Is it possible to inhale vinegar vapors? Help with acetic acid poisoning

Household poisonings from chemical substances are not uncommon. The reason for this is ordinary human carelessness or inattention. But the consequences of such conditions can remain for many years. Vinegar poisoning occurs when it is accidentally or intentionally ingested. Most often this happens to people in a state of intoxication, who hope to quench their thirst. A sharp acidic smell from the substance taken with severe intoxication can simply not be heard.

Doctors often report apple cider vinegar poisoning in children. Unfortunately, kids think that a bottle with a sticker that shows apples should contain lemonade or any other sweet drink.

Anyone can become poisoned through carelessness. However, one or two sips of a 6% or 9% acid solution will not lead to very serious consequences. Such a dose is quite enough for a sober person to understand the danger of drinking liquids. But even with such a small amount of the substance, timely first aid is important, and correct treatment in the hospital.

There are also suicide attempts with vinegar or 70 percent acetic acid. But the consequences of such an act are very sad: death can occur after a rather long period of time. From several days to a year. During this entire period, the victim experiences terrible torment, and his desire to give up his life may be shaken in the first minutes when first aid or hospital treatment is provided.

The effect of acid on humans

The acid-base balance in the body must be stable. If it shifts in any direction (becomes more acidic or more alkaline), a person feels unwell, some failures occur in organs and systems. The balance can be restored with medication or dietary adjustments.

A person almost always receives small portions of acid through diet. A small proportion of vinegar in marinades adds spice to them and allows them to preserve preservation for a certain period.

However, large doses of acid have a detrimental effect on humans. The skin and mucous membranes undergo severe burns, and since the digestive tract is designed for the speedy processing of food, the resulting acid is quickly absorbed into organs and systems, grossly disrupting their work.

Acid in the body: dangerous symptoms

When poisoning with vinegar, the symptoms unfold in just a matter of minutes. If first aid and adequate treatment are not provided within two hours, then a person may die from a painful shock or the consequences of acid digestion by the body.

The harmful effects of acid unfold in several directions at once. Vinegar poisoning, the symptoms of which are difficult to recognize for a person who did not see the picture taking place, proceeds quite rapidly.

Damage follows one after another as the dangerous fluid moves through the digestive tract:

  • Small vessels are destroyed.
  • The liquid that enters the body disrupts the functioning of the liver, affecting its cells.
  • There are physiological changes in the blood, the amount of hemoglobin goes off scale, while red blood cells are destroyed at a tremendous speed.
  • The kidneys do not have time to process so many damaged blood cells. Kidney failure occurs.
  • Vessels may become blocked by blood breakdown products.
  • The intestines are the least affected by acid entering the body, because help with vinegar poisoning, provided in time, will not allow the substance to move further. In the absence of the necessary medical actions, a person may die before the acid enters the intestines.

Concentration of ingested substance

The action of an aggressive acidic environment is always the same: first of all, burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx occur, and after that - the esophagus and stomach. However, the symptoms of poisoning with vinegar and concentrated acid are slightly different.

Diluted substance

Few people know what to do in case of poisoning of this kind. Most of the opinions agree that the first aid is to wash the stomach in an accessible way at home: drink plenty of water and put pressure on the root of the tongue.

But it’s worth thinking for a moment, is it possible to really help a person in this way? After all, this is how we force the aggressive substance to rise up the esophagus again and cause additional burns to it. Therefore, no matter what information there is about the importance of gastric lavage, it is important to remember that in case of chemical poisoning only a qualified specialist should do this in a hospital setting.

Small concentrations of acid quickly eat into the mucous membranes. Having reacted with gastric juice, the substance becomes more aggressive and causes burns to the stomach and nearby organs.

Having damaged the liver and the main hematopoietic cells, vinegar practically loses its aggressiveness. The kidneys must cope with the abundance of damaged blood cells.

Concentrated acid

The most insidious in case of poisoning with a concentrated substance are its vapors. You can inhale them either by accident or with the aim of finding out what kind of product is in an unlabeled container. But if the acid has been swallowed, then the person continues to inhale burning vapors with every movement of the lungs.

This causes a severe cough, the person cannot breathe fresh air, driving microparticles of poison deeper into the lungs.

There are some positive aspects of concentrated acid entering the body. If swallowed

namely the essence, it does not break down in the stomach for some time, but is enveloped in its walls due to its high concentration. With timely help from doctors, they will be able to evacuate it with minimal losses to human organs and systems.

Actions in case of poisoning

It is very important to provide a person with medical care in a timely manner. The severity of the condition and the duration of the necessary treatment will depend on the speed of reaction of others.

First aid

You can reliably know that the cause of a stranger’s poor health is ingested vinegar by the sharp, specific odor from the mouth. The very first action should be to call an ambulance team.

Qualified actions of doctors

If you have the necessary tools, the first gastric lavage can be performed by emergency physicians at home. To do this, use a special wide probe, generously lubricated with petroleum jelly.

Large doses of painkillers are administered intravenously, and in case of painful shock, narcotic substances are administered so that the person does not fall into a coma.

And as quickly as possible I transport the patient to a medical facility, to the intensive care unit.

Self help

It is quite difficult to provide the necessary help on your own - a person requires strong painkillers, and if pain shock develops, narcotics. Therefore, the algorithm of actions should be something like this:

  • Lay the victim on his side so that if vomiting occurs, he does not choke.
  • If the person is conscious, you can offer a drink consisting of egg whites and milk - such a liquid will slightly slow down the absorption of acid and protect the walls of the stomach.
  • Offer to suck or swallow ice cubes - this will stop the development of traumatic edema, which can completely block the larynx.

If a woman uses vinegar or its essence for cleaning, and during the process inhales the vapors and becomes poisoned, she must urgently go to a medical facility. Because damage to the airways can lead to post-traumatic pneumonia, the consequences of which can be unpredictable.

Treatment in hospital

An injury received from swallowing 30-50 ml of acid (or 200 ml of vinegar) can be considered fatal - it is equal to 30% of skin burns.

Treatment of internal chemical burns is very long; at any stage, signs of infection of the affected tissues may appear, which can lead to bacterial infection and death.

If gastric lavage was not performed by emergency physicians at home, it will be performed immediately upon arrival in the intensive care unit. With the help of potent substances, the person will be kept conscious or in artificial sleep to prevent shock and subsequent coma.

