Yellow wart. Warts: types, causes and treatment

The appearance of warts on the body during life occurs in almost every person. A malfunction of the immune system or the appearance of a new virus in the body provokes the occurrence of these benign formations skin. Recently, science has begun to identify certain types of warts as risk groups, since they are caused by oncogenic viruses. Therefore, it is worth carefully diagnosing and, if in doubt, seek advice from a dermatologist.

A wide range of options for treating warts, which can be carried out at home and in a beauty salon, allows you to easily cure almost any of this type.

What it is

Warts are small growths on the skin that are usually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These formations are benign, but require treatment. If warts are left untreated, over time they can take up increasingly large areas on the surface of the body. You should be able to differentiate harmless warts from other growths, such as melanoma, which is a skin cancer. You need to be able to distinguish warts from calluses and moles. There are several types of warts, which have external differences between each other.

What causes warts

Warts are caused by a virus that can easily be acquired through objects common use, public places or walking barefoot. Such places include a swimming pool and a public bath. According to various sources, up to half or more percent of the population are carriers of these viruses. Warts appear especially easily when there is damage to the skin. At increased sweating skin of the hands and feet, the likelihood of acquiring an infection in a public place becomes greater.

With a normal handshake, there is also a chance of acquiring a virus. You should not take other people's personal hygiene items and personal belongings. In addition, the virus is transmitted sexually and through unsterile instruments, for example, in a beauty salon.

The virus that causes the formation of warts can remain in the human body for a long time, up to six months, without causing growths. It is in an incubation state and is waiting for suitable conditions. When the immune system is weakened, the virus becomes more active and warts appear.

Differences from other entities

In contrast, warts are soft to the touch and are usually dark or black in color. Warts are hard, light in color, and outwardly look like a growth.

Calluses are dead skin cells that can be seen as fresh skin after exfoliation. delicate skin. She will look healthy. If it is a wart, it will hurt when pressed, and if it peels off, there will be a layer of skin underneath, on which traces of hemorrhages are clearly visible.

It is the most dangerous among skin diseases. It can be distinguished by color and shape. Heterogeneous red and black shades, growth and jagged edges accompany melanoma. If you have this or a similar type of formation, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

Types of warts

There are several main types of warts that can be safely removed by a cosmetologist and dermatologist. They do not pose any danger other than the inconvenience of a cosmetic defect.

Types of such warts:

  • ordinary (simple);
  • youth (flat);
  • plantar (palm);
  • filamentous (acrochords);
  • genital (condylomas);
  • senile.

Common warts

Usually found on the surfaces of the hands and feet, on the back of the fingers. They usually range in size from 1 to 10 mm and may disappear spontaneously or after treatment. This type of wart may appear as single or multiple growths on the skin. The color is usually yellowish-gray, the surface is rough and dense. One wart that appears can subsequently grow several more, uniting into extensive plaques. They can cause pain when walking if they are on the surface of the feet.

Most often occur in children and adolescents. They rise slightly above the surface of the skin, have a smooth surface and irregular shape. Usually located close to cuts, scratches and abrasions. They have a size of about 1-5 mm.

They are most painful, interfere with walking, and often look like regular calluses. They can be flat or protruding above the surface of the skin. - that’s what he calls it this type.

Acrochords, or filamentous warts

These formations are large and elongated. They are most often localized on the face, neck and armpits. When removed, they often grow back, and almost never disappear on their own. Filiform warts often grow in breadth, increasing their volume and width.

Genital warts (condylomas)

They are considered to be sexually transmitted. They like to be located at the entrance to the vagina and anus, labia and penis, and in the oral cavity. They look like round pink formations that grow and over time can occupy large surfaces. This may interfere with sexual intercourse and bowel movements, causing painful sensations. They can also contribute to the emergence of other infectious diseases. Infection occurs through sexual contact, especially in the presence of injuries and microtraumas of the skin.

They usually appear closer to old age. They are smooth, round, with clearly defined edges. They usually start out light pink or flesh-colored, becoming dark brown over time. Found on the chest, neck, arms. Their size ranges from 2 millimeters to several centimeters.

Other types of warts

Some other types of warts today are divided into a separate list, since they can degenerate into malignant formations. These include papilloma Bladder, cervix, larynx and some others. They should be treated immediately and carried out by a qualified specialist.

How to get rid of warts

Warts tend to increase in size and number, causing not only cosmetic problems, but also inconvenience and even pain. Therefore, when the first wart appears, you should take care to remove it as quickly as possible.

