Why do you always want spicy food? some why

Surely each of us in certain periods notices a craving for one type of product, for which perhaps he has never had a special love before. Although who are we kidding, each of us sometimes wants something sweet, fatty or fried, even if we are adherents proper nutrition And healthy lifestyle life.

But it turns out that most often our desires of this kind indicate that the body is missing something and it is trying to make up for the deficiency with such products.

I want salty

  • Dehydration of the body. The recipe for "salvation" is simple: drink more water.
  • Lack of chlorides. Eat fish and seafood in general more often, go to sea ​​salt instead of the usual cookbook. Discover goat milk.
  • The focus of infection (most likely in the urogenital area). Consult with a specialist.

I want sour

  • Your food is too bland, the diet includes only "neutral" foods like boiled meat/ fish, potatoes and milk. More salt!
  • Vitamin C deficiency and lack of magnesium after toxicosis (in pregnant women), poisoning, weakening of the immune system. Eat nuts, seeds, legumes and everything will be fine.
  • With persistent cravings for salt, you can suspect problems with gallbladder or with cookies. Contact a specialist.

I want something bitter or spicy

  • Stop eating tons of fatty foods! Gorky or acute organism usually "wants" to digest large amounts of "fat".
  • If the case described above is not your option, perhaps the problem is in the stomach - there are difficulties with secretion and evacuation function.
  • Often, "spicy" is also desirable for intoxication.

I want fat

  • You have increased physical activity;
  • You are obese and therefore you are on a diet with severe fat restriction.
  • Lack of fat-soluble vitamins.

Something needs to be changed - over time, unjustified craving for fat leads to changes in the brain and the formation of a habit of eating fat.

How to reduce cravings fatty foods? Eat cheese, dairy and sour-milk (kefir, yogurt) products, broccoli.

I want sweet

  • Lack of chromium, phosphorus or tryptophan (the latter is especially lacking in cloudy days). Buy chromium preparations at the pharmacy - and the problem of the millennium will be solved with a high degree of probability.

These are general patterns the emergence of our gastronomic whims. If you want to get a medically accurate picture of the needs of your body, go to a good clinic and take a hair analysis for trace elements. At the same time, get checked for salts of heavy metals.

Sauerkraut, unripe cherries, in the end, pulls, like in childhood, to taste the ant? A constant desire to eat something sour may indicate a number of violations in normal life organism. And if you also want certain foods for the sour taste, then the body cries out about the problems with.

Avitaminosis is a lack of vitamins.

Research should begin with what lies on the surface.

I want sour and not only. Product Desires

With a lack of calcium, you need to consume sour-milk products.

Sometimes there is a desire to eat something sour, but a certain product with sour taste. What is the body trying to communicate?

  • Sour berries and - lemon, currant, cranberry - the body urgently needs potassium and ascorbic acid. Reduced immunity.
  • Fermented milk products - kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, ayran, tan and so on - a lack of calcium, there is a high risk of developing osteoporosis. In addition, a deficiency of the amino acids tryptophan, lysine and leucine is likely. These are essential compounds that the body can only obtain from animal products. Therefore, vegetarianism will have to be abandoned.
  • Fermented milk products - a passion for yogurt and kefir may indicate a violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in the amount beneficial bacteria and reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora. Take any drug with.

I want sour. What would it be to eat?

Ultrasound will help examine the liver.

Sustained craving for any one taste - sour, sweet, salty - is a suspicious sign. Therefore, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor. What you can do yourself:

  1. start monitoring your diet. Increase the amount of protein food if you are a vegetarian;
  2. to reduce micronutrient deficiencies, it is advisable to take a complex - any available drug;
  3. include fruits, seeds and nuts in reasonable amounts in the diet;
  4. a large amount of magnesium is found in legumes and green beans;
  5. the lack of calcium is compensated either by vitamins with this microelement, or by cottage cheese, kefir, and other fermented milk products;
  6. in case of shortage beneficial microflora probiotics should be taken, but only according to the results of the analysis for. Since, you may initially have to drink drugs that suppress the opportunistic flora, and then populate

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Surely each of us in certain periods notices a craving for one type of product, for which perhaps he has never had a special love before. Although who are we kidding, each of us sometimes wants sweet, fatty or fried food, even if we are adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

But it turns out that most often our desires of this kind indicate that the body is missing something and it is trying to make up for the deficiency with such products.

I want salty

  • Dehydration of the body. The recipe for "salvation" is simple: drink more water.
  • Lack of chlorides. Eat fish and seafood in general more often, switch to sea salt instead of regular table salt. Discover goat milk.
  • The focus of infection (most likely in the urogenital area). Consult with a specialist.

I want sour

  • Your food is too bland, the diet includes only "neutral" foods like boiled meat / fish, potatoes and milk. More salt!
  • Vitamin C deficiency and lack of magnesium after toxicosis (in pregnant women), poisoning, weakening of the immune system. Eat nuts, seeds, legumes and you'll be fine.
  • With persistent cravings for salt, problems with the gallbladder or liver can be suspected. Contact a specialist.

I want something bitter or spicy

  • Stop eating tons of fatty foods! Bitter or spicy the body usually "wants" to digest large amounts of "fat".
  • If the case described above is not your option, perhaps the problem is in the stomach - there are difficulties with secretion and evacuation function.
  • Often, "spicy" is also desirable for intoxication.

I want fat

  • You have increased physical activity;
  • You are obese and therefore you are on a diet with severe fat restriction.
  • Lack of fat-soluble vitamins.

Something needs to be changed - over time, unjustified craving for fat leads to changes in the brain and the formation of a habit of eating fat.

How to reduce cravings for fatty foods? Eat cheese, dairy and sour-milk (kefir, yogurt) products, broccoli.