Procedures for maintaining affected organs in the hospital

Since clots of destroyed cells appear in the blood and the kidneys cannot cope with their breakdown, the victim is connected to hemodialysis. This procedure will be carried out at least several times.

Severe burns to the esophagus cause swelling, which can be so extensive that it blocks the airway. To avoid such complications, significant doses of hormonal drugs are administered.

Eating naturally becomes impossible due to significant damage to the esophagus - food intake will be through a gastrostomy tube.

After a few days, the condition should stabilize, the insane pain subsides, but the well-being is only external. The mucous and damaged tissue will begin to scar, but any movement can cause necrotic tissue to peel off and cause internal bleeding.

Household food poisoning is a common phenomenon. Every housewife has very toxic additives on her kitchen shelf. One of these substances is vinegar essence. Despite the imaginary safety and environmental friendliness, this is a very dangerous substance. Poisoning with vinegar essence occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of food additive poisoning.

Main types and properties of vinegar

Acetic acid is a food preservative with a complex chemical molecular structure. There are the following varieties:

  1. Apple cider vinegar essence in minimal concentration brings only help to the human body. Traditional medicine recommends drinking a solution of a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of clean, cool water on an empty stomach as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Intoxication of the body begins when consuming 100 ml of pure 5% apple cider vinegar essence. Possible burns to the esophagus, gastric mucosa and damage to internal organs.
  2. Wine vinegar in small doses serves as an excellent preventive measure for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Widely used in preparing Japanese dishes. It has a bright tart aroma. An overdose, dangerous to health, occurs when taking more than 30 ml of 5% essence.
  3. Doctors prohibit the consumption of balsamic vinegar even in tiny quantities by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Despite its bright taste properties, poisoning with an overdose occurs most quickly.
  4. Table vinegar is a 9% solution of acetic acid. This is the most dangerous solution, as it usually has an extremely high concentration of acid (15% and above). It should be carefully protected from children and not stored at all in a house where there are mentally ill people. People who are prone to this kind of behavior often prefer to poison themselves with table vinegar. The lethal dose of such a solution, provided the acid concentration is 10-15%, is 100-150 ml.

Why is it used in cooking?

Acetic acid is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor and tart taste. Mixes to a homogeneous consistency with many solvents. Unintentional ingestion of pure essence is difficult due to the strong odor of this acid and serious irritant effect on the respiratory tract. Alas, poisoning with vinegar essence is one of the most common causes of household mortality.

Vinegar essence is widely used when preparing dough products (together with baking soda - as a leavening agent). Experienced housewives use it when kneading dough for pancakes, the base for homemade pizza, adding tart flavor notes to rice, and soaking cold cuts before frying shish kebab.

Possible causes of intoxication

People often drink vinegar solutions when they are heavily intoxicated. They are the ones who are unable to sense the pungent smell and sour taste. It often happens that a drunk person wants to achieve even greater euphoria, and in search of funds he decides to do desperate things. Many uneducated people still believe that vinegar essence can increase the strength of an alcoholic drink. Of course, this opinion is completely wrong.

The second reason is taking vinegar in high dosages due to lack of awareness. This is typical for children and adolescents. For example, apple cider vinegar has a rather pleasant aroma (especially the 5% solution) and kids may think it is juice.

In some cases, poisoning by vinegar essence vapors in culinary and technological production is possible. This is a direct failure to comply with safety instructions.

Effects of vinegar on the body

On supermarket shelves the product is stored in a concentration of 5-10%. The lethal dose of 10% vinegar is about 200 ml (this amount varies depending on gender, weight and health status). In production and professional restaurants, they can use essence with a concentration of up to 70% - the dose of such a solution that is dangerous to health is even less - about 20-50 ml.

You should not try to use vinegar for medicinal purposes on your own. Even a relatively safe solution of apple cider vinegar essence in small quantities can lead to intoxication in people with chronic liver and thyroid diseases.

The first symptoms of poisoning with vinegar essence

What you should pay attention to first (external manifestations of intoxication):

  • the person does not have enough air, he begins to breathe greedily;
  • the skin turns pale, and a bright red border forms around the lips;
  • fever, slight chills;
  • in some cases - severe nausea, vomiting;
  • profuse salivation.

Here are the medical signs of vinegar essence poisoning:

  • the composition of the blood changes: destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin;
  • liver and kidney failure develops rapidly;
  • extensive burns of the esophagus and gastric mucosa;
  • unbearable burning pain in the patient (occurs when taking large doses of vinegar essence);
  • blood clotting disorder.

Methods for detecting intoxication

An experienced doctor will easily make the correct verdict in a matter of seconds. A pungent odor from the mouth, the characteristic appearance of the victim and complaints will leave no doubt about the diagnosis. According to the ICD code, poisoning with vinegar essence is labeled T54.2.

In some cases, the time to save the victim takes a matter of minutes. There is no time to do blood tests, urine tests and wait for the results. Therefore, it is important to be smart and not hesitate. Acute poisoning with vinegar essence often ends in death.

Even an untrained person, far from medicine, will not be difficult to guess the reason for the poor health or excruciating pain of the victim. To do this, it will be enough to lean towards his face - the vinegar smell will clearly be heard from his mouth.

Three degrees of complexity of acetic acid intoxication

Medicine distinguishes the following degrees of damage to the body:

  • mild degree is characterized by a low degree of intoxication, superficial burns of the esophagus, mild chills, nausea;
  • with a moderate degree, the stomach is significantly damaged, blood thickening occurs and may develop;
  • severe degrees often lead to death due to failure of the liver, gallbladder, and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract; this degree is characterized by serious burns of internal organs; the patient vomits profusely, loses consciousness, and experiences excruciating pain.

Providing first aid to the victim

Algorithm of action if you suspect a person has been poisoned by vinegar essence:

  1. Call an ambulance by phone.
  2. Rinse your mouth with clean cool water and try to rinse your throat. This should not be done if the patient is in agony and is experiencing severe pain.
  3. You should not try to “quench” an acid reaction using baking soda (a common mistake).
  4. You cannot give any pills before the doctors arrive, and you are prohibited from eating any food.
  5. Carry out the gastric lavage procedure at home (if the first aid provider has the necessary qualifications).

Help for poisoning with vinegar essence should first of all be guided by the rule “do no harm.” Attempts to give the patient a solution of soda, vegetable oil and other means of “folk methods of neutralizing vinegar” to drink can lead to even greater complications. If the ambulance takes a long time to get to the scene of the incident, it is best to describe the degree of intoxication over the phone and follow the instructions of the doctors.