Modern medicine has extensive options for wart removal regimens. Patients also often turn to traditional ways, based on medicinal herbs.


Wide choose medications will help you quickly and easily get rid of skin growths using products local action. The remedies are different for different types of warts:

  • plantar warts - products with salicylic acid;
  • flat warts - products with ammonium mercury and trichloroacetic acid;
  • condylomas - products with podophyllotoxin.

First main group of funds to combat warts is based on the active exfoliating effect of dead cells (keratolytics).

There are remedies based on the action of herbs, for example celandine. It has been used for many years folk medicine as a means of destroying skin inflammation. A tool was created based on it Super clean. The liquid that is in the bottle should be applied to the wart itself, avoiding healthy skin around her. In just a few applications, the product destroys damaged tissue.

Means Collomak based on chemical properties salicylic and lactic acids with the addition of polidocanol. The drug is also applied to the wart itself several times a day. The drug works similarly Dufilm.

There is also a special patch Salipod, which is convenient to use by sticking it once and leaving it for several days.

A drug Feresol must be applied after preliminary steaming of the damaged area. There may be a burning sensation.

Second group of funds is based on the effect of local necrotizing action, that is, the destruction of damaged cells. This product is applied to the area of ​​the skin that is covered by the wart, as a result of which the affected tissue is destroyed along with the virus living inside.

Among the products in this series are widely used:

  • Vartek – cream for external use,
  • Condyline – solution for external use,
  • Solcoderm is a solution for external use.

Products based on necrotizing and actively exfoliating effects should be used strictly on the affected areas of the skin. Healthy areas may be damaged if products are accidentally applied.

Cream with active substance interferon, which helps the body fight viruses – Viferon. It should be used for a long time, up to one month. There is also an analogue called Panavir, which penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and lasts longer on the surface. Thanks to these properties, it heals faster than its predecessor.

Alternative and safe remedyMalavit– based on a combination of active minerals And medicinal plants. Malavit should be used by applying it to the surface of the wart, covering it with a film and wrapping it with a bandage on top.

Wart removal

Modern treatment methods also include the destruction of warts using the latest developments. You should know that medications are often taken in conjunction with external surgical removal of tumors - immunomodulators, which will help weaken and defeat the virus from the inside.

Live healthy! We remove warts and moles at home.

Cryotherapy– quick freezing – allows you to deal with warts quickly and without problems. The area of ​​skin is treated and the wart dies off over the following weeks. It is exposed to liquid nitrogen. This method has the advantage of non-contact exposure (there is no likelihood of subsequent infectious complications and inflammation), but there is a problem with the depth of treatment. If there is an error in calculating the depth of exposure, a scar may appear on the skin. Or, conversely, the depth of exposure is insufficient, in which case the wart will not be completely destroyed and a relapse is possible.

Laser removal will help you easily get rid of papillomas when visiting a beauty salon. The laser has bactericidal effect, which will protect against possible infections. After laser treatment, neighboring tissues will remain healthy and intact, since laser ray has high accuracy. pros laser method also that it is painless and there are no scars left after treatment. During the removal of warts, there is no bleeding and no suppuration occurs subsequently.

Laser removal

Surgical removal held surgically. With this method, large and extensive formations are usually removed. The disadvantage of this method is residual scars and scars, the possibility of bleeding and infection if the instruments are not sufficiently sterilely processed. The relative probability of papillomavirus entering the blood also remains.

Electrocoagulation- another option surgical removal warts With this method, a metal loop is placed on the wart, through which a current is passed and the wart is removed. The method is good for superficial warts with shallow roots.

Radiosurgeryalternative way removal of warts. With this method, local anesthesia is administered, and a special radio device produces waves that destroy the tumor. The advantage of the method is that it is non-contact and safe, but it is only suitable for small warts.

How to remove a wart at home

Often a decision is made to remove a wart at home. You should know that you should not do this if the wart is on the open surface of the skin - on the face, fingers. You can defeat a wart at home, but there is a possibility of a residual scar or skin burn, which will create an additional cosmetic problem. In addition, there are cases when, after incomplete destruction of one wart, the virus is activated and several new warts appear.

Most popular means home remedies for warts are: celandine, garlic, aloe juice, citric and acetic acid. Recipes are numerous and varied; it is worth highlighting traditional and effective methods.

