blood vessel constantly bursts

There may be several reasons why blood vessels in the eyes constantly burst:

  • Hypertension. Especially in cases where there are sharp jumps pressure. This also occurs when intracranial pressure increases;
  • Diabetic microangiopathy. In this case, the walls of the capillaries are affected and blood circulation is disrupted, and hemorrhage occurs in nearby tissues;
  • Vasculitis. This autoimmune disease, causing inflammation of the walls of blood vessels and increasing their fragility;
  • Increased fragility of blood vessels. This may be a consequence of various endocrine diseases, lack of vitamins C or routine in the body, bad habits;
  • Physical exercise. This can often be observed by people who engage in strenuous sports;
  • Dry eyes. The most common reason for this is eye strain when working at a computer.

In the event that the blood vessels in the eyes burst constantly, it is necessary:

What not to do and use when a blood vessel bursts

Not all actions with a burst vessel in the eye can be beneficial, so Not recommended:

  • Drop vasoconstrictor drops into the eyes without a doctor’s recommendation (especially those used to treat a runny nose). Although they help relieve some of the redness, such products can cause blemishes to appear. If the cause of a burst vessel is an increase in intraocular pressure, vasoconstrictor drops will only worsen the situation;
  • Rinse your eyes with tea, chamomile infusion and others. folk remedies. This can cause an inflammatory process;
  • Rub your eyes with your hands, thereby increasing blood circulation in the eye area and provoking an increase in hemorrhage;
  • Until the bruise completely disappears, you should not visit the bathhouse, sauna, pool or swim in open water. This will help prevent eye infection.

Prevention of fragility of the eye vessels

It is important to consult a specialist in time

Preventive measures are aimed primarily at treating diseases that weaken the vascular wall. It is important to consult a specialist in time and adjust the treatment.

In any case, to strengthen vascular wall It is important to follow the following rules:

  • Stop using nicotine and alcoholic beverages. It is advisable to abstain from coffee;
  • The diet should contain as many vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C as possible. These include Bell pepper, citrus fruits, etc.
  • If your work involves being at the computer, you need to regularly take short breaks and;
  • Products containing: large quantities beta carotene. The most accessible are blueberries and carrots. They can be eaten in pure form or in the form of vitamin complexes.
  • Maintain proper sleep and wakefulness.
  • Physical activity should be rational. Avoid heavy lifting.
  • Avoid visiting baths and saunas, as elevated temperature and humidity can cause hemorrhage.
  • The eye vessels can become brittle from constant exposure to wind and dry air. Therefore, it is advisable to wear safety glasses in windy weather.
  • Home air conditioners make the air dry. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally install humidifiers.


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