Basic treatment methods

Treatment for poisoning with vinegar essence consists of reducing the toxic effect of the acid on internal organs.

First of all, this is gastric lavage. Then honey. the worker will intravenously administer special antidotes that can neutralize the destructive effects of the poison.

Taking sodium bicarbonate to restore the acid-base balance is possible only under the supervision of experienced physicians, as it can cause an unexpected allergic reaction.

Further treatment is aimed at restoring damage after toxic shock. This is the healing of internal burns, restoration of the functioning of damaged organs and systems.

Preventive measures

The basic rule of prevention: do not store concentrated solutions of vinegar essence at home! There's no point in even buying them. As a last resort, if there was no low-concentrated solution on the store shelf, dilute the essence yourself with clean water. This will not make it lose its properties.

Even after this, vinegar should not be stored in accessible places (especially if there are children or people with mental disabilities in the house who are not aware of their actions).

The bottle should be tightly sealed to prevent accidental spillage and gradual evaporation.

Consequences of poisoning with vinegar essence

Each case is individual and depends on the age, gender and initial health status of the patient. After receiving complex intoxication, the patient faces lifelong disability. Even timely, competent rehabilitation measures are not always able to radically change the situation.

Here are some common effects of poisoning:

  • acute renal failure;
  • burn of the esophagus and gastric mucosa;
  • mechanical asphyxia;
  • resection of part of the stomach and intestines.

First aid for poisoning with vinegar essence and timely calling an ambulance can help save the patient’s life. Gastric lavage when first degree intoxication occurs is usually sufficient. If damage to organ tissue has begun, it will be very difficult to stop the process. Approximately 14% of all recorded cases of vinegar essence poisoning are fatal.

Acetic essence (acid, ethanoic acid) is a product obtained by fermenting wine. It is used in industry, in the chemical industry, in everyday life and in cooking. Vinegar is simply irreplaceable at home. It is necessary for marinating, baking, and even cleaning some surfaces and containers.

In the kitchen, housewives mainly use table vinegar - this is a 6 or 9 percent solution of ethanoic acid. But some sometimes choose 70-80% vinegar essence, from which a product of the desired concentration is subsequently made.


Acetic acid poisoning is not a very common occurrence, but it has serious negative consequences for the body. Consumption of even a small amount can lead to disability or death. Only 15 ml taken orally are considered fatal. The main reason for this is severe burns of the respiratory organs and digestive system, mainly the stomach, due to the release of a large amount of toxic fumes.

Is it possible to be poisoned by acetic acid vapor? Undoubtedly. But they do not cause much harm to the body unless you inhale concentrated vapors of the essence, which cause a chemical burn to the upper respiratory organs.


The main cause of poisoning is carelessness. Most often among the victims are inquisitive young children who cannot read and try to taste everything. Therefore, it is recommended to store such products that are dangerous to health and life out of the reach of children.

Another category of people who use vinegar through negligence are alcohol drinkers and drunkards. Sometimes their desire to “take it to the breast” is so strong that they don’t even notice the characteristic smell and drink clear liquid from the bottle without thinking about the possible consequences.

This can happen by chance to any woman who runs her own kitchen. Often, the reason why she was poisoned is not even the consumption of the product, but the inhalation of acid vapors when diluting it independently to the required concentration, or the excessive use of vinegar when cleaning.


Vinegar poisoning leads to the most deplorable consequences and causes the following symptoms:

  1. Specific smell.
  2. Severe pain.
  3. Vomiting with clots and blood.
  4. Diarrhea with bleeding.
  5. Acidosis.
  6. Hemolysis of red blood cells.
  7. Blood thickening.
  8. Kidney failure.
  9. Jaundice.
  10. Burn shock.
  11. Hemoglobinuria.
  12. The appearance of scars, ulcers.
  13. Deterioration of blood clotting.
  14. Liver damage.

Sometimes there is even poisoning from vinegar vapors. A pungent, unpleasant, pungent odor is usually characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • chest pain;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • development of tracheobronchitis, pulmonitis.


If you drink vinegar, a person should understand that he will have serious health problems. Depending on the amount and concentration of the product, poisoning can be divided into three degrees of severity:

  1. Mild - characterized by non-serious burns of the oral cavity and esophagus, minor damage to the stomach, without blood clotting, hemolysis and hemoglobinuria. Does not pose a health hazard.
  2. Medium, having a more negative effect on the body. In addition to serious burns in the mouth, the stomach is severely affected, resorptive processes develop, the blood thickens, the color of urine changes, acidosis, hemolysis, and hemoglobinuria are observed.
  3. Severe, in which a person develops severe acidosis, hemoglobinuria, hemolysis, the blood thickens very strongly, unbearable pain in the chest and epigastrium appears, renal failure, and vomiting of blood begins. The upper respiratory tract, oral cavity, and digestive tract are seriously burned. Often the victim dies.

Causes of death

Death from vinegar poisoning can occur for a number of reasons:

  • pain shock;
  • large fluid losses;
  • large blood losses due to vascular damage;
  • acidity disorder;
  • exposure to toxic essence vapors;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • formation of cell breakdown products in blood vessels;
  • change in the structure and destruction of red blood cells;
  • malnutrition of vital organs.

Consequences of poisoning

It is not necessary that if you drink vinegar, death occurs. In most cases, oddly enough, people survive such incidents. But their health and well-being deteriorates significantly. And this happens in several painful and unpleasant stages:

  1. Acute – a period during which the victim experiences severe, unbearable pain in the mouth, larynx, and esophagus. It lasts from 5 to 10 days. At this time, the patient experiences increased salivation, impaired swallowing reflex, often vomiting, and hoarseness. Due to acid vapors entering the respiratory tract, breathing difficulties, swelling and even pneumonia may occur.
  2. Condition improvement. This period lasts about a month and is characterized by a decrease in pain symptoms, restoration of the esophagus, and absence of scars. However, in most cases, this is only an imaginary well-being, followed by the rejection of dead tissue, leading to piercing the esophagus and, accordingly, bleeding. In turn, infection can get into the wounds and cause suppuration.
  3. Narrowing of the esophagus. This process begins 2-4 months after accidental or intentional use of acetic acid and continues for two to three years. During this period, granulation tissue changes to dense connective tissue, which does not allow the esophagus to stretch or narrow. Cicatricial constrictions begin to form, accompanied by impaired swallowing function. It becomes more and more difficult for a person to eat food, the pain becomes stronger and more painful. In a place just above the narrowing, food passes through poorly, stagnates, which means it is not digested and begins to decompose over time. All this is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as bad breath, heartburn, belching, increased salivation, and sometimes even vomiting with food debris.
  4. Late complications are the period when the organs adjacent to the esophagus - trachea, lungs, pleura - begin to suffer from rotting food. Poor nutrition and inflammation lead to the victim losing weight. He may develop cancer. And poor elasticity of the esophagus often leads to its rupture.