  • Wipe the wart daily with the juice of aloe, celandine, cabbage, lemon and dandelion milk - several times a day until it disappears completely.
  • Apply one drop to the wart acetic acid daily. There is also the option of applying a mixture of flour and acetic acid, which, after drying, should be covered with an adhesive plaster or bandage for 12 hours.
  • Treatment with garlic - pure juice, or juice mixed with flour. You can also add half a garlic clove. Garlic will show its effect no sooner than after 10 days, but positive factor there will be no scar after healing.
  • Treatment with iodine, lubricating the wart many times until it completely dries and disappears.

Cryotreatment can be used not only in a salon setting. Drugs such as Wartner Cryo And Cryopharma will allow you to destroy warts using extreme cold, carrying out the procedure at home. But you should be careful with cold therapy - there is a risk of damaging healthy neighboring cells.

Pros and cons of treatment options

Latitude possible options treatment of warts allows you to choose the safest, most convenient and simplest methods. The easiest way to remove warts at home is by yourself. initial stage, when they have not yet grown and have not occupied large spaces on the skin. Otherwise, you should contact a dermatologist or a beauty salon, where professionals can deal with a complex case.

The optimal treatment methods are those that do not pose a risk of spreading the virus or the emergence of new infections (non-contact). Among them are laser therapy, cryotherapy and some others.

Methods that will not create scars at the sites where papillomas are removed will also be a priority. It is worth abandoning the old, “old-fashioned” methods using acetic and other acids, which burn tissue and can damage healthy neighboring skin cells and leave scars. You should also not try to cut out warts by hand at home. This can lead to the spread of infection and the emergence of new problems, which will definitely leave scars on the skin for life.

When treating warts at home, the best choice would be drugs that do not produce harmful destructive effects on the skin. Among them are interferon preparations, plant juices, herbs and others.

It is also useful to take additional medicines, increasing the body’s overall immunity and resistance to viruses. This is especially true for extensive rashes. If you have problems with frequent relapses warts, you should contact an immunologist for a qualified prescription of drugs.

Are warts contagious?

Warts can be contagious. They are caused by the human papillomavirus, which can be transmitted both through household and sexual contact. Basic personal hygiene should be observed and do not use general subjects or another person's personal belongings.

Warts are growths caused by viruses. Quite a lot of people are infected with these viruses. large percentage population. But the virus does not always cause the development of warts. The state of immunity plays a big role in the occurrence of the disease and its relapses. Strengthening the general immune system will help protect against the appearance of formations on the skin.

When warts appear on the skin, it is worth paying great attention to diagnosis. If you cannot distinguish a wart from other types of formations (melanoma, calluses, moles), you should not try to destroy it at home. A dermatologist will help determine the origin of the formation and draw up a competent treatment plan.

A large number of products for destroying warts will help you choose the optimal solution and quickly deal with this cosmetic defect.

Articles on the topic

Everyone has long known that such an unpleasant skin growth as a wart is a consequence of the human papillomavirus, which lives in the body of almost every adult. But few people know that warts come in different types and are divided into groups: ordinary, pointed, flat or senile.

White wart

Although types of warts are varied and manifest themselves differently in everyone, the most common are ordinary warts that are white or flesh-colored. These formations are the most familiar to the average person and are the most common. Such warts are located on the hands or on the back of them and in most cases do not require special treatment, since they tend to go away on their own within two years. Common warts can also appear on the face. Like other varieties, this type of wart requires constant monitoring.

Types of warts

As stated earlier, warts are caused by the human papillomavirus. This virus can cause different types of warts, which differ from each other in location and structure. Thus, the types of warts can be divided into common, plantar, flat and anogenital.

Plantar warts that occur on the feet are a type of common wart. Plantar or filiform warts consist of thick horny layers and resemble an ordinary callus in appearance.

TO next view warts can be classified as flat or juvenile formations. This type of localization occurs mainly on the face and hands and has multiple rashes.

Anogenital or pointed ones affect mainly the anus and genitals and are transmitted sexually. These warts resemble cauliflower pink or red in color and vary in size, from small to large, impressive looking ones.

To understand what type of formation appears on the body, just look at the photos that are on the Internet now great amount or seek diagnostics from a specialist.

Red wart

In addition to the main four types of warts, there are also different types neoplasms, for example, red warts, which may look different. A red pointed wart in the form of a dome-shaped nodule or a small cherry spot on the skin, both of them do not pose a danger to humans and do not transform into skin cancer. But this is only if such a wart does not change in size, so observation is necessary, as in the case of any other skin formations. At the same time, if you pick off hanging warts yourself, you can get undesirable result from inflammation to malignant tumor.

Black wart

Black type of warts, as seborrheic keratosis occurs mainly in older people and is a benign tumor. If it was noticed on the skin flat spot in the form of a pink or yellow wart that turns black over time, then most likely it is seborrheic keratosis. Such senile formations are also called dry warts, which may not cause any sensations in their owner, or can cause a lot of trouble in the form of itching and inflammation.

Brown wart

This type of wart belongs to the category of senile warts and has the name - keratoma. These are age-related changes in the skin, initially expressed in the form of pigmentation, due to the violation of which light brown, brown or black spots appear. They are localized mainly on the face, neck, chest and arms. Subsequently, such keratomas can grow and increase in size.

Any formation on the skin requires careful observation, and if a change in the wart is noticed, which, for example, suddenly turns red or begins to increase in size, then urgent treatment is necessary. Timely removal can prevent the wart from degenerating into malignant tumor.

Among all known warts, the most common is the white wart - a benign skin formation that is caused by the human papillomavirus. It is not a dangerous phenomenon if it is not injured and if the person does not harm himself by self-medication. This requires periodic consultations with a doctor and special treatment.

White wart- the result of HPV infection, manifested by a hard growth on the human body.

What it is?

The papilloma virus provokes the appearance of warts on the body. The most common are white warts. This is a keratinized growth on the skin, going deep into the tissues, white or yellowish color. Such formations appear on the face, on the fingers, on the back of the hand. They are dense and hard to the touch. Nodules may be visible on top of the growth gray. Warts on the feet are more dangerous than on the hands if they occur on the soles of the feet, since the growths cause pain and are constantly injured when walking.

White warts often appear in teenagers and are called juvenile warts. They are not dangerous, but require treatment. Otherwise, over time, spots will appear near the warts white, gradually darkening to brown. If the problem is ignored, the resulting spots can cover the entire face. By virtue of age-related changes White warts often appear in older people. If a wart appears under a nail or in the shaving area, it must be removed as it will cause significant discomfort.

Causes of white warts

The appearance of warts has nothing to do with toads and frogs. The only reason for their occurrence is the papilloma virus.

The appearance of a white wart on the body is caused by a virus entering the body.

The myth that warts on the hands appear due to contact with toads is known to everyone. But that's not true. Horny formations on the skin occur due to the papilloma virus, which is activated under certain conditions. You can become infected with this virus through direct contact with an infected person or through household items used by the sick person. The virus, having entered the body, does not manifest itself immediately, but only if there is favorable conditions, which are:

  • age-related changes in the body;
  • decreased immunity;
  • mental trauma, stress;
  • frequent colds;
  • diseases of the ears, nose, throat;
  • oily skin;
  • neurasthenic syndrome.

Treatment methods

White warts, in the absence of injury, can disappear on their own within 2 years. But even if treatment is not required, you should periodically consult with your doctor in order to promptly prevent an aggravation of the situation or the degeneration of the formation into a malignant tumor. If the wart turns white or becomes a different color, or its size has increased, the doctor will prescribe necessary treatment.

Conservative therapy

If a wart is constantly injured due to its location, for example, if it is located on a finger, you need to get rid of it. After examination, the dermatologist will prescribe suitable remedy, suppressing the virus and eliminating skin formation. These medications include:

Conservative therapy for a white wart includes taking antiviral drugs and treating the area with special ointments.
  • "Ferezol" is a drug with high content acids, under the influence of which the skin tumor is destroyed.
  • “5-Fluorouracil” is an effective antitumor ointment that allows you to quickly get rid of warts.
  • Retinoic acid. Used for multiple formations on the face.
  • Salicylic and trichloroacetic acid.

In addition to directly affecting the tumor, it is necessary to put pressure on the virus itself. For this purpose, immunotherapy is prescribed - a course of injections is carried out special drugs, strengthening the immune system, restoring protective functions body and suppress the effect of the virus. Conservative therapy does not guarantee complete relief from this unpleasant disease and is considered less effective than surgical removal tumors.

Surgical removal

For complete removal For white warts, the following methods are used:

  • Freezing. Liquid nitrogen, chloroethane, etc. are used. During the procedure, it is destroyed inner part swelling, it turns white, and after an hour a blister appears on it, which will dry up in a week. The formation will completely disappear in 2-3 weeks.
  • Cutting. Special equipment is used that looks like a metal loop. A high-frequency current is passed through it, through which the formation is literally cut off. Due to the specifics of the method, bleeding is excluded. Local anesthesia is required.
  • Laser removal. After using this method, there are no scars left on the skin.
  • Traditional excision. Used in the presence of large formations. Under local anesthesia the tumor is excised and sutures are placed at the incision site.

Attempts to remove warts on your own lead to dangerous complications.

– disease viral nature, characterized by the appearance of small round protruding growths on the skin. There are several types of warts: common - localized on the fingers, face, scalp; plantar, flat (youthful) - located on the face, back of the hands, pointed (condylomas) - most often occur in the anogenital area. Warts are prone to spreading, recurrence and rapid growth; when injured, they bleed, can change shape, color, and become painful; when self-medicated, they cause the appearance of scars and malignant degeneration.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Human papillomavirus (HPV), educative warts, widespread in all age groups and the most common are simple, plantar and flat warts. Not only the skin is affected by HPV, but also the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, bladder, vocal cords etc.

Infection HPV virus occurs as a result of contact with an infected or sick person, as well as through contact with sick animals. Cases of infection are common by everyday means, through things, toys and common items. After penetration into the human body, the virus begins to actively multiply in the surface layers of the skin.

Autoinoculation (self-infection) is quite common; warts in the periungual area are associated with the habit of biting nails or biting fingers, and the appearance flat warts on the face is associated with shaving, peeling and other cosmetic procedures, which may result in damage to the skin.

The papilloma virus enters the human body through microtraumas of the skin; people who actively visit swimming pools, gyms, baths and saunas are most susceptible to infection. Poultry farm workers and those involved in cutting meat or fish are also at risk; warts affect their hands and forearms.

The incubation period is usually from one and a half to five months, but even with infection there may be no external manifestations of the virus. The most common are simple warts, juvenile (flat) and plantar; genital warts are also called condylomas.

Simple (vulgar) warts. Simple warts are localized on the palms, back of the hands and fingers, rarely appear on the face and even less often on the mucous membranes; outwardly they look like rounded dense nodules, the color of the skin is not changed, but pink or yellow shades may be present. Such warts are multiple in nature and tend to merge. The affected areas of the skin feel rough and uneven to the touch. Among total mass One wart is usually the largest, it is also called the mother wart, after removal of which the rest often disappear on their own.

Warts vulgaris make up 70% of all skin warts; most common in children and schoolchildren.

Plantar warts . They are localized on the soles of the feet and cause pain when walking; in appearance they are similar to ordinary warts.

Palmoplantar warts widespread among young and older people. These warts appear as dense formations with a thickened stratum corneum of the skin. They need to be differentiated from ordinary skin abrasions and calluses, and also differential diagnosis with plantar papule in syphilis. Uncomfortable shoes and excessive sweating contributes to the spread of infection.

Periungual warts are a variant of common warts, most often found in children who bite their nails and the skin around them. After their removal, relapses occur quite often.

Flat or juvenile warts occur in 4% of cases and affect the skin of the hands, face, and mucous membranes. Flat warts can be localized on the glans penis, cervix and rectal mucosa. The risk group is age category from 10 to 25 years.

Filiform warts located on the neck, skin of the eyelids, in armpits, on the mammary glands and in groin area. Outwardly they look like soft papules, sometimes pedunculated, which often leads to their traumatization. The color of filamentous warts varies from flesh-colored to dark brown.

The viral nature of filamentous warts is confirmed by their tendency to autoinoculate, and their hormonal nature is confirmed by their association with diabetes mellitus, the onset of menopause and other conditions in which hormonal shifts are observed.

Genital warts(condylomas) due to their lobular structure and doughy consistency, they look like cauliflower or cockscomb. The color of warts is pink or flesh-colored, however, when rubbed they become bright red, and when injured they bleed easily. They have a narrow stem and are prone to forming extensive conglomerates. They are localized on the genitals and in the perineum; in children, the nasolabial folds are most often affected.


The diagnosis is made based on external signs. But warts need to be differentiated from lichen planus, which is characterized by a waxy sheen and violet-red color of the papules. Warts differ from warty tuberculosis of the skin by the absence inflammatory infiltrate and a red-violet corolla along the periphery.

When the central part of the plantar wart is removed, the delicate papillary layer is exposed, and a dense horny ring remains on the periphery. When a biopsy is taken, such a picture confirms the correctness of the diagnosis.

Treatment of warts

The main method of treatment is to remove or destroy the warts using medicines or mechanically. Antiviral ointments prevent the spread of infection to unaffected areas of the skin. Prescribe oxolinic, tebrofen and other ointments in the required percentage concentration.

Cryodestruction and electrocoagulation have good therapeutic effect in most patients. Laser removal, depending on the type of beam, produces the effect of evaporation or coagulation of the affected skin. After local anesthesia, the wart is removed layer by layer; the depth of penetration and exposure time depend on the size and location of the formation. This type of treatment leaves virtually no scars, and skin pigmentation does not change. A depression remains at the site of the wart, which heals after 10-14 days.

Electrocoagulation is also carried out under local anesthesia, the principle of operation is the ability of high-frequency current to coagulate tissue, a metal loop simply cuts off the wart, and short-term exposure high temperature prevents bleeding and spread of infection hematogenously. A small crust remains at the site of the wart, which disappears after a week. If there was a wart big size, then a barely noticeable scar may remain.

Surgical treatment is performed if a large area of ​​tissue is affected by warts. Excision of tissue is carried out under local anesthesia, with the application of intradermal cosmetic sutures, which are removed after 7-10 days; After treatment, a light, invisible scar remains. Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen is similar in principle to electrocoagulation, only tissue death occurs not due to heating, but due to deep freezing.

Depending on the course of the disease, mechanical and drug therapy can be combined. Histological examination of the removed material is mandatory. The effectiveness of treatment ranges from 50 to 94%, and relapses occur in a quarter of patients. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is; it is also advisable to carry out general antiviral and anti-relapse therapy. The prognosis and likelihood of relapses depend on the timeliness of treatment and the state of the immune system.

How warts. Also, here you can find out about reasons for their occurrence, prevention, and actually methods of treating warts. So…

Warts (wart, verruca, plural verrucae) - rounded elevations of the skin that occurred as a result of strong growth of the surface layers of the epithelium and the underlying papillary layer of skin. Warts are also benign neoplasms skin resulting from infection human papillomavirus (HPV).

Warts come in different sizes - from 1-2 mm to 15 mm, depending on the type and location of its formation. It is also possible for several warts to merge, which can form quite large tumors of a conical or hemispherical shape, with a wide base. Over time, the color of the wart, initially the same as the color of the skin, becomes brown and even black, although to a large extent, they owe this coloring to dirt, which easily sticks to the rough surface of the wart.

Types of warts

There are 4 main types of warts: common, flat, genital warts and senile warts.

Ordinary , or common warts . They are dense keratinized papules with a diameter of 1-10 mm. Most often they form on the back of the hands. Most of them go away on their own, without any treatment, within two years.

Plantar warts or plantar verrucae) - a type of common warts, - appear in places where shoes are pressed, especially on very sweaty feet. First, a small shiny, subsequently keratinized papule or plaque of a yellowish-gray color with a rough, uneven surface. The formation is usually single, but 3-6 or more warts are found. Small elements can merge to form a “mosaic” wart. Very dense, keratinized, gray-dirty plantar warts are characterized by severe pain that prevents walking. Sometimes this type of wart causes temporary disability.

Flat, or juvenile warts (plane warts) – clearly demarcated papules with a smooth surface, 1-5 mm in diameter, rising 1-2 mm above the surrounding skin. The name itself suggests that this type of wart usually occurs in children and young people. Flat warts look round or irregular shape flat nodules, which are located, as a rule, on the back of the hands, shins, and also on the skin of the face. The color is light brown, pink or flesh. The appearance of flat warts is promoted by skin irritation (they often occur along the course of scratches, cuts, etc.).

Genital warts or condylomas - the smallest Pink colour nodules (skin growths), which, merging, form a papillary growth of soft consistency on the base, in the form of a stalk, flesh-colored or reddish in color.

This type of wart appears on the male and female genital organs. They can be transmitted through sexual contact, especially if there are small cracks or injuries in the groin area and genitals. If they are not removed, they can grow to a large size and cause significant health damage. Often condylomas accompany the development of other infectious diseases of the genital organs. According to statistics, most of all, this type of wart appears in women with increased likelihood developing cervical cancer.

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Senile warts or keratomas - most common benign tumor skin. Synonyms: Seborrheic keratosis, seborrheic wart, basal cell papilloma. Senile warts usually develop in middle and old age from the epidermis. Its pathogenesis is not clear, but it is believed that this lesion develops from cells of the basal layer of the epidermis or keratinocytes of the most superficial part hair follicle and is not associated with human papillomavirus. Elements of seborrheic keratosis are often multiple, located on the chest, less often - on the face, neck, dorsum of the hands, extensor surface of the forearms, as well as in other areas skin. The exception is the surfaces of the palms and soles. The process never affects the mucous membranes. The number of lesions usually does not exceed 20. Their diameter varies from 0.2 to 3 cm, sometimes reaching 4-6 cm. Patients with multiple seborrheic keratosis sometimes have a positive family history, which is a reflection of a genetic predisposition.

The clinical picture of seborrheic keratosis depends on the location and timing of development of seborrheic keratosis. Early elements are flat, small spots or papules that seem to be stuck to the skin, they have clear boundaries, pink or yellow color, a warty (as if corrugated) surface and are covered with easily removable greasy crusts, which over time become more dense and riddled with cracks . The thickness of the crusts sometimes reaches 1-2 cm. Over time, the elements of classic seborrheic keratosis acquire a mushroom shape, dark brown or black color. The retention of horny masses in epithelial crypts leads to the formation of comedos, but similar black inclusion grains. The consistency of the formations is soft, the boundaries may be unclear, sometimes even jagged. In such cases, the tumor resembles melanoma. Sometimes the elements of seborrheic keratosis have a dome-shaped shape and a smooth surface with the presence of white or black keratin pearls with a diameter of up to 1 mm, which are easily distinguishable when examined with a magnifying glass.

Seborrheic keratosis develops slowly, over several decades, but does not undergo malignant transformation.

Causes of warts

So, as you and I already know, the cause of warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which almost every adult is infected with, and you can have several types of this virus at the same time and not be aware of their presence. Unfortunately, the prevalence HPV infections is growing steadily in all countries.

In most cases, infection occurs through direct contact with skin and mucous membranes affected by HPV. Less commonly, infection occurs through household items (nail files, manicure scissors, etc.). Infection is also facilitated by microtrauma to the skin, but the main reason for the appearance of warts on the body is a weakened human immune system, which is unable to control HPV.

You can “buy” warts for yourself in the following way:

- in personal contact with a person who has warts;
- when using the same things with it, for example a towel or dishes;
- if you do a manicure or pedicure with instruments not treated with an antiseptic;
- if you walk barefoot in a bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna where there was a person infected with the papilloma virus;
- condylomas may appear during sexual contact with an infected partner;
- Wearing tight shoes can cause plantar warts to appear.

A favorable condition for the appearance of warts is a weakened state of the body, which can be caused by lack of sleep, poor immunity, and poor nutrition.

The most important rule for preventing warts is to healthy image life. Moreover, initially in the spiritual plane, and then in the physical. Support your immune system, which weakens due to lack of sleep, stress, etc.

- avoid stress. Remember that your health is worth more expensive than work, or other sources of persistent discomfort;

— when going to a public bath or sauna, be sure to wear personal shoes. By the way, it’s generally better to avoid going to the pool, because... it can not only catch HPV, but also a “bouquet” various infections and viruses, and “expensive” swimming pools are not immune from this. I believe this is due to desire modern man earn more by cutting expenses to the maximum;

— when working with cleaning products that can damage the skin, use gloves;

- wear shoes only made from natural materials, such as natural fabric or leather, and avoid wearing synthetic shoes, especially for children and adolescents;

- V personal life Have no more than one sexual partner. This will not only reduce your risk of contracting HPV, but will also promote the health of your spirit, and where healthy mind, there will be a healthy body.

Now we know what warts are, what they are like, what they look like, what are the reasons for their appearance, and how to prevent the appearance of warts. All that remains is to figure out what to do if you already have a wart. More on this below.

General principles for treating warts:

- None of the currently known methods of treating warts eliminates the cause of warts - the human papillomavirus (HPV).

— Relapse is possible after any method of wart removal. Moreover, the probability of relapse is approximately the same after any method and is about 30%.

— Unfortunately, none of the known methods of treating warts is 100% effective. It is in the range of 60 - 95%.

— Most wart removal methods can cause scars on the body. In this case, as a rule, the following pattern is observed: the higher the effectiveness of the method, the higher the likelihood of scar formation.

— Warts can behave completely unpredictably: they can resolve on their own without any treatment, or they may not respond to the most effective methods treatment. Warts resolve spontaneously in approximately 20% of cases within 2 months, in 30% of cases within 3 months, and in 50% of cases within 2 years. Warts in children are more likely to resolve on their own. With warts in adults, in people with reduced immunity, as well as with persistent warts, spontaneous resolution is observed less frequently.

— Taking into account the possibility of warts disappearing on their own, the possibility of relapse after treatment, as well as the possibility of scarring, in some cases the decision to observe rather than treat is quite reasonable. This does not mean that warts do not need to be treated. Necessary, but not always. When deciding on observation, the acceptability of warts for the patient (whether they cause physical and psychological discomfort) is very important.

— Treatment of warts should begin with inexpensive and safe methods, although not the most effective. If they do not help, they move on to reserve methods - more aggressive and expensive. It is unwise to immediately start treatment with reserve methods (for example, laser), since this carries a high risk of scarring and there is no advantage in reducing the likelihood of relapse.

Medical ways to get rid of warts

The most the right decision If warts appear, you will contact a dermatologist who will prescribe medications that increase immunity, calm the nerves and vitamins. In addition, only a doctor can help you correctly determine the method of getting rid of warts. These methods include:

Cryodestruction (consisting of freezing warts with liquid nitrogen). Liquid nitrogen is applied to the wart using a swab attached to a wooden stick or using a special cryoapplicator. Freeze the wart for 10-30 seconds. In this case, the wart becomes white and dense, and after about an hour, a blister forms in its place, which lasts 5-7 days, gradually drying out. The crust finally comes off after two weeks, leaving a light pink spot. For plantar warts, a longer course is needed - several freezing sessions with an interval of 2-3 days.

Electrocoagulation (removal of warts with electric current). The wart is “cut off” with a thin metal loop under a high-frequency current, which helps to avoid bleeding and at the same time disinfect the tissue. This leaves enough material for histological examination– if there is a suspicion of cancer, for example. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After exposure to current, a small crust forms, which will fall off in a week (it is better not to wet it or cover it with cosmetics during this time, so that there is no scar left).

Laser coagulation (wart removal with laser). The wart is removed layer by layer using a laser under local anesthesia. A small depression remains at the site of the wart, which smoothes out in 2-3 weeks. If we are talking about plantar wart, then you need to take into account that during these 2-3 weeks you will have to take care of your leg - walk as little as possible.

Surgical excision of warts. The method is used only when the warts are large enough (or several have merged into one). Under local anesthesia, all excess is cut out with a scalpel and sent for examination. The skin is sutured cosmetic stitch, after which only a thin, light, flat scar will remain.

Chemical methods. They are used relatively rarely. This is the lubrication of a wart with a fairly caustic acid or alkali: one-time, or as a course of treatment. In this case, there is a high risk of damaging surrounding tissues or introducing infection, and this painful method fight against warts. An exception may be the treatment of warts with salicylic acid. It can be bought at the pharmacy in liquid form, as an ointment (in combination with something else) or as a special patch. For some types of warts this works quite well. The main thing to remember is that only the wart needs to be removed, and not the flap of skin on which it grew - that is, only the wart needs to be lubricated, and only the wart needs to be covered with a special plaster.

Important! Before using the following remedies against warts, consult your doctor, as... Self-medication is always life-threatening!

Salicylic acid. Of course, before trying this or that method of getting rid of warts, you should consult a dermatologist. Moreover, the use of salicylic acid is not indicated for everyone. This remedy should not be applied to warts that have formed on the face or genitals, as well as to those warts from which hairs grow. Salicylic acid can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of an ointment, liquid, or patch. One required condition Its application is to apply the product directly to the wart itself. Salicylic acid is also used to treat acne and excessive sweating of the feet. Some doctors do not recommend this method for those who are sick or have circulatory problems - it is better for such people to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Trichloroacetic acid. A product that can be used to cauterize warts and remove calluses. It is also applied to the wart itself and left until completely dry.

"Ferezol" is a drug that has a pronounced bactericidal property due to which it is used to remove warts, papillomas and condylomas. You should also consult a doctor before using it.

"Papillek"- a drug without side effects, eliminating warts.

Important! There are many other medical means and methods for removing warts, but I will not mention them in the article, because... they mostly leave scars on the skin and can also be hazardous to health.

- Every day, lubricate the wart with wormwood infusion several times.

- A strong decoction of wormwood (for 1 cup of boiling water - 3 tablespoons of wormwood, boil for 2 minutes, leave covered for half an hour) is also used for daily lubrication of warts.

- Rub the warts 2-3 times every day raw garlic. The course of treatment can be continued until the warts disappear, which usually takes from two weeks to a month, in some cases longer.



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