Psychological causes of cough and their solution. Psychosomatics: cough

Many diseases are the result of not only external factors, but also the mental state of a person. Scientists have proven that the body and mind are interconnected. If a failure occurs in the body, it begins to signal this with pain and discomfort. Since the cause of the disease lies in the subconscious, the patient must understand the psychological problem in order to eliminate it.

Questions of the relationship between the soul and the body are considered in one of the sections of medicine and psychology, which is called psychosomatics. This science appeared in the middle of the last century, when doctors stopped considering health from a metaphysical point of view. The first in a series of psychosomatic diseases were bronchial asthma, migraine, allergies, hysteria.

Over time, the following statements formed the basis of psychosomatics.

  • Since wrong thoughts lead to illness, you need to change your thinking.
  • Treatment of the disease will be successful if the patient independently finds and eliminates unresolved psychological problems.
  • Every person has a hidden mechanism for self-healing.
  • First you need to stop being nervous, after which the body and mind will be restored.
  • It is important to learn to forgive. If there is resentment, fear, sadness or despair in the heart, there is no room for healthy feelings.
  • The main path to healing is to change yourself.

Any surge of emotions leads to the release of hormones and neurotransmitters. Biologically active substances affect the metabolism, excite or slow down many processes in the body.

Specialists in psychosomatics conducted a number of studies, on the basis of which they compiled tables with the definition of the causes of a particular neurogenic disease.

Since certain factors lead to ARI, there are:

  • psychosomatic cough;
  • psychosomatics of sinusitis;
  • psychosomatics of a cold;
  • psychosomatics of the common cold;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • psychosomatics - nasal congestion;

Features of psychosomatic cough

From the point of view of traditional medicine, cough is a reflex defense of the body to external factors: viruses, bacteria, foreign bodies, allergens. According to the psychosomatic theory, a symptom of SARS can be a response to a mental stimulus: stress, anxiety, overwork, anger, negative environment. In this case, the patient will not have typical flu symptoms: sore throat, weakness, fever, runny nose.

Nervous cough occurs in both children and adults. It causes discomfort to the patient and is not treatable by traditional methods.

You can recognize the symptom by the following signs:

  • Neurological cough - prolonged, paroxysmal, without sputum. By the nature of the sound, it is sonorous and resembles the barking of a dog. If a person is in a state of high tension, he begins to cough more. In a calm environment, the disease manifests itself less, if not completely disappears.
  • Nervous cough disrupts the entire respiratory system: the patient feels a lack of air, often yawns or blinks, he has nasal congestion.
  • Change in speech: the voice gradually becomes hoarse, monotonous, trembling.
  • Discomfort, dryness and burning sensation in the eyes are associated with the constant holding back of tears.

Diagnosis of cough

Determining that a person is developing a neurological attack is quite difficult. Specialists can confirm the diagnosis only after a thorough study of the medical history and diagnosis.

Psychosomatic cough - the causes are determined by the results of clinical and laboratory studies. During the initial examination, the doctor fixes the symptoms of the disease and prescribes diagnostic measures that exclude the presence of viruses and bacteria in the body. These include:

  • chest x-ray;
  • bronchodilatory test;
  • general analysis of blood, urine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the lungs;

If the cough is of non-physiological origin, the patient is referred for a consultation with a neurologist, who listens to the patient's complaints and determines the somato-neurological symptoms. In this case, the survey is carried out in two directions:

  • Psychological: based on testing and questionnaires.
  • Instrumental: electroencephalography, chronaxymetry, electromyography, rheoencephalography.

The main task is to identify violations of mental processes, to establish an assessment of the characteristics of intelligence and personality traits.