First aid

Competent, timely first aid provided for acetic acid poisoning can minimize negative consequences. The main thing in such a situation is to immediately call an ambulance and try to relieve the pain.

Emergency care for poisoning with vinegar essence consists of gastric lavage and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract using a special probe. It is carried out only by an experienced specialist. After such a procedure, the victim is administered narcotic or non-narcotic analgesics: analgin, promedol and others, and he is hospitalized for further treatment.

Video: what happens if you drink vinegar?


Hospitalization is a mandatory procedure for everyone who has had contact with vinegar essence. After a thorough and most detailed examination of the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes treatment, which, as a rule, consists of the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Recovery of the body occurs slowly and requires various measures:

  • Use of sodium bicarbonate for acidosis.
  • Carrying out diuresis to alkalize the blood.
  • Use of antibacterial drugs to prevent infection.
  • Prescription of medications (stabizol, reformam) to eliminate burn shock and spasm.
  • Using hormonal drugs to prevent narrowing of the esophagus.
  • Intravenous administration of glucose-novocaine mixture to reduce pain.
  • Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma if toxic coagulopathy is observed.
  • Prescriptions of glutarginic acid for detecting liver damage.
  • Parenteral nutrition is mandatory, especially in severe burn conditions.

Vinegar is a dangerous product that causes irreparable harm to the body. Always taste and drink liquids in bottles found in the kitchen with caution to protect yourself from negative consequences. If you decide to take your own life in this way, you must understand that this will be a very painful process, you will die in agony and not immediately.

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The materials on the site are provided for informational purposes only.

They cannot replace qualified medical care. Contact the specialists!

Acetic acid: its benefits and possible harm

Vinegar is found in the kitchen of every home. In everyday life, it is used as a seasoning for preparing various dishes - marinades, canned food, pickles, sauces. In addition to culinary purposes, it is used as a cleaning agent (household chemicals) and as a traditional medicine to combat high temperatures. Considering the wide range of uses of the product, the question arises: is vinegar harmful to the human body?

When is table vinegar harmful?

High or low levels of stomach acid make a difference. A person with an acidic stomach environment is not recommended to use vinegar. This will disrupt the acid-base balance and provoke the development of an ulcer. Consumption of the product significantly worsens the well-being of people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastroenteritis.

In case of violation of liver functions, it is also undesirable to use acid. And vinegar diets pose health risks. If you often eat dishes containing vinegar, this can disrupt the functionality of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The substance damages the gastric mucosa, causing heartburn and intense pain. Acetic acid causes harm if it enters the stomach on an empty stomach, when the secretion of gastric juice is increased.

If the acidity level in the stomach is low, a small amount of the product can be consumed in cooked dishes. In this case, increasing acidity is beneficial and will not lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Absolute contraindications to the use of vinegar:

  • kidney disease;
  • children and old age;
  • chronic constipation;
  • prostatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • vein diseases

Symptoms that acid can cause with constant use:

Vinegar in minimal quantities is allowed for:

Useful qualities of vinegar

When used correctly and in moderation, vinegar cleanses the body. The acid has an antimicrobial effect and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. It removes decay products from cells and renews them.

The main property of vinegar is to accelerate metabolism. And apple cider vinegar ranks first for this property. It helps reduce appetite and weight. Using the product speeds up the processing of glucose and prevents the production of large amounts of insulin, which promotes fat deposition. It also has a strong diuretic effect. Vinegar removes impurities and toxins.

Acid is a good antiseptic for treating wounds after insect bites that are accompanied by severe itching. All positive properties are inherent only in natural vinegar, which is obtained from products by fermentation of alcohol-containing raw materials and acetic acid bacteria.

Negative properties of vinegar

An unnatural product is a diluted essence. Such vinegar, as a traditional medicine, is often used to treat sore throats as a gargle or to reduce fever as part of a compress.

An unnatural product cannot be used for medicinal purposes. It can cause skin burns and vapor poisoning.

Chemical skin burn

  • burning, tingling, pain;
  • redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of blisters.

First aid consists of thoroughly rinsing the affected surface with running water. The water should be warm, the rinsing duration should be 20 minutes. If the burn area is larger than the victim's palm, you should consult a doctor.

For the first 24 hours after a chemical burn, any medications should not be applied to damaged skin. They can enter into an unexpected reaction with acid residues and make the situation worse.

What not to do:

  • tear off fragments of clothing if they are stuck to the wound;
  • apply a neutralizing substance (alkali) to the wound;
  • lubricate the wound with ointments or improvised means (vegetable oil) - this will lead to infection.

Vinegar vapor poisoning

Inhaling acetic acid vapor is harmful; it causes a burn to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Once in the lungs, the poison quickly spreads through the blood throughout the body.

  • difficulty swallowing;
  • uneven shallow breathing;
  • swelling of the vocal cords – hoarseness;
  • swelling of the lungs and bronchi;
  • drop in blood pressure.

To reduce body temperature in children, rubbing with acid is used. This procedure poses a danger to the child, as he is forced to breathe in vinegar vapor for several minutes. Thus, children poison themselves. Also, the acid is quickly absorbed through the skin and enters the blood. This can provoke acute poisoning of the child’s body.

As first aid, the victim can be given 1-2 glasses of warm milk to drink and then taken to the hospital.

Getting vinegar into the gastrointestinal tract

Manifestation of poisoning when vinegar gets ingested:

  • burn of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • burn of internal organs;
  • acid entering the blood and affecting the entire body;
  • vapors getting into the lungs – burns the respiratory tract.

The main symptom when a chemical gets ingested is severe pain, which leads to the development of painful shock. This form of poisoning is the most severe. The victim's psychomotor agitation increases.

Symptoms from the digestive system:

  • vomiting, possibly with blood;
  • profuse drooling;
  • strong smell of vinegar from the mouth;
  • black feces;
  • peritonitis.

Acetic acid destroys red blood cells, the released hemoglobin clogs small vessels. Against the background of a blood picture disorder, renal failure develops. Diuresis sharply decreases, up to the absence of urine.

The blood clotting process is disrupted, resulting in massive internal bleeding.

If vinegar gets inside, it is forbidden to give a person any antidotes, activated charcoal, or induce artificial vomiting.

The condition requires emergency hospitalization.

Precautions when using the product

Considering the effect of vinegar on the human body, the likelihood of developing severe conditions that result from improper use of vinegar, certain rules must be followed when handling acid:

  1. The main thing is that the bottle of vinegar should be stored out of the reach of children.
  2. Do not pour or store the product in unmarked containers without an identification label.
  3. When cooking, care must be taken not to get acid on the skin.
  4. When using the product for culinary purposes, follow the prescription dosages.
  5. Do not use vinegar as a traditional medicine to treat colds and other diseases.
  6. Do not use acid in cosmetic recipes for skin or hair care.
  7. If you use the substance as a cleaning agent, protect your hands with rubber gloves.

Vinegar is a chemical that, even in small concentrations, can cause serious poisoning in humans. Concentrated acid, when ingested, causes irreversible processes and subsequently leads to disability and death. To avoid this, it is enough to follow simple rules in the use of chemicals.

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For medical assistance, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.

Vinegar - guards cleanliness or harms health? SURVEY

The topic is this: my mother-in-law advocates for using household chemicals in the house as little as possible - she says that this is harmful to health.

For example, washing dishes - Feri detergents and so on replace salt, soda and, until recently, mustard - to be honest, I was surprised when I saw how well mustard washes away grease, it’s a pity that using all this, she still has to either boil the dishes or wash them in boiling water to wash it off completely.

So she refused mustard, I, in turn, brought Amway products that I use at home. I really like the fact that their composition is gentle - my hands are very sensitive to various types of washing things (like my mother - eczema), and I also like that these products last for a long time due to the fact that they are sold in concentrated form.

I was very glad when I noticed that my mother-in-law sometimes used Amway dish soap and sponges for dishes (because, to save money, she always washed the dishes with different rags left over from something, which, being all the time in a humid environment, began to smell very quickly , get dirty and in general there were probably a lot of bacteria there).

So now she has a new story - she began to actively use vinegar... I really still don’t understand why - whether it washes off grease from dishes, or removes stains on fabric, then it’s not scale - it’s 100% because there’s so much scale For the second week, we didn’t have aromas floating throughout the entire apartment from morning to evening, and I didn’t notice that the scale was decreasing. I rummaged on the Internet about the harmfulness and usefulness of vinegar... there, of course, they write mainly about eating, but the vinegar vapor is so pungent in smell, sometimes even to the point of tears, that the question arises as to how this all affects people, especially considering the presence of a one-year-old child in the apartment .

Here's what I found on this topic in different sources:

WIKIPEDIA: Vapors of acetic acid irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Dangerous complications of poisoning with vinegar essence include acute renal failure and toxic liver dystrophy. (Acetic acid ( ethanoic acid) is an organic substance with the formula CH3COOH. Weak, limiting monobasic carboxylic acid. Salts and esters of acetic acid are called acetates. Acetic acid, the concentration of which is close to 100%, is called glacial.% aqueous solution of acetic acid is called vinegar essence, and 3-15% - vinegar).

Various forums: “I, as a chemist, will say that it is better to boil the vinegar, and pour a little acetic acid, let it stand, and then rinse well. The main thing is not to be in that room, not to inhale the fumes.”

"The concentration of to-you in vinegar is not very high, inhaling vinegar fumes is not harmful if you do not do this constantly)"

“Vapours of acetic acid irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Chronic exposure to vapors leads to diseases of the nasopharynx and conjunctivitis.

Articles about eating: The use of vinegar should be limited to convalescents, the elderly and nervous people. It is necessary to completely abandon it for those who suffer from hepatitis, gastritis, ulcers, and also have a weak intestine. A single use of table, grape or apple cider vinegar will not bring harm to the body. But you should not drink vinegar, even in very low concentrations. The fact is that, in essence, it is acetic acid and its entry into the stomach can have an extremely unpleasant effect, up to an ulcer. Violation of the acid-base balance, the risk of getting problems with the digestive tract and even anemia - all this can be caused by vinegar. Therefore, if you have an ulcer, gastritis, or just a weak intestine, you should completely refrain from drinking vinegar. Moreover, even tooth enamel can be severely damaged by acetic acid, so brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth is highly recommended.

This begs the question: do you think daily (at least 2 times in the morning and evening) inhalation of vinegar vapors is, in your opinion, harmful or harmless for adults and children?

PS. I was already stressed about this topic, so the thought arose that my nausea was recent, and I suppose the dizziness could be associated with mild poisoning from vinegar vapors, because at that moment I noticed that I was feeling nauseous from this pungent smell (that’s why I suspected B). Could this be?

PS2. I also noticed that when my mother-in-law washed the pot from the multicooker, for some reason the milk curdled while cooking the porridge (even though I had cooked it more than once), I began to think (the thought was really about my favorite soda) that it was simply not washed off well after using “folk” dishwashing detergents.

This topic is a repeat one, another one was created, but the survey was compiled incorrectly and it did not work. But there, some users left comments that (due to the deletion of the old topic) I would like to still be preserved. If they duplicate their comments here, I will delete them then, and if not, so that their useful thoughts are not lost.

poll is not working. I wouldn’t wash with vinegar... I use products without unnecessary chemicals, without dyes, parabens, and other crap.

Sorry, I didn’t finish reading, but I got the gist, buy your mother-in-law a Karcher steam cleaner, you can use it to wash everything!

Kills 99% of mtrobes without chemicals

I don't worry about it... we live in a modern world. nowhere without chemistry

I wouldn't like it(

It is probably harmful to constantly inhale these vapors. This is the answer to the question, I also wash the dishes with Amway products, BUT I was on vacation and my daughter-in-law washed the dishes with mustard, washed everything with a bang, and decided to use it too. I liked how it washes, nothing remains and my hands really don’t suffer.

I use chemicals despite my worsening dermatitis. By the way, I developed another kind of allergy to Amway powders - my nose was stuffy, I sneezed all over. Vinegar can kill you. Sometimes I add a teaspoon to a 5-liter pan into borscht and you can choke. And rubbing pans with ACID is nonsense. Try to explain that this is no less poison than dishwashing detergent.

Soda is obviously a cleaning agent... and my mother-in-law uses coarse salt to clean something - frying pans, for example, from frying marks.

Mom won't miss

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Signs and consequences of acetic acid vapor poisoning

Acetic acid is a strong-smelling, colorless, transparent liquid. This is a strong acid that, if it enters the body, can cause irreversible consequences and even death.

In everyday life, acetic acid is used in the form of a solution. 6-9% acid solution is familiar to everyone as table vinegar, 80% solution is like vinegar essence. More concentrated solutions are used in industrial settings.

Toxic effect of acetic acid

The effect of acid on the human body is determined by two components:

  • local damaging effect (associated with direct contact of acid with tissues),
  • general (resorptive) - damage to various organs and systems as a result of acid absorption.

The most dangerous and at the same time the most frequent poisoning with acetic acid is associated with its ingestion. Poisoning with acetic acid fumes is rare, and occurs during emergencies at work or in the laboratory. The damaging effect of acid when inhaled can be accompanied by severe damage to the respiratory system, but very rarely ends in death. Household cases of inhalation poisoning with vinegar or vinegar essence are usually limited to mild or moderate damage to the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, larynx, trachea).

Clinical picture of acetic acid vapor poisoning

Acid vapors in the air cause eye irritation, which is manifested by cutting, burning, and lacrimation. Acetic acid in contact with the respiratory mucosa causes a chemical burn, which is accompanied by inflammation. When inhaling vapors of concentrated acid, there is a sharp pain in the throat and behind the sternum, shortness of breath. As a result of swelling of the larynx, suffocation and stridor breathing may occur. Damage to the vocal cords is manifested by complete aphonia or, in mild cases, hoarseness. Disturbs excruciating and painful dry cough, which then gives way to a productive one. The sputum is mucopurulent in nature. With severe damage, toxic pulmonary edema develops. In this case, the sputum becomes abundant, foamy and mixed with blood. Shortness of breath increases, the skin becomes cyanotic or grayish, tachycardia increases, and blood pressure decreases. Auscultation of the lungs reveals a mass of different-sized wet and dry rales.

Subsequently, severe inflammatory processes develop in the trachea, bronchi, and lungs.

Less concentrated solutions of acetic acid are accompanied by a slight flow. May cause sneezing, sore throat, unproductive cough, hoarseness.

The resorptive effect of acid during inhalation poisoning is not pronounced and appears with prolonged inhalation of highly concentrated acid, which manifests itself in the form of metabolic acidosis.

Providing assistance with acetic acid vapor poisoning

First aid consists of restoring airway patency. Mechanical asphyxia caused by laryngeal edema may require tracheostomy; in milder cases, decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed; if they are ineffective, intubation is performed.

Further treatment includes painkillers, antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids, antispasmodics and anticholinergics. Purulent complications are treated using antibacterial drugs. Symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Poisoning with vinegar and its vapors - symptoms and treatment of burns

Acetic acid, essence and table, apple or wine vinegar are widely used in everyday life and in production. At home, the universal product is used in cooking for pickling, canning, baking, as a salad dressing or in the preparation of mayonnaise and sauces. Acetic acid is also often a component of homemade cleaning mixtures and is used in cosmetology and alternative medicine. In industry, vinegar is used in the production of deodorants and detergents.

But is vinegar harmful? When used as intended and the safety rules for working with the substance are observed, table bite, like essence or acid, is absolutely harmless to the human body and brings only benefits. But in medical practice, poisoning or burns with the substance are often encountered.

Vinegar poisoning occurs through negligence or intentionally. The severity of the consequences largely depends on the concentration of the substance, but also on the amount drunk. You can even get poisoned with ordinary table vinegar of 6-9% concentration, let alone more concentrated acid (100%) and essence (70-80%).

Acetic acid is produced from fermented fruits (roughly speaking, it is sour and purified wine or juice), the remaining substances are the same acid, only diluted with water to the required concentration.

Routes of entry and lethality

Typically, acetic acid poisoning occurs through ingestion, through the skin, or through inhalation of toxic fumes.

Internal burns are common if you drink vinegar or inhale vapors for a long time. Poisoning with vinegar vapor is detrimental to the respiratory system; consumption of the substance in food accordingly affects the esophagus and digestion as a whole. Damage to the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract or breathing of moderate severity is comparable to burns of 30% of the body surface.

The rarest cause of serious poisoning is inhalation. To “inhale” vinegar to the point of poisoning, highly concentrated acetic acid vapor is required, which can relatively rarely be obtained at home. In addition, the bite has the property of quickly disappearing.

The main risk group for this kind of poisoning is: a drinker who, while intoxicated, mistakes acetic acid for vodka, suicide, girls who want to lose weight in such a dangerous way, and children.

In the event of a suicide attempt, disability, suffering and very serious consequences for the rest of one’s life are guaranteed with a 99% probability, but death is possible only in cases where medical assistance is not provided in time.

It is very easy to get an external burn with acetic acid if even a small amount of a weak concentration of the substance comes into contact with the skin. Expired vinegar can also cause skin damage. This type of chemical burn is a common occurrence. Vinegar can get on your skin if safety rules are not followed or if you are simply careless. A defeat of this kind, unlike internal use, most often occurs unintentionally. Cases of intentional poisoning by damaging the skin are very few.

Can a person die from acetic acid poisoning? With severe damage to internal organs and untimely medical care, death can occur.

Death occurs after taking about 50 ml of vinegar essence or 200 ml of table vinegar. This is exactly what the lethal dose is, but the data may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person.

The effects of vinegar on the body

In alternative medicine, table vinegar (apple cider vinegar) in small doses is believed to be beneficial to human health, and many people actually use it for “health benefits.” However, any excess of the dosage sharply turns all the advantages of the substance into serious disadvantages, and acetic acid has an extremely negative effect on the body. The substance is highly harmful and toxic.

The concentration of acetic acid influences the clinical manifestations. Mild poisoning is characterized by: focal lesions of the oral cavity, vinegar burns of the esophagus and minimal damage to internal organs.

With an average degree, poisoning with vinegar essence manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • more severe burns of the oral cavity and esophagus;
  • entering the affected area of ​​the stomach;
  • thickening of the blood;
  • sweat smells like vinegar (may be a symptom of other dangerous conditions);
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • pink color of urine.

What happens if a person drinks a lot of vinegar? Signs of severe burns of internal organs appear after a short period of time after direct poisoning.

Characters are nausea and vomiting with blood impurities, intense pain in the chest and upper abdomen, dark red (up to black) urine. A poisoned person experiences a serious painful shock. Severe poisoning is a very dangerous process that can cause serious complications, such as kidney failure.

If vinegar gets on the skin, a typical chemical burn occurs, which can also be mild, moderate or severe. Vinegar burns are most often located on the face, arms or legs.

First aid and treatment

What to do if a child takes a sip from a bottle of vinegar?

The first thing you need to do is call an ambulance, making sure to tell the reason for the call. First aid is effective only within two hours from the moment of poisoning, then it becomes very difficult to neutralize the vinegar, swelling of the internal organs occurs.

What can be done to help before the arrival of doctors if the child drank vinegar?

Help in case of poisoning before the arrival of doctors is simple, but it can somewhat improve the patient's condition and avoid serious consequences. To do this, rinse your mouth thoroughly several times. Almagel solution or burnt magnesia will help neutralize vinegar. You can give the victim some vegetable oil, which will partially alleviate the inflammation.

Is it possible to induce vomiting in a child to neutralize acetic acid?

Washing using the common “two fingers in the mouth” method is unacceptable. Only the probe can be used. If the arrival of doctors is not expected soon, you should do the rinsing yourself. You need to buy a probe, a heating pad, and ten packs of Almagel at the pharmacy. The procedure is very painful, so strong analgesics will be required, which are best administered intramuscularly or intravenously. You should not rinse your stomach if vinegar poisoning occurred more than two hours ago.

Poisoning by acetic acid vapor (for example, if a woman “inhaled” the substance while cleaning) also requires immediate medical intervention, but minor skin burns can be treated at home.

First aid is to rinse the affected area under running water at room temperature and make a compress using antiseptic agents. Do not lubricate the damaged area with oil, iodine, alcohol or brilliant green, or open the resulting blisters yourself.

Recovery diet for vinegar poisoning

Treatment for vinegar poisoning involves a special diet that avoids additional damage to irritated mucous membranes. If the patient refuses to eat or has no swallowing reflex, nutrition is administered through a tube.

The diet should include the consumption of large quantities of soups (without seasonings), oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge with water, pureed meat, and light steam omelettes. It is good to eat a lot of fermented milk products. Sour fruits, berries, smoking, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee and cocoa are completely excluded.

Prevention of poisoning

The main preventive measure is extreme caution when using acetic acid at home and storing it out of the reach of children. Acetic acid, table vinegar or essence should be in tightly closed containers with a sticker or the inscription “poison”.

If the house smells of vinegar after cleaning, you need to open the windows - the smell will quickly disappear. Do not allow the substance to come into contact with the skin; you should always work with aggressive cleaning agents while wearing rubber gloves.

Vinegar (acetic essence or acid) is stored in the kitchen of almost every housewife. It is used in households for pickling, canning, baking or as a cleaning agent. In this case, the concentration of the solution depends on the scope of its use.

Poisoning with vinegar essence can occur due to careless handling of the substance or occur intentionally (for example, taking vinegar for the purpose of suicide). This condition poses a serious danger to human health; the pathological process can result in dire consequences, including death.

This article will examine in detail whether it is possible to be poisoned by vinegar, what symptoms appear, and how this condition can end.

How does vinegar affect the body?

When consumed internally, acetic essence (acid) has both local and general resorptive effects.

  • local exposure provokes chemical burns of the mucous surface of the digestive tract, their swelling and inflammation;
  • the general resorptive effect is associated with the ability of acetic acid to be quickly absorbed into the blood, which causes hemolysis (disintegration) of red blood cells. This leads to the formation of hematin hydrochloride crystals in the acidic renal environment, clogging the renal tubules. All this provokes the development of serious kidney diseases.

Hemolysis of red blood cells also leads to disruption of the blood coagulation system. In fact, when poisoning with vinegar, a burn disease develops.

Is death possible?

A 9% concentration of table vinegar in a small amount will not cause serious harm. But large dosages and use of a solution of 30% or more can lead to serious consequences. In some cases, even lethal escape is possible.

The following complications are fatal in case of acetic acid poisoning:

  • active effect of the substance on tissue, causing the development of painful shock;
  • loss of large amounts of fluid and internal bleeding;
  • violation of the acidic environment in the body;
  • dysfunction of the renal system;
  • abnormalities in liver function caused by blockage of blood vessels;
  • damage to vital systems and organs.

Severity of poisoning

Vinegar poisoning can have varying degrees of severity. It all depends on the amount of dangerous substance that enters the body.

Experts distinguish 3 degrees of severity of vinegar intoxication:

  • light– develops when consuming 15-40 ml of vinegar solution;
  • average– occurs after taking 40-70 ml of the substance;
  • heavy– occurs after about 70-250 ml enters the body. acetic acid.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of vinegar poisoning are conventionally divided into two groups:

  • initial;
  • resorptive.

Initial signs include:

  • numerous chemical burns of the mucous surface of the oral cavity, larynx, and digestive tract;
  • acute pain in the oral cavity, in the retrosternal area and epigastrium;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • the presence of blood in the vomit;
  • severe abdominal pain associated with irritation of the peritoneum;
  • wheezing (stridor) breathing, accompanied by noise;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • excessive salivation;
  • dyspnea;
  • pungent (unpleasant, chemical) odor from the mouth;
  • red urine.

Resorptive signs of poisoning begin to develop some time later, when the dangerous substance is absorbed into the bloodstream. These symptoms include:

  • development of acute nephrosis (kidney disease);
  • azotemia (increased levels of nitrogenous products in the blood);
  • anuria (lack of urine flow into the bladder);
  • hepatopathy (liver damage);
  • disruption of the hemostasis system.

First aid

Acetic acid poisoning is a pathological process that disrupts the functioning of all internal organs. To prevent dangerous consequences, it is important to provide timely assistance to the victim.

Let's consider what needs to be done if symptoms of vinegar poisoning are detected:

  1. You should rinse your mouth with clean water (room temperature). This water should not be swallowed; it must be spat out.
  2. You can put ice on the abdominal area. Cold slows down the absorption of acid into the blood plasma from the gastric mucosa. Or you should suggest that the patient chew 2-3 pieces of ice.
  3. In case of severe pain, it is allowed to use Almagel A, which contains anesthesin.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to wash the stomach using the “restaurant” method or give the poisoned person drugs to induce vomiting.
  5. Under no circumstances should you take a soda solution orally, as soda and acetic acid will cause a chemical reaction with the formation of large amounts of carbon dioxide. This will cause the stomach to expand and injure the digestive tract.

Features of treatment

Vinegar poisoning cannot be treated at home! It can lead to burn injuries and serious complications. Calling an ambulance is a necessary condition for maintaining the health of a poisoned person. In a hospital setting, the necessary treatment method will be selected taking into account the clinical picture of the disease.

First of all, medical workers take the following measures:

  1. Rinse the stomach through a tube using saline solution.
  2. Painkillers are administered intravenously to eliminate severe pain. For example: Caver, Ketorolac, Promedol.
  3. Antiemetics are used: Ositron, Cerucal, Metoclopromide.
  4. Plasma or plasma-substituting solutions are administered intravenously.
  5. Corticosteroids are used to prevent the development of severe shock. This could be: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.
  6. To replenish the volume of lost fluid and relieve symptoms of intoxication, solutions such as Disol, Trisol are administered intravenously.
  7. For laryngeal edema, hormonal irrigation or tracheotomy is used.

Also additionally carried out:

  • hormone therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • correction of progressive deviations;
  • prevention of complications.

Possible consequences

1-3 hours after vinegar enters the body, 10% of those poisoned develop acute perforations (the integrity of the esophagus and stomach is compromised).

The following consequences may develop later:

  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • the antrum of the stomach and esophagus narrows due to rough scarring of burn sites;
  • pneumonia (aspiration);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • suppuration of burn injuries;
  • purulent inflammation of the trachea or bronchi;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • inflammation of the esophagus;
  • exhaustion of the body and weight loss;
  • disturbance of acid-base balance and protein metabolism.

The prognosis of poisoning with a vinegar solution depends on the quality of care provided, the amount of the substance taken, as well as on the changes that have occurred in the body.

The most life-threatening period is the initial period of poisoning - the first day after vinegar enters the body, when death is possible due to exotoxic shock or peritonitis.

Prevention measures

To prevent vinegar intoxication, you must follow a number of safety rules:

  • If possible, do not keep (store) solutions of vinegar essence at home. It is best to immediately after purchase dilute the vinegar with water (in a ratio of 1:20) or buy ready-made table vinegar;
  • It is imperative to store the vinegar solution out of the reach of children, for example, on the top shelves of a kitchen cabinet;
  • When using vinegar solution in the process of pickling or canning food, you should strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.

If vinegar enters the body in large quantities, it poses a serious threat to human life and health. Poisoning from vinegar vapors is also dangerous. Such a pathological process can result in numerous burn injuries to the respiratory and digestive organs, as well as disrupt the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, self-medication for this type of poisoning is unacceptable! Consult a doctor – don’t make the situation worse!

Acetic acid, when exposed to the human body, haslocal cauterizing and general toxic effect on the blood (destruction of red blood cells - hemolysis), kidneys, liver.

Table vinegar (3-6-9%) is often used in everyday life for cooking, for pickling, baking, descaling teapots, etc. Strong acetic acid (70-80%), or essence, is used for the same purpose, first diluting it with water to obtain the desired concentration.

Acetic acid is a colorless liquid with a characteristic pungent odor and sour taste. Hygroscopic, unlimitedly soluble in water. Miscible with many solvents. Accidental ingestion of vinegar is very difficult due to the strong odor of this acid and the immediate irritant effect on the respiratory tract. However, such cases occur with sad consistency, and most often in persons suffering from alcoholism. The second option for using vinegar essence is a person’s suicidal intentions, when vinegar poisoning occurs deliberately.

The toxic properties of acetic acid do not depend on the method by which it was obtained. The effect on living tissue is determined by the concentration of the acid solution. The greatest danger in case of poisoning is acid with a strength of 30% or more. The lethal dose is approximately 20 ml.

Symptoms of acetic acid (essence) poisoning

In the initial period of ingestion of strong acid, the phenomena of toxic burn shock develop. Upon examination, signs of a superficial chemical burn (coagulative necrosis) are revealed in the face (red border of the lips, nasolabial triangle - in the form of brown stripes) and the oral cavity, local swelling of the mucous membrane. The victims are excited and note severe pain in the oral cavity, along the esophagus and stomach. Repeated vomiting mixed with blood and esophageal-gastric bleeding are observed. Significant salivation (salivation), mechanical asphyxia (suffocation) due to the pain of coughing and swelling of the larynx.

In case of poisoning with vinegar essence, the urine becomes dark red (hemolysis), and signs of hemoglobinuric nephrosis (anuria, azotemia) are expressed. By the end of the first day, in severe cases, yellowness of the skin appears as a result of hemolysis. The liver is enlarged and painful. Phenomena of reactive pancreatitis, peritonitis.

A frequent complication is purulent tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, toxic liver dystrophy, acute renal failure. From the third week, signs of cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus or, more often, the outlet of the stomach appear. Constantly notedloss of body weight, disturbance of protein and water-electrolyte balance.

The mortality rate due to the development of burn shock is quite high. It depends on a number of factors, such as the volume of acid consumed, the time of seeking medical help, the adequacy of therapy, etc. In this regard, data on mortality from acetic acid poisoning, taken from different sources, vary greatly and can range from 12-18 to 70%.

First aid for poisoning with acetic acid (essence)

Do not induce vomiting, do not give soda inside! Swallow ice. See a doctor as soon as possible. In cases where medical care is not available, drinking large quantities of cold water is necessary.

First medical aid for poisoning with acetic, as well as any other acid, consists of washing the stomach through a tube lubricated with vegetable oil, despite the presence of blood in the gastric contents. Before gastric lavage, narcotic analgesics are administered subcutaneously, atropine 0.1% - 0.5-1 ml. Plenty of drinking, hunger, and rest are indicated. Sodium bicarbonate 4% up to 1500 ml intravenously with the appearance of dark urine and the development of metabolic acidosis.

If there is significant blood loss, repeat blood transfusions are required. Antibiotic therapy, hormone therapy, and hemostatic agents are prescribed. For local treatment, a mixture (sunflower oil emulsion 10%-200 ml + anesthesin 2 ml + chloramphenicol 2 ml) is used orally, 20 ml every hour.
Treatment of burn shock, toxic nephropathy - infusion therapy (stabilization of hemodynamics, acid-base balance, water-electrolyte balance), maintenance of vital functions.

If critical laryngeal stenosis develops, a conicotomy or tracheostomy is performed.



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