Our body is full of secrets and mysteries. Its activity depends on many factors, and many of the sensations that a person experiences are actually signals from his body that something is going wrong. For example, an abnormal craving for certain products nutrition can be explained not just by taste preferences, but by some kind of disease or a serious lack of certain elements. Therefore, it is better not to ignore the sudden love for some products. But, what is missing in the body if you want something spicy?

Physicians claim that constant desire adding spice to dishes indicates, most likely, not a deficiency of some nutrients, but a malfunction in the body's activity or the peculiarities of the organization of the diet.

In particular, the desire to make food more spicy can be dictated by:

Protein metabolism disorders;
- an excess amount of cholesterol (if fat metabolism is disturbed, spicy foods contribute to blood thinning, due to which the body gets rid of fats and the vessels are cleansed);
- fluctuations in blood pressure;
- initial stage colds;
- various pathologies respiratory systems s;
- poisoning;
- lethargy general weakness, breakdown (acute in such a situation improves the processes of digestion of food, due to which the body quickly receives the amount of energy it needs);
- lack of activity metabolic processes(with the help of acute, the body tries to start a more active metabolism).

Sometimes the obsessive desire to eat something spicy is completely natural. So, it can occur with banal overeating. Spicy food It is able to activate the processes of digestion, due to which the processing of absorbed food occurs an order of magnitude faster. In addition, cravings for spicy can occur in extreme heat, because similar food stimulates intense sweating, due to which the body cools down.

Other factors that can cause spicy cravings

In some situations, the desire for spice may be dictated by certain psychological reasons. So, there is a point of view that is quite popular among psychotherapists, that spicy food helps to add bright colors to life. However, it is worth remembering that such habits may not be very useful for the body and provoke disturbances in activity. digestive tract. Therefore, try to make life brighter in other ways: change your habits, make new friends, go in for sports, etc.

Sometimes an incomprehensible craving for spicy foods occurs during the period hormonal fluctuations, for example, during pregnancy or just before the onset of menstruation. And in such a situation, hormones really become the culprits of such a desire, because they have a direct effect on taste preferences. However, doctors strongly advise expectant mothers to limit themselves to spicy foods, as they can greatly disrupt well-being and contribute to the development of unbearable heartburn (especially closer to the end of pregnancy).

Some more experts assure that acute often begins to feel like during times of stress. Emotional upheavals help reduce taste sensations, because of which a person feels the need for more spicy and spicy food. Its consumption contributes to the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which reduce pain and discomfort well, and also improve mood in general.

What to do?

If you're worried about compulsive spicy cravings, don't try to satisfy them with uncontrolled consumption of spicy foods. Indeed, otherwise, you will soon run the risk of encountering serious violations in the work of the digestive tract. To begin with, try using spices of medium spiciness and only in moderate amount. And if obsession add acute does not disappear, consult a doctor and pass full examination organism.

What is missing in the body? Why do you want salty, sweet, sour?

What to do if you suddenly suddenly feel like fish or lemon or something else that you eat very infrequently, and you can’t call your favorite product in any way?

The answer is simple- do not hammer your desire, eat what you want - the body will still persistently remind you of this until it gets what you want. And then consult a doctor to understand why your taste preferences have changed. Often this is how the body gives us a signal that something has happened. physiological changes, and they may not always be positive. Doctors consider unusual taste desires to be signs of emerging ailments, so the body lets us know what it lacks.

What is missing in the body? What is he trying to tell us?

If you want: sweet

Possible Causes: Generally, extra glucose is required for mental and nervous exhaustion. Another reason - strict diets and mono-diets with a limited set of products. In the case of diets, it’s easier to figure it out - the body simply missed a variety of foods.

Advice: if you are craving sweets, do not get carried away with buns and cakes. It is better to eat dark chocolate - it is both healthy and invigorates a little, and kills cravings for sweets. Be sure to review your work schedule and try to avoid stressful situations.

If you want: fish, seafood

Possible cause: First of all, it is a lack of iodine.

Advice: if you want fish - eat fish, but not fried, but rather steamed or in the oven. If you want seafood - also eat fish, mussels and shrimp often cause allergies. Why would you add more problems?

If you want: dairy products

Possible reason: if you are suddenly drawn to dairy products - it doesn’t matter if it’s milk or kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk - this is a sure sign of starting problems with gastrointestinal tract. To this may be added depression and sleep disturbance.

Advice: If you feel that the stomach is not all right, immediately consult a doctor. With gastritis with increased and low acidity the diet is different, and with a stomach ulcer, a sparing diet is often required. Try to choose dairy products with low fat content, boil porridge well, cottage cheese should be fresh and not sour.

If you want: sour

Possible reasons: a cold starts, flu condition, in which the need for vitamin C increases sharply. It can also pull on sour gastritis with low acidity.

Advice: if you want sour - eat, but you can’t eat sour on an empty stomach - this will negatively affect the condition of the gastric mucosa.

If you want: salty, spicy or bitter food

Possible reasons: often such desires arise when accelerated exchange substances when it rises exercise stress. But this is not always the only reason. On salty, bitter or very spicy can pull with hyperfunction thyroid gland, during pregnancy. Salt is actively excreted from the body in diseases genitourinary system- then, too, there is an addiction to salty foods. If you are drawn to something spicy, this is a sign lazy stomach, which slowly digests food and hot spices are needed in order to stimulate the digestion process. When you are drawn to the bitter, this is a symptom of intoxication (poisoning).

Advice: in case of intoxication, only bitter food will not save, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. If you are drawn to salty foods, you should not eat everything that the body requires uncontrollably. A large number of salt retains fluid in the body, swelling may appear and pressure will increase. Try to deceive the body by offering it mineral water With high content natural salts. The best spice, stimulating digestion, ginger is considered - give preference to it.



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