According to the results of the research, the psychotherapist makes a diagnosis, prescribes treatment and rehabilitation until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Treatment of psychosomatic cough

For a successful recovery, it is important for the patient to provide favorable conditions. The treatment of neurotic cough is based on psychotherapy. The set of activities includes:

  • Conversations - help the patient understand the problem in order to solve it and avoid similar situations in the future.
  • Internal dialogue or alternative: keeping a personal diary, drawing.
  • Favorite pastime, hobby - distracts a person from obsessive negative thoughts, contributes to the emergence of positive emotions, develops purposefulness.
  • Sports activities have a positive effect on the nervous system. During physical training in the human body, many reflex connections are formed between the muscles and internal organs, which activate blood circulation, and also balance the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain.
  • Positive attitudes - create a good mood, allow you to focus on a specific goal.
  • Relaxation is the achievement of complete relaxation of the body to eliminate physical and mental stress. The ability to relieve muscle spasms helps to overcome depression, contributes to a surge of strength and vigor. Today there are many techniques for general relaxation of the body. It can be special breathing and physical exercises, massage, meditation. In addition, doctors recommend regularly taking baths with aromatic oils, walking in the fresh air before going to bed, and listening to meditative music.
  • Medicinal plants with a sedative effect - have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. These include mint, lemongrass, valerian, thyme, lemon balm, St. John's wort, oregano.

Along with the listed methods, the patient is prescribed psychotropic drugs and special distraction therapy.

Small patients should not be scolded for coughing frequently. Adults should provide the most comfortable conditions for the child to stay in the family, in a preschool institution and at school.

Psychosomatics of diseases can be different. Any emotional shock can cause adverse symptoms, including coughing. Difficult living conditions, conflicts in the team, stress, anxiety, and an unfavorable climate in the family can provoke seizures.

Psychosomatic cough is quite difficult to recognize. This will require the help of a specialist. Pathology is not treated with traditional syrups and antitussive tablets. To improve the patient's condition, it is important to stabilize the emotional background, learn to control one's condition and cope with problems.

Choose a rubric Adenoids Angina Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Folk methods of treating Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the common cold Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Sinusitis Cough Treatments Cold Treatments Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough Syrups Dry Cough Dry Cough in Children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for the common cold
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Runny nose treatments
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Drug Overview
  • Sinusitis
    • Alternative methods of treatment of sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Cough is the body's response to irritation in the airways. It can occur for various reasons, be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, or appear as a reaction of the body to stressful and mental factors. Such a symptom occurs with a clear interaction of irritated airways and certain parts of the brain, the so-called "cough center". Such a cough is not a disease, but still should not be left without close attention.

Cough is just a symptom, and not the only one. Considering that the most common cause of cough is respiratory diseases caused by bacterial and viral infections, cough treatment is aimed at treating these diseases. These diseases include banal SARS, and well-known to all of us bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, such a very serious disease as tuberculosis. Cough can also be caused by oncological diseases of the respiratory system. There is also an allergic cough.

These diseases and conditions have various symptoms, some of which are obvious, while others can be determined only after passing certain tests and conducting various kinds of research. However, all of them are united by one common feature - in addition to coughing, all these diseases are accompanied by many additional symptoms, such as:

  • labored breathing;
  • wheezing;
  • elevated body temperature (from subfebrile to very high);
  • runny nose;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • weakness, increased sweating;
  • sudden weight loss and many others.

In addition, the cough itself for many diseases caused by infections changes significantly from dry, unproductive to wet, productive, and with proper adequate treatment, it usually disappears within a few weeks.

Signs of psychosomatic cough

What to do if the cough does not go away for a long time and no other symptoms are observed, or, which further complicates the diagnosis, at first they treated some kind of infection, they seemed to be cured, and the cough does not go away for months. Naturally, the first step is to see a doctor. And if a comprehensive study does not confirm any pathologies, it can be suspected that the cough is of a psychosomatic nature.

Psychosomatic cough irritates the cough center without any real threat to the respiratory system. There is a kind of failure and it is associated only with the mental state of a person.

The following signs will indicate that you have a psychogenic cough:

  • cough unproductive and dry, sometimes barking and quite loud;
  • the absence of any other symptoms (not only infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, but also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases);
  • coughing fits occur during mental stress;
  • during sleep, coughing is not observed.

Indirectly, the presence of psychogenic cough may indicate the presence of mental disorders in history.

A tendency to psychogenic cough can be observed in both adults and children. Psychogenic cough in children first appears around the age of four and usually resolves by adulthood. Psychosomatic reactions are most pronounced during puberty, when hormonal changes in the body occur. The increase in the level of many hormones is a serious blow to the still unformed psyche of the child. Over time, these symptoms go away on their own.

Among adults, the risk group includes people who experience regular physical and mental stress, overly emotional people.

Very often, a psychogenic cough in an adult is a consequence of:

  • prolonged tense situation in the family or work team;
  • severe stress;
  • prolonged depression;
  • the appearance of cough as a response to a disease that has one of the symptoms of cough in loved ones.

As for children, the causes of their psychogenic cough are similar, with the only difference being that the stress resistance threshold in children is lower.

What to do if you have a psychosomatic cough?

  • Psychogenic cough is not relieved by medication. Some drugs can be used as an auxiliary relaxing and calming, as there are a number of physiotherapy procedures that also contribute to relaxation and calming.
  • The second powerful direction in the treatment of psychosomatic cough is psychotherapy, psychological correction of not only the patient, but often members of his family and immediate environment (if possible).
  • Calming agents, manipulations and activities
  • Let us dwell in more detail on the above methods of relieving psychogenic cough.

It’s worth mentioning right away that there are a lot of calming and relaxing pharmacological preparations that will undoubtedly relieve psychosomatic cough, affecting certain parts of the brain. However, such drugs should only be prescribed by a qualified psychotherapist, and only a specialist will help you take them correctly. Therefore, in our article we will not even dwell on these drugs.

For a mild effect, which is absolutely harmless for both adults and children, you can use therapy with soothing teas, infusions made from plant materials.

Calming herbs include:

  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • thyme.

Teas can be prepared on the basis of one ingredient or several.

You can use alcohol infusions of the same herbs. It should be said that alcohol infusions are recommended to be used from the age of twelve.

Great relaxing treatments include:

  • bathing;
  • yoga practice;
  • swimming;
  • other types of sports activities aimed at relaxation;
  • hypnosis;
  • long active walks in the fresh air;

For bathing, you can additionally use both sea salt and essential oils. Most often, lemon, orange, lavender, bergamot, grapefruit oils are used for relaxation. For children, you can prepare a bath with infusion of chamomile or thyme. It is recommended to take a bath at night before going to bed.

An excellent addition to the bath can be a subsequent massage. If this is a child, but any loved one can do a massage. In this case, the main thing is not so much the skillful movements of the massage therapist as a warm affectionate attitude. Massage for an adult should also be aimed not at eliminating any orthopedic problems, but at relaxing and calming. Do neck massage sessions

It is always much easier for an adequate adult to organize himself than his child, so if you have problems with coughing, find time to work out in the gym or pool. Excuses about the lack of time and money in this case are absolutely not appropriate. The mental and physical state of the body is worth it. Think of yoga or swimming as your main remedy for mental illness.

If the child has problems, then the above excuses are not even discussed at all. You must understand that it is in childhood that you lay a mental health program in your child for life, and it depends on you how resistant he will be to stress.

If you have a cough, you can try hypnosis. Hypnosis is one of the oldest methods of relaxation and working through psychological and mental problems. Many attribute it to alternative medicine, although this is very conditional.

Well, talking about the benefits of walking in the fresh air is probably trivial, but, nevertheless, even forty minutes in the evening spent on a walk will make you and your child sleep peacefully, and the next day less nervous. Do not forget to ventilate the room before going to bed, at any time of the year, in any weather.

Do not forget that a healthy daily routine and good sleep play an important role in a person's mental health.

And a separate line about bad habits. Do not forget that bad habits include not only excessive drinking and smoking. Also include excessive nutrition with a large amount of foods and drinks that excite the nervous system (smoked meats, spices, tea, coffee, chocolate, and much more). Don't forget that we are what we eat. Food rich in vitamins and microelements in the amount necessary for life will make healthier not only your body, but also your psyche, as they are inseparable from each other.

Many diseases have their own psychosomatics. Cough is no exception. Sometimes even people with "iron" health have this disease. Moreover, it is impossible to cure it at all. Then they make a diagnosis similar to In fact, this is a wrong conclusion. If for a long time, and also appears for no apparent reason, then the problem lies precisely in the psychosomatic origin of the disease. But why does it happen? Can this disease be cured?

living conditions

Psychosomatics of diseases is an extremely important point. Often, even quite healthy people fall ill with terrible diseases, although there was no reason for this. Then how do they appear? This is your head. Or rather, what happens in it.

The root cause of psychogenic cough is unfavorable living conditions. This factor affects the health of both adults and children. If "something is wrong" in the house and family, the body quickly reacts to an unfavorable environment. This is especially noticeable in children.


Here is such an interesting psychosamatics. Cough - the disease is not too terrible, but unpleasant. It appears for many reasons. If everything is in order with the situation in the house and family, you can try to pay attention to some other factors that affect the body.

No wonder they say that all "sores" from stress. It is one of the very first factors that cause various diseases. Cough included. Most often, you can notice that a similar reaction of the body manifests itself in people who have been in stressful situations for a long time.

In children, this disease also occurs. Moreover, it is very easy to "check" the reliability of the influence of stress on a child. Usually psychogenic cough manifests itself a few days after another stressful situation. Most of the time, this is just the beginning. In the future, more serious problems may arise due to negative emotional shock. For example, bronchitis will appear.


The psychosomatics of diseases is diverse. Moreover, negative emotions are not always the cause of their occurrence. The thing is that sometimes a cough can appear not only because of negativity or adverse living conditions.

The slightest emotional shock can provoke this disease. This is very noticeable in children. If you have recently experienced a situation that "was deposited" in your memory and shocked you with something, do not be surprised. Cough can really manifest itself in the coming days after the event.

As already mentioned, the shock does not always have to be negative. A very joyful event can also be a provocateur of the disease. But such cases are quite rare. Often, it is from negative emotions and events that health problems arise to one degree or another.


What else is hidden in psychosomatics? and adults is able to appear because of experiences. And not only personal. Usually, worries about loved ones negatively affect a person’s health. This is where a variety of ailments come from.

Psychogenic cough is no exception. It often occurs when a person is very worried or worried about someone. Even the banal news of a loved one's illness can provoke a negative reaction from the body.

For children, a psychogenic cough that arose due to worries about people is quite dangerous. After all, it is very difficult to cure him in this case. All the negativity and all the experiences in childhood are almost never forgotten. This means that there is a possibility that the resulting psychosomatic illnesses will not go away at all.


The psychosomatics of cough in adults and children is similar. In children, there are even more causes of the disease. Sometimes this disease occurs due to overwork. And it does not matter what kind of fatigue we are talking about - emotional or physical.

It has been noticed that people who work seriously and for a long time get sick more often. And they cough quite often. Emotional exhaustion also affects the body negatively. Because of this, a person is able to suffer from a psychogenic illness for a long time.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, overwork appears in both children and adults. This means that no one can be insured against the consequences of the negative effects of fatigue. It is for this reason that it is recommended to rest more and not allow children to do something through force.


This is not all the surprises prepared by psychosomatics. Cough is not a very dangerous disease. But getting rid of it can be very problematic. Especially if it occurs for psychosomatic reasons.

These include a negative environment. And not at home or in the family, but surrounded by a person. For example, at school or at work. If a person often visits a place that brings negative emotions and stress, as well as worries and worries, one should not be surprised at the appearance of a psychogenic cough. After all, this is a completely normal phenomenon.

This disease is usually very noticeable in children. For example, if a child is uncomfortable in a kindergarten, he receives negative feedback from this institution, most likely he will develop a cough. Some argue that frequent illnesses in children in kindergartens are associated precisely with psychosomatics. Schoolchildren also often have a psychogenic cough.

Adults are less affected by this factor. Nevertheless, cough (psychosomatics, the causes of which have been established) is treated much easier than it seems. In any case, the likelihood of recovery in this case increases. It is easier for adults to change the environment without unnecessary stress and other negative things than for children.


It doesn't matter if you have a simple or psychosomatic disease of these diseases is still the same. It is noted that even your mindset and behavior can affect the body and its condition.

Therefore, you should always watch your emotions. It has been noticed that unfriendly, angry, aggressive people suffer from everything. It turns out that negative emotions directly affect the appearance of our current disease. That is what psychosomatics is. Cough with sputum is the main feature inherent in overly aggressive people.

But if you have it dry, most likely, you just want to be the center of attention. Your mental attitude literally asks "Notice me!". This is the opinion of many psychologists. After all, the desire to be noticed really negatively affects the body. It's kind of like stress.


This is the psychosomatics of our today's illness. A cough that has arisen for emotional and psychological reasons is very difficult to cure. Especially in children. After all, for them the only cure is to eliminate the source of negativity. Sometimes you may even need the help of a psychologist.

But for adults, this is easier. They can take a variety of medications, such as antidepressants, to help with their cough. But this does not exempt them from the need to eliminate the source of negative effects on the body. Resorts are very popular in the treatment of psychogenic cough. And in general, rest in general. Sometimes just a good rest is enough to get rid of most psychosomatic diseases.

Our body never deceives us. It is able to tell us about all our internal problems - our conflicts, suffering, experiences. This information manifests itself in the form of single ailments or serious illnesses. The ability of a mental state to influence physical health is called psychosomatics. Information about how psychosomatics manifests itself with a runny nose, cough, sinusitis will make it possible to more effectively deal with these diseases.

It has become a whole popular trend in medicine. Psychosomatic explanation appeared in very many diseases. What is actually the ratio of the external causes of diseases and their psychological causes.

It has long been recognized by modern medicine that most diseases develop largely under the influence of psychosomatic factors. Experts say that the transformation of internal experiences and conflicts into physical ailments occurs in different ways. In some cases, emotions break through that had not previously received an outlet. Sometimes, on the contrary, physical illness is a defense mechanism. But always problems with physical health are a sign of problems in the mental sphere.

Naturally, it is much easier to take pills and fight the symptoms of the disease, but the main problem and the cause of the disease is in the head and needs a rigorous analysis.

Specialists in the field of psychosomatics have developed tables that are compiled on the basis of various observations and studies that allow us to judge the most likely causes of various ailments.

There are psychotherapeutic techniques that can improve a person's well-being. True, since they cannot find the true roots of the human condition, hidden in the subconscious, they cannot give a lasting improvement.

Without knowing what processes are going on in the unconscious, a person cannot realize the fact that he has internal problems. He is simply not very good, for some reason sad, nothing pleases. The continuous state of stress affects physical health, manifesting itself in various symptoms. All this taken together is a subconscious message that something needs to be done in order to solve one's internal problems. Otherwise, pathologies can even threaten human life.

Runny nose

The psychosomatics of the common cold, tries to explain the reasons for its appearance from the point of view of psychology, believing that the disease is caused by problems in the emotional state of a person. Many psychologists advise not to rush to take a variety of pills for the disease, without understanding your internal state, your thoughts, moods, attitude towards the world.

The works of well-known adherents of this area of ​​medical science, Louise Hay and Liz Burbo, are devoted to the problems of psychosomatics.

They give the following causes of a runny nose:

  • stuffy nose is the result of suppression of oneself, underestimation of one's own value;
  • runny nose - appears as an internal cry, storage of insults in oneself.

Valery Sinelnikov has a similar interpretation. Runny nose and other nasal secretions are inner weeping or subconscious tears. Our inner “I” tries in this way to let out repressed feelings: this is grief, pity, regret about plans and dreams that did not come true.
The cause of an allergic rhinitis suggests that a person lacks emotional self-control. Emotional upheavals lead to exacerbations of the disease.

At times, a runny nose is a plea for help. In this way, young children often show their helplessness. Often they do not feel their own value and strength.

Thus, it is necessary to carry out inner work, deal with your grievances and problems so that the runny nose disappears. It turns out that with this approach, it will be possible to cope with two problems at the same time.

It is generally accepted that the cause of a runny nose is hypothermia or allergens surrounding a person everywhere. Elderly people can scold the environment, fashionable medicines that do not bring relief, and refer to the fact that young people have become frail and weak in our time. However, this is not always the case.

Especially when it comes to a runny nose, which began a long time ago and is not treatable with conventional medicines, which has turned into sinusitis. People whose weak point is the nose should listen to another explanation for their health problems. The human nose is a symbol of self-esteem and self-esteem, so it is very sensitive to emotional upheavals and various insults. It is not in vain that they say about the proud man: “He turned up his nose.”
Therefore, the psychosomatic cause of a runny nose can be:

  • wounded self-esteem;
  • low self-esteem;
  • anxiety state;
  • too high level of requirements;
  • disappointment;

For a runny nose to be forgotten like a bad dream, you need to create for yourself a concept of your own personality: recognize your own value, love yourself, gain self-confidence and not give free rein to the insults that cause the greatest harm to yourself.

It often happens that a person is in conflict with friends, relatives, sometimes even with himself, without admitting this to himself. Then despair and shame accumulate in him, finding a way out in the form of a runny nose. Resentment that has not found a way out accumulates in the sinuses and manifests itself in the form of nasal congestion and mucus.

Runny nose in children

Frequent runny nose in childhood may be due to slightly different reasons. Frequent runny nose in a child may mean that he is experiencing a lack of warmth and parental care. After all, as soon as a child falls ill and his nose is running, parents immediately begin to treat him, patronize and feel sorry for him.

Another reason that one has to meet very often is the continuous quarrels of parents among themselves, which can only be stopped by the illness of their child. Here, a child, for the sake of happiness and peace of mind of mom and dad and, of course, his own, sacrifices his health.

How to solve the problem

Chronic and frequent runny nose can not be ignored. The discontent and resentment accumulating in the maxillary sinuses, falling lower, can lead to other violations.

Psychosomatic experts recommend that people who constantly suffer from a runny nose try to disconnect from internal annoying moments. You need to try to look at your life differently. Not taking to heart their grievances or making these grievances unworthy of attention.

It is also important to try to resolve all conflicts peacefully so that feelings of unspoken resentment and dissatisfaction torment you less.
If your loved ones have problems with a runny nose, you need to consider whether you have provided everything necessary for your family members to receive the care and care they deserve.


Sinusitis also, from the point of view of psychologists, has a psychosomatic nature. The disease can manifest itself as a result of:

  • self-pity, which is constantly suppressed;
  • a feeling that circumstances are stacked against a person, and he is not able to cope with them.

Sinusitis can have psychosomatic causes or be the result of complications in the psychosomatic manifestations of the common cold.

When seemingly insoluble life problems appear, which theoretically can become an impetus that causes sinusitis, it is necessary to immediately re-analyze the event, changing negative attitudes to light and positive ones. In other words, one should not look for injustice in every case or see events in black. No matter how unpleasant the event may seem, you need to try to change your attitude towards it, no matter how difficult it may be.

To cure psychosomatic diseases, various methods of psychotherapy are now used in combination with the appointment of such patients with tranquilizers and antidepressants. Sometimes the only consultation of an experienced psychoanalyst can cure sinusitis.

Valery Sinelnikov believes that sinusitis causes repressed pity for his person. The appearance of an internal feeling of isolation, the inability to independently cope with their loneliness, which is mostly far-fetched.
A way to cure psychosomatic sinusitis. More often rotate in society, preferring companies where people meet who are united by common interests. Try to be there with your friends. Then sinusitis will not be terrible. When pity is gone, sinusitis will go with it.

Julia Zotova interprets psychosomatic sinusitis as repressed self-pity. A long-drawn-out life situation “everything in the world is against me” and the complete impossibility of overcoming it. Hidden and imperceptible from the outside self-pity, which is of a chronic nature. To the question: "How are you?" answer "okay". After all, it has been bad for many years now and it has become normal and familiar.


When a person falls ill, he, first of all, seeks to find the physical causes of the disease. However, it has long been proven that the emotional state has no less importance on the body than external causes. Finding out what the emotional causes of the disease are, you can more easily achieve recovery and prevent a recurrence of the disease.

One of the diseases, which, according to research, is often psychosomatic in nature, is cough.

A cough that haunts a patient with bronchitis, asthma and other diseases speaks of a person’s desire to declare himself loudly, to attract everyone’s attention.

The phenomenon of sore throat and a strong desire to clear your throat appears in situations where your inner opponent has a different opinion, which differs from the opinion of others just expressed, but does not dare to openly engage in polemics.

If a person begins to cough from time to time, this means that he is irritable and often tends to react painfully to the actions and words of others. This irritability is most often aimed at himself. His inner voice is constantly looking for and finds reasons to blame himself for all the problems.
Frequent coughing also appears as a defensive reaction to an activity that a person does not like and does not want to do. In addition to coughing, the body can react to such a life situation with the appearance of fever or a desire to sleep.

How to treat psychosomatic cough

If there is psychosomatics among the sources of frequent coughing, it cannot be cured by taking pills, since in addition to physiology, the psyche is affected. During an attack of coughing, you need to be aware of your thoughts and make a sober analysis of them. This will help you come to an understanding that most of what you have in mind has nothing to do with reality.

The main installation should be: I am much better than I sometimes think to myself. If you master such an attitude and take it into service, you can not only defeat dangerous coughing fits, but also change your life position.

According to Valery Sinelnikov, the psychosomatic cause of a cough is often the desire to bark at the whole world and declare oneself: “Everyone look at me!” If this is the case, it is very important to learn to express the feelings that overwhelm you with the help of words, without trying to suppress emotions in yourself. You have to be brave to say what you think.
Sometimes coughing plays the role of a brake. If the behavior of people seems to be reprehensible to you, then a sudden onset of a cough makes it possible not to utter careless words and maintain good relations with these people.

Cough is designed to remove foreign bodies and various sources of irritation from the respiratory system. Reflex cough has a psychosomatic origin. In this case, the source of irritation is located outside the respiratory system.

Reflex cough begins when various emotional situations arise. Often it is caused by stress, strong excitement, fear and other similar situations.

Psychophysical side

Any reflex cough indicates some self-doubt and problems in communication. Cough shows that there are barriers to free contact with the outside world. They are then trying to “cough up” a person emotionally through a reflex cough.

If such a cough begins in moments of physical intimacy, then there are sexual problems. When you start coughing when meeting and talking with specific people, an old quarrel may be the cause.

Struggling with reflex cough, you can ask loved ones to pay attention whenever you start to cough from fear, excitement or embarrassment. If you constantly strive to achieve inner harmony, it is difficult to cope with the disease.

Psychosomatic illnesses have emotional stress as the main cause. Not many people know what the term psychosomatics is, one of its manifestations. This is how the body responds to psychological problems. The reflex occurs not due to a physical cause or infection, but as a nervous reaction.

What is a psychogenic cough, how does it manifest and affect a person's well-being. Symptoms by which it is possible to determine the psychological causes of coughing.

The nature of the disease

Psychosomatics is a science that studies how our mental state affects the health of the body. Some pathologies are particularly prone to aggravate their course under the influence of psychological factors such as stress and anxiety.

Interestingly, the emotional background affects physical illness at any given time. Realizing this, a person can control not only his well-being, but also the health of the body.

Psychosomatic cough is not treated with pills and syrups, you can drink handfuls of them and expect a cure. But it won't come. It is necessary to harmonize the emotional background, learn to manage your emotions, cope with anxiety and anxiety. Only then the psychosomatics of coughing will be under control.

Nerve impulses sent from the brain affect certain immune system cells that are involved in various physical diseases.

How is it manifested?

Psychogenic cough is observed in patients with chronic dry cough (more than 4 months).


Usually there are six signs that indicate a cough with a psychosamotic motive. other:

  • occurs against the background of the absence of an objective disease;
  • manifests itself several times per hour and even per minute;
  • does not improve over time;
  • diagnostics and analyzes show a normal condition;
  • improvement comes after psycho-emotional adjustment;
  • occurs at any time of the year, regardless of the season.

Reasons for the development of psychosomatic cough

The emotional background clearly leaves an imprint on the state and manifestation of cough:

  • Without the presence of a provoking disease, cough should be considered as a person’s desire to be noticed and draw attention to his person.
  • In case of disagreement with someone else's opinion, a silent objection, a person develops a cough, the psychosomatics of which clearly indicates the cause. There is a burning sensation in the throat, dryness, perspiration, to cope with these signs of disagreement, a cough is reflexively formed.
  • With excessive sensitivity, lack of confidence in one's actions, irritability and aggressive reaction to the words of others, a cough chokes a person with his bouts. Unconsciously, the inner critic punishes himself.
  • In case of disagreement with the duties performed, the reaction can be expressed even more violently. In addition to coughing, the temperature rises, drowsiness and apathy occur.

How to understand your own condition?

Cough is psychology, this is how the problem should be considered, as it turned out, these concepts are closely related. It is not always necessary to rush to a specialist to find out the cause of your condition. It is useful to independently analyze the situation before the doctor deals with it.

You need to start by assessing your behavior and analyzing negative emotions. Tell yourself honestly what annoys you, what you disagree with, and why you try to suppress your emotions in yourself without expressing them directly. Only frankness and deep recognition of the problem can improve the situation.

It has become easier for specialists to determine the probable cause of any disease. Hundreds of cases of similar situations have been observed and studied. These data served as the basis for the creation of tables that indicate the causes for the development of the disease.

The list includes the most common and well-studied diseases, with detailed explanations. The instruction of stage-by-stage treatment is given. One of the aspects that psychosomatics has touched on is coughing.

Any stress can provoke a psychological disorder in a child, the body is still too susceptible to various kinds of outside influences and it is difficult to control one's emotions. In such situations, a child's cough is psychosomatics, which has been studied enough to learn how to help adults and children.

Children and psychosomatic illnesses

Psychogenic cough in children is not uncommon. In any situations in which the child experiences excitement and increased excitability, the reason is also psychosomatics - a dry, hysterical cough, it is difficult to distinguish it from a cold. It occurs regardless of the age and occupation of children and adults.

Many reasons that parents or teachers do not pay attention to can provoke a cough:

  • gloomy climate in the family;
  • difficult living conditions;
  • minor conflict situations in the team;
  • emotional overload;
  • stress before performing in public or a concert;
  • feelings about a loved one or friend.

It is difficult to list the number of options, but each is a cause for a cough. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to talk with the child and try to find out what worries, worries or irritates him.


Each disease has its own treatment options. For physical diseases, drug and physical therapy, sometimes surgery, are used.

In the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, the help of a psychotherapist is needed, who will identify the main cause of the disease and help correct the emotional background. At the appointment with a specialist, they carefully work out possible situations that bring hidden feelings and suppressed emotions to the surface.

Children are easier to help than adults. They quickly get in touch and speak out their problem. With adults it is more difficult, the price of their frankness is much higher and it is more difficult to identify a difficult situation.

Probably, the doctor will prescribe sedative herbal preparations or sedatives for adult patients. Be sure to think over the mode of rest and work in order to quickly restore strength and enter the familiar environment.

In some advanced cases, rehabilitation may be delayed. Treatment will require regular intake of drugs that will help the nervous system respond more calmly to habitual stimuli. Psychosomatics on a subconscious level comes into balance, a person becomes more relaxed, but collected at the same time. This is the result of positive treatment.

There is no reason for the occurrence of complications of psychogenic cough, but it significantly impairs the quality of life. Try to change your usual daily routine, find new hobbies in life, do not forget about rest and then you will cope with psychosomatic cough